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15522522 No.15522522 [Reply] [Original]

mask edition

- Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
- Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

>> No.15522526

is fruit bad for acne? I know it has sugar but should I be cutting fruit out of my diet?

>> No.15522551

Eh, it's not really sugar as a whole but how most people eat copious amounts of it. The sugar found in fruits isn't gonna break you out if you're eating little sugar otherwise.

>> No.15522588 [DELETED] 

alright thanks.. I'm really not sure what's causing my acne breakouts, it started earlier this year and I'm 18 now. it's mostly in the T-zone (forehead, crevices next to nose, chin), sides of face next to ears, and jawline. None on my cheeks. It's just a couple pustules at a time, but they leave red spots.
I've been washing nightly with a cleanser + applying moisturizer, changing pillowcase, nothing seems to be affecting it. I use benzoyl peroxide to make them go away, but it's not really something I want to put all over my face for prevention. One thing I noticed is that my skin was clear while I was away on vacation for about 4 days, even though I ate the worst I have in a while. Could just be coincidence, but maybe the hard water at my house is causing breakouts? Idk what to do.

>> No.15522593

alright thanks.. I'm really not sure what's causing my acne breakouts, it started earlier this year and I'm 18 now. it's mostly in the T-zone (forehead, crevices next to nose, chin), sides of face next to sideburns, and jawline. None on my cheeks. It's just a couple pustules at a time, but they leave red spots.
I've been washing nightly with a cleanser + applying moisturizer, changing pillowcase, nothing seems to be affecting it. I use benzoyl peroxide to make them go away, but it's not really something I want to put all over my face for prevention. One thing I noticed is that my skin was clear while I was away on vacation for about 4 days, even though I ate the worst I have in a while. Could just be coincidence, but maybe the hard water at my house is causing breakouts? Idk what to do.

>> No.15522671

Could be the masks, I've been having horrible breakouts from them as well and I normally have clear skin

>> No.15522733

my pores are always fucking huge what do

I use those strips to clear out the black heads which helps but still can't get anything close to anything that actually looks smooth

>> No.15522777

Bro im a fuckin retard those strips never work for me. I put them on and do everythinf correct and then i pull it off and theres still shit there

>> No.15522779

the trick I found is take a warm/hot shower, get the room all steamy, then get out without drying anything except your hands very well, keep the strip in it's packet so the water vapor doesn't fuck it up, then start applying it from the middle outwards with both your index finders as the other fingers hold the sides in place

>> No.15522813

Will try this also
Holy blessed digits

>> No.15522818
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Nice trips OP
I asked in the last thread but does anyone have any experience with La Roche Posay products?
Specially the mat moisturizer, I want to buy it but I’m a newfag

>> No.15522859

strips are for retards, use a bha after cleansing retard

>> No.15522864


>> No.15522970

It's a chemical exfoliant. Anything that scrubs or rips at your skin is doing more damage than good. It creates micro tears in which more bacteria can get in.

>> No.15522971

Looks like a femboy or a transgender

>> No.15523008
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La Roche posay is not my favorite brand, they tend to use a lot of scented oils which irritate my skin more. But I can vouch for pretty much anything by cosrx as their products tend to be very simple which I like. Pic related is my daily routine
and progress with my oily acne prone skin. I've been on a long journey with my acne and have tried almost everything so I can answer questions anyone may have.

>> No.15523079

I only wear them once every couple weeks or so, mostly been staying inside

>> No.15523137

just a femboy

>> No.15523155 [DELETED] 

just a femboy

>> No.15523197

I wish the fag posted more videos

>> No.15523368
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How to cure the leftover pitted scars?

>> No.15523406

damn based off your cheeks, you could get it *wink wink*

>> No.15523433

Strips are dogshit, find out if your skin is dry or oily (chances are you think it's oily but it's actually dry) and treat it gently. Don't look for quick solutions too.

>> No.15523558

Rosehip oil cured my eczema, it's disgustingly greasy but I never had acne nor dermatitis breakouts ever since using it.

>> No.15523613

>hiding face behind mask
lmaoing @ the cope

>> No.15523682

glycolic acid + retinol + rosehip oil


>> No.15523863

>La Roche posay is not my favorite brand, they tend to use a lot of scented oils which irritate my skin more
Not really true at all. Not to be a LRP shill bu most of their products worth using are fragrance free and they have lines for sensitive skin (toleraine line) and rosacea (rosaliac line), which are probably the most hypoallergenic and gentle products you can find anywhere at that price point. I've used both LRP and Cosrx very heavily and overall LRP is definitely more gentle.

I'm not familiar with all the products in your picture but the sleeping mask contains a scented perfume oil so you might want to watch out for that if those irritate you so much. I believe the ph cleanser has a lot of fruit extracts as well which are highly irritating. I have sensitive skin and I couldn't tolerate it, although I love Cosrx usually.

>> No.15523884

The mat moisturizer sucks. The cicaplast b5 gel would probably be better if you are looking for something less greasy with interesting ingredients. But I would always recommend the toleraine moisturizer from LRP usually. Or one of the most popular basic moisturizers: cerave pm, neutrogena hydro boost (lighter), vanicream moisturizer (heavier). If you are targeting a particular skin concern that isn't moisture related, it's usually better to get a product specifically for that and not rely on your moisturizer to do much about it.

>> No.15523886

Using a product with niacinamide helped the couple I had, I reccomend the ordinary's niacinamide and zinc serum. Also, it seems dermarolling is the most effective for pitted scars.

>> No.15523960

>What can be considerer a safe product? Is this one for example?

>> No.15524085

Can anything topical truly solve pitted scars?

>> No.15524110
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he's kind of weird but cool looking without the mask

>> No.15524126
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shouldn't it be the other way around..? "
"Cleanser unless you are very dry"?

>> No.15524464

oops didn't mean to reply to you sorry

>> No.15524486


>> No.15524509
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should i use my aha bha exfoliant before or after the cleanser?

>> No.15524563

cleanser, toner, then exfoliant, moisturizer

>> No.15524599

If your pores are large - stop using fkn strips cus they'll make them bigger. Use a regular facewash and exfoliant and then use toner when you're out of the shower. Try Thayers Witch Hazel pads. And then use a face mask or moisturiser. Thank me later

>> No.15524646

bro I face wash and exfoliate every day and my nose is still covered in blackheads, the strips are the only things that work and even then it doesn't get all of them

I've ordered Astringent already but idk if it's gonna make that big a difference

>> No.15524656

you're not meant to wash off toner so why would you put it on before the exfoliant

>> No.15524795

can hemp oil stain the skin/hair green..? some droplets of it left a bit of a stain in my sink, I had to scrub it off. kind of nervous to use it on my face now.

>> No.15524802

He looks like an Eldar. Hot.

>> No.15524852

I figure it counts. How do you get rid or lessen the amount of butt acne. I don't have it really bad, but i'd prefer not to have it.
It's mainly around the area of the lower butt, connecting to the leg.

>> No.15525158

I had acne on my ass for the longest time and one advice that I could give you is to stop sitting on hard surfaces or use a cushion if you can. It's mainly from your hair follicles on your butt that gets smushed.

>> No.15525232

Try it on a day you haven't got any obligations.

>> No.15525243

I've already tried it on my face... didn't look like it stained but I'm not sure since my face already has a bit of a green tint. don't want to make it worse though.

>> No.15525310
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>> No.15525328

Femboy i wanna fuck this femboy twink

>> No.15525506

Melano CC seems so hard to spread to whole face. with only the recommended 5 drops. I really don't think it gets to everywhere on my face. How are you guys using it?

>> No.15525520

How big is your fucking face??

>> No.15525522

Not particularly, it just sinks in very fast and due to that isn't very spreadable.

>> No.15525527

worthless roast

>> No.15525834
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bros my curtains let in a lot of sunlight in the morning.. is it going to age me???

>> No.15526019

Anything higher than radio waves is bad for your skin.

>> No.15526111
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Has anybody do regular dermarolling as part of their skincare routine?

>> No.15526138

Those pore strips just damage your skin. Retinoids and salicylic acid/BHA (I like the red stridex pads) are what really work. Order some tretinoin 0.025% off alldaychemist, unless you want to go to a derm to get a prescription

Return the astringent, they do more harm then good by overly stripping your skin. Exfoliating should really just be a 1-3 times a week thing depending on what you're using.

>> No.15526326

I need someone to redpill me on skincare.

I have decent skin with just water and soap, and every time I try some product that's meant to clear my face up, it always stings my skin or does not have any noticeable effect. It can also give me spots the day afterwards. This is with the exception of those facial scrubs you use when you're in the shower or whatever.

This would lead me to believe that skincare is a meme, but apparently some people swear by it. My skin has some occasional blemishes and sometimes gets a bit dry. any ideas?

>> No.15526332

Don't use soap on your face.
You don't have to have a massively complex routine if you don't want to, just use a good cleanser+moisturizer+SPF and you're good to go.

>> No.15526384

Just start off with a gentle cleanser every night, it'll be less harsh than anti-acne products. I like Stratia Velvet Cleansing Milk

>> No.15527194

She's fucking pretty so I'm sure she is worth something.

>> No.15527229

I already use Retinoids and I'll keep them up for fighting sun damage (only started used SPF moisturizer recently) but it doesn't seem to make a difference to my pores.

Aren't BHA toners just weaker astringents? I have oily skin so I think I can get away with the stronger stuff

>> No.15527357

Pore size is genetic. Retinoids affect gene transcription but they won’t change the size of your pores. Don’t let Instagram fool you. Everyone has pores and no one notices them unless they’re right in front of your face.

BHA isn’t the same as an astringent. If you’re using an astringent and/or overexfoliating you can get oilier skin bc your skin is trying to deal with less moisture

>> No.15527364

so I just have to accept my fate?

what about the massive black heads all over my nose? again, wash and face scrub every day and they don't go away, and apparently strips are bad

>> No.15527455

Anyone else taking Spironolactone for skin? Someone recommended it to me and I googled it and it says it was good for acne. Found this weird Indian site and got some ez. My skin has been clearing up ever since.

>> No.15527482

if they don't go away then they are pigment and not blackheads

>> No.15527535

My forehead has like a trillion little bumps on it.
I've never had this before.
Any ideas?

>> No.15527573

Use a lighter to burn them off.

>> No.15528124

but they (mostly) go away when I use strips

they're just black spots that occupy my massive pores not that complicated

>> No.15528161

You tried tretinoin bro?

>> No.15528282
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As someone who is the pool often, what body lotion is suggested ? The pool talks a serious tole on my skin with how dry and itchy it can or will become.

>> No.15528336

ok I have been getting INSANE forehead acne the last couple months. What gives? I have barely changed my routine and have never had this much acne in my life (mid 20s now). I have gotten significantly less sun I suppose, does vitamin D deficiency cause acne?
also have this issue

>> No.15528496

Seems like it's doing a number on your head too.

>> No.15530000

Anyone use essential oils based on a study?

>> No.15530099

Whats your routine for this?

>> No.15530163

How to get rid of weird pimples/black heads that primarily show up on my chin

>> No.15530693

Anybody know what to do about ringworm, I got tinactin and it killed off most of it within a couple weeks but since then no progress. I’ve been using it daily for months and my skin never felt like it was back to normal (texture was weird, very subtle redness). recently the ringworm even started growing again, there’s a new red bump that’s pretty concerning.

>> No.15530735

how do i treat comedones?
i have them on my chin and cheeks

>> No.15530778

You tried tretinoin bro?

>> No.15531225

I want to get pale bros. Where i live is very hot and sunny during summer. Is it possible for me to get pale as a Turk?

>> No.15531251

Dunno but mine has always been very pale. Probably because I don't go outside.

>> No.15531345

How do I get rid of seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp? No meds worked. Currently applying aloe vera and tea tree oil. Has also caused some hairloss.

>> No.15531351
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>two tubes of ret for 63 yuros
this doesn't seem very worth... where are my fellow yuros getting their tret from? ADC only offers bank transfer which has tons of fees to countries outside of the EU

>> No.15531456

what's a good way to gauge if you're putting your skin under too much stress? exfoliating too much, for example

>> No.15532623

ADC allows you to pay by card if you email their support requesting it.

>> No.15532625

It burns when you apply moisturiser. That's indicative of a compromised moisture barrier.

>> No.15532631

Would like to know your routine too sir/madam.

>> No.15532649

steroid cream

>> No.15532935

Cold showers work wonders. I’m astonished by my results over the past three weeks.

>> No.15532960
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Milk baths
Based or cringe?

>> No.15532992

Does it matter when you shower? Should I do it in the morning? I usually do it later since I try to workout in the morning/day so I can just have one shower a day instead of many.

>> No.15533092

Shower once when you wake up and once before bed, stinky.

>> No.15533102

Nizoral 2% shampoo

>> No.15533139

Long midfaces are masculine and suit such men. That's why he looks off.

>> No.15533240

Their payment gate is down or something, I tried.

>> No.15533529

I've started using a facemask because someone said they'll help with blackheads. What's the secret to these things? Do you use a very thin layer? I've noticed some spots peel off and others stay wet.

>> No.15533532
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>What's your current skincare?
>Does it work?
Effaclar night
La roche posay oil free sunscreen
No, it does not work, i'm getting pimples

The best skincare i ever had was neutrogena deepclean energizing soap bar, la roche posay oil free sunscreen, anti black head clean&clear astringent (doesn't sell anymore) and nivea cream

>> No.15533606
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It stopped selling, anything similar?

>> No.15533642

Is it worth buying the whole line or only the toner?

>> No.15533645
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>> No.15533677

also hydroquinone supposedly works better, it stops the skin from producing melatonin. you have to wear SPF 50 whenever you're exposed to sunlight though or you'll get burned

>> No.15533686

Renpure Biotin & Collagen shampoo is what worked for me, ultimately. not sure if my dandruff was the same thing as seborrheic dermatitis but it would get a bit itchy and produce small white flakes. also try brushing your hair with a boar bristle brush every few days or every day.

>> No.15533696

twice a day might be too much
I'd recommended just showering after you workout and washing your face before you go to bed. or wash your face with water immediately after you wake up if you have oily skin.

>> No.15533716

Is it true that gel moisturizers are ineffective?

>> No.15533789
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>used coffee as exfoliant
>destroyed my skin
Kek, never fall for this meme, fellow friends

>> No.15533873
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What are /fa/ recommended brands for everything in the sticky?

>> No.15533877
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I have tried around seven moisturizers, most of them advertised for sensetive skin, none of them containing perfume, etc.. But all of them burn my skin and turn it red. I usually put it on after showering when my face is wet, whats going on? Is my skin too sensetive to even use a moisturizer? I use no other products.

>> No.15533879

Maybe try a normal moisturizer

>> No.15533884

I have sunspots on my face and moles. My dermatologist says they're nothing to worry about but they're fucking ugly. Should I consider laser removal for the sunspots?

>> No.15533894

I have, one of them actually dosent make me red, but it feels like it leaves a layer of residue on my skin which I can actually scrape up at the end of the day. Seems impossible to find a good moisturizer, I have tried all the most popular ones.

>> No.15534150

To anybody that’s taken differin, did you scar from the purge? A bad pimple of mine just popped and now there’s a hole in my face (for lack of a better word)

>> No.15534431

Ask into the Void: The Thread

>> No.15534607

>my pores are huge
>I use strips
Like clockwork

>> No.15534612

Try the Soonjung line.

>> No.15534613


>> No.15534619

Skincare rule number 1: No makeup.
Bonus points for saving the turtles from all that pollution makeup, makeup cases, and makeup packaging causes.

>> No.15534636

Is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate bad for your skin? My mom bought me a Neutrogena facewash with SLS, and I remember reading something about how it's not good for your skin.

>> No.15534759

they were big before the strips and remain big while not using them for months retard

>> No.15534846

Ok smello

>> No.15534849

You tried tretinoin bro? Also serves you right for skipping the SPF.

>> No.15534872

Do you sweat a lot while you sleep or something?
SLS can irritate the skin the skin and cause acne, I'd avoid it.

>> No.15535287

Yes I know because you make the problem worse an they stay like that retard

>> No.15535439

How do you get rid of red spots left over from acne? or prevent them?
I get them every time one of my pimples is flattened and they last a long time before they fade.

>> No.15535451

u tried tretinoin?

>> No.15535484

I haven't but I don't see a dermatologist so can't get a prescription.. my mom doesn't want me to..
(I'm most definitely not underage)

>> No.15535486

you don't need a prescription for it

>> No.15535487

rlly? I thought it was Rx only. where do you get it?
and how well does it work for red spots in comparison to vitamin c serum?

>> No.15535510

u can buy it online and vit c got nothing on this shit
it's the best thing you can get for your sking but (((they))) don't want you to have access to it
thus the hoops and loops you have to jump thru

>> No.15535581

My face is kinda ok with acne now, but i have A LOT on my back and my shoulders, should i just use the same treatment that i used for my face? cleanser and acid?

>> No.15535658

Anyone know how to reduce telangiectasia/spider veins on feet via skincare? Also, is there any downside to using excipient-laden niacinamide for topical application or is it whatever?

>> No.15535813

laneige cream skin refiner, they have a great ingredient list. it's a toner but it feels "creamy" as you dab/apply it on your face. i have a face that's prone to getting red, itchy and irritated so this product was a great find for me.

>> No.15535818

is getting sunscreen really worth it? the good ones that don't feel filmy or sticky are expensive as fuck, while being expected to be used a couple times a day and most of them make my skin itch. has anyone notice a huge difference if they skip spf? don't want to fall for a meme here

>> No.15535826

Thanks frens, will try both.

>> No.15535834

i read every question but most are surprisingly specific and are conditions i've never personally experienced. all i can contribute is recommending products and since most here are already into skincare, there's only so much i can do.

>> No.15536036

SPF is literally the most important part. If you want drop everything else, but not it. There's plenty of affordable good sunscreens.

>> No.15536130

Past couple of weeks my chin has started to smell bad. Sounds odd but if I touch it then it gets on my fingers but I can now smell it from the source.

Anyone had the same issue?

>> No.15536131

You have retards here asking if moisturizier and sunscreen are Jewish tricks.

>> No.15536177

same retard you've responded to. I asked because my skin reacts to sunscreen, and i've tried a couple, pricier ones to drugstore range. And i do not see any difference when i drop it. That's why i wanted to know the experience of others if they see a difference or not. How about you?

>> No.15536246

but that's illegal, right..? what if u get busted

>> No.15536277

Sounds like a possible fungal issue. Try using an antifungal shampoo or something on your face

>> No.15536776

>laneige cream skin refiner
This is not really suitable for sensitive skin. It's great that it works for you.
It's really the only important part of a skincare routine, long-term.
You're not going to be able to see a difference immediately. Sun damage is cumulative. You will be able to see the difference in years.
You get sent to prison.
It's a pretty harsh surfactant in skincare terms, unless you fry chips on your face it's going to be overkill.
Differin won't have much effect on whether you scar or not, as long as you have an OK supportive routine (moisturizer and SPF). Use hydrocolloid bandages on things like that and you will have way less risk of scarring.
Are you sure they are sunspots? Those usually appear later in life. Are they freckles? AHA and SPF.
Your skin being wet increases the absorbance of the moisturizer and therefore increases irritation. That said, if you are using a moisturizer for sensitive skin it really shouldn't burn your skin. What product are you using? Soonjung as recommended is fine, Laneige is not. I would recommend La Roche-Posay Toleriane Ultra Moisturiser.

>> No.15537578

Do you want perfect skin or not asshole?

>> No.15537931

I have some weird kind of stuff on my forehead. Normally, it's not visible. But when my forehead gets wet / I apply products to it you can suddenly see a bunch of red small bumps. What is that? Acne?

>> No.15538245

25 male
currently only using sunscreen on a daily base
no history of acne or any major skin problem

My skin is okay I guess, no acne, blemishes, blackheads or anything like that, but It doesn't really have that wow factor that I'd like.
I used moisturizer for a while, but it just makes my skin too greasy and doesn't seem to do anything for me personally. I used a cleanser for a while too, but noticed no difference either.
I got some retinol now, but I am wondering is there even any point in using it in my mid 20s and will it make any difference at all.

>> No.15538261

You can get that wow factor by exfoliating regularly. Try a bha product combined with sunscreen and moisturizer.

>> No.15538262

Use a better moisturizer. If you have oily skin try a gel one. Definitely use a cleanser as well, especially since you use sunscreen.

>> No.15538263

Or you could go to the doctor and pay 20$ for it

>> No.15538265

My skin looks decent so I don't think the doctor would prescribe it

>> No.15538280

How do I stop pimples from showing up, I'm cleaning my face everyday but I constantly have a pimple somewhere on my face no matter what

>> No.15538292

im clueless here, my skin turns red very quickly, is it a bad thing ?

>> No.15538299

alright senpaitachi, but what about retinol? you ever used it? is it worth it?

>> No.15538308

You shouldn't even think about such things before having a proper routine with a moisturizer. (T)ret is very drying and not for novices. There's lots of other stuff you should try first if you don't have super bad skin, like proper hydration, vit c, niacinamide, AHA etc.

>> No.15538330

ya but I told ya moisturizer just makes me too greasy
I don't really have problems with dry skin my nig
vit c ans that other stuff is just a meme, retinol is at least researched

>> No.15538340

Looks like you're an expert already and know better than apparently even doctors, why are you asking questions?

>> No.15538343

I have a question.

I work out every day and after gym I shower and I apply moisturizer on my face. It works but whenever I go out at night my face looks shiny and I sweat more so I blot it with toilet paper. Does that negate moisturizer completely?

>> No.15538347

Vitamin C has a lot more published research on it than retinol in dermatology. Maybe you're thinking of retinoic acid.

>> No.15538353

No, it won't. As long as the moisturizer has had time to sink into your skin and you're not literally rubbing it off, it's fine.

>> No.15538358

I never understood this either. I just glide the across my face and then rub it in.

>> No.15538366

So I found a trick since that post. It is harder to spread on dry face so I use more drops of my toner to make my face a bit wet, then I apply it and it is much easier to spread. I think it's important you use a low pH toner and not just water though since water pH is higher and would make the vit C less effective I believe.

>> No.15538381

That sounds more like an allergy

Figure out the cause of your pimples.
Is it caused by another product you're using?

Maybe? Might be better to find another moisturizer that doesn't make your face look shiny over time.

>> No.15538383

You need to be able to follow instructions to use any active ingredient that is capable of significantly changing your skin without potentially causing damage.

>> No.15538390

It's not good. Can you provide more information, for example what triggers your skin to get red, and what is your current routine? It could be rosacea, sensitive skin, allergies, dermatitis, irritants in your products...

>> No.15538498

Bought 2Sol Facial Recovery Booster, pretty amazing ingredients list. 10% Niacinamide, Ethyl Ascorbic Acid, Panthenol, Ascorbyl Glucoside all at the top of the list.

>> No.15538655
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>That sounds more like an allergy
You think? To what? Pic related but my camera for some reason smooths it out, it looks worse in real life

>> No.15538699

Should I avoid my hair touching my face or it doesn't matter at all? I have longish hair and I probably adjust it with my fingers a few times a day

>> No.15538989

When does tretinoin start working? I just switched to it from adapalene

>> No.15539266

Possibly your detergent, or any soaps you use.

>> No.15539584

Thanks anon. If I go that route I'll use melano vit c toner since I don't really use toners to begin with

>> No.15539595

Oh it kinda does look like acne but it doesn't make sense to only appear temporarily. Is it itchy? Anyways you can be allergic to anything so I can't really figure that out for you

It matters if your hair gets oily from touching it with your hands so often

>> No.15540126

Not itchy no.

>> No.15540229

You should post your routine, it isn't really possible to tell what might be irritating your skin or provoking this reaction otherwise. With nothing to go off me it looks like irritation from products and/or a damaged moisture barrier, considering it reacts like that to just water. Rosacea or a damaged moisture barrier are the only things I know of that makes the skin react like that to just water. Does it react like that to cold water or just hot?

>> No.15540925

What is the closest thing to "safe" moisturizer? The one that would work for everybody?

>> No.15540930

One of the SoonJung ones maybe

>> No.15540976

list me products to use that will make my skin clear as day

>> No.15540978

good gentle shave soaps/creams for pubic and leg hair? i didn't see in the wiki

>> No.15541002

Aquaphor. Or something similar from the specialist sensitive skin section of a chemist, maybe their own brand of plain moisturizer that they make up there. The ingredients would be something like water, glycerin, petrolatum, cetearyl alcohol, and not that much else. These products will be the "safest" but if you have oily skin or for daytime use they might be too heavy for you. For a more standard moisturizer, LRP toleraine or cerave PM are very popular and safe choices.

>> No.15541013

It depends a little on what your skin is currently like, what currently works/does not work for you, and your budget.

>> No.15542128
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I have two questions

Is toner the same as exfoliation?

How does toner and Moisturizers work with each other? My understanding is that exfoliation removes old skin and moisturizer keeps the skin the skin wet and protects it.

So wouldn't theses cancel each other out?

>> No.15542158

some say that if your skin is dry your body will produce a lot of oil to compensate

>> No.15542161

>he fell for the physical exfoliant meme

>> No.15542162

I've been using Cetaphils SA bodywash and had good results, you might be able to get away with using what you already have

>> No.15542164

toner can be a loose term usually just meaning some sort of liquid you rub on your face
they can do a lot of different things

some chemical exfoliants can be drying and removes any dead skin, the moisturizer acts as a barrier to keep any moisture in your skin in
they work together in a way, if you only used an exfoliant and no moisturizer your skin would get pretty dry over time

>> No.15542173

What is the best cleanser on the market for combination skin?

>> No.15542185

cerave foaming cleanser

>> No.15542206

I use Stratia Velvet Cleansing Milk cause I don't like foaming cleansers. It's very gentle but cleanses well enough.

>> No.15542207

>I don't like foaming cleansers
Why's that?

>> No.15542213

they're a bit harsher than non-foaming

>> No.15542450

Cosrx Good Morning Gel Cleanser.

>> No.15542499

Good routine for combination skin 23 (f) thanks

>> No.15542587

wtf is this thread
lmao just use 20%glycerin+60%water+20%urea literally all you need
If you get acne remove iron from diet
use shea butter plus tiny pinch of flowers of sulphur to deal with any acne breakout, sulphur binds iron and removes iron dependant bacteria/yeast

>> No.15542647

The vast majority of the cause of visible skin aging is sun damage, how would using a basic ass moisturizer and removing iron do anything about that? I agree that iron is bad but you have a neurosis if you think there aren't a myriad of causes of acne and removing one element from your diet can cure it all.

>> No.15542673

>The vast majority of the cause of visible skin aging is sun damage
No. The vast majority of the cause of visible skin aging is polyunsaturated fatty acid deposits oxidizing and causing so much damage your body can't keep up with repairs and failure to provide vit c and produce sufficient collagen.
Oxidizing those fatty acids happens at body temp tho as they are unstable at room temp, when you heat them with the sun you unleash hell on your body. Turbo props to retards putting those very oils on their skin to "protect" themselves from the sun lmao(best kinds are the ones with vit E lmao, retards don't know that sun destroys vit E immediately).
This thread doesn't seem to be about aging exclusively but skincare in general. You do not need to put any goo stack on your face to look beautiful, but most people are fucked up due to no fault of their own and need some help.
>how would using a basic ass moisturizer and removing iron do anything about that
I never said removing iron would do anything to aging(though it will), i wrote it was the cause of acne you nigger learn to read
And that "basic" moisturizer is the best moisturizer you can fucking get(depending on urea quality, freshly synthesized from a lab will cure every skin problem and likly slow down aging massively but it has a 24h shelf life).
>removing one element from your diet can cure it all.
Don't remove it from your diet but fix the cause of why you have iron overload so big it leaks out. Acne as in pimples on your face are pretty much 99% of the time caused by shit feeding on your iron which is why that mix i talked about will stop it from appearing on your face from the moment you start using it.
You can test this in multiple ways, using the organic shea + tiny pinch of FoS, eating beef liver to flood your body with retinols which release stored iron from tissues to get an acne breakout

>> No.15542905

I don't understand oil cleanse, can I use olive oil to clean my face and how?

>> No.15543057

cleanser - cerave (use hydrating unless very oily), cetaphil, or dove sensitive skin beauty bar (if very dry), avene, bioderma
exfoliant - Paula's choice, the ordinary acid toner or serum, tretinoin from doc
moisturizer - cerave, cetaphil, la roche posay, avene, neutrogena, nivea, bioderma
astringent - unecessary if you use an exfoliant, for hydration use thermal water or thayers witch hazel toner with a spray bottle before moisturizing
suncream - neutrogena, cerave, LRP, any facial sunscreen. better to use mineral ones with zinc or titanium rather than chemical if you have sensitive skin

in terms of effayness french pharmacy reigns supreme but can be pricier

>> No.15543607

I had acne trouble for a while, eventually tried Lumin Skin (shitty instagram ad came up). It works well for my skin, best it has ever been. Only issue is Lumin is fucking expensive, any replacement products for cheaper?

>> No.15543611

I used tretinoin for 1 year and still get fucking acne.

>> No.15544159
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Holy based

>> No.15544243

wtf.. does iron really cause acne? I've been eating mainly vegetables and proteins because I heard they're good for those with acne...
what should I be eating instead?

>> No.15544361

i want you to show me your face

>> No.15544372

That Soviet flag is amazing. get yourself a Ushanka and a GP-5

>> No.15545170


>> No.15545179

honestly tyhe biggest breakouts i got were when i was taking iron supplements, had to stop immediately. i think theres some truth to this
so the trick is to avoid pufas and maybe drink black tea after food to inhibit iron absorbtion?

>> No.15545189

avoid neutrogena altogether desu, almost all of their products are harmful garbage

>> No.15545191

You wish
Iron IS a bacterial growth factor, don't know how much of it applies to acne but the theory is sound

>> No.15545230

the ordinary is your friend
don't waste your time with other shit if you have acne

>> No.15545896

I have very small spots all over up upper arms and legs. Skin brushing has made them better in places but doesn't seem to deal with it completely. Any advice?

>> No.15546139
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I’m about to buy this shit. I guess my skin is dry. Am I making a mistake?

>> No.15546733

Anybody have any experience with really bad acne scarring on back and butt? I used to get a lot of acne back there and would subconsciously pick at it, now its scarred up pretty bad.

What are some ways to get rid of the scarring? I am super embarrassed to take my shirt off because of it.

>> No.15546929

Why do I keep seeing this The Ordinary shit everywhere now? It's a scam right?

>> No.15547174
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It's cool to use this shit every day twice a day right?

>> No.15547197

No. Only use retinol at night.
I now only use my Olay retinol once a week.
The biggest issue with this thread and skin care as a whole, when you buy a product you want to use it as much as you can, right? This is the worst practice as you are introducing these new chemicals that are adjusting and changing oil levels and pH levels like crazy.
I used to use a 3% AHA cleanser every morning and retinol every night. Then I stopped using the 3% cleanser which was giving me acne, and I started using retinol once a week, now I rarely get acne.
It's the hardest step to learn, I recommend just doing a bit of research on how often you should be using certain products

I do however use a glycolic 30% acid peel once every 4 weeks - this is the only thing that I can visibly see a difference in my skin once I use it.

>> No.15547218

I gave up, I've spent years trying to get even passable skin. I look like a damn pizza monster. I signed up for the subscription shit that my sister uses. I hope it works. I would gladly pay up to 150 a month for clear skin. This sub that she recommended is only 60. I just hate my skin so much. I'm always red and inflamed. Shaving makes me break out, my mask makes me break out (I have to wear it for work). I feel like anything I put on my skin makes me break out. In even red in my damn engagement photos. I hate it so much.

>> No.15547230

How old are you? Can you show me your skin?

>> No.15547547

Fuck you normie get out of my board

>> No.15547615

How to get rid of PIE? I've tried tretinoin but it doesn't work for PIE.

>> No.15547622
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What's a good body product for a really smooth skin?

>> No.15547709

nummy sex pls gift smoothe facial skeen

>> No.15547787

Please reply?

>> No.15547819

whats pie? porn induced erectiledysfunction?

>> No.15548011

You'll look like shit at 40 if you don't use sunscreen, and your face stings when you moistureize because it's dried out.

>> No.15548089
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>> No.15548097
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What about allergy creams to remove inflation/water retention of the face area? My face gets swollen sometimes like if I was elephant Man and one day in the week I'm faboulous

>> No.15548101

Try hilaronic acid in gel form directly after getting the acne popped, less holes this way

>> No.15548144

My nose has huge sebum filaments and looks disgusting.
What can i do to reduce the look of them.
Retinol? High amounts of niacinamides?
I already use a 2% bha exfoliant daily.

>> No.15548151

Is there any non surgical way to deal with hyper pigmentation? Had a very spotty back as a kid and it's left huge discoloured blotches all over my back

>> No.15548258
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is your nose bumpy, or does it has a smooth hand feel? I have sebaceous filaments, I use tret, niacinamide, and vit c. It looks like shit compared to the rest of my clear, smooth face, but my nose is the best it is gonna get.

>> No.15548264

Smooth if i wash it.
A little bumpy if i don't.

>> No.15549758

Post skin

>> No.15549933

Pls respond

>> No.15550373

Not him, but how do you fix stinging like that? Just keep using moisturizer even though it stings?

>> No.15551777

I anons I have a couple of questions:
1. I just bought some Japanese Biore sunscreen and I forgot the lid off when I left the house so it was open for about 7 hours. Please tell me it’s not fucked from oxygen, it was inside a closed cupboard.
2. I just started using an AHA (glycolic acid 7%) as I read it’s good for ageing, but apparently BHA is better for oily skin? I have oily skin and the filament things on my nose are quite pronounced. Can I use both AHA and BHA?

>> No.15551928

I think this is the most appropriate thread for my question.
How to get softer and smoother lips?

>> No.15551980
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>mfw used the benzoyl peroxide like moisturizer

>> No.15551994

very handsome

>> No.15551998

how old do you think i am in that pic?

>> No.15551999

18 y/o

>> No.15552004

i was 15, fucking made my face age 3 years

>> No.15552005


>> No.15552102

look into fixing your moisture barrier/acid mantle

>> No.15552135

Any suggestions for concealer?
I'm mostly interested in hiding veins and evening skin tone.

>> No.15552275

how 2 fix pls

>> No.15553551

Moisturizer everyday night and day

>> No.15553553
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I'm so tired of being a pizzaface... why isn't pic rel working? It's been about a month. Should I keep using it until the tube is used up to see if my skin finally gets accustomed to it?
The fact that I can't stop picking at my skin isn't helping either.

P.S. I'll probably try fasting to clear my skin up too. Anyone try that?

>> No.15553563

wtf is this post u fucking retard sped lol
fuck off

>> No.15553567

What is the difference between a trent gel and cream? Same %.

>> No.15553689

Differin is the shit version of tretinoin. See a derm

>> No.15553696

What's different about it

>> No.15553722

>skin gets itchy
>go eat food
>skin not itchy
can insulin cure itchy skin?

>> No.15554344

>any ideas?
outside of cleansing, moisturizing, and sunscreen nothing will really do much for your skin outside of stuff prescribed by dermatologists

>> No.15554409
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Tretinoin will give you smooth flawless skin. It's the only thing scientifically proven to reverse aging in skin.
Skincare companies lobby to keep it a prescription medication so that they can continue to sell their overpriced products and weak substitutes (retinols).
Good thing you can buy it online without a prescription if you know where to look. But if you have acne you can probably get a dermatologist to prescribe it to you.
I'm 38 btw.

>> No.15554431

How about OTC acids? AHAs and BHAs.

>> No.15554432

tret gel contain alcohol and is dryer (for ppl with oily skin)
tret cream may block your pores if you're prone to that

>> No.15554466

So gel would make sense for skin on the oily side with large pores? Never had a problem with drying or redness using 0.025% cream.

>> No.15554472

like alldaychemist? right...

>> No.15554490

The problem with all forms of tretinoin cream is the ingredient isopropyl myristate. The gel does not contain this. It causes clogging of pores for some people. If it doesn't for you then you can keep using it.

>> No.15554503

There are many other places to buy from too if you don't like ADC.

>> No.15554504

not op but i got .025 .5 and .1 tretinoin on there it's legit

>> No.15554511

how long u bean using it and what issues u targeting do u have atrophic scars does it help

>> No.15554517
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How to order sunscreen directly from Europe or Korea? Also what brands besides larouche posay?

>> No.15554526

I have kinda oily skin so I haven't really held back applying exfoliants and cleansers frequently, but now I'm noticing that my nose in particular is over producing oil and will have a layer of it by the evening if I wash in the morning

what's the best frequency to apply the harsher stuff like scrubs and exfoliants to keep my face clean/tight but not strip it too much of oils?

>> No.15554566

sorry that right was more of a question, kinda sounds sarcastic after re reading it. I was planning on bumping up to 0.1% from 0.025% and ADC only has the gel at this % , which is what I would probably cop.

>> No.15554573

Yeah I use A-Ret 0.1% tretinoin gel. Shit's fucking strong. Smells like gasoline and hits your face like a brick. I love it.

>> No.15554656

Sweet. That is the one I am looking at.

>> No.15554691

about two months

i used .025 for a little over a month, moved to .05 now and after a few more weeks will go to .1. i do that every night and in the mornings i put on melano cc for vitamin c

i have some sun damage and uneven skin tone from it hoping to get that face tune look. I did some laser treatments in the past and it helps with some of it but not enough and doesn't justify the thousands i spent on it

>> No.15554778


been peeling my nose for so many years, even tried stronger professional peels and it improved considerably (probably just due to me aging and not being as oily though and the peels merely acting like a "reset"), but i could never get it to look smooth. very recently i tried strips but i don't think they made a difference, they are good to remove facial hair though

>> No.15555079

I’ve seen this cute motherfucker suck so much dick, yet this is the first time I’ve seen their face

>> No.15555184

>if you know where to look
That would be where?

>> No.15555196

>start showering every day
>clean my blankets frequently
>acne gone
not hard

>> No.15555275

Is microneedling at spas for acne scars worth it?
Or is it better to do a home treatment?

>> No.15555380

how do u use the oil? ive heard its best just to put some drops in a moisturizer? if so, what moisturizer would u recommend?

>> No.15555387

i have the same problem, but my patches are bigger.

>> No.15555532


>> No.15555570

largely a waste of time

>> No.15555785
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Is it best to use sunscreen every day, even if I don't go outside or during winter? Or is it OK to skip it if I don't go outside? Sorry for the retarded question I genuinely don't know.

>> No.15555811

>Or is it OK to skip it if I don't go outside?
yes its ok to skip
when u do use it make sure to wash ur face before u go to sleep

>> No.15555820
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>> No.15555870

If the only sugar you ate was from a small amount of fruits daily, then you'd be fine. Avoid other inflammatory sugars from alcohol, candy, breads, pastas, etc.

>> No.15555911

thats a yikes from me

>> No.15556074

I have oily skin that’s mostly clear but I have some small texture bumps. Any advice on getting rid of that?

>> No.15556294

but when u do use it make sure to follow the instructions on the bottle. u will probably have to apply multiple times a day

>> No.15556332
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>> No.15556338

imo skincare isn't effay unless you are trying to be a model
if you are doing it to get laid, so many whores have fucked up faces behind their makeup
if you are doing it to be aesthetically pleasing to strangers as you walk down the street while wondering why nobody is complimenting your autistic outfits, then your skin can be like 70% passable and nobody will notice

>> No.15556411

Eradicate all acne

>> No.15556460

i do it for myself

>> No.15556695

yeah but there is no medicfag board and the only alternative is posting this on /sci/

>> No.15556714

i used to bathe in olive oil

>> No.15556760

What are payment options for alldaychemist? Do I have to get buttcoins? Or could I get away with just paypal

>> No.15556867
File: 560 KB, 1347x1674, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the fuck do I get rid of this shit on the side of my cheek? I had virtually clear skin a year ago and now I've got this shit on both sides of my face.

>> No.15557110

no gay in this thread

>> No.15557112


>> No.15557147

if you're near a window indoors you should use it every day
maybe reapply 5 mins before you go outside if it's been a few hours, but don't go crazy reapplying all day

>> No.15557159

r/tretinoin is a huge community buying illegal tret online and using it on themselves

>> No.15557164
File: 207 KB, 977x1500, BA63C059-C0BB-467D-ADA5-E3F7BA539D5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good sunscreen?

>> No.15557165

for those who wear sunscreen on your face every day, do you put sunscreen on your ears/neck/arms/legs too? if you don't, wouldn't it give you a weird tan?

>> No.15557252

Hello kinda new to this.

Can I get some advice on my routine, am male young 20ish

>Wash face with water
>effaclar duo plus (uk/aus version)
>simple hydrating light moisturiser

I usually have a shower in the morning so I don't have a pm routine. But I would reapply the moisturiser after a shower but use the Exfoliator once a day only. Do any of these products have fragance?

When using the duo plus + mouisturiser I get a light sensation in the face (it's on and off). I don't get this when just using the mouisturiser.

>> No.15557259

I should mention i have la roche posay anthelios xl spf 50 ultra light. But i dont really use it (makes my face more pale).

>> No.15557308

How do you know that they're not selling you something fucked up? From what I know you can get it prescribed at a walk-in clinic or any doctor basically but that's also depending on where you live.

>> No.15557316

It's real yucky but it's worth it
Before sleep:
>use a cleanser/toner of your choice
>few drops in your palm
>use your fingers to massage it in your face
>let it soak for about 5-10 minutes
>apply moisturizing cream on top
Just use any oil based moisturizer that suits you since the oils will do majority of the work. Important thing is that it's always better to have too much rather than too little, if you think that your face feels dry then you should increase the amount you're using.

During daytime though you should cut back on the amount that you're using since your face will end up too greasy. Just mix a few drops into your moisturizer.

>> No.15557332

Is it ok to use these past products if they are expiry date? I couldn't find a date on simple. But the sunscreen had 04/19 and the exfoliator had 09/19.

>> No.15557577

is the effaclar duo plus something that you leave on? maybe get a cleanser to wash your face before putting that on if you're having any acne problems.
>Do any of these products have fragance?
you can check their ingredients lists. it says the effaclar duo does have fragrance.
>I usually have a shower in the morning so I don't have a pm routine
that's more the reason to have a pm routine, actually, if you have acne-prone skin or decide to use a sunscreen. otherwise you're probably fine with what you're currently doing.
>When using the duo plus + mouisturiser I get a light sensation in the face (it's on and off).
that's a sign that the duo plus might be a little harsh but i couldn't tell you which ingredient in particular would cause this, sorry... maybe another anon could help with that
you wanna use sunscreen if you'd like to prevent aging at all. you might want to find one that doesn't make your face pale. i'm in the same boat though so can't make a recommendation, sorry..

>> No.15557644

All of my stuff is expired so i will need to get new stuff.

For a pm routine should I just wash my face then use moisursier? Seems like I only need to use exfoliator once every 3 days.

I will try to look into new stuff. Do you have any recommendations for exfoliator and moistursiers? I don't have acne problems but have small scars/marks from picking pimples when i was younger.

>> No.15557684

yeah washing and moisturizer are fine for pm
i used to use pond's dry skin cream, it moisturizes well but it leaves my skin kind of shiny
now i'm using cerave lotion, i like how it doesn't look greasy but it leaves these small white flakes for some reason. i can't figure out why.
for exfoliator i use the neutrogena acne face wash with salicylic acid, only on my acne prone areas, but it's a bit harsh and makes my skin feel cold after i put it on. it works well for what it is tho. i'm looking to replace it.

>> No.15558103
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>> No.15558454

So apparently all shaving soaps/creams have a very high pH, which fucks your skin. Am I just throwing my money down the sink buying retinol, AHAs, BHAs if I use that shit? What about if I moisturise after with a pH neutral lotion like Cerave? Are there alternatives to shaving soaps that work for coarse beards?
I honestly hate facial hair and wish I didn't have it (rather than being a baldingcuck with facial hair)

>> No.15558483

get a low pH cleanser

>> No.15558601

thank you anon, i will try this

>> No.15559103

If cutting out PUFA stops visible aging, why does Ray Peat look about 90 years old? Surely he would at least look slightly younger than his age?

>> No.15559412

Cutting out pufa doesn't stop visible aging, but pufa deals a lot of damage especially when combined with uv light. It's not like you will look 30 until you die if you only eat saturated fats. And peat doesn't look 90, try googling the phrase 90 year old and it's obvious he's way more robust than almost all 90 year olds that show up there.

>> No.15559752
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personally, this shit doesn't work for me. Toner was pretty bad.

THIS shit on the other hand is holy grail for me. Super mild, hydrating, and calming. You can thank me for putting you on later.

>> No.15559758


Sorry, I'm sleepy and retarded. I meant that the Some by mi miracle toner is literal overpriced dog shit, and the soon jung relief toner is the goat, to be clear.

>> No.15559767

>tfw brown shit eyes
A kid in high school once told me "you're so full of shit it's backed up into your eyes" and I'm not sure I ever emotionally recovered from that. I hate my eyes.

>> No.15559776

>you're not hu-white
only seen this meme on /pol/

>> No.15559792

you can be cute with brown eyes, just try to work on your other features, and open your eyes or squint a little instead of having lazy eyes so you don't look soulless

>> No.15559874

Brown eyes are fine. The real nigger tier eyes are soulless black eyes. Also depends on what type of brown your eyes are.

>> No.15559896


the entire line is shit and overpriced tbqh familia

>> No.15559983

bro hes clearly got contacts in. eyes on their own can only be so cute, its culmination of everything around them that makes them actually cute