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15592407 No.15592407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've only got a year left before I turn 25. Fuck, I don't wanna be old :(

>> No.15592412

No one can stay the same forever anon, you still have your whole life ahead of you

>> No.15592472

I cared about getting old until I hit about 27 then I realised that now I have money to do all the things that I want, me and all my friends have nice houses to party in, I'm way more confident and sure of myself. Listening to kids 18-24 talk now makes me fucking glad not to be associated with them.

>> No.15592477

But you’re already old once you hit 25

>> No.15592586

sick of this white people propaganda not everyone ages in dog years tyler

>> No.15592702
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>> No.15592709
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>> No.15592712

Why are you still on 4chan hahaha nigga go get married and start a family

>> No.15592732

If 25 is old then I died ten years ago

>> No.15592734

Only poor people have kids in their twenties.

>> No.15592736

It is. Stop the denial.

>> No.15592761


>> No.15592764
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>> No.15592767

those are not mutually exclusive

>> No.15592779
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>> No.15592781

Maybe in Pakistan where you're married at 13, I live in a major metropolitan city.

>> No.15592787

Congratulations Anon you will now start to actually see the effects and feel the consequences of your choices in life.

Unless you made shitty decisions there is nothing to worry about

>> No.15592808

wise, you're a cool old guy

>> No.15592833

I just turned 26 and still look like I did at 16, just waiting for the brick wall to hit now.

>mfw I realize I always forgot to put sunscreen on my hands and then used them to shield my eyes.

>> No.15592843
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Is it inevitable?

>> No.15592846

Feels good being 41 and hooking up with 16 year olds.

>> No.15592848

photos or it didn't happen

>> No.15592852
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>> No.15592853

That's the thing, isn't it? I can be balls deep inside her but I just can't take pics or it is officially "cp" lol what a load of shit.

Technically if a 14 year old takes nude pics of their own body they are in possession of cp.

>> No.15592856

Nigga, someone has to be. I wouldn't even wanna be a teenager, I know a billion times over what I knew then and it explains why teen posters here come across as brain dead to me

>> No.15592862
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Yeah, sure. Still 41 though.

>> No.15592869

You will be before you know it. It means shit if you waste your youth, every young poster here has no balls, will never do much of merit, is too shy/embarrassed/low self esteem. At least I am at the point of being truly free.

I've been told I can pass for 39 so it's all good.

>> No.15592879
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I could also never give off really bad boi vibe aesthetics in my 20s unlike I can now.

>> No.15592887

>arguing with zoomers on the internet

>> No.15592892

just in the hopes one is a female and i get some virgin teen pussy out of it

>> No.15592898

>I've been told I can pass for 39 so it's all good.
I like this man

>> No.15592902

Lipstick? What?

>> No.15592932

Why not? I feel it adds to my bad boi vibe.

>> No.15592941
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I'm 44. My face is showing really low energy levels because I haven't had sex since 1996. I just want to have a flushed cocksure face so people know I have sex even if I haven't had sex since 1996 :(((((

>> No.15592948

More like psycho vibes mate

>> No.15593073

lol igor is this your post wank face?

>> No.15593080
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Mid 30s master race here.

Unironically, put me (picrel) and that little rat faced twink kid from waywt who brags about his tinder dates side by side. Guaranteed even though he is in better shape and has stronger facial aesthetics 90% of 17-24 year old girls will find me more attractive.

Chicks dig high T men in their 30s and 40s who look like they could kick an ass or two.

>> No.15593081

25 here. NEET. Haven't had a job in 3 years. What do I do?

>> No.15593086

You play the drums?

>> No.15593088

ur head looks like a mighty beanz

>> No.15593090

>he thinks he's not gonna be here past 25

>> No.15593095
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>> No.15593101

>mighty beanz
I haven't come across those words in over a decade

>> No.15593120
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7 days left until I'm 24

>> No.15593124

Are you going to be Thad 2.0?

>> No.15593128

fear of aging is usually just regret and underachievement projected into the future as a defence mechanism... the classic "if I don't get my hopes up, then I can't get hurt" thing.

>> No.15593131

which is very strange since you're entire reality is what you think... so why think that it only gets worse with age?

ya'll taking this life shit too seriously.

>> No.15593132

i made nothing but bad decisions

>> No.15593133

It only gets worse with age. my mind will only get worse from where i am now. i have no future ahead of me whatsoever. im already physically deteriorating and im not even old.
you should take life more seriously. stop reading fortune cookies and instagram

>> No.15593135

You're only old when you start making dad noises when sitting down and up.

>> No.15593139

yet you post like you're 15

>> No.15593143

get a load of this cuck. damn bro, just fuckin better yourself... or get on disability or some shit and spend your time sperging out some more online.

>> No.15593146

you think turning old sucks because you align that with your accomplishments. being scared of turning old because of death is gay though. Now go do something

>> No.15593156

like for real bro c'mon.
i'm a total NEET at 25, yet since my thrift shop eye is so good I'm able to find some real expensive looking items for cheap. I invested in a tripod so I could take photos of myself for Tinder, and hell, I even photoshopped some fashionable and beautiful people in some of them so it looked like I had lots of friends.
Straight up, man, I'm pounding puss on a weekly basis now. New ones every weekend, my guy. Whenever I bring them back to my little NEET room, I explain to them that I live a voluntarily minimal life for the sake of the environment... and bro, that usually gets them beyond wet for me. I'm pretty handsome too, bro. My penis is a little above average, nothing special, but women seem to enjoy it all the same. My stamina in bed has greatly increased ever since I became sexually active. Hell, given my porn addiction, it takes a long time for me to even ejaculate during sex.
Anyway, man, don't get so down on yourself.

>> No.15593162

Your physical and mental health is deteriorating because you have a shit diet.

You don't have to prove it to me, I'm just a stranger on the internet.

But ask yourself how much pop you drank this week. Be honest. How often did you eat fast food? Did you do any running? Do you have a physical job? Do you even have a job? Do you sleep 8 hours at a go?

I work in the trades and there are guys pushing 70 who move like Bruce lee and just dont quit. There are also guys in their 20s who have their knees on their way out, piss and moan all day, have to take breaks every 30 minutes and take 3-4 sick days a month.

The difference is 100% how you take care of yourself.

>> No.15593179

is this copypasta

>> No.15593187

nah you're wrong here. you should expose yourself to more people

>> No.15593188


>> No.15593190

it's my life, mafucka.

>> No.15593192

This. Most effay age to have children is 62

>> No.15593194

dang man fuck an escort

>> No.15593197

oh look, another cringe misanthrope.

>> No.15593213

How? I literally implied the opposite

>> No.15593218

Cops said I can't come within 30 feet of the playground because of that

>> No.15593221

>he doesn't know

>> No.15593257
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>tfw turned 28 a few days ago
>wasted my time on imageboards and videogames

>> No.15593263

At least your not greying at 30

>> No.15593280

I'll be 25 in a few months and I've never flirted with a girl, had a gf or sex with a girl.

>> No.15593284

Well don't fuckin' tell any girls that mate.

>> No.15593285

jhz lol

>> No.15593286

I'm sorry anon but its over

>> No.15593289

It's ok bro just lie

>> No.15593292

27 year old here. I get it man. When I was 24 I was OBSESSED with my age. I felt like I was getting too old to be a young guy but dreaded the thought of being "old." Then I turned 25 and realized literally none of that mattered and no one cares about your age. I'm actually glad I'm no longer in my young 20s, I feel way more independent and confident.

>> No.15593315

this. early 20’s were really boring and limited, like i just wanted to move on already. 27 now and i’m just reaching my prime. as others here have said, take care of your body.

>> No.15593394


>> No.15593399

you got that idea from kpop.. don't lie

>> No.15593433
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Why is this board obsessed with age? There's like 2 threads about this topic.

>> No.15593440

The beginning of the decline

t. 29 year old fallen chad

>> No.15593494

Why the obsession with 25? I would feel young as long as I’m in my 20s desu. I’m a firm believer that aging well can allow you to act younger than you really are

>> No.15593558

25 is widely regarded as threshold when you are officially considered old.

>> No.15593570

I'm turning 30 next year and I don't give af. As long as my hair is full and I still get ID'd, I'm fine. Unironically have to thank my Korean gf for this, because she introduced me to her skincare products 4 years ago (she's 28 and literally looks 20).
Just take care of yourself and develop as a person. Cool old dudes exist.

>> No.15593574
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Which skincare products? Do tell.

>> No.15593590

To insecure Christmas cake women maybe

>> No.15593594

It's the age at which your brain finishes maturing and shaping up, it only goes downhill from there. Pregnancy are also less successful past that age.

>> No.15593601

Yes please share I am curious.

>> No.15593622

You still look young tho

>> No.15593666

Start with a job

>> No.15593672

>you become old 3 years after college
I can't tell if this is just a dumb meme or are zoomers really this delusional and fucked in the head

>> No.15593676
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>damn, look at this old bag of bones

>> No.15593683
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>its over old man

>> No.15593685
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>25 is widely regarded as threshold when you are officially considered old.

>> No.15593686

>that oldman cope

>> No.15593693

I'm 23

>> No.15593697

0-18 kid
18-25 young
25-30 young adult
30-40 adult
40-60 middle aged adult
60-80 old
80+ old timer

>> No.15593815




>> No.15593821

How old was he here? In any case, it doesn't apply since it's fucking DiCaprio.

>> No.15593836


>> No.15593885
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you think I'm clicking that?

>> No.15593975

literally cringe

>> No.15593980

Like I said boomer

>> No.15593991
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Turned 26 this summer and I'm feeling pretty bad. At the same time the amount of how much shits I give is steadily decreasing so I'm assuming that when I hit 27 I'm already nihilistic enough to not care anymore. Life is and has been pretty shit regardless of age so I don't know why I should even feel bad.

>> No.15594014

I'm 28 in a few months. Dating a 19 year old cutie. SMV is going up and up. The only people scared of getting older are 18 year old retards and fuck ups. Life right now is literally at its best.

>> No.15594025

you're cancelled!

>> No.15594206

Just turned 29. I’d feel like shit if I wasn’t making 6 figures a year. Seems like people I meet reconsider my youth once they factor in my success.

>> No.15594385

I'm too old to know what that means, stop talking.

>> No.15594494
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