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/fa/ - Fashion

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15511163 No.15511163 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15511172

Other somewhat muscular anons- what brand of tshirt do you buy without looking like a queen or conversely hiding your gains? My best fitting tshirt is from american apparel. The uniqlo tshirts are too thin imo.

>> No.15511173

Shorts should have no more than 6imch inseam so people can always be mirin your quads.
T-shirts should be cut off or sleeves rolled up at all times. If I wasn't bulking rn I'd try out the midriff meme

>> No.15511176

Yeah Uniqlo shirts are a bad cut for bigbois, I like hanes and Ben Davis pocket tees

>> No.15511177

post body

>> No.15511179

Curious what his lower body looks like tho

>> No.15511183

You can tell by his core that his legs will be massive. No v shape on this guy. Based physique imo

>> No.15511209


>> No.15511211


>> No.15511213 [DELETED] 



>> No.15511216

for casual fit, i just wear a tight white t shirt, lightwash blue or black jeans or shorts and probably some white sneakers or a more formal shoe.

>> No.15511235

X shape, V shape, Square shape physique are all based

>> No.15511278

dude is on roids, what do think his legs look like?

>> No.15511283

Roids giveaway is super vascular, ripped with low body fat. This guy has pretty good body fat and looks kino imo

>> No.15511287

you're retarded

>> No.15511301
File: 43 KB, 680x680, e0c63dcba608f738467b1b9fa2d70fb9_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly /fit/, advanced builtfat at best, but I'll answer with some things I think look good on me anyway
Hawaiian shirts at sizes small enough my arms slightly strain the sleeves but big enough they are loose around my torso. No undershirt
Fitted single color v-necks
Graphic tees that accentuate my shoulders and de-emphazise my waist
Slim cut jorts with over-the-knee length to show off my calves
Public Rec everyday pants and shorts, the khakhi ones are super versatile
Dark-colored vests with bright colored shirts keep the waist looking slim (ish) and makes the arms look huge
Dark color tank tops with bright patterns
Can only wear tailored suits because anything off the rack that fits my shoulders is loose around the torso and has sleeves that are way too long
Don't really do much winter clothing since I'm in Florida. When it's cold or I travel up I usually just switch to jeans and pic related over my usual tees, or a sherpa lined leather jacket if it's really cold

My shoe game is weak, mostly adidas sneakers. The functional running ones, not the fashion ones. Also have motorcycle boots for riding and two sets of chelsea boots for formal occasions (black and brown)

>> No.15511306

sweet summer child..

>> No.15511370

Br u H

>> No.15511407

wear tighter fitting tops boots and medium fit jeans

>> No.15512570


>> No.15512644


>> No.15512652

Isn't a paw a symbol of bestiality?

>> No.15512655

Are there women who are genuinely into sex with their canine dog?
Sorry I'm sheltered.

>> No.15512656

That would be hot as fuck

>> No.15512748

>AoZ enthusiast

>> No.15512761

It's a white woman thing

>> No.15512762

It should be a universal thing

>> No.15512780
File: 66 KB, 500x529, Gigachads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the most based and awesome style there is

>> No.15512788

Ah yes the peak evolution of britfag manlets

>> No.15512790

everytime i see someone like this i assume hes a faggot

>> No.15512794

Every time I see someone with a luxury wristwatch - I assume it's a fake lol

>> No.15512795

I cringe internally

>> No.15512796

The correct answer can be found in the OP, if you’re actually big then wearing beat to shit grey t shirts with rolled sleeves is kino. I have this big rugby team shirt that says ELEGANT VIOLENCE across the back. My most prized possession. My old lacrosse jerseys are also great. We would tape them in the back and it really lets your upper back look juicy as fark

>> No.15512799

stfu with your correct answer

>> No.15512802 [DELETED] 

same here

>> No.15512804

Based heterosexual chads

>> No.15512807

Preferably nothing. I want to see those pecs.

>> No.15512808
File: 812 KB, 3828x2376, sexchads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad only wears the best clothes

>> No.15512818

Idk anyone that dresses like this that isn’t a manlet

>> No.15512825

you must live in an ethnic shithole probably

>> No.15512828
File: 64 KB, 470x748, 2634C5BA-9B08-4B89-A369-541DFC901307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of shirt is this? I love them but have no idea how to find them.

>> No.15512841

I have a Metallica shirt that my nan helped turn into a nice cut off. The sleeves look like that, only mine is tighter, that looks XXL. What she did was fold the sleeves inside, leave a few cm, like 2, outside and stiched it back near the original seam. That way it looks like that, you know that shirt Kyle Reese was wearing in T1 but a little higher up.

>> No.15512843

SEX core

>> No.15512878

Thanks bro. Looks like I’ll be slicing some shirts up.

>> No.15512916

literally cut the sleeves off a t shirt

>> No.15512935

Yeah I have this problem, loose tank top makes me look womanly

>> No.15513275

Man, no one is gonna care if its womanly or not lol. Just wear it and keep lifting

>> No.15513454

You don't cut anything until the end. I don't know if you understood me ma man.

>> No.15513501

good, because I don't want plebs like you touching my Nautilus.

>> No.15514428

/selfimprovementgeneral/ /fit/ discord (lots of newbies here but theres a lot of /fit/ bros on here. too. cool people. better than the second server desu. got shilled a few times on other boards tho)

/fit/ discord (two of the head mods are dyel faggots. bingo is a fat disgusting faggot. bedark is a 17 year old dyel twink faggot loser that needs to kill himself.. the level 1 fitizens are swole tho)

>> No.15514429

The second discord was good when the dyel fat faggots were not mods.

>> No.15514431

trog and ecchi are based awesome chads

>> No.15514434

Strive4greatness is a pretty cool mod and owner of /fit/ discord.
shame one of the mods is a massiave faggot

>> No.15514453

Dyslexia Kicked in and misread “stitch”. I reread after I posted and realized my error.

>> No.15514487

Nah strive is a bitch. literal fundemantalist muslim that has shitty gay faggot twink tranny chaser mods like bedark.

>> No.15514501

reezo is based

>> No.15514505

1st server is based and awesome cuz the owner ryzo is actually a /fit/ chad

>> No.15514511

Ah really? Strive4 is cool and Ryzo is cool too. kinda like both these servers. but i admit strive has the gayest faggot mods

>> No.15514531
File: 224 KB, 1000x762, SEX Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. SEXcore is the ultimate refinement of menswear.

>> No.15514549

Sexcore Chad is an unstoppable mogging machine

>> No.15514633

Rick Owens when I was into that back in 2015 and techwear too

>> No.15515170

lmao @sieg

>> No.15515260

You've been bulking for six months, stop deluding yourself.
>inb4 kyriakos grizzly posting

>> No.15515410

This guy was friends with my dad. No joke. His name is Ryan, they played on the same football team.

>> No.15515429

>was friends with my dad
why did they break up?

>> No.15515434

Separate directions in life I guess idk, besides my dad is dead now

>> No.15515898

I've been on a lifelong bulk dude, you wish you could bloatmaxx like me.

>> No.15515921

/fa/ is /thinspo/ nation

>> No.15515937

Get out of here, /fa/ is full of bloatlords