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File: 6 KB, 182x277, B100EA59-29D9-4834-A78D-14D10F1BE943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15541276 No.15541276 [Reply] [Original]

Why do zoomers love this gay ass hairstyle?

>> No.15541278

all zoomer fashion is gay

>> No.15541279

it’s masculine but playful and messy

>> No.15541282

Is it though? Or is it just totally gay?

>> No.15541296

i mean the millennial haircut was just a grown out buzz to the same length but all around
this is way more aesthetic/stylized and short sides are always masculine

>> No.15541317
File: 236 KB, 392x377, venusHair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason they subconsciously mimic vagina hair on top of their heads making their mouths by association the entrance

>> No.15541322

It is gay.

>> No.15541332

you would be fucked if you went to prison with this hairstyle

My guess is they want to look like their favorite rappers (lol)

>> No.15541354

i'd probably let a boy with this haircut suck my dick

>> No.15541356

someone should tell these normies getting their dicks sucked by stacie that their signaling gay bottom!
yes 18 year old slayers really need to learn a thing or two about being attractive to women from bald 40 year old skinheads

>> No.15541454
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>> No.15541460

Great and awesome Chad hairstyle, when you get the jawline and muscles for it.

>> No.15542010
File: 12 KB, 250x246, 5F273233-7C34-42A5-A8F3-33645AD06E01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15542022
File: 47 KB, 750x909, EC1745F0-AA7F-456E-A928-8CEABE5D667F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millennials are literally the next boomers. They spend every minute of their day complaining about what the new generation is doing and how “back in their day”. I was excited that boomers are finally kicking the bucket but guess we have another insufferable generation up next.

>> No.15542041

Looks very french to me

>> No.15542078

makes you look like a mixed race mutt aka trash

>> No.15542090

Makes for a fine bird's nest

>> No.15542147

only people ive seen irl with this cut are actual homosexuals and twinks.

its a style for a generation of increasingly gay individuals

>> No.15542191

I think it's a literal gay thing. You only ever see very effeminate kids doing it.

>> No.15542782

girls love it
t. guy who got left by girlfriend who immediately after started lusting over a guy with that haircut

>> No.15542841

it is gay.

Where I'm from mostly homosexuals have this hairstyle furthermore making people with this hairstyle (heteros) targets to shaking and mugging.

>> No.15542845

Nigger culture influence. Zoomers know nothing but nigger culture.

>> No.15542847

based but I totally agree with you

>> No.15542856

it's a vanity thing it hides a shit hairline and a ugly forehead, it's an awful haircut! the Frenchcrop is preferable for hiding bad genetics.

>> No.15542866

it's very popular here in the UK. Mainly used by shithead 'eboys'

>> No.15542872
File: 72 KB, 800x800, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15542914

millennial haircuts are the undercut, buzzpill, young leo, and grown-out slick back

>> No.15542988

Because one faggot on tik tok said it was cool

They make every decision in their lives based on what someone else says is cool or acceptable

>> No.15543002

stay mad
curly with short sides is the perfect haircut

>> No.15543005

legitimately a complete fucking normie

>> No.15543010

What epic non normie haurcut do you have

>> No.15543279

I have naturally curly hair and I'm quite limited in hair styles. For me it's either this or some unkempt looking jewfro shit.

People who get perms are ruining it for the rest of us.

>> No.15543337

>epic non normie haircut
Top fucking kek you know that anon will never post his hair now

>> No.15543351
File: 30 KB, 480x481, 159D037D-EC98-443E-BAA9-8B6FB6048EC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s the cringe fuckboi hair style.

>> No.15543419

This. With very curly hair my choices are this, jewfro, or try growing it long (which takes a heinous amount of effort and still tools like shit anyway)

>> No.15543485
File: 736 KB, 924x652, Alex-Jones-Bright-Faced-Aryan-Child-Turned-Against-His-Own-People-By-Jewish-Monster-Wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the simp haircut. feminists want gender norms erased so wearing curly hear/being a poodle head is basically saying
>im not afraid to do effeminate things
they would normally be bullied in school for this but we live in an age now where bullying isn't allowed at all and girls expect you to simp for them. so you get this nonsense happening. every guy i knew in school who went down the road of begging for coochie ended up on suicide watch and the girls ended up becoming die hard misandrists who treated men like dogs. even the ones who would be "nice" and claim they loved their male "friends" ended up resenting them in the end when the guy found another girl that liked him or simply grew a spine and stopped simping

>> No.15543631

i've no problem with the hair style but in 10-20 years it'll be looked back on the same way we look back on the 1980s mullet today.

i will say that if this guy had straight hair you wouldn't be making fun of it. curly haired people are victims of something called curly hair shaming. essentially it's a form of racism and i got a guy into a lot of trouble at my work place when he asked why i didnt just strighten my hair. HR took it very seriously once I told them i was jewish and he was being anti semetic

>> No.15543658

nice schizo wall of text

>> No.15543659

people will always be envious of curlchads like us

>> No.15543689

Nah. Mullets live on. This gay eboy hair style will die in a couple of years

>> No.15543825
File: 47 KB, 476x500, C6019C10-C95B-43E4-99ED-E4D20FB21ABA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t have a haircut, I let it grow because I don’t have a pathetic hairline that needs covering up

>> No.15543885 [DELETED] 

Fuck you kike

>> No.15543947

Why the fuck does he make that stupid ass face? It looks like he’s on the brink of drooling

>> No.15543990
File: 820 KB, 558x609, redditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people can't help the way they're born. you must be pretty unhappy with yourself if you're taking it out on others

pic is probably you

>> No.15544268

I was appalled to find out these faggots are getting perms for this shit. I was like hm there sure are a lot of kids with curly hair these days never even dawned on me. Fuckin faggot zoomers.

>> No.15544366

Looks like someone pissed into a bird nest.

>> No.15544399

They wanna be black so bad lel

>> No.15544417

The first blacked generation

>> No.15544693


>> No.15544694


>> No.15544826


>> No.15545066

Looks like absolute garbage. Do these plebs get a perm for this or something?

>> No.15545095

it's not the zoomers per se, it's just the physical byproduct of miscegenation

>> No.15545118

Probably because it makes them look vaguely nonwhite

>> No.15545322

ha ha! eat shit

>> No.15545327
File: 37 KB, 800x450, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15545370
File: 62 KB, 500x500, muttcut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the default haircut for anyone with any Hispanic heritage.

>> No.15545373

wow, you're unhappy in your warped little world aren't you?

>> No.15545375


>> No.15545556
File: 64 KB, 640x631, 1538419151809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buncha Kyle's with tight curls
Do people really get hair permed to look like this? What the fuck is wrong with people:
>people with curly hair getting every-other-day blowouts and flat-ironing their hair to shit to have straight hair
>people with straight hair getting perms and sleeping in curlers like 50's housewives to have curly hair
Just play the cards you're dealt.
Unless you're bald.
Balding people get a free pass to do whatever they gotta do to cover that shit up.

>> No.15545567

Just shut the fuck up you disgusting jew controlled mutt. Everyone fucking hates you.

>> No.15545572

I just picked the first blonde/white guy name that came to mind you schizoid.
>buncha guys with naturally straight hair having tight curls
Translation ^

>> No.15545589

Yes anon, we've already established that it's a gay hairstyle

>> No.15546102


if you tell them something was popular in the 90's they'll do it

>> No.15546107


>> No.15546398
File: 51 KB, 250x252, 1519685196563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck are we any different you retard?

this is how generations are, have been, and always will be

>> No.15546746
File: 9 KB, 195x260, IMG_20200907_233359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every guy around here wearing this haircut is a young muslim pederaste called Yanis.
Bayern trackpants, Nike TN and 50cc scooter are other must have.

>> No.15546771

They tried to do a Hitler youth but their mom won't let them buy real shampoo so this is the texture of the yellow bottle Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo gives a Hitler youth

>> No.15546777 [DELETED] 

are tiktok e boys gay? i can’t imagine a straight man doing the dances or painting their nails

the girls are all over them, but it’s in a gay best friend kinda way

anyone thoughts on this

>> No.15546783

every generation thinks the new one sucks
you are not as sharp as you think
objectively OP is right, zoomers look 10 times more feminine than millenials ever did, haircut or no haircut
then again could be the food and the pants

>> No.15546787
File: 13 KB, 342x354, monk_hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks so bad.
Looks like reverse monk hairstyle with kinky hair.

>> No.15546800
File: 374 KB, 978x748, Screen-Shot-2019-04-25-at-7.01.30-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 times more feminine than millennials

>> No.15546804

you cherry picked emo culture, which are just closeted gays

>> No.15546813

Not true. Only faggot generations with nothing better to do actually care

>> No.15546819

as if zoomers aren’t balls deep in some neo emo type shit nostalgic for a subculture that they were never a part of

>> No.15546840
File: 6 KB, 250x187, you2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's masculine

>> No.15546843

I was wondering why this kid looks like he smells like fish and it makes sense now

>> No.15546942

Normie = not fuck ugly

Everything else is a complete and utter cope

>> No.15546947

dick sucking lips with the hair to match

>> No.15546952

>people are born with one expression set on their face and are powerless to change it

Imagine a tripfag simping for a mutt half-nigger. Completely unimaginable that an attention whore would lust over a strange man on the internet

>> No.15547043
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>> No.15547307

idk maybe they just really admire martin gore

>> No.15548454

>cherry picked

not at all, emo was absolutely ubiquitous among millennial teens. live with that cope, fagboy

>> No.15548749

>Vagina hair
My thoughts exactly. I've always referred to it as the "twat hairstyle". Neat and trimmed at the sides, thick and curly in the middle. Just like a vagina.

>> No.15548754

Because zoomers have no personality of their own, they just copy what the rest of the group is doing.

>> No.15548770
File: 301 KB, 600x536, 3fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's masculine

>> No.15549333

it's 200% gay

>> No.15549338
File: 194 KB, 857x1024, whitneyvermeer-haircuts-for-wavy-hair-men-burst-fade-857x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the volume that makes it zoom-esque

>> No.15549346

>I let it grow because I don’t have a pathetic hairline that needs covering up

This statement makes no sense

>> No.15549352

zoomers wanna be nigger rappers its common as fuck

>> No.15549388
File: 52 KB, 454x453, 1581461044359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15549562

This isn't really feminine, only from a complete outsider perspective. Its an extension of glam metal and grunge rock through the lens of millennial post-post-modernism.
Its a hyper sexual sub group with VERY distinct traditional gender roles despite the outward appearance. More importantly it was a unique fashion trend birthed out of the mid 2000s. Possibly the last organic and unique sub culture to come out of the 2st century.

>> No.15549584

Zoom zooms trying to act black, blame pop culture or something idk

>> No.15550066


>> No.15550076

Curly hair isn't feminine you retard, lot's of men have curly hair from their genetics. It's not like they decided to go get a perm or some shit.

>> No.15550083

because theyre always going after the newest trend

>> No.15550236

>being this triggered
looks like that pic he posted is actually you

>> No.15550238

>stop getting haircuts I don't like!
imagine being this much of a loser