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15579630 No.15579630[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>western women in the mid-late 00s
god what a disgusting and soulless fashion period

>> No.15579635

idk bro both the ravers are kinda swag

>> No.15579636

They have always been disgusting

>> No.15579640

Except they were all twelve.

>> No.15579645

Just the one's you fucked

>> No.15579684


>still upset you never got invited to parties in highschool

>> No.15579689

I was a mix of mallgoth and goth-weeb
I’m so embarrassed about being such a trashy teen

>> No.15579691

hoes at my school just wore hollister and shit

>> No.15579711
File: 93 KB, 770x880, 1569267591264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but the scence/emo and hipster/electrokid did stand out.
i miss it :^(

>> No.15579741

>god what a disgusting and soulless fashion period
They all look very sexy to me

>> No.15579773

Ghetto blakc booty chick lololololol

>> No.15579779

candy raver looks so fucking hot

>> No.15579780

That punk girl in your class with a battle jacket that had zero punk band patches on it.

You also missed out on the girls that wore dickies and tank tops and bro hoes

>> No.15579786

I don't know what they told you, but those girls weren't of age.

>> No.15579796


>> No.15579797

Plausible deniability.

She told me she was 18 your honor and she was at an 18+ event drinking alchol

>> No.15579798

i loved this era.

>> No.15579802
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>> No.15579845

Emo girls were peak my dude. Wish I could find a "listen to everything but country and rap" girl today so I could gf her. You still had girls that weren't ruined by social media then. Onlyfans wasn't a thing either. Fucking unbelievable how quickly things went downhill.

>> No.15580303


>> No.15580310

I still have a fetish for indie/hipster and goths

>> No.15580312

lol all women listen to rap now

>> No.15580316

Go outside.

>> No.15580324

Looking back on this era is so weird to me now. It feels like it was a very naive time. People didn't really seem to believe or stand for anything, they just kind of existed. At most you would find some religious fundamentalists who believed very strongly in being as regressive and stupid as possible or you could find somebody on the opposite end of the spectrum who believed in absolute freedom(to be as much of an abusive cunt as he/she wanted to be) but the rest of us were just kinda there and I think the fashion reflects that.

>> No.15580398
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>western women

>> No.15580419

It reflects the time though, right? The middle of a terrible recession in the west, and essentially a world war and the reactionary forces to that, if you didn’t have means you didn’t have options so you just sat waiting to die, or you went out to actually die. If you had money no one could stop you from falling into hedonism and burning through life like some reckless monster.

It was also the proto-internet world, you had a lot of experimentation with how to interact with a virtual space; it wasn’t the fulcrum of everyone’s lives in a meaningful, global way like it is today; it was a place where people went for naive diversion

That time was a transitional period, and the people who grew up then are an example of the growing pains. What a lost generation

>> No.15580422

SJWs (amd shapirofags on the other side) changed this imo

>> No.15580429

You were all fighting a bloody war of ideas, you just weren't aware of it because of relative economic prosperity. Once the roof caves in the fist pump turns into punches and the music becomes the screams of reality

>> No.15580437

You really completed my thoughts. Is anybody even nostalgic for this time? I have seen some people interested in scene stuff on Insta. I saw some people interested in mall goth stuff HERE of all places which I think should surprise me but after careful thought I'm not surprised. Honestly for me it all tremendously sucked and not just because I was a teenager, I'm sure I would not have enjoyed it as an adult either.

Something I think a lot of people also forget about is that people on the internet back then were really, really ghoulishly cruel. I think the poverty and isolation was a part of that, bigotry we inherited from religious parents maybe. Even with the pandemic going on and far-right extremism I'd still rather exist now than then.

>> No.15580440
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>> No.15580441

>It feels like it was a very naive time. People didn't really seem to believe or stand for anything

People kinda just minded their own business. They had fun, listened to whatever they enjoyed. They were concerned with their microcosm.
You were concerned about your mum not taking you to the mall. Not about whether the sushi joint down the street you had lunch last weekend was black owned or not.

Social media was new, not monetised, so there was no virtue signaling and the alike. You were concerned about your school mates thought, if any.

>> No.15580540

yea it was before people brainwashed themselves into cringe political 'struggles' and understood that identity should come from culture and freedom

>> No.15580545

the top row is shitty looking, aside from the black woman, who has this odd charm with her dress? Idk but I kinda feel it. Bottom row is completely fine

>> No.15580574

>The middle of a terrible recession in the west, and essentially a world war and the reactionary forces to that, if you didn’t have means you didn’t have options so you just sat waiting to die, or you went out to actually die. If you had money no one could stop you from falling into hedonism and burning through life like some reckless monster.
so just like today?
>you had a lot of experimentation with how to interact with a virtual space; it wasn’t the fulcrum of everyone’s lives in a meaningful, global way like it is today
idk if I'd call the modern internet meaningful, it usually just tries to be that but fails horribly - meaningless social interactions, meaningless politics etc
I'd prefer people to be apathetic over being misinformed keyboard warriors

>> No.15580598

There aren’t any world wars, there’s civil unrest but that isn’t exactly the same thing. As for the wealth inequality, well that’s always been something the human race has grappled with, it’s just different when in the contemporary context.

The internet now is much more nebulous and integrated, and it’s in the palm of everyone’s hand. Nobody’s career was ruined by the internet in the 2000s, for example. We’re all monitored and the stakes are much higher, and it’s a part of every single person on Earth’s lives now on a scale it’s never been before. That’s mainly what I meant by important.

>> No.15580605

We are in an economic conflict that is the de facto Cold War of our age though, I should’ve included that

>> No.15580666

You're going to grow into the grandfather that doesn't get invited to any family get togethers if you don't get off this alt-right-shit-for-brains path anon. It's been years, we're starting to get worried about you.

>> No.15580683

People nowadays are willing to get shot in the eyes with rubber bullets in order to protest Police violence and fascism. In the mid to late 00's people just drank excessively, fucked each other and emotionally abused each other. There was Police violence and deportation back then, it's just that nobody gave a shit. They wanted to do shots and get their dick sucked.

If you really can't see the difference between the modern internet compared to then then you spend way too much time here. This website if full of neo-nazi brainlets, incels, pedophiles and does not represent the internet as a whole in any way. I'm very optimistic with how people are organizing nowadays against our oppressors. It's completely different now.

>> No.15580691

For me, it's the metal chick

>> No.15580863

LMAOO not the battle jacket with mcr patches

>> No.15580864

>our oppressors
How exactly are you oppressed? Do you have a roof over your head and internet access? Is there food on the table and your ability to vote still intact? Where is your oppression?

>> No.15580879

People protested, but there was less coverage and support for it since they still trusted their democracy. Donald Trump, the global pandemic taking away everyone’s diversions, and the Internet being in everyone’s home has made it a perfect storm for unrest to have a base.

>> No.15580900

Not Drumpf!

>> No.15580998

I like all of them except the top right negress and bottom middle borefest

>> No.15581039
File: 62 KB, 1017x575, Screenshot_20181027_160124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ironic that you see a revival of this and scene/emo which were all mall born cultures, except malls are all on their way out.

>Even with the pandemic going on and far-right extremism I'd still rather exist now than then.
Shit sucks currently, but I at least got hope for the kids. They all seem way nicer/chill to each other than we were years and years ago. There will always be the assholes and brooding sociopaths, but they're more likely to get called out by the general crowd.

>> No.15581205

I can smell the year this was made in

>> No.15581220

the problem is that these fascists really don't exist. The closest thing to fascism in the west are losers in their parents basements larping online. Every "movement" is co-opted or originates from corporate interests, none of this is real, at least no more so than it was 20 years ago.
The only difference between now and then is that now people are angry and divided, and back then people weren't. Society is worse off, but it has nothing to do with the issues people care about, at least since the end of occupy wall street.

>> No.15581236

>can't see the fits on half of them because the photos are waist-up or face shots

Thanks, this is very helpful.

>> No.15581517

if you aren't white i can understand that since the culture and ideals difference but if you are white you are just a loser that can't get any

>> No.15581524

>and far-right extremism

lmao WHERE!?!? All I see is left wing terror. Take your head outta yo ass.

>> No.15581531

Those girls all listen to country now, go to stage coach and market themselves as traditional despite getting ran through every weekend 2004-2013

>> No.15581537

Every girl either had too small short shorts so their fat squeezed out the top

Or low rise, boot cut pre distressed denim from American eagle, paige, 7for all mankind or true religion.

>> No.15581562

What did you call 2 for £10 polos from Topman and ill-fitting cardigans? Whatever it was called that was me

>> No.15581810

can you please just kill yourself already

>> No.15581819

>Malls are on their way out
Which is why all the zoomies are running around dressed in Champion and NASA shit they bought off of Amazon. Nothing really changed that much.

>> No.15581820

>against our oppressors

>sponsored by morgan stanley

>> No.15581834


>> No.15581857

I haven't seen this image since 2012

>> No.15581973

scene style is coming back btw

>> No.15582430

people have been saying this since the style went away
>hurrr it already happened in this little circle in this city for like a day you're too late.

>> No.15582612

1 candy raver pl0x and Thxxx

>> No.15582666

rummage in the rubbish for clothes

>> No.15582759

candy raver is very 2020 y2k aesthetics and objectively current

>> No.15584258

Oh Jesus Christ. Don't you have a PragerU video to jack off to? "HOW CAN YOU BE POOR WHEN YOU HAVE A MICROWAVE???"

>> No.15584266

Right so how can you be poor?

>mfw uppity nogs moaning about being poor while they can afford a microwave

You don't know what poverty is.

>> No.15584272

sorry wrong thread. meant for the thread on grunge fashion

>> No.15584298

Metal chicks outfit looks like something I'd want to wear

>> No.15584307

>Shit sucks currently, but I at least got hope for the kids. They all seem way nicer/chill to each other than we were years and years ago. There will always be the assholes and brooding sociopaths, but they're more likely to get called out by the general crowd.
Same. They're way better than we were on average.

I'm not sure if fascists have to be dressing in wool breeches and Sam Browne belts and going "sieg heil heil hitler" all the time for you to realize that yeah, we got fascists now, and quite a lot of them. It's real, it's here and where I am in Europe I see a Skrewdriver t-shirt or white power tattoo more often than I'd like to. Not that fascism needs to look any particular way. Fascism is something people do, not necessarily something that they dress as or say they are. Trump is a fascist, the Republican party is fascist, the American Police are fascist, Putin is fascist, Israel is fascist, the Islamic State is fascist.

I'm sorry you're not allowed to say the N-word at Burger King anymore without somebody calling you out. It must be terrifying for you. You could get cancelled at any moment.

>> No.15584323

Anyone can afford a mass produced appliance nowadays, grandpa. Take your meds. It's that wages have not kept up with the cost of living.

>> No.15584475

>Republican party
>Democrats are the ones stifling speech, removing those that don't agree with them, destroying lives, encouraging eugenics, utilizing low class immigrants as near forced labor, near full control of media and narrative

>> No.15584516

Why is fascism inherently wrong or "bad"?
Just answer the question, don't strawman me.

>> No.15584917

its apparently not since, out the examples he gave, people only care when its regarding orangeman and blue men

>> No.15584989

lord those are some honkers on the goth girl.

>> No.15584995

Zoomers are nicer to each other and they're more skilled in general than we were.

Also, zoomers will be as a whole financially better off than millennials.

When we were born economy crashed, when we went to elementary school economy crashed when we hit middle school dotcom bust when we hit highschool and college recession.

Then mid career we hit covid.

Zoomers started during trump's economy so all they know is fuck this is a lot of money coming in fast.

They don't know the millennial struggle of fighting for a $7/hour job when everyone's houses were foreclosed on

>> No.15585102
File: 177 KB, 750x417, lgbtcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they all look pretty good desu.
Compared to modern day LGBTcore

>> No.15585227

When, oh when, are those low rise/low waist jeans coming back for girls. The mom jean style was embarrassing in the '90s, and even more embarrassing when they duped young girls in the 2010's into thinking they were fashionable and looked good.

>> No.15585231

I think that may be mental illness or some traumatic life changing event she went through. I refuse to believe a pretty woman would do this to herself for the "fashion" or "culture" of it.

>> No.15585263
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I shaved my head when I was deep in trauma man. Makes me think of Britney. There are a lot of women who can legitimately pull off short hair and look great but this is just sad.

>> No.15585301
File: 93 KB, 806x464, from normie to commie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seriously underestimate the traumatic power of the cishet white phallocratic patriarchal power structure, my guy.

>> No.15585429

Don't tell me for a second you wouldn't have dicked the bottom left two so hard

>> No.15585433

she upgraded tho

>> No.15585471

What is personally oppressing you you Americans are such spoiled fucking children

>> No.15585477

They're all white from wealthy families

>> No.15585506

this is what happens when you send 90 IQ bitches to college

>> No.15585577

They SEEM nicer but really they're not. They're all after hoping everyone would like them, after clout etc. They have it too good and know no real struggle, they're also brainwashed. They're fake. Im no expert but it really seems to me they're a breeding ground for a future collapse. The future actually looks dark to me.
I'm not saying this is all facts this is just how it looks to me.

>> No.15585580

Blue men?

>> No.15585591
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>tfw never got to fuck a emo teen
These feels are so strong I might an hero later tonight

>> No.15585596

This, american women aren't people. They're too pampered. No struggle, fake jobs, life is easy. They manufacture drama to feel something real but in reality no stakes.

If a civil war takes off they're going to find out real quick how good life was in a feminist society....get ready to get raped by literally everyone in a civil war....both sides nobody gives a shit

>> No.15585644

Well I don't condone rape, on anyone. But yeah, in war there's always plundering, rape, murder, etc. They keep inciting "revolution" and "change" but they really have it really good.

And I didn't meant woman tho I meant gen z in general, Europe too.

>> No.15585725

>stifiling speech
They just don't want you calling people the N-word at Wendy's anymore. You can do this. I believe in you.

>removing those that don't agree with them
Sorry you got fired from your job at Wendy's for calling people the N-word.

>destroying lives
Just stop calling people the N-word.

>encouraging euginics
No that's the Nazis, you got it confused.

>utilizing low class immigrants as near forced labor
Democrats generally want to nationalize immigrants. You're thinking of "non-political" business owners.

>near full control of media and narrative
Fox News, PragerU, Breibart, tons of right-wing youtube channels. It's not that the right doesn't have a voice, it's that there voice is the voice of an idiot and/or conman so it's mostly filtered out.

>> No.15585729

Something that is wrong or bad involves causing harm. Fascism causes tremendous amounts of harm.

Maybe the cops that are executing us in the street you shining beacon of intellectualism.

Who hurt you?

>> No.15585742

I wish cops killed as many black people as you guys say they do. You make it sound like there are police death squads

>> No.15585756

nobody, but I watched liveleak during the syrian revolution and the media really sanitized the amount of rape going on in warzones...just random women especially white wmen reporters getting raped sometimes by multiple men. sometimes they were dead and getting fucked anyways

>> No.15585759
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 37C228F7-D510-435D-ACC5-F32B82095209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro this is you. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.15585769


sure sure, cops are executing blacks they killed what? 9 nigs last year?

but are blacks executing whites when blacks killed thousands of whites last year? (way more than any other ethnic combo btw) noooo, that's raciss and crazy

stupid lib

>> No.15585772

Its natural to hate niggers

>> No.15585776

I will simp hannahminx forever. I hope she's not dead.

>> No.15585786

Indiefag/Candy Raver/Ghetto black booty chick gf pls

>> No.15585890


>> No.15585971

Oh ok, I guess I should wait for the officially organized death squads before complaining. Until then I guess we should just stay inside and masturbate. Or! Or! We could resist fascism instead of just wage slave, food, pornography, sleep, repeat.

>> No.15585976

Resist the fascists.
All 12 of them.

>> No.15586336

Nobody is getting executed, you’ve never seen a real abuse of police power in the states.