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/fa/ - Fashion

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15566802 No.15566802 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a Brooke, Vivian, or Sylvia?

OMG. I love wearing sweaters over shirts and procrastinate so much that I'm definitely a Sylvia.

>> No.15566815

what the fuck is this harry potter bullshit

if someone's trying to cosplay an intellectual they're not going to assign themselves a hogwarts house

>> No.15566834

>plays the piano
Sylvia it is

>> No.15566839

Everything about this picture is shit.

>> No.15566841

>Greek Mythology
>Best style
>Debate, actual skill instead of memeshit like muh lists, muh study at cafe, muh vinyl and buttons, muh procrastination, muh lesbian poets, muh coffe XDDD
Sylviafags and Brookefags on suicide watch VIVIANGANG RISE UP

>> No.15566842

>le dark academia

zoomers have really ruined /fa/

>> No.15566878
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holy cringe batman

>> No.15566955

Unironically, what are some good resources for learning about this "style" as a dude? As far as I can tell, its prep/ivy but with muted colors and a lack of of overt/eye catching designs like stripes.
Sure its shit but I can't explain why I like it.

>> No.15566976

You're on the right path, look into prep/ivy, New England, and traditional menswear ("Tailoring" as the style is being called nowadays on the internet) but go for darker, muted colors in interesting patterns like houndstooth, gunclub check, herringbone, glenn check, and textures like tweed, wools, and so on. There's a lot of potential to find good items for this style when thrifting.


>> No.15566987

ITT you realize you are on a board filled with actual children

>> No.15566998

Ah jeez, a lot of that site screams Tumblr. The section at the end that actually lists off some clothing was helpful though.
I'll check out the rest of the stuff you recommended, specifically the textures. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.15567012

>Ah jeez, a lot of that site screams Tumblr.
DA is literally a Tumblr aesthetic.

>> No.15567013

The real question is which one would you most like to hatefuck?

>> No.15567068

Just read The Secret History by Donna Tartt. It’s all in there.

>> No.15567198


>> No.15567202
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Vivian unironically
Also wtf is this instagram shit?

>> No.15567266

Why is everyone choosing Vivian? She doesn't even read poetry!

>> No.15567271

Ahhhh I’m a mix of attributes
I think I’m most likely Sylvia but most attracted to Vivian

>> No.15567277

What is the ENTP outfit. Asking for a friend

>> No.15567278

“what the fuck is this harry potter bullshit”
are you me

>> No.15567346

stopped reading after that Harry "stretched his legs" Potter bullshit

>> No.15567353

Women MUST be dealt with

>> No.15567357
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>> No.15567427

woah, saved, going straight into my shrek folder

>> No.15567582

Not reading the Iliad and odyssey in verse... ngmi

>> No.15567584

omg my two favourite waifus from fate who’s your bias?

>> No.15567668

cringe regardless of being bait or not

>> No.15567709

>Fuck: Vivian
>Kill: Sylvia
>Marry: Brooke
This is the only /fa/ answer. This is what Bateman would do.

>> No.15567720

Dark academia is literally Harry Potter larp, this shouldn't surprise you.

>> No.15568431
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Always gives me Pagemaster vibes desu senpai

>> No.15568613

absolutely based

>> No.15568706

woman were a mistake

>> No.15568871
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Poo poo Sylvia all you want. She has a museum date! AHHHHHH!!!

>> No.15568883

I fucking murder them all because I hate women

>> No.15568897

i wish all 3 would get deported to a middle eastern country. i wonder how quickly their veneer of the noise/drone listening tastemaker and all-around academic would fall apart until they start learning how to cook rice and dry beans for the first time while avoiding prying eyes from the multitudes of thirsty, salivating brown people

>> No.15568970
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x1968, Dark Academia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like >>15567068 said, just read the book. Basically just wear darker trad clothing of high quality if you can. See the attached pic. Don't dress too acoustic, though, unless you can afford the social capital to look out of place as hell among normal people. Usually I wear these greyish-brown flannel wool pants, with a dark blue wool turtleneck, and Canadian army parade boots. Honestly though, dressing this acoustic is only half of the aesthetic. It's more about the lifestyle, much like Trad/Ivy/Prep. Think of this as the LARP spinoff of T/I/P. Get into WASP shit, get into literature, and classical studies. Or don't. The look still fits, given we're in Autumn.

>> No.15569057

Does she assign all her characters Hogwarts houses?

>> No.15569175
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Alexei, Vadim, or Pyortr?

>> No.15569210

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.15569236


>> No.15569315

dangerously based

>> No.15569316

Also it really takes away from the intended aesthetic that all of them have Harry Potter house attached to them

>> No.15569699


OK, Elliot.

>> No.15569788
File: 525 KB, 828x812, ACE7C142-E0C7-4FBA-964C-5CF1337331B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a May, Elle, or Alex???????

>> No.15569800


>> No.15569931

based take

>> No.15569945

>really nice

Really bro? Get this shit out of here

>> No.15569969

Vivian gang, greek mythology is dangerously based

>> No.15570053

>only listens to vinyl
great sign you're dealing with a tryhard, have fun with massive limitation when it comes to orchestral pieces that can't fit in the 25 minutes you get from an LP side
>only reads authors depending on their identity
absolute meme taste, avoid like the plague

>> No.15570057

Vadim all the way, duh.

>> No.15570060
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>> No.15570065

Dark academia is literally just the last remaining tumblrinas larping as smart kids.
Problem is, they have no frame of reference outside of Harry Potter and the Dead Poets Society as to what academia is, or what it means to be an intellectual.

>> No.15570072
File: 35 KB, 480x600, 0F9CFBF2-B6A0-4A7D-A65B-2E800F6BF591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what would happen if you put the academic out of academic

>> No.15570077

fuck tumblr but is modest dress and woolen fabrics really so bad for winter?

>> No.15570078

neither does the academia

>> No.15570080

he is best but personally I happen to be an Alexei

>> No.15570086

go back to instagram

>> No.15570111
File: 6 KB, 215x204, heavy look of confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read the harry potter books as a kid but i dont remember there being a house called slytherpuff

>> No.15570114

that's just fans slowly realizing that the house system is limited and their using it to categorize personnality types is very dumb, so they have to fuse houses to describe themselves, making the system useless in the process

>> No.15570116


>> No.15570127

If it has a retard in it. Yes.

>> No.15570131

the style is just prep/trad with earth tones, gray, and black, it's a good look

I'm saying it's fucked up to call it "academia" and then add in Harry Potter references. If you want to be "academic", put down the children's book.

>> No.15571602

This style is pretty good, but it’s pretty much just a nerdier version of how late 00s/early 10s hipsters used to dress.

I guess it’s a necessary backlash against the abundance of streetwear that dominates current trends

>> No.15571688

this lmfao

>> No.15571732

Loled IRL at this post

>> No.15572900

These are actually very solide fits. I appreciate the effort anon

>> No.15572986

Leftists always find a way to cringe the shit out of me.

>> No.15573222

>Harry Potter
God fucking damn I hate this shit

>> No.15573340

where's my infp girls at

>> No.15573379


i'd fuck brooke
mary vivian
kill sylvia

>> No.15575254

fuck vivian. she likes to debate so she's probably a ballbuster. good for angry fucks
marry brooke because she seems frugal and organized. my intelligence doesn't feel threatened because she's stupid enough to listen to vinyl
kill sylvia because lgbtq++ shit is aids and she probably has already had her puss stretched out through many lesbian fistings

>> No.15575347

Make Dark Academia Academic Again

>> No.15575418

All are sub 115 iq psueds who will throw a tantrum if you call them out on their subpar understanding of the subjects they base their personality around for social signaling
I've dealt with enough of these types in in humanities departments, always bottom of the class buffoons trying to act out a movie character lifestyle

>> No.15575424

Where the fuck did your conception of the Middle East come from? Life there is entirely normal like everywhere else for most of the population. You can literally find larping type girls like in the pic at universities. Kill yourself orientalist brainfried burgerland brainwashed faggot

>> No.15575427
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>> No.15575460

dont do the aquarius like that
collecting buttons?
thrifts all her clothes?
pls Vieo...wtf?

>> No.15577027

Based as fuck.

>> No.15578007


>> No.15578098

Doesn't matter, school them on the topics, then fuck 'em, dipshit.

>> No.15578126

w2c lug sole penny loafer

>> No.15578133

Yuketen makes one for Mr Porter

>> No.15578141

you'll notice this shit if you peruse virtually any western social media that's populated by people that actually believe blm and truly believe that through some kind of magic medical ritual a man can actually become a woman
you'll notice that these people go on and fucking on about fucking harry potter
the answer is so simple: this mediocre children's book is most probably the only book that they've ever actually read, and so they base everything on it and seemingly defer to it in every instance including matters of morality and politics
its like a surrogate bible in this now godless society
if they'd read other books they wouldn't be so easily swayed by all the current bs and wouldn't be using twitter and discord and parroting cnn talking points unquestioningly
I've met girls like this
only thing they ever read were those damn books
what's funny is that their brains right now are all trembling and on the verge of collapse because or rowling's recent rants

>> No.15578150

>t.faggot whose only experience with sandniggerdom is having gone through transit in Dubai's airport
ngmi and thankfully so

>> No.15578411

incel pls

>> No.15578446

elles fit is the best

>> No.15578504

You're right, they also read Handmaid's tale and the cliffnotes of 1984.

>> No.15578792

anon stop. incel posting is cringe.

>> No.15579091

seethe and dilate tranny
you will never pass

>> No.15579309

What brands sell dark academia clothes? Most places I look for don't look dark academia enough.

>> No.15579329

literally just TIP in autumn fabrics/colors

>> No.15579697

Go thrifting for older clothing, or buy autumn colours in your local TIP store.

>> No.15579709

Had a jacket like Alex's. Too small, gave it to a friend.

>> No.15579838

>procrastinates and loves to pretend to study in cafes
i'm sylvia alright

>> No.15580026

jm weston 180
stop this meme, fag