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15636947 No.15636947 [Reply] [Original]

Is it ethical to go thrifting if you’re not really in a position where you need to ?

The idea of potentially taking a good thing from someone who may need it more than I do makes me feel weird

>> No.15636988

Eh, finders keepers in my opinion.

>> No.15637020

checked and fpbp

>> No.15637038

everyone wants to believe this world is based on "survival of the fittest" but the reality is it is based on "survival of the LUCKIEST".
fuck them all, only live for yourself

>> No.15637077

/thread, just simply too based to continue at this point

>> No.15637105

who the fuck cares

>> No.15637217

Pay it forward by giving/selling some of the stuff you don't wear anymore to thrift stores instead of trying to squeeze every penny out of them online. Or, forbid, instead of throwing them away.

>> No.15637472

It's probably a little unethical to cherry pick good used clothing, but it's certainly more ethical than buying new clothing. You may as well do it

>> No.15637630

Nobody's going to die because they have to buy the uglier jacket you left behind, idiot.

>> No.15637680

Where I am thrift shops are usually operated by the Red Cross so you're doing a good deed by giving them money for the things you buy.

>> No.15637702


A lot of old clothes in thrift/charity shops get thrown away if it doesnt sell as far as i know, so go ahead, and the money will be going to a charity instead of a massive corporation.

>> No.15637711

I really don't think someone relying on charity shops for clothes is going to give a fuck if they miss out on some cheap designer stuff because you got there first lol

>> No.15637796

>The idea of potentially taking a good thing from someone who may need it more than I do makes me feel weird
God you're such a massive faggot

>> No.15637802

cuck mindset

>> No.15637813

70-100 iq
>who the fuck cares
>Eh, finders keepers in my opinion.
>God you're such a massive faggot
>cuck mindset
105-115 iq
>Is it ethical to go thrifting if you’re not really in a position where you need to ?
>The idea of potentially taking a good thing from someone who may need it more than I do makes me feel weird
120-130 iq
>who the fuck cares
>Eh, finders keepers in my opinion.
>God you're such a massive faggot
>cuck mindset
135+ iq
>Is it ethical to go thrifting if you’re not really in a position where you need to ?
>The idea of potentially taking a good thing from someone who may need it more than I do makes me feel weird

>> No.15637824

If you can afford to buy ethically produced clothing that's your best bet. Otherwise, if you just buy most clothing, rather than thrift bc of the reason you presented, you're supporting slave labour. Easy as that.

>> No.15637825
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>if no one dies, it can't be unethical!

>> No.15637826

i don't think it's that bad. it's a net good in the long term i think because it's better for the environment. i never saw a truly destitute looking person in a thrift store anyway and i'm sure they don't care too much if they don't get the pick of the inventory

>> No.15637827

50-70 iq
>70-100 iq
>who the fuck cares
>Eh, finders keepers in my opinion.
>God you're such a massive faggot
>cuck mindset
105-115 iq
>Is it ethical to go thrifting if you’re not really in a position where you need to ?
>The idea of potentially taking a good thing from someone who may need it more than I do makes me feel weird
120-130 iq
>who the fuck cares
>Eh, finders keepers in my opinion.
>God you're such a massive faggot
>cuck mindset
135+ iq
>Is it ethical to go thrifting if you’re not really in a position where you need to ?
>The idea of potentially taking a good thing from someone who may need it more than I do makes me feel weird

>> No.15638328

If you're buying up the last functional winter coat in November or something, you might be depriving someone of the only coat they could afford and it would probably be unethical

If you're buying, say, the one Burberry coat from the rack of normal winter coats, I don't think it's really unethical. Someone having or not having a really nice coat is not going to change their life situation, nobody needs to have a really nice coat, and it's fair to just distribute it based on pure luck

>> No.15638332

nice self-esteem

yeah, you don't deserve anything, cuckold

>> No.15638336

Well my IQ is 145 and let me tell you a secret, humans are predators you fucking domesticated faggot

>> No.15638353

even if humans were predators, disaffected ex-gifted kids would not be the alphas

>> No.15638375

People who even bring this up as an ethical issue have no idea how the clothing supply chain works. There is absolutely NO shortage of clothing anywhere in the West--do you know how much clothing goodwill etc THROWS AWAY every day? You're not snatching those slacks away from some hispanic single mother who needs them to interview for a job. She can get a pair of pants for five bucks at H&M.

A lot of people misunderstand the "charity" aspect of thrift stores--the stores aren't a vehicle for getting clothes to people who can't afford them (shelters and numerous other programs already do this), they're a fundraising scheme for whatever it is the thrift store donates their profits to. Goodwill for example funds "employment programs" which largely amounts to them hiring people with down syndrome and stuff to work the register lol.

Tl;dr don't feel bad about this and don't let anyone make you feel bad. Your money is probably going toward a good cause anyway.

>> No.15638451

you're not 145 iq. You're a midwit who thinks he's above petty morals and ethics because of your intelligence to see through the indoctrination made for the 70-110 iq. You're in the danger zone. Most politicians and businesses leaders are also in this territory. Humans aren't predators. The only reason we aren't living in caves fighting over hunting grounds is because we moved beyond this.

>> No.15638494

170+ im poor so its justified

>> No.15638503

The weak, poor, and stupid (but I repeat myself) should be euthanized by government eugenic enforcement squads

>> No.15638512
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>70-100 iq
>>who the fuck cares
>>Eh, finders keepers in my opinion.
>>God you're such a massive faggot
>>cuck mindset
>105-115 iq
>>Is it ethical to go thrifting if you’re not really in a position where you need to ?
>>The idea of potentially taking a good thing from someone who may need it more than I do makes me feel weird
>120-130 iq
>>who the fuck cares
>>Eh, finders keepers in my opinion.
>>God you're such a massive faggot
>>cuck mindset
>135+ iq
>>Is it ethical to go thrifting if you’re not really in a position where you need to ?
>>The idea of potentially taking a good thing from someone who may need it more than I do makes me feel weird

>> No.15638598

Ultimately the perfect shift society could take in this regard would be an elimination (or at least large reduction of) fast fashion, with the result being higher quality clothing which would then last longer and be donated/thrifted more.

This not being the case, I personally benefit from thrifting as I am a poor ass student and most of my good pieces/fits have been lucky thrift finds. Would I be mad if someone more affluent took these pieces before I could? Yes. But I don't think thrifting is common enough amongst wealthier classes for me to never find good shit, so idk how to feel.

>Legitimately interesting \fa\ thread derailed by faggots bitching about their IQ.

>> No.15638604

thrift stores literally throw away piles of unsold clothes daily, teen girls bitching about how thrifting is stealing from the poor are braindead

>> No.15638924

it's really annoying walking into a goodwill/thrift store and seeing the upper middle class white whores riffling through the clothing racks looking for shit to resell

>> No.15638929

thrift stores are just big garage sales. The idea that they operate "for the poor" is a misconception. Thrift stores exist purely for profit

>> No.15639149
File: 19 KB, 800x450, 434D7CC5-4710-4C11-9A06-4599588D3E3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no you can’t just consider other people!! I am le apex predator alpha for consooming all the best thrifted clothes

>> No.15639224

can mods ban this cringe imgonnabe sICK

>> No.15639263

t. Peterson Sociopaths enraged at the idea someone might self-reflect

>> No.15639553

Nope, don't feel bad. What isn't grabbed is dumped, that or it's ending up on some upper-class moron's e-store.

The concept of long term sustainability in fashion is a sham.

>> No.15639710

>The only reason we aren't living in caves fighting over hunting grounds is because we moved beyond this.
lmao we are not "beyond this". Once external discrimination is dealt with, internal ideologies will be the tribal mark, which is better, but targets the same instincts.
The difference is mostly aesthetics, the internal workings is basically the same and has never changed since consciousness and language comprehension began.
That's why culture is hugely important for morality and productivity.

>> No.15639728

>The idea of potentially taking a good thing from someone who may need it more than I do makes me feel weird
from who?
Clothes are not gentrification. These thrift stores replenish their clothes every day, it's really not that difficult of a choice, you're being responsible for owning pre-owned items instead of contributing to the industry that's fucking up the planet.
Be frugal, that's good.

>> No.15639760

Denying high quality pieces to lazy unemployed warfare fucks seems rather ethical to me.

>> No.15639794
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>Well my IQ is 145

>> No.15640918

yes, fuck the poors.
they most likely would not bother with it anyway.

>> No.15640939

it still is in my opinion. you’re not buying from fast fashion, you’re recycling clothes that would’ve been thrown out, and you’re being fiscally responsible.
to the argument that you’re taking away cool clothes from people who can’t afford them, it’s just a luck of the draw thing. if you don’t buy it to wear, chances are some reseller is going to buy it and resell it on their depop/grailed/instagram.
fuck resellers. they’re currently ruining houston thrifts and have now moved onto shitting up garage sales and estate sales.

>> No.15640995

Buying used is far more ethical from an environmental standpoint. If you're thrifting items for the sake of sale afterwards, you're a piece of shit, but ultimately I think it's best that everyone see buying used as a viable alternative to buying new -- regardless of their economic needs. Others in the thread also point back to supporting the cycle, and to secondary benefits: (re-)donate your old clothing, and (preferably) buy from stores associated with charities.

I think there are also some important caveats: you shouldn't use thrifting as a means to cheaply amass clothing you won't use, nor should you treat the items you buy as being worth less. You should take care of your clothing (repairing it as best you can), and avoid hoarding. In hoarding clothes you would be taking advantage of your economic status and needlessly depriving others, but even this is a minor concern given that you're not likely to deplete a store in any meaningful way.

>> No.15642774
File: 28 KB, 267x326, FD8E2689-8FD7-49F3-B609-B189E85CC590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arguing ethics on a weeb site lolfucksake

>> No.15643596

The majority of donated clothing ends up in a landfill anyways. Thrift stores throw out stuff if it doesn't sell quickly enough. If you see something you like, just buy it. There's a slim chance someone else would have bought it

>> No.15644277

This. Clothing is an item the world over has a surplus of. Maybe distribution is an issue sometimes, but buying from thrift stores isn't going to change the problem of distribution.