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File: 937 KB, 3888x2592, 37A87111-8457-48D2-A16F-9B1695C8D258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15488613 No.15488613 [Reply] [Original]

Those girls in high school.
Those girls who wore Sublime, Nirvana, and blink, longsleeves and Metallica and Corona hoodies and Jack Daniels tanks even though they were only like 16 with denim shorts with frayed bottoms and pockets longer than the shorts themselves that you could see through that somehow held both their cell phones and cigarettes without ever ripping, when they weren’t wearing adidas sweatpants for easier cig access, that is.
The slightly white trash girls from broken homes who were always smoking in the bathroom, Marlboro Smooths, Camel Crushes, Newports or Marlboro Menthols, so they were constantly dousing themselves in drugstore perfume they kept in their fake Michael Kors purse or the one they got from Marshalls and chewing 5 Gum like crack.
The girls who would bring alcohol, weed, and pills to school and exchange it in the bathroom and keep it in their bag/locker, and talk about it for everyone to hear when they weren’t talking about how wasted they were or getting what they did the other night recounted to them by somebody else.
The girls who came to class stoned all the time, and who would document their every stoner party girl antic on social media, along with their every stoner thought, philosopher moment, unpredictable turn towards sad posting, lots of lyric quoting, their most recent stock of party supplies, every run for cigs, and their unbreakable caffeine addiction in their every run for Starbucks, cheap gas station coffee and Monsters.
I wanted to bang those girls so bad.

>> No.15488630

I understand your lust for a different kind of girl anon. But be happy that you never got with them. Theyre notorious baby trappers and are completely one sided in terms of relationships. They assumed doing all this """"grown up""""" stuff in High School meant they had matured enough and never got out of that mentality. Also theyre stinky. And not the good musky sweet sweat of a woman stinky. Theyre like a black and mild and unwiped ass stinky.
Take it from me. I know you can do better. You deserve better. We all do.
>t.Central Florida anon.

>> No.15488677
File: 1.72 MB, 2090x2920, 002829C9-34E8-49A8-9093-84B39FAACD27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck do I want a white girl who smells like black and milds.
But only the punk, most unique girl in the world, people write songs about girls like you, in the back of a mutual friend’s always smelly shitty car kind, not every white stoner girl should smell like black and milds, at least not all the time.

>> No.15488718

Yeah i knew her in college
She sold the worst weed on earth
I think she got knocked up by some black guy

>> No.15488881

I used to like these girls and they liked me too. I split with that crowd before I got too involved though, and I'm glad. Yeah, a lot of them are cool, fun. They've got a great "fun" side to them, and they're generally quite kind. But they're more trouble, more faulty than they're worth. A lot of their faults lie in the fact that they all had daddy issues growing up. They lack a sense of duty and of loyalty. They're impulsive. Most of the ones I'm thinking of had kids before they turned twenty-two. Most are also single moms. You observe the pattern with a couple, then it just becomes predictable, "Yup, she's one of those girls too. Bet you she'll be a single mom soon". Sad. They'll turn to you for fun and strength, but at the first hint of weakness, they'll drop you. If they get bored, they'll drop you. To the next branch they go. The stink >>15488630 mentions is actually on-point too lol. They age poorly. They begin hanging with bad people, because they're the only ones left, the only ones who'll have them, who'll party, once everyone else has grown up. Then they become bad people too. Oh well.

>> No.15488898
File: 58 KB, 236x354, 2A88E4B0-64D3-475A-B268-56D35E6013FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a 24 year old flippy haired skater boy.
How do I find girls my age who are mentally in high school left to “hang” and “party” with?
I haven’t “grown up” for sure, just how do I max it in a way that they see as bangable or play up the parts of it/me that they might at least entertain as being bangable?

>> No.15488959

Lower middle class suburban white trash circa 2007 to 2013

>> No.15489072

all those girls hit the wall and might have 1-3 children by now

wish them all the best, im still looking for my trad waifu

>> No.15489102

>tries alcohol/weed at 12
>tries sex at 13
>tries pills/lsd at 14
>drinking/smoking everyday at 15
>drops out to work at Taco Bell at 16
>pregnant at 17
>quits job to collect baby bonus at 18
>2nd pregnancy at 19
>fills out at 20
>third pregnancy at 22, decides to settle down
>gets job at dollar store
>buys beat up Dodge Caravan at 23
>marries blue collar worker with kids from previous marriage at 24
>works same dollar store job and drives same minivan while steadily gaining weight until cancer death at 55

>> No.15489134
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I am going MGTOW

>> No.15489143
File: 108 KB, 612x612, 3DF496BF-40F8-4D69-89DF-4F5B69AA2F4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*heart eyes emoji and boner intensifies*
these white bitches sweatpants and yoga pants require my dick

>> No.15489322

I'm a 35 year old earning $20 an hour and taking a first year apprenticeship with kids half my age. I'm fat. My wife is fatter. My bank account is perpetually in overdraft. I'll never be able to retire and it would take some divine miracle to be a home owner. I drive a Hyundai accent.

If I could go back in time and say one thing to my immature floppy haired skater 24-year-old jailbait chasing self, it would be:

>grow the fuck up! Nobody will care about your body count! You are impressing nobody by getting high every single day and banging underage girls! You are in your physical prime and young enough that you can do literally anything! For God's sake acquire some kind of skill! Figure out what you want to door a living and pursue that tirelessly! You are young and capable enough that you have the opportunity to be literally anything short of a professional athletes! For God sakes don't be that 40 year old deadlocked backpacker in the bar bumming smokes and telling beach rave/party stories that nobody cares about! FOR GODS SAKE GET YOUR LIFE TOGETHER! Find that thing that you're passionate about and do it! Start your career, start your education, work day and night and accomplish your goals! Please please please please do not end up like me, contemplating the rope on a nightly basis!

Maybe this is the glitch in the matrix, maybe this is the breakthrough point, maybe this is my singular contribution to the universe, maybe I am in fact speaking to my younger self.

Please heed my words if for no other reason than people who commit suicide don't go to the afterlife so I have all eternity to haunt you, you nitwit.

>> No.15489536
File: 614 KB, 828x1099, 89091355-1AC0-4F3E-A395-06A9F9223D44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm, but what about my penis?

>> No.15489647

Don't give up bro, it'll be alr--

>wait, did you say 35 with no skills or savings?

Mate the best rope to use is thick gauge long scale bass guitar strings... works just as well as piano wire and you can pick it up no hassle

>> No.15490563

Those girls? Be a little older, give them some attention, and you'll find that for small favors they'll open their mouths and thighs for you. God I love high school girls.

>> No.15490571

Ditch the wife, trade that accent (assuming the long ass warranty is in effect) in for something presentable (used is fine), work on your health (but with a little confidence they don't care if you're a little fat), and pull those kids back to your batchelor pad for some excellent teen pussy. $20/hour ain't great but you can save from that, and unless you suck you'll get more after a bit.

Fuck, the week that the tobacco age was raised to 21 I fucked five girls for the cost of about 3 cartons of cigs. One threesome. Like a whore who needs her meth, nicotine is a bitch and thots will go for it.

>> No.15490620

this probably would have been me if my parents weren't so successful and good to me. I did basically all of the first half of this but kept getting good grades and stayed in school (thanks mostly to a high-price private education. Eventually I grew into a real person.

Fucking sucks most people get stuck in that. I wish public education was better and people had healthier households. I think all the time if I was born poor I would probably be dead right now

>> No.15490633

cookie monster pajama bottoms

>> No.15490649

So. Much. This.

>> No.15490667

nicotine is whore speed ;)

>> No.15490721

I was straight edge in school, and never really partied because I was told I should focus on school to get a good future. I avoided the potheads and despised them. Tried not to get badly influenced by them.

Did it pay off? Am I a notorious wall street banker now? Do I drive the latest Mercedes to work? Do I have a hot wife, 2 kids, a dog, and a big suburban house like in the movies?

None of that.

When I finished college, I ended up working in a dark, dusty, and stifling factory. I also developed permanent lower-back pain due to the heavy charges we had to lift with bad form because our boss would pressure us to work faster.

That was minimum wage, and I had to meticulously analyze every paycheck to make sure the boss wasn't trying to pull a fast one on me (which was often the case). It was agonizing.

I couldn't stand it, and eventually ended up on welfare. I understood that minimum wage wasn't worth all the dust/chemical exposure, lower-back pain, and extreme stress. I'd rather starve than kill myself slaving in a factory.

Anyways, the point I want to make is that I SHOULD of partied and experienced drugs in school. I SHOULD of made love and had fun. I SHOULD of skipped classes.

Instead, I wasted the best years of my life learning stuff I would never use... What did I get from learning to speak 4 languages? What did I get from reading all those Dostoyevsky, Sun Tzu, Aristotle, etc. crap? What did I get from being in the school's chess/debate clubs for this many years?

If you don't have influential parents to get you a good job after college/university, you're screwed. And that's the truth.


TLDR: Fell for the straight edge meme during my youth. Didn't have fun with all those girls. Spent free time in the library acquiring knowledge for my future. Still ended up miserable like potheads--if not worse.

>> No.15490763

Amen. I don't smoke but don't mind sharing one with a cute young HS girl after I've snacked on her cunt and plowed her asshole.

>> No.15490766


>> No.15490813

are you american? Because that's not how it goes in the rest of the world, at least in the civilized world (Europe, I guess).

>> No.15490850


>> No.15491050

when are you gonna stop posting these threads?

>> No.15491064

You could do that shit right now, but you don't, because you have a loser mindset.

>> No.15491069

>"went to college"
>"should of"
sure, bud

>> No.15491626

>eating pussy
Could you be any more beta

>> No.15491632

Heroin chic

>> No.15491637

I saw her the other day. she's got more tattoos. she looks great. she's got a bf though :( she wouldn't take me seriously anyway

>> No.15491644

I was deliberately celibate through high school and college.
I was also one of the only attractive, well-dressed guys in my school and most of the girls in my social circle tried to bang me (with embarrassing, if not scarring, non-success).

God damn why was I so fucking stupid.
Someone pour one out for my wasted youth.
Catholicism fucked me up and I was never even devout.

>> No.15491648
File: 113 KB, 734x1024, 1597617974231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her now

>> No.15492219

>"should of"
well, you were right, you shouldn't HAVE skipped classes, you fucking mongoloid

>> No.15492291

I think every high school virgin thought they were goddesses and then you grow up and realize that they were never that good looking to begin with and you end up feeling bad for them because they're knocked up twice over and have nothing to show for it.

>> No.15492302

what the fuck is this thread

>> No.15492307
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1597099519272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbass single moms never learn

>> No.15492322


This shit is depressing to me. Tattoos, looks like junkie whore, mixed race kid so you know theres no father to watch it when the mom works the night shift, driving a $350 car with either a fucking donut or some bargain bin piece of shit tire.

>> No.15492341


>> No.15492879

No sympathy for coalburners

>> No.15492966

That tire is pissing me off.

>> No.15493325

Lol. Someday you'll grow up, kiddo.

>> No.15493414

Your a pedo and a beta, congrats

>> No.15493420
File: 553 KB, 900x1200, pedo!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your a pedo and a beta, congrats
Newsflash, most healthy red-blooded men are pedos and most men are not leaders.

>> No.15493425
File: 35 KB, 415x480, me on the right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chad =/= alpha

>> No.15493458

these girls are hot as fuck, I love bad girls, especially
>Marlboro Smooths
I hope she drinks shitty light beer like PBR and smokes indica over sativa.

>> No.15493467
File: 70 KB, 423x750, 5C035884-3BC4-4F2B-B928-E985106CF576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can imagine her from this picture can’t you?
Or more accurately, you can probably imagine so many different versions of her that you would be MORE than satisfied with *sigh*

>> No.15493511

Keep telling yourself that you fucking nonce. Go watch some pedo hunter vids, all your type are pathetic scum

>> No.15493513 [DELETED] 

>pedo hunter
virtue signaling psychopaths

>> No.15493561

I didn't realize 18 year old girls were off limits. Hmm. Might I need to reconsider my sexual mores?

Nah, fuck it. I love that tight teen pussy.

>> No.15493568

>pedo hunter
virtue signaling psychopaths

>> No.15493657

Don't get too attached.

>> No.15493663

also cucked dads lol

>> No.15493700

yep, she sounds perfect. I drink regular monster, smoke reds, and carry a red bic.

>> No.15493708

lmfao, how trhey gonna sell her a car with a fuckin spare and a broken headlight? I'm laughing so hard I'm gonna die, she was even hiding the broken headlight in the photo by standing in front of it lol I feel bad laughing at such a shitty situation man, like she shouldn't accept that and they shouldn't sell it like that

>> No.15493711

They sound like posers

>> No.15494092
File: 39 KB, 400x599, 7d16215b-2235-4fcf-bd18-5845725267a0-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being attracted to highly fertile girls with developed breasts

>> No.15494120

If you couldn’t fuck em when you were a teenager you never deserved them, your a beta and always have been.

Take dick in prison and boots to the face in the street you nonce

>> No.15494179

Why is this thread here? Why are there so many pedos in it?

>> No.15494188

Isn't it crazy how a girl is just unattractive and child-like for the first 17 years of her life and then precisely when she turns 18 she suddenly becomes super sexually appealing? But that 17.5 year old? Disgusting and child-like. Thank god I'm not a pedo like this beta...

>> No.15494196
File: 64 KB, 650x813, 6a7c3d33d120d923825e52ead26b1ed0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good think this girl isn't at all sexually attractive, otherwise I'd think of doing horrible sick pedo stuff with this tiny unattractive 17 year old, thank god there are moral guardians to protect her innocence. I'm just waiting for this day where she is precisely 18 so that she is suddenly sexually attractive. Funny how sexual maturity takes exactly 1 night and it's always the exact same night (17 and 364 days). The hundreds of countries that have their age of sexual consent 13-16 are FULL OF PEDOS

>> No.15494198

Why do they sound like posers, my dude?

>> No.15494214

You're not making any good points. Just outing yourselves as pedos.

>> No.15494242

All rich people are pedophiles, therefore the thinking mans fetish is pedophilia. Keep chasing after used up roast beef pussy faggot, leave all the underaged girls to the patricians such as myself.

>> No.15494280

>that thick seam denim with back pocket flaps
>paired with some etnies or Osiris’s
>brings menthols and mountain dew to your skate sesh
>can sniff out depressed normies and becomes their weird, but supportive friend
truly kind souls who deserve better than where they end up in life. had a couple friends like that.

>> No.15494307

bro...that girl still very much looks like a kid. like how can you not see that? keep your fucked up dick away from them.

>> No.15494308

are you gay or a cucked dad

>> No.15494335

i’m a normal mid-20’s heterosexual male who is attracted to age-appropriate women. and my brain works well enough to spot the face of a child. some 22 year olds even still have it (usually the blonde ones, they look too young for way longer than other girls). you should seek help if that’s what you’re attracted to. not calling you a pedo but you’re obviously severely stunted and probably trying to make up for not being able to bag when you were a teen. all things that you can work through with the help of therapy, without harming young women by being a fucking creep.

>> No.15494338

She obviously is old enough to menstruate, stfu

>> No.15494341

well then let another teen knock her up lol you don’t need to do that you old fuck. you had your chance.

>> No.15494342

OK faggot

>> No.15494347


>> No.15494349


>> No.15494419

You have no idea what you're talking about and are basically trying to conform to what you believe to be morally right.

Boys tend to get sexually interest in girls when, wait for it, it;s like magic, when they both hit puberty. At this point a guy sees a girl as attractive. He does not see a 40 year old woman as attractive, nor a 50 year old one. Not even a 30 year old one for the most part.

As he gets older, he adds more people to the list of those he finds attractive. Soon he does find a 30 year old attractive, a 40 year old and 50. The list grows but it still begins from his first attraction. This is why a 70 year old man would find a 16 year old girl hot still.

Guys don't hit 40 and then see those below them in age as children or whatever and a girl that has met sexually maturity isn't a child.

This is how humans work. This is how a species works. You're a male feminist brought up in a feminist environment and it's unlikely you even understand that because it has been conditioned into you from an early age.



Low IQ.

>> No.15494424

hey cecil, fuck you. but also, a newly pubescent female is meant to be attractive to newly pubescent males. your dirt balls have nothing to offer them except a higher chance of a sperg baby like yourself

>> No.15494425
File: 214 KB, 720x600, islam muhammad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu virtue signaling faggots

>> No.15494427

Profit (pbuh) was a perfect male specimen and an example to follow.

>> No.15494437

I promise you all these morons who say HURR U THINK 16 YR OLDS R HOT UR A PEDO!! Never ever say anything about Islam.

This is why they follow an ideology. If they applied the same standards they should brand Islam a pedo religion. Of course, we know they never well. Not to mention the slave part of Isam too..

>> No.15494450

>a newly pubescent female is meant to be attractive to newly pubescent males

Explain this in biological terms? Oh DAS RITE, you can't, because you just made it up.

She is meant to be attractive to adult males. PERIOD.

You're also pushing a strawman. Just because I say being attracted to 16 year olds is perfectly normal doesn't mean I advocate for 50 year old men to date them. You won't have a good companion that you can connect with on a mental level but the point remains, it's not wrong for men of any age to find them attractive, it has been designed in that way.

>> No.15494452

cecil how are you this retarded day in and day out? like how do you keep up the calories?

>> No.15494453

Groom her from child to be your perfect companion. Then groom your daughter from her.

>> No.15494456

What a high IQ refute. really blew my mind. Did you remember to breathe today? Moron.

>> No.15494499

I fuck these girls but the ones from rich suburbs who drive Audis and go to NYU.

>> No.15494575


> don't peak in high school bro

fucking reddit

>> No.15494588


good thread guys

i guess at the end of the day both of the lifestyles outlined are copes that aren't going to lead anywhere good or seem like a good choice in retrospect

idk if this is a point about moderation and avoiding extremes or just not getting sucked into some retarded bullshit

>> No.15494622

if you can't get a job that pays better than minimum wage once you get out of college you either chose a shit major and/or you're just a sperg

>> No.15494654

Nobody here likes Islam

Being a pedo isn’t a political point you fucking creep, if you don’t hate pedos you probably are one, and you deserve to be taken out back and blown away like a dog

>> No.15494655


These pedos disgust me man

>> No.15494757

Lol wow I made more than you at 20 and Im drunk constantly

>> No.15494836

What’s your job?

>> No.15495435

I feel a cum tribute coming on

>> No.15495459
File: 2.16 MB, 640x640, pedo chad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hate us cus you're not us

>> No.15495477

they all end up single mothers with 4 kids and jobs as nurses by 30

>> No.15495496

what a fucking chad, islam really is the ideal male's religion

>> No.15495744

Anyone can fuck teenagers, you just go on tinder and be older then 20 and mildly attractive.

It’s just pathetic

>> No.15495886
File: 40 KB, 562x437, hahaha, oh wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15495894


>> No.15495901

Mille milliards de mille sabords

>> No.15495903

Okay Pedophile

>> No.15495906


>> No.15495935


>> No.15496035
File: 39 KB, 465x407, 15 year old xer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15496930


Do you post on lit I feel like I recognise style. Nice anyway

>> No.15496945


What is that ugly ass thing in her arms? Like did she rob a zoo or something?