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File: 788 KB, 1280x720, sketch-1597844102072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15495746 No.15495746 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag here,what are some good grooming tips to make sure my beard looks good and muscline?

>> No.15495756

Hates niggers
Loves niggers

>> No.15495771

Exposed Lip
Covered Lip

>> No.15495773

Either you're masculine or your not. We can all tell

>> No.15495784


If you are ugly and or have a feminine face you will come off as onions no matter how you style it

>> No.15495797

How do I grow a beard? The best it does is not thick 1inch long max hairs that are barely noticeable unless its in good lighting

>> No.15495961

All beards are basedboy beards. Stop being ugly so you dont have to hide your face

>> No.15495962

body fat is numero uno. in OPs example, the guy on the left has worked to look masculine. well groomed haircut and beard, embracing the salt and pepper mature look. strong jawline accentuated by the beard by mostly by good confident posture and body language, head up and leaning forward, eye contact and confident expression. clean skin (obviously better lighting and touched up) but still indicative of a good diet. but number one is body fat. you can't have a chiselled jaw or nice cheekbones with a chubby face, its so inherently feminine to be a soft round bitch.

if the guy on the right put some effort in and did all this; 1. got a good haircut and trimmed the beard/ dyed out the ginger, 2. got some contacts in, lost the dumbass numale fear grimace, 3. hit the gym, sorted a solid diet and 4. grew a pair of balls. then, his beard might look masculine.

tl,dr: can't look masculine if you don't live masculine

>> No.15495967

This should become copypasta so that we can end threads like this with one reply. It's really so fucking simple

>> No.15495970

sometimes life is THAT simple.

>> No.15495987

the guy on the right looks dumb only because of the face expression

>> No.15496001

Some guys keep growing it because they expect some magical length to finally make them look handsome. Left has less than a cm of growth, probably only like 6mm. It accentuates his features, but otherwise leaves his basic face shape the same. If you don't look good with 6mm, you're not going to look much better with 2cm+. Anything more than a short beard will probably make you uglier, but maybe more masculine if you have a decent mustache area.

>> No.15496009

Pick a short to medium length on your beard trimmer, and go over your face ever few days. Give all of your hairs time to grow since they grow at different rates. Assess density after a few months of doing this. At that point, you may want to grow it longer, and you'll know what areas may need to be trimmed shorter or longer relatives to others based on density to give you face the shape you want.

>> No.15496243

both of these, but i want to mention chad beards are usually thick and short, whereas onions beards are usually thin and overgrown or the color red (inherently onions)

>> No.15496253

don't be fat
don't be useless
don't be ugly

>> No.15496267

beards are terrible mustache + stubble will always be the only attractive facial hair and even then only actors can typically pull it off

>> No.15496283

the difference is how your face looks. if you're fat and wear big glasses it will be a onions beard. if you have a chiseled jawline and thin face it will be a chad beard. what a fucking revalation

>> No.15496530

you mean left and right side of the pic or left and right side of the political spectrum?

>> No.15496759
File: 437 KB, 1500x1859, druidcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got called Hagrid again.
>This time by Manager at a sushi place.
Literally impossible to have a Beard and long hair without being attributed to Hagrid.

>> No.15496928
File: 31 KB, 720x539, 1597815246668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit a luc post I agree with

>> No.15497134

Are you an annoying weirdo fag? Then your beard will look onions. Does your facial hair grow like pubes? Then your beard will look onions. It's not that complicated.

>> No.15497250
File: 74 KB, 833x541, doodoohead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby's first mustache. How am I doing?

>> No.15497256

Looks pretty nice lad. Good job.

>> No.15497261

its about your structure face bones anon

>> No.15497510

Dont do the twirl meme, comb it straight down. Also shave that fuckin soul patch the same length as the rest of the stubble asap

>> No.15497643


>> No.15497647

There's no such thing as a chad beard. Both are full onions.

>> No.15497648

Not him, but it looks fucking stupid, no offense

>> No.15497691

Why what? Soul patches and van dykes look like shit from a clowns was and curly moustaches are a larp

>> No.15497692
File: 23 KB, 480x400, images (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ass not was fucking piece of shit phone arghhhhh

>> No.15497856

The colour red is not a problem, having a shitty beard is. My beard goes from my neck to my cheekbones and is as red and shiny as copper. When I trim it I get nothing but compliments from people.

>> No.15498014

Most women would rather date right
lmao post face

>> No.15498025

And he’s fat and ugly

>> No.15498047

>Most women would rather date right
Keep telling yourself that

>> No.15498059

they unironically do, if you actually talked to women you would know they aren't fans of men who act super serious and quiet and think they need to be action heroes with no personality. They like guys who smile and seem fun to be around. It's hilarious people use the basedface to mock people on here when that's what women respond to. Look at Chis Pratt, when women talk about how much they love him, they don't talk about him as Starlord or in Jurassic World where he's all serious and cool, they talk about him in Community with a dad bod where he's "OMG relationship goals he's so adorkable!"

What women want doesn't have 100% overlap with men's preferred mental image of themselves. Shocking I know

>> No.15498073

What you're saying is only true of normie girls and uggos.

>> No.15498085

>normie girls
So like, by definition, the majority of women?

>> No.15498111

Exactly. Why do you want a girl just like every other girl? Good breeding stock searches out good breeding stock, so I guess it's bad news if normies are turning your head.

>> No.15498117

>they aren't fans of men who act super serious and quiet and think they need to be action heroes with no personality.
Just because a guy is attractive like on the left side of OP pic doesnt mean he has no personality. Also a good bit of women do like a man who is stern and in control.
>Look at Chis Pratt
You mean look at this A-List actor who is still more handsome than any basedface numale. Also his character in Community is just that. A character. Hes not actually a manchild irl, sure hes a fun and kind dude but there is a huge difference between being a goof and a manchild.

Truthfully women date partners that are relatively as attractive as them. Sometimes you get lucky though.

>> No.15498122

easygoing + charming > stoic chad > le funny guy > boring nice guy > stoic ugly guy

>> No.15498127
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easygoing + charming
Guess what kind of guys women think are easy going and charming

>> No.15498132

nah. that’s a tryhard approval seeker. you can always sense the sexual frustration with those guys

>> No.15498134
File: 68 KB, 600x600, rejected_his_message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15498140

This is at best
>le funny guy
>I posted an image saying im right. I must be right.

>> No.15498141

>tryhard approval seeker
is just the new age "he's gay"
Men always come up with reasons to mock guys who have healthy relationships with women. Girls don't want you to be mr tough suave cool guy. They want someone who is confident and funny and nice.
Men tend to have cognitive dissonance when you tell them this because they've been raised by movies and comics and shit to believe the way to a woman's heart is to savagely beat to death someone trying to rob/rape her or something. Women don't want superheroes they want people who they can emotionally confide in. Guess who's more likely to provide that?

>> No.15498145

Nah I'm right cus I'm right, the image just points out that guys really hate when you tell them the alpha muscle suave guy mentality isn't what most women want, and chicks actually prefer the basedface dadbod beard bro look men everyone here uses as a scarecrow

>> No.15498149

>everyone here
everywhere here*

>> No.15498204

was chris pratt in community? or do you mean parks and recreation?

>> No.15498207

They're the same shitty show.

>> No.15498216

Oh yeah I meant Parks and Rec, I don't really watch those kinds of shows

>> No.15498448

accentuates facial features
covers up facial features

>> No.15498457

left: thin
right: fat
yet again, fat people ruin everything.

>> No.15498491

oh God, the jewish cope in this post lmao

>> No.15498587

oh okay. I'm going to keep the mustache either to a point or small curl. straight down just looks unkempt and scraggly. I could trim it but I'm trying to grow it a bit longer before shaping.

>> No.15498594

this is what its like to be surrounded by women on steroids

>> No.15498609

no the fun/handsome coefficient is still massively pointing to the guy on the left
an exercise to get those 3 brain cells of yours running is to imagine the guy on the left grinning with an open mouth and the guy on the right doing a more serious face

>> No.15498628

whats wrong with ginger beards?

>> No.15498645

The only difference is whether the person underneath the beard is a chad or a basedboy. Which is partly looks-based, and partly a state of mind.

>> No.15498667

you know nothing about womens preference in mens lmao

>> No.15498684

Yeah, this makes total sense actually. I mean all those funny dadbod beard bros are actually drowning in pussy while guys like in OPs left picture experience a life of solitude and rejection.

>> No.15498835
File: 998 KB, 1196x1427, LordKitchener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't listen to these faggots. don't twirl the mustache, but structure it upwards. it's thick enough that you can actually get some decent volume on the points of your mustache. long and thin never looks good on mustaches unless you want to look like a Chinese emperor. Grow that baby fat and short, but wax it upwards on the points. do shave the fucking soul patch, though. soul patch is the frosted tips of mustaches. it only looked good for five minutes when supermodel tier men wore it as a novelty. average people haven't got a hope in hell of making hair hanging from the lower lip work unless they want to look like a caricature of Lucifer or Napoleon III

>> No.15498866


>> No.15498880

Op please post a frontal view of beard without onions. Include upper body also so that we can see the proportion of beard to neckline chest and shoulders.

>> No.15500208

As I said before, it's not the single comparison photo women base their decision on, they prefer emotionally available mates. Stop thinking women in action movies aimed at men reflect what women want
>an exercise to get those 3 brain cells of yours running is to imagine the guy on the left grinning with an open mouth and the guy on the right doing a more serious face
HAHAHAHA this literally proved my point. Here borrow the three brain cells from me you clearly need
I know tons, but men always hate being told their preferred mental image of themselves isn't actually what women in general prefer. I know this is shocking but women don't really put a lot of importance on how hot their mates are. That's a guy thing
>I mean all those funny dadbod beard bros are actually drowning in pussy while guys like in OPs left picture experience a life of solitude and rejection.
"drowning in pussy" no need to bring things to extremes, we're talking averages here. But in general women prefer emotional available and sweet guys to emotionally reserved dudes yes

>> No.15500226
File: 19 KB, 467x524, DDE39FBA-2728-4A02-860F-1B942166AF7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone’s arguing with you here but the real lesson here is that you’re right: women have shitty taste in men and should be ignored when it comes to this stuff.

>> No.15500233

Well at least you aren't blinded by personal preference you can acknowledge what I'm talking about. I can fuck with what you're saying

>> No.15500243

Sometimes the basedboys don't even have bad beards. It's other things that ruin them. Mainly personality, they have a certain type of personality. If you have any clue you should have already noticed that.
Thick plastic glasses and receding hairlines OR fuckboy haircuts also don't help.

>> No.15500274
File: 35 KB, 720x720, 1589969156594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't see blond and ginger beards as being worse objectively than dark beards. Not everybody really suits having a beard, in the first place, but most men should be able to manage to make some sort of a facial hair style work for them, in the views of themselves and of others. Having a very silly face is going to debase the authenticity of a beard on its wearer, at least somewhat, as beards are traditionally long held as signs of experience and wisdom. I am unfamiliar with the guy on the left picture, but for anybody who is wondering about where the guy on the right is from, below is his video (and by extension, his Youtube channel). Either you might get a few laughs out of knowing where to find all of his stuff, or you will just feel more sickened. He is commonly referred to as what is described as a nu-male and a sóyboy.


>> No.15500279
File: 1.95 MB, 1118x1118, 1587438957489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frontal view of beard
This is a picture of the guy on the right where he isn't doing anything too weird with his face (but some might say his face is already weird).

>> No.15500282
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x800, 158259571639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is a side profile view of what he looks like.

>> No.15500468


>> No.15500474
File: 1.69 MB, 1204x1200, 159175007562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15500475
File: 50 KB, 500x401, we both love soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15500495

Just because your mom have low standards not every women does

>> No.15500875

Stubble + thick mustache is the only way and always has been
>dab on the basedboys with your masculine jaw and chin
>dab on the little boys with your coverage

>> No.15500884

it's not the beard. It's being overweight and doing that face. Even those frames are not THAT bad

>> No.15500908

The most attractive kind of guy us easygoing with great communication skills, is able to savagely beat people, and is smart enough never to get in those situations.

>> No.15500921

I think your fallacy is grounded in the assumption that the guy on the left is not emotionally available.

For me the associations are:
>Left: Mature, well groomed, in-shape
>Right: Childish, shaggy, out-of-shape
So whereas the guy on the left may or may not be emotionally available, the guy on the right is hyperemotional and has some other negative traits.

>> No.15501016

The soul patch and twirl combo makes you look like a musketeer. You decided how to feel about that for yourself, but know that it makes you seem like a bit of a meme.

>> No.15502328

Based. This. Everything else is a massive cope unless you’re an old man and then who cares

>> No.15502561

How are you deducing their entire personality from one picture each? Cope harder

>> No.15502609

it's both. the guy on the right is a confirmed /pol/ poster

>> No.15502640

Wait, how is he confirmed to be on 4chan, at all?

>> No.15502649

he had a reddit ama where people asked him if he knew about his meme status on 4chan(nel) and he said yes he regularly posts on /pol/ and /vg/

>> No.15502894

If you are able to find it again, what is the link or title to the AMA thread? Thanks.

>> No.15503459
File: 147 KB, 601x529, Beard3monthsafterTRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my beard onions or chad? Was a bit insecure about my beard so I have been using creams and TRT and I feel like the other corner under my chin might start sprouting!

>> No.15503739

Is that the quartering guy on the right ?

>> No.15503746
File: 415 KB, 999x925, Beja man - Sudan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board is pathetic.

>> No.15503750

absolute chad lmao

>> No.15504298

Bad angle, not trimmed/maintained, weird expression etc

>> No.15504304

If all blacks in america looked like this man I wouldn't mind all the blacked threads on gif

>> No.15504940

Why is it growing at an angle? What are you, a mutant?

>> No.15504957

very handsome

>> No.15505280
File: 205 KB, 582x354, Santino-JW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they prefer emotionally available mates
When they're looking to nest/be provided for. When they're looking to have slutty fun fucking adventures they choose left everytime. Alpha fucks, beta bucks. GTFO with that femaganda

>> No.15505297


>> No.15505299
File: 1.41 MB, 750x1334, 6E1FEB83-C4AF-4319-BD94-7B16856D0560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sisters wedding is in 3 days should I just shave it all and waste all of my progress or will it look good enough if I just trim the edges and clean up the neck

>> No.15505497

I would shave all. Should have light shadow and stache by the time it is on.It looks a bit scruffy for a wedding. That is exactly how my facial hair grows.

>> No.15505515

that looks like nothing connects after a month of growth, you should shave and try again in a few years

>> No.15506013

This is the worst facial hair I have ever seen in my life. Just give up.

>> No.15506017

beards are not for everyone bro, it's fine just shave your face

>> No.15506019

how socially inept are you to think that this is considered 'charming'

>> No.15506022

exactly this

>> No.15506048

>women told me what they like in men so they must be telling the truth
>wanting a gf whose idea of charming is a star wars character

>> No.15506108

Sorry Brian you probably have too much indio admixture to grow a proper beard.

>> No.15506122

It could be worth growing it like a Van Dyke goatee kind of a beard. You may leave it as it naturally is, but if you want to, you can always just shave it for more symmetry, or even take the more extreme measure of arranging for laser removal of the hairs that don't line up symmetrically. It is up to you.

>> No.15506981

shave, lose weight, go to the gym and stop being a retard

>> No.15507127

dude, the guy on the left is a male model while the right is an fucking loser living in a basement. I'm in tech, i worked in tech all my life, i'm surrounded by these people, they do not get laid at all. And when they do get a gf, it's generally some used up whore looking for a beta provider or some fat single mom shaniqua. I'm not even exaggerating. Look at the men women crave, george clooney, john ham, robert pattinson. You unironically belive that chris pratt, a literal chad is comparable to based boys? You're either one yourself who is coping really hard or simply a dumbass. Because go to any night club seriously, the guys getting laid the most are athletic and well dressed.

>> No.15507130

How delusional do you have to be to actually believe this.

>> No.15507134

The guy on the right is Israeli btw.

>> No.15507140
File: 78 KB, 781x957, Jeremy_Meeks_Mug_Shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jeremy alon literally disproves everything you said...

>> No.15507147

Left, med
Right, nord

>> No.15507148
File: 3.98 MB, 224x224, 595.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's safe to say that he doesn't get laid. Or else why would he cope by playing immersing himself in niche video game culture.

>> No.15507153


>> No.15507165

I have never seen a basedboy with a girlfriend that is above 4/10. I have on the other hand seen chads who look like the right swim in pussy of all colors. The truth is, women settle for basedboys when they can no longer get chads attention. That's why you think that these soÿs are getting laid and they are because they're middle class guys after all with careers in tech or some something but theyre just picking up scraps left behind by tyrones and chads. Hence why we call them simps.

>> No.15507170

*Look like the left sorry

>> No.15507173


>> No.15507176

Maybe in America where everyone is coping really hard because they're all equally fat. That's why the fat acceptance movement never really picked up as much steam here in Europe as much as Zogmerica. Women in Europe typically like average looking males. Somewhere in between both of these extremes.

>> No.15507178

I asked my gf if she would rather date left or right and she said left.

>> No.15507185

There is a difference between being friendly and open and being an ungroomed man child with a patchy beard.

>> No.15507196

Peak incel

>> No.15507200
File: 999 KB, 1543x4845, 69etv7j19tl11-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to be so wrong and to prove to everyone around you that you're most likely a onions guzzler.

>> No.15507213

You're only citing one example of Chris Pratt. Who is a handsome guy who acts friendly. But consider this faggot, why was 50 shades of Grey one of the most successfully selling franchise of all time? A series about a woman who falls in love with a rich mentally ill abusive alpha male literally became a billion dollar franchise because it is a common fantasy shared by women all across the globe irrelevant of culture? Why is that women simp constantly for serial killers an criminals? You can't deny that alpha males exist. This is exactly like the whole rogan interview again

>> No.15507221

Both left and right are stereotypes and people date average people who are their caliber. But the left can fuck any woman he wants and steal the rights girlfriend anytime. No doubt about it.

>> No.15507227

Really? Becquse the basedboy meme is just a rehashed geek meme and they're not popular with women at all.

>> No.15507252
File: 280 KB, 1506x2100, HCUrPUa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you were probably raised by feminists. Let me redpill you bro, women dont see a discrepancy between what they say and what they do. They're wired to have zero accountability. That's why you hear them say oh I love funny guys but look at their past boyfriends and they're all drug dealing niggers with scars in their face with past criminal convictions.

>> No.15507282

>general women prefer emotional available and sweet guys to emotionally reserved dudes yes
They absolutely do not. Most women I dated were absolutely repulsed by this shit. They like emotional maturity and empathy but that's not the same thing as being a beta boy who behaves like a faggot.

>> No.15507302


>> No.15507303

Right guy is a jew...

>> No.15507307
File: 174 KB, 1280x960, soyboy-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That argument dies once you realize that most soÿs are in "open-relationships"

>> No.15507313

Look at this pathetic reddit low T antifa cuck trying to doxx based race realists.

>> No.15507329

having an underbite sure as hell doesn't help

>> No.15507349
File: 378 KB, 629x811, 1597979587280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck the level of Jewish cope. Women love maturity dude, they absolutely loathe manchild behavior. that's why you see so many of them date boomers. Look at these stats, they literally indicate that women absolutely love older men over men their own age. Also don't listen to women, they have no clue what they want.

>> No.15507758

Les fedoros

>> No.15508025

>that's why you see so many of them date boomers
Not that I disagree with the first part of your post but dating older man is straight up just a money thing

Women support feminism until they realize being independent and investing in a career takes effort, then they do a 180 and look for the most financially stable guy they see which is often older men

>> No.15508150


wait what? how can there be a 20% disparity

>> No.15508187

I'm guessing the age range, women date older men generally, causing the percentages to shift

>> No.15508223
File: 11 KB, 300x300, p-tombstone-val-kilmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Your Huckleberry.

>> No.15508263

Literally the opposite. The guy on the left isn’t racist and the guy on the right looks like you and posts on 4chan about how whites are superior

>> No.15508277

just...making that face,

>> No.15508280



>> No.15508288


>> No.15508388

I was always called Jesus

>> No.15508462

you've confused being a contratian with being unbiased. You have no real opinions

>> No.15508479

Being blond with a red beard has caught me a lot of Tormund, which honestly has given me severe depression.

>> No.15508494

Blond plus red beard is immensely based. Be proud of your heritage.

>> No.15508503

>Be proud of your heritage.
Yeah, it's so cool when randos come up at the bar and talk about how I'm a Viking and he's a Viking and how the Vikings ruled once and will rule again, and then he brings out his signed copy of 12 Rules for Life and asks me what I like most about Dr. Peterson right before trying to buy coke from me right at the bar.

>> No.15508522


>> No.15508523

Lose the weight

>> No.15508585
File: 522 KB, 1239x1320, Le Epic Viking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk about how I'm a Viking and he's a Viking and how the Vikings ruled once and will rule again
Yeah, that sounds pretty awkward to hear directed at you in real encounters, unless you already happen to be proud of the Viking connection.

>> No.15508589

All women date for money and resources. They're natural prostitutes. Only like 1% become career women, the rest work in shitty service jobs that are absolutely useless or simply get married to richer men. You think a woman will marry some basedboy fag manchild who lives in a basement and who works in starbucks?

>> No.15508593

Not necessarily, women generally date older men. They love maturity, why do you think men age better than women in general?

>> No.15508688

At least this dude looks like he could make me laugh compared to the guy on the left. But I guess if I was a woman I would probably still suck left's fat erect cock. It is hard to say since I am straight because left looks boring to be around. At least I could shittalk with right. But could I resist the hard juicy cock that I KNOW left is sporting if I were a woman.

>> No.15508725

>proud of the Viking connection
It's hard to be proud of some part of my heritage when it's le epic viking on one side and black sun larpers on the other.

>> No.15508726

You realize handsome people are generally just as funny as everyone else right?

>> No.15508761

>left looks boring to be around.
Right looks like his idea of fun is to watch capeshit and cartoons
Not sure if women would prefer that to a boring guy even with everything else being equal.

>> No.15508765

Plenty of woke/leftist/progressives/whatever on /pol/
Not everyone there is automatically part of the hivemind.

>> No.15508780

>tl,dr: can't look masculine if you don't live masculine
hardcore cope, masculinity comes from how your body develops during puberty which is genetic

>> No.15508783

Doesn't most of the onions aesthetic come down to genetics already? This seems perfectly in line.

>> No.15508789

It grows in uneven when it's still coming in

>> No.15508792

Your genes make a big difference but unless you have some endocrinal malfunction or something, you can still make yourself look masculine by increasing your muscle mass, having more masculine mannerisms/attitude, having a more masculine style, etc.
If you do all these things you'll be perceived as more masculine than 99.* of the population even if you have shitty feminine genes.

>> No.15508795
File: 49 KB, 500x500, face low test vs high test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, if you do all of those things you'll still get shat on by a naturally high test dude because attraction and reproduction are 90% about genetic quality for healthy children. Beta males cannot be the best that men have to offer regardless of efforts because they aren't built to be the best.

>> No.15508807

First of all, you're moving the goalpost. We're not talking about being attractive with shitty genes. We're talking about being masculine.
Obviously if the matter is "can you make yourself more attractive with shitty genes?" the road will be much more difficult, but not impossible.

In your case those two examples are cherrypicked extremes. Of course the lowest tier will have problems competing with the highest tier, but if they did put a lot of effort (particularly in the physique department) he could still be attractive enough to not have serious issues with dating.
As tragic as the guy on the left is, there's a lot of room for improvement.

The average unmasculine and unattractive guy will still be able to put in some effort and be more attractive than significantly better genetically-gifted men who don't put in the same effort.

>attraction and reproduction are 90% about genetic quality for healthy children. Beta males cannot be the best that men have to offer regardless of efforts because they aren't built to be the best.
True. But as women use makeup, fashion, and other "tricks" to make your primitive brain think of them as good mates, men can do the same by changing the things that are changable in the direction that will make them more attractive than they are.
Things like phisique, money/status, looking mature and that you have your shit together, having attractive hobbies/interests, etc.
Plus there's always surgery lol.

Maybe he won't be able to compete with model-tier men, but he'll still be percieved as overall attractive.

>> No.15508832
File: 113 KB, 562x933, less attractive people cope for other non-physical traits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First of all, you're moving the goalpost.
No, I'm not, you aren't understanding what I'm saying is true.
>We're not talking about being attractive with shitty genes. We're talking about being masculine.
Being "attractive" and being "masculine" are the same thing, there is no separating the two.
Simultaneously, good genes is equal to being attractive (unless something is preventing you from being attractive like being obese, looking like an unwashed bum, etc.) and shitty genes is equal to being unattractive. Yes, you can technically do more to be more attractive but it's ultimately pointless because you are born genetically inferior to your superior counterpart who is more attractive than you by default, because as I stated previously reproduction is based on healthy genetics for the most part, and genetic superiority = higher testosterone = more masculine appearance.
>In your case those two examples are cherrypicked extremes. Of course the lowest tier will have problems competing with the highest tier, but if they did put a lot of effort (particularly in the physique department) he could still be attractive enough to not have serious issues with dating.
The effort he puts in would be related to his mind, not his body. The reason why confidence is so attractive is partly because it's attached to attractive and high testosterone men and not beta males because their minds are weaker due to lower testosterone. If a beta male can be very confident he will attract various mates, especially less attractive ones (because the less attractive someone is, the more they value personality) but his body will never truly be able to compete physically with a strong male fit for combat regardless of whether or not he's on steroids and compensating for overall inadequacy.

>> No.15508833
File: 17 KB, 631x162, attractive women prefer attractive men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The average unmasculine and unattractive guy will still be able to put in some effort and be more attractive than significantly better genetically-gifted men who don't put in the same effort.
This is completely false and the main part you're wrong about. The more attractive a woman is, the more she's attracted to masculine FIXED genetic traits that are given by very high testosterone levels like broad shoulders, wide facial structure, deep voice, and many more secondary sex characteristics. The only exception is if he's fat or otherwise has some major physical issue like being malnourished and 115 lbs.
>True. But as women use makeup, fashion, and other "tricks" to make your primitive brain think of them as good mates, men can do the same by changing the things that are changable in the direction that will make them more attractive than they are.
They're fooling nobody. Perhaps speculation on my part, but attractive men who naturally seek out attractive women will look for natural women whose beauty is out in the open as opposed to artificial "beauty" involved with makeup. Makeup and plastic surgery don't make a girl attractive because they don't represent their genetic quality, only idiots are fooled by it.
>Things like phisique, money/status, looking mature and that you have your shit together, having attractive hobbies/interests, etc.
Yes they will make you more attractive, yes you should work on them regardless, no they won't make you superior to your natural superior, that's how life is designed and it's part of the rules that all living creatures on earth abide by.

>> No.15508839
File: 32 KB, 791x258, high mate value = prefers secondary sex characteristics (attractive traits).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Plus there's always surgery lol.
Extreme incel cope, like I stated this artificial shit is merely emulating attractiveness as opposed to actually being valuable.

A beta male will never have even equal value to a man born better than him, that's how it is and that will never change because it is a fundamental law of existence. Just like how an ugly girl will never be equal to a 10/10 girl with big tits and ass no matter how much makeup she wears, how slutty she dresses, or how much plastic surgery she gets - only low quality mates will fall for it.

Also, for " The more attractive a woman is, the more she's attracted to masculine FIXED genetic traits", view pic related.

>> No.15508937

>Being "attractive" and being "masculine" are the same thing, there is no separating the two.
Look at strongmen competitions. Some of the ugliest motherfuckers but also hypermasculine.
They're two separate axes with significant overlap, but they're separate nonetheless.

>Simultaneously, good genes is equal to being attractive (unless something is preventing you from being attractive like being obese, looking like an unwashed bum, etc.) and shitty genes is equal to being unattractive.
This is black/white thinking.
Being attractive isn't an either/or condition. It's a spectrum where you have the disgustingly deformed at the bottom and the Brad Pitt types at the top, with a whole array in the middle.
This spectrum is a bi-dimensional value that is the product of all the influences that many other spectrums have on you.
For example, being pretty tall is better than being short or "too tall", so it's a bipolar spectrum where the more attractive a height value is, the highest attractiveness values are around the 185cm area.
Or the face attractiveness value (which is a sum of the influence of each feature where the closest they are to the sweet spot, the higher the attractiveness).
You can have some unattractive characteristics and attractive ones. The only thing is how attractive you are OVERALL, which is determined by the "algorithm" that evolution has put into our head as a selection mechanism for healthy offspring and everything related to that.
So in short, you can be unattractive in one aspect but compensate in another so you end up having an overall positive value.

For example, women don't select only for physical fitness but also for status (since resources and a good position in the community are very important factors in guaranteeing the survival and well-being of her kids), so a man with lots of power/status will be more attractive to all women (even those of higher status) than a man with the same exact looks but low status.


>> No.15508939

>Yes, you can technically do more to be more attractive but it's ultimately pointless because you are born genetically inferior to your superior counterpart who is more attractive than you by default
You're making the mistake of thinking the playing field is completely level and all women have direct access to all men for them to choose from like a consumer is able to choose which product to buy.
The dating market isn't like the financial market. Yes, there is competition, but there are also shortcuts and a myriad of circumstances that skew the selection process one way or another.
Human psychology is WAY more complex than that.

For example, one interesting fact is that female students at majority-female colleges will almost all be in happy solid relationships, and those in majority-male or equal-gender colleges will not.
This is the result of women wanting the highest status male they can find within their circle, and the existance of Chad somewhere else doesn't impact the chances of local sub-chads of being selected.
So if a woman is in a place where the selection of men is limited, she won't just settle down for what's available, but she'll actually be happy to be with someone who she'd consider undateable in a different environment where her choices are full of superior men.

Or for example the fact that women use other women as social proof, and consider a man who is with a woman whose judgement they respect as more attractive than otherwise.
I remember years ago the hottest girl in a group of friend ended up being attracted to me (one of the ugliest guys) because her ugly bff was.

There are tons of dynamics like this that can, and regularly do, allow for subpar men to score good women.
I'm sure you know many cases like that.


>> No.15508940

>because as I stated previously reproduction is based on healthy genetics for the most part, and genetic superiority = higher testosterone = more masculine appearance.
You're oversimplifying it with black/white thinking.
This is a signficiant factor, sure, but it's only one of many.

>The effort he puts in would be related to his mind, not his body. The reason why confidence is so attractive is partly because it's attached to attractive and high testosterone men and not beta males because their minds are weaker due to lower testosterone. If a beta male can be very confident he will attract various mates, especially less attractive ones (because the less attractive someone is, the more they value personality) but his body will never truly be able to compete physically with a strong male fit for combat regardless of whether or not he's on steroids and compensating for overall inadequacy.
By effort I mean getting a muscular physique at a low bodyfat, and good skincare/haircare/grooming.
Those are all ndicators of health that you can "bruteforce" with effort, so you end up looking like a better carrier of genes than you actually are.
A genetically inferior man will only be automatically outclassed by those who are both genetically gifted AND put in a lot of effort.
Since those aren't a very large part of the population, he's still going to be competitive.
A buff dapper dude with good grooming will look pretty good and masculine.
And confidence/demeanor is only influenced by testosterone if we're talking about someone having it naturally, but can definitely be forces even by low-test people if they know how to effectively manipulate themselves.
In any case, there's always TRT if low-test is your problem.


>> No.15508943

>The more attractive a woman is, the more she's attracted to masculine FIXED genetic traits that are given by very high testosterone levels like broad shoulders, wide facial structure, deep voice, and many more secondary sex characteristics. The only exception is if he's fat or otherwise has some major physical issue like being malnourished and 115 lbs.
I'm not denying the correlation.
hat I'm saying is that it's not the only defining factor, and that the situation is so complex and multifactorial that it doesn't make sense to reduce it to that.
Men who are lacking in those characteristics still get good women (for sex or relationsips) thanks to their high "score" in the other characteristics, or for whatever other reasons.

>Perhaps speculation on my part, but attractive men who naturally seek out attractive women will look for natural women whose beauty is out in the open as opposed to artificial "beauty" involved with makeup. Makeup and plastic surgery don't make a girl attractive because they don't represent their genetic quality, only idiots are fooled by it.
I agree with your idea of natural vs.artificial beauty, but please consider that you and I aren't the general population.
Most people don't even think about what's attractive, and will absolutely be attracted to even the freakiest caricature of an attractive feature.
Case in point, the Kardashian look that seems to be the standard of beauty nowadays, or how men still fawn over women with plastic tits.
Or that hilarious video of that Brazilian dude with cartoonish muscle implants in a TV studio, and all the women screaming every time he flexed his pecs.
People are retarded, man.
Our Limbic system will always drive the Cortex.
If you're an ugly man who forces his way into attractiveness through fakery, you will NO DOUBT find a woman who is tricked by this.


>> No.15508945

>Yes they will make you more attractive, yes you should work on them regardless, no they won't make you superior to your natural superior, that's how life is designed and it's part of the rules that all living creatures on earth abide by.
Depends on how much your superior is superior to you OVERALL.
If someone is just slightly superior genetically I can overtake him by being better at other things (like physique, grooming, status, etc).
If he's A LOT better, then it's going to be much harder, and I'll need something very strong to compensate, like being a celebrity or having lots of power (even locally or in a specific circumstance).
Again, you're reducing the extremely high complexity to a black and white presence/lack of a single variable, so your assessment ends up not matching the reality of the situation, which is that women do end up being attracted to genetically inferior guys (even poorer then them, so we can exclude the provider argument here) for both one night stands and serious long term relationships.

>Extreme incel cope, like I stated this artificial shit is merely emulating attractiveness as opposed to actually being valuable.
Aside from the "lol" being a clear indicator of a joke, as long as you don't go overboard, you absolutely will find someone who falls for it.

>A beta male will never have even equal value to a man born better than him, that's how it is and that will never change because it is a fundamental law of existence.

>Just like how an ugly girl will never be equal to a 10/10 girl with big tits and ass no matter how much makeup she wears, how slutty she dresses, or how much plastic surgery she gets - only low quality mates will fall for it.
You keep cherrypicking the least with the most attractive.
Of course in an extreme example like that, the bottom tier won't outcompete the top tier.
But the closer you get to the middle the higher the chance of that actually happening.


>> No.15508947

Your first pic is about a speed dating study.
Not exactly an indicator of how the selection process works in the real worls, where many more factors are at play.

Your second and third pictures say that they prefer men with fixed masculine traits, but don't say that they ONLY select for those.
They in no way exclude other factors, including many entirely psychological ones, which are well documented as being very significant as well.

PS. Ever seen a Beatles concert?


>> No.15508952

>Or that hilarious video of that Brazilian dude with cartoonish muscle implants in a TV studio, and all the women screaming every time he flexed his pecs.

>> No.15508955
File: 50 KB, 500x856, 1597171045230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm straight.
I have some bad news for you, anon.

>> No.15509492

you're actually delusional, god have mercy on your soul because you're going to lead a long miserable life in the service of others followed by a death where instead of people being able to celebrate you in anyway they will instead just take pity

>> No.15509511

meh video games are escapism. it takes someone who is mentally unwell to continually live with this delusion that they're a catch when all the evidence points to them being a fat, overweight smelly nerd with toxic social skills. honestly there are guys like this on both the left and right but where the guys on the right find themselves quickly ostracized and told
>stop acting like a fucking retard
the left just allows childish/cringe behavior to propagate to the point that this guy probably will probably marry some landwhale who hates him and then convince himself he's achieved something. the reality being he's just been collared is all