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File: 48 KB, 500x697, c8b85dcb19dc153ba3af8c4919fc4f9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15566322 No.15566322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You can buy all the clothes in the world but NOTHING can beat a fit body

>> No.15566474


>> No.15566475

how to cop?

>> No.15566477

that's why i've been LIFTING HARD, BROSEPH. YEAAAAAAH!!!

>> No.15566479
File: 281 KB, 729x713, 2CABC333-C304-45C2-8C29-26DFC40A2C97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fit body.

>> No.15566574

thats true, but i hate eating so i can train as hard as i want ill never get a good body

>> No.15566671

>You can buy all the clothes in the world
anon that is not even close to true!!

>> No.15566812

A fit body is great but it doesn't matter if your clothes look like shit. Poorly fitting clothes look bad on anyone.

>> No.15566823

That's why I lift. Sage
excuses excuses

>> No.15566837

i can do 13 pull ups at
180 lbs and my body still looks like shit
i can also do like 17 dips
all full range of motion how many do i have to do

>> No.15566903

that's nothing

>> No.15566966

What else do you do and what is your diet like?

>> No.15566967

>t. chippendales dancer

>> No.15566971
File: 169 KB, 960x904, roids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can do 13 pull ups at

Lol that's not a lot. The real problem is, you've been sold a lie. Even with dedicated work you will not look huge and ripped. Everyone you see online, IG etc. are on juice. It's as simple as that.

You're looking at 6'2" 195lbs with bodyfat in the 12% range to look good and meet a max natty potential and you're going to do a lot more work than 13 pulls up at a time for that...

>> No.15566977

stfu cecil, you're a dyel.

>> No.15566980

I could do 100 pull ups in the military and know tons about sports science. Walk on by.

>> No.15566986

post body

>> No.15566994

bottom right is natural after pump, no way he walks around like that all year

>> No.15566996

how many do i have to do to be ripped
i do australian pull ups and push ups as well

>> No.15566999
File: 652 KB, 493x624, stay mad incels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I am 41 now so obviously not the same as 25. You can't even have entry to Recon if you're over 200lbs and that's at 6ft tall because weights over that are not natural without juice. You've grown up watching shit on tv with juice heads and believe them all to be natural.

Pic related me.

>> No.15567001

lookin good Cecil!

>> No.15567004

Yeah agree that's even with a pump so his arms likely drop almost an inch when cold. The whole concept of what natural is is totally wrong to most people who see all these "natural" guys online and it's all fake. Muscle is very expensive for the body to keep so that only happens with certain help.. Meanwhile everyone fails because they don;t end up with the big body and get depressed and to compete they turn to juice and the cycle continues.

>> No.15567006

Thanks! :o)

>> No.15567007

thanks cecil

>> No.15567014

>over 200
>not natural
fucking retarded

>> No.15567019

It's extremely unusual to be 6ft+ and weigh 200lbs+ with low bodyfat and be natty. But here, let a teenager online tell me otherwise. You get rejected form force recon for surpassing that weight so stfu.

Arnold at 6'2" with a 56 inch fucking chest only weighed 235lbgs.

Stop watching too many movies or wrestling, kid.

Ryan Gosling in crazy stupid love in which his body is admired is 6'1" 175lbs. Another 25lbs of muscle and he would have been fucking shredded huge.

Post a pic of yourself lol..

>> No.15567029

Did this motherfucker seriously get ab implants???Nice trips btw

>> No.15567030
File: 69 KB, 749x919, 6ft 200lbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 6ft 200lbs.


Meanwhile it's some scrawny teen boy or an obese fat ass replying.

>> No.15567031
File: 471 KB, 1618x2271, IMG_20200916_001634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'11" 210
never touched roids in my life
For a guy who claims to know a lot about 'sport science' you sure are dumb

>> No.15567036

another schizo

>> No.15567037
File: 211 KB, 1125x2436, julian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 16 years of dedicated bodybuilding and the outcome is 200lbs at 6ft.

But hurr durr a 19 year old can be natty 240lbs at 6ft within 6 months durr.

This is why the minute these people talk in that way, ignore them. They are not educated on what they're talking about. They have watched too many movies.

>> No.15567041

That's fat dumbass! These ripped guys would be 250lbs if that had that fat percentage

You think you look like this?



>> No.15567047
File: 44 KB, 780x520, goose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the body people fawn about here, 6'1" 175lbs. If you added 30lbs of MUSCLE to this he would be jacked as fucking shit, i'e/ it's not possible without juice.

>> No.15567054

>You can't even have entry to Recon if you're over 200lbs and that's at 6ft tall because weights over that are not natural without juice.
>weights over that are not natural without juice
Admit that you were wrong in making that statement. You won't, but you were
Nowhere did I claim that I look like Julian the gearhead. I claim that it is entirely possible to be over 200 and natty at 6'0 or under, and it is.

>> No.15567055

>Marines and must meet entry physical requirements demanded by the Corps, including weight-to-height standards. For example, a man who stands 6 feet tall can weight no more than 202 pounds and no less than 140 pounds.

So you would be rejected for being too fat because the height to weight ratio means either one of 2 things. You're carrying too much fat or you're on juice.

>> No.15567059

Make a thread about this over on /fit/. You clearly have a lot to teach everyone there.

>> No.15567060

>I claim that it is entirely possible to be over 200 and natty at 6'0 or under, and it is.

Of course with fat you fucking knuckle head. You are making the argument natural people can't be over 200lbs at 6ft hahahha wtf.

I am talking about muscular people with low bodyfat. 200lbs plus at 6ft natty is almost unheard of.

So when you see a guy at 210lbs and super ripped, he's not natty!

>> No.15567061

>waahhh i got schooled
>i am going to cry about it

Just be a man and admit you're wrong.

>> No.15567063
File: 41 KB, 850x400, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, /fit/
please go read some Rick Owens interviews or something before you come here to shitpost

>> No.15567069

why would I piss all my money away on gym membership, whey and healthy food when I could spend it on clothes?

>> No.15567070

>You can't even have entry to Recon if you're over 200lbs and that's at 6ft tall because weights over that are not natural without juice.

uhh what

>> No.15567071

Isn't it self explanatory?

>> No.15567079

There are dozens of dudes in ranger batt that surpass this. i've met former recon that are like 5'7 and 200.

>> No.15567091
File: 35 KB, 500x782, charles atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles Atlas. Seen as the ideal male body which all young boys aimed for. 5'10" 182lbs.

Yet people think now as by magic we have genetically morphed into a species that can pack on masses of muscle and be over 200lbs natty. The only thing that has changed is the usage of fucking drugs.

Then you see juice users all over, tv, online and it becomes the norm when it's all fake.

People here should aim to workout within natty limits and know if they're average height and 175lbs they look good and have achieved, not feel bad because these threads told them it was possible to be 240lbs fucking ripped by eating tuna..

>> No.15567096

You mean fat and old? You mean not on active duty? 5'7" and 200lbs plus is fat. Period. No way around it.

>> No.15567099

>the average height and weight of an Army Ranger are 69 inches and 174 pounds.


>> No.15567102

I like how you googled that you pog fuck.

>> No.15567105

And? Does that make it true? How would I know, I never served as an army ranger. I proved your bullshit wrong though.

>> No.15567111

make it not true**

>> No.15567116

that says average retard

do you think this is star wars or something

there are little asian rangers that weigh 138 pounds. there are enormous rangers that are 6'4 240

>> No.15567117

I spent 15 years in the military. You were in fucking diapers when I joined. Please feed me more bullshit you learned from the movies.

>> No.15567121

It means most people fall slightly below or above. Please learn what average means. 6'4" 240lbs would disqualify you for entry please stfu. You're a teenager.

>> No.15567125

you spent 15 years in and this is your perspective? were you a fucking cook or something lmao

>> No.15567134

Uhh no? I served in the United States Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance. I served in Iraq among other places.

>> No.15567144
File: 72 KB, 550x680, recon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>even though every pic of them shows guys roughly 5'8" or so and 160-170lbs

Nooo Cecil stfu!! They are all action men with bulging muscles and that's all natty!!

>> No.15567147

the armys elite units do not bar applications based off height/weight besides the normal height/weight regs that apply anywhere. if you pass in a line unit, you will pass for SFAS/rasp etc. if youre such a billy badass, post dd214

>> No.15567155

>legit thinks you can be 5'6" 500lbs...

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll show everything in person if anyone wants to meet for a beer.

The regs are there on the official sites but no, you're right..

I spent one time like 9 days in a fucking hole, 500 calories per day, little water.. do you think some 250lbs 6'5" guy is going to do that? It's useless and expensive. You're so clueless.

There is nothing like being a huge guy that shows you're not local and puts a target on your head. This isn't a Stallone movie, kid.

>> No.15567163

Bro you were in force recon, that is equivalent to LRS detachments. It's hard and honest work but that is not big boy shit. SMUs personnel run the gamut of weedy wasps to enormous oxen like men that squat 600. It is that way because theyve been given enough leeway to do what they want. You might fool college freshman on here that just want to know what pants will get them good trim but anyone that has been in the military knows you were two NJPs away from picking up butts at the smoke pit. Chill

>> No.15567164
File: 132 KB, 1279x720, imagev1bd265fc2fb4be29549339fc9a520d42a-x62poxrxhczkhuibzq2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's awesome

I served in the SAS.

People think it stands for Special Air Service but it's actually super army soldiers.

>> No.15567169

>It's hard and honest work but that is not big boy shit.

Never said it was.

Big boy shit enough to send me into Africa, but you do you. Anytime you want that beer, hit me up.

I have done training exercises with the SBS. Always found myself on par with them.

>> No.15567178

post video of you doing 13 pullups perfect form from deadhang faggot.

>> No.15567201

oh wow africa

theres niggers there and everything

>> No.15567207

Indeed there are. Flesh eaters.

>> No.15567232
File: 463 KB, 796x796, 1587086177587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct, that's why i work out five days a week
also i want to put my penor in this man

>> No.15567233
File: 1.41 MB, 327x251, metallicspecificarchaeocete-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw natty limit close to Charles Atlas at 5ft10
>Chest: 46.7 in
>Biceps: 16.7 in
>Forearms: 13.4 in
>Neck: 16.3 in
>Thighs: 24.9 in
>Calves: 16.7 in
Yeah baby. I encourage everyone to use this calculator to stop with the excuses and genes bullshit

>> No.15567269

Those are great stats and you should be proud of them. I call out this shit because when people have great stats they will feel down because they have been told 52 inch chests are attainable natty lol.. It doesn't help guys at all. If we all understand what natty is, there will be less use for juice but instead guys shame others, telling them being huge is natty and it just forces more and more juice use. It's a disaster.

>to stop with the excuses and genes bullshit

Guys don't understand the difference between "poor" genes and "good genes" in lifting. It's about 10lbs. But people believe poor genes mean you max out at 150lbs and great genes means 240lbs. It's because everyone they have seen with "great genetics" is on fucking juice again.

The genes excuse is BS and for the lazy.