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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 79 KB, 1080x1080, 1601196866094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15598669 No.15598669 [Reply] [Original]

All hair lengths are welcomed.
Share your secrets and hair routine...
How effy your haircut?
Ask away if you have a question.
>Don't fall for the no shampoo meme.
Wash hair with shampoo every 2-3 days, conditioner everyday.
Switch your conditioner if it doesn't work for you after few weeks.
Hair like skin it get damaged from sun too.
Air dry or use cotton cloth and wrap it until it dry.
>Losing hair?
Start on finasteride 1mg once everyday, you might not regain the lost hair, but it won't get worse.
Minoxidil is muh and derma roll is still not conclusive, but it won't hurt if you try it.
Thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q22uHBl9qxw

>> No.15600311
File: 78 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20200928_015520_644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting here since OP actually made effort
hair is thick and pretty dry, what haircut should I get next? I got a pretty wide hairline

>> No.15601222
File: 44 KB, 630x800, short-haircut-for-men-with-thick-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for pic related.
Lose the beard or try something else.

>> No.15601300

>MENA immigrant haircut

>> No.15601398

Grey hair. 26.

What do. I feel and am perceived as older than I am. Please don't say "don't worry bro milfs like it". I don't want fucking milfs. I want a normal goddamn relationship with someone on the same playing field as me in life.

>> No.15601411

How bad the grey, bro?
I tried dying it, but it made my hair color look off.
Growing it long made it easy to hide it though.
If it's few you can pluck it.

>> No.15601508
File: 1.18 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20200928_154153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What hairstyle or hair length should i get, no ideas for hairstyle whatsoever i start to think any hairstyle and hair length looks like shit on me

>> No.15601533

Side part with style it backwards.
Nice hair color, you should smile more.

>> No.15601539
File: 648 KB, 1431x2544, Snapchat-1430173736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with my hair? Im 6'2 and non-gay if that helps

>> No.15601551

>non-gay if that helps
Why does that matter?

>> No.15601560

Idk i thought it could be relevant, so you dont recommend a hairstyle that sends the wrong signals for me. Any recommendations?

>> No.15601580

What did you do before?
cut the sides.
Or go full zuck mode.

>> No.15601856

you look like the red pirate ranger

>> No.15602046
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Fuck me , I miss my long hair , I think I will grow it again.

Why the fuck does this happen , when it's long I want it to be short and then viceversa.

>> No.15602123

>when it's long I want it to be short and then viceversa.
Yeah ik the pain lol.
Why can't it grow faster baka.

>> No.15602167

>when it's long I want it to be short
Because taking care of it and peer pressure to cut it.

>> No.15602181




This could be , I cut it because I was sick and tired of taking care of it.

>> No.15603321
File: 99 KB, 486x442, 2020-09-25-162039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gon tred die again
wwyd with this kind of mess?
trying to look more formal or smth thank you very much

>> No.15603540

idk but you look like the v for vendetta guy

>> No.15603548
File: 345 KB, 1125x1505, 05BDF7BE-C732-473E-AEF2-36AB50C1E2FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting sick of it do i cut or keep

>> No.15603620

It's not a few, it's a lot, and it's clearly speeding up. Growing it out did help conceal it on top, but it's more present on the sides so I keep that faded to conceal it, and have a bit of an undercut/side comb thing going on. Looks fine as a haircut, but it's still evidently starting to grey. I'd say maybe 20-30%. Certain lighting makes it more obvious, and others you can't even tell if you're far away enough. I'm not willing to color it, because I don't want to add one more thing to my maintenance routine that I need to stress over.

I honestly can't believe I'm this bothered by it, we seriously have no idea how much we let superficial features and attributes literally become our identity until we have them taken from us. I'm sure people will rage over this one, but I'd almost rather have a receding hairline. I feel like those are so common in men 25-35, people don't even associate them with age as much they do grey hair. Am I being a retard bros?

>> No.15603633

anyone have suggestions on shampoo that doesn't make your hair super dry? i dont really care about having greasy hair, in fact i prefer it a little oily, but when i dont wash it for a while my scalp starts to hurt, i think because of inflammation caused by yeast build up. is acv rinse every day enough or am i fucking my shit up in foreseen ways?
right now i massage my scalp with very warm water every day and do an acv rinse every couple days and it seems to be enough to keep the skin from becoming inflamed.

>> No.15603677

I don't see what's the issue man, you look good.

>> No.15603679

Keep it.
Put it in high ponytail, you rock the surfer look very well.

>> No.15603681

In my experience it won't get worse, it will stop at certain stage then proceed as everyone else.
It could be vitiligo though.

>> No.15603688

>I'd almost rather have a receding hairline
White hair is better than no hair.
If you're that worried shave it off.
desu, some white hair make you more attractive to the women, younger women too.
Wear a ring for few days while it's sunny, then remove it to make no wedding ring effect, this is pro-tip dating advice.

>> No.15603691

>shampoo that doesn't make your hair super dry
baby shampoo or shampoo designed for dry hair with conditioner for dry hair.
And do hair oil mask weekly.
It your scalp itch, it might be fungal infection.
You can use ketocanazol shampoo, sulfur soap, etc.
Also change your pillow covers often, and air out your pillows, and NEVER sleep on any other pillow that's not yours.

>> No.15603708

Thanks anon !

>> No.15603838

shit man that's a bit too edgy
yeah i know it's not bad per se, but i think there's room for improvement

>> No.15603868

That's a hopeful thought, and I'll also look into the vitiligo thing- but it seems to be pretty uniform and gradual greying, I'm not really seeing patches or streaks that appears to be more common in vitiligo. I appreciate your input though.
Yeah, I know that's logically how I should look at it. I'll probably finally hit a point where I either just accept it, or shave it off. I really wouldn't mind having it once I'm an appropriate age for it, then I'm SURE the women in my dating pool like it. It's the fact that I'm still so young that makes it so bothersome, because it feels like it ostracizes me from my age group.
>Wear a ring for few days while it's sunny, then remove it to make no wedding ring effect
Is the effect supposed to be that you now appear available to anyone that previously saw you with the ring? Not sure how that would help me

>> No.15603896

>saw you with the ring
No, you get tan line around your finger.
Women care about third part validation, if you were married, it means you either rich, have a working dick or both.

>> No.15603904

>Wash hair with shampoo every 2-3 days
bad advice, at least from my perspective. I have hair past my shoulders and wash it once a week and have never had issues with it. Conditioner everyday is fine tho

>> No.15603909

>bad advice
Then you have very dry hair or a woman.

>> No.15603911
File: 1007 KB, 1665x1751, 20200929_123639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was playing around with my hair the other day to find a style I liked and I did this. I haven't been able to decide if I love it or hate it yet. So I guess I'll ask /fa/

>> No.15603916
File: 514 KB, 1575x2100, 294AAA84-F70F-4AB0-A4F8-F009F8176FD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here peaked when they were like 22ish, and then completely imploded after years of being a narcissistic, sociopath who treated everyone who got close to him like shit and saw his friends as one-sided utilities while he just had to look good and show up? I feel like that’s what my hair communicates now

>> No.15603919
File: 496 KB, 1575x2100, 55723DD5-F5E4-4203-98CB-3AE806557FC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if I completely cut off the back like some stereotypical kpop bs, can I endure even tho I’m a balding Barry?

>> No.15603926

What do you do for that anti-gravity hair?

>> No.15603931

I think since I have big ears the hair curled around then on the top and the back and I also regularly would brush/comb it sweeping upward and around for years while wearing hats that’s my guess

>> No.15603937

looks great. how did you get it like that

>> No.15603951

I meant how to get rid of it.
For me, it make me look like an anime character.

>> No.15603954

Well anon my hair is naturally curly so that helps. But what I did was when my hair grew to that length I washed it with shampoo and conditioner. Then I combed it down to the sides and dried it. Once dried I combed it again to get it more frizzy and to pop it out abit

>> No.15603960

Nope, like I said, I have no issues with it. Not everyone's hair type is the same, so making one-size-fits-all claims like "wash your hair every 2-3 days" is pointless. Your hair produces all the oils it needs by itself, shampoo strips that layer away and leaves it way drier. A similar thing happens when switching to a natural/aluminium-free deodorant– you won't smell great for a week or two because it takes time for your body to adjust.

>> No.15603962

>it takes time for your body to adjust.

>> No.15603990

Do you know anything about PH balances? the microbiome of your skin? If you take good care of your body, then you can greatly minimise the amount of products you use. This isn't news to anyone who isn't constantly chasing problems that were created in the first place by excessive and unnecessary treatments.

>> No.15604000

That sound like organic food meme

>> No.15604142

I have long thick wavy hair, anyone know a good brush that works wet

>> No.15604157
File: 692 KB, 1160x1544, IMG_3953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of dying my hair platinum again, maybe try letting it grow out
i don't like the top tuft though

>> No.15604370

How the fuck do you get those clearly defined waves you see in hair like Tom Holland's? My own hair just collapses fucking immediately into a frizzy mess.

>> No.15604374

top looks fine, trim the mustace and the hairs on your neck

>> No.15604398

growing it out maybe, platinum probably not; would look weird w your skin tone – platinum hair is NOT for people who are outside before the sun sets!

>> No.15604414

Just go bald nigga

>> No.15604419

idk about the hair on your head, but not a fan of your facial hair ngl

>> No.15604445
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>> No.15604446
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>> No.15604452


>> No.15604465

when is the next content cop

>> No.15604509
File: 1.24 MB, 3088x2320, 982FF5C2-1C48-4586-83C3-88E3FD32AC68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it looks good once it grows out some

>> No.15604523

the platinum/auburn mix looks decent actually, but there is something "foppish" about that haircut that I can't place – think it's the side part/undercut/hawaiian shirt combo

>> No.15604531
File: 617 KB, 2208x1188, 49FF7718-A4E9-4D19-9D5E-21C526D9093F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Letting it grow out for that „AAAY papi“ look

>> No.15604575

>hitler youth Sr.

>> No.15604584
File: 714 KB, 1534x2044, 0E89D34E-2E46-4AB3-BAD5-9000301A9200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without side part

>> No.15604586

I like this one

>> No.15604590

Help me out /fa/gs
What cuts are good for a round-ish face NW2 hairlet? Used to just get buzzcuts before the reaper showed up. Then I grew out the top and tried to cover it up, you can guess how cringe that looked. Last cut I got basically the same but the barber did a side part and put my temples on full display. It looks good but I'm very self-conscious about it. Are there better cuts or is this the best I can do?

>> No.15604606

What is the guy from all gas no brakes doing here?

>> No.15604607
File: 1.69 MB, 3088x2316, D473DBA2-D0D7-4D71-A098-4AFB8F4E55CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do with this mess? Been putting coconut conditioner in it every other day. So fucking thick and always grows out like Seth rogans hair. Wishing I could have long wavy hair that could grow shoulder length.

>> No.15604619

This. I only wash my hair when it’s dirty, rinse with water otherwise. After years of doing this my hair acclimated, it’s only in the couple of days after shampooing it that it freaks out and is super dry, but then calms down and produces just enough oils to be soft without getting nasty. Anyone I’ve told this to is amazed and have told me my hair looks fine. Could just be me tho, but I highly advocate for using as few products as possible and just letting the body do its natural, balanced thing

>> No.15604624

Looks nice, fren. That’s a great cut for you.

>> No.15604626

Does anyone have experience with that Wow Skin Science shampoo or conditioner? I've had thick, curly hair my entire life with no receding, thinning or anything.

I started using some of their product a month or two ago, and I've noticed hair loss for the first time in my life. I'm done using their product, but will my hair return to normal if I go back to my old or a different shampoo and conditioner?

>> No.15604645
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>hair on front is good
>hair on the back looks thinning
I'm done

>> No.15604661
File: 1.08 MB, 2576x1932, FCF31D11-AB59-429F-A47F-4623A151DC81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the worthless commentary you fucking loser

I fixed my own hair problems and therefore demand compliments. This is my hair slicked back with a splash of water and I’m holding the rat tail to the side of my neck. I’m the star of this thread all these other ugly people need not post.


>> No.15604673

what does this mean

>> No.15604708

faggy eceleb shit

>> No.15604744
File: 178 KB, 1200x630, best-brush-for-tangled-hair-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fenestration brush

>> No.15604750

Pommade and clay.

>> No.15604758
File: 396 KB, 1181x1679, __adolf_hitler_real_life_and_1_more_drawn_by_nonohara_miki__bdf186f0684ff4270ab4f85354bef3b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My führer.

>> No.15604768
File: 400 KB, 720x3234, 8897cf78692e0bce50e7c34312212caf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hair looks good actually, and the beard is nice too.
Fix the tie and shirt combo anon.

>> No.15604773
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I'm almost 25, aka pretty much 30, so I think I can start rocking a milder version of David Lynch' style soon, just have to keep trimming sides and hair tips.
Unless I go bald.

>> No.15604775

You could try the Brazilian blow-out.

>> No.15604779
File: 47 KB, 1024x768, 1562761293173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you wash out hair styling product if you only use shampoo once a week?

>> No.15604785

To expensive and costly. I’ve used some black products to help loosen the curls but it fucking burns sometimes when I apply it myself. My girlfriend hates when I loosen the curl and straighten it like that. Advice for a 27 yr old male with this hair type? Do I just go with a normie undercut?

>> No.15604786

use natural hairstyling product that isn't so greasy,

>> No.15604789

I want to keep my hair on the top somewhat long (quiff length) because it's hiding the best my thinning hairline and my receding temples. But I want it to be short on the sides without being a undercut.

What should I do? Is there a name for a undercut like cut but longer?

>> No.15604790

Yeah, it looks very good.
How do you hold it like that though?
I tried that method and after 1-2 hours, it would just get the same way again.
Do you a product?

>> No.15604797

>natural hairstyling product
AFAIK, all hair styling products are synthetic.

>> No.15604875

Tbh I dunno I haven’t rocked it. I think this might work though
>wet hair + Coconut oil + wax

>> No.15604893
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Should I get just a trim or take it all off?

>> No.15604901

The ends look very damaged or your camera is shit.
What do you work?
Maybe cut it to chin length?

>> No.15604909
File: 74 KB, 1920x1080, 1594140653398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I ask for to get a cut like this at a salon/barber? My hairline isn't receded at all but I just mean like for the length of the sides and top and stuff.

>> No.15604912

It looks healthier in person imo, I do have a few split ends but you're right my camera is dogshit.

>chin length?
Not a bad shout, cheers

>> No.15604915

yo, check out this new site

>> No.15604918

Thx bro
You know what ? I will do

>> No.15604964

what do I tell a barber to get this?

>> No.15605015

tiny amounts of Cedarwood Oil

>> No.15605108
File: 159 KB, 620x778, Myhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to keep growing my hair but I'm not sure what to do with the sides. As you can see it's kinda messy and I don't like how it sticks out above the right ear. But I also don't want a typical undercut. Any recommendations?

>> No.15605112

show him the picture
everyone does it they're used to it

lots of hair clay/clay based hair pomade is all natural (literally just clay, minerals and water)

>> No.15605114

Where do you get this?
All I can find is hair gel around me.
Is there like some shop for this?

>> No.15605115

not him, but try amazon

>> No.15605124

google "all natural men's hair products" and you'll find a couple, I saw a couple options at my local target last time i looked but their stock may vary, Lush is guaranteed to have a selection in stock

>> No.15605140

Taper pal

>> No.15605144

1. Are sulfates and parabens actually damaging to hair? If so, how much?
2. Is it true that salon-style shampoos shouldn't be bought outside of salons because they might be black market knock-offs?

>> No.15605155

Any pictures? When I google taper hairstyle I get lots of different styles.

>> No.15605158
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>> No.15605162

It’s just a gradual reduction in hair length as you get closer to the Ears/temples/nape of neck that conforms to your head

>> No.15605167


>> No.15605181
File: 191 KB, 1774x1080, 20200918_010127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different question: I know my hair is not nearly as curly/wavy as his but is it possible that my hair will look similar to Louis Garrel's hair when it's longer?

>> No.15605200

nigga looks like my oxfords

>> No.15605469


>> No.15605487


you should never compare yourself neck-up to celebs. it just makes you crazy.

will your hair look good if it's longer longer, if you have the right products to give it volume? yes.

>> No.15605492

>if you have the right products to give it volume?
Would sea salt spray work? I've been meaning to try that out.

>> No.15605496


no you just need a hairspray after your hair dries and 10-15 minutes to shape it.

If you try that and you don't get the results you want, try asking on the curlyhair subreddit. their knowledge of hair products is a lot more comprehensive than my own.

>> No.15605521

how to fk do i stop hair resting on my shoulder curving upwards

>> No.15605531

I like when my hair does this

>> No.15605775

I love tall guys w/ long curly hair. Grow it out.

>> No.15605838

how should i dress if i want a girl like this

>> No.15605842
File: 213 KB, 1056x823, 230381F8-E7ED-495E-9326-821C4F16CA65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buzz it? I’ve always had a high right temple but my left is staying the same

>> No.15605843

Even then those leave some residue.
What about dust and smoke particles?
And Corona particles?

>> No.15605844
File: 311 KB, 1164x1552, 097D9ED6-1B3C-4D99-9048-43E9C1AA6F93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current length

>> No.15605845

What's the different compared to regular hair gel/wax?

>> No.15605847
File: 12 KB, 480x256, 019a75c839f986da9c78b546148d4a4a-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After growing my hair long I realized long hair is easier and less hassle to maintain and style, maybe I'm spending more on conditioner now, but still better than short hair.

>> No.15605849

>hairspray after your hair dries and 10-15 minutes to shape it.
Is it better to use hairspray daily than using hair wax or clay?

>> No.15605857

Style it with conditioner.
Any conditioner do.
It curves because the natural curve of the hair and the constant friction with the shoulder combined with the fact that the hair isn't "heavy" enough to remain straight.
Styling with conditioner add some weight, also it make your hair smell extra nice.

What does everyone do for for hair scent? do you use something?
I use orange flowers oil, the smell is so lingering I stopped wearing any perfumes.

>> No.15605858

Cute, no homo though.
Stay the same style but grow it longer, then sweep the bangs to your right temple.
Maybe some stubble?
Also your hand is very feminine, anon.

>> No.15605868

Thanks anon. Usually I do a part to the right but it feels kinda like a cope. Working on stubble but can’t grow the cheeks full enough yet

>> No.15605902

Hey does anyone have a pic where the hair on the sides is very short but the hair on the top is very long? Like buzzed sides but to the chin on top

>> No.15605906

Iktf. I had nice hair during lockdowns that just barely needed shaping, but I cut it shorter for some film work and am now back in the awkward stage again. I was thinking of hopping on biotin again to see if I can speedrun through this part in time for New Years.

>> No.15605925

>step 3
brush wet hair.
i don't get it.
Why there's so conflicting guides.

>> No.15605931
File: 23 KB, 425x383, 61o5EaIT7UL._AC_SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these headbands safe to use on your hair?
I mean would it cause damage to hair like how ponytails do?
And what do you do to keep long hair out of your face?

>> No.15605933

Because hair is highly individual based on shit tons of variables.
>general health
Hair advice is very shotgun approach, and you should always take it with a grain of salt. If you really want to know what to do, just drop a bit of money and go to a salon for a consultation.

>> No.15605988

>go to a salon for a consultation
Those people are not professionals, you just give them money to make your hair look bad.

>> No.15605997

stop going to greatclips and mom salons

>> No.15606136

goals. can I ask: while growing it out, did you get the sides or back trimmed at all? Or only once the top got to that length. I'm at 10 months and my back is kinda out of hand, but the top isn't nearly long enough yet.

>> No.15606138

Pic for hair from the back?

>> No.15606190 [DELETED] 
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crits or suggestions?

>> No.15606281
File: 3.21 MB, 6912x2912, side_back_09302020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still drying so I don't know if this tells much. But having never seen it from this angle, it looks a little better than I expected. I think it's maybe worse from the front (see next pic)

>> No.15606291
File: 41 KB, 334x411, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terrible picture but it's the most recent I have dried. When it dries the lowest part of the back coils up and sticks out to the sides at some 45 degree angle. I imagine at some point I'd severely trim (or entirely cut off) the lower back parts, once the longer hair from higher up can fall over it. And I guess a similar thing on the sides, though maybe to a lesser extent

>> No.15606312

Dude, your hair is fine, maybe take off a little from the sides.
Are you one of "them"?

>> No.15606333
File: 152 KB, 700x477, cWjgX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to pull off the Bale cut if my natural hair neckline is high?
So basically it would be a disguised mullet mimicking a low neckline

>> No.15606349

Need to clean your neck properly though.

>> No.15606939

Is there a brush I can use for thin straight hair that will help give it volume?

>> No.15607182
File: 219 KB, 1440x2719, Snapchat-481605014~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do if I want to go short

>> No.15607199

you need to shave bro

>> No.15607209

What do you mean?

>> No.15607210

Remove hair from your nape.

>> No.15607277
File: 466 KB, 1575x2100, 5DC51A94-EE87-4944-B648-21B4C87AE042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys seriously how is this hair not dope as fuck? It’s literally heihachi Mishima tier. It defies fucking gravity without product. How can I possibly cut this shit?

>> No.15607498

You're already on coping territory my man

>> No.15607620

god me too man

>> No.15608300
File: 770 KB, 1643x1871, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to intensely figure out my hair for the past several months. I can't find a style that really feels right. This is my latest iteration. Thoughts?

>> No.15608310

I like it but I think a little longer on the sides would look better

>> No.15608325

Is my hair weird?
The first day after I wash it it's straight to slight wavy.
The second to third day is curly messy bed hair, and I look like a hobo.
How do I fix this?

>> No.15608353
File: 2.25 MB, 880x1186, Screen Shot 2020-10-01 at 4.29.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hair was butt length, cut it to a litter above my shoulders and also got bangs, and i am feeling some regret

at this point i just want it to be at the length of pic related again

>> No.15608359

Why did you cut it?

>> No.15608369

the ends were getting unhealthy and i'm half arab so it's kinda on the thicker side and gets a bit too wavy/curly in the summer due to the heat.

Also the last time I had hair that short was about 6 years ago, so i figured i'd make the change

>> No.15608371

I should also mention I'm a chef so i keep it up almost all the time anyway, and the long hair gets annoying to tie up all the time

>> No.15608373

When growing it out i started from a buzz and didnt touch it until it was long as fuck. I was def rocking a mullet for a while. but if you feel like your back is too long you can definitely get it cut / evened out. It definitely took a haircut or two, maybe even three before everything was even.
if this is you then i would definitely let it grow out a little more. it looks shorter in the pic from the front tho but i let mine grow out until the back was almost at my shoulders (about 2 inches off maybe 3) then cut it to even it out a little, then repeated that process until i got to where i am now.
If you think it looks bad just tough it out, wear a hat, or bun it up if you can. Good luck anon and nice curls

>> No.15608395

Lose weight.

>> No.15608560

>half arab
Then you've won the hair gene lottery.
I find long hair to be easier to take care of then shorter hair and easier to style.
Though I'm a guy, so things might be different to you.

>> No.15608566
File: 174 KB, 1500x1500, 71B9d4sksiL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely stupid question.
How do you apply conditioner to hair of this length?
When I try I seem to get more of it on my scalp than on my hair, Is there special technique to do it?

>> No.15608569

>if you feel like your back is too long you can definitely get it cut / evened out
I wish I could do that.
The barbers I know are homophobes and refuse to help me grow my hair.

>> No.15608571

>wear a hat
How to do that in work environment?

>> No.15608750
File: 138 KB, 960x1280, f9gb8ad84egz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do for bed hair?

>> No.15608794
File: 862 KB, 1783x1769, IMG_3804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a month into growing out my hair (taking biotin) and I'm unsure what length or style I should ultimately go for? Any advice? I'm new to all this.

>> No.15608846

Appreciate all the details anon. I'm definitely committed to letting it grow and I don't care how it looks in the interim, so I'm not going to touch it for a while. Thanks

>> No.15608853

How do you make people accept your long hair?

>> No.15609008

yeah I'm realizing that's definitely the case. Or there's more variety for styling. I will admit that pigtails do actually look very cute with short hair rather than my longer hair, but yea besides that i miss braiding it and doing cute buns and whatnot.

i guess its just the fact that i have less time to style it because i''m doing chef shit and if anything it just kinda gets more in the way

bend over a little so that your heads facing downwards and condition/rinse that way! you get the ends without getting any on your scalp.

>> No.15609014

anon if you can make yourself and your hair look cute/attractive then people will accept it. Society only hates on things when they look cringe. Just don't make your long hair look cringe, bb

>> No.15609056
File: 39 KB, 425x522, 71YU%2BhnNsJL._AC_SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i guess its just the fact that i have less time to style it because i''m doing chef shit and if anything it just kinda gets more in the way
Get hairbun net.

>> No.15609062
File: 2.02 MB, 1806x1052, Screen Shot 2020-10-01 at 12.36.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing a hairnet or a bow in a michelin starred kitchen

KEK but i appreciate your earnest response. it's sloppy and amateur looking to wear those types of things in a professional kitchen. The key is to just wear a perfect bun and a bunch of bobby pins. I've also worked at places where I had to wear a toque and that's slightly less annoying but still not the best.

>> No.15609087

That's you?
I know what you mean I'm a surgeon and got hell for growing my hair long,so I started wearing skull cap all the time.

>> No.15609133
File: 1.14 MB, 846x1174, Screen Shot 2020-10-01 at 1.08.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah i just google searched an image of a female chef

pic related is me being an awkward fuck during an offsite shoot where they asked for our pics

and i'm glad you feel my struggle, man. Someone finds ONE HAIR on a dish/internal organ and they always blame the person with the longer hair regardless of the hair color/length. It's usually some asshole's beard 90% of the time. The men at the restaurants I worked at were not the best at grooming

>> No.15609143

>half arab
من لبنان؟
>omeone finds ONE HAIR on a dish/internal organ and they always blame the person with the longer hair
I know, they say it's unprofessional to have a long hair for a doctor and it effect the image of the vocation.
While doing black deals everyday.

>> No.15609153

>من لبنان؟

I'm circassian though so I know the russian alphabet a bit more than the arabic one. I was born in murrica but my moms from Chechnya and my dad is from Rukn al-din in Syria but I have relatives that are from Jordan as well

>While doing black deals everyday.
It's all about image which is annoying but...I guess we're also on this thread for a similar reason lmao

>> No.15609158

بنات الشام مميزات بشعرهن
And healthy THICC body.
I mean you look great and you really give off the chef aura pretty well.
I agree with you, I with that hair it's a shame to cut it.

>> No.15609159

>won the hair gene lottery.
How being a sandnigger make you win the hair gene pool?

>> No.15609203

هل حقا؟ لطالما أحببت ملمس الشعر المصري
I have some egyptian friends/cousins and their hair is so thick and beautiful with the perfect amount curl to it. Lucky bitches. Where are you from?

>THICC body
I KNOW I GOTTA WORK OUT MORE OFTEN OKAY! I'm on the luckier side though, my grandma literally has to order custom bras.
(that being said, bls dont sexualize tete)

depending on your senpai, most of our guys have super thick hair that rarely thins out. My dad only started having hair loss these past few yrs and he's 60 right now. Meanwhile, my uncle on my moms side started losing his hair at like 26.

>> No.15609222

fuckin 4chan senpai autocorrects

>> No.15609262

>Where are you from?
Iraq, I'm mish mash myself though mother is half turkish and father is half kurd, so I speak with weird dialect that's mixture of all these making me standout in not so favorable way.
>hair is so thick and beautiful with the perfect amount curl to it
I think because they use garlic oil, my sisters swear by it.
It's not the 'in' thing today to do for a lady on an image board, but that was a compliment.
Thick hair in brown to dark brown color with the right amount of waves, optimized for desert.

>> No.15609419

I mean if anything people here prefer the long hair lmao, but it depends where you live / the reason for the hate. Fuck em is what i say, you want the long hair just do it man
Work environment as in an office / professional setting? no help for you there unfortunately anon sorry :/
Regardless of where you are youll be able to find someone to cut your hair. If anything go to a salon, thats what i do.

>> No.15609488

oh I have cousins from istanbul!! It's beautiful over there (also turkish people have the prettiest eyes ever). Are you living in Iraq rn?

>not so favorable way
How so? Usually unique accents are considered kind of attractive no?

>but that was a compliment
much appreciated anon :'). I'm sure you're just as cute!

>> No.15609517
File: 696 KB, 1878x1588, DCIM202001101234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you living in Iraq rn
>turkish people have the prettiest eyes ever
I'm told I got my mom's eyes, though hers are much lighter color than mine, the camera light make it look lighter though.
>How so?
Some """PEOPLE""" get offended easily for any reason.
And due to my heritage sometimes I use native arabic words or use proper arabic to describe something, those people think I'm looking down on them and get ... violent.
They just don't like people like ..me.

>> No.15609537

Bro trim your chest hair
>Shows you dyed your top hair
>Looks bad on skinny dudes
>Generally look like a caveman when its coming out of a crewneck anyway

You're set aside from that

>> No.15609539

Cold wash or warm wash for wavy hair?

>> No.15609541

If you use conditioner than both works fine.

>> No.15609544

You have pretty eyes but your eyelids are cute.
Also intense stare, no homo.

>> No.15609545

Grass is always greener, logical fallacy

>> No.15609568

you absolutely have super pretty eyes. I'm so jealous. I got plain brown ones.

>use proper arabic and people think I'm looking down on them.

Never understood this. Is it because they're insecure? I always assume that's the case

>> No.15609597

>super pretty eyes
Thanks, though I have some eye problems.
>brown ones
Brown ones are cute too.
>Never understood this
It's difficult to explain without going into the sociopolitical history of the last 50 years or so.
To put it bluntly, I sound very very alien to them, and combined that with my looks and manners, I stand out.
And if I don't look/talk/walk like them, then I'm against them.
So yeah, insecurities.
It's easier to attack others than improving yourself I guess.

>> No.15609642
File: 13 KB, 512x288, 1513962625066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15609645

The barber cut my widow's peak and I feel raped, is it ok ?

>> No.15609654

No. barbers are assholes, the barber I go to would always give me a "mature hairline"

>> No.15609684
File: 72 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what to do?

>> No.15609716
File: 1017 KB, 1552x2070, 20201001_143016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna keep my hair like this but after a while it ends up parting down the middle.
What do

>> No.15609722

spray or rollers
blow dry


>> No.15609724

Go to a barber and have it side part it and then cut hair along that side part.
Or use clay styling products.

>> No.15609955

every woman i have ever been with has commented that they like my chest hair

>> No.15610019
File: 188 KB, 2316x3088, YfeCd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a number 2 buzz three weeks ago and I fucking hate it.
What's the soonest I should try to get a short on the sides, long on the top style haircut?
I really don't want a military style fade, but I think shaving the sides at this length will just give me that.

>> No.15610035

you can get a fade on the sides now.
try doing it yourself if you have an adjustable electric razor

>> No.15610434
File: 331 KB, 1033x743, 7987098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have pictures of this hairstyle irl? i'd rather not look total autisto bringing a picture of a painting into the salon

>> No.15610450

same, although it looks much better slightly trimmed IMO

>> No.15610498
File: 418 KB, 1424x1424, IMG_20200926_224519_415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15610527

Your hair looks fine anon

>> No.15610539
File: 54 KB, 320x240, t1937-1827-19671220-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Am I being a retard bros?

Yes you are. You still have hair. You can try other dyes. A full head of hair will never look as bad as balding. Channel Mcgill. You've got this.

>> No.15610561

dye it green you mong. what the fuck else are you gonna do with your life

>> No.15611061
File: 16 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the bad drawing skills.
Is it trendy to have my hair like this?
gathering the the sides with top half of back hair into bun, and letting the rest down?

>> No.15611085
File: 32 KB, 445x360, a955345dcf0f7d6c5f77574ed4f508a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this because it covers more of your face!
and the colors are lively and they match the fun curls in your hair and the fun music vibe of the cans - 10/10 covid stuck-inside funnnnessss

>> No.15611100
File: 1.95 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20201002_160434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to grow out my hair for the first time
>start balding

What haircut should I get? Not a big fan of those arab style fades but I don't know what else might look good.

>> No.15611109

keep growing it, mang.
i feel like you would look too brutish with short hair.
you need the softness to counter your manly features and make you accessible.
otherwise girls are going to think you're cruel.

my opinion.
i could be wrong.

>> No.15611115

Visit the skin care thread anon.

>> No.15611145

bruh, he's just high test leave him alone

>> No.15611180

just gave the thread a look. I already use Benzoyl Peroxide and moisturiser. I'll try to exfoliate though since I still get a lot of black heads.

>> No.15611229
File: 180 KB, 640x352, EYYxhvKVAAAVm0u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have literally no idea what I want for my hair cut. I've just let it grow for a year and now it's too bothersome, it's down to my back and I'm constantly waking up with my head all sweaty and it's not as appealing as it was before. Is there a hair cut catalog? I have no idea how to ask for a haircut without a picture. Even then, I don't know what I want. The words "just fuck my shit up" are the only ones that come to mind.

>> No.15611271

Just look for celebrities you have a similar face shape to and copy theirs.

>> No.15611292

>Curly hair

>> No.15611433

Look up Louis Garrel and Timothee Chalamet.

>> No.15611448


>> No.15611465



>> No.15611470

They changed it to Hiller.

>> No.15611842
File: 362 KB, 533x589, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for hairstyles? I've got fine, straight, dark brown hair.
I've always just let it grow and never thought about hairstyles. Preferably low maintenance and no longer than this pic.

>> No.15611860

That's creepy anon.

>> No.15611866

Marilyn Manson looking ass hair

>> No.15611888
File: 18 KB, 252x252, UheLpCCM_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else growing their hair out during the quarantine out of boredom? I don't really have an idea for what I want to end up with, and it's starting to annoy everyone around me because I still haven't gotten conditioning down all the way so it looks dead half the time, though I'll try air drying like the OP says (that info wasn't there years ago when I went in the hair general last time). Might try going for picrelated even though >anime

thanks for the inspo

>> No.15612361
File: 1.83 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201002-190618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been mostly wearing a hat but I like medium length, problem is I have a teerrrible habit of touching my hair. it's thick enough to be a real hassle to style back. thinking about just buzz, or I could trim it to where I don't have the urge to fuck with it. or grow it out again but like I said... wtf do I do?

>> No.15612372
File: 1.22 MB, 2160x3840, 383838A4-301F-4050-9D3A-016DECFAD078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15612399

There’s nothing you can do lol

>> No.15612464


>> No.15612482

What do you mean?

>> No.15612502

just fucking rape them ananoymous

>> No.15612505
File: 53 KB, 400x400, 537854260.g_0-w_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else with chink hair here? I mean pic related (left). Any advice? Tired of having to trim it so often.

>> No.15612610
File: 34 KB, 268x400, IMG_20201001_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took some fabric scissors to it days ago. Crispy I know but does the shape work ?

>> No.15612859

I think it works, Chad

>> No.15612954

Slick it back.

>> No.15613018

He is not a chad, he is serb that is suffering from narcissism, i saw him on looksmax forum.

>> No.15613099

the immigrant fade

>> No.15613130

How do I upvote this pic?

>> No.15613317

nipple length, wash once a week, flawless mane no split ends, dove mens shampoo, any form of straight hair conditioner, no products, no blowdry

Embrace the viking pill guys, and get a comb you faggots.

>> No.15613372

Wut I've never even lurked incel forums, and I'm not Serbian. Link?

>> No.15614078

I've started to grow my hair recently.
How to dry the deeper layers of hair?
Mine still feel wet even after 3 hours.

>> No.15614084
File: 712 KB, 1560x1960, kvm015_kevinmurphy_killercurls_1_1560x1960-j5ifz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is conditioner useless before applying anti-frizz creme on curly hair? I recently got pic related and I wonder if there's any advantage if I keep using conditioner every shower

>> No.15614148

I have the same hair as you but mine is also wavy/curly so it looks like frizzy shit when if grow it out and my side profile is 10x worse so I have no idea wtf to do with this mess.

>> No.15614158

You were born the wrong race

>> No.15614159

Hmm try sea salt and coconut oil

>> No.15614387


>> No.15614432

bumpario on my question, gonna cut it today and need some free gibs on feedback

>> No.15614437

the back part of your head where it goes from like 3 or whatever to longer is in the perfect position to complement your jaw-line. actually immaculately chad.

>> No.15614504

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.15614581

either trim it every few weeks, or get a longer hairstyle.
that shit is just begging for a fortnightly barber visit

>> No.15614588
File: 705 KB, 1728x2304, IMG_20201003_203315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hair look any decent? Where do I go from here

>> No.15614605

Is he using product in this picture? If so, what is it?

>> No.15614624

That’s actually pretty good man

>> No.15614632
File: 228 KB, 950x1792, F9CB0E4E-0C37-44E1-8DC8-607C62638CA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I shorten the length of my hair? This is the front.

>> No.15614633
File: 238 KB, 950x1792, 48727366-F972-40B3-9089-DF193B252593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

side profile

>> No.15614676

please shave that "beard" man

hair looks good but unkempt, you need to groom better brah. also find a style and roll with it so your hair has some order

>> No.15614683

It’s end of the day so hair is messy. I have Arab parents that get mad when I shave my facial hair. Usually I look better with a stubble.

>> No.15614722
File: 1.85 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201003-210250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried baking soda and peroxide, fucking kek it didn't do a thing. anyway, this is how it turned out, no product atm

>> No.15614724
File: 1.73 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201003-210245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15614725

if you can guess my age you get a cookie

>> No.15614728

if there are any ways I can clean it up lmk pls ty bb <3 you all

>> No.15614753

Nah, you’re fine

>> No.15614785

i feel like if i had curly hair i'd have short sides and a long top. not necessarily a fade on the sides but short. thats just me tho

>> No.15614827
File: 724 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2020-10-03-21-57-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much can i actually fuck up my hair trying to recreate the little curls the stylist gave me in this pic

i've never used a curler because i'm 100% certain i'd fuck it up and burn my hair which i probably couldn't handle emotionally

what's the worst case scenario for me here?

>> No.15614842
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1587684205324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hair on the back looks thinning
>hair on the front looks like it's receding
>i'm not even 23
You don't know pain.

>> No.15614845

lose weight

>> No.15614849

i will i promise

>> No.15614871

who is she i need her

>> No.15614919
File: 307 KB, 1232x1413, 0B1B6D30-394D-4991-8C39-7099A1E516A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I’m trying to grow my hair out long so that it stays down like this. Right out of the shower, I can get it looking the way I want it, sort of like this...

If I keep growing, can I get this to stay without water or product? My hair poofs up into a soup after it dries and it really annoys me

>> No.15614920
File: 483 KB, 1557x1517, CD7D9C13-62EF-4D5A-AC49-AC4E3A8C20A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15614953

hair looks fine but u should def shave man

>> No.15614957

ur not balding dumbass your mature hairline is just more visible when you grow your hair

>> No.15614996
File: 221 KB, 1080x2076, IMG_20201003_223403_764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on a bit of a nopoo thing again, haven't gone short in a while but I'm very tempted lately, I feel like as I'm getting older I won't be able to pull off long top w/short back and sides

>> No.15615348

When I grow my hair out, it looks like The Beatles haircuts when they were young. How do I make it not look so puffy?

>> No.15615389
File: 3.51 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20201004_144803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my hair from the back.
Any idea what to do?
I'm have it slicked back, Al Pacino style.
But the back side is getting longer than the top.
And yes, this is white hair.

>> No.15615399

I haven't had a haircut in 3 years, what should I tell a hairdresser?
I have a feeling I'm going to have to get like 5-6 inches cut, do I just say 'I want my hair trimmed' or do I need to say I want a specific style?
Whenever I got my hair cut in the past I just asked for a fringe and shaved on the sides, was a number that I forget so I really have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.15615537

>Don't fall for the no shampoo meme.
I only shampoo once every ten days or so now and people tell me my hair has never looked or felt better. It always got extremely dry, frizzy and puffed out for a few days after washing with shampoo + conditioner, even in sparing amounts

>> No.15615639

I don't know but please clean up your neck area.

>> No.15615644
File: 102 KB, 1080x1297, 17EFDB8D-7A1C-4C3F-8741-D640E20A8D96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else find bowl cuts attractive on girls?

>> No.15615651
File: 2.23 MB, 2316x3088, EFF8DD05-5ACD-4941-9C76-8431D01D8558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing it long for that Jason momoa Look gonna get an ombré once it’s shoulder length

>> No.15615676
File: 80 KB, 657x555, 52e3ae515051eaf5a92c0b1347799d1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a haircut like Trump. Anyone ever tried this, any tips?

>> No.15615970

You mean remove the nape hair?
Noted, but I did try to remove it yesterday though.
I live alone, and no barbers open yet.
I think I did a good job, I didn't want to remove too much hair just in case.
Anything else

>> No.15616013
File: 282 KB, 1080x678, Screenshot_20201004_204349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I shave le beard?

>> No.15616197
File: 1.48 MB, 3088x2320, 512B7BCD-4435-4F05-BF2E-3C90A2D2E23C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616202
File: 2.45 MB, 750x1334, 7928EB54-A7D0-4251-A673-E42860CFB23B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15616238
File: 461 KB, 350x232, 1554930441595.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do this >>15615676

>> No.15616282

I’m in china

>> No.15616367

he doesn't want to look like a faggot

>> No.15616741

Hair is good. Get rid of pube-eard and pubestache.
Nice mane. Going for something similar myself although I have a while before it gets that long. Question: what do you do with your fringe? Do you cut it yourself or will a hairdresser do such a small job? I feel like it would be weird to go to a hairdresser just to get my fringe shortened but I don't want some emo over-the-eyes shit

>> No.15616742

Be my bf please

>> No.15616773
File: 637 KB, 2560x1562, 20201004_213810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is a mess and was wanting to cut it but have no idea what style I want. What do you all think would look good?

>> No.15616843


>> No.15616876

leave it as is on top and taper the sides up or just shave them off but do it soon cause how it looks right now is actually grossing me out

>> No.15616897

Yeah, its getting pretty wild but i was thinking of doing something like that

>> No.15616970

Thanks, I just cut my bangs across to about the bottom of my eyebrows usually

>> No.15616980
File: 324 KB, 403x489, Screenshot 2020-10-04 at 08.00.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss spunky layered bobs from the early 00s.

>> No.15617209

> try grow longer hair
> literally anyone tells me to cut it down

>> No.15617344

what's wrong with it?
i know the chin beard looks crap but that's the genetics, and it lenghtening my face does good work
yeah short sides is the thing i'm thinking about, the question is just how short exactly

grow it out and see how it curls, you might get great long curls or just an afro so you never know
keep it, but maybe comb and tie up? your hair looks so much healthy ngl
pretty cuteboy aesthetic so might look good, but how does it pair with your face? me thinks this would widen your face a little bit too much but we can't see the chin or cheeks really
let it grow out totally, i love your colour and the curls are looking extra dense which is cool
stop curling your hair in fingers lmao

>> No.15617349 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 325x377, 5BF5D680-9C1E-4C4A-B7AE-FFDA61236B60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to grow my hair out gimme the best tips BRAH

>> No.15617355

I miss the tasteless tops and jeans

Just had bitches buying shit because they liked the purple tiger stripe design

Now they craft instagram images

>> No.15617453

I don't know if I'm retarded but I feel like my hair gets oilier if I wet my hair every day in the shower rather than keeping it dry.
Is there some reason for this?
It started with me being too lazy to shower so skipped wetting my hair at 2 am in the morning and now I prefer my hair the way it is compared to wetting every day in between shampooing it.

>> No.15617737
File: 133 KB, 1180x696, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this dude: >>15616876. You have a masculine face, just shorten the sides and you're good.
Grow it out more!
I think you would look better with a shorter beard.

I'm going to a barber in an hour. I've never had hair this long before and I'm unsure what to do with it. It's impossible to style and only looks good by chance.
Should I cut it short or just get a little touch up and keep growing?

>> No.15617882

I’m a guy with long hair (past shoulders) and haven’t had it cut for 18 months.

What do I ask for at a salon? Split ends/neck hair and what else to tidy it up? Do I have it all cut the same length?

>> No.15617888

I have long hair on my face and head, I refuse to shave it.

>> No.15617915

>cute face mask
How curly?
start with low heat settings and slowly increase the contact time, allow hair to cool between trials and apply heat protection.
Honestly I think you'd get it from the 2nd or 3rd trial.
Also stop wearing those "pregnant" dresses.

>> No.15617921

>people posting their ears.

>> No.15617930 [DELETED] 

Panty status: [Genesis 17:7]

>> No.15617935

i want to mount your big pink dick and ride it til you nut inside me!
no homo

>> No.15617945

Panty status: [Genesis 7:17]

>> No.15617949
File: 52 KB, 197x198, Screenshot_2020-10-05_18-30-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this hairstyle called?
And how to do it?

>> No.15617959

How do you style your bangs usually?
I like short bangs, same length as you.
But the rest of my hair won't get styled unless my bangs are long since it would add more hair to style, if this makes any sense.

>> No.15617965

>neck hair
How to deal with that at home?

>> No.15618015

Thanks bro, no homo

>> No.15618173

About to start with finasteride, not sure what dosage I should use. Was thinking about 1mg mon/tue/fri

>> No.15618184

Generic 5mg cut into quarters or 1.25mg every day. If you experience sides then every other day.

>> No.15618212
File: 544 KB, 820x492, metal-gear-2-solid-snake-metal-gear-solid-3-snake-eater-metal-gear-solid-the-twin-snakes-metal-gear-solid-2-sons-of-liberty-png-favpng-pbH2pGz1CZgCCfDMrXeVLJ7tL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to fix this part in red?
My hair seems to be growing into solid snake look, is this a mullet?
I do want the long hair but have no idea how to deal with that.
Is this awkward stage, or I just don't know how to style it?

>> No.15618219

I'm doing 5mg once per day, no hair "loss", but there's some hair when I shower, I guess because my hair is longer now.
No more acne, especially on my back, still oily skin though.
My libido is slightly lower, no ED, and my masturbation went from 2-3 times a day to 2-3 times a month.
Been doing it more than 6 years.
Also after 6 months you should check your PSA level, to see your body response to it.

>> No.15618232

I usually just keep mine up, the shorter they are the less they are weighed down, but I would say with length there is a balance, too long and they lay flat when I push them up, too short and they stick out compared to the rest of my hair.

>> No.15618238

it's called the 14yearoldfaggot, and you dont do it

>> No.15618253
File: 388 KB, 1191x1377, 20201005_132656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I keep my hair from curling so much in the back?

>> No.15618336
File: 756 KB, 552x737, habahvbajhkvahv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My plan is to go 4 years no cut (I'm 20months currently)

Are there any tips or tricks? Should I get the ends trimmed up and hair line evened out? I don't even know, 1st time growing it out.

>> No.15618429

Looks pretty good man, I say get a trim up and keep it going

>> No.15618783

how I stop my hair from blowing up into a big fall of fluff and frizz the second I step out into the wind?

>> No.15618831

Doesn't it get hot and sweaty?

>> No.15618924

I usually wear an adidas cap, it's not so bad.

Also tie it back into a bun/tail.

>> No.15619732

Any ideas on how to style longish hair for men?