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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 71 KB, 500x500, A9740359-8F30-4C32-98C7-221D1F054074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15522423 No.15522423 [Reply] [Original]

coomer edition

Last >>15499811

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

BMR and TDEE Calculator
>allows you to pick multiple ways of calculating your BMR (the most commonly used one is outdated and inaccurate)
>has options for fasting
>body fat percentage

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something (unless they ask for meanspo) - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also post thinspo pics, your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15522432

just ate some sashimi, salad and a monster energy zero ultra
feeling satiated as fuark

>> No.15522442
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>> No.15522445
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Daily reminder that thinspo ruins your facial aesthetic and robs you of your beauty long term

>> No.15522452
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fatty cope

>> No.15522455

yeah, you know. being thin does that, and not the years of hard drugs.

>> No.15522482

does coffee make u fat?

>> No.15522484

no it distends your internal organs

>> No.15522627

They still are /fa/ af, literally witch chic

>> No.15522638

Can dudes trying to get buff post here?

>> No.15522642
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>> No.15522645

Just use /fit/ brah

>> No.15522672

i'm buff just tryin 2 get shredded

>> No.15522728

How to avoid something like this?
Its skinny but still looks kind of flabbly and weird under the skin

>> No.15522745

some form of cardio/core work, he could lose more fat regardless

>> No.15522854

I don't want to get yoked just thinner and fitter

>> No.15522870

you won't accidentally get yoked

>> No.15522878
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>> No.15522892
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>> No.15522923

how do you endure ketosis? any tips?

>> No.15522933

post a goal physique then

>> No.15522947
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muh goal

>> No.15522949


>> No.15522953

Me but with less fat. I've lost 40 pounds so far and I want to lose 20 more. I have gotten some sizable muscles so far but want to shed more fat

>> No.15522955


>> No.15522958


>> No.15522960
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I just coomed to this picture

>> No.15522967
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>> No.15523078

Bloatmaxx you fools!

>> No.15523367


>> No.15523389

what does that do?

>> No.15523457

fuck that sounds ace

>> No.15523459

they are chain smokers retard

>> No.15523470

i ate 1040 calories worth of chips today what do i do

>> No.15523474

lower calories for proceeding days

>> No.15523489

what's the specific issue you’re having?
if its feeling tired and lethargic- you’re not getting enough vitamins, not drinking enough water or not getting enough electrolytes. (Pro-tip, its usually a vitamin D deficiency that's making you tired, and that has nothing to do with diet).
If it’s hunger or strong food cravings- you’re probably not eating enough protein. Protein will curb hunger longterm, carbs will only fill you short-term and significantly worsen hunger later on.

>> No.15523494

That's fine as long as you don't eat anything more. Beware you're gonna get very hungry very quickly cause you just blew 1000 calories on trash carbs.

>> No.15523509
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Doing alternate day fasting with high carb high protein refeeds and hours of walking on the walking days has been the best cut of my entire life

>losing fat astonishingly fast, literally look leaner every single day
>all the benefits of high carb
>zero hunger on eating days because stomach shrunk from 36 hour fast prior + get to eat maintenance calories
>get to go to gym with full energy on eating days, lifts haven't gone down at all
>pretty sure my maintenance eating days are "boosting" my metabolism as I'm not feeling lethargic/weak/cold despite several weeks into a crash diet
>very little hunger on fasting days because it's only a 36 hour fast
>have enough energy to walk for hours and hours, did a 4 hour trek and burned over a 1000kcal today minimum
>can cycle caffiene on/off on fasting/refeeding days in order to maintain caffiene sensitivity
>all the metabolic/anti aging benefits of cycling in and out of ketosis/fasting

Only downside is that unless you're used ot fasting this is probably going to feel like shit for you

>> No.15523568

ok but.... why does it have to be this complicated. just shut up and do omad you autist. lol

>> No.15523570

How do I stay active during iso/quar?????? All I do all day is sit on my fucking ass and window shop online and dream of being thin enough to rock all the clothes I've just dropped thousands of dollars on (I'm becoming suicidal my future feels meaningless fashion is literally the only thing keeping me excited about living) but I've been getting chubby again :( I haven't even been pigging out at all, I only eat two meals in a day but its the lack of moving about and doing things that's making it so much worse. I'd eat less if I were busy rn, too.

What are your tips?? What motivates you to get moving?

>> No.15523571

Because I'm losing weight way faster I would do with OMAD, I'm less hungry and my performance is amazing considering the deficit, I'm literally losing a 1lb a day with minimal hunger and performance loss

>> No.15523576
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>> No.15523577

33 hours into my 48 hours dry fast, finishing off with 24 hours more hours for a total of 72. Small refeed keto and then going for 3 days again.

You guys think 1 day is enough to reneplish water in order to dry fast again?

>> No.15523579
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>> No.15523583
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>> No.15523585
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>> No.15523587
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>> No.15523588
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>> No.15523596

damn this hit hard anon, can relate. I just starve and selfdestruct to forget abt my meaningless future. I guess in a way, spending thousands on clothes is a kind of selfharm. Loud abrasive music helps numb the pain too. Two meals a day when you just sit at the computer all day is probably too much if you want to lose weight, anon. Do omad or smth. What are your stats? How much you eating.

>> No.15523598

how long have you been doing it?

>> No.15523600

why the fuck even dry fast, whats it good for

>> No.15523614
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lmfao blowing thousands of dollars I worked two shitty fucking jobs for an entire god damn year of my pitiful life just on clothes all while I'm in the middle of trying to get a degree and have impending education debt... dude its so fucked. All that's bringing me joy is being able to wear nice clothes that make me feel happy.

Also yeah I'm defs eating too much for how little I exercise but thats why I wanna get back into getting active. I'm no good at starving myself I end up needing to eat something after a while. The last time I managed to starve myself was my first week back at uni I was running around so preoccupied that I forgot to eat then just wasn't hungry. But when I just sit around with nothing to do my brain just says 'oh you should probably eat, not like you have anything better to do'

I fluctuate on counting my calories these days.
Stats are 21 F, 5'4", starting weight was 66 kg (in like 2016, I've fluctuated and plateaued like crazy but luckily never broken past 56kgs in the last 4 years).
I think I'm currently at 55kgs and I haven't seen myself get any lower in a long time.
My goal weight was 49-50kgs.

>> No.15523615

that pic is NOT me btw.

>> No.15523649

its all fucked. at this point i've just accepted that if i stop to really think about it i'll have another panic attack and feel like throwing myself off a bridge. Anything to keep all this shit out of mind. And even that feels like kicking in the water cause sooner or later it'll all catch up to you and you'll drown in it. Oh fucking well lol.
We've almost the same stats, though i'm a bit taller. If you can find a way to motivate yurself to exercise then do it, but i dunno, for me fixing the diet would be alot easier. If hunger is the issue, have meals mostly made up for protein. Cold-cuts are great for mini meals cause a pack is like 200-250 kcal and it will fill you up for ages.

>> No.15523674


>> No.15523709

I can tell you, but you won't like it.

Weight lifting. Building muscle. Not aggressively dieting so fast like most people in this thread. Yes, you are getting rid of fat, but you're also destroying whatever little muscle you may have. It is possible for example for someone who actually has a higher body fat percentage to have more prominent abs than you.

>> No.15523722

(Shameless double post)

That being said, if you don't want to lift weights, it might be enough to start doing some push ups, especially ones where you put your feet on a bed/chair/etc. It might be difficult with a very low calorie diet though...

>> No.15523728
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this except I'm on a plant based diet LMFAO..... <_< Most things I eat are really filling but its all about the way I prepare my food I guess. My trick is generally to serve whatever meals I do have in kids bowls and plates, which force me to have smaller servings of them.
also no way stats twins that's so sick, I've never had that before. I always feel sort of shitty sharing my stats I feel like I'm gonna get judged hard for them but I'm proud of how much weight I was able to lose initially. It's just breaking the plateau that's challenging for me.

>> No.15523885

Oh, sorry for assuming. Yeah… the lack of vegan protein sources was the main thing that made me stop doing it. I started out doing it when I was younger and living at home, cause it gave me an excuse to always make my own meals and count absolutely everything. But once I got admitted I wasn’t allowed to anymore.

No wonder you’re hungry if you’re only eating carbs, I remember it well lol. The advice still stands though, you really can’t have enough protein. In your case, maybe try focusing on complex carbs and cut out the simple ones. Maybe look out for a low calorie vegan protein powder? Also pls remember you need to supplement vitamin B12, as there are no vegan sources for it at all and a deficiency can lead to really horrific disease. It’d also be wise to keep an eye on how much iron and vitamin d you’re getting as those tend to be problematic for vegans too.

>> No.15523896
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>> No.15523981

Kind of worried about hitting the plateau pretty soon but my control is so shitty that the constant fluctuation might actually help me
(sw: 53, cw: 50, gw: 46)

>> No.15523994

if you hit a plateau where you're stuck in a cycle of overeating and undereating, then you need to work out a new strategy
whatever you do, make sure it's sustainable because otherwise you probably won't be able to maintain the new weight longterm

lowcarb, lowfat, higher fibre, IF, higher protein, cardio etc

>> No.15524103

Nice blog faggot
People are attention whores here

>> No.15524121

I just DONT want to go to a gym

>> No.15524177

So does anyone else serve their food on smaller plates/dishes to fool themselves?

>> No.15524451
File: 99 KB, 540x960, B89C3FC1-FE75-4D89-B2C0-1BF9CD5AE24E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’m pretty skinnny everywhere else but have big legs like this. try to eat a low calorie diet plus fasting days. my main form of exercise is i usually go on long walks everyday. is that why my legs are so big? i feel like if i stop they’ll just stay big but get flabby. what do i do?

>> No.15524456
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cardio won't make your legs big, too make your muscles bigger you need to put your muscles under a load that is near failure, the only way you could do that is by sprinting up hills
your legs are big because you store most of your fat around your legs, if you want to make them smaller you need to lose more weight

pic related, pro cyclists usually have tiny legs

>> No.15524471

>dry fast
wow people actually fall for this meme? you will literally die kek

>> No.15524476


Why spend all that money on clothes when you could buy fitness equipment and actually work toward a goal? A stationary bike is like a hundred usd.

>> No.15524485

plateau sucks, and i'll go ahead and assume you already drink only 0 cal bev cuz that's like beginners stuff - if youre vegetarian (I am also), it's really important to make sure you're getting complete proteins. think beans and rice, quinoa, tofu, nuts, etc. complex carbs too, like other anon said. eat only when you're hungry, until you aren't hungry, NOT until you're "full." it's really important to educate yourself on how your body processes different foods if you want to lose weight, because then you can cater your diet to deal with the fact that you dont cope well with being hungry.

i've lost 30 lbs in the last 3 months following this, 5'5" 130 to 100.

>> No.15524490
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what are ways to remain functionally strong while being thin?
isometrics,fiber recruitment etc, post what you know

>> No.15524495

Difference between healthy thin and crackheads

>> No.15524502

>healthy thin
does not exist. being underweight is objectively just as unhealthy as being obese

>> No.15524506

seethe fatty

>> No.15524514
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A couple of QTDTTOT:
>what does really make you lose weight:dry fasting or drinking 5+ liters of ice cold water a day? ive heard stories of both events for weight loss

>should i wait until my abs/tummy is flat and lean before getting a tatoo in said area?

>> No.15524520

Fucking retard

>> No.15524529

oh god i- i’m cooming again!

>> No.15524535

WTF they look so underage

>> No.15524580

Lol at least an underweight person can move around

>> No.15524589

do sets of 1, 3 and 5 exclusively

volume (weight*reps) determines muscle growth
intensity (weight) determines strength

>> No.15524606
File: 209 KB, 1333x2000, 71C6866F-B97D-4A32-A6DC-7AB8A1046B05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water, as with everything you put in your body, weights and influence your weight
Apparently 2 glasses of water or so would make you weight a pound heavier in your scale
Now, drinking water and staying hydrated is good because it gets rid of toxins in your body, including bad shit in food, it’s literally filtering your body. A plus, it also helps with cravings and hunger because it fulls you up really easy and quick.
Now the other side if that is that as I said, water weights still, and your body stores it in case its needed, its literally called water weight, and just like fat, it can make you look bigger. Carbs and salt make you retain water easier, for obvious reasons. When you dehydrate yourself you’re using those water reserves to hydrate the body, making you look leaner. Body builders dehydrate themselves for a day to a week before competitions to looks even more shredded and making their veins pop even more, same with Hollywood superheroes and stuff, like Zach here, looking borderline disgusting, I’m willing to bet he dehydrated himself regularly to do that movie, same with the Rock, he must do it pretty often. That shit is temporal however.

tl:dr you should strike a balance between staying hydrated, but have a healthy diet and avoiding retaining water. Peeing a lot is good for you.

>> No.15524778
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I own an old crappy stationery bike but it works fine!! Actually I should get to using it more often but I don't have a dedicated space inside for it, it sits in the backyard which is a bit awkward.
They money spent on clothes is a motivator... lol

I do have some vegan protein powder that works really well for me. I usually mix it in with some maca powder and blend it with just frozen berries (and a little bit of coconut water) and usually have that as a breakfast or lunch.
Also I neglect using my B12 supplements so thanks for reminding me to take them.

Yep I literally never drink soda, maybe the occasional OJ when I'm visiting my boyfriend. Mostly drink water and tea. I'm trying to quit caffeine at the moment though it's been fucking with my bladder.
What do you make your meals up out of??? I eat plenty of plant based proteins like beans and tofu, generally on top of rice, and I go for complex carbs if I need (wholemeal/wholegrain breads).

>> No.15524979

this bitch sounds retarded

>> No.15524996

women ruin /thinspo/, ignore women posts, don’t reply to women posts, make /thinspo/ great again

>> No.15524997

who is this, reverse search didn't work

>> No.15525154
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>> No.15525274

Holy fuck what is that slop?

>> No.15525314

the recovery meal of a struggling human being?

>> No.15525389
File: 409 KB, 540x695, Screenshot_2020-08-29-23-56-05-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look ok ? I try to do core core workouts for everything but I feel like I could improve someone recommend core workouts please

>> No.15525411
File: 147 KB, 917x1300, 1511496B-13EC-45FE-A8D3-2003BB2210BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your pic is a terrible example, the Olson twins used drugs and underwent plastic surgery, both of which do more to harm your natural beauty than thinness

>> No.15525416

Don't forget the stress and mental suffering from being passed around to pedo fucks since they were babies

>> No.15525417

Does anyone have any thinspo to share? Preferably male/androgynous

>> No.15525710

and you wonder why you never get laid

>> No.15525781

Don't lose weight overnight. Looks like it could just be loose skin to me.

>> No.15525782

Dieting won't get you a face like that.

>> No.15526075

fuck off back to lolcow sage

>> No.15526077

That apple is the most, not apple apple I've ever seen

>> No.15526106

the apple is the most normal part imo

>> No.15526170

Im gay, can assure you I do

>> No.15526224

oh my god

>> No.15526347

How the fuck do I dress well as a thin guy in the summer? I feel most comfortable wearing multiple layers so fall/winter is much easier for me to figure out myself. Is there a guide on this board for thin fashion? I thought it would be here.

>> No.15526371
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meghan roche

>> No.15526375

take the croptoppill

>> No.15526390

I actually want to go outside and wear my clothes in public, but I appreciate the suggestion.

>> No.15526527

the trick is lighter, breathable fabrics and loose fitting clothing that cover a good bit of your skin

people make the mistake of thinking that more skin exposure = cooler temp but the opposite is true. big oversized long sleeve shirts with cotton shorts works pretty well for me. look into hats, too. I’m not quite at my goal weight to redo my wardrobe but hats seem pretty helpful for limiting direct sun exposure

>> No.15526581

i just lost like 5kg in a coulple of weeks how do i get rid of stretch marks theyre starting to pop up on my sides

>> No.15526621

you cant anon, but theyll fade and look fine, mine take about half a year to fade

>> No.15526682
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I want to look fit but slim, kinda like pic related. To avoid looking skinny-fat my plan is to lift and bulk until 23 bmi (currently I am at 21 bmi) and then drop to a 19 bmi or something.
Is it a good idea?

>> No.15526744
File: 1.22 MB, 644x1226, goalbody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would any man want to look skinny when you could look like this

>inb4 those are not your pictures
yeah no shit

>> No.15526773

looks extremely dehydrated

>> No.15526781

>implying a /fit/izen is dehydrated
It's the lighting, probably a filter too.

>> No.15526811

Just eat at/near maintenance with a focus on protein and lift, I’ve had great results after about a month of that

>> No.15526816

Because it's not as attractive

>> No.15526866

Twink lovers rise up!

>> No.15526874

how do i stop eating
i want to stop eating
i hate being fat

>> No.15526878

eat ur meals naked in front of mirror and I'm sure you'll reduce ur portion sizes fatty :)

>> No.15526930
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7.7/10 body
I'm 6'1" btw

>> No.15526949
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you ARE maintaining an omega-rich high-protein diet while losing weight, right anons?

>> No.15526954



is water therapy legit? Its an effort for me to chug down water but if its legit ill give up soft drinks and energy drinks and start watermaxxing

>> No.15526956

Back to your board

>> No.15526957

what a shithole

>> No.15526971
File: 113 KB, 612x612, bloat lord vs beast mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a time to bloatmaxx and a time to thinspo,my friend.
Now im a young lad,I want to thinspo and kiss girls.
when I hit 40 i'll surely bloatmaxx with the protein shakes of the future and probably take up powerlifting. So far i really enjoy training my grip.

>> No.15527008
File: 15 KB, 473x267, EagDpduXkAI5NJU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more females have passed through this "shithole" than youvcould ever even dream of

>> No.15527047
File: 83 KB, 130x150, 6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am 174 cm and 63 kilos and relatives are already worried that I'm "not eating enough". I'm still fine right?

>> No.15527061

kek I thought you were a fucking woman

>> No.15527072
File: 12 KB, 390x278, EgI3oH8WkAE-oNR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% male model

>> No.15527074

pls answer this

>> No.15527075

Lol fatty

>> No.15527077

All the sexiest ladies in the trailer park just can't stay away.

>> No.15527078

deluded br

>> No.15527080

Sure, sugar tits

>> No.15527082

I really do despise americans

>> No.15527091
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>> No.15527093

no, probably not

>> No.15527094
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>> No.15527099

Today I watched the 55 kilos male category for oly lifting,its good inspo, thin yet thick sirs,Id like to be like them.
I do a lot of grip training and want to try oly. lifting once the virus is gone

>> No.15527100
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>> No.15527102
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>> No.15527123
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>> No.15527192
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I havent weighed myself in weeks

>> No.15527533

>tfw waiting to lose weight before buying clothes
It's a pretty good motivator

>> No.15527604

this is actually a good tip desu thanks anon

>> No.15527609

even if it doesnt work just do it. You will never lose weight if you drink soda and energy drinks. Don't drink 10 litres though or you might die, 4 litres is optimal.

>> No.15527613

i'm 5'11" and 300 lbs

thinspo save me i need to lose 2 people of weight

>> No.15527614

quit eating and drink water whenever you feel 'hungry'. Just lug around a bottle of water with you everywhere. Throw out all your junk food and soda and shit. Just remember the taste of food is temporary, the fat and its affects are forever :)

>> No.15527622

How do I get rid of chin fat??? :(( my face is just so fucking horrid.

>> No.15527623

That's a cute tummy. I hope to be that cute one day.

>> No.15527632

frozen meals brah. 200-300 premade calories when youre hungry. 2 of those a day and you dont gotta think about it at all, which is key. its gross as hell but you slip weight like no prob.

>> No.15527765

where are you finding fucking 200 calorie frozen meals?? they're usually like 500 minumum.

>> No.15527779
File: 81 KB, 488x488, GUEST_1a937b0e-0932-4f91-9f2e-5843490bf1cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amys has a bunch of light meals that are like 200 - 250 cal

>> No.15527818
File: 245 KB, 500x350, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stuck at 15% bf
it would be so easy if my gym opened, I fucking hate bodyweight exercises

>> No.15527967

ight, I did get down to 54 once

>> No.15527974

>not learning to estimate calories in any meal
never gonna make it

>> No.15527978

how do i edit my diet without feeling tired

>> No.15528197
File: 54 KB, 612x425, 55 k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone clear the confusion about whether muscle or fat weights more?
for example these men are in the 55 kilos category
do i have to avoid muscle building training to be truly thin/Ottermode?

>> No.15528240

Muscle is about 20% more dense than fat

>> No.15528388
File: 17 KB, 320x252, starve-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is a 40 day fast too much or dangerous?
i'll take liquids,mainly lemon water or water with sugar

>> No.15528446

fat people are much larger than fit people at the same weight

but as far as your retarded phrasing, one pound of fat weighs the same as one pound as muscle

>> No.15528461

i EMBRACE retardation:retards are strong,fearless and low-inhib
retardation is an evolutionar advantage

>> No.15528466

don't see much benefit of doing a 40day fast as compared to 2 day fasts regularly
ottermode has muscle, you're unlikely to get very big on a deficit. if you're a dyel right now, having some muscle will make you a prettier skeleton and at least make you healthier
take pictures from high angles. cico.

>> No.15528467

how do you get rid of the cursed beer gut?

>> No.15528477

stop drinking beer?

>> No.15528486

then what, How do you make it go away? It lingers. Is it purely caloric deficit?

>> No.15528533

beer gut is caused by bloating as well as visceral fat deposits
even if you lose the weight you will still bloat if you drink beer.

>> No.15528575

How to get rid of viseral fat tho?
I’ve seen literally skeleton people who still have some gut

>> No.15528588

caloric deficit
stop pretending to be stupid

>> No.15528611

Bros how do I stop eating? I just eat every calorie dense food and drink there is. I can’t fucking stop. My brain desires it so much. If I lived alone I wouldn’t even touch it, but I’m a loser that is going to back to uni and I won’t be able to afford to live alone. Not to mention my job is shit. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?

>> No.15528639

masturbate instead of eating whenever you feel hungry.
works like a champ

>> No.15528773


>> No.15528799

you're really beautiful anon, pls know when to stop.

>> No.15528813

there's no magic fix for self-control, anon. Grow up and just resist yourself. Suffering builds character.

>> No.15528825

protein, seltzer water, diet soda, coffee, tea, substitute shitty carbs with low calorie dense veggies

>> No.15528836

All soda is a waste of money. A sugar addiction goes away on its own if you stop giving into it.

>> No.15528841

i drink like 2 gallons of water a day, having a diet coke with a meal is just an enjoyable thing retard

>> No.15528956

Because that looks gay in a bad way. Thinspo twinks looks gay in a good way.

>> No.15528965

i EMBRACE stupidity

>> No.15529038

Are there any thinspo snacks. I want something top eat while watching animu in bed
You're fat
t. 190/67 fattie

>> No.15529050

Run Tactical Barbell.

>> No.15529067

better thin

>> No.15529081

Aaaa I just want buritos ;()()((((

>> No.15529143

Pop corn without anything,
Made at home, is apparently pretty low calorie and easy on the body, and it has

Nuts and seeds are healthy, but they’re calorie heavy

>> No.15529240


>> No.15529252

based boars head has low sodium low fat shit that tastes divine

>> No.15529273

My local brand has like 260 kcal a pack and the protein kills the hunger totally. 10/10

>> No.15529313

Cardio should help

>> No.15529632

iktf. I've gone back and forth between 15.1% and 15.2% for weeks.

>> No.15529642

Don't forget your electrolytes. Those are non-negotiable.
If I were you I would also take a multivitamin just in case.

>> No.15529700

I have taken the gallonofwateraday pilland my skin has never been better,my belly is becoming thinner,my only problem is fat cells in the neck but I will solve it by isometric tension

>> No.15529781

I like to get drunk but I don't want to get fat. What should I drink?

>> No.15529825

vodka with water and grapefruit juice

>> No.15529838

vodka is lowest calorie, most other spirits aren't far behind. dry wines aren't too bad.

your body can burn alcohol but it can't convert it to fat, so the aim is to take in alcohol with as few other calories as possible.

>> No.15529845

just do hard drugs

>> No.15529848

i don't think that's how cico works

>> No.15529864

sounds like you're not doing it right

>> No.15530024

cant spot reduce. lose weight all over and hope you have a good jaw. if u have a weak chim ur fucked man

>> No.15530029

alcohol increases thermogenesis

>> No.15530040

nah im just past that. religious calorie counting makes me binge and "estimating" is a meme. diagnosed AN for 10 years now and this is what works best while staying sane.

>> No.15530044

Just drink when you‘re thirsty. I‘ve dry fasted up to 48 hours before and it is zero issues. Feels like we need a lo of water for digestion as i‘m naturally never thirsty when fasting. As soon as i eat something, the thirst comes back. I just decided to listen to my body and drink if it asks for it, which is never when i‘m fasting.

>> No.15530063
File: 59 KB, 736x736, 3D2BF233-1ABF-4D5B-B83C-B52DB580C4BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to lose a lot of weight and be really skinny without also losing one‘s dignity?

>> No.15530090

kek wat

>> No.15530101

you're posting on a thinspo thread on 4chan, I think we are probably well past that point anon

>> No.15530102
File: 174 KB, 1280x1271, 4D97B0B9-F866-40B7-A0CB-A0ED2BAC95E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I‘ve been an since years and the older i get the more i realize how destructive it is. Not even on a physical level, more on an emotional one. It‘s the fact you see yourself as nothing but an object to be perfected. I can‘t do that anymore without it damaging my dignity. It makes me wonder if it is possible to be dignified and anorexic. Because i want both.

>> No.15530112


>> No.15530116

isn't that what recovery is? recovery isnt about weight gain, it's about mental health. identifying your triggers and managing them and how they effect you, regardless of whatever your bmi might be. i'm an also, but it's helped to think of it as being the same illness as compulsive or binge eating - to not necessarily associate it with 'food' or 'weight' (altho that is how it manifests), but with self-image and OCD tendencies, and all that other stuff.

>> No.15530118

Yes ofc. I just wonder if there is a mentally sane mindset one can have that leads to being thin but not fuck your soul over.

>> No.15530121

A popular option is to dedicate it to an external cause, like religion. To make it a sign of devotion and dedication instead of an act of vanity.

But this is all about how you feel. You could try to reframe it so its less about treating you as an object and more about taking the physical form you were given and striving to get it as close to perfection as you can.

I think you have a few hard decisions coming up anon.

>> No.15530135

yeah, idk. i've never done IP or anything, just by fact that i dont have insurance, and have only had a very modest amount of therapy re: my ed, but i've tried to pick up what i can from online accounts of recovery, and basically what i think my root issue is (OCD), but i've managed to get near my LW from a HW without getting too too insane about it. it's possible anon just gotta find out what works for you

>> No.15530239

God you're melodramatic. If you wanna be skinnier, get skinnier. If not, then don't. How is this undignified or destructive?
Unless you're literally a Eugenia-tier skelly you're making a big deal out of nothing.

>> No.15530254

100% delusional.

>> No.15530344

I wish I had a cute tummy like this but I'm too hairy :(

>> No.15530349

Grim thread this
One of the worst on the internet

>> No.15530370
File: 129 KB, 600x378, 1519215641035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a bag or two of pumpkin seeds because I found out they were low carb
>had half the bag as a snacc
>read the back of the bag
>I just had 375 cals
ayo FUCK pumpkin seeds.

>> No.15530372

that's just high fat diets in general, every meal is satiating but at the same time, every meal is a fuckton of calories.
I think LCHF is best for fatties with diabetes trying to get to a healthy weight, or sugar addicts trying to fix their addiction, if you're not either of those two I'd recommend just eating ultra high fiber high protein instead and doing intermittent fasting, after years of trying out every diet out there, IF + high fiber + high protein is what's worked best for me

>> No.15530590

estimating is only a meme if you can't count, retard

>> No.15530712

estimating is a total meme, because chances are youre 100% underestimating how much your actual intake is. you sound fat.

>> No.15530826


>> No.15531002

I love Amy's soups, too. They're packed with salt, which is my only complaint.

>> No.15531014

I wanna throw up to lose weight

>> No.15531054

I'm down to bmi 21.5 we gonna make it bros

>> No.15531065

Yeah anorexia and being too underweight is so hot right?

>> No.15531119

which is why you should always overestimate lol

>> No.15531121

try it out, i don't think you'll like it

>> No.15531169

get used to feel like absolute shit while doing it and having your knuckles permanently damaged

>> No.15531203

If they're still fresh (still red/ pink), hyaluronic acid can help and maybe retinol too.


>> No.15531233

Why are the busted knuckles a thing? Teeth?

>> No.15531243

This, i find it attractive so I want to look like that, period
Anorexia is another thing

>> No.15531276

it's called a russell's sign

>> No.15531510

Yeah but in turn you need muscle to move the weight, just eat lots of protein and carbs imo and do the usual

>> No.15531516


she's stronger than most adult men but has less than half the muscle mass

>> No.15531517


>> No.15531545

coffee has 0 calories. if you add tons of sugar, cream, and milk, then it will make you fat. Venti Starbucks drinks can have up to 2000 calories.

coffee has been associated with heart health, brain health, staving off Alzheimers, and good memory function. just keep to a cup a day. too much caffeine and you will start panicking, shaking, and generally lose your shit

>> No.15531692

>>15531545 BLACK coffee is for chads

>> No.15531905

If I order an americano will they put shit in it apart from coffee and water? I don’t trust Starbuck and suck because they like to put sugar and shit

>> No.15531965

just specifically ask for no sugar or milk if you're that paranoid

in my entire life, I've never had anyone put milk or sugar in my americano without me asking, the cloest I've gotten is them giving me the milk seperately

>> No.15532120

It's really difficult, and hard to get everything out

>> No.15532164
File: 201 KB, 720x1280, 1598991568846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been doing 50 sit-ups each hour along with 2 mile walks per day, how long should i fast?

>> No.15532201

you sound like you're trying to spot reduce and not have to count calories. fasting is really just a subset of CICO, so work out what your deficit is, how many calories you eat when not fasting, and how long to fast to get the average down to that.

>> No.15532394

lmao, I was about to post that he was probably a brazilian, holy shit, fucking latinos

>> No.15532436
File: 144 KB, 525x715, 20-09-02-10-16-57-012_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

168cm, 67kg, 26yo. 36", 26", 41".
The angle of the pic is obviously off, because my neck isn't thicker than my thighs.

>highest weight
Maybe 90kg when I hit puberty lmao.
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
Atm a high-protein high-cardio cut to retain lean mass.
>aesthetic you're going for
I want to cut down closer to 15-17% fat and then get amazonian mommy milkies swole.

>> No.15532448

You should just fast between meals, i.e. dont snack and cook well

>> No.15532482


>> No.15532502
File: 1.59 MB, 816x1158, C5F692AB-A821-41DE-891D-2807D89D247E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u even smoke cigarettes?

>> No.15532507

maybe one every other week

>> No.15532510

Only when I'm on an MDMA bender. Easy way to fast to be desu.

>> No.15532512
File: 55 KB, 752x1024, 1573468961854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 sit-ups each hour

>> No.15532518

i'm 15% and my face is so gaunt, damn these golfball sized cheebones

>> No.15532560
File: 1.00 MB, 480x462, megg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meg if ur here b my gf

>> No.15532573
File: 3.47 MB, 4032x3024, 55A95AA3-7285-4BE8-BF0B-388108173280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vape

>> No.15532641

>the fact you see yourself as nothing but an object to be perfected
is there a problem with this? it doesnt get much more based than this folks

>> No.15532739

i want to die its over for me

>> No.15532781

Hahahaha do you think people are gonna judge you less if you get skinny enough..? Just go to the nearest bar and get pinned down by a gentlemen

>> No.15532783

did you pose for the picture or is your posture just fucked

>> No.15532844
File: 3.00 MB, 720x900, j.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish that were me

>> No.15533018

Just puked out a delicious 1000 cal binge. Lol @ you starving faggets

>> No.15533024

Enjoy your rotten teeth and puffy face you disgusting waste of life

>> No.15533028

Someone's a little hangry!

>> No.15533032

In the black community being skinny is a bad thing and I have a fast metabolism so I don't really gain weight so seeing all this thinspo buisness and people trying their hardest to be as skinny as me is kinda cool

>> No.15533033

>I have a fast metabolism so I don't really gain weight
You don't eat much, that's all. Take your muh metabolism to Reddit

>> No.15533044


>> No.15533083

Why is this board trying to turn me gay?

>> No.15533130

Is it? I feel like I see a lot more young black guys being really skinny in america than white guys. I'm not from there though

>> No.15533206

so gross. imagine bragging about this.

>> No.15533326
File: 276 KB, 1080x877, gallery_1306907_66975_108295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15533327
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>> No.15533330
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>> No.15533333
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>> No.15533336
File: 293 KB, 400x523, gallery_1348161_67803_20418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no spoopy friend to spiral with :(

>> No.15533370

"Fast metabolism" is a meme just as much as coping fatties chugging soda and then bawling "much genetics, much slow thyroid" is.

>> No.15533419

fat people saying they're fat cause of genetics is a meme, thin people who eat like shit and ALOT is a well documented phenomenon

>> No.15533489

>people breaking the laws of thermodynamics is a well documented phenomenon
Fuck off, larp retard

>> No.15533512

matter is conserved. they just poop ALOT

>> No.15533619



These are clearly manlets

>> No.15533627

what am i larping as? lol

>> No.15533708

thoughts? i can fast for days but i cant eat breakfast; as soon as i do, i'll just be eating all day

>> No.15533710

linked particularly for the
>eat 30 g protein 30 min after waking up

>> No.15533751

these bitches envy and hate each other so much, you can feel it

>> No.15533773

didn't watch but i feel the best way to eat regardless of goals is intermittent fasting

don't eat anything until 12 then eat a big meal high in protein then don't eat anything after 8

chew gum and drink lots of water between meals so you won't snack as much

>> No.15533774

Mental illness, fuck off

>> No.15533833

I normally fucking hate thinspo but this picture makes me want a cute skeleton friend to take cute skeleton pictures with so bad

>> No.15533862


>> No.15533869

dont, you'll fuck up your teeth and it will suck
eat less, drink more water, be more active. record your progress

>> No.15533963

plenty of people have done 40 day fasts and the real danger from it is when you break the fast because of refeeding syndrome
that being said i highly doubt you would have the willpower to be able to complete a 40 day fast
just eat less and exercise more fattie

>> No.15534058

just measured out 100kcal of my coffee sweetener and the coffee still tasted like dogshit
guess it’s diet coke for me

>> No.15534061

they have 0 cal sweeteners u gypsy

>> No.15534070

black coffee with aspartame sounds a nightmarish concoction

>> No.15534123

Monster lo carb i see my local skelly drink this all the time as a fan of energy drink i say its good try it out might solveyour problem

>> No.15534133

you got like 4 colors worth of choice anon

>> No.15534140

Someone’s a little retarded

>> No.15534144

To bad niggers are ugly

>> No.15534164

quite literally not fucking true

>> No.15534167

are you 14

>> No.15534172

yup, been eating black beans every single day this week. insanely filling, i unironically like the taste, and v cheap

>> No.15534181

your body doesnt process the majority of calories from nuts and seeds iirc

>> No.15534191

what do you think the efficiency is? i wouldnt doubt if different people have different results about that

>> No.15534238

You’re the one bragging about puking after eating because you can’t resist doing damage to yourself, i think you’re the one with issues cunt

>> No.15534284
File: 157 KB, 1256x806, __original_drawn_by_hosoo__d2317cca936e6e13eac4b14b9615c5a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to a while ago. Then I turned 21 and they stopped feeling special.
I mostly just juul now, and enjoy a cigarillo every now and then.

>> No.15534299

its not a bad thing, they just hate what they cant have, or atleast most of them

>> No.15534315

no clue, and you're probably right. not a nutritionist here, just a /fa/ggot

>> No.15534320

bigass salad with homegrown tomatos and tuna with balsamic
gonna order sashimi tonight

>> No.15534333

gymrat body is for gay manlets.

>> No.15534349

Looking for a very specific thinspo collage pic of unhealthy food and attractive chicks

I'm pretty sure I saw it one one of these threads. Help a brother out

>> No.15534350

how bad is the farting anon?

>> No.15534355

There's a good MPA gallery of models eating. Would you be willing to make do with that?

>> No.15534358

anything to help the cause anon

>> No.15534377

I doubt its what you're after, but maybe you'll find something that triggers you. Good luck searching though. MPA is good in general for finding those old classics from the early tumblr thinspo days :)

>> No.15534384

this is, in my opinion, the ideal when it comes to thinspo. i'm working towards this right now. 6'2" and about 150 right now. I like my size, so now I'm just trying to maintain my weight and work on definition with various pull ups and ab workouts. if i end up this hot i'll post.

>> No.15534389

Very nice anon, happy 4 u

>> No.15534394

>120lbs @ 5'9
>weak as shit, tired 24/7
>arms look like twigs

what the fuck is this thinspo shit? no male should be skinny at all, i've been beaten up by girls before

unless you're overweight, you're fine

>> No.15534403
File: 3.80 MB, 1723x1308, 4anon copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this 4 u bby

>> No.15534421

You're thin, but I'm 2 inches taller and 5-10 pounds lighter and feel fine.

>> No.15534429

>i've been beaten up by girls before
Green it

>> No.15534437


>> No.15534464

>i've been beaten up by girls before
i literally only date girls who seem like theyd beat my ass. this is hot stop complaining.

>> No.15534493

Look skinny AND built is a lot harder than just don't eat

>> No.15534521

any1 else like doing 40-90 second sprints instead of jogging?

>> No.15534599



>> No.15535560

anyone know which brand of tank top is best for tall thin men? i need to show off my thin waist, sexy chest, and arms without being too close to nipslipping. what's the best cut and fabric to cut yourself?