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File: 154 KB, 962x761, Kyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15520193 No.15520193[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You can just feel the power emitting off of him

>> No.15520199

Tranny jannies wont allow us to discuss American heroes, this board is limited to a discussion of niggers, race mixers and faggots

>> No.15520204

>turned his back to an injured guy with a loaded weapon instead of double tapping and grabbing gun
he's just larperating with videogame/airshit tactics. if it wasn't a crowd of sjws and commies that attacked him we would be seeing shitty vaporwave shirts with his face on it with #rememberkyle over his eyes.

>> No.15520206

ID on the boots?

>> No.15520213

>/fa/ becomes /k/ where everytime someone at a protest farts we have 10 threads about it made by the same sperg for a week till he fucks off to another board
yawn kids life is over he’s a dumbfuck who cares

>> No.15520216

He will be exonerated.

>> No.15520218

please give us your fashion related insight on this “hero”

>> No.15520221

Killing a convicted pedophile and a convicted armed robber, while wounding a convicted wife-beater in self defense is extremely /fa/.

>> No.15520224

>actually believing this
lol, even if he is his life is over. Goodbye any chance of getting into college, goodbye any chance at getting a decent job, good luck not having your house burned down and swarmed if he walks

>> No.15520226

More of a man then you'll ever be, twisting arms to buy credit cards until they tell you to fuck off

>> No.15520227


>> No.15520228 [DELETED] 

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15520229

seething autistic retards swarming now absolute joke kids gonna get buttfucked in prison while you reek of cheese behind your computer doing nothing ahahaha

>> No.15520231

he has already accomplished more than you ever have in a single day

>> No.15520234 [DELETED] 

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15520235

>guys I shot two out of millions and my life is over and Ive done nothing but push more to the left im such a hero!!!!
you only like him because he’s a chubby sperg like you lmfao

>> No.15520238

I could see a reality where he gets a job at a far-right extremist media company, writing opinion pieces, or becoming a mouthpiece for whatever the corporate heads want to spout.

He became an actual hero for some people that night, and people tend to listen to their heros.

>> No.15520243

>for some people
*For anyone that isn't sympathetic to communist felons.

>> No.15520246


>> No.15520248

if he gets out he's prob going to end up working for info wars or breitbart as a token reporter a la kaitlyn bennett

>> No.15520251

And will in all likelihood be paid better than I ever will.

>> No.15520256

Guys more of a pro-cop traditional conservative than an alt-right conspiracy theorist, so Breitbart is much more likely.

>> No.15520267

idk how well he’ll do in interviews because he’s way more controversial than kaitlin, he can’t hide behind the fact that he’s a woman, and we don’t know how good he is at interviewing.
i could see him doing procop/antifa/progun articles though. he has a future for sure if he doesn’t get cucked by the judicial system.

>> No.15520281

Despite being pretty left, I would watch the shit out of whatever he ends up doing, just to see the desperate retelling of events by whoever hires him. I mean, how the fuck do you paint him in a positive light? Lean into it, and just try not to acknowledge what he did much? Continue to bring it up, and make him look like some sort of faux war hero?

>> No.15520282

The kid wanted to be a cop when he grew up (had a facebook page full of blue lives matter stuff, was part of some kind of junior policing organization). Zero chance he ever gets hired by a major city department given his background, but there's tons of small towns that'd love to have him.

>> No.15520284
File: 34 KB, 499x615, images - 2020-08-28T133801.676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need college to operate

>> No.15520291

>how the fuck do you paint him in a positive light
All 3 men he shot attacked him first, were convicted felons (the guy that got it in the head did 10 years in prison as a pedo, the other two had armed robbery and domestic violence charges), and were taking part in a riot that was destroying local business. Unless you believe people have the right to loot and burn the property of others without recourse, it's pretty hard to paint him in a bad light.

>> No.15520298

funny small towns don't have the same militarization problems
because their citizens are violent dregs undeserving of their own lives

>> No.15520334

School shooter autistic look

>> No.15520452

Drive from your shitty methhead infested town to where some protests are just to shoot at people like an autist and get your whole life fucked over

>> No.15520502

>carrying a weapon illegally
>shot and killed a man who threw a bag and him and was chasing him but clearly went full stop when he turned around with a gun before he shot him 4 times while he wasn't moving forward and caught on camera
>implying the DA won't crucify him when he claims he was scared after he heard a gunshot and feared for his life
>can't say the guy who had been chasing him for over 10 seconds had a gun at any point
>illegal for him to own a gun so absolutely zero formal training
>cross state lines to illegally carry
>then decided to call his friend after killing a man and trotting back as if it were no big deal
>then started running after he saw there was no thread
>when citizens rightfully tried to stop him he gunner them down
>already shot at another citizen who hadn't touched him, another tried to hit him in the head with skateboard for lawful arrest and self defense
>kills him
>another man aiming a gun at him who had plenty of opportunity to shoot but didn't
>just blasts him
>then approaches police after
>doesn't tell them he was involved in 3 shootings and 2 deaths
>leaves the state and attempts to run without informing authorities or getting a lawyer and surrendering

>> No.15520504

>here is why he is fucked

"RITTENHOUSE: Provide medical attention, people are going to need it. Somebody's injured, if you get hurt, I'm grabbing you."

>proceeds to shoot man, not call police then run
>shown to be blatantly breaking the law on camera carrying
>if they can convict him of literally any felony he is guilty of possession of a firearm while committing a felony

pay attention to
2 941.30(1) 1st-Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety Felony F

as long as they prove he endangered a single person by pointing a gun and shooting a shit load the last people he shot were legally attempting to apprehend and citizens arrest a criminal they saw commit a felony in addition to armed while committing a violent felony and 100% had commited a misdemeanor while armed (they didn't know his age tho)
the DA will go after him, he has no claim to make he is inexperienced and thus made ANY mistakes, if he did anything illegal even if he didn't know it's gg

if you think a 17 year old performed flawlessly in his legal rights and somehow 2/3 grown ass adults ended up dead when he fled the scene your larping bro, this kid is fried. The reason this isn't happening everywhere else is because other gun owners are smart enough to be trained and realize their actions have consequences or at least trigger discipline.

all this is before we even know why the first guy ran after him, if he committed any felonies before then he is super fried.

>> No.15520508

He shot a guy in the head then ran felony manslaughter or murder

>> No.15520515

Do you unironically think Delta would want this retard?

>> No.15520518

He's too short to enlist (5'1"), but let's pretend he isn't.

He's too fat to make it out of basic,he has a felony charge, violent criminal history.

Prone to panic in dangerous situations,lacks trigger discipline and will likely ND into allies

>> No.15520525

>McGinnis said when the first round went off, he thought it hit the pavement. McGinnis felt something on his leg and his first thought was wondering whether he had gotten shot. McGinnis was behind and slightly to the right of Rosenbaum, in the line of fire, when the defendant shot. McGinnis stated that the first round went into the ground and when the second shot went off, the defendant actually had the gun aimed at Rosenbaum.

proof he is guilty of recklessly endangered someone, not involved, a felony(McGinnis is the guy who interviewed him and filmed)

>A person can be heard yelling what sounds like, ‘Beat him up!’ Another person can be heard yelling what sounds like, ‘Hey, he shot him!’ Your complainant reviewed a fourth video that showed a different angle of the defendant running northbound. In this video a person can be heard yelling, ‘Get him! Get that dude!’ Then a male in a light-colored top runs towards the defendant and appears to swing at the defendant with his right arm.

>This swing makes contact with the defendant, knocking his hat off. The defendant continues to run northbound. On the video a male can be heard saying something to the effect of, ‘What’d he do?’ Another male can be heard responding something to the effect of, ‘Just shot someone.’

>Then a male can be heard yelling, ‘Get his ass!’ The defendant then trips and falls to the ground. As the defendant is on the ground, an unidentified male wearing a dark-colored top and lightcolored pants jumps at and over the defendant. Based on the sounds of gunshots on the video and the positioning of the defendant’s gun, it appears that he fires two shots in quick succession at this person. It appears that that person was not hit as he then runs away from the defendant.

proof they are attempting to perform a citizens arrest after he murdered a man with no weapon and fleeing the scene despite being a medic

>> No.15520528

>A second person who was later identified as Anthony Huber approaches the defendant who is still on the ground, on his back. Huber has a skateboard in his right hand. When Huber reaches the defendant it appears that he is reaching for the defendant’s gun with his left hand as the skateboard makes contact with the defendant’s left shoulder. Huber appears to be trying to pull the gun away from the defendant. The defendant rolls towards his left side and as Huber appears to be trying to grab the gun the gun is pointed at Huber’s body. The defendant then fires one round which can be heard on the video. Huber staggers away, taking several steps, then collapses to the ground. Huber subsequently died from this gunshot wound.

again shoots someone trying to take his gun away

pointing your gun at someone and having them try to grab it is not a defense for killing them are there is no threat to your life

wisconsin does not have stand your ground laws

when someone tries to disarm you after committing a crime performing a citizens arrest grabbing a gun is once again not a justified reason to kill someone


>> No.15520532
File: 257 KB, 1024x683, GettyImages-12282052542 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the proof you will need he recklessly endangered safety of people, pointing a gun with nobody even 6 feet in front of him and one man with his hands up, consider the hundreds of people around him he is banishing his weapon at

this again is a felony modified by commission of a felony while possessing a firearm

this picture alone fries his ass

>> No.15520538
File: 238 KB, 1024x683, GettyImages-1228205330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walking away from a murder scene for a second time before making contact with police and failing to disclose he shot multiple people before he fled from the state

funny he would come to illegally posses a gun and protect property he doesn't own, claim he is a medic there to render aid, fail to do so twice, fail to stick around at a scene less than a block away with police and safety and fail to remain in state after shooting so many people and failing to report it, despite the fact he had no problem calling his friend, which is not something you do when you "fear for your safety" innocent people call for help, call for police, or perhaps a "medic" would call for aid for the man he shot and knew was no longer a threat

>> No.15520539
File: 71 KB, 220x178, tenor (6).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15520555

Skinnyfat manchild educated on the internet and unable to talk to females core

>> No.15520560

the barrel is at a downward angle, his finger is off the trigger
he was fleeing a group that was actively attacking him and was actively seeking out police aid

The illegal firearm fucks him over

>> No.15520584

God I hope so

>> No.15520588

He absolutely will not, he murdered a man in cold blood before shooting two other individuals trying to apprehend him. People seem to be confusing the context of the video that is circulating and the timeline of events.

>> No.15520593

wtf is is this reddit tripfag spamming shit
gb2 discord with all the other 50% suiciders

>> No.15520602

>not, he murdered a man
*convicted child rapist
The rest is pretty clearly self defense. And all 3 “victims” have a history of violent crime convictions. The other guys that have killed rioters rushing them in the past few months have gotten off, too. He may catch a misdemeanor for carrying a weapon as a minor, but the rest isn’t gonna stick.

>> No.15520605

He feels sorry for his manlet pedo comrade.

>> No.15520606

lol @ you thinking his barrel being at a -0.0000362 degree downward angle trumps him pointing it at the general vicinity of anybody not involved let alone at their limbs keep coping moron, the law is clear as day and the fact he isn't trained to clearly point it directly at the ground isn't an excuse to break a felony law especially when he is already illegally carrying

you can't use deadly force when your life isn;t in danger unless your in a stand your ground state, he wasn't

attempting to take a criminals weapon in a civilian arrest is lawful, doing so for no reason may not be but it isn't a deadly threat

either way they were attempting to arrest him and he has an obligation to surrender himself dumbfuck, keep coping again

>b-but they were threatening me and trying to stop me after i murdered someone and ran so of course I can shoot and kill them when they

>jumped over me
>touched my gun without hitting me

lmao @ you, your brain is more fried that this kid is gunna be

>The illegal firearm fucks him over

doesn't do shit moron, nice job trying to agree and save face

honestly here is my trap card

>they don't even need definitive proof that he committed a felony

Wisconsin doesn’t actually have a specific statute regarding citizen’s arrests, but such arrests are covered by common law or judge-made law. Those laws allow citizens to make arrests under one of two conditions.

The first is when a citizen has probable cause to believe that the person they are arresting has committed a felony. An example would be if you are standing outside a bank and someone with a mask comes out of the building with a bag of money. That gives you enough reason to believe that the person committed a felony.

the second someone saw a man jump over him and not harm him and fired shots not only was he guilty of reckless endangerment but the next 2 people had a legal right to attempt to arrest

>tries to take his gun
>gets killed

fried just for this

>> No.15520611
File: 1.30 MB, 500x365, cfe39b3a8e8f493fe292752d379aec10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally fried for 100 different things
>except the one you said
he can self defend even if underage
there is no reason they would suspect him of being underage and even if they did you cannot citizens arrest for misdeamanor

lmao @ you, so fucking stupid

>> No.15520613

i only skimmed the thread
is that what this is about?

>> No.15520614


Yup, fuck him

>> No.15520615

unfortunately the law doesn't discriminate against murder victims for your shrunken brain

if you think the fact a sex offender threw a plastic bag and tried to grab his gun trumps a 17 year old illegally carrying without proper training (as noted by people on his side) and murdered at least 1 person for sure and fled the state you should take your confidence and become a lawyer and try to defend him, surely it will workout good

>> No.15520621
File: 124 KB, 311x340, kyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he'll spend the rest of his behind bars life getting BLACKED to death

>> No.15520625

what law states the firearm has to be pointed directly at the ground

there was no valid cause for anybody to enact a citizens arrest, and it's pretty easy to argue his life was in danger

>> No.15520628

>you can't use deadly force when your life isn;t in danger
His life was clearly in danger. He was attacked by 3 men with a criminal history of violence, one of whom was armed.

>> No.15520633

stay angry kiddo i'm not just a tripfag i'm a paralegal tripfag, I literally spend all day talking law and business, from 8am to 6pm, even in personal business like ordering from takeout I will find liabilities and fucking expose them

here is an excerpt I happened to send a friend today from one of the companies that I merely had suspicion of committing an actionable offense and ran right the fuck thru

I literally do this shit without thinking

redacted of course

if I showed you how many disputes I hav had, how much I have collected, and how many people even professional lawyers and other specialized trained business workers I have ran thru you would realize what a little bitch you are for not probing your throbbing thick legal rights to the fullest extent of the law


>> No.15520635

>i'm a paralegal tripfag
Then you should know why precedent is on this kid’s side.

>> No.15520637

ok karen

>> No.15520649

your asking what the law says about this specific, you should be asking why it breaks the law instead

941.20 Endangering safety by use of dangerous weapon.
(1) Whoever does any of the following is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor:
(a) Endangers another's safety by the negligent operation or handling of a dangerous weapon.

it's called banishing and if there is no imminent threat you cannot just point a gun in the direction of people because you feel like it

and no somebody running after you is not an imminent threat to your life or even of bodily harm

he was in the wrong as soon as he pointed the gun at someone who was unarmed and just running at him yelling to stop him

you can keep trying to argue but everybody here knows if you see someone shoot another person and run when they are not in danger you have probably cause to catch them, if you see a man jump over another man and he shoots him there is probably cause

your can say threat all you want but the law is clear you cannot shoot just because you happen to be scared, you can't even shoot if someone simply harms you

>if it is not great bodily harm or threat of death you cannot shoot

>grabbing your gun isn't either and he killed both people who did this

it compounds after each time he broke the law for the 3 times, each person after was attempting a citizens arrest, which is why he is charged with murder or attempted murder for everyone he shot or shot at

>> No.15520658

prove a man running towards you is going to commit great bodily harm or kill you

>you can't

he is fried

maybe in a stand your ground state, but you clearly don't understand the law, hes as fried as your brain

>sitting in a free $200 gaming chair
>listing to my free $1000 sound system

>> No.15520664

so where does the law state a firearm needs to be pointed directly at the ground?

Being beaten and thrown onto the ground is, in fact, an imminent threat.
Where does the law state you can only defend your life after you've received a life threatening injury?

>> No.15520666

>tried to grab his gun
If you’re in a confrontation and the other person tries to get control of a lethal weapon from you, that’s absolutely a justified shoot. What are you supposed to do? Let him take the gun and hope the violent assailant calms down?

>> No.15520671

" The actor may not intentionally use force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm unless the actor reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself."

>jumps over him and gets shot
>grabs gun gets killed

this kid was only hit once the entire time lmao @ you

>> No.15520672

>prove a man running towards you is going to commit great bodily harm or kill you
Which one? The armed one that’s stomping your skull, the one beating you with a skateboard, or the one trying to steal your gun to do god knows what?

>> No.15520677

>unless the actor reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself
You (or the prosecutor for that matter) can’t possibly claim in good faith that he didn’t reasonably believe such a thing would happen to him given the context.

>> No.15520678


he was only hit once the entire time

he shot a man who jumped over him, fried

since your are dumb let me explain again pointing a gun towards crowds of people when it is clearly armed and loaded is recklessly endangering their safety

lmao if you think any country or state has or ever will have a law you have to point a gun at the ground, you could fucking point it at the sky if you wanted

yet every single state and the federal law states you cannot just point a gun at people 12+ feet away because you feel scared

>> No.15520679

a gun you illegally pointed at them

lmao if you think you can skirt the law

" The actor may not intentionally use force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm unless the actor reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself."

explain to me directly how a person grabbing you gun puts you in danger of deadly force but you pointing the gun at someone after you shot someone else who didn't touch you isn't a threat to that person who has the right to defend themselves and grab your gun

and don't cop out with "well he could have done this and that" if you see a guy walking down the street with a knife you can't assume he will stab you and shoot him and that doesn't work in court

>> No.15520680

>unless the actor reasonably believes
so not
>the actor receives a life threatening injury

his rifle is aimed downwards, at an angle

>> No.15520685

>the armed one

no the one who jumped over him and didn't touch him who he shot at

after he kept pointing his rifle like a dumbass he was the threat and committing a felony

at this point he is the agressor, just the same way you can't punch someone in the face with a gun in your back pocket and when they punch you back shoot them and get off the hook the fact he had a superior weapon doesn't allow him to simply get away with murder because they tried to disarm him after he committed a felony in front of them then threatened the persons life without ever being touched

keep crying for friedboi

>> No.15520688

Or he'll just pick up a trade and outearn all of you faggots. I don't know how intelligent he is, but he seems to be level-headed and good with his hands.

>> No.15520690

He was publicly in illegal possession of a firearm. Not getting out of this one bucko.

>> No.15520694

he can and will

you can't punch a man with a concealed gun in your pocket, wait until he hits you and kill him

you initiated the conflict, you are the aggressor

pointing a gun at someone right after committing a felony and you are not in IMMINENT danger of great bodily harm or death look up imminent if you don't understand

that person had 100% right to disarm him and he had no right to use deadly force until he feared for his life, at this point minor bodily harm doesn't matter

if you have a knife and you try to stab someone they have a right to harm you attempting to stop an attack(in this case gun being pointed at you) and your only right to use deadly is responding to IMMINENT deadly force, getting hit with a skateboard doesn't meet that requirement

>> No.15520696

>no the one who jumped over him and didn't touch him
There were two people shot after he tripped. The one that died was beating him with a skateboard, and the one that got half his arm blown off (a convicted felon illegally carrying a gun) pretended to surrender when he approached, only to get shot after he attempted to raise his pistol.

>> No.15520697

if i'm 6'7" and aim my rifle downward at your torso I guess i'm good to go

moron lmao at you basing your conjecture at a literal less than 5 degree angle it's aimed almost straight vs even beign near 15 degree downward angle and a prosecutor will have his head

>not to mention in previous frames captured it's aimed up, watch the video

>> No.15520699

the one that diet was attempting to disarm him after he committed multiple felonies including starting the altercation

sorry moron but punching someone in the face to start a fight and pointing a gun at them illegally are the same thing

>if the other person dies unless he legit tried to kill you he was defending himself and you 100% fucked

>> No.15520701

>responding to IMMINENT deadly force
Wrong, great bodily harm is under the purview of lethal self defense, and a skateboard absolutely qualifies. Most importantly, he was in the process of retreating to the police line, after calling the cops, when he tripped and got jumped. The 2 men shot there knowingly followed and started attacking him.

>> No.15520705

>punching someone in the face to start a fight
He was running away before they started the interaction that got them shot, retard. Not his fault two idiots thought they could beat him to death when he was down.

>> No.15520706

"(a convicted felon illegally carrying a gun)"

didn;t see anything about this? did he yell that he was illegally carrying to him or show him some type of paperwork? if not then it doesn't matter a single bit, he was attempting to disarm and detain a murder which a DA will prove when he shows the jury he had ample time to shoot him but instead tried to stand him down and even after being shot he ran off

not to mention the fucking kid is also illegally carrying funny how you think he has some immunity when he committed multiple felonies infront of the handgun guy and the kid saw the handgun guy commit exactly


lmao @ ur brain right now keep trying to find angles, it's funny watching you squirm

>> No.15520711

ok, so what law elucidates the angle at which a rifle should legally be pointed at? where does the law state it's even a crime for a gun to be pointed at someone in a manner other than intentionally?

>> No.15520712

not if you begin the conflict, you can't assualt someone and when they respond to stop the attack just shoot them and claim they tried to punch you back

in this case pointing the gun is the assault and hitting him and grabbing is gun is his attempt to stop the real and obvious imminent threat to his life from a man wildly firing who can shoot him in the back, meanwhile his only chance to stop him is getting his gun

keep coping, you don't understand the law if you think your right

go get a concealed permit, punch a guy and when he punches you back shoot him

go out with a gun, get a guy to approach you angrily, point the gun at him, when he tries to disarm you if he hits you even once just pull out another gun and shoot the shit out of him

see how that works out for you, lmao if that were the law people would be getting away with murder left and right, sorry but ar boi is the aggressor


>> No.15520714

>also illegally carrying
It is a misdemeanor for a minor to carry a firearm outside of a gun range or while hunting in the state of Wisconsin. Possessing a firearm as a prohibited person (which a man convicted for domestic violence is) is a federal crime.

>> No.15520715

he started the altercation by pointing the gun after he tripped by no fault of the pursuers legally following him after having probable cause he committed a felony

>go get a concealed permit, punch a guy and when he punches you back shoot him

>go out with a gun, get a guy to approach you angrily, point the gun at him, when he tries to disarm you if he hits you even once just pull out another gun and shoot the shit out of him

>see how that works out for you, lmao if that were the law people would be getting away with murder left and right, sorry but ar boi is the aggressor

>> No.15520716

>not if you begin the conflict
The conflict was over after he retreated. They chased him down and re-initiated.

>> No.15520718

it doesn't change anything in getting him off, lmfao, just means that guy is going to jail, hes still a victim and ar boi is still getting fried

>> No.15520723

nope, he became the aggressor as soon as he pointed his gun at people who had a legal right to follow him having probable cause he committed a felony, some having witness him shoot an unarmed man and leave the scene and people yelling he shot a man

good luck trying to convince a jury this guy just had people following him twice trying to beat him up for no reason right after a shot a man and he dindu nuffin wrong

>> No.15520727

hearsay is not probable cause

>> No.15520731
File: 179 KB, 1005x1024, B6CF34C1-924B-42DA-8A35-75C5023B1CD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GOA is sending their lawyers to meet with him
>all 3 victims are violent felons (pic related)
>NYT article has video evidence of him helping clean graffiti and offering medical assistance to protestors https://archive.is/FF0tc
>the state is trying to prove he committed 1st degree murder
Holy shit, he might actually get away with it.

>> No.15520733

it's not hearsay, people witnessed it and followed him from the scene many others witnessed the dead body and saw people yelling he shot someone, that is not hearsay that is multiple with probably cause following keep

keep larping you know what hearsay means though

>daily reminder if a cop sees a person bleeding and someone tells him a man running away hit them he then had probable cause to pursue them

hearsay applies to testimony and affidavits in an actual fucking trial and is inadmissible

probably cause is a reasonable suspicion and it applies to someone justifying their actions which may or may not lead to a trial

>> No.15520734

autocorrect fucking me

you obviously have no idea what you are talking about, there are 5 victims

>> No.15520735

who saw it? "people yelling he shot someone" is hearsay.

>> No.15520736

>and offering medical assistance to protestors
it has him saying he will do so before shooting a man who is a victim in a charge of first degree reckless homicide, seeing his isn't a threar or armed and then having time to call his friend instead of an ambulance and then fleeing instead of giving aid

I can say all type of shit, action speaks louder than words

oh and ocne again

5 victims

if I was the DA I could probably get a dozen more who will testify and are on camera with him pointing the gun at them within a few days

another dozen victims and dozen felonies

>> No.15520737

they started chasing him and hit him from behind; he was absolutely not the aggressor, and even if he was the aggressor in the first incident, the second incident is too attenuated in time to claim his status as aggressor continued. theres no legal right to follow someone; "probable cause he committed a felony" at best is relevant insofar as it provides tort immunity to a private citizens arrest if they follow that legal theory. whether he can claim self-defense which uses a reasonableness standard tailored to the aggressor's level of force is definitely something the jury could turn either way on (eg considering one person attacking him had a gun on them, right?)

>> No.15520740


>hearsay applies to testimony and affidavits in an actual fucking trial and is inadmissible

keep yapping it just makes you look stupid as fuck

one of the victims of his was filming, he survived the first shooting

>another victim of his before he killed the second man

>he committed the alleged offense infront of hundreds of people including everyone chasing him

at that point it was beyond probable cause, that person is listed as a victim in the charges, it's on camera and everyone pursuing him saw him doing it

keep yapping your gums you haven't even looked at the criminal complaint

>> No.15520741

>5 victims
Every news report I’ve seen said 3. Who were the other 2?

>> No.15520746

>even if he was the aggressor i

The above-named defendant on or about Tuesday, August 25, 2020, in the City of Kenosha,
Kenosha County, Wisconsin , did recklessly endanger the safety of Richard McGinnis , under
circumstances which show utter disregard for human life, contrary to sec 941.30 ( 1) , 939.50 (3 )(f),
939.63( 1)(b ) Wis . Stats., a Class F Felony , and upon conviction may be fined not more than
Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) or imprisoned not more than twelve ( 12) years and six
(6 ) months, or both.
And further, invoking the provisions of sec. 939.63(1)(b ) Wis. Stats. , because the defendant
committed this offense while using a dangerous weapon, the maximum term of imprisonment for
the felony may be increased by not more than 5 years.

victim of first shooting who survived
after he fell down in plain view of everyone chasing him who he then murdered, he committed a felony offense

The above-named defendant on or about Tuesday, August 25, 2020, in the City of Kenosha,
Kenosha County, Wisconsin , did recklessly endanger the safety of an unknown male, under
circumstances which show utter disregard for human life, contrary to sec 941.30 (1) , 939.50 (3 )(f),
939.63 (1) (b ) Wis . ats ., a Class F Felony , and upon conviction may be fined not more than
Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) , or imprisoned not more than twelve ( 12) years and six
(6 ) months, or both.
And further, invokingthe provisions of sec. 939.63( 1)(b ) Wis. Stats., becausethe defendant
committed this offense while using a dangerousweapon, the maximumterm of imprisonmentfor
the felony may be increased by not more than 5 years.

>> No.15520748


>> No.15520750

by the way the second one, the felony he commited in plain view of the people who he shot and killed then shot and injured, he did before anyone ever laid a hand on him
yikes, keep yapping about hearsay you are so far removed from reality it's not even funny

>> No.15520752

which means the probable cause falls through. meaning they have none. meaning any action taken towards him for his alleged committing of a felony falls through.
the keyword that even you've used is alleged.

>> No.15520755

i dont think you have any idea how homicide categorizations work and their relationship to a defense. you keep talking about probable cause as if the standard has any relevance to the issue

im not the person misunderstanding what hearsay is btw

>> No.15520761

Why do people from the USA glorify gun violence so much? Fucking disgusting.

>> No.15520762
File: 987 KB, 229x176, Wayne-Knight-Laughing-Jurassic-Park.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they didn't even need probable cause

they watched him shoot at a man and commit a felony right in front of their eyes

they had first hand knowledge he had committed a felony

I used alleged because it hasen't been proven in a court case lmfao you are mentally retarded

The above-named defendant on or about Tuesday, August 25, 2020, in the City of Kenosha,
Kenosha County, Wisconsin , did recklessly endanger the safety of an unknown male, under
circumstances which show utter disregard for human life, contrary to sec 941.30 (1) , 939.50 (3 )(f),
939.63 (1) (b ) Wis . ats ., a Class F Felony , and upon conviction may be fined not more than
Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) , or imprisoned not more than twelve ( 12) years and six
(6 ) months, or both.
And further, invokingthe provisions of sec. 939.63( 1)(b ) Wis. Stats., becausethe defendant
committed this offense while using a dangerousweapon, the maximumterm of imprisonmentfor
the felony may be increased by not more than 5 years.

As the defendant is on the ground , an unidentified male wearing a dark-colored top and light
colored pants jumps at and over the defendant. Based on the sounds of gunshots on the video
and the positioning of the defendant's gun , it appears that he fires two shots in quick succession at
this person. It appears that that person was not hit as he then runs away from the defendant.

they literally watched him shoot at a man who didn't touch him, until it's proven it's alleged, if you shot a man point blank in the face infront of 100 camera and police it would be alleged until you were fucking convicted lmfao,

the police think he broke the law so even without proving it they had probable cause in addition to the fact he basically actual broke it because oh look he wasn't bodily harmed and he used deadly force

keep crying brainlet you are so dumb it's fucking amazing

>> No.15520765

I didn't write this

"Wisconsin doesn’t actually have a specific statute regarding citizen’s arrests, but such arrests are covered by common law or judge-made law. Those laws allow citizens to make arrests under one of two conditions.

The first is when a citizen has probable cause to believe that the person they are arresting has committed a felony. An example would be if you are standing outside a bank and someone with a mask comes out of the building with a bag of money. That gives you enough reason to believe that the person committed a felony."

he shot at a man who didn't touch him infront of others then pointed a gun at them when they posed no imminent threat

>I committed a violent felony and people are approaching me angrily

isn't an imminent threat

keep crying hes fried

>> No.15520768

He tries to shoot him after a false surrender you dirty kike

>> No.15520769

>talking about the second guy he shot at (on purpose)

>you're talking about the last guy he shot at

lmfao dat brain

>> No.15520770

probable cause is required for a citizens arrest. witnessing a felony is probable cause.
>it hasn't been proven in a court case
so it isn't proven to be factual

>> No.15520783


here is how it works retard, I should charge you for the lesson

You can factually commit a crime, you are guilty, you did it. Until you are proven to have did it you however can also be not guilty in the eyes of the law, you are in fact, guilty but legally, you are not guilty until a jury/judge finds you guilty.

If you commit a crime or do not commit a crime in front of someone if you APPEAR to have committed a crime then that person MAY have reason to believe you did and therefore has probable cause you committed the crime.

Let's say you goto court and it is proven you DID commit the crime,that DOES NOT MEAN THE PERSON WHO CLAIMS THEY HAD PROBABLE CAUSE HAD PROBABLE CAUSE.

If you shoot someone in a dark alley and a nightvision camera proves they were pulling a gun and you say you shot him because you say you saw him pull a gun and later they prove there was no way you could have seen it, maybe it was obstructed by something, despite the fact they may be guilty of branishing a weapon the person who claimed to see it DID NOT HAVE PROBABLE CAUSE!!!

the same goes the opposite way, if it is proven you are NOT GUILTY OF A CRIME there can still be probable cause that a CRIME WAS COMMITTED...

If you see someone come around the corner begging for help and a man tackles him and they fight and the "aggressor" punches him you have probable cause he was being assaulted and tried to defend himself. However later if he is convicted of murdering the other mans wife and it's found out the other man was attempting to stop him from fleeing although he wasn't being assaulted and defending himself, he was attempting to escape and attempting to evade legal detainment, you STILL HAVE PROBABLE CAUSE HE WAS BEING ASSAULTED AND DEFENDING HIMSELF

so if you call the cops are report that you are protected same as if you STEP IN AND ATTEMPT TO SUBDUE THE PERCEIVED ATTACKER, YOU WILL NOT BE CHARGED WITH AIDING A FUGITIVE OF JUSTICE!

>> No.15520786

so where is the proof he committed the crime? where did he appear to commit a crime, aside from hearsay?

>> No.15520841

Can someone give me a quick rundown on why this fag is having a meltdown.

>> No.15520843
File: 3.45 MB, 480x270, 8E025BB7-462F-4CEA-8297-26279EB06B1F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s under the rather quaint delusion that dead communists are somehow a bad thing.

>> No.15520845

>a guy jumped over him
>he shot at guy
>he wasn't harmed or ever in danger
>literally everbody saw

The above-named defendant on or about Tuesday, August 25, 2020, in the City of Kenosha,
Kenosha County, Wisconsin , did recklessly endanger the safety of an unknown male, under
circumstances which show utter disregard for human life, contrary to sec 941.30 (1) , 939.50 (3 )(f),
939.63 (1) (b ) Wis . ats ., a Class F Felony , and upon conviction may be fined not more than
Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) , or imprisoned not more than twelve ( 12) years and six
(6 ) months, or both.
And further, invokingthe provisions of sec. 939.63( 1)(b ) Wis. Stats., becausethe defendant
committed this offense while using a dangerousweapon, the maximumterm of imprisonmentfor
the felony may be increased by not more than 5 years.

As the defendant is on the ground , an unidentified male wearing a dark-colored top and light
colored pants jumps at and over the defendant. Based on the sounds of gunshots on the video
and the positioning of the defendant's gun , it appears that he fires two shots in quick succession at
this person. It appears that that person was not hit as he then runs away from the defendant.

>> No.15520849
File: 311 KB, 2048x1200, 20200828_112253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you mean this dude

>> No.15520851


>Everyone I don't like is a communist

>> No.15520855

read this, not sure why this is so hard to understand I've explained it 3 times along with the report by police based on the video of what happened


maybe you brainlets want to believe the only thing he did wrong was with the last guy when he clearly committed a felony in plain view before pointing a gun at a non threat who witnessed it, murdering him, then shooting another person he pointed a gun at first

>> No.15520856

Or do you mean the clearly unhinged manlet pedo who was chasing him at first?

>> No.15520857
File: 40 KB, 330x381, manfaceaua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I mean the person he shot at twice who never touched him, the one he shot at infront of the people he later pointed his gun at despite them being a non threat

that he is now charged with murder and attempted murder for his actions

>> No.15520859

Lin Wood is now representing Kyle pro-bono. Can’t see this going well for the prosecutors.

>> No.15520860

This pic is the same as this you retard >>15520849

>> No.15520861

>yes because a lawyer can someone overcome irrefutable video proof showing he shot at people who didn't touch him before shooting and murdering someone who tried to disarm him and someone who tried to stop him from fleeing

>> No.15520862

Go back to scamming people in civil cases you kike

>> No.15520864

>didn't touch
>only pulled an actually illegal firearm

>> No.15520865
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1548033140649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so it isn't proven to be factual
By this logic, O. J. Simpson is an innocent man. You absolute fucking retard.

>> No.15520869

>I knew the guy was going to try to shoot me so i kept my rifle aimed at civilians who weren't threatening me

yes claiming intuition will work extremely well for him in court, strong women who don't need no man run the court systems because they "just knew" before the fact

not to mention people are mixing the guy up to begin with is why we are talking about it stay stupid and post on facebook why you know the law better than literal legal professionals

>> No.15520872

He’s won some pretty massive high-profile cases over the years, including ones where the defendant was falsely accused by law enforcement (Richard Jewell). If he’s taking this one for free, I doubt it’s because he thinks he’ll lose.

>> No.15520874

i'm not talking about him you fucking retard the guy with the handgun is

The above-named defendant on or about Tuesday, August 25, 2020, in the City of Kenosha,
Kenosha County, Wisconsin, attempted to cause the death of Gaige P. Grosskreutz with intent to
kill that person, contrary to sec. 940.01( 1)(a ), 939.50(3 )(a ) 939.32, 939.63( 1 ) b ) Wis . Stats., a
Class B Felony, and upon conviction may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment not to exceed
sixty (60) years .
And further, invoking the provisions of sec. 939.63( 1)(b ) Wis. Stats., because the defendant
committed this offense while using a dangerous weapon, the maximum term of imprisonment for
the felony may be increased by not more than 5 years.

>> No.15520875

the guy i'm talking about is
The above-named defendant on or about Tuesday, August 25, 2020, in the City of Kenosha,
Kenosha County, Wisconsin , did recklessly endanger the safety of an unknown male, under
circumstances which show utter disregard for human life, contrary to sec 941.30 (1) , 939.50 (3 )(f),
939.63 (1) (b ) Wis . ats ., a Class F Felony , and upon conviction may be fined not more than
Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) , or imprisoned not more than twelve ( 12) years and six
(6 ) months, or both.
And further, invokingthe provisions of sec. 939.63( 1)(b ) Wis. Stats., becausethe defendant
committed this offense while using a dangerousweapon, the maximumterm of imprisonmentfor
the felony may be increased by not more than 5 years.

As the defendant is on the ground , an unidentified male wearing a dark-colored top and light
colored pants jumps at and over the defendant. Based on the sounds of gunshots on the video
and the positioning of the defendant's gun , it appears that he fires two shots in quick succession at
this person. It appears that that person was not hit as he then runs away from the defendant.

it clearly states the ENTIRETY of their interaction and nowhere does it say anything about a fucking handgun, fifth time i'm having to explain this to your stupid fucking ass lmfao, learn to read redneck

>> No.15520879

it's literally free press that gets him millions of dollars worth of advertising and if the trial is filmed like is common in these cases closer to tens of millions of free advertising....

are you fucking stupid, lawyers defend clients pro bono all the time knowing they will lose.

it's cost to benefit and if you think lawyers care about anything else you must not be aware that lawyers regularly defend clients they know are guilty of murder and all other types of offenses lmfao

>> No.15520885

>they know are guilty of murder
But this one isn’t. Even in the criminal complaint, the DA cites a witness describing the first assailant chasing Kyle into a corner and trying to steal his gun. That right there is enough to qualify for self-defense in Wisconsin.

>> No.15520889

I also still haven't seen proof he was actually convicted of a felony until you show me one there appears to be proof he was only charged, by that same logic the shooter is automatically a felon as soon as he was charged...

the man could have possible plead down to misdemeanors, had charges dropped, or still be awaiting trail.... I think there would be news of his arrest if he was a felon, I could be wrong but until I have proof just shows how rabid you truly are unless you provide it to me now.


>> No.15520895

>the DA cites a witness describing the first assailant chasing Kyle into a corner and trying to steal his gun.

the official criminal complaint stays

"The video shows that as they cross the parking lot, Rosenbaum appears to throw an object at the
defendant. The object does not hit the defendant and a second video shows, based on where the
object landed, that it was a plastic bag. Rosenbaum appears to be unarmed for the duration of this
video. A review of the second video shows that the defendant and Rosenbaum continue to move
across the parking lot and approach the front of a black car parked in the lot. A loud bang is heard
on the video, then a male shouts, “ Fuck you! , then Rosenbaum appears to continue to approach
the defendant and gets in near proximity to the defendant when 4 more loud bangs are heard.
Rosenbaum then falls to the ground"

oh and hard more because your stupid

stealing and attempting to disarm a personal criminally pointing it at you are two different things

attempting to redirect the barrel of a person illegally pointing it at you is in a whole nother world

>but obviously you think this man ran after a guy armed with an AR and threw a bag at him and ran right at him in an attempt to try to actually legit just steal his gun from him lmfao, like if he hadn't have pointed it at him he would have tried to fucking take it of his back and run away with it lmfao dude

>> No.15520897
File: 858 KB, 240x228, 1523257418830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dick-gargling fucking faggot, how do you manage to shit up so many boards? Can't you just choose one or two to stink up?

>> No.15520899
File: 387 KB, 220x357, tenor (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep crying

>> No.15520903
File: 456 KB, 250x150, 196175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another fucking epic trap card I couldn't wait to use that will rile your little butt up

>if he was a convicted felon breaking the law he has likely already signed a waver to testify in exchange for full immunity

>> No.15520913
File: 670 KB, 267x200, 200 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunna go make some ramen, bring some more crazy cuckservadick conspiracy theories how he will escape this situation so I can squash your hopes

well, ttyl

>> No.15520917

Interesting that there's no mention of one chasing the other here. Maybe it shouldn't be treated as fucking gospel when it is thos clearly partial.

>> No.15520919

The US judicial system is in bad need of a pogrom, since this is actually plausible

>> No.15520933

Thanks for your posts anon, you absolutely BTFO'd the guy responding to you.

>> No.15520936

>Even in the criminal complaint, the DA cites a witness describing the first assailant chasing Kyle into a corner and trying to steal his gun.
>literally factually wrong

jesus shut the fuck up u whiney bitch
>inb4 "that's not my post" keepcrying4urfriend

>> No.15520938
File: 61 KB, 313x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally all these faggots

>self defense is stealing
>self defense is great bodily harm

actual fucking murder
>nope it's self defense

even the cops fucking disagree I thought you morons supported police

>> No.15520945

I don’t like police brutality, but I hate marxists more. It’s good that 2 of them are dead.

>> No.15520951
File: 27 KB, 620x349, Kyle-Rittenhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>police brutality
did this photo confuse you anon

lmfao at you trying to make this a political issue or relate to protests, it's a case of cold blooded murder and nothing else matters, only conservatives are looking at victims backgrounds to justify it as if it changes what happened and who is criminally responsible

nobody cares about your politics loser go find some conservative or liberal forum to stroke ur ego or troll in, your fucking braindead

>> No.15520957

The cops weren't interested in picking him up at first, similarly to Zimmerman

I kinda hope that he gets convinced though, since that would be a major redpill for a large mass of people. Whites still believe in the walking corpse that is America, when they should actually be the most eager to slaugher it.

>> No.15520958

>your fucking braindead

>> No.15520963

prove to me right now they weren't interested in taking into custody a person who had just killed 2 people

don't use the video where he walks up to cop cars in the middle of chaos and they have no idea who the fuck he even is and you don't see or have any info he told them he shot anyone let alone killed anybody at that time

>you can't

destroying you guys is fun but you morons with your facebook tier logic are insufferable, I have cited so many laws and evidence I wanna see one of your morons actually back up your bullshit even 1 fucking time.

>> No.15520965
File: 87 KB, 370x290, 8b12f9ce6e05e0bbe6e316657eed828e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post 10/10

I bet everyone you know thinks your smart, you cellphone is ringing off the hook 24/7 with invites from friends

>> No.15520966

Damn the people who assaulted him had guns too, scary stuff.

>> No.15520970


you morons can't even get your opinion based bullshit on point without being easily disproven

prove there was more than 1 gun involved on anybody who came into contact with him

>> No.15521053
File: 132 KB, 532x400, 1598587794782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15521057

after looking at the videos it seems like self defense tbqh

>> No.15521058

>i have a gun I can shoot at anything that makes me jumpy even if I don't get hurt and you can't stop me from fleeing a homicide scene

you're a pussy