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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.35 MB, 1919x1672, 20200916_003939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15569180 No.15569180 [Reply] [Original]

Why girls in their most fertile and attractive age prefer left than "bloatlord" Grizzly type on the right?

Evolutionary it does not make sense to be attracted one on the left instead of right

Look, in the nature the alpha male is on the right. Are women so fucking filled with these birth control pills and chemicals that naturally strong people like Gyriakos do not turn them on anymore?
in traditional society it would be no contest, all the women would choose right

Why designers and fashion in general always prefer these twinks but almost no bulky hipsters? Why no media pushes manly image nowday?

>> No.15569184

But they don't, the fashion industry is controlled by gay men (see pedophiles), that's why models are turbotwinks

>> No.15569187

As a gay man who loves bears, I say the more attractive man of the two is on the left. Right-Man is a little too bloated looking and is lacking a visible neck. Left-Man has an attractive face, and has good hair and clothes styling.

>> No.15569192
File: 43 KB, 1180x637, drago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drago is ideal

>> No.15569202
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Imagine coping this hard

>> No.15569204

No he isn't

>> No.15569216
File: 116 KB, 1050x1575, img-295c3922ecc810d78065581c6888f3d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because humans have instincts to produce better looking offspring when choose mates. Modern industrial civilization doesn't require too much strength, and Grizzly can't even walk stably. Left is objectively superior aesthetically, so it makes sense evolutionary. Also the twink is from blindness ss19 from reverse search, pretty British boy.

>> No.15569226

>it's evolutionary beneficial to be with someone who will die in their early 40's
Grizzly is not healthy man.

>> No.15569233

because we're past functioning purely on base instincts you massive sperg.

>> No.15569245


>> No.15569249

Gymcels still thinking they have a chance if they become intimidating

>> No.15569370
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>Evolutionary it does not make sense to be attracted one on the left instead of right
It makes all evolutionary sense. If sexual selection differed so much between men and women, human evolution wouldn't have gotten anywhere, since there would be no consensus about which traits should be passed on, and if there's one trait we've definitely agreed upon was neoteny, also known as the retention of childlike features in the adult. There's a reason why we've been called the neotenous clan of apes.

>> No.15569374

I forgot the source: http://www.davidbrin.com/nonfiction/neoteny1.html

>> No.15569406

what's model on left's name?

>> No.15569407

Mostly true, except that our instincts haven't even adapted to an agricultural lifestyle, let alone the modern industrial civilization, so neither should have any bearing on what we find attractive.

>> No.15569411

people have the ability to be attracted to anything because their desire is mediated through ideas

secondly, naturally our species selects for both extremes of sexual dimorphism

>> No.15569417

because us girls don't like old-looking men, I'd rather get someone around my age, otherwise it's gross.

Do you know how weird it would be to get on with a 30 year old (especially the one on the right). It's just...off.

>> No.15569427
File: 792 KB, 1414x2048, ron-perlman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>secondly, naturally our species selects for both extremes of sexual dimorphism
By that logic Ron Perlman is the hottest man alive.

>> No.15569450

Fist of all, he looks like a neanderthal, and I would argue that can't be classified as an "extreme of masculinity"
Secondly, he is

>> No.15569452

The real irony of this post is that bloatlord is gay and only into other massive masc dudes

>> No.15569472

Most likely becuase left one is human and the right one is a landwhale

>> No.15569569

Does everyone here think evolutionary theory hasn't changed since darwin or?....

>> No.15569587

nobody in nature would look like the fat unhealthy bloatmaxxed fuck on the right, same goes for all bodybuilders, humans never survived by being "strong" in nature and we only ever contended with big predator animals by using our intelligence (making weapons, working cohesively, etc)

the guy on the left clearly has far better more aristocratic genetics than the guy on the right, you can tell this literally just by looking at his face

>> No.15569597

I mean that both extremes (androgyny and alpha) can be attractive, doesn't mean that they are the basis for attraction.

>> No.15570224

sapiens sapiens is a cunning long distance runner
not some lifting meat head

>> No.15570235

right looks like the walmart version of Juggernaut from XMEN

>> No.15570272

Being strong tends to make you healthy, but being fat also tends to make you unhealthy.

>> No.15570276

The guy on the right looks like he is 3 minutes away from a heartattack. How dafuq is this an alpha

>> No.15570314

strength isn't needed in industrial spciety and objectively being good looking gives you more chance at life than being strong, I also doubt grizzly lives past 60

>> No.15570446

Idk man my GF is 19 and prefers men to be bigger rather than twinks. She finds twinks repulsive. She doesn't want me to cut down to low bodyfat because she thinks it look really gay.

>> No.15570464

It's ok to talk to yourself just don't answer yourself

>> No.15570466
File: 63 KB, 775x581, 5fefa90eea6e367635295b9b8ad5b76b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep coping

>> No.15570521

>female traits mattering for sexual selection

>> No.15570544

Buzzwords doesn't change the fact that meme Neanderthal look is not evolutionary trend

>> No.15570679

Evolutionary psychology is 100% quack. You incels trying to analyze and quantity attraction are doomed. You can't even make friends what makes you think you can understand this?

>> No.15570701

I wanna lick every crevice of that man and make him twitch in bliss, slurp his nips and give him a hands-free cumgasm

>> No.15570709

left twink is too beautiful to touch
right whale is great for sweaty group sex

>> No.15570735

anyone else think this is him or some stalker anon? You have been posting pictures of him on the left and making threads for months now, kinda annoying and weird but those face magnets are cool.

>> No.15570787

would lloovve to see that trunk mail the whale in the ass

>> No.15570797
File: 22 KB, 480x482, 54525270_10155930577336373_744722701783924736_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cousin literally morphing into bloatlord and dragging his kid along with him it's fucked i dont know why he wont just fucking go for a run

>> No.15570800 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 480x472, 74341184_10156468767416373_4534964459273191424_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me that's not child abuse

>> No.15570859

/fit/ is a disease

>> No.15570934
File: 85 KB, 733x944, Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In part, I blame kpop.

But seriously, there has always been a good segment of women into aesthetic, dandyish pretty boys. Lord Byron and Casanova swam in puss, and they were hardly the epitome of giant, burly body builders.

And they were from a more traditional society than now, to boot.

As for designs and designers, part of it has to do with many of them being Gay. Part of it comes from the fact that perhaps they are easier to mold clothes onto that bloatlords.

>> No.15570990

shut up fatty

>> No.15571073

Fashion designers are pedophiles (see: gosha etc) and women are inherently gay for following suit

>> No.15571077

however, lifting and pretty mogs running and pretty

>> No.15571079

gosha x legoshi

>> No.15571090

best ship

>> No.15571195

because human evolution wasn't driven by strength you fat fuck

>> No.15571199

You think the guy on the right is 30? Have you ever met a 30 year old?

>> No.15571231


I'm skinnyfat, thank you very much.

>> No.15571251

Damn lotta retarded evolutionary psych in here, read Freud you gay nerds

>> No.15571263

Women like beautiful men, masculine powerful (ugly) ones would rape their way to reproduction, which was simply a different sort of natural selection.

Perhaps worth noting that dimorphism decreases among the upper social strata; masculine men tend to be low class and most voluptuous women are lower class/poor as well.

>> No.15571326

based furryshipper

>> No.15571343
File: 34 KB, 402x600, 51khDQCZLsL._AC_UL600_SR402,600_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loads of bullshit
Masculinity is not ugly, youre just gay

>> No.15571420

well most gays are attracted to masculinity so...

>> No.15571424

how do i make my hair like this

>> No.15571426

Then why are homos twink sticks

>> No.15571428

>is not evolutionary trend
traits that show the bodys ability to deal with high test and dht in prenatal and puberty are evolution you dumb kpop nigger

>> No.15571452

Go to /hm/, most posts are about masculine men.

>> No.15571463

>masculine men tend to be low class and most voluptuous women are lower class/poor as well

Why do you think this is? Something to do with rejecting the base animalistic tendencies in upper class circles? Also read that low class guys like bigger breasts while upper class guys like smaller breasts.

>> No.15571470

Freud old hat. Psychology has evolved since then

>> No.15571473

No no, speaking as a gay man we love masculinity because we love dick

>> No.15571475

Because big curves(huge butts and breasts) are unaesthetic but invoke your primordial instincts. Same goes for high fat masculine body

>> No.15571477

You do realize that the only market for twinks is disgusting old men who they are also attracted to because they have unresolved feelings of wanting to get fucked by their fathers

Masc4masc is the true god tier

>> No.15571512

Is he not in his 40s or 50s?

>> No.15571543

The upper class do many things solely to set themselves apart from the lower classes. Dont take it as propf for anything .

>> No.15571555
File: 109 KB, 708x917, CEFCB84A-D01D-404C-87B1-07ABCB010256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't post flat faced recessed "pretty"boys

>> No.15571563
File: 1.80 MB, 245x304, D2527340-B74A-48B0-B449-FFF1994C3B0B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker gets it

>> No.15571579
File: 17 KB, 480x464, sei_53525312-c25b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women loves men around their age but it goes the other way for men

>> No.15571581
File: 18 KB, 480x447, sei_53525307-cccd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15571582

Stay sad faggot

>> No.15571584

That graph shows young women all prefer a man that’s a little older than them

>> No.15571589

This graph doesn't show age below 20

>> No.15571592

Is a 20 year old woman an old woman?

>> No.15571610
File: 721 KB, 532x665, 1595957369837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger what the fuck are you talking about your face doesn't keep growing into your 50s rofl
boneless faggot twink keeps trying to delude himself so he doesn't rope

>> No.15571617

females are objectively most attractive in their late teens to midtwenties

>> No.15571621

Are you a pedophile

>> No.15571639
File: 53 KB, 936x560, 1583044006818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

age of consent in most place of world is 16 and lower. And men are beasts

>> No.15571647

Well, that doesn’t answer if you’re a pedophile or not

>> No.15571657

Shut up teliophile

>> No.15571664

I am not. And you don't know the definition of pedophile. Keep coping that young girls love pretty young boys.

>> No.15571674
File: 670 KB, 901x638, 1599944348648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashion needs more body positivity then they will hiring more masculine men than skeleton twinks

>> No.15571677

Children usually are attracted to other children

Looks to me young women prefer men that are older than them

>> No.15571679

Yes like 3 years older

>> No.15571681


>> No.15571705

>How do I make my hair like this
Be a degenerate

>> No.15571724

Ok still look better than buzzcut

>> No.15571730

I think young girls are attracted to a lot of shit honestly

>> No.15571735 [DELETED] 

I would slap your head I you have a buzz cut

>> No.15571737

I would slap your head if you had a buzz cut

>> No.15571793

Because most people have brain to choose healthier mates

>> No.15571800
File: 109 KB, 1080x1080, 49554399_596821424076370_3732865413367042640_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure that powerlifters are actually that functional. Pic rel is a mid-tier MMA fighter. He should probably have a bit more body fat for peak real world function, but I believe he would blow both of these out of the water when it comes to attracting females based on looks alone.

However, women are attracted to power and are prone to group think, so being a "model" will boost your attractiveness, just like wearing a wedding ring will.

>> No.15571803

heroin gaunt low t high e heidi models aren't healthy mates rofl

>> No.15571875
File: 463 KB, 640x360, 1600146906460.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heathier than high BIM powerlifter who will not live past 50

>> No.15571893


>> No.15571896
File: 354 KB, 2003x2137, 0432b3e233081e3f583a6ef53ed51670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this little retard
is the one saying that heroin gaunt low t high e heidi models are ideal
neither the losers in the op are ideal

>> No.15571932

Lmao I am answering OP's question why they will choose left over right.

>> No.15571940

>this little retard
I only posted this one: >>15569370
>neither the losers in the op are ideal
Then explain to me why we humans have become more and more pedomorphic as we evolved. If your pic is the ideal, why have we gotten further away from that ideal?

>> No.15571955

lifestyle you absolute retard, look at domesticated foxes
nobody values recession or deformity
i can't believe you actually think heidi trannys are better looking than the pics i've posted
legit mentally ill

>> No.15571963

>"tranny" is young people I don't like. The younger more trannier it is

>> No.15571969

you literally have no idea what you're talking about
universal beauty is fact and it includes sexual dimorphism and grow facial bones
recessed high estrogen rail thin twinks aren't the genetic disposition for human male mates

>> No.15571989

And how could we have created that lifestyle without childlike, flexible brains that were crucial to the acquisition of language and learned (as opposed to inherited) behavior? By the time we took on that lifestyle we had long taken the pedomorphic path.

>> No.15572003

>i can't believe you actually think heidi trannys are better looking than the pics i've posted
Neither looks good to me, OP used the worst examples possible. I'd say Timothée Chalamet and young Leo DiCaprio are good examples of ideals that mog both the Heidi tranny and your caveman.

>> No.15572019

that man has tits

>> No.15572424

Wasn't gosha not?
I thought he just had fucked english and it seemed like he was asking a model for nudes when he was trying to get example shots

>> No.15572461


>> No.15572546
File: 33 KB, 500x333, tumblr_d5c5990e3cedb5e4956961711e0958d9_9d0c16cc_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15572589

Shitty women test you by encouraging you to become weak and lazy so they can leave you and find the next stud

>> No.15572604

Ah, a woman worth breeding

Hold onto that one, don’t let yourself fall below her physical standards

>> No.15572690


>> No.15572811
File: 337 KB, 1080x617, 20200917_102618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15572964


>> No.15572982

>anecdotal story from single angry roasie who is mad men will meet their prime when she's on the dumpster so goes for the whole eww creepy line

Yeah, breh. You schooled us. Moron.

>> No.15572989

right is infertile because of extensive steroid use

>> No.15572993

this guy has ED because of cigarette smoking

>> No.15573019
File: 311 KB, 1080x589, 20200917_114642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15573023

right has too much estrogen

>> No.15573030

You're fat.

>> No.15573119


>> No.15573126


>> No.15573312

Yes why would you pick up mild, polite, sensitive, gracile, nymphic pretty boys with good fashion taste of your same age group as model and mate than low-class aggressive gorillas who are going to rape and abuse you? Women and designers are so dumb! Birthpills and Jewish influence in art!

>> No.15573465

op, you can't generalise like this: privileged girls will choose left, working class will settle with right.
Why is left the choice for well schooled girls?
From an evolutionary standpoint, they know they may have more chances to produce a nice looking offspring, which is a prerequisite for entering or staying the higher social circles; in case they're hedonists they probably don't care about any offspring at all as they embrace decadence.
Left is viable for a strong offspring,but why would you need that? To do physical labour? To be able to self defense bcs you live in a shitty place? There's nothing wrong with both, it all depends on the girl aspirations.

>> No.15573477

hot higher social position
ugly lower pleb workfag
got it

>> No.15573524


>> No.15573665

Fatness can never be effay no matter how hard some people cope as body positivity

>> No.15573676

Have you ever set foot in a country club? Lmao you do not have to be physically attractive to be in high social circles. You have to have money.

>> No.15574006

imagine being this delusional

>> No.15574044

Nothing about the guy on the left says strong offspring. They like guys like left because of modern media because all the boys in music videos and tv shows look like effeminate twinks.

>> No.15574214

Beauty gives you lots of advantages in society. Kids of the guy on the left are far more likely to have life on easy mode.

>> No.15574252

Left literally looks like a girl that's only "beautiful" if youre a homosexual. Women like men. Brode shouldered and tall and masculine men.only girls who like left are like 14 and it's because it's what they see in music videos

>> No.15574265

The point of OP is young girls in their prime love this type of men. I don't think there's anything wrong here. Consider the eboy trend etc. Even stupid meme from 4chan like femboys get a lot of attention

>> No.15574270

apes find apes appealing. humans desire the left

>> No.15574275

That's just you cause you're gay. Im a human and dont desire left because he looks weak and stupid

>> No.15574281

also, see>>15569216

>> No.15574290
File: 57 KB, 1072x589, idp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hernan Dragó is the role model for the body
Ivan de Pineda for the mind

>> No.15574291

Girls like tall, broad shouldered, muscled, masculine men. That's what they find beautiful. Fag on the left has none of those traits

>> No.15574292

Evolutionary psychology can just be called common sense.

OP is an incel and his logic is flawed, he derailed when instead of trying to find out why women prefer a certain trait, he deduced that they aren't selecting fit traits.

Go easy on the copium OP

>> No.15574293

I don't let her feed me and shit. I don't let her really influence me.
She's really something
Dude I'm literally a guy

>> No.15574296

You say that to pretty zoomers who gained millions hit on tiktok

>> No.15574311

But they aren't reproducing with them

>> No.15574316

zoomer eboys with skinny body and messy hair

>> No.15574353

Wrong. I like man who is sympathetic and emotional. Who isn't toxic and treat me like equal. Who cares about his appearance and clothing. When will you incels understand that women are not monolithic group, and over-masculine young guys are not the trend, becuase when I see man like that I feel threatened. He has ability to abuse me more than protection.

>> No.15574399

No woman who isn't desperate desire bloatlord

>> No.15574402

Well that’s because you’re an idiot and you’re insecure

>> No.15574452

Yes but I don't need protection of an arrogant man like you.

>> No.15574453

Why would I even want to associate with some sanctimonious child

>> No.15574470

Cope. No girls I know are dating men 5 years older than them.

>> No.15574473

There’s your problem, you’re talking about girls, I’m talking about women

>> No.15574477

There used to be a lot more rape. Since that has gone down, the super rapist phenotype has gone out of fashion amongst women.

>> No.15574487

gay men love the hypermasculine rapist and type tho

>> No.15574499

You mean 30+ roasties?

>> No.15574505

women 24+ usually have their priorities in line and are more mature and looking for a capable partner

>> No.15574603

This thread is such a trainwreck

>> No.15574605

This whole board is a fucking trainwreck

>> No.15574606

I know I do. the best kind of sex is consensual rape

>> No.15574628

haha holy shit this is cringe can mods ban these sexless nerds from posting here its so gross dont forget ur taobao fedora and reddit login on the way out

>> No.15574667


>> No.15574676
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>> No.15574702

symmetry, like female beauty studies
Marquardt has studied male beauty by computer, there's a template and it isn't fat.

>> No.15574728

It's all about face

>> No.15574758

wise man

>> No.15574841


>> No.15574976

I have a fiancé you pathetic fucking nobody

>> No.15575007

forget him, i'll associate with you

>> No.15575325

>Have you ever set foot in a country club?
We're talking offspring opportunities from an evolutionary perspective, not already rich old boomers anon.
>Nothing about the guy on the left says strong offspring
Did you read the post anon?
The word you're looking for is perhaps "adapt",rather than "strong", physical strength is only valuable in certain circumstances, handsomeness, grace and elegance is more valuable in others.
>Left literally looks like a girl
No he doesn't, meanwhile right has just one skill consisting in lifting heavy objects, which only male /fit fags find fascinating

>> No.15575328

If you don’t have physical strength someone who won’t put up with your bullshit will just beat the shit out of you, you need at least some capacity to protect yourself

>> No.15575417
File: 486 KB, 770x1000, bl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some capacity to protect yourself
Sure, and the people you love too, but you don't need to bloatmaxx for that.
The guy on the right is just someone you don't want to fuck with from the very start, I do understand the fascination, it's like driving an huge truck 24h, "would you rather be a mountain or get fit and learn how to fight?"
Personally I've always been on the bulky side all my life, it's true that was very rare for someone to want to pick a fight with me -although it did happen now and then- but I counld't but notice that the skinny / slim / fitt-ish guys would pick all of the pussy, and I'll tell you what: the guy on the left needs doing nothing, pussy will come at him, sad as it sounds that's the truth, I've seen it many, many times.

>> No.15575490

Well I’m not denying the guy in the right is a kind of an ogre who only has a certain demographic he’s attractive too, I’m just talking about the utility of self-defense. Slimmer will always be more sexual attractive to women, but you should also be strong enough to fight if you have to, in my opinion.

>> No.15575575
File: 430 KB, 616x412, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m just talking about the utility of self-defense.
Absolutely, since this is /fa I'll tell you this personal anecdote which would be blasphemy on /fit.
I've been going to a swimning pool since two years+, one hour a day 6 times a week; before the lockdown I used to eat meat regularly, then I noticed to my horror that I started having difficulties to shove my arms into shirts and jackets, because I gained mass on my arms.
Since the lockdown -I live in Italy, the first western country to enforce it- the pool closed for three months plus one needed to print and carry a piece of paper just to get out of his house, I started shopping for food once a week/10 days, and I dropped the meat completely since I stayed home all the time.
I realized after 2 weeks already that all the 'new' strength in my arms was gone, so I decided it was the ideal time for a cut, which I did.
Since mid May the lockdown was lifted, the pool reopened and I added 4/5 bike rides a week just bsc I was so sick of staying shut it. I kept the meat consumption very low, and since December I've lost almost 20 kg, I can now wear clothes that stayed in my closet for YEARS.
That's to say I'd absolutely cut / slim down rather than acquiring mass, on the self defense bit it also depends where you live, I noticed in the anglo world there's a lot of punching, while where I live that's pretty rare, fights are most often takes and holds for some reason; in order to avoid being embarassed you'll just need to be strong in the pic related area.
But as I said I've got already a rather large frame, if that wasn't the case maybe I'll be on the bulk wagon myself.

>> No.15575735

>but I counld't but notice that the skinny / slim / fitt-ish guys would pick all of the pussy, and I'll tell you what: the guy on the left needs doing nothing, pussy will come at him, sad as it sounds that's the truth, I've seen it many, many times.

This is true, my friend who's basically ottermode does amazing with women, it's pretty much the ideal for them

>> No.15575845

Still gross :/

>> No.15575859


Because the man on the right isn't actually healthy, just incredibly strong

>> No.15575862

Just call it what it is:
Morbidly obese

>> No.15575871

The people defending the pos on the right and obese themselves.

>> No.15575945

That true but 30 year olds don’t actually look that shitty, at least the ones I’ve met

>> No.15576006

Because fashion is unironically for faggots. You can't be 100%hetero and effay at the same time

>> No.15576172

This ironically

>> No.15576181

Fuckin incel Jesus

>> No.15576564


>> No.15576643

>ITT Retards trying to figure out what a vague idea of women like.

>> No.15576745

it's depressing to watch

>> No.15576776


>> No.15576803

I’d marry left but would let right fuck my brains out

>> No.15577363

You will never be a woman

>> No.15577504
File: 58 KB, 740x464, 20200909_220637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because social power > physical power

>> No.15577636

left guy has a higher status in society than guy on the right, that's all there is to it, that's how women's mind work

>> No.15577860

Truth hurts you closeted twinks the most

>> No.15577873

I’m in better shape than you, I have more sex than you, you’re a fucking incel

>> No.15577874

Foucault is trash

>> No.15577881
File: 41 KB, 486x330, projecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m in better shape than you
No you're not
>I have more sex than you
Yeah, with men
>you’re a fucking incel
pic related

>> No.15577882

yes I am, guaranteed you’re some pathetic bald loser

>> No.15577886

So in addition of being a bottom twink, you're balding as well and deeply insecure about it?

>> No.15577887

Post hairline

>> No.15578499

Prove it

>> No.15578502

not bald>bald

>> No.15578909


>> No.15579107


>> No.15579339

Because most costumers are not fatass like right and the hipsters interested in fashion usually have the body of left

>> No.15580607

seek help

>> No.15580648

>Evolutionary it does not make sense to be attracted one on the left instead of right

it's almost as if humans have become so complex that we contradict biological logic!!!

>> No.15580707
File: 1.27 MB, 530x1100, PastPrimeHags.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Asking women what they like is a complete waste of time. They also say confidence and personaltiy matters, but how they act behind closed doors is completely different.

>> No.15580715

Based Foucault poster

>> No.15580745

lmfao that pic so based

>> No.15580775

Honestly, it's because the guy on the right looks like a big baby.

>> No.15580781

Human beings walked a lot until like a hundred years ago. Nobody over 170lbs is evolutionary fit

>> No.15580967
File: 213 KB, 1000x611, Eggless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15581104


>> No.15581156

maybe because evo-psych is a complete bundle of horseshit and attractive traits are determined socially, culturally and through personal (in)experience. please take stefan molyneux's dick out of your ass

>> No.15581389

based radfem anon?

>> No.15582314


>> No.15582480
File: 547 KB, 1154x1672, 1600242758260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15582952

oh no he didn't

>> No.15583022

Guy on the left is handsome. Guy on the right looks like a troll.
These are just photos, though, and lack real world context. If the the guy on the right were to pull off some incredible feat and the guy on the left behaved like a coward, fertile women would go for the former.

>> No.15583175

I personally like twinks because I´m bi, but - weirdly enough - find anything masculine to be sexually unattractive.

That being said, I only know a single woman who´s into twinks, I don´t know where you get the idea from that they all like them.

>> No.15584789


>> No.15584817

You’re a lesbian then

>> No.15586128

yeah, the alpha myth is a lie lol, that´s why i don´t want to get ripped, i look good being thin

>> No.15586152

>Why designers and fashion in general always prefer these twinks but almost no bulky hipsters? Why no media pushes manly image nowday?
If you design or sew clothes it's easier to make clothing without accounting for any curvatures of the body that's why even most high end female models are stick thin without any real definition because it's just easier to copy and paste a prerendered pattern and apply it to like 50 different men and women with the same body type instead of custom making one because they have a bigger bicep, hip, or chest.

Just based on the demands of the fashion world, the speed of how quickly trends run, and how fast sometimes designers want to apply their "concepts" into real world application especially with the advent of the internet and less formal fashion shows coming around on seasons anymore. Most designers have a collection of ALREADY premade patterns that they typically adjust accordingly for new designs or ideas, but making a pattern for a specific body type takes months in itself plus adding whatever the designer would want to add on top of that design would add more unnecessary time. (Think about tailors and how "fast" usually it takes for a custom suit to be made). Most of the actual proportions aren't even created at the very beginning, but are accounted for later when the design goes into full production and is worked together with a patternmaker to adjust accordingly for the different potential sizes (which most patternmakers would have software to just add onto the original design itself so it can't account for all body shapes in itself as well)

I'm laughing at all of the people with their tin foil hats on thinking there's some sort of agenda being pressed but don't even know how a garment is even created or even the industry as a whole.

>> No.15586672

>That being said, I only know a single woman who´s into twinks, I don´t know where you get the idea from that they all like them.

I think it's because a lot of e-girls and artsier women like thinner, more feminine men

>> No.15588544

>evolutionary instincts
Shut the fuck up

>> No.15588548

You are gay

>> No.15588551

Thats because your gay

>> No.15588562

Stop thinking that testosterone matters

>> No.15588571

women are basically lesbian.
the only reason alpha male genes have persisted is due solely to rape.

>> No.15588761

Are you a creationist or something?