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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.16 MB, 3508x2480, h4e9wewzjqq11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15615229 No.15615229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else into the "upper middle class tech-whiz" aesthetic? How hard is it to pull off?

>> No.15615245

I was born and raised in the bay area, this picture makes me want to commit a genocide

>> No.15615274

these are the people I stare at in Seattle and daydream of running up to them at night with a rock in my hand and breaking their heads open and then calling the police, reporting a black man randomly attacking some faggot while I hold his wrist and tell him: "Hang in there bro, helps on the way my man, my dude, my friend, friendo, buddy, faggot, friend"

>> No.15615318


>> No.15615331

How repugnant.

>> No.15615337

ITT: jealous poorfags

>> No.15615393

Seething bugman

>> No.15615614
File: 44 KB, 720x648, baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, that's me.

What's worse is that I'm

>A web dev
>Do a lot of work in coffee shops
>Own a 1k espresso machine @ home
>Really into craft beers (especially stouts)
>Really into boots
>Have that exact fucking Casio

I'm like this abominative mix between hipster/trad+Ivy/techbro

Jesus Christ I'm such a fucking meme.

>> No.15615620

Not even a little effay

I’ve met these faggots and there’s not 1 I wouldn’t throw into a woodchipper

>> No.15615634

You also forgot the bouldering

>> No.15615636


>> No.15615640

Do you use reddit?

>> No.15615654

What I'd like to see is the "other side's" equivalent.
What is portrayed here is the archetypical 2010s neo-yuppie, but the young upper-middle class isn't entirely comprised of these craft beer-drinking, Tesla-driving science cultists, who are pretty much part of a microcosm you only really see in the Bay Area.

>> No.15615666

4chan user since 2010, but yeah, hopped on Reddit a few years ago in an effort to leave this place. Didn't work.

>> No.15615668

>Hey guys, MKBHD here

>> No.15615693

This is the 40-something, grey-haired tech employee with an Indian wife and two daughters who jogs at sunrise and half-practices Buddhism look.

>> No.15615707

Nobody who’s reading this shit is also reading Parfit. Other than that, pretty spot on.

>> No.15615759

>has the best selling watch in history
woah dude

>> No.15615764

Is there any actual advantage to being a member of Mensa?
If you got into the Mensa branch of a certain country, you have international access to all other branches on request, yeah?

>> No.15615786

you are so cringy and even the gay ass reaction image you chose really makes me think you arent baiting and are a genuine faggot and not a faggot in a good way

>> No.15615789

Do you have CPs?

>> No.15615791

wow bro thanks for telling us you used this site since 2010 ill remember that and just so i remember your name ill write it down what is it again? Oh its anonymous.Go back

>> No.15615794
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>implying you can be a faggot in a good way

>> No.15615795

thats a tranny

>> No.15615797

I put them all in the same bag honestly

>> No.15615853
File: 291 KB, 1400x689, Hit a big brain with a rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15615855

You’re welcome!

>> No.15615875

Is that chemical LSD?

>> No.15615876

do you have a beard ?

>> No.15615877


>> No.15615978

Same. These people killed everything good

>> No.15616021

Self taught or Ivy ?
What are those molecules ? Adderall ?

>> No.15616038

someone who understands thus spoke zarathustra fully cannot at the same time be a positivist rationalist.

On the otherhand its an unapologetically good aesthetic that's post-ironic, post nihilist, post 400k salary.

>> No.15616269

cringe. sike i actually do this too except im low IQ so i just went into medicine siiiigh

>> No.15616277

never seen a more contradictory personality.

>> No.15616293

Someone is gonna write the 2010’s equivalent of American Psycho featuring this particular folk devil

>> No.15616400

Why is everyone ITT so violently against these kind of people?

>> No.15616609

web dev is low iq too

>> No.15616625

I'm convinced these people are robots. And not the /r9k/ kind, like literal fucking androids.

Office life does terrifying things to a man.

>> No.15616644

Fuck the tranny for being a tranny, and fuck that nigger for being a fucking savage.

>> No.15616648
File: 60 KB, 250x243, 250 (2019_06_24 16_41_56 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do people not like me

>> No.15616672


>> No.15616693

you will never be a man

>> No.15616697

because they're smug, because they're bores, and because they're progs

>> No.15616760

Because being a high school dropout /pol/face spreading conspiracy theories about jews and QAnon is vastly more /fa/

>> No.15616818

>But Anon Nazis were so effay

>> No.15617094

Tbf Allagash white despite its meme status is still based

>> No.15617117

No, sir. You are a gay.

>> No.15617130
File: 1.36 MB, 3508x2480, h4e9wewzjqq11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.15617134

>going to stanford or mit and still being upper middle class

>> No.15617142

Making $400k immediately makes them more powerful and a better human being than you.

>> No.15617153

That's just your average american boomer consoomer, cringe.

>> No.15617164

based blind user

>> No.15617412

barely. They are just upper proles. Powerful people wipe their assess with 400k
>better human being
low iq bug

>> No.15617488
File: 459 KB, 1024x663, 16931073206_98af77b750_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very happy to see I'm not the only one on this board.

>> No.15617500

as someone who ticks some of the boxes in this pic, very strong agree. These people are usually total pieces of shit who don't understand basic stuff outside OP's pic, and rarely everything in the pic to an real level of depth.

>> No.15617505

leave grindr greg alone

>> No.15617506

Web dev is lower iq than medicine I got into it from fucking reading stack overflow posts

>> No.15617509

Doesn’t need to be written, these people document enough of their lives online that the new American psycho is just gonna be one of their Twitter feeds

>> No.15617512

They're the niggers at the End of History

>> No.15617710
File: 784 KB, 1500x1178, 180924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotchu senpai, 'cept big 3 consultant.

>> No.15617736

cant wait to body you in a ditch in 10 years bitch

>> No.15617746

you are highly pathetic.

>> No.15617750

i moved here and have an operations job at a tech company and it really is as bad as OP pic. i know as a transplant i’m generally not welcome in the Bay, but i really do love it here and actually plan on staying unlike other transplants i know. i’ve avoided the tech bro meme as much as possible. refuse to wear allbirds and i packed all my patagonia and arcteryx away so as to never be that type of guy.

>> No.15617761
File: 1011 KB, 1251x747, 1585988540708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only check some, the others make this picture cringe.
>doing a PhD in STEM
>high quality tea
>python, latex
>scientific journals
But I can't believe that you want me to take anyone seriously who
>uses a mac
>thinks this is a "style"
>buys all of this bugman crap like a normie luxury car or muh gunz
>unironically reading the sensationalist books like the retarded "superintelligence" type of stuff
So overall most of this is just utter cringe and you should be ashamed if you think you are intellectual while celebrating Elon Musk as your god (I bet you're an atheist) and believing that transhumanism is a good thing.

If you want to have a cool tech aesthetic you should look into pic related but I doubt that you could pull it off.

>> No.15617792

I cut out all the pseud shit. Just stick with Nietzsche. You don't need read all that other garbage.
Also especially fuck Y Combinator

>> No.15617795

now this is far more based

>> No.15617807
File: 73 KB, 1019x434, EZPNXQAYTPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet you're an atheist
how'd you know?
>buys all of this bugman crap like a normie luxury car or muh gunz
having teslas and guns is based. teslas are by far the most superior type of car (except for F150s of course)

I agree with everything else you said

>> No.15617861

>how'd you know?
Because your chart is pretty accurate and the OP is obviously around IQ 100 qnd far from Heisenbergs understanding of the world. For you the world consists of matter, that is simple to grasp right? But if I'd ask you what matter is you would probably not be able to answer correctly. Nietzsche might have been smart but not as knowledgeable as one of the most popular phycisits of the modern times

>> No.15617869
File: 954 KB, 750x883, 1600468745766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not checking in in all of these but than again wearing arcteryx, reading psymposia, sometimes scrolling through twitter, reading Nick Land and other 'tech-bro (?) stuff'
How the fuck do I escape this. Should I just ditch internet completely?

>> No.15617870

Nietzsche would've BTFO'd Heisenberg

>> No.15617874

Sure, it's just like the pokemon fights you like to watch.

>> No.15617875
File: 63 KB, 850x400, quote-one-does-well-to-put-on-gloves-when-reading-the-new-testament-the-proximity-of-so-much-friedrich-nietzsche-127-65-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are conflating me with OP and the 100 IQ bugmen. I have taken the ubermensch pill

>> No.15617886

Ok fair enough. But do you know about quantum mechanics? Physics actually suggests that consciousness has a special role in this universe and a sort of panpsychism (which really isn't that different to pantheism) seems plausible. Sure, a lot of that is just speculation but to me there is no reason to not think like that.
Nietzsche would probably think a little different if he lived today

>> No.15617896

This picture is missing the asian gf/wife
Almost every single one of these tech bros is fucking an Asian woman

>> No.15617929
File: 817 KB, 799x674, original_891827bd65ef2600c9a0ad5c59e3a940.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an asian /g/ user that's good at hiding his power level, not a SF tech

This is the "smart burnout" to OP's "teacher's pet" – completely different people with completely different life experiences, personalities, and backgrounds, the biggest psychos in STEM are people from either group that try to LARP as the other, I feel a greater affinity with this one, i've consumed almost all the books/media/autechre etc, and I've used a couple of the edgy open source things when it was still feasible for me to use an ubuntu thinkpad with the window manager set to monochrome i3 (I do run an urbit ship off my macbook tho)

(I use a mac out of convenience because the work I do is design related and the entire design industry outside of maybe industrial design is completely cucked by Adobe)

you're fine, as long as you aren't surrounded by VC people or rich redditors you aren't going to become the person in the pic, i recommend piecing through land's influences and not random NrX bloggers though, if you're really worried about it

>> No.15617946

These people do not read Nietzsche hahaha

>> No.15617960

They don't read him but become enamored with some medium series or podcast that summarizes his work using a fucked up "Wired Magazine Rationalist" reading, i've seen it before

>> No.15617969

>Nick Land and other 'tech-bro (?) stuff'
How dare you slander him like this

>> No.15617998

Correct, but caucasian.

>> No.15618001
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lmao imaging land is anything else then product of internet-savvy retards that delved too far on the internet

>> No.15618026
File: 164 KB, 750x451, 079E3E49-7E24-4062-8626-733942060796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s possible to be a middle class tech guy, but based and unpussified. IRL neoreactionaries. But the archetype is younger and more underdeveloped than the faggot poly rationalist.

>> No.15618029

maybe I will do another collage if I am feeling generous

>> No.15618031

Tech bro means something else besides “uses the internet.” The OP describes a “tech bro,” but certainly fucking not a Land acolyte.

>> No.15618037
File: 2.09 MB, 3508x2480, 1601800307658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I'm so glad that instead of converging into becoming one of these faggots I started working hard on my social skills and appearance once I got admitted to a top PhD programme. Pic related is me during my undegrad years (+obscure literature and music taste). I reckon it all started with some unreasonable superiority complex due to somehow above average intelligence that made me contrarian and question society in every possbile way. Now I can see how cringy I had to be when I thought that Roko's basilisk or utilitarian arguments for converting into veganism are valid topics to talk about on a party. During my first year of PhD I signed to the gym and kickboxing classes and put some real effort in talking to normies and girls. Now I'm basically a Chad among other STEM PhD students at my uni who impresses all normies and banged 20 girls over 3 years (not that it is very impressive but I was at a one digit number after 23 years before). Sometimes I look at facebook profiles of my past friends from LessWrong who are now basically late 20s/30yo weirdos who write cringy lengthy posts on facebook and fuck some goblins they meet on some pansexual/Polygamy meetings and laugh at them. It was a close call for me.

>> No.15618041

>tech bro
>Land acolyte

same thing

>> No.15618045


The OP is a tech bro

The OP would not read Land

>> No.15618047

you are still a faggot with superiority complex

>> No.15618049

he would had he spent one more year on internet lmao
>imagine thinking reading land is some niche obscure thing

>> No.15618053

that post makes you sound even cringier

>> No.15618057

It’s not that Land is obscure, it’s that Land is incompatible with being a rationalist, with being a prog, with gay effective altruism shit, etc.

Maybe the person in the OP would read Land once, but he would denounce him for “racism.”

>> No.15618076

>It’s not that Land is obscure, it’s that Land is incompatible with being a rationalist, with being a prog, with gay effective altruism shit, etc.
That's why I'm implying imaginary-he would need to spend more time on nets. And it's not incompatible, how many of us went from being a zeitgeistfags to ancaps to libtards to techbros to syndicalist or landians or whatever?
It's not some inner consistency of rational thinking thats driving this but a capitalist drive of commodity fetishizing aesthethics

You've read fanged noumena bcs it seemed cool

>> No.15618085

The point I’m making is simple: poly rationalist faggots are not Land acolytes

>capitalist drive of commodity fetishizing aesthethics
pinko tranny sounds like

>> No.15618091

you're a dumbass

>> No.15618093


cry about it

>> No.15618094

also, trannies are another commodity fetish (and all the obnoxious leftists as well)

>> No.15618100

Yet you’re using leftist memes —> are yourself an obnoxious leftist (redundant)

>> No.15618104

jesus you don't get it

>> No.15618116

I get it perfectly well, you’re a pomo fag masturbating to his own 125 IQ. Yeah, ideologies are just aesthetics and nothing matters, you’re so deep bro.

>> No.15618126

stop putting words in my mouth you absolute faggot

>> No.15618129

>stop putting words in my mouth you absolute faggot
Maybe if I did you would have something interesting to say

>> No.15618131

yea like what? fags are gay?

>> No.15618178

fags are fucking assholes, bro

>> No.15618188

it's crazy how many opportunities and resources are available to that demographic and they still manage to be complete retards capable of missing any and every meaningful point

>> No.15618194

>any and every meaningful point
like what for example?

>> No.15618204
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>> No.15618207

it's either penis size or intelligence

>> No.15618208
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, 1601389158526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone please clarify? Is this a bad thing?
Im 2nd year into my Computing/Business program and can tick off like 4 things on this list. Bound to add more over time.
Should I follow or avoid the shit in the image?
yes I am retarded

>> No.15618210


>> No.15618211

avoid avoid avoid

>> No.15618213
File: 46 KB, 720x720, Gabriel_blow_the_trumpets_Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this shit /fa/ at all, mods do your job and move this shit to /r9k/ or /sci/ or gee.

the number of replies exemplifies the absolute state of /fa/ and bugmen unironically trying to flex that they work on web sites for a living imagine that

all fields

>> No.15618215

are u serious bro, my wide hips and B.S. comp sci from a middling state uni are all i need in life to achieve the ultimate, near-unattainable goal of an asian serv-- i mean wife

>> No.15618254

>Im 2nd year into my Computing/Business program
>Bound to add more over time.
Lmao, implying you won't just die trying

>> No.15618266

Are you Pilapino

>> No.15618268

I like Spandrell, but the guy suffers from the same disease as all the NRx and NRx-adjacent bloggers.

He's so desperate for a viable alternative to American hegemony that he deliberately blinds himself and shills for countries that completely contradict his stated values.
China, in his case.

That, and he can't say anything without using twice as many words as required.

>> No.15618278

Yeah I agree

>> No.15618291

Pure cringe.

>> No.15618299

dude is an idiot

>> No.15618310

>dude is an idiot

Can you rephrase that in the form of a 10,000-word 3-part essay?

>> No.15618319

*Sighs* Fine....

>> No.15618564

midwit with an internet addiction-core

>> No.15618582

I *guarantee* I have higher IQ, higher serum testosterone, more sexual partners, and more money than you and your tender blank-statist sensibilities

So fucking sorry to blaspheme against your sentimentalist religion, I hope you don’t have a panic attack or something

>> No.15618585

In these circles it can be relatively common to see the intellectual 1% of every race and the best immigrants of every race. Moreover they're highly individualistic.
In such a context, scientific racism is more or less useless.

>> No.15618605


>> No.15618611

Your focus on personal social dynamics is obviously cope and beside the point. Nobody is out here calling black people in their social circles “Nigger” because of the graph.

The graph has relevance at the level of government and mass social dynamics. The whole justification for the e.g. the BLM anarchic chimpouts is that black people are worse off on avg that white people, ergo they must be victims of discrimination.

The chart says: no, blacks aren’t victims, just more violent, poor and dysfunctional on average. Doesn’t mean there aren’t smart black people or we should bomb the inner cities or whatever.

>> No.15618614

>blacks aren’t victims, just more violent, poor and dysfunctional on average
in white society

>> No.15618617

dickless little pussy

>> No.15618622

Everywhere on the globe throughout all of human history

The graph doesn’t lie. Substantial evidence that black people are genetically less intelligent on avg, independent of environment. The idea that it’s 100% discrimination is an unscientific quasi-religious prior that no amount of evidence would ever refute in your pious eyes.

>> No.15618626

Can somone explain ehat all of this is?

>> No.15618636
File: 117 KB, 1032x774, 10974696_892338184143875_527900452294569105_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I *guarantee* I have higher IQ, higher serum testosterone, more sexual partners, and more money than you and your tender blank-statist sensibilities
>So fucking sorry to blaspheme against your sentimentalist religion, I hope you don’t have a panic attack or something

>> No.15618639


>> No.15618641
File: 871 KB, 882x1374, 1584075223680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, plus genociding the inferior, yes.
>>buys all of this bugman crap like a normie luxury car or muh gunz
Teslas are fine for the most part. Guns are absolutely essential. What did you actually learn from "The Greeks" instead of just reading them?
>I bet you're an atheist
I am an authotheist.
Neoplatonist trash. A philosophy preying on the weakness of the human psyche.

>> No.15618643

I often wonder how nice it would be to be this retarded

>> No.15618648

Watch him, as he recoils in horror...

>> No.15618657

lmao retards think people laughing at them for being retards are just some unenlightened beings who cannot handle the hard truth or whatever because they read a nietzsche quote a couple years ago are hilarious
No bud, you're just a retard with an impressionable mind who has unfortunately spent too much time on internet forums

>> No.15618659

if you make more than $400k a year and fit any of these stereotypes you should be put to death for the good of mankind desu

>> No.15618663
File: 784 KB, 3600x1700, wsnaxm0hpwx21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes I learn political theory, philosophy, and history from infographics I found on /pol/, how could you tell?

>> No.15618671

>Doesn’t mean there aren’t smart black people or we should bomb the inner cities or whatever.
Many otherwise semi-rational neo-reactionaries make the leap towards racial genocide from these graphs though.

>> No.15618675

yup, definite midwit

>> No.15618677
File: 365 KB, 2000x1153, 1576426052155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oof, I have been found out, hopefully some of the insults I write against this persons character stick, even though they are completely baseless as I don't know anything about the person and these action completely contradicting my assertion that I am intellectually superior
Hopefully nobody else notices as well, bud.

>> No.15618685

as the smartest person in this thread I have to say
I am ashamed of you all

>> No.15618703

Tested at 148 sorry to disappoint you

>> No.15618708
File: 265 KB, 474x540, 1583601213766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes I post idiot image board ideological infographics concerning subjects I have never personally read and make one sentence posts about my intellectual superiority, but when the only responses I receive are posts made with the same amount of effort as my initial post ridiculing me I respond with my DA JOOS retort that always works in my intellectual circle and then seethe and cry about not being taken seriously enough by everybody to demand a "well thought out" response to the same type of internet brain cancer archetypal victim anybody who has been on this god forsaken website has encountered already 20 million times, how could you tell?

>> No.15618712

>IQ tests
jesus christ...

>> No.15618713

>fence sitting faggot
not fooling anyone

>> No.15618717
File: 152 KB, 900x900, overweight-mans-chin-and-neck-science-photo-library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tested at 148 sorry to disappoint you

>> No.15618718

literal pure coping seething cope

>> No.15618719

I'm not fence sitting, you are all worthless for even having these discussions and should get off the internet
speaking of which I've been on 4chan for 20 minutes now and that's more than enough for the day

>> No.15618721

>frantically googling “obese man double chin”
>*through tears* “That’ll show him”
No matter how much cope you post you won’t make me less generally excellent, and you won’t raise the black mean IQ a single point

>> No.15618725

rent free

>> No.15618727

Well then leave u cum-eating faggot instead of roleplaying as my mom

>> No.15618728
File: 51 KB, 604x453, 84778674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>frantically googling “obese man double chin”
>>*through tears* “That’ll show him”
>No matter how much cope you post you won’t make me less generally excellent, and you won’t raise the black mean IQ a single point

>> No.15618729

too meta / high effort you lose

>> No.15618734

/fa/ — Pious “Antiracism”

>> No.15618739
File: 25 KB, 702x336, ugly-man-702x336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too meta / high effort you lose

>> No.15618745

Why would you literally want to look like a soiboy. Every single guy that works in the office that is popular with the few females that are there don’t make tech part of their identity.

>> No.15618748

I want to be George Hotz so fucking badly.
Techbro is literally peak kino.

I'm 25 already, I think it's a little late for me to learn coding. Fucking hell. I want to quit my design bullshit job and join a year coding bootcamo now.

>> No.15618750

In 10 years 99.9% of software engineers will be considered the 21st century factory worker

>> No.15618752

programming makes me want to commit suicide, I don't recommend

>> No.15618755

In 10 years my job (jr. art drector) will be done by some AI or some indian pajeet, whatever will be cheaper by then... whats the alternative? Learning a trade like plumbing?

>> No.15618757

bruh just copy paste stack overflow faggot

>> No.15618758

same for the shit I do. I fell for the "turn your hobby into a job and you never have to work again" meme and did a BA in design. I made some bad decisions in my life but this was the worst.

>> No.15618766

creative things like that are the most AI proof skills imaginable if you are actually good. I don't think you really understand what AI is >>15618758
Your mistake was the "job" part, you're only suppose to be in the job phase for the early part of your carreer in design related industries just enough to go out on your own and start your own business. Working a wage job in this kind of field for longer than 5 years is for the mediocre and the depressed

>> No.15618774

The burger house and Tesla are not based. If I had that much money I would just buy an electric Porsche or jag

>> No.15618776
File: 209 KB, 750x578, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, its painful here.
>picture related

>> No.15618779

this is why pajeets will overtake us
>works a design job and scared an indian would replace him
>wants to start coding instead
lmao, the only indians going for anything that doesn't involve computers, engineering, or medical school are 5th generation rich kids in the west

>> No.15618794

>creative things like that are the most AI proof skills imaginable
I agree with that, problem is that most of my current job isn't creative. Most people working in design aren't more than low level service providers

I'll try to do my own thing eventually but I suck badly at networking

I'm aware of that, we have remote indian code monkey in our company aswell.
But still more native coders in our office, they seem to have a chill job and get paid like twice of my dumb wage, it's painful bro

>> No.15618796

I for one enjoy programming a lot. If you have a mind for it you might to.

It’s Silicon Valley cuck culture that sucks.

>> No.15618805

look for any upward mobility and if not, get certs and go to a bootcamp put on by a local reputable university.

>> No.15618843

If I was a programmer I have no idea why anybody wouldn't just get a remote job and travel the world while getting paid. You can even live in cheaper countries and save money. Other than the salary it seems to be the only benefit to that career path. Unfortunately for me as a law school faggot my career will be extremely linked to region I am practicing in and the industry is very slow to adapt. You can't even leave the state you passed the bar in if you still want to work. Remote law jobs are 1/3 of the salary which is unthinkable at the first half in your career if you plan on moving up and paying off the school loans

>> No.15618846

listen man i get you hate people moving to your city, but i also hate the majority of people who have moved to this city. all bay natives are pretty great besides being generally dumber than the average american, but the parochialism of focusing on people coming and going regarding the “dilution of culture” is old hat. SF is nowhere near special or unique in this, all cities experience it. you don’t wish it were like detroit, and SF would quickly drop below detroit’s level if it weren’t for all the cultural exchange of the bay. so just get over yourself.

>> No.15618855

It takes time to gain the seniority and experience necessary to work at home and it also takes time and luck to make a side hustle Into a main one

>> No.15618872

>all bay natives are pretty great besides being generally dumber than the average american
can't tell if this is satire or not
the bay area is one of the most well read, and intelligent parts of the country by far with two of the best universities in the world, and many more universities that are outside of ivy but still great
Have you talked to the average american? Take a roadtrip, come back, and then evaluate your opinion
And SF has always had a "special" nature to it in the American conscience, so the perception of its cultural degradation isn't really applicable to many other places

>> No.15618877

>the smart, wisdom filled flyover stock character
doesn't exist. If people in the bay area are dumb than people outside of it and other pockets of civilization are retarded

>> No.15618884

This faggot is the final boss of reddit. If you don’t instinctively hate him deep in your hindbrain, you have to go back

>> No.15618894

They have more shit than you and think they're better in a passive aggressive way. It's a classic recipe for butthurt.
>tfw trying to climb up where they are, and there's so many socialists

>> No.15618895

Kek just stop people in the Bay area are dumb because California schools are shit and because they live in the cushiest place in the world. The only people in the Bay that aren’t soft and dumb are actual criminals, whom I legitimately respect. I moved to Kansas City from there and it actually feels like I live in a first world country again.

>> No.15618896

the Model S is superior
and why not the house? would you rather live in a cuckshed?

>> No.15618900

And another thing. You know how cuckservatives say they want the free market but bitch if you talk about ripping out social security? The "socialists" bitch about having to pay more taxes because of the changes to the SALT deduction.

>> No.15618946

Yes, it is peak level consumer that has a superiority complex over other consumers and thinks that they are elevated, but are not, and are in a way worse

>> No.15618950

holy flyover cope
>criminals aren't dumb
>Kansas City

>> No.15618967

It’s one of the cleanest cities in America right now, keep laughing while I sit in my own home and pay less than half what I paid in Berkeley rent for twice the square footage.

>> No.15618982
File: 111 KB, 970x646, MO_Kansas_City_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but its so clean bro

>> No.15618984

>mcmansion obsessed

>> No.15618992

>defending flyover states
Just keep up the act that you're a west coaster and no one will know; I'm sure you've practiced out your drawl by now.

>> No.15619002

Clean it up Janny

>> No.15619022

I mean I have a retard Baltimore accent still, mixed with dumb NorCal slang that I accidentally picked up in grad school so I know I sound ridiculous

>> No.15619040

Far, far better than the "Kennedy accent" I used to have, that took years to fix.

>> No.15619041

>why not the house
Because it’s some noveux rich assembly line burger architecture. You can get an insanely nice house that doesn’t look like you got your first well paying job
>model S is superior
If you drink onions maybe

>> No.15619046

Id rather live in a crackhouse in California than anywhere in buttfuck nowhere Kansas lol

>> No.15619055

At least you’ve probably never said “hella wourder (water).”

>> No.15619113

I did, SF sucks

>> No.15619116

don't worry, you will

>> No.15619302

Yeah and you can enjoy your hillbillies poorfag

>> No.15619308


This isn’t what I’m not paying you for

>> No.15619774

>gucci watch
>a macbook AIR, jesus, get a real one instead

>> No.15619886

You mean, things that you get into when you have no more real problems core

My autistic friends that work fake "move yr mouse every 15 mins" jobs are into this stuff

>> No.15619894

Youre the v1.0 of AI transition to full dominion. Youre the wheels of the plane just barely making contact before takeoff.

>> No.15620114

>not liking expensive women

>> No.15620786


>> No.15621210

>California schools are shit
We have plenty of good schools here. A lot of them are private or in suburbia though. Our urban schools are middling. I did not go to school outside of Cali. But that being said people in the bay area are retarded in there own special kind of way. Its not worth the money to live here. If I paid to live here I would move. Not to Kansas city though. There are better cities for the money.

>> No.15621626

teir 1:
Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, CalTech, USC,
tier 2:
UC San Diego, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCSB, Cal Poly SLO
tier 3:
UCSC, Santa Clara University, Loyola Marymount, UCSF, SFS, SJS, SDS, Chico State, Sac State, Pomona, all the other hundreds of private liberal arts schools whatever
name one place in the world that has a better collection of universities that isn't Massachusetts, England, or maaaybee NYC

>> No.15621634

Better than every school you listed besides arguably Stanford

>> No.15621645


>> No.15621651

its a country club for rich and connected kids, what they do afterwards inflates the prestige of the school. The research in every single subject coming out of there is nonexistent. There is no real education

>> No.15621732
File: 409 KB, 1055x1055, 20200715_110458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are my people and I not too sure I like that

>(I use a mac out of convenience because the work I do is design related and the entire design industry outside of maybe industrial design is completely cucked by Adobe)
feel you so much, at least there's homebrew and liveboot tails when there's illegal activities in question

read Negarestani instead of Land btw, start with Labor of the Inhuman and never bother with LelWrong or boomeRx shit again

>> No.15621766

I was not talking about university's. I was talking about k-12. I'm not the person you are arguing with.

>> No.15621792

>read Negarestani instead of Land btw
Negrostani is a barnacle on Nick Land’s ass. Nobody would bother reading his pompous wokeshit if he wasn’t Land’s student. Besides that he’s literal faggot and tweets about playing video games on the Nintendo Switch. If Reddit were a philosopher it would be him.

Are you a tranny btw? Just wondering.

>> No.15621810
File: 91 KB, 1331x744, 20200529_185555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, his twitter can be obnoxious and somehow even more boomer than Land's (but in a reddit lib way instead). honestly, I&S is good, Cyclonopedia is okay-ish, I just enjoy seeing him take a fresh direction forward from the ccru libmat shit. I do like Land btw, and not just 'the old Nick'. are his blogs back yet?

recently Moynihan has been GOAT though.

>why yes, I do happen to be a tranny, why do you ask?

>> No.15621832

I think you can refine your question by thinking regionally. OP is a Bay Area yuppie aesthetic. What is the aesthetic like in New York? LA? Dallas? Miami? Seattle? Austin?

>> No.15621861

I feel the same way. Academic credentials mean more than actually being right and scientific integrity to these people. Fuck them.

>> No.15621887

This. People think they’re smart in California. They are not really smarter than successful people anywhere else.

>> No.15621891

Cheers king

>> No.15621894

>cheap and large houses
>clean and safe neighborhoods
>great infrastructure
>responsive, uncorrupted government
>honest agriculture and energy jobs
>wholesome community without undue racial tension
Oh yeah so terrible. I would definitely rather live in a city covered in shit with a business community of fakers living in Hollywood for nerds

>> No.15621895

Sounds pretty racist to slur working class whites like that

>> No.15621902

I’m the person you’re arguing with and I also was not talking about universities, college kids are retarded everywhere by default but not in the way I’m talking about. But I agree with your point about the plethora of amazing higher education institutions in that area.

>> No.15621910
File: 338 KB, 750x678, 0AE6F7E5-082B-421D-A86E-6AB00396CC21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers to you, friend

>> No.15621934

super mega gay
>large macbook
really fucking gay
>WaPo, Bloomberg, Harvard Business
>fancy pens
>"small L libertarian"
>all of the books except neitzsche
pretty gay in context
>oolong chai
way gayer than normal chai
>all of the faces

>> No.15622187

Not understanding that Nietzsche was talking about democracy here makes you an absolute midwit. You got pleb filtered hard.

>> No.15622196

Really should be an Apple Watch
shoes are invariably some autismo Nike runner with a knit upper

>> No.15622243

>hey anon learn c and lisp. No, don't learn backend or front end, just raw C and lisp
>you will get a job

at least python has kivy/django/flask
then again
>using babbys fist comp language

still however, as an ancap i really have to say it's a really REALLY big differential between idiots and ancaps. The socialist scum will be cleaned from the internet one day.

>used to be all about the cyberpunk
>now i work off gcp using google tools...

And yeah i've posted here, and i dress like that .

The last time i had to work with someone liek this they gave me the shittiest codebase i've ever seen in my fucking life

i fire these people or i get them fired by strategiclly being an asshole to edge them out of shares.

mac scum

I'm a right wing tech bro that's an entirely different thing then left wing tech bro. entirely different laptop stickers.

My laptop would pick fights with some people

>> No.15622244

You know i got laid yesterday and i can't get the taste of degeneracy out of my mouth

Get a wife.

>> No.15622254


>are fucking assholes bro

i don't know why but this is so beautiful and elegant.

They are indeed fucking assholes in so many ways.

bootcamps are for pussies

just teach yourself flutter and start making frontends for people

i...i fucking hate californians but i want to move back there to be a republican again. it made it so much more fun to be republican.

hmm. Explain, i've honestly not bothered to read anyone older then rand because anytime i do i get the basics and little else but measures of antiquity

>> No.15622379

>as an ancap
bruh lmao

>> No.15622382

>as an ancap
>I'm right wing
fucking americans ahahahahaha
zero historical perspective or understanding of political theory

>> No.15622385
File: 26 KB, 584x329, 5lytn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've honestly not bothered to read anyone older then rand

>> No.15622686

>i...i fucking hate californians but i want to move back there to be a republican again. it made it so much more fun to be republican.
Understandable. I grew up in Southern California as a hard republican at a liberal private school. It was extremely fun having so many opportunities to blast people and watch them come back for more the next day. It stopped being fun when Democrats decided to exile republicans from public and private life so I left. What made you leave?

>> No.15622864

Chico Chad reporting in

>> No.15622883

>i fucking hate californians but i want to move back there to be a republican again. it made it so much more fun to be republican.
Dear Diary, today I was a Republican. Boy, I hate libtards. Tomorrow, I will be a moderate, because orange man bad.

> i've honestly not bothered to read anyone older then rand
Christ, what are you, 16?

>> No.15622891

>My laptop [stickers] would pick fights with some people
Juvenile, like your beliefs.

>i fire these people or i get them fired by strategiclly being an asshole to edge them out of shares.
King Arthur's Faire of fucking LARPs. At best, you're a mid-management "team lead" or some kind of soft dick with a leadership title and a few reports. In the grand scheme of things, you're still a cog and even if you're branding yourself as the wildcard or the wolf in sheep's clothing, you're still a fucking cog.

Bloated egos deflate the quickest; stay out of my InMail.

>> No.15622962

>entirely different laptop stickers
post them please, am curious

>> No.15622965

Not in the bay area but I'm a CS person and same

>> No.15623007


you're a walking meme. lololol talking about IQ on an internet image board site.

>> No.15623012


autism: the thread

>> No.15623311

I've read cyclonopedia and it seemed a lil derivative but his articles and other CCRU writings are great, probably gonna pick up abducting the outside when it comes out

>> No.15623366

>you're a walking meme
Yea? Well your* a cuck