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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 28 KB, 659x659, D4C1035C-9E5D-4EC1-B35B-79167CC2B977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15519356 No.15519356[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

youre a fat neckbeard with a hideous girlfriend, when people were memeing your ugly ass gf hard you ran for the hills. even now youre not gonna acknowledge the picture of you weighing like 300 pounds with this nasty ass fat 45 year old with a bulbous nose, are you? No, you fat bitch, you just hope people are gonna forget about that one. worst bit is that was 2014. 6 years of your life being a fat little bitch who fucks ugly girls and spends all day, ALL FUCKING DAY on this site where nobody likes you. What a sad man you are what a sad sad man.

>sieg's not gonna respond because he 's a bitch
>s ieg's not gonna respond because he's a bitch
>sieg's not gonna respond because he's a bitch
>sieg' s not gonna respond because he's a bitch
>sieg 's not gonna respond because he's a bitch
>sieg's not gonna respond because he's a bitch
>sieg's not gonna respond because he's a bitch
>sieg's not gonna respond because he's a bitch

>> No.15519361

the greatest trick the devil pulled

>> No.15519366

Sieg is not a real person, it's a character.
As far as I am concerned, if a tripfag doesn't post a fresh selfie, it's not real.

>> No.15519367

He's not gonna respond because he fooled you

>> No.15519369

He's a stupid larper that likes to talk a lot of shit about things he knows nothing about

>> No.15519370

t. Sieg

You even type like Sieg too

>> No.15519376

TLDR but leave his wife alone dude
She doesn’t post here and doesn’t deserve the criticism.
Pls direct the hateFul comments towards Sieg and Sieg alone

>> No.15519377

this poor man just got doxxed!

>> No.15519378


>> No.15519380
File: 53 KB, 446x416, 123456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15519381

Is that even Sieg? Or some innocent guy that got doxxed? I have reason to believe Sieg never posted any real pics of himself and his tripfag is indeed a larping character used to shitpost. If he did post an actual picture of himself, we may have seen a real fit of him anonymously in the waywt many many years ago but without the tripcode Sieg above it. Because of that, us old fags possibly know what Sieg looks like but may not even realize it was even Sieg in the first place.

>> No.15519390


>> No.15519393

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15519399

only ever seen him post timestamp pics of stupid shit hes bought

used to be a pic of "him" in a car wearing sunglasses with stubble, much thinner than op idk if it's same person but i imagine yall are getting trolled

also sage

>> No.15519400
File: 6 KB, 211x239, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15519403
File: 1.98 MB, 540x230, 441f7355af7c78e753f673335f6af7bf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15519406

Igor, why are you so obsessed with me?

>> No.15519411

It's not Igor, dummy, he doesn't talk like that

>> No.15519419

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15519427

I have it on good authority that the guy in the car is not Sieg.

>> No.15519437

Shut up you withered old hag. You haven't been fuckable since the 90s, nobody wants you wrinkly snatch or your worthless opinions

>> No.15519441
File: 21 KB, 236x335, c9a070102769a246508c1b996fa82ac7--fight-club-quotes-brad-pitt-movies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So long as everyone in this thread is posting crackpot conspiracy, ill throw my hat into the ring.

"Seig" placebo Tyler Durden'd himself, because he really likes that movie.

He only posts when he goes into his disassociative trance, in which he calls himself seig.

>> No.15519451

absolutely based

>> No.15519469
File: 16 KB, 411x366, Keyser_Soze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sieg is like Verbal Kint/Keyser Soze in the sense that no one knows what he actually look like (from the perspective of the other characters in Usual Suspects ). (1/2)

>> No.15519475
File: 1.69 MB, 1668x1593, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have reason to believe this is Sieg.

>> No.15519477
File: 22 KB, 273x364, Keyser_Söze_-_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sieg is deliberately letting people form mental images of what he looks like in their heads based on what he said, what people say about him, and what people thinks he look like (fat guy and fat girl picture). He is intentionally letting those people (UNKNOWINGLY) spread misinformation. One such form of misinformation is people posting OP's obese fat american couple picture. Both the people posting/spreading that picture of that fat obese man and his obese bbw wife around this board, and the viewers/people that has seen that picture both unanimously think that is Sieg and his wife.
But I will say it is not. I have reason to believe that OP's picture is NOT Sieg or his wife. Even if it is, the evidence does not add up to the fact that is Sieg. He will never respond to confirm or deny if that is actually him. I will believe that is Sieg if he actually comes in to the thread and get pissed off at people posting him. A natural response for most tripfags seeing their picture used in a negative light. And if he post more pictures of himself (if he looks like the fat guy ) to confirm it is actually him. Then, I believe the fat couple is a picture of Sieg and his wife. And so far, he hasn't posted any evidence of that. Only pictures of items.

>> No.15519480

sissyl is a low IQ subhuman
sieg is pretty interesting

>> No.15519499
File: 98 KB, 828x882, 4L_qiR3AiBI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said sieg was wearing saint laurent?

>> No.15519504
File: 341 KB, 609x357, Söze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he want to do this? While no one knows for sure, there could be two possible reasons. To troll people and to become famous.
He wants to take you around for a joy ride at his pleasure. He wants to mindfuck and troll you into submission. He loves messing around with people and arguing over the littlest things. He wants attention and he wants to make it fun. He's a narcissist that cums himself every night at the thought of people on this 2Chan ripoff website mentioning his name, whether in a bad light or a good light. Negative attention and any attention is attention. It only adds to his reputation and fame meter. His arguements with Me! trip? Adds to his reputation and fame meter. He wants to make his trip Sieg famous in the history of 4Chan. He is smart in that he never post an actual picture of himself. If he did, it's anonymous and he blends with the crowd. We may even have seen a real picture of him and we never knew it was him all along. Or he has never even posted a picture of himself. HE WANTS YOU TO THINK THE FAT OBESE MAN AND HIS FAT BBW WIFE IS HIM. The picture of that fat couple only adds to his reputation and fame meter and skyrockets it to the top. He has been posting for a long time now.

Attention, longevity and lies is what has propelled to where he is now.

He wants to cement himself as an infamous legend in 4Chan history.

It's all part of the plan.

It's a character. A tripfag character that shitposts for fun. Who knows.

He is the greatest trickster on 4Chan.

Sieg has successfully fooled all of you.

>> No.15519518

Waiting for this to be uploaded on fandom.com

>> No.15519524
File: 309 KB, 3120x4160, Black_colour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor innocent fat man.
His picture of him and his lovely voluptuous wife are being posted to this site without their consent.
And worst of all, people actually think it's a 4chan tripfag named Sieg.

>> No.15519556


>> No.15519559

What did seig do to you to piss you off lmao

>> No.15519573

Literal autism

>> No.15519577

nice try sieg

>> No.15519581

Nah, I'm not Sieg. I think Sieg is either White, Latino or Asian.

>> No.15519583

I know what he looks like though. I saw a picture of him in a white tanktop

>> No.15519591
File: 51 KB, 300x299, 186-1862888_emoji-lol-funny-iwannadie-follow-me-i-need-sum-relevanc-laughing-emoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh. I was laughing at first and now it actually makes sense

>> No.15519592

He's called himself Asian before, although I don't know whether anything he says is true.

>> No.15519593
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and truthpilled LOL

>> No.15519594

I have a feeling the real seig left /fa/ years ago and this seig we see now is a larp

>> No.15519604

He is Asian, 80 percent sure he is. I believe he might be in his late 20s or early to mid 30s
Maybe maybe

>> No.15519607


>> No.15519609

Yea it’s him.
But I will have you all know he has lost weight and doesn’t look like that fatass in the pic.

>> No.15519613

Press X for doubt.

I know sieg wears glasses from time to time

>> No.15519619

Brown glasses to be specific. And I think his body frame is too small to look like the type of guy that used to be an overweight fat fuck. I think I might have seen a picutre of sieg not sure. looks like a kpop twink or something when wearing the covering

>> No.15519621

Clearly you only fuck people 13 and under.

I was p cute back then but fr you should probably get the electric chair you sick fuck.
Swear to god if some pos that only likes lil girls comes after lil girls in my family - I will murder you...fair warning k?

>> No.15519623


>> No.15519629

It's either Sieg or some hater from somewhere.

>> No.15519634

Wtf are you smoking? And can I pls have some?
....I have actually seen more current photos and he’s not the fatass he used to be. Also he is holding a metaphorical gun against my head forcing me to say this.

>> No.15519636

she would be a lot of fun to fuck but I'd also want a skinny one to take out

>> No.15519637

I would have gave you a hammering at age 13 but now, sorry. Not so much.

>> No.15519640
File: 13 KB, 260x194, download (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you not responding to my posts? Respond to the brown glasses one. I think I know who that NIGGA is! SHIEET

>> No.15519649

I cracked the code then. I know what Sieg actually looks like.

>> No.15519659
File: 2 KB, 37x23, lil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15519669

Do you know him irl? How do you know this? Give me the backstory on the gun to your head thing.

>> No.15519672

Sieg knows what Me! Trip looks like. He also has her nudes too

>> No.15519677

>Tripfags are fucking each other


>> No.15519680

Yep. It's fucking weird. They even have each other's numbers, skype names and etc.

>> No.15519696 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 480x480, 1285286122536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sieg is so mysterious

>> No.15519700

Shut up Sieg. I KNOW WHO YOU ARE BRO. Only reason your real pics haven't been found out is cuz Me is nice enough to not doxx your recent pictures

>> No.15519704

Me and Igor skyped together on camera putting things in our ass if that makes you jealous too?

>> No.15519706
File: 41 KB, 480x480, 1285286122536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sieg is so mysterious

>> No.15519712

Nah. I know Me! and Sieg has something sexual going on between each other, if they are sharing nudes.

>> No.15519715

>only ever seen him post timestamp pics of stupid shit hes bought

Isn't that a good thing? Keep it fashion related. More tripfags need to be like that.

>> No.15519718

imagine how freaked your bean will be when you find out Sieg and Me are actually the same person

He's actually just talking to himself

>> No.15519720

Lol she shares nudes with everyone. She used to sell her body for drug money. Go figure.

>> No.15519722

t. Sieg

It is a good thing, but I know you are trying to spread misinformation on what you actually look like now. I admit that is very very smart on account of both of those things. You fooled thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of /fa/ posters into thinking you are a fat neckbeard in 2020. In reality, some of us know the truth of your real appearance.

>> No.15519725

Do you have them? Post them?

>> No.15519726

They are not the same person. That I can say for sure. Me comes from Eastern Europe/Russia/Middle Europe or some shit. Sieg is either Asian, Latino or White from either America or Canada.

>> No.15519727

Also Me resides in the U.S right now
I'm afraid you might get banned for posting nudes

>> No.15519728

i leave for 5 months and we're still having threads on this autistic tripfag


>> No.15519732

have you seen timestamped photos of either of them? you're being trolled bro

>> No.15519735

t. Sieg
t. Me

Doesn't matter. I know you are trying to do damage control. But I gotta say the truth. They're both in their early 30's. Sieg has a GF. Me broke up with her BF. All ya need to know. They reside in different regions of the United States, I believe.

>> No.15519737

Curlgurl needs to trick sieg into posting. He's thirsty for that bitch.

>> No.15519746
File: 398 KB, 942x613, iu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sieg likes blonde white girls a lot. I believe his girlfriend might be one

>> No.15519747

He's been here doing this for over a decade

>> No.15519748

How does he have a wife, GF AND nudes from another tripfag while I can't get laid during big rona

>> No.15519750

t. gullible

>> No.15519762
File: 11 KB, 326x103, Baldcel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me!s nudes has also been shared nudes with many people

>> No.15519768

So What the fuck is this thread?

>> No.15519769

Didn't know she was a slut. Where do I find these nudes?

>> No.15519770

She was a hooker to fund her drug habit.

>didn't know she was a slut

>> No.15519777

OP's pic look slightly Asian

>> No.15519785

He’s been the topic of /fa/ for over 10 years, newfag

>> No.15519793

Seig posting over and over again in a single thread, sometimes with different names, to make himself seem relevant.

>> No.15519802

More like 5 or 6 years

>> No.15519803

Based. this DESU

>> No.15519805

Igor is fucking stupid

>> No.15519855

Sieg is
>either Asian or White
>late 20's or 30 something year old
>9 to 5 worker probably
>has a GF
>lost weight recently
>talks with Me a lot
>Has Me's nudes and they probably are sexting each other

>> No.15519875

how is this /fa/ related?

>> No.15519881

Its not, not really even tangentially related. But its what narcissistics have turned it into.

>> No.15519884

Off topic thread, this has nothing to do with FASHION or apparel discussion

>> No.15519901
File: 500 KB, 660x1001, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the boot kicker faggot in dl cuckold tranny. Go fuck a nanny

>> No.15519902

you’re not fooling anyone sieg lmao

>> No.15519904
File: 284 KB, 940x1044, Screenshot_20200827-180330~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found pics of him in the archives

>> No.15519907
File: 197 KB, 794x867, Screenshot_20200827-180437~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a bunch of time stamps of guns so we can cancel him.

>> No.15519910

Absolutely agree.

>> No.15519915
File: 205 KB, 1125x562, 1CDB0095-F863-434E-968C-89842B990BE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really shouldn’t break the rules anon

>> No.15519917

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15519924

For sure not fooling myself either.

>> No.15520053

You know Sieg Heil and SIeg are two different trips?

Dude, I'm thinking this is the case

>> No.15520057

Holy shit Me. You are being duped.

Sieg and Sieg Heil are two fucking different trips. You just sent your hooker nudes to the wrong nigga haha! You thought Sieg was sieg heil the whole time?

>> No.15520070

This, also it's harassment.

>> No.15520071

Sieg the yellow mastermind.

Fooling niggas into thinking he is sieg heil. HAHAHA BASED

>> No.15520073


>> No.15520075
File: 87 KB, 1200x849, Gigalegends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based you might be on to something

>> No.15520076
File: 38 KB, 581x500, med_1582787766_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe man. Maybe. Or has Me been telling the truth all along? Not sure man.

>> No.15520080

>t. sieg
cope more

>> No.15520081

The only thing we have a deal over is that I don't post her tits and she doesn't post my dick

>> No.15520083
File: 1.73 MB, 1904x1118, 62ed85_6743453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REAL men are attracted to infertile nasty old post wall "wine aunt" hags like me
>how dare you be attracted to under 40s, pedo!

And the best part

>lil girls in my family
>I'm a childless spinster but there are other people's offspring """ in my family """

>> No.15520085

If you post proof that you are in fact Sieg Heil! and not just a new person making a trip called Sieg! larping and leaching from Sieg Heil! reputation, then I will take back my statement

>> No.15520090

>sending dick to an ugly central/eastern european hooker

you done goofed bro. she gonna post it online. and sending her nudes ain't gonna do anything. she a hooker, she used to it

>> No.15520094

*Sending Nudes of her online aint gonna do anything

cuz she a hooker. she post yo dick online probably

>> No.15520095

Why the fuck would I give a shit about what you say/makeup about me?

>> No.15520096

You do, and you care a lot. You are a narcissist that thrives off attention haha. Narcissists are easy to manipulate . They desperately seek for approval

>> No.15520100

I do? Thanks for the break down

>> No.15520105

Me! the Eastern/Central European hooker slut hag and Sieg the 30 year old asian chink. Perfect couple haha

>> No.15520113

Nah dude that's Cecil's chick

>> No.15520116


>> No.15520119

Me! has all the tripfag's nudes

>> No.15520125

I dont understand why people would assign themselves identities on anonymous forum boards. Definitely mental illness

>> No.15520128

Increases accountability.

>> No.15520131
File: 762 KB, 1046x1001, Screenshot_20200623-200238~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15520137
File: 612 KB, 614x1195, Screenshot_20200827-201335~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15520138

Redditor/username forum mentality and they want 4Chan fame

>> No.15520141

Are you a skinny twink now?

>> No.15520142

Forgot to crop out YouTube premium window oh well

>> No.15520143

I'm not skinny or a twink

>> No.15520145

Looking thick, tight, and solid seig. If I ever meet you IRL ill ask to arm wrestle.

>> No.15520149

you need to go back, reddit refugees aren’t welcome here

>> No.15520150

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15520153

This comment alone is padding post counts on random ass threads.

>> No.15520155

Thanks Luc
He lost weight apparently and doesn't look like that lol. Or so it seems

>> No.15520159

really hoping it’s a bot and I didn’t break the poor guy so bad he feels the need to spend hours replying to every post with his forced meme

>> No.15520163

Namefag cope. Youre larping as a redditor with the username lol.

>> No.15520164

Based anon

>> No.15520170

Still thicker arms than me, and I enjoy a challenge. Thats why I like black men.

I honestly think its one or two dudes who have that on their clipboard so they can paste and reply easily. Still, it takes a certain type of mental illness to have even that much dedication to some random person online.

>> No.15520175

>Thats why I like black men.

>> No.15520182

I’m not. Unless in the bedroom.
Literally 2 ppl have seen my titties online. One of whom lied about their identity - so
That being said thanks Chris from Arizona for not posting that photo.

>> No.15520185

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15520186

>One of whom lied about their identity
Sieg? or Chris from Arizona? Do not deny your hooker past!

>> No.15520189

Nothing faggoty about being a skinny fat white male and liking the appearance of a strong noble black man.

If thats faggoty, then our forefathers were the biggest faggots of all.

>> No.15520191
File: 60 KB, 451x369, Screen Shot 2020-08-27 at 8.36.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to filter schizos

>> No.15520195

Twink Faggot

>> No.15520196
File: 63 KB, 1080x178, NOTABLE-00082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fools! The whole time you thought it was the masses discussing an unpopular individual, when in it is, in fact, over 100 instances of a lone man's schizophrenic diatribes unraveling!
>in fact, I, Sieg, created the thread in the first place then spent the entirety of a day replying to my own posts!

You sure showed us, Sieg...

>> No.15520198

Based. But Tripsk still posts here?

>> No.15520200
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, mj8KdXQn3ZY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never had a twinkie in my life, good sir.

>> No.15520201

Hahaha true though.

I am the poor bastard stuck with the Eastern European hooker meth addict for a g/f.

>> No.15520202
File: 58 KB, 437x436, 1598560072919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have never had a twinkie in my life, good sir.

>> No.15520205

She sent nudes to Sieg and shittalked you behind your back

>> No.15520207

some anon posted about filtering a day or two ago and ive filtered every tripfag ive seen since so yes

>> No.15520208

Why tf does she still post here? Where she posting at? old ass name from eons ago

>> No.15520211

The seething seems to be real in this one.

>> No.15520217


>> No.15520225

And the cycle may now begin again.

>> No.15520233

Are you sure you want to start this? Bc you sure as hell came up weak af this morning (ET).

Remember how you got all butt hurt bc I pointed out how disfigured your butthole was?

>> No.15520237

ok reddit

>> No.15520241

do yall live together?

>> No.15520242

here’s your upvote friend I sure love this anonymous website intellectual friendos no one can know when I’m samefagging!!! lol isnt 4chan so cool guys Im one of you!!

>> No.15520249

>imagine being such a drunk fucking retard to not spot obvious trolling

"I'm so intelligent which is why I get fucked up"

Yes. I was crying over your comments. For real... fucking moron. Go jump off a bridge.

>> No.15520252

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15520254

>Only 2 people online
>Only six sex partners total

I honestly don't believe a 33 year old millennial woman is this inexperienced.

I would MAYBE believe this of you were like 17-18

>> No.15520259

You can’t be serious...?

>> No.15520262

I absolutely can be, however you're right I'm not serious.

I know you guys live together.

>> No.15520263

You call me BPD but you show extreme symptoms of it. Just saying.

>> No.15520269

Lol ok mr. I’ve had 70 1 night stands - and pretend like I know everything.
1 night stands don’t teach you much about sex - nex level sex. So fuck off Sieg stop bragging about your tinder dates bc you’re embarrassing yourself

>> No.15520270

I've been OBVIOUS trolling for a week or 2 now pretending to be a simp and you ate it up so easily but really, it's getting boring now because it's too easy. You legit thought I was posting tears of myself crying over your comments here hahahahaha.

You have BPD and you don't even know what it means. I just think you're an ugly piece of shit with a fucking dull personality and you're immature as fuck

>omg like imagine not being arrested for drug taking
>like omg how boring is ur life

Imagine being over 30 talking like a crack headed teenager. Shut your pathetic face before I end up barebacking your 13 year old niece.

>> No.15520274
File: 150 KB, 900x1200, pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of woman I like. The total opposite to the ugly fucking deluded meth head here who uses the same excuse over and over "I just look bad in photos" like wtf. No, you just look bad. PERIOD.

>> No.15520277

Me! has taken you and Sieg for a ride around the hooker train

>> No.15520279

Dude. I knew you weren’t right in the head...but seriously...you’re BY FAR not right in the head

I know the VA can help you sort some of your problems out. Pls look after yourself and pls don’t kill any children in your neighborhood

>> No.15520283

mental illness

>> No.15520285

She's too dumb to understand she's being played. Like yeah I totally want to fuck meth addicts who sell their pussy for meth money. LMAO.

You are sooo witty!! So hilarious!!
Oh no wait. You're a sad depressed mentally ill scum bag who drinks herself stupid 7 days a week because living life is too difficult and she blames it on being too intelligent even though everyone here can see how fucking stupid she is.

You're a silly little girl in an old woman's body. Fucking swing from a tree you human garbage,

>> No.15520286

How did this thread turn from discussion about fat asian Sieg into you and Cecil's relationship drama?

>> No.15520290


>> No.15520292

Did you honestly think he was crying in years about your comments?

Be honest with me...are you special?

Yes they do, they taught me not to believe women, how women respond to different things you tell them.

I learned a lot about myself and about how women don't like knowing details or respond negatively to them etc.

If I slept with the same girl over and over again I'd just know a lot about her.

Like honestly...I bet the only guy you could make cum in bed is James. If you fucked anyone else here they probably wouldn't be able to finish in you because of something weird you do.


>> No.15520295
File: 23 KB, 496x98, Screen Shot 2020-08-27 at 9.10.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted a few days ago

>> No.15520297

What the fuck

>> No.15520299

Second warning - are you sure you wAnna do this? I don’t wnna hear you bitching about how you’ve been nice or some shit.

>> No.15520303

Post pictures of what sieg looks like right now. If he claims he lost weight

>> No.15520304

Why is this literal who pretending to be an oldfag, he prob hasn’t been on /fa/ longer than a year

>> No.15520307

My gawd you are so pathetic. You sound like a high school girl.

Are you sure you want to end up in a basement in the middle of no fucking place with electrical probes clipped onto your spilling out roastie? Because that's the vacation you are headed for.

>> No.15520308
File: 7 KB, 192x262, cringebald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15520309

Maybe I could start some gofund me for meth money so you do the world a favor and OD like the worthless little garbage that you are.

>heheh i don't regret selling drugs and fucking up lives and families because i made so much money every day
>i'm a weal gangster

>> No.15520310

Idfk what you’re going on about but Guys cum easily - maybe you don’t bc you’re having awkward tinder meet ups. Or maybe you don’t know how to suck a proper dick. But keep practicing Sieg.

>> No.15520313
File: 271 KB, 352x442, i'm so hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look rougher than a bulldogs asshole. Just look at the absolute state of this thing.

>> No.15520314

see >>15520283

>> No.15520316

>hehe look at me
>any criticism directed at me my self esteem is sooo low i have to brag about what a good little slut i am
>a guy cumming within 5 minutes means good sex

You are sooo fucking cringe it hurts.

It's so funny that you are legit serious with all this.

>> No.15520318

Ofc go right for the low blows

>> No.15520322

What kind of thirsty ass virgins are you fucking?

You mentioned you don't suck cock often either.

If the men you're having sex with always premature then they are inexperienced too

If they're so excited that they're hard before you even get to their place and cum in like 5 mins.... you're probably the third chick he's ever fucked

>> No.15520324

How is that a low blow? It's the truth? That's how you look without makeup and lighting. If you didn't want that photo out there maybe you shouldn't have broke the fucking law?

Post a face photo.

>> No.15520325

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15520327

Can’t you go harass Luc?
Wtf are you so mad at me for? (Don’t answer this i don’t care)
I didn’t reAlize you were so sensitive about your mangled asshole I’m sorry I won’t bring it up again

>> No.15520330

>when you have to fuck only the most desperate guys out there who blow their load within minutes and you convince yourself it's because you are such a sex goddess in the bedroom


>> No.15520332

It baffles me how a fashion board cares so much about tripfags, these are not even attractive trips . they are old, ugly and irrelevant yet they get their own dedicated threads. Fuck this board

>> No.15520333

Dude if you can’t cum having sex then you’re either infected with an std or you’re fucking someone you have no intimacy with and it’s awkward.

>> No.15520335

Because I gave you a chance. For 2 weeks I have been pretending to be all friendly and nice to you.

What was the response? Pure shit. Thinking you were all high and mighty an that I was crying over you and begging for scraps.

I gave you the chance to be a decent human being.

You do not get to play victim now.

>hehe bb i don't have a heart
>i am so cold
>stop crying over me

You're a fucking coping larper who is so "ice cold" she can;t even handle a day in life without getting fucked up on something. I am going to crush you in every way possible.

>> No.15520336

I'm a nice guy :o)

>> No.15520338

No one actually cares about them.

They start their own threads and bump any threads related to themselves and shift the thread discussion to themselves

>> No.15520339

I cum with my GF obviously. Thanks for asking.

I've had super akward encounters with girls that were just bad at sex that made getting off a chore

You're giving off signals that James trained you in getting fucked to his liking.

So you need to relearn a bunch of shit you've been doing for a decade and a half

>> No.15520341

Is there a state mandated reporter here?
Bc I’m p sure someone needs to call this Cecil situation in.
He needs help. He might be a danger to himself and he for sure is a danger to others.

>> No.15520342

What the fuck happened to this board!

>> No.15520343

2020 bb

>> No.15520344

I'm out of state because of the situation here and how if one little antifa turd so much as looks at me they're going to get popped in the fucking forehead. Guess which area I am around.

What you're doing is a danger to yourself and to others. In that sense, I am doing a good job to society.

Help a guy out here, try to go for walks without the dogs. Unlike you I have morals and I don't want dogs roaming around alone.

>> No.15520345

You guys been sexting on discord?

>> No.15520347

Does it matter?

>> No.15520349

Don’t insult me.

>> No.15520350

I'll take that as a yes.

>> No.15520353

Stop it. I already did wonders for your rep when I said you aren’t fat Mexican anymore....so pls just shut your trap before you get ahead of yourself

>> No.15520357
File: 284 KB, 1110x792, daddies home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have 3 days to post a face photo now along with "I am so sorry, Cecil" or you WILL be judged.

I will not tell you again. Redeem yourself and you shall be forgiven.

>> No.15520358


>> No.15520359

Is he mexican or asian? Answer the question ,hooker!

>> No.15520360

Penis in vagina with a condom isn't sex it's mutual masturbation.

Throw a timer on for 5 mins and I bet you that you can't make shit happen at all

>> No.15520362

these spergs make me ashamed to use a trip, alas if I stopped what would my obsessed schizo pet do with himself I can’t have that on my concious

>> No.15520364


Where are the authorities when you need them? Cecil go take your prescribed bed time medication and lay down.

>> No.15520365

Sieg confirmed hapa

>> No.15520367

How much does it cost to use your services? I heard you specialize in sex work!

>> No.15520368

Everyone knew you were lying about that. You also make it seem like I Blackman you all the time which is a lie

>> No.15520369

I'll make this simple.

From the start I never said anything to you. I have never done anything. Still you persist.

I give you chance after chance. I would not care because it's the internet. But because of what you have done IRL and how my Father was MURDERED by someone like you in a car drunk and driving. This is different.

The clock is ticking. I promise you not to let it run out.

>> No.15520376

This thread is so fucking cringe. Tripfags are really next level retards.

>> No.15520379

But I wasn’t lying.
And you basically were.

>> No.15520382


>> No.15520383

TLDR sorry Cecil my attentions span is approx 2 lines

>> No.15520386

Sieg, Me! and Cecil are cringe

>> No.15520388

Gelzinis you've been worrying about the wrong person. THIS IS TOTAL WAR.

>> No.15520392

Everyone knows I'm not a Mexican so yes you were lying when you said I was Mexican...and claimed it for years.

How have I black mailed you at all? You asked for a picture of my dick, you said you got wet started masturbating I said give me more you sent your tits and crotch. We agreed not to post those pictures .... that's not black mail that's an agreement

>> No.15520399

You are Asian hapa chink
Fuck you talking about hoe?

>> No.15520400

Calm down dude
We have enough problems in this country. Get that stick out of your ass And relax.

>> No.15520404

You know I have every in depth background check there is and every photo, right? You also know that I am going to drip it all, right?

>> No.15520405

cecil gonna put that stick up your ass and try to pleasure you

>> No.15520407

How'd you feel about that?

>> No.15520408

No Don’t start twisting the story up.
Also you’re a pos thanks for sharing my personal info with creepy psycho clown obsessed with getting his ass ripped apart

>> No.15520413

I didn't share shit with him. He found it on his own.

You also said it was totally normal for friends to "help each other out" now it's all over 4chan so thanks for that.

>> No.15520414

Why would you ask for a picture from an obese fat chink like Sieg? Higher your standards. But then again, you look like a goblin underworld hooker junkie

>> No.15520415
File: 591 KB, 1113x628, smell me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also you’re a pos thanks for sharing my personal info with creepy psycho clown obsessed with getting his ass ripped apart

You still continue

>> No.15520416

you don’t even know the whole story so literally shut your dumb mouth before I actually get upset.

>> No.15520417

Okokokokokokok I. Am. Sorry.
You are a beautiful human man (I think) and I should have never said anything bad . Pls forgive me for being a stupid thot. ??

>> No.15520421

Probably so she could have leverage or a sense of power over me

>> No.15520422

3 days to do what I asked.

I never wanted to be called any of that. I just wanted to give someone who I deemed total trash of the earth a chance, to not judge her by what she had done and see if there was a good person there.

There wasn't.

>> No.15520424 [DELETED] 

Post a selfie with the text too Ms Indre elena

>> No.15520427

I know more than you know, hoe!
You are a 33 year old European hooker/sex worker immigrant in the U.S that got involved in online sexual relations with a X year old traumatized veteran from the PNW and some 30 something year old obese fat neck beard chink from the bay era on the site of 4Chan. Now, they are all mad at you LOL
Sad! Don't you got places to be? Don't you got a boyfriend or some shit? Oh wait he broke up with you! Rethink your life and think about how you got to this point. Cuz this some fucked up shit LMAO.

>> No.15520428

Not just a traumatized veteran, that traumatized veteran is a bald deformed ugly goblin straight out of hell

>> No.15520430

Or what? You’re gonna doxx my parents?

Wow that’s big dick energy- Or actually the opposite of it

Don’t threaten me. Grow some balls.. you can’t stand against me in a verbal/mental way?

>> No.15520433

thanks for the chuckles

Why are you so invested bb?
(Btw he did not break up with me..just to clear that up)

>> No.15520435

Oh also I’m not a sex worker

>> No.15520436

No, I am LITERALLY going to approach you IRL and slap you across your stupid fucking face. I'm also going to warn everyone about you and your drug usage. Print out your face and convictions and let them all know you're a prostitute.

Do you think anyone will believe you over me regarding anything? You're a fucking drug pushing addict. Aww wait, you really thought I had some criminal record? I'm a veteran with an exemplary record who does charity work.

This in my final word.

>> No.15520441

Pretty sure you said you were crying about your ex not too long ago. But did he did get back with you? If so, that's good. Spend more time with him.
But because you sent nudes of your ass, titties and pussy to mental asylum patients online, there's a bald goblin on 4Chan threatening to slap the shit out of you if he ever sees you IRL. LOL. Next time, don't send nudes

>> No.15520442

She's not a hooker, yes she dealt drugs. Yes she was convicted for distribution under a different last name (congugated Lithuanian last name so she's got several aliases)

I'm not from the bay area. Yes I'm aware.you can see the Golden gate in that picture. Yes I know it's.a picture legitimately in San Francisco but I'm not from there

>> No.15520443

This thread is fucking hillarious

>> No.15520449

> Slap the shit out of you online

Btw she was his fucktoy they just stopped fucking

>> No.15520450

pimp slap da hoe

>> No.15520451

She shouldn't have gotten involved in this mess in the first place. She knew the risk haha

>> No.15520453

ugly chink

>> No.15520455

lol, bro you in this too much

>> No.15520456

Lol, eh I kinda admit I fucked her over by posting her mugshot that's how he got her info

>> No.15520458

Oh damn lol. Well, Cecil is obsessed now

>> No.15520460

Lol apperantly I need to treat women a little better still.

Life is one long lesson

>> No.15520462
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>> No.15520463

I'm not obsessed. It's the fact what she did was the same thing someone did who killed my Father before I was born.

Yet I have seen no regret from her. I have seen the most fucked up self entitled stuck up attitude ever.
I hate people like that but I thought maybe I am wrong in my judgement. All she proved was that I am right.

These people need a wake up call.

You know like in the saw movies? The guy is dying of cancer and he sees the most fucking self entitled stuck up cunts who treat others like shit who supposedly don't even care about life.

Yet when it's on the line. Suddenly they do. Suddenly they value everything.

He sets them free.

>> No.15520465

shut your fucking face pls

>> No.15520468

If you speak to me like that it makes me less likely to fucking help you. People skills

>> No.15520469

Most intense tripfag thread in a while lol

>> No.15520472

are you not able to piece together why i might be irritated at your post?

>> No.15520475

yes kill em pls

>> No.15520477

That thing I told you about is common knowledge with everyone computer literate

>> No.15520482
File: 3.93 MB, 640x360, 79CE43B6-6C57-48AF-BAD7-8C5D7BF79352.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15520484

Why you still here? You learning something new about your fellow trips?

>> No.15520487

well im not computer literate and you know this so quit being smug and be more considerate pls

>> No.15520488
File: 1.53 MB, 500x281, 9449A575-44AB-4BA7-BF97-0966924B84BA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15520492

this is actually amazing

>> No.15520493

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15520494

I know, that's why I'm extremely patient with you and try to get you to stop worrying.

It's going to be okay indre.

A veteran isn't going to assault you he's just trolling

>> No.15520509
File: 141 KB, 1600x1064, 5BE33328-EBB2-4A75-89D4-5E0C0143C7E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15520516

Lol I am just trolling. She does have a shitty attitude though. I was just playing.

>> No.15520517

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15520522

She was. Legit threatening me in emails.

I honestly think she's a brick short of a load and I feel kinda bad.

Doesn't it seem like she's pretty low IQ like spinning up special people

>> No.15520526
File: 416 KB, 863x1300, 38BFE4C4-785B-4584-AC00-CDFEE8360CB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15520530

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15520533
File: 4 KB, 259x194, 335E6FCB-A383-4BE0-85EF-D5F6A8E96725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15520534

Yes it seems like she is a bit simple, combined with having sessions in therapy and probably depression which leads to addictions. If I am being totally honest, I suppose I get a little frustrated because I genuinely do feel sorry for her and want to help her, but she always go on the attack, as they usually do, but it's still frustrating.

When she posted a picture of her bird dying, I asked has she put it in a dark place meaning I heard you cover their cage up in darkness to help relax the birds and she thought I meant something evil by "a dark place" and got on the defensive again.

If she is like this now, it's unlikely she will ever change and it's just sad.

>> No.15520551
File: 5 KB, 213x236, images (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sieg is a obese fat and ugly neckbeard chink. Cecil is the ugliest disgusting bald deformed abomination to ever live. So fucking ugly that people die from staring at him. He is a failed abortion. And Me is an ugly old lithuanian hag prostitute. Luc is a weird looking gay dyke twink.

They're all cringe and gay fags

>> No.15520552

I think it's because she hasn't had the help she needed and was possibly bullied. She's very clearly ESL....I bet her state didn't have a good Lithuanian to English teacher after all public school teachers are 23 year old ex party sluts...and also what fly over state has good schools especially obscure eastern Bloc language translators.

Leading to her falling further and further behind.

You and I learned English as native speakers....and progressed in the classroom that way.

She had to learn English than the lesson. Meaning she was slower than her class

I'm willing to bet she just barely graduated high school.

And I bet you that she didn't know that driving intoxi was illegal because she never read the English pamphlet....and that's just how they drove in the USSR..

The bird thing should haven't been an argument...

But stuff like that happens too much to be a coincidence

And maybe that's why she has such little experience with men in a sexual nature she's just. Bit slow due to rural backwards public school, school low budget, her obscure eastern European language....like that's the best she can do given her tools in life and I'm sitting here as a privelaged male laughing at her...

>> No.15520557

Tripfags are mentally ill. They know they can make it all go away by simply dropping the shitty trip, deleting their discord server and maybe changing their number depending on the level of idiocy, but they keep throwing shit at each other in threads like this one.
Cecil is sort of cool and deer lady is cute, so they can stay if they drop the trip, but siege and that new luc guy are completely unsalvageable.

>> No.15520566


>> No.15520568

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15520571

Ok, schizofags are fucking weird. I almost feel bad for calling luc unsalvageable. Almost. Still feel mostly good about it.

>> No.15520573

anonytrannies and the schizoanon that can’t handle his parents don’t love him and would rather me as a child and the freak degenerate tripfags on here can’t accept I am simply the best poster on this site and the sooner they do the sooner they’ll learn to live with being inferior

>> No.15520574

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15520575

>And I bet you that she didn't know that driving intoxi was illegal because she never read the English pamphlet


I hope she gets the help she needs. Maybe we both feel bad, it's just hard to help her at times. It's kind of like the only reason I am like I am with her is because of her reaction when I just post something totally innocent and not intended in a negative way whatsoever. She creates a problem over nothing and then lashes out at it.

Sure there is a language barrier but obviously other issues, issues in her head, yes possibly connected to childhood bullying or something so she has a really defensive response to things.

Hope she can ease that pain.

>> No.15520576

you’re a tranny, im convinced at this point this reply guy must be automated since it would be less sad to think then a buttblasted anon stalking every thread for hours to still reply after I btfo him threads ago

>> No.15520577

cope fatty uggo tranny absolute cope I’m genetically perfect cope project schizo ahahaha go back thanks for the gold upvote ahahaha cope again i’ve already won thanks for more (you)s

>> No.15520578

Lol ok.