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File: 60 KB, 620x930, E96C5413-5AA3-4B26-9038-74E9E6A26AEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15499811 No.15499811 [Reply] [Original]

Tranny attention whore edition

Last >>15483037

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

BMR and TDEE Calculator
>allows you to pick multiple ways of calculating your BMR (the most commonly used one is outdated and inaccurate)
>has options for fasting
>body fat percentage

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something (unless they ask for meanspo) - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also post thinspo pics, your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15499823

bulimia is extremely redpilled.

>> No.15499843

Love them transgenders

>> No.15499851

Coom Imma coom tonight

>> No.15499856
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>> No.15499862

cute twink

>> No.15499865

Thinspo channel

>> No.15499878
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what do when you want to be skinny but have some psychological problems that lead you to binge and no money for therapist? help
I'm already exercising but it doesn't compensate my hideous binge cycles

>> No.15499888

just puke

>> No.15499897

That sounds like an addiction, that you can train yourself out of it
Come on there’s people quitting cigs cold turkey and you can’t stop eating?

>> No.15499906

identify what triggers binges and find other ways to deal with those things.

>> No.15499918

>trying to lose weight to look better
>fuck up teeth with acid from stomach

>> No.15499969

you're weak willed, you won't ever be thin. just give up fatass

>> No.15500021

Post the right one.


>> No.15500025

literally me soon

>> No.15500071


>> No.15500526

if you stopped blowing all your money on binge food you'd have therapy money. stop being so pathetic.

>> No.15500701

rip my blood results came back again and I'm still meant to be cutting down my basically non-existent exercise regime

I swear they don't believe me but I'm literally just doing yoga

>> No.15500789
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Any of you guys, gals or ladyboys look as pretty yet evil looking like this guy

>> No.15500819
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Post bodies

>> No.15500912

just finished day 2 of OMAD :)
I caved and ate half a bowl of chips with my meal though :( it wasn't even that good

>> No.15500935

Nice one vro

>> No.15500947

thanks man, trying my best

>> No.15500953

This is a coomer board, isn't it?

>> No.15500957

Seems like it. niggas bust a nut to the twinks here

>> No.15500962

gotta love a good twink

>> No.15500985

someone page the ezrafag

>> No.15500996

Yeah even though I asked the question, I still have my dick in my hand. So it goes.

>> No.15501158

LMAO ily anon

>> No.15501178

Idk, I'm still a normal weight and I'm always fucking yoyoing. I wish I had anorexia instead.

>> No.15501287


truth, i have anorexia and while it's absolutely fucking hell every single day and i can't really function as a human being, i think it would be harder mentally to have the same mindset and also have to deal with large binges and that discomfort

plus there's the whole potential for instant death while purging thing

my death is slow and drawn out, just how i like it

>> No.15501654

i pity bulimics. watching them binge and lose control is viscerally disgusting in a way not most things are. plus the action of making yourself vomit over and over just sounds like a nightmare. and it’s not even effective for purging, i mean there’s no way you’re actually puking out everything you consumed without leaving some of it inside you. anorexics at least have some sort of control (in fact that’s usually the reason behind their disorder), and their issue is focused on pure restraint, which is a lot less messed up inherently than the viscous binge-purge cycle bulimics have

>> No.15501988

post body

>> No.15502021
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What are ye having for lunch lads

>> No.15502023

oh you poor fragile ana butterfly ~

>> No.15502132
File: 224 KB, 500x746, 79CCA9A4-88D3-40D1-8D3D-E8759B862A13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna COOM

>> No.15502213

hunger and ice water

>> No.15502219

what do you mean sudden death?

>> No.15502266

seethe, binger

>> No.15502279

>how to guarantee all the environmental toxins absorbed through skins, food, water, and air get stored in your brain and organs
we live in the most toxic environments humans have ever dwelt in, you need some bodyfat

>> No.15502307

frequent b+p = electrolyte imbalance = cardiac arrest = dead

>> No.15502413

>plus there's the whole potential for instant death while purging thing
that's incredibly rare lol i must've purged hundreds of times the past few years , , , still not dead

>> No.15502435


honestly i'm just paranoid, to be honest the most terrifying part of bulimia for me is the loss of control and the binges, plus I'm way too lazy to purge unless it's with exercise

not that it really matters, like no eating disorder is actually better or worse than any other one because the entire basis of doing all this is irrational and based on flawed thinking and mental illness to begin with

normal people don't feel the need to be ultra thin, they can do normal fun stuff and be social while i sit at home crying because the supermarket is too overwhelming and i can't stop myself pouring out my orange juice for breakfast even when i know doing it is making my body look gross and unattractive to others

>> No.15502479

>too lazy to purge
please tell me you're self self-diagnosed
make my day

>> No.15502517
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I wanna end it

>> No.15502608


I'm not self diagnosed sorry, i've been diagnosed AN-R for years

i don't have bulimia, sorry if my post was worded in a misleading way it was unintentional. I sometimes exercise purge if i'm forced to eat but purging by vomiting seems like too much work when i don't believe it's effective anyway so i just run or walk or work out. I've purged by vomiting a few times when i was younger but i get paranoid because I have no idea exactly how many calories i got up so exercising the calories off or not eating them in the first place is a lot easier for me and a lot less anxiety provoking because I can figure out exactly what goes in and what goes out

>> No.15502906
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Ezra and Ramirez look extremely similar unironically

>> No.15502941
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>> No.15503051


>> No.15503101
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how tf to I get thinner arms?
I KNOW spot fat loss isn't a thing, so do I just have to keep losing? If I asked on /fit/ they'd tell me to lift or smthn but I DO NOT want any muscles or even to have toned arms, I want thin, skinny girl arms. I feel like my arms and shoulders are huge (18BMI)

>> No.15503112

you know how disabled people in wheelchairs have atrophied legs? spot reduction isn't a total myth where people specifically work out a certain body part in order to reduce fat in that specific area, but if you don't use certain muscles for a while, your body will think it's free to use as a source of calories when it hits starvation mode.

>> No.15503149

whats the deal with coffee? like what does it do wrong? I heard it boosts your metabolism? people on here shitpost about cortisol, but isn't cortisol good for metabolising fat and carbs? what am i missing?

>> No.15503177

Hol up, did the discord server get deleted?

>> No.15503218

Look up studies yourself retard

>> No.15503273
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yeah it did, probably for the best, they were all retard trannys

>> No.15503410

you just answered your own question anon, nothing you can do about it. I guess if you were really very mentally ill you could stop moving them and force atrophy, but come on.

>> No.15503412

yeah obviously. cause its fucking discord

>> No.15503432

Weighing 67.5kg today. Feels good, but I have to ask; when do I start to look /thinspo/?

>> No.15503435

I have a lot of fat under my arms :(. What can I do to fix that?

>> No.15503492

what am I going to jerk off to now that I can't look at the lewd pics of that one tranny mod

>> No.15503595

You're not technically underweight yet anon, if you're 190 cm tall and at 67 kg you're at a bmi of like 18.5 or so. Depending on your build and if you work out- you'll probably look thinspo anywhere between bmi 17 - 15.5. And as always, if you post a pic of yourself we can make a more accurate assessment of where you're at. Good luck anon!

>> No.15503933

Fuck trannies

>> No.15503947


>used to weigh 160
>was 265 at beginning of the year
>down 35 lbs and eating much less garbage food, and being much more active

I-im gonna make it guys

>> No.15504084

Alright. I'm a bit of a schizo so I won't post a picture. I think I might start running and doing some calisthenics.

>> No.15504136
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>have no money to spent on a therapist
>do have money for constant food binges


You can't spot-reduce fat. You gotta lose it everywhere.

Nice progress, anon! Keep it up. Don't let it all be for nothing.

>> No.15504341

that's ok anon. calisthenics is really fun, would recommend

>> No.15504452


>> No.15504507
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progress is slow but im starting to not hate how i look. down to 150, shooting for 140

>> No.15504569

damn dude keep going

>> No.15504602
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>> No.15504612

>Drop from 200 pounds to 140 pounds at 6'4
>Family thinks I have an eating disorder and forces me to eat in front of them
>Girlfriend begs me to stop and says I look sickly and she's no longer attracted to me
I still look disgusting and fat though so I'm not sure whether to stop or keep losing weight

>> No.15504617

post body

>> No.15504695

spoopy wooooo

>> No.15504700

you sound unhealthy mentally either way

>> No.15504795

dame tu cosita

>> No.15504806

>I still look disgusting and fat though
anon, give it some time. 140 sounds very low for your height and you only recently lost the weight so you are probably going through some body dysmorphia stuff right now. if after a while you still want to cut further and you aren’t having health issues then carry on but make sure you know what you’re doing, your mental and physical health should come before looking a certain way

>> No.15504812

i'm 140 pounds at 180cm and i look like the left picture, but even fatter. the thing is, it's also still in my face and legs, so it's not the distribution either. are you just really tall or is my scale broken?

>> No.15504830

im 187cm

>> No.15504838

that explains it. do you know the weight from the before pic?

>> No.15504841

discord isn't deleted, inactive ppl were kicked

>> No.15504844
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>> No.15504849

probably high 160s low 170s. i dont remember exactly when i took it

>> No.15504991

Day 4 of OMAD. Shame me out of having a snack please

>> No.15505008
File: 2.04 MB, 2147x3020, 1596505812125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder prodigy's eyes always look like that she's always drunk

>> No.15505023

keep going bud

>> No.15505408

What’s your routine?

>> No.15505504

>tfw someone posts your pics as thinspo
is this what making it feels like

>> No.15505674

get sticc-bugged lol

>> No.15505835

ur weak, you won't ever make it fatass

>> No.15505901

Lmao is not eating really that hard. Stop puking you retard.

>> No.15505937
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>> No.15505982

look at that belly lol

>> No.15506070

just eating less. luckily im kinda tall so eating 1800-1900 cal/day is a deficit for me. i could cut harder and lose more quicker but my willpower is pretty shitty

>> No.15506077

>Progress is slow
Whats the time period btwn these
Also good job

>> No.15506086

the difference in TDEE between slightly chubby and skinny people of the same height is couple hundred calories at most, why do people complain about maintaining thinness again?

>> No.15506151

they just skipped meals instead of also making diet changes, increasing activity, recalibrating palettes and all the shit needed for a healthy lifestyle. you gotta relearn how to live for weight loss to stick, habits are just as important as calories

>> No.15506294
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how do I make this body qualify as a twink body?

>> No.15506363
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hell ya

>> No.15506533

yeah you said it. this 100%

>> No.15506543

>the difference in TDEE between slightly chubby and skinny people of the same height is couple hundred calories at most, why do people complain about maintaining thinness again?

Lower bodyfat - > less leptin - > more hunger

>> No.15506648

It really gets easier after a week, just keep going you pig
Smoke a cig or grab a cup of coffee if you have to

>> No.15506652

Looks too soft for prime twink, but it’s not that bad honestly

>> No.15506889
File: 85 KB, 1108x298, 1589509659449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to all my ED bros in this thread


>get sick of being a hungry weak skellington
>decide to recover
>expect to gain a few kilograms and feel much better
>instead become a brainfogged lethargic shit
>hunger just gets worse
>gain close to 30lbs
>still feel hungry despite being covered in fat rolls
>go to an ED support group
>full of lardasses
>think they must all have BED
>turns out most of them used to be skelly anorexics
>decide to relapse the same day

down 20lb since then and almost at my old LW, biggest fucking waste of time in my entire life, got literally NOTHING out of it other than wrecked self esteemed and money wasted on fatty clothes

>> No.15506949


>> No.15507201

>down 20lb since then

Congratulations on recovering from "recovery"!

>> No.15507224

You might like the proana scumbags thread on lolcow, anon. Full of fat fucks LARPing around as anorexics. Stay healthy tho anon, know when to stop.

>> No.15507253

why the f did they outlaw talking about ashley isaacs on there, does anyone know? she was my favorite cow.

>> No.15507283

did they outlaw it? i thought it was cause she only posts like once or twice a month.

>> No.15507290

can people really not control themselves? at the end of the day it’s just fucking simple mathematics. weight is one of the easiest aspects of your appearance to influence and the biggest reason people are so anxious about it is because of the misinformation spread around which makes them think losing weight is a huge undertaking. if it was talked about more casually people would have no reason to get so god damned stressed about small weight fluctuations.

>> No.15507372

anyone else shocked at how much time they have now that they don’t worry about eating as much? i’ve also been forced to occupy myself with exercise, walks, studying and other more productive stuff to fill up my day. it’s amazing how much time people dedicate to eating usually

>> No.15507401
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>do omad
>eat at around 6
>hungry from late night to next meal following day

am i eating too few calories or should i just ride it out? it's kinda manageable

>> No.15507406

how long have you been at it? the hunger went away for me after about a week, week and a half. i started at a relatively low weight already though.

>> No.15507416

ah, that's probably it then, i'm only on day 4. only have a like 15lbs to lose, wanted to just kickstart the fat burning and be done with it.

i'll eat roughly the same amount and just stick it out, if it's not getting better i'll start counting calories and eat more if possible.

>> No.15507428

remember its less about quantity than it is about quality. 100 calories of complex carbs will keep you full for hours longer than simple carbs will, for instance. i eat around 700 a day on OMAD, but its all like beans and rice and veggies, so i never really get hungry.

>> No.15507482

I agree with you anon, but i'm anorexic lol. I honestly think that for normal people losing weight really is difficult. They can't stand being hungry/are too fucking stupid to count calories/or just lack the sustained self control it takes.

>> No.15507489

you're 100% not eating enough protein. I had this problem as a noob cause i'd just eat pasta everyday. If you make protein the central part of your meal that should fix it.

>> No.15508016
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yes, i think most people literally can't control themselves once they reach a certain stage (the ones who can are probably neurodivergent in some way, for example by being full blown anorexics).
if you fuck your body up by losing weight too quickly, or more general, by not considering the limits of your own body, your behaviour will change as a result, as behaviour is, too a not inconsiderable part, determined by your hormone levels, epigenetic factors, i.e. more or less autonomous biological systems/feedback loops .
if you mess up that way, you will become lethargic, lose your libido, and eventually become unusually preoccupied with food. once your body recovers after it nudged you into eating again, you will start feeling your behaviour becoming more controllable again. then you can try again (to modify your body and mind), hopefully while respecting the limits of your body better this time around, because if you just abuse your body again, you behaviour will change to the worse once more, and if you repeat that cycle for too long, you might overshoot too much (in your "recovery") which might induce certain types of runaway feedback loops that will make you fat, unless you manage to find reasonable tactics to interrupt those feedback loops, or if you go all in with restriction etc. and succumb to mental illness (i'd say that probably requires some sort of neurodivergence; it might be innate or acquired).
i luckily never got overweight or crazy fat after restricting too hard for extended periods of time, and i know my limits better now. i realised that it's possible to be underweight and healthy, and that i did myself no good in the long run by "having strong willpower" (because my goal is not to die).
the price i had to pay for this is the time it will take me to reach my full potential again. but at least i can go running again and perform better mentally, which, in the long run, will allow me to stay leaner more sustainably.

>> No.15508759

interesting, do you think there’s any way to tell if a person is approaching a point of drastic weight gain during a recovery period or if they’re past the point of being influenced by the body’s signals? what kind of thoughts or behaviours are associated with either stage?

>> No.15508910

You’re really well spoken anon, great takes. I’d love to hear from you more often.
If you look at the typical profile of the anorexic who becomes seriously ill, I definitely think neurodivergence is a good predictor.

I know there are a few studies indicating that people with restrictive eating disorders are more likely to have a higher intelligence quotient and GPA than their peers. But that they are also more likely to significantly under-perform in verbal memory (working memory) and nonverbal intelligence functions (Wechsler). Which to me kind of screams aspie.

Its a pity how under-diagnosed and poorly understood the the female ASD phenotype is. imo this is only made more difficult now that they removed both aspergers’ and HFA from the DSM (ugh). I’d love to see an all-female study comparing adults with Aspergers’ and those with a long-term anorexia diagnosis, measuring iq, GPA, working memory and affective/cognitive empathy between the two. If anything it would be interesting to confirm or deny a correlation.

However in the current political climate, even a moderately scaled study of this kind would probably be considered too taboo. Even mentioning iq in the context of ASD or proposing there are gendered differences between males and females with ASD seems to be a no-no these days.

>> No.15508954

it's been fun bros, but i think i'm done cutting now. just gonna eat around maintenance and enjoy the sticc life. if i wanna go thinner in the future might try cutting again but i'm happy with the progress i've made. gonna go eat some beans, good luck everyone!

>> No.15508976

good luck anon :)

>> No.15508977

remember the keep your eye on the scale

>> No.15508980
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Fuck off, I don't want to be associated with trannies just because I'm thin

>> No.15508983

thanks brah!

yep, will probably weigh myself a couple times a week at first, just to check the trend but i'll try not to obsess over it or anything. even if i gain i can always just lose it again (though i'd rather not lol). after i get comfortable eating at maintenance again i'll weigh myself every once in a while just to make sure i'm not accidentally overeating or something. i'm happy i was able to go through this without developing an unhealthy relationship with food

>> No.15509731

not sure if i can be bothered trying to stay thin anymore. my shoulders have gotten a lot broader recently (last i measure they were 44" in circumference) and although i have love handles and a belly, you can't really see them with my top on and i'm being told i look good from numerous people.

if i did manage to lose that fat i'd probably have a pretty awesome hip to shoulder ratio but i can't be bothered. it's too much work and i can't deal with being hungry very well

>> No.15509740

no need to torture yourself if you don't care about it

>> No.15509826

just eat at maintenance for a while, long-term restriction can be bad for your mental and physical health. if in a few months you feel like trying again then go ahead but don’t force yourself anon, your happiness is the most important!

>> No.15509899

OP here, I feel the same, I hate trannies and what they’re doing to /thinspo/, but I thought it was funny

>> No.15510008
File: 2.32 MB, 4128x3096, 20200824_141018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Officially the skinniest I've ever been, thoughts?
178cm, 55kg

>> No.15510035

Looks amazing. Real nice unironically.

>> No.15510045

Super cute, anon, keep it up

>> No.15510177

this is not correct

nope not even a little. this was at brunch and table hadnt even been greeted. and NO i dont pregame before brunch.

>> No.15510329

i wanna fuck your twink asss and unload on your stomach oh lord you so pretty

>> No.15510360
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your gross hair makes me think of onision

>> No.15510499
File: 1.33 MB, 477x729, 4C76D405-BA3E-4674-B07E-E00BDA998409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I store most of my fat on my face
it’s so fucking annoying. I’m quite lean with a very shredded six pack but my face still has a decent amount of fat. right now I’m trying to cut to prisoner of war body fat level in hopes of revealing my cheekbones more

>> No.15510651

have you looked into surgery?

>> No.15510662

pic? maybe you're just body dysmorphic

>> No.15510710

Anyone experienced hair loss from fasting?

>> No.15510740
File: 1.16 MB, 1997x3000, CHANEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you deal with hunger?

>> No.15510743

Can I /thinspo/ with broad shoulders and naturally massive upper back?

>> No.15510744

I wasn't getting enough vitamins nutrients protein etc and my hair started to get brittle and took longer to grow

>> No.15510766

you just sort of get used to it after a while. i think a big part in conquering hunger is coming to the realisation that it is a temporary discomfort which does not get worse, but instead comes in waves.

>> No.15510820

stimulants and cardio. but i'm all out of stimulants, so just cardio

>> No.15510939
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>> No.15510985

Nice tummy, anon.

>> No.15511397
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a bit old but meh

>> No.15511496

I just live with it.

>> No.15511498

Yes but you if you have a wide frame you some muscle, think ottermode.

>> No.15511646

take your vitamins retard

>> No.15511658

Protein is not a vitamin and it has calories so no thanks.

>> No.15511707
File: 419 KB, 1907x1336, IMG_20200825_183401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright fatties, curl up and take a pic let's see how big your bellies really are

great progress anon, don't give up i believe in you
looking good anon, relax your shoulders a bit. nice collarbones
looking a bit skinnyfat. lose more weight. get a bit of chest definition. stand up straight. ygmi.

>> No.15512374

Cute, your pics are always great inspo anon

>> No.15512399
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>> No.15512524

Hot af anon
Would love to pull those boxers down :3

>> No.15512565


>> No.15512831

Only ate dinner today :) feels good man

>> No.15512850

I think I will start doing some push ups and stuff. I am never going to the gym again (went there for like a year and got mogged every day), but some casual exercise at home might help me lose some fat and gain a little muscle.

>> No.15512912

stats? pls

>> No.15512918

Do some dips once the push ups get too easy to build nice triceps, get a pull up bar and do weighted pull ups to work your biceps and lats, throw in some handstand push up progression to work your lateral delts, finally throw in some shrimp squats and you'll develop a great physique with minimal effort

>> No.15513200

I have the chance to hire a bodybuilding coach to become bulky and bigger but im also considering instead taking boxing class and staying in a lighter category.
Any good arguments agaisnt going the muscle-building route?

>> No.15513220

>Do some dips once the push ups get too easy to build nice triceps
what does that mean dips are harder than push ups?
ive been doing push ups and avoiding dips

>> No.15513224

The muscles you get from lifting (and guzzling protein drinks) are large, stiff and look like ridiculous tumours. What you want is the lean flexible stuff you get from strained, but intraquite movement. Swimming, boxing, dance, gymnastics etc. get a trainer who knows the difference between the two unless you want to look like a bloated and deformed cow.

>> No.15513238

I'd like to get this.
Do I go for light weights with high reps?

>> No.15513242
File: 10 KB, 275x183, jain nun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here is vegan/jain?
I see a relationship between asceticism in food and being thin

>> No.15513243

which part would you like to get do you mean?

>> No.15513246
File: 209 KB, 1179x794, based nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related never lifted weights,its a good inspo

>> No.15513253
File: 929 KB, 774x774, 1563510728117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making good progress
>leaner everything
>face getting more defined
>measure in at 19% bf


>> No.15513256

>lean flexible stuff
I don't want oversized muslces just enough strength to pick up my gf, while maintaining my lean frame, or looking like coping manlet.

>> No.15513260
File: 18 KB, 288x450, 103946596-288-k536940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's kinda gay bro
was out the shower lol
yeah I think I tried fitting in the frame of the mirror or some shit
I've been doing this since beginning of Corona for like 4 days a week without noticing. basically, wake up 3pm, eat an actual meal til i'm full then go to sleep at like 5-6am. lost weight without noticing, but it's pretty dogshit for everything else

>> No.15513302

how much you weigh? i still got a long way to go.

>> No.15513356

Thanks for the advice anon. I will look into that. I already have a pull up bar, but last time I tried I could barely do any. Cant do handstands either.

>> No.15513394

I've been living pretty much the same lifestyle but I've actually gained a few pounds. But I'm making some tweaks to my diet and exercising more so hopefully that helps. The booze probably didn't help either haha.

>> No.15513502

in that case i would recomend the boxing, lifting light weights w/ high reps COULD work, but is just a shitty substitute for the real thing. Again, i really can't recommend swimming enough. It works out everything, whilst carrying no risk of gross bulk. Nice lean and clean lines only. Eating healthy and getting enough protein helps too. Good luck anon.

>> No.15513939


>> No.15514107

Pretty fucking inspiring man. Keep it up.

>> No.15514329

As in actual fight? or just hitting sand bags and training rope?
Because I can have those at home.
>light weights/high reps
What's wrong with those? isn't it good for working up strength in arms?
I'm ashamed to say I don't know how to swim.
>eating healthy
yeah, I got that going since I cock my own food.

>> No.15514361

Yeah, I meant I was basically fasting for a solid 20 hours everyday. beer definitely breaks the fast, I personally like bubbled water but black coffee and some herbal teas could be good options. this said I've also been on nicotine quite heavily, which kind of helps with hunger but fucks your level of stress/anxiety up

>> No.15514365

Well my favourite team is out of the NHL playoffs now. So that'll save me a lot of beer calories right there.

>> No.15514375


>> No.15514385

Vegan for 3 year, personally i find that most vegans are fit/thin but in recent years I have come across som fat/ border line obese vegans. I think it has to do with the introduction of all the vegan processed meat/snack substitutes.

I guess it depends, because some girls have told me that they avoid veganisme because they don't want to trigger their past ED.

>> No.15514432
File: 1.24 MB, 1762x984, 1598181801979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lion diet breakfast today. Soo tasty

>> No.15514447

>I have come across som fat/ border line obese vegans
Those are self proclaimed, they do it to fit in.

>> No.15514448
File: 219 KB, 720x960, Proper+english+breakfast_5a965a_6136041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step it up senpai.

>> No.15514463


Fuck me look at that amazing brekky. My cock is hard.

>> No.15514470

Looks pretty good, but too many calories for me desk.

>> No.15514477

Yeah, I wake up early, 6 am and work until 4 pm with no breaks.
So good breakfast is a must.
Not much, it's mostly protein, about 800

>> No.15514559


>> No.15514560

Based britbong

>> No.15514635

no lol, becoming a fat fuck is what easily happens when you eat mostly carbs. Protein sources that make sense for vegans are pretty much just beans and nuts (unless they can afford to buy protein powers i guess). ie. they must choose between violent farting from the sheer amount of beans or deal with the sickly amounts of calories in nuts. Just eat some fish nigga.

>> No.15514641
File: 871 KB, 998x794, 01.04.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this makes me miss the uk..

>> No.15514648

Why would anyone fall for that meme?
Animals rights?
Then by that logic plants have rights as well.
Just eat in moderate amount and make sure to restock resources.

>> No.15514652

What's in this?

>> No.15514657

you need to count what it was cooked in desu, a tablespoon of butter is what like 100-120 kcal a pop. ~70 - 100 per slice of bread, and they all look buttered. That plate of toast is easily ~450 - 500 on its own.

>> No.15514660

highly processed pork and gelatin

>> No.15514664

Just think about the weather and you won't miss it anymore.

>> No.15514669

Aren't you over estimating the cal in this?

>> No.15514672

I mean what's this? The image says english breakfast but I don't know half the ingredients.

>> No.15514680

As I said I only eat two meals a day, because of my work which is physically demanding (Carpentry).
Most of those are actually fat and protein with low carbs, no insulin spike so no fatty body.

>> No.15514685

home-schooling everyone

>> No.15514689

not them, but def no, toast is one of my "unsafe" foods just because its so fucking good but high cal.

>> No.15514691

Are you drunk? or hypoglycemic?
I know there's tomato, eggs, mushrooms?
Somethings that look like sausages that i never seen like before, and some burned up stuff, and I assume meat of some sort. which I don't know what it is and how it is prepared.

>> No.15514692

I don't do toast, but I get saj.

>> No.15514706
File: 24 KB, 554x554, projector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you drunk? or hypoglycemic?
take your 'mones, tranny
your bpd is showing

>> No.15514755

Eat as much as you like anon i'm not bothered, but that doesn't change the fact that this meal has waaaay more than 800 kcal lmao
I'm really not, look it up. But if pressed, you should always overestimate than under imo. Its a thinspo thread after all.

>> No.15514768

The dark stuff is called black-pudding, its a kind of soft chewy case-less sausage made of pigs blood.

>> No.15514776

>this meal has waaaay more than 800 kcal
Oh, you meant the whole meal.
Yeah, this thing is made for 4 people, see there's 4 eggs.
Probably about 3500 kcl if not even more.
The serving for me is about 800-900kcl.
And because of the high fat, you feel satiated very fast, so you can't over eat.

>> No.15514779

No thank you.

>> No.15514790

Fuck off mudskin
Sounds good

>> No.15514796

jews don't eat pigs either.

>> No.15514809

Precisely, I said mudskin.

>> No.15514827

They suck the blood of their circumcised babies' penises. Yikes, please fuck off kike.

>> No.15514905

great for thinanons worried about iron deficiency lol

>> No.15515160

Lion diet dinner today.

>> No.15515257
File: 397 KB, 1613x2100, _20200826_180430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

190 77kg

>> No.15515357

Too soft imo

>> No.15515411

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
5'2", 105lb, f, 25
>highest weight
probably around 127lb when I was 13
>goal weight
90-95 lb
>preferred method of losing weight
restriction (17:7 intermittent fasting) + light cardio
>aesthetic you're going for
audrey hepburn

>> No.15515438

Get out roastbeef

>> No.15515498

>audrey hepburn
oo very nice anon. i think you’ll look great!

>> No.15515526

I mean you look really good, but you don't look thin at all. What look are you going for anon?

>> No.15515536

nobody tell them lmao

>> No.15515574

Kinda like the OP pic
Want to get well defined without bodyfat

>> No.15515579

Please elaborate?

>> No.15515639

you look fine.
ignore these failures trying to kill your self esteem and stop asking others for reassurance.

real men have confidence that comes from within.
they don't need the approval of incels.

>> No.15515764

Any advice for reducing skinny/fat belly fat? I'm been in a really nice place but since lockdown I've been sitting around allot more and drinking and have developed some gross belly flab.

>> No.15515765

Why are you even here

He asked for ratings, cunt

>> No.15515888

eat less

>> No.15515922

Spot reducing is kind of a myth, but visceral fat is the most difficult to lose, thats why you see those mature men with skinny bodies and a big belly
I’d say, cut out the carbs, at least a little, do a not much intense IF and cardio

>> No.15516054

I've been eating less than 1,000 calories a day for weeks, why has my weight loss gotten so abysmally slow? Starvation mode is a meme

>> No.15516073

1000 is literally retarded ‘starvation mode’
Do omad or at least lower yourself to 750, if you’re less than 6’0, 1000 calories a day makes no difference

>> No.15516077

you're probably bad at couting anon. Just make it easy on yourself and do omad, eating a small a meal as you can and using a bunch of protein to avoid hunger. Its really not that difficult.

>> No.15516102

9/10, almost body goal

>> No.15516106

Yikes, shouldn't have been a fatty in the first place.

>> No.15516270

and there comes the laughter. Kek bro

>> No.15516309

glad you lost weight, anon

>> No.15516467

talk about kicking some who's already laying down weirdchamp

>> No.15516487

hang in there anon, a skilled surgeon could 100% fix this- and even if you can't afford it at the moment, if you wait and save up for it, the skill of surgeons and new techniques for removing loose skin can only improve in the mean time.

>> No.15516571

>18 bmi
stop eating
i will never understand men like this with eating disorders. isn't the whole point of starving yourself to look better? isn't it extremely evident that at this point, becoming skinnier just makes you more disgusting?

>> No.15516618

That’s why are called body dysmorphic disorder and eating disorders, it’s all psychological anon

>> No.15516732

yeah, you can always make the argument that it makes you mentally ill to starve yourself. and in many cases it is true.
personally, i starve to fit a standard of beauty. i want to reach the ideal female body that is extremely thin with very little arm/leg/stomach fat, and i think many other females with EDs are the same.
so i don't really understand the men and women who continue to starve themselves past states of being ideal (i.e. people with virtually nothing but skin and bones), and i particularly fail to understand men starving themselves at all, as the ideal male body is bulky and muscular.
for these men, is their ideal body thin and weak? p gay imo
perhaps these people with extreme eating disorders have different reasons for not eating or have been conditioned to despise fat to a detrimental degree

>> No.15516770

Right here. Going on 5 years, I made big pot of vegetable soup and been filling my face and staying under my limit.

>> No.15516867

Yes, for some of us being a cute thin delicate guy its ideal, I personally find muscular guys incredibly unattractive, call it gay or whatever you want, it’s just a preference, just like you prefer being thing, there’s a whole lot of women who would like to be like the kardashians and nicki minajes of the world, with big asses, big tits. You could say you’re in the minority too, just like me. You sound judgmental and young and insecure desu

And yes, some go far because of mental illness, just like some people imagine whole people or they like to kill, etc, what’s so difficult to understand

>> No.15516895

>there is only one beauty ideal

>> No.15517031

i see, thanks for your input
>You sound judgmental and young and insecure desu
yea idk how to change being judgmental and insecure, have always been like this
there is such thing as objective attractiveness

>> No.15517161
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>> No.15517320


>> No.15517515

>gained 11 pounds since march
I hate this meme. I have been trapped at home for 5 months with no job and barely get out of bed. I don't really feel an interest in clothes anymore since i just lounge around in sweatpants all day. Beyond just eating nothing how am i supposed to get myself back down to 140 lbs before the winter time?

>> No.15517601

eat less, exercise, amputate

>> No.15517678


>> No.15517731

Yeah dips are wayy harder than push ups because your moving your entire unsupported bodyweight whereas push ups your feet are supported

Try doing negatives until you can do your first chin up, also you can do easier variations of the handstsnd push up where you have your feet supported on a table or something

>> No.15517753
File: 175 KB, 342x255, shaun_fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 45 kgs and am 155cms tall, should I post muh body?

>> No.15517762

go ahead anon, although with that height i'm assuming you're female so be careful

>> No.15517763

>youre a female

>> No.15517814

58kg and 175cm. is that thinspo

>> No.15517933
File: 3.05 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200827_005908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

185cm, 62kg
Ugly wide hips

>> No.15517990

post body but unless you have a visible amount of muscle, i suspect skinnyfat, bitchtits and big belly
not bad anon but that moustache and love handles are not great

>> No.15518243

lose 6 more kg.

>> No.15518262

How about defined lower chest? I have a resistance band if this helps

>> No.15518266

Whats your workout?

>> No.15518287

Cute bod, disgusting body hair and moustache, imho

>> No.15518325

I can't think of any bodyweight exercises that specifically target lower chest other than resistance band/weighted push ups

>> No.15518328
File: 42 KB, 258x245, 1578186639946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resorted to using nicotine gum to help me through fasts

I wont get addicted to nicotine from this right?

>> No.15518469
File: 28 KB, 355x320, mentos_gum_bc_freshmint_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gum is life changing

>Peppermint to suppress appetite
>Green tea extract also to aid appetite suppression + encourage faster metabolism + increased energy

You're welcome

>> No.15518470

Doe sit not fuck up the teeth tho?

>> No.15518474

There's no sugar in it

>> No.15518476
File: 1.13 MB, 1255x875, Screenshot (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a shit load of dental fillings. Doe sit pull them out? Also, is it only the blue one you recommend?

>> No.15518478

Idk, but I have dental fillings too and do fine.

And yeah it has to be the blue one because it's the only one with peppermint and green tea

>> No.15518487

no blue on amazon.ca

>> No.15518497


>> No.15518511

I find gum to do the opposite to me, it makes me incredibly hungry

>> No.15518516

Yes but I'm in Canada so Amazon.com is no good for me

>> No.15518539

You're salivating too much and generating too much stomach acids

>> No.15518599

I climb, indoor bouldering mostly and do some basic bodyweight stuff to go with it, pull ups, but not much lately

>> No.15518627

How do you even chew gum without salivating?

>> No.15518942

chew a flavourless gum, I use rubber.

>> No.15519112

At what point will I have abs? 5'7 currently 125

>> No.15519160

No... The idea of "making it" is actualizing what you really want in life, maybe a dream you had when you were eight to be an architect, then following that passion for the rest of your life so that when you die, you will die knowing your contributions impacted human history big or small. Unless your dream in life is to be skinny then I you have made, but I would offer the critique that this is an immensely shallow dream which will ultimately result in a life of misery and self obsession.

>> No.15519192

you need to workout if you're 125 and you don't have abs

>> No.15519252

awesome. b back in 2 months

>> No.15519386
File: 419 KB, 1342x1720, IMG_20200710_102005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10 63kg

Work out you /fa/ faggots.

>> No.15519414
File: 1.65 MB, 1080x1920, loooool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15519438

Very nice duck

>> No.15519465
File: 71 KB, 750x463, noided.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15520240

i almost can’t wait till i hit the wall and don’t have to worry about this shit anymore

>> No.15520276


>> No.15520326


>> No.15520893

Kill yourself fattie

>> No.15520894


>> No.15521099
File: 889 KB, 1280x720, 1355894274068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna humbly accept the compliment.

>> No.15521207

>I still look disgusting
So you are losing a lot of muscle mass, do it the right way. Eat enough protein e work out. You just need to lose body fat, not muscles

>> No.15521404

i have a friend who drinks 7 coffees a day and she has a big gut. like her arms and legs look normal but so much fat is stored around her midsection. might be due to cortisol causing more fat storage around the abdomen, or might be due to genetics

>> No.15521413

ur chub

>> No.15521658
File: 436 KB, 1536x2078, 57A35BD6-82AF-410F-A21C-DAC36B62C210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea about training, but how can get more prominent abs?

>> No.15521667

>Losing more bodyfat
>Hanging legs raises
>Ab wheel roll outs
>Planks (pretty shit)

>> No.15521845

you dont have an ED if you can stop, or control the way you perceive yourself. larping fatties ITT

>> No.15521846

Shave that disgusting shit off your body, pls

>> No.15521950

the ED part starts when it’s no longer about the number on the scale but about the act of starvation itself.

>> No.15522038

I wonder if ever a single one of our ancestors imagined there would be a future where their descendants would be going to ridiculous lengths to avoid food in a world where it's fucking everywhere.

>> No.15522128
File: 112 KB, 237x474, Screenshot_20200828-075051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been losing weight pretty fast, i'm 53 kg rn and am trying to work myself to 40kg. any tips on how to get skinnier? feel fat still

>> No.15522131

Be anorexic and die

>> No.15522181

Dunno if you're still here, but lift. It won't take care of everything, but it'll take up some space in the chest area. If you get swole enough you might not even need skin removed there.

>> No.15522198
File: 122 KB, 1080x1776, narcissism 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it up buddy wagmi

>> No.15522207

Nice lats dude

>> No.15522228

Wtf 40kg anon?!?! How tall are you?
Unless you’re less than 140cm/5’0 that shit is dangerous

>> No.15522231

your skeleton probably weighs more than 40kg mate

>> No.15522245

I'm 5'6

>> No.15522252

how do i lose bone density then? my bf tells me im too fat

>> No.15522260

i dont want to die eek

>> No.15522271

How tall are you?

>> No.15522281

i am 5'6, i dont want to grow anymore

>> No.15522304

40kg at 5’6 is still anorexic af anon
Be careful

>> No.15522327


>> No.15522336

my bf wants me to be skinnier. ii want to make him happy

>> No.15522425







>> No.15522480

good girl

>> No.15524193
