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File: 152 KB, 1200x800, acne 1412421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15499604 No.15499604 [Reply] [Original]

acne is impossible to fix, it's permanent like birth marks

>> No.15499618

Wrong bb. But I DID promised or threaten (don’t quite remember) to stay out of skincare threads bc they’re all so repetitive and so full of cheap ass know it alls - including me saying “fuck these threads” at least 8x
Go to Warosu. Nothing new will come up here.

>> No.15499619


>> No.15499659
File: 953 KB, 828x1172, 1591068114632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not fair bros

>> No.15499664

Lol wtf are you on about???
Your skin is fine just get something for minimizing pores. Quit being drama queen

>> No.15499706

I’ve seen that pic posted on other boards before, that anon probably looks like OP

>> No.15500137

...if you're poor.

>> No.15500991

shut up

>> No.15501086

Friend of mine cured his with some kinda steroid cream

>> No.15501093

birth marks can be effay, acne is just disgusting.

>> No.15501254

This picture is heavily retouched it's kind of disturbing

>> No.15501256

Tell me what I need to buy to get rid of acne marks then.

>> No.15501260

just use differin you fuckin spaz

>> No.15501271

just drink carrot juice l o l

>> No.15501408

carnivore fixes it, many such cases.

>> No.15501420

accutane cured mine

but its caused by bad diet fucking with your hormones

>> No.15501462

get a benzoyl peroxide prescribed by a doc, that shit cleared my acne in a month, if you cant get it prescribed, just buy some body wash with the shit in it, you can find it @ most drug stores

>> No.15501481

nope. eating well, drinking plenty of water and being older than 20
if you still have it even after that. then there's medication

>> No.15502903

Not him, what do you rec for minimizing pores? I currently use have a 2% sa BHA and REN AHA, Dr. Jarts Cicipar cream, and 0.025 Trent

>> No.15503411

im over 20 and still got acne

>> No.15503441
File: 338 KB, 1440x960, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15503465

I'm 28 and still struggling. The forced masks aren't helping, its causing even more breakouts than I already had.

>> No.15503474

Not really, with specific pads they can be practically removed, there is only a little mark left and it even looks good

>> No.15503480

are you a girl?

i'm just interested because it seems much rarer for dudes to have acne as late as 28

>> No.15503484

Please be specific on what specific pads you mean anon
A guy

>> No.15503493

I took some prescribed by the dermatologist, the brand was ISDIN.

They worked