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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 169 KB, 960x639, 33C3AECD-F13B-48B9-BFFF-CAF0EC516B64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15606821 No.15606821 [Reply] [Original]

black coffee edition

Last >>15590044

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

BMR and TDEE Calculator
>allows you to pick multiple ways of calculating your BMR (the most commonly used one is outdated and inaccurate)
>has options for fasting
>body fat percentage

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something (unless they ask for meanspo) - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also post thinspo pics, your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15606857
File: 71 KB, 564x766, 24574d356a2efc0069a865461efae99a copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinspo spam, thank me later fatties. Stay safe, drink water, cash money.

>> No.15606859
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>> No.15606864
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>> No.15606869
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>> No.15606874
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>> No.15606876
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>> No.15606962

please seek an psychiatrist

>> No.15607302

its kind of hilarious how with all the actual psychos on this website, the thinspo threads tend to attract what seems like the most “genuine” concern kek

>> No.15607342

How do I reduce my appetite permanently? I'll do really well with eating less for a bit but then I'll get hungry and eat a bunch and totally fuck up any progress I had made.

>> No.15607463
File: 326 KB, 1393x1318, IMG_20200807_073652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething fatties begone, you will never be /thinspo/ like me
>a bit
be specific. how much is "eating less" and how long is "a bit"? also drinking warm fluids helps to distract from hunger pangs. tea, water, semen, whatever floats your boat

>> No.15607532

drop whatever you are doing and watch this

>> No.15607542

this is what I want to achieve, how did you do it?
I currently weigh 130lbs, am 5'8'', no visible abs, male, 25
I've been fasting on and off and have now settled into one meal a day. Every other day i'll do 100 squats, 80 push ups, and 5 one minute planks. I'm waiting to move before signing up for a gym, which I'll then start the Strong lifts 5x5 program.
am I hopeless?

>> No.15607544

dont lift if youre trying to be skinny. Keep the home workouts going and then do adderall everyday

>> No.15607548


>> No.15607553

I've been described as skinnyfat and told that lifting is the only way to fix it multiple times. Also the adderall thing isn't really viable for me

>> No.15607555


>> No.15607559

is keto just a meme or has anyone seen results with it?

>> No.15607570


>> No.15607819

you get results and its great for quick weight loss, but it isn't sustainable long term.You get a lot of people who get on keto, lose 30lb, and then yoyo and struggle with their weight because they haven't learned how to manage diet and exercise.

It's a very useful tool but you need more than a hammer to build a house.

>> No.15607881

Anyone having attacks of dizziness and wanting to throw up while fasting?
Idk if I’m getting into dangerous territory but I don’t think so
I’m at 112lb 5’8

>> No.15607940

man i just have so much tiddie meat , i need skele mode :(

>> No.15607973

you romanticize people that have eating disorders and post pictures of them on a website to motivate yourself to be like that

>> No.15608002

you're not dangerously thin but that isn't the only potential problem. have some electrolytes and salts to increase your blood pressure, it'll add some water weight but will help with the dizziness.

>> No.15608036
File: 2.47 MB, 4128x2322, 20200918_143527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help i'm a fucking fatass
5'1.5" 99.4 pounds 900-1200 (MAX) intake

pic related

>> No.15608050

what's your goal, and what have you tried so far?

>> No.15608060

Wtf is wrong with you all? I’m 5’8 and 115 pounds and i’m trying to gain weight, some of you look worse than me. Why would you want to be thin instead of fit? You all look disgusting. Dont idolize this unhealthy lifestyle.

>> No.15608066

Massage helps but only if I do it

>> No.15608067
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>> No.15608075

my sw (a few months ago) was 128. i got down to 99.4 by fasting mostly. my goal is to be 59 pounds

(also yes i posted that photo on Instagram so don'r call me a LARPer and i literally don't give a fuck if 4chan knows my Instagram name :^)

>> No.15608089

>my goal is to be 59 pounds
cremation is a reliably fast way to get the weight off yeah

>> No.15608133

No I don't. Checkmate, you lose. Suck my dick :^)
>59 pounds
There wouldn't be much more than a skeleton left at that point. You're not gonna want to go much lower than 90 pounds.

>> No.15608163

thing is, i want to be a skeleton, anon

>> No.15608164

you can't be a skeleton retard

>> No.15608167

I can sex the weight off u bby

>> No.15608204

This is not advisable while you're still living.

>> No.15608281

Ah yes everyone's favorite thread were horny predatory faggots encourage vulnerable faggots to starve themselves for internet attention
The most healthy thread on /fa/

>> No.15608291

I made it to 110 lbs finally after a couple of weeks of eating the right amount of food. My goal is 120 lbs. although the pounds seem to be gained around my tummy when I want bigger pecs

>> No.15608321

how the fuck am i supposed to get tiny twink boy abs if i have to eat in order to gain muscle???

>> No.15608362

the thing to remember is that fat has double the calories of carbs or protein, normies who don't know this start keto and scarf down peanutbutter, drench their salads in olive-oil etc etc don't lose that much- or even gain. I'm pro-keto tho, cause you should mind your carbs regardless.

>> No.15608372

step 1: Diet down to a bmi of 16-17.5
step 2: maintain said weight for a few weeks, experiment with your intake and see how much you should be eating to not gain or lose.
step 3: once you know how much you need to maintain weight, increase your calories and fix your macros so that you'll get enough protein to be able to gain mucle.
step 4: do cardio and lifting with your adjusted intake and continue on until you've reached desired results
this whole process could take anywhere from 2-6 months. And for god sakes, don't fall for the bulking meme- esp NOT a dirty bulk

>> No.15608624

Will do, thanks

>> No.15608901

doing omad dinner and its going really well, except after I eat that meal I burp like crazy, its pretty gross

>> No.15609044

Several people just told some misguided anon that dropping down to 59 pounds was way too drastic and unhealthy. So I'm afraid you may be illiterate and/or retarded.

>> No.15609139

5ft 3 75lbs, been restricting at around 200 calories a day for a few weeks, i wanna find my maintenance now. i hear the best way is to increase your intake slowly in chunks of less than 100 calories and then keep that up for a week while weighing yourself daily, see if you still lose and repeat until you start to plateau. is this the best way? anyone else have experience with this kinda thing? also water retention is gonna be annoying when it comes to readings, if i keep the calories i'm adding mostly protein will that help reduce the fluctuation? anything else i should keep in mind when increasing my intake/trying to maintain?

>> No.15609142

also i know my weight is super low but will eating at maintenance allow me to be mostly functional as long as i get my micros and electrolytes and stuff?

>> No.15609160

are you doing multiple meals or just the same meal everyday?

>> No.15609172
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>this fucking thread

>> No.15609221

finally at 102, actually not finally bc it only took two weeks with adderall, and i wasnt even using it every day.
anyway, nearly at my ideal weight

>omad dinner
why is that a thing, that was my normal eating habits in college

>> No.15609227

u need like 20 lbs more to be thinspo. nobody should stay under 17bmi

>> No.15609228


>> No.15609348
File: 48 KB, 615x409, MAIN-Demi-Lovato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the bulimiapill

>> No.15609389

i'd fuck the shit out of skelly demi

>> No.15609438
File: 60 KB, 564x564, 1C92132A-DABA-4D39-8351-0B5E679C0C18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most /fa/gs on here think that just being skinny it king, but having defined muscle and not looking unhealthy is far superior as you’ll not die during a winter cold snap.

>> No.15609443
File: 69 KB, 563x802, F8B4ACEE-C50A-4F4E-891C-52520469A7DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15609462

i had 3 meals today lads

>> No.15609514


>> No.15609516

i haven't eaten anything today but then i'm depressed :(

>> No.15609526


I wish I was like that. When I get depressed I stuff my face.

>> No.15609530
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Ah yes the twink conversion program is coming along nicely

>> No.15609540
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>be me
>big ass head
>caveman forehead
>chipmunk cheeks
>bowed ass legs
>big ass feet

at least I'm skinny though, that'll show the fatties. r-r-right my fellow anons?

>> No.15609573

Fuck it I'm going muscle mode so I can hold bitches down and rape them

>> No.15609746

i had to cause i don't want to be sent back to the anorexia clinic at least i can choose what meals i have when im at home
feel better soon anon i love u

>> No.15609846

You're probably eating too fast

>> No.15609855
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look i'm skellymode but 5ft1 and 59 lbs is retarded. it's like ashley tier. you can get to bonespo at 70. unless you want attention THAT badly, and judging by your post, you might. really bad bodycheck btw. cant see shit.

>> No.15609948

How many cups of coffee a day for efficient fasting ?

>> No.15609962

however many you want. it's just a tool for appetite suppressant. if you dont want it, then you dont need it.

>> No.15609980

ive been 6,2 135 lb for almost 4 years now feels good

>> No.15610030

gay thread

>> No.15610047

whats ur insta

>> No.15610049

stay away from weed bros

>> No.15610106

how do I stop feeling like I am going to pass out

>> No.15610107

Other than the munchies, I smoked weed for a whole week, fasted and started getting phantom highs that made me feel like I was schizo. Stay away from it.

>> No.15610430

Eat. Skinny people still eat.

>> No.15610465
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>> No.15610471

weak mind

>> No.15610669

Same. Stable at 6'1" 130 lb for years. I don't care about thinspo I just come here to feel good about my body even though I've done nothing to earn it.

I recommend rock climbing btw; being tall and skinny is a huge advantage.

>> No.15610678
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Pic related. The outfit is obviously less than inspirational but I think the climbing aesthetic makes a lot of sense for thinspo. Really emphasizes the forearms.

>> No.15611225
File: 1.36 MB, 4032x3024, 20201002_111847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made it to sub 120
Yas, I'm 5'10

>> No.15611251

Congrats anon

>> No.15611345




>> No.15611441

im male ? XD

>> No.15611477
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>wake up
>remember I ate an entire bag of pumpkin seeds last night again

>> No.15611496

that much salt would make me bloat so much i would feel itchy and look red

drink some iced tea or coffee and piss it out

>> No.15611573
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is that how that works lol?

i'm on day 2 of my fast. thinking about going one more day, then breaking with a soup fast for 2, and then an 'egg' mono for one. i just broke 111 (@ 5'5") but i want to make it to 105 by the middle of the month. is there hope /fa/

>> No.15611588

stop trying to get attention you are underweight

>> No.15611589

cute ribs

>> No.15611596

>tried to restrain myself
>constantly bloated, my thighs were fuller

>started eating more consistently
>light breakfast, a small fruit during the day, a full dinner
>belly is flat (except for right after I eat)
>slight thigh gap
>still skinny

I have accepted that I won't be able to become a skelly, but at least I found *some* balance between my obsessions and remotely healthy habits.

>> No.15611645

I had some nice fatty pork chops, creamy mashed taters, juicy extra greasy bacon; it went with pinto beans, and to top it all off; I washed it down with some Shasta cola. Feels good being alive and not on the brink of death. ^_^

>> No.15611660


>> No.15611702

I have 17 bmi and i drink coffee maybe 3 times a day
It's black tho

>> No.15611708

Yes there's hope, you're doing just fine!

>> No.15611711
File: 159 KB, 1200x1200, 1_Twiggy-pictured-in-this-October-1966-shoot-for-The-Mirror-and-Herald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny people still eat that stuff retard

>> No.15611792

fatties don't know what the words 'moderation' or 'control' mean

>> No.15611795
File: 106 KB, 851x615, ENJpK_JXYAMgqr6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got my addy script flop era canceled

>> No.15611803

you're so retarded you can't even fake ADD?

>> No.15611805

fuck your proportions are so nice, 100% hope. Are your feet together in this?

>> No.15611841


>> No.15611844
File: 628 KB, 633x833, VN5Uwg6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do thinspo girls like thinspo guys? uwu

>> No.15611848

Do you want me to post belly?

>> No.15611854

Have fun bloating up,faggot :3.

>> No.15611869

getting a head start on when you hit 25 and your metabolism goes to shit i see

>> No.15611877
File: 220 KB, 1277x800, 2019_31_yukio_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 25 i'm going to mishima mode

>> No.15611896

Ok thanks for the info. Gonna try to fast with 2 cups a day and see

>> No.15611901

No, we dont need to see a bloated skinnyfat trannies belly

>> No.15611902 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 4032x3024, 20201002_164747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post belly. I'm also coffeefag.

>> No.15611910
File: 976 KB, 3024x4032, image (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post belly

>> No.15611928

Mmmmmm CUTE!

>> No.15611934
File: 85 KB, 851x597, EGN6uxrWwAEbZbR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about? why are posters in thinspo general always so unnecessarily mean and summing lol. must be the self-loathing! either that or this thread is filled with annoying gays. anyways I got my script filled by my new doctor I've been diagnosed w/ ADHD since I was 12.

>> No.15611952

>skinnyfat tranny

Based coffee poster was right

>> No.15611957

Post belly.

>> No.15611964


>> No.15611970

Post belly.

>> No.15611974

Bit chubby, nice love handles anon

>> No.15611975 [DELETED] 

>why are posters in thinspo general always so unnecessarily mean and summing lol
Because it's the mental illness thread.

>> No.15611978

Post belly.

>> No.15611985

You're not fat but you also are not thinspo at all, very average if you stopped drinking coffee you might make it, also shane about your wide hips making you look like a fridge

>> No.15611987

Post belly.

>> No.15611992

Keep on crying into your coffee cup piggy

>> No.15611994 [DELETED] 

Post belly.

>> No.15612029

Imagine thinking you are thinspo looking like this
This really is a mental illness skinnyfat thread

>> No.15612034 [DELETED] 

Post belly.

>> No.15612074

mental illness

>> No.15612081

They're all the same person.

>> No.15612123


>> No.15612130 [DELETED] 

Post belly.

>> No.15612154

Reported for spamming
Seething skinnyfat lmao
Lay off the coffee chubby

>> No.15612157 [DELETED] 

Post belly.

>> No.15612267 [DELETED] 

Post belly you fat fuck. You think I can't evade bans, faggot?

>> No.15612306

You literally just said your script got canceled. So you ARE retarded then, good to know.

>> No.15612658
File: 35 KB, 828x500, 120023983_3261783583929668_3194806324347882993_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said "flop era canceled". "flop era" is silly gay speak anon, it's not a script. I've always been able to get addy scripts since I've been diagnosed for a while so stop being rude and get some reading comprehension skills.

>> No.15612662

>skelly, but at least I found *some* balance between my obsessions and remotely healthy habits.
Good to hear anon
Mmmmmmm sounds good

>> No.15612664

i know....anyways, your belly looks nice anon. the other poster should seek help expeditiously.

>> No.15612665

I puked a little

>> No.15612710
File: 569 KB, 1536x2048, 3B5E7602-1671-4A5A-B7F8-A8D99C7FD371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weighed myself today and it was not good

>> No.15612733

Try to make sure you weigh yourself every single day at the same time.

>> No.15612830
File: 154 KB, 600x400, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go about losing more face fat? I'm 118 lbs (53.5 kg) but very round-faced. I don't drink alcohol, I do face exercises, and do one lymphatic drainage face massage each day, but my face still stores fat like a chipmunk.

>> No.15612847

Honestly like it’s prolly something to do with your facial structure so I’d say just get surgery

>> No.15612854

I want to be thin but also I’m an alcoholic. What do I even do?

>> No.15612862

>I do face exercises
>my face is still fat
You have to exerzize your BODY.....jump up and down for an hour

>> No.15612891
File: 744 KB, 1242x1336, 06A4E3D8-06EA-4BB8-8250-57AD72088E23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azealia Banks has AMAZING weight loss tips. i have a few other screenshots from last year i’ll post them when i have time

>> No.15612895
File: 941 KB, 1242x1588, 9962FD21-9961-4D89-B926-D44283EF0CBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbsp she’s talking about apple cider vinegar

>> No.15612944

Just drink vodka with 0 calorie coke and dont eat, its a win win because you also get drunk faster

>> No.15612956

This made me want to fast another day, thankyou for the reverse thinspo piggy

>> No.15612997

>gets banned

Lmao seething fatty can only go drink his coffee and cry over his chubby body now

>> No.15613012

>just got my addy script flop era canceled
>i just got my perscription for adderall... "failure to motivate myself" canceled?
ok i'll stop being rude anon, i'll admit it wasn't very nice. I was hungry and grumpy and i'm sorry. But still, i have no idea what this means. Even less no now that you've explained this is slang. Maybe restricting is making me retarded.

>> No.15613190


>> No.15613192
File: 1.34 MB, 3024x4032, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust me... im skinny fat . you dont want this

>> No.15613198

i figured it out
its "i just got my addy script..., flop era canceled"
as in they dodged feeling bad b/c they obtained an addy script hopefully this helps :D

>> No.15613265
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x1000, tumtum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tummy not too bad lately, legs still fat as fuck tho

never gonna make it bros

>> No.15613394

hunger makes people irritable

>> No.15613407

cute belly [spoiler]I want to kiss it

>> No.15613520

What I did was cut back to a about 500 calories a day (a single meal with a multivitamin and a cup of coffee, and a scoop of protein after my workout if I have time) and then just mostly eat whatever one day a week (one of my weekend days). After the first couple days I kinda just stop being hungry.

>> No.15613654

Strict restriction always leads to binging. As counterintuitive as it seems, you have to eat a little bit more

>> No.15613662

Do you eat a lot of salt?

>> No.15614277

5'9 girl (male) and im at my lowest weight so far of 135... how do i pick a gw? it feels like i really cant go any lower

>> No.15614299
File: 203 KB, 885x1237, new censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting to slim down again, I don't lose much muscle when I cut calories which is nice

>> No.15614301

>it feels like i really cant go any lower
Post bod, i guarantee yer skinny fat.

You can go at least 20 pounds lower.

>> No.15614315

yeah i probably am but i feel like im doing things right already.. 20 pounds are you serious that sounds honestly impossible

>> No.15614514

What the fuck are you
If youre a guy im so so sorry

>> No.15614519

Why? Looks cute.

>> No.15614522

He looks like a pear

>> No.15614703

If I go from bmi 23 to 16 will i have loose skin?
I’m losing relatively fast, like 8-10 lb a week.

>> No.15614710

you don't have abs b/c you don't have enough muscle

notice that anorexics seldom have abs or good muscle definition because they are wasting away, they are not fit, their body catabolizes muscle readily given their low protein intake and lack of a training stimulus. do not do stronglifts if you are purely going for vanity, literally do PPL or a brosplit

>> No.15614715

eat only protein and don't listen to stupid fucking anorexics on how to attain abs

this board is awful and full of incels/pro-ana retards who think you can get to low bodyfat without training

>> No.15614719

you idiots should be on /fit/ for actual advice

ex-er-cise is the only way to coerce your body to mainly catabolize fat

>> No.15614723


>source: keto

>> No.15615203

how can you lose that much that fast? I'm usually only able to lose 6-7 a week and that's if I stay between 0-400 cals a day.

>> No.15615346


>> No.15615497
File: 3.16 MB, 4624x3472, hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post hands

>> No.15615508

>tfw skinny
>want tattoo
>forearm is 25cm

Tattoo inspo for skinny arms?

>> No.15615531

>76 kg
>goal is ~65 kg

Should I be doing any cardio? I can handle dieting, but I feel like I should be doing more.

>> No.15615583
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>> No.15615584
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>> No.15616065

please use a trip

>> No.15616135

Alternate day fasting
~500 cals on feeding days + vitamins.
I used to fast on weekends though but I stopped that bc it made it hard to eat on mondays and I don’t plan on having a permanent ed.

>> No.15616196

>dont plan on having a permanent ed
i believe in you and all but I said that same shit when I was 13. I'm 25 now and i'm on my 4th big relapse (not that I'm complaining, it's honestly pretty cathartic, but that shit does get very addictive anon).

>> No.15616207


>> No.15616211

He looks so good no homo

>> No.15616216

(good thing i cant get erections anyway because i dont have a benis)

>> No.15616248

congratulations, post bod.

>> No.15616298

You have more hips than 90% of women HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.15616323

You can always do more anon. Always be thinner, look better

>> No.15616336

it’s scary for me because the last time I lost weight I obsessed over food and couldn’t eat maintenance until the binge cycle started and got me to bmi 23.
Now that I think about it I shouldn’t be doing it like this. I just wanted to know of I’ll have loose skin, not reevaluate my past eating habits, damn.
Thank you for believing in me, I should too.

I don’t have a dick so I don’t care :^D

>> No.15616565

I’m 6 feet 133 male. I feel fat. There is hope

>> No.15616576

You need to do core exercises do planks hold it for as long as you can and do some aerobics. Good progress don’t give up anon

>> No.15616615

please stop but also show feet

>> No.15616934
File: 64 KB, 470x490, FROGGO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fashion, fit, anorexia, cgl, diy

>> No.15616940

lmao this thread's been the same since /fa/'s early stages.

you're just either a /fit/ fag or newfag, so which is it?

>> No.15616945

you unironically have a good frame to become ripped or at the very least ottermode asf

>> No.15616948

use a trip if you're going to be this much of a faggot and unfunny

>> No.15616973


>> No.15616995

ok, go fuck yourself and don't come back

>> No.15617089

I don't think I will, sorry skelly boy

>> No.15617226

people could write their suicide plans on here and they'd get less fake concern than us when we say we're skipping breakfast

>> No.15617229

she didn't even look good at her lowest weight, how sad. this makes me feel kind of hopeless.

>> No.15617320

I like to go to the comment section on Eugenia Cooney's youtube channel to gawk in these people. It's very curious because it suddenly went from a few people being fake concerned and telling her to pwitty pwease get help, to suddenly one day they're ALL just openly seething with rage that this girl hasn't been deplatformed and depersoned. It really puts the true motivation of these people in perspective, they're not trying to get brownie points or pat themselves on the back to feel good, it's that they're pissed the fuck off because you're doing something they don't like, and they won't bother to hide that fact if they have to tell you to change twice.

>> No.15617554

such a cruel cruel World...

>> No.15617627

how do you look like that at 5’5 and 111, my lowest was 107 and i never had a thigh gap i hate my body lmao

>> No.15618009 [DELETED] 

lmao thank god you added a trip so i can filter you


>> No.15618201

A pear I wanna put my pp in.

>> No.15618296

Ignore my last reply. I should've said "that's a pear I wanna take a bite out of" or something along those lines.

>> No.15618309

Yeah sure, you’re not fooling anyone buddy

>> No.15618561

>slopped forehead
>big cheekbones
Attractive traits

>> No.15618600

2 and 5 are acceptable, especially 2, since he's laying down and is good with angles. the rest arent

>> No.15618601

What are some foods to bulk up on? To subsist me on 1000cal/day? Should I do IF too?

>> No.15618645

seppuku mode?

>> No.15618662

Is apple cider vinegar a meme?

>> No.15618667

no he doesn't, but this is 4chan so i have no doubt in my mind you've never actually seen a woman irl

>> No.15618706

Why can't I sleep?

>> No.15618772

it's just bone structure. i had a gap at my hw (135), even though my thighs were still huge. benefits (?) of being pear shaped i guess.

>> No.15619253

>my lowest was 107 and i never had a thigh gap i hate my body lmao
Post your body and stats

>> No.15619297

anyone else skinny enough that when they eat or drink a lot you look preggo? I hate it. I always wanna avoid eating much or anything gas inducing cus I'll form a bulge that's visible if the clothes come off

>> No.15619354

Yea. Also depends on the fat content of your caloric intake, you are not getting enough protein and too much fat per calorie

>> No.15619384
File: 31 KB, 599x567, 632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help! im a 5 ft. 8 fattie. im currently at 190lbs. the smallest i used to be was 140lbs. at this moment i am unable to go to the gym to workout (have an ingrown toenail but i dont have money to get it taken out atm) so im starting with taking out sugar from my diet. i started drinking just diet sodas then going to eliminate it from my diet. anyhting else i could do in the mean while?

>> No.15619420

You're supposed to transition into low carb / IF, and keep doing that forever.

>> No.15619442

Catabolization follows a priority list roughly like this:

>> No.15619467
File: 786 KB, 828x1406, B02326EF-4335-4EDF-871F-3B7A86ED65E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fk man I haven’t smoked weed in awhile but I found my vape pen today and I didn’t think it had any juice left. I puffed it a couple of times and now my hands are freakin me out

>> No.15619489

take a chill pill dude *puff puff* broo

>> No.15619503

hideous stretch mark ridden fantasy here. A few months ago I decided I was tired of being fat when I weighed in at 250 lbs. I'm 211 now. I did it thanks to this revolutionary new diet. The diet consists of starving myself. thats it thats the secret. I will be skinny one day.

>> No.15619508

>5'9 girl (male)

>> No.15619512

good progress anon! <3

>> No.15619579

Post the discord again i missed it :(

>> No.15619664

>have an ingrown toenail
That happened to me when for work I had to walk 10 miles each day, 7 days a week, for a month straight. Couldn't get it removed because then I wouldn't be able to walk at all and it would definitely get infected at work, fucking sucks. How much is it going to cost you? I think it cost me a little less than $200 to have 4 removed, after insurance

>> No.15620275

So what do you guys do for constipation due to basically not eating (besidesl lax)?

>> No.15620296

coffee, but it only works like 30% of the time for me. hot compress right after helps too.

>> No.15620343
File: 590 KB, 774x676, 1589594802743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constipation from not eating
Have you considered that you didn't eat anything to shit out?

>> No.15620447

this lmao

>> No.15620452

I'd never heard of a hot compress thank you I'll give it a go.

>> No.15621096


>> No.15621102


>> No.15621113


>> No.15621117


>> No.15621273

Pls take your manic episode somewhere else

>> No.15621299


>> No.15621647

gonna take it to ur bed babe what do u think ;)

>> No.15621708

she photoshops and angles her pics so much but damn she looks amazing.

>> No.15621719

no way this real LMAOOOO

>> No.15621736

Biological man who thinks he's a girl.

>> No.15621787

Biological male who is a girl.

>> No.15621794
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>> No.15621797

that's the spirit

>> No.15622157

Anyone got that picture of a model chilling in a living room. Both her hands are on her head, she is thin, tall, and has a blue shirt with shorts.

>> No.15622209
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>> No.15622210
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>> No.15622214 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15622219
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>> No.15622222
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>> No.15622326

that's a lot of digits anon

>> No.15622404
File: 59 KB, 720x720, monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf you guys didn't tell me I was gonna have to buy new pants god damnit

>> No.15622416
File: 108 KB, 1200x1200, habsburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you lads deal with the whole concerned doctor thing? Mine fucking said I was "light" at 135lb 5'9. Is this just an American phenomenon?

>> No.15622418
File: 800 KB, 1372x1024, 1592173025072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't go to the doctor because I don't get sick. works for me :)

>> No.15622425

doesn't matter unless youre underage b&. most theyll do is mark you anorexic and give you a lecture. shrug.

>> No.15622487

>Is this just an American phenomenon?
American doctors consider a higher BMI as being healthy.
Thanks to heavy lobbying from the sugar industry.

>> No.15622625

kek and also rip longcat ;_;7

>> No.15622671

I’m 26 and I’ve always been told by doctors it’s because I’m young so they just don’t worry about it, even at 110lb
Also I look very young, so I think that changes the view on that, if I was a bearded hairy guy they’d be more concerned i think

>> No.15622694
File: 135 KB, 411x509, 1565934485665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just received a prescription for Adderall. Is the best way to boost it's effectiveness to avoid eating before taking it and while on n it?

>> No.15622700


>> No.15622769

I think in my case it's more that I've lost about 20lb in like 6 months so when they look at the charts, it's sort of a drastic change

>> No.15622774

Well yeah, any substance is going to hit better on an empty stomach. And when you're on it you're probably not going to want to eat anyway

>> No.15622792

Your Dr is concern for a reason anon. Don’t forget to eat something tasty once in a while

>> No.15622796

eh, I'm exactly the same height and weight and I'm pretty normal, I don't see why a doctor would be concerned about you. Probably it is an american thing

>> No.15622797

I literally just got Arby's this morning anon. I'm not going on some Buddhist fast or something

>> No.15622824

>ate Arby's
On purpose?

>> No.15622827

Yeah their gyros are fucking good, sue me I guess

>> No.15622829

Never had their gyro. Maybe I'll give it a go one day.

>> No.15622875

Ok that's great to know it hits better on an empty stomach. So I know I won't want to eat, if I continue not to eat it will continue to hit harder? Sorry for essentially asking the same question twice just trying to understand the second half.

>> No.15622896

>Not the french dip

>> No.15622926

Disdain for plebs

>> No.15623126

Prune juice
Fibre and water

>> No.15623136 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15623178


>> No.15623719


>> No.15624011
File: 165 KB, 682x656, Polish_20201008_005830007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15624361

Honestly im not sure, i would guess maybe around $30-$60 but thats if its somewhere cheap

>> No.15624378

why does it feel like i can only ever lose weight when i fast but when i do ~500 i maintain or gain sooo much water weight ugh

>> No.15624448

What are similar looking pants as in op’s pic but normal length?

>> No.15624459

This is internalized white supremacy

>> No.15624479


>> No.15624503
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>> No.15624512
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>> No.15624534


>> No.15624825

my fucking man

>> No.15624832
File: 16 KB, 900x471, different-body-types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn it feels good to be an ectomorph

>> No.15624834

id on pants?

>> No.15625435

do I need physical exercises if I want to go down 13~14% body fat? I'm always losing muscle mass when I lose weight at this bf %

>> No.15625597
File: 2.32 MB, 1190x1230, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fellow skinnyfags of /fa/, date coming up, should I wear ze gray coat or ze black coat?

>> No.15625808

You look really autistic either way

>> No.15625819

turn some lights on and change your shoes and we might be able to help you

>> No.15625881
File: 454 KB, 1080x892, 1602133664186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen girl, I’m going to help you out. If you spend all day on instagram looking people like pic related, you become numb to it after awhile. But as an outsider looking in, I'm telling you it looks absolutely ridiculous.
This girl is wearing what looks to be a night dress for a 12 year old, her body is totally fucked up proportionally and she's clearly shopped it to shit too.
Thinspo isn’t the healthiest thing, obviously, but i kind of react when something strays this far from reality. Maybe take a little break, anon.

>> No.15626175


bost benis

>> No.15626178

hehe thets me

>> No.15626180
File: 80 KB, 720x876, 1598131874308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gaining weight

>> No.15626192

:---D benis pp
:------- D :----D

>> No.15626194
File: 13 KB, 400x400, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15626200

???? :3

how take the picture? :3

>> No.15626202

beautiful elf hands <3

>> No.15626207
File: 11 KB, 400x287, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15626208

ew skelly. bost boys

>> No.15626237

Fasting is fun, but it really eats away my sleep quality.

>> No.15626243

just wanna have visible abs for once in my life

>> No.15626249
File: 792 KB, 828x1713, 1596279055758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*drinks coffee once*

>> No.15626261

You could try 10 min high intensity cardio an hour or so before going to bed to tire yourself out, you could try taking anti-histamines (atarax etc.) as sleeping aids or maybe you could have an hour of no-screen time before going to bed as the white light fucks with the bodys normal sleep signals

>> No.15626279
File: 2.70 MB, 1728x2228, benis anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15626284
File: 18 KB, 400x265, its a guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15626287
File: 165 KB, 1171x1655, pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15626288
File: 143 KB, 457x438, hnng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15626292
File: 131 KB, 1273x1251, shortshorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15626296

can you keep your fetishes to yourself for once please. especially as none of these photos are particularly thinspo..

>> No.15626304

Thanks that's real soft and cute. I'm not gonna fap though cause that's lewd. :3
don't be mean aonn :p

>> No.15626316


>> No.15626318
File: 64 KB, 720x706, makoilu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15626323

>literally all thinspo
lol ?

>> No.15626335

I could give the exercise a try. I already eat antihistamines and still lie awake in the darkness.


>> No.15626365

feel you anon, if all else fails maybe go talk to a professional.

>> No.15626380

Thanks. If this goes on, maybe I will swallow my pride and, as unpleasant as it sounds, seek help.

>> No.15626409

You really shouldn't feel ashamed, its hard to be vulnerable if you haven't opened up in a long time. Wish you the best.

>> No.15626429

I’m sooo hungryy broooos

>> No.15626449

I guess you are right. Thanks. How's your stuff going?

>> No.15626721

You anorexic faggots need to lift bar and hit the t hard. Real pathetic hours in here.



>> No.15626832

core exercises and cico

>> No.15626884

theyre like normalbmispo at best

>> No.15627120

None, a plain cup of black coffee is 2-4 calories. You would be breaking your fast.

>> No.15627301
File: 267 KB, 600x358, sad-heavy-man-sitting-on-600w-1271086420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*patiently waits for new thread*

>> No.15627322

Someone skipping a few meals is very different from watching a teenager or whatever literally starving to death. Cooney looks like a corpse and has a serious mental issue that's causing her to kill herself slowly.
>inb4 fattie
My 19.7bmi and dropping says otherwise. I just don't want to look like an emaciated ape.

>> No.15627330


>> No.15627339

shes 26 and has refused treatment multiple times. there was a bunch of drama over it, because some friends of hers got her sectioned (because of reasons like you said), and once she got out, she dropped their asses and lost all the weight again.

this is where you realize that mental health, at a certain point, becomes a choice, and that some random anon telling people to 'lol just eat skellybones XD' does more harm than it does good. and as if this whole thing is Really entirely about "looking good" anyway. youre stupid

>> No.15627399



