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File: 34 KB, 467x684, B16596D1-0BC6-422F-A5B9-22DBF134FF8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15483037 No.15483037 [Reply] [Original]

500 Calories a day Edition

Last >>15468296

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

BMR and TDEE Calculator
>allows you to pick multiple ways of calculating your BMR (the most commonly used one is outdated and inaccurate)
>has options for fasting
>body fat percentage

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something (unless they ask for meanspo) - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also post thinspo pics, your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15483049

>start the day
>brew a nice black coffee
ahh, yes

>> No.15483065

>start the day
>line of cocaine
ahh, yes

>> No.15483077

i feel uncomfortable feeling full/satiated after a meal. am i finally killing myself?

>> No.15483082

>tell friends I eat 700cal a day
>they freak out

why are normies like this? some of them are legit obese too so I think they're trying to sabotage me

>> No.15483089

>700cal a day
enjoy your dead metabolism

>> No.15483093
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So this is the power of thinspo?

>> No.15483096

are u gonna tell me about "starvation mode" too, fatty?

>> No.15483149

is getting stretch marks when losing weight a real thing? never had stretch marks on the middle of my stomach until i just lost like 20lbs from my highest weight. i've been losing weight super slowly too, maybe 4 lbs a month max. i think it might have to do with coming off of birth control. this is fucking gay though, i started rubbing bio oil on it when they started coming in i dont deserve this.

>> No.15483169

they’ll provably go away or fade don’t worry. stretch marks look cool anyways you’re fine

>> No.15483210
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big belly cortisol

tell them what you eat, and don't specify the amount. most people underestimate how much food you can get in for 700cal thanks to shitty nutrition. at the same time i hope your meeting your macros and staying hydrated anon

>> No.15483218
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>> No.15483251

Start the day
My third day of water fasting
Sips electrolytes

>> No.15483253

opinions and tips on fasting?

>> No.15483254

What are some good exercises for abs?

>> No.15483265

dragon flags

>> No.15483328

Look up Hedi Slimane at Saint Laurent.

>> No.15483370
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/fit/ has a general about it.
The gist is you can go as long as you feel like as long as you're getting all the electrolytes you need.

>> No.15483637

yeah, but you have to lose more than 20lbs for it to be an issue.

slow loss is good, youth helps a lot.

>> No.15483640

Why did you say this, how could it come up naturally in a convo. Did you go out of your way to tell them anon? Are you that starved for attention.

>> No.15483644

they were talking about diets and I got competitive. if you ever have fat friends they will talk about diets all the time

>> No.15483891


Do it. Keep hydrated and keep those electrolytes up. If you start to get mad light-headed and woozy from hunger then break fast with a banana. But you shouldn't feel that way with electrolytes. Pedialyte is also great for recovery if you fuck up. The hunger gets powerful at hour 8-16 then it kinda just goes away.

Stretch marks are cool bro.

>> No.15483904

Keep yourself focused on anything. My hunger is at its strongest an hour or two before my usual bedtime. That's when I need something I actively engage in.

>> No.15484088

Being thin feels so great, I almost fell for the bulking meme but it made me feel like slow shit and I was farting all the time. It's proven that being skinny increases your lifespan, and your intestines are less stressed out when you're not always stuffing your face. How many diseases are caused by overeating?

>> No.15484103

You need at least 1200 to stay alive properly

>> No.15484114
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Over eating and excessive sexual losses were correctly established to be the root of most diseases over 2000 years ago. Not /thinspo/ but I hate bulking fats and consider them to be the quantity over quality of human existence.

t. Neoclassical physique that does anavar cycles.

>> No.15484266

question for all of you are into fasting: I know keeping your electrolytes up is essential, but how are you doing that? Supplements or something? If so what should I look at? I'm thinking of doing intermittent fasting throughout the day, >24h fasts would get in the way of my family life

>> No.15484311

you don’t need supplements if you’re just doing intermittent fasting

>> No.15484319

Dope, thanks anon

One more question: can someone clarify what the cortisol fearmongering is about? If I'm chugging black tea and coffee and don't mind being bloated in the process of dropping weight, what's the problem

>> No.15484336

Do you guys keep your skin and hair healthy while cutting?

>> No.15484443

TL fattie

>> No.15484447

i don't know (or care) about skin, but for hair all you really need is a multi-vitamin supplement and maybe some biotin if you're really very worried. Keep an eye out in the shower to see how much falls out. If its more than usual, biotin.

>> No.15484644

>excessive sexual losses
>medicine 2000 years ago

>> No.15484784

>old bad

>> No.15484844
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Why can’t I find a girl like this bros?

>> No.15484851 [DELETED] 


Because your are fat.

>> No.15484855
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This is the ideal, but fatties have become normalized. Pic rel. fattie

>> No.15484890

Quite a beaver on this one, I was surprised.

>> No.15484904

In a lot of cases, yes.

>> No.15484920
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I know right? I can't imagine why girls are always so fat these days... perhaps there's something in the coffee supply...

>> No.15485368
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Fatty oink oink

>> No.15485629
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>drinks 1 cup of coffee


>> No.15485632

coomer cope

>> No.15485811

Dragon flags

>> No.15485821


>> No.15486051

smells like a meme. i drink a ton of black coffee and have not felt bloated because of it ever. i do also chug 1.5 liter bottles of water on a day to though if that makes any difference

>> No.15486351

>anavar cycles
You're a dyel retard, who does oral only cycles

>> No.15486961

F 5'7 125lbs
GW: idk like 120? 130 if I put on muscle but I'm lazy
(not thinspo idc)

I'm tired and feel faint ALL the time. And I'm eating a relatively high amount of calories (1400), I was eating 1000-1200 for a few months and doing better. Is it because I'm inactive? I started jump roping (well I started yesterday :) ) but it's 106° here, am I supposed to exercise in this heat??
I'd go on a walk and bring water but I will be boiling.
I thought the tiredness may be from my drinking coffee but I can't be sure. I've quit it for a week and just felt more tired, I only have ~2 cups a day in the morning. I don't eat GREAT but I don't eat a lot of shit. Anything I should add to my diet (more fruits / veggies?) to help me not be so tired?
I already take iron supplements

More like 900-1000. 1200 is what short chicks need to eat just to not be fat

>> No.15487017

up your calories and exercise, also make sure youre getting enough salt. heat makes it oof i know but tough, even walkings better than nothing and in fact if youve got access to hills or stairs it can give you a great ass and legs.

also those short girls should exercise more. man hasnt developed to live like a slob, barely moving.

>> No.15487696
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>117 lbs (53 kg)
>still have a doublechin
It's over, isn't it

>> No.15487753
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food is fuel for your body so don't eat for comfort

>> No.15487929

yup sounds about right

>> No.15487968
File: 569 KB, 1603x1193, Tokitou.Muichirou happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if you lift medium level weights while on a caloric restriction?
(half your BW,for high reps)

>> No.15488022

I’m gonna try not to be too mean but if you actually believe the whole cortisol/intermittent fasting bullshit then you’re a total fucking goober. That stuff was only made up to give skinnyfat people an excuse

>> No.15488028

You’re probably just dehydrated bro

>> No.15488155

First of all this means nothing unless you state how tall you are lol. Secondly, just dieting isn't enough. You'll lose a fuck ton of muscle and be left a small but slightly pudgy shit look. Avoid carbs, eat ur protein and exercise.

>> No.15488158

go ask fit

>> No.15488176
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In general, you won't see big gains, but "toning" and fatloss (it'll speed up your loss obvy).

However, it kind of depends on your level of fitness and how hard you are restricting. If you're really starving and don't have good stamina, its fucking really really hard to find the energy.

From experience its better to stick to cardio and low restrict. Then once you're at your GW, up your calories- eat shit loads of protein- and start lifting then. gl anon!

>> No.15488305

F 5’8” 127 and I too feel exhausted constantly. I don’t know why.

I have had the exact same experiences as you.

I know this doesn’t help but, solidarity. Can you exercise inside? I have found doing light muscle work has made me feel and look smaller in my upper body even though I’m not doing cardio. My legs fucking suck though

>> No.15488450
File: 346 KB, 1439x1604, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another calculator for weight loss, from the National Institute of Health. Use the expert mode + advanced options, you might wanna input your own measurements for body fat, BMR, whatever.

>> No.15488456
File: 317 KB, 1439x1537, calorie expenditure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and it also calculates how much your calorie expenditure decreases as you lose weight. But it's mainly the charts that are useful (not everyone is an Excel autist)

>> No.15488475

Been OMADing for a while, why am I not losing weight? Literally a plate of buckwheat, coffee and apple is all I eat these days. Maybe because of my meds?

>> No.15488491

>why am I not losing weight?
are you calorie counting

>> No.15488525

anti-inflammatory shit and allergy drops
>are you calorie counting
no, but i think its ~2k, maybe just below

>> No.15488535

If you believe you're a fatass you'll continue to be a fatass. Your dna is intelligent, and it responds to input, and the truth of the matter is that fat people are fat because they chose to be fat on a subconscious level

>> No.15488547

forgot to trip

>> No.15488549

nah i probably get my problem, i consume much more calories than i thought i did

>> No.15488557

>anti-inflammatory shit
i assume you mean NSAIDs like aspirin or other painkillers, and not corticosteroids that your doctor would prescribe (that are well documented to cause weight gain)
>no, but i think its ~2k, maybe just below
it's possible your BMR and TDEE are lower than you think they are, refer to the calculator in OP

>> No.15488563
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Bros why does being thin feel so good?

>> No.15488582

Do face pushups

>> No.15488585

transition from 16:8 >> omad >>48h >> 72h + snake juice

>> No.15488601

a plate of buckwheat and an apple is 2000 calories?? How much fucking buckwheat you been eating nigga??

>> No.15488616

actually two apples and drink yoğurt... gonna try going under 1500 from now

>> No.15488618
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>> No.15488879

>up your calories and exercise
Ugh I know this is what I have to do but I'm a lazy ass. I will tho... So if I adjust my TDEE to a more active level should I be eating at maintenance or still at a deficit? I can figure it out...
>hills or stairs
Very good idea, I will see what I can do about that. Thanks!
This actually is great to hear, thank you :) and nice to see someone with similar stats here. Not sure if you're still trying to lose, I honestly think I look great where I'm at (definitely need to tone), I was worried I'd get called fat ITT.
I can do some exercises inside (namely squats I try to do) but I want to focus on abs and need some sort of an exercise mat to do that, it hurts my back trying it with the yoga mat I have. I actually did end up jump roping yesterday, just had to wait until evening. The heat will be over soon enough! If you're too lazy to run like I am jump roping is really great! And it burns the most calories :)

>> No.15488918

thats up to you, but if you wanna be smart about shit i suggest running your ideas through wolfram alpha. its not perfect, often its calorie estimations are off compared to packaging labels i find and so too can its energy usage calculations be vs other sites that list their formulas, but its a valuable tool for keeping yourself in a good state, or if you wanna know how much lettuce you would need to eat in order to hit your RDAs.

>> No.15488975

I went from obese to a low healthy BMI and gained small stretch marks on my sides and underarms. They faded after some years but it’s definitely a thing.

>> No.15489020

It doesn’t. I used to be a /fit/ 200 and since getting crohns im 140 at best 125 at worst. Being 6’3 140 pounds is pathetic. I feel like a pussy because I’m so weak.Its probably because my confidence is at an all time low but getting pussy is even hard now. That said it really makes being /fa/m easy, almost anything looks decent on me.

>> No.15489152

That's all psychological though, I meant that being thin physically feels good. I feel light and movement is so smooth compared to being heavy

>> No.15489163

do 500 pussy

>> No.15489168

do 300

>> No.15489331
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Man! What an exhausting day of being a classic, slim, lightweight running shoe. I sure could use a drink.

Hmmm.... Coffee? What's the worst that could happen.

>> No.15489335
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>> No.15489341

That’s all psychological though. Your muscles, joints, bones and organs are rotting. Slim athletic /fit/ is the only way

>> No.15489349

>tfw naturally high metabolism
>look like op's pic without even trying and eating like shit
it feels good, bros

>> No.15489354

Because its rucking hot as shit
There’s no better feel in the world as to warp your arms around a cute skinny boy’s chest and waist

>> No.15489391

Wrong, overeating stresses your digestive system and causes you to age quicker

>> No.15489403

78kg, down from 115kg same time last year. Still skinny fat and bloated droopy fat face, how much more should i lose bros? Down to 60-65kg? 180cm tall.
Anything I can do specifically to get a really lean model face or just keep loosing weight in general?

>> No.15489408

Do you have good facial posture?

>> No.15489422

A bit of forward head posture but not too bad. I don't mew also.

>> No.15489444

You want to mew, this doesn't mean that you're always clenching your just but you should always have you tongue up against the roof of your mouth with your teeth touching.

>> No.15489511

because it's meeting a goal, it's full range of motion, and it's having a body not packed with insulation. MY CLOTHING FUCKING DRAPES! I can wear things and feel that I might look good, and not just default assuming I look like shit.

>> No.15489519
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how much do you think she weighs? she's 5'5
anything to do to get here or is it just CICO?

>> No.15489537

you guys ever feel like you get bloated halfway through a fast? wtf is up with that, don't think it's liquid intake alone

>> No.15489644

>be 130lb (58 kg) , 6' (182cm)
I've been like this forever. It isn't fun, constantly lightheaded. Always hungry but I don't have an appetite.
Caffeine a nicotine go a long way.

Hopefully mewing and some excercise will keep me from looking like a teenage boy jesus christ

>> No.15489692

I got sick and for the first time ever my BMI went below 15 and this is just awful feeling ;-; seeing a dr tommorow hopefully he can help me get better

>> No.15489699

hey guys does double chin/chubby jawline go away as you lose weight or is it one of those things where the skin is perpetually stretched out and it will always be that way? ive been losing weight and it still looks pretty much the same and im getting scared

>> No.15489827

I used to have a double chin as in middle school and some of high school but I eventually lost weight and it went away

>> No.15489835

Probably 105 - 110 lbs? Just underweight by BMI if I was to guess, although depending on age she could be just within normal BMI range and just very low bf%.

She also looks like she exercises for muscle tone and has a genetically small waist although desu I wouldn't be surprised it this was extensively photoshopped.

Last time I was here we were all pretending we didn't have eating disorders, are we still pretending that or can I put my anorexic bitching here?

>> No.15489891

>can I put my anorexic bitching here?
go ahead fren

>> No.15489919
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y'all have any hand pics laying around?

>> No.15490020

list what you eat in a day, you probably don’t eat as much as you think

>> No.15490021
File: 115 KB, 473x473, 12301F9F-8B40-4F48-9A66-0896BCE4F7F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always hungry but I don't have an appetite.

>> No.15490022

What's a "beaver"?

>> No.15490031

whole thread is mental illness

>> No.15490051

Her venus flytrap

>> No.15490052

that's what eating disorders and body dysmorphia are, faggot

>> No.15490094

was banned from exercise by my doctor after some blood results and now my bf wont go for a walk with me

walking doesn't count as exercise wtf

also can confirm that i am indeed mentally ill lmao

>> No.15490112
File: 19 KB, 500x274, 20200816_233113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


exercise is still voluntarily burning cals, bud. if it gets recommended as a healthy activity to an obese person, it's probably exercise. uber jealous though, meanwhile my doc keeps testing me for diabetes without telling me lmfao

>> No.15490120

Hmmm I guess, I'm still doing yoga though
I took a break for two days, I'm not overexercising any more so it just seems dumb to have to stop doing like, half an hour of yoga and a walk

that's pretty shady lmao, can you see it on your blood script thing? they always put heaps of stuff on my blood script that idk what it's for lmao

>> No.15490226


>> No.15490228

Just dont eat fatty

>> No.15490276


>> No.15490280
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no, but have an elbow

>> No.15490304

Hey /thinspo/. I posted a while ago (a couple weeks or something) about being 190cm / 71.8kg. Now I have lost some weight and am currently weighting 68.1kg. I'm happy with my gains, but I think I might be starting to stagnate. Any tips on losing some more weight?

>> No.15490308

I love eating, in fact I'm a binge eater on the weekends. But i fucking hate the feeling of being full, or just even the feeling after eating a "small" meal.

>> No.15490374

lots of anorexic people experience this. i think it has something to do with the fact that they starve themselves as a form of self harm, so the feeling of being full and not hungry and empty makes them very uncomfortable

>> No.15490544

>Being 6’3 140 pounds is pathetic
Bro, that's literally my goal weight. I just cut to 110, but 140-150 seems superb as long as it's mostly muscle.

>> No.15490785

I also have a habit of binge eating on Saturdays. Do you feel like it hampers your progress? For me I just go back to normal the following day but I feel like I can achieve my goal faster if I didn't binge.

>> No.15490864

spooky skeleton

>> No.15491026
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yoga seems fine if it's not elevating your heart rate by much.
I get results back online, and we have been working on my thyroid, so I got a thyroid lab done and also a diabetes lab with no mention of one.. but it came back negative/healthy/whatever the fuck, so she can suck it.
oh my god please let me never be that disproportionate
throw in a few higher cal days here and there, stay under your TDEE and drink a fuckton of water. don't waste your intake on carbs. expect to slow down on weight loss as you get skinnier.

>> No.15491209

i reached a point where im feeling satiated feels gross
in fact eating feels gross

>> No.15491229

Haven't been here for a while, what's with this coffee meme? Is there evidence that it fucks you up somehow? Is it strictly coffee OR caffeine?

>> No.15491245
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*hits vape*
Hungry? Haven't heard of it.

>> No.15491549

you've gone too far. add calories/ muscle.

>> No.15491610

shut the fuck up you moron.
>muh i still eat like shit
yeah we get it you live off 1 hamburger a day. idiot poop face

>> No.15491686

So at what BMI things start to get dangerous?
I just hit 17 BMI, and read somewhere under 18 is anorexia territory

>> No.15491688

yeah i'm kind of worried because I've lost all my hunger cues for months and i keep not being able to finish meals

I'm not annoyed because I want to eat food and feel like i can't, i'm annoyed because now i feel like I'm genuinely phobic of food and eating. like i remember a time when a slice of chocolate cake might be enjoyable but now the only feeling i have for cake is disgust/terror

i feel like i was relying on restricting my food intake to make me feel hungry, now i'm not deliberately restricting and my brain and body just fucking despise food, i can't even look at pictures or videos of a lot of foods without retching

>> No.15491689

Pls tell me thats a boy

>> No.15491701

It absolutely depends on the individual person, their personal behaviours, and genetics

Like if you're BMI 19, got there with heavy restriction, purging, and you can't make yourself drink enough water then you might be in danger

whereas some people who are more orthorexic and have a high intake, lost the weight slowly and don't purge or crazily overexercise can sometimes be medically stable down to like 16 BMI- but not always

Some people just genetically seem to go fucky at higher weights/BMI while others can happily starve down to BMI 13 and then have a heart attack

It's also pretty different depending on a bunch of other factors eg. gender, substance use...

But honestly you can be any BMI and things can get dangerous, like weight isn't the only thing that can affect your health. How are you feeling physically? I know it can sometimes be difficult to discern if you're used to restriction

>> No.15491766

don't worry, give it 5 yrs and he'll be fat from no experience with respecting his body
seconded, what the fuck are all these memes about?? i can only imagine coffee making you gain if you're putting a shit ton of bs in it and pairing it with a cake. even then that's not responsible for the rest of your meal? Maybe bloating??

>> No.15491787

that's a man ~

>> No.15491804

>throw in a few higher cal days here and there, stay under your TDEE and drink a fuckton of water
I'll try drinking more water. My process so far have just been to just not eat unless I am offered something. I have eaten a lot cake and sweets at birthday parties so I think some days have been high calorie. Why is that a good thin btw?

>> No.15491830

Some people theorise that having some higher calorie days can negate some of the effects of regular restriction on your metabolism, revving it up a bit

some people also theorise that it can trigger a whoosh effect but there seems to be very little actual scientific evidence for that.

also if you're only eating what you're offered you might end up with a high percentage of your diet being highly processed foods, i generally find it easier to sort out my own food and just refuse the offers

>> No.15491976
File: 30 KB, 750x421, 20200816_232303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what >>15491830 said, and also it has helped me personally break plateu a few times lol. Stop going to birthday parties or at least stop taking food offers because they're usually always bullshit. No one is going to offer you a balanced meal of rice cakes and celery duh

>> No.15492201

why dont you freaks just eat like a normal person and do some fucking exercise, you fucking low test nerds

>> No.15492218

is that your way of offering to pay for my treatment? thanks, i'll take it!

>> No.15492313


There is a guy who has an uncontrolled weight gain fetish. He likes to post fantasies about how coffee causes you to blow up/gain weight rapidly. He then posts either photos of weight gain or fat people (particularly fetishistically focusing on the belly).

Shortly, it originates from the idea cortisol leads to belly fat (caffeine raises cortisol) and his own sexual pathologies.

>> No.15492340

because eating like a normal person makes me want to kms lmao :( trust me if i could figure out how to make myself normal i would do it

>> No.15492347

Don't even try dude, it is like arguing with Transsexuals.

>> No.15492368

Starved in more ways than one

>> No.15492372

Being model tier skinny isn't normal, meaning you can't eat normally

>> No.15492419
File: 348 KB, 1282x1768, 22A26617-7F4F-42EC-9CC2-1D91EDE67110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what 15 BMI looks like

>> No.15492424

Is this a boy? Please seek some help.

>> No.15492440

Idk gender is for fools
But yes I’m receiving help which is why I was at the doctor this morning :)

>> No.15492451

Oh you are one of them. Biologically are you a male? I can't tell if you are small breasted because of anorexia but you appear to have a penis bulge.

I hope you receive the help you need.

>> No.15492463
File: 52 KB, 750x750, 20200816_232300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you stop prying at this kid

>> No.15492465

Yeah I’m bio male, just faggoty and on estrogen lol. Thank you tho I think I’ll be okay, idk nobody seems to be taking my concern very seriously but I’m planning on seeing a nutritionist so I hope they help

>> No.15492466

? It’s fine anon he didn’t do anything wrong

>> No.15492468

It's ma'am! Call me sir one more time and we're taking this outside?

>Doesn't sound very feminine bro

>> No.15492472

My intent is good and If I have to make people uncomfortable for the greater good, then it will be so.

You look like a pretty and attractive girl if that is your intent, you don't need to say negative thins about yourself. I just don't like people to get too ill with eating disorders. Thin is OK. Going further and seriously harming yourself is not.

>> No.15492483

Do I really look like the kind of person to pick a fight with anyone? Let’s be real here
Ah thanks. I’m not being negative, I’m just kinda a mess lol. I don’t not eat on purpose, I just have always had bad eating habits and struggle to gain weight. I’m not technically anorexic or anything, atleast not by the normal definition

>> No.15492651

>No one is seems to be taking my concern seriously
Because you're chubby compared to the fuckers in these threads
You're healthy in comparison as well,
Try being sub 14bmi

>> No.15492733

what is the "greater good" here besides your selfish curiosity
as a nonbinary person, I would not tolerate anyone inappropriately proding at me like that sorry lol

>> No.15492741

no thinspo wannabe fatass is gonna be doing dragon flags day one dude

>> No.15492745

pls tell that is a woman, it has to be.

>> No.15492747

might be low iron? idk doesnt sound normal
ask a doctor for a blood test. worth it imo

>> No.15492761


>> No.15492784
File: 886 KB, 2048x1923, 0C4CB6E8-452B-4489-ADEE-07ACC3DBE59E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting this anon from last thread

>> No.15492808

I can be a woman for u anon ;p

>> No.15492856

kys tranny

>> No.15492873

My wife wont let me not eat and its starting to really bug me. I was like 175 before covid and now im at 190


>> No.15492897

so fucking cute <2

>> No.15492911

Stop eating fatty.

>> No.15492965

I was going to treat myself to half a Pizza today but I looked in the mirror and have made progress

Do I do it

>> No.15492977

>treat myself to half a Pizza
Don't "treat" yourself.
Eat when you need to eat.

>> No.15492980

ugh would date and snuggle

>> No.15492999

It would be the only meal of the day
Treat as in eat that rather than something else

>> No.15493023


>> No.15493091

Normal people in USA are overweight so that advice misses it's mark completely

>> No.15493094

Eat red meat and fish, supplement with vitamin D (the actual vitamin, not dick)

>> No.15493165

>implying americunts are normal
kill yourself mutt

>> No.15493184

Is this a boy?

>> No.15493191

should i get a vape?
kinda feel bad about smoking cigarettes

>> No.15493284

I stopped smoking because of covid and being indoors all the time, so i went back to vaping and it has been great
Can chain vape all I want indoors AND lose weight because it completely DESTROYS my hunger.
I still miss cigs tho

>> No.15493316

Target lean weight for 180cm male?

>> No.15493401

Lmao i binge eat and dont care about thinspo anymore and im still lower weight than you at 6ft stop eating fatty, stop complaining while sipping your coffee
Now post belly

>> No.15493407


>> No.15493409


>> No.15493677

they all died of starvation

>> No.15493688

i wanna be held by these hands and this person

>> No.15493859

They literally can't comprehend what it's like to have willpower and dedication to their goals, so when they see it in person it scares and confuses them.

>> No.15493871
File: 3.07 MB, 2048x2048, CollageMaker_20200817_211821652_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been doing a lot of back to back extended water fasts over the past 2 months. Hows my progress coming along? Im still fat obviously

>> No.15493952

Post your fat tits already

>> No.15494039
File: 407 KB, 701x701, 1574012227572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do women always pull their pants up higher so their belly hangs out less in "after" pics, as if it fools anyone. We're not totally retarded, we know exactly what you're doing.

>> No.15494047
File: 108 KB, 781x767, blS1f5an-ix9NKtQdaZqaYrYey2KmJrcHbc9qy1K_6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're good imo, tits plz.

>> No.15494068

Pull your trousers back down fatty, you are fooling no one
Pic is your average coffee drinker

>> No.15494078

I have had three meals today.

>> No.15494094


>> No.15494106

Absolute porcine

>> No.15494118

I've had couple of fried dumplings and a banana, feeling dizzy all day

>> No.15494150

Oink oink.
The dumplings sound lovely :)

>> No.15494164
File: 918 KB, 913x667, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15494211

hips seem really wide so I doubt it

>> No.15494241


>excessive sexual losses
Wtf does this mean? Like suddenly having no sex? Or having too much sex? Or when someone you bang dies?

>> No.15494286

Thanks i use these threads to get insulted to keep pushing through my fasts so this helps a lot

>> No.15494289

thanks this is helping me keep fasting by reminding me how disgusting I still am ha

>> No.15494344

You dont look like you have ever fasted longer than 5 minuites

>> No.15494442
File: 241 KB, 1102x2048, yesdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15494486


>> No.15494512

because they turned sideways

>> No.15494544 [DELETED] 

i’m 5’3 and 120 lbs, which is like bmi 21.5 :/ what weight should i try to get down to?

>> No.15494551

aim for 0, stop when you don't feel fat

>> No.15494614
File: 336 KB, 540x488, Screen Shot 2020-08-18 at 8.34.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite instagrammer posted this today. How to look like this?

>> No.15494718

Would I look good with tattoos? I’ve been really wanting one/some. Picrel is me. >>15492419

>> No.15494722


This isn't particularly thin, it's maybe around BMI 20 - 21 with some daily muscle building exercise, pretty easy to maintain for most people with just healthy diet and regular exercise

>> No.15494739


Yeah I you have a tattoo friendly vibe

but the main thing is that you like them and get something you connect with :)

>> No.15494747

there's no way they're bmi 20-12 are you blind lol

>> No.15494765


to be fair i have anorexia and massive body dysmorphia so i am probably not a great judge lmao

what do you think they are? I don't think they could be over BMI 22 or under 19?

>> No.15494782

Oh I’m sorry about your illness, also lol

for the record it’s probably 17-20 at the highest but also I see more photos of them so maybe in this pic it doesn’t look that way

>> No.15494796


Yeah maybe, remember that if they're an instagrammer they're also most likely photoshopping to some level. From that picture it does look like they at least have a decently high bf% though even if underweight, you can tell by the arms, hips, and the area around the belly button! Not that that means they don't look good :)

>> No.15494999

>this is what 15 bmi looks like

Looks more like 16-17 desu

>> No.15495011

>this is what mental illness looks like
Fixed it for you

>> No.15495013

cute tranny

>> No.15495016

well its not? im just below 15 bmi lol
wow based and epic
thx :3

>> No.15495018

literally see no difference

>> No.15495024

So why did you transition? Just curious, no hate. And have people treated you different IRL after you transitioned from a male to a female form?

>> No.15495027

what do your cycles look like

not asking to bash

>> No.15495033

Been on hormones a year and a half, I'm not like... living as a female all the time, like I still tell people I'm a guy at work and school. But honestly, people are WAY nicer to me as a feminine guy vs when I was a normal guy.

>> No.15495036

if you are not naturally skinny, this is a fools errand and you look/act like a retard.

t. 6' 135lbs at 17, 6'1 185 at 27

>> No.15495039

Now you're a fat piece of subhuman reject with a mental illness

>> No.15495043


Lmao lay off the coffee fatty

>> No.15495044

lol only the last one of those is true but go off i guess

>> No.15495050

>only the last one is true

So you also have body dysmorphia nice to know, keep coping skinnyfat

>> No.15495052

ok retard

>> No.15495053

>feminine guy
Did people think you were ever a girl instead of a feminine guy

>> No.15495062

Yes, genuinely very often. Strangers almost exclusively refer to me as female, and with effort/makeup people often don't realize I'm trans until I tell them.

>> No.15495067

That's interesting. Do they get surprised when you tell them you are a feminine dude

>> No.15495072

what a gay tranny tier response

you're naturally schlubby because your genes are schlubby. needing to think about and plan ways to appear more lithe just proves that you're a reconstituted cumfart.

>> No.15495074

yeah, usually lol. I have a pretty masculine voice naturally, so when I don't care about sounding feminine I just use that. People usually get visibly confused/surprised when I use my natural voice around me, especially when they've previously referred to me as female lol.
I also get lots of weird looks when I buy alcohol or go to bars, and have to give them my (male) ID.

>> No.15495080

Can I be thinspo with heart problems?

>> No.15495088

>says they are 15bmi
>is actually 17 bmi

>> No.15495089

I mean I'm just not? like I'm not lying lmfao, I was just at the doctor the other day and I'm 15 bmi.

>> No.15495093

do you literally not have a scale? bmi is that easy to calculate

>> No.15495100

yeah thats how i calculated it like what? rofl

>> No.15495101

>I was just at the doctor
I bet he's jewish

>> No.15495102

I dont know rofl

>> No.15495115

Sounds chill. Do you wear dresses or some shit and say your a dude when asked

>> No.15495127

Not usually? I feel weird wearing dresses in my day to day life. I’ll wear them to like parties/dates tho but then I tell people I’m a trans female usually

>> No.15495138


honestly it's hard to be thinspo without heart problems lmaooo

>> No.15495139


>> No.15495140

Ah okay. Does the doctor prescribe you estrogen or some shit?

>> No.15495141 [DELETED] 
File: 240 KB, 828x1364, 44D9662F-BDD2-4A09-94A1-AF4B2FB84CB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15495144

yeah lol
I also had my balls surgically removed a while back to stop testosterone+make sure I never reproduce :p

>> No.15495149

Bruh you got castrated, eunuch mode

>> No.15495150

hell yeah I'm never having kids lmfao

>> No.15495154


You adopting children or some shit? How does estrogen change your body fat distribution lol

>> No.15495157


>> No.15495160

Need to get a GF like this

>> No.15495162

nah I hate kids desu
if i change my mind in the future I'll adopt but I really doubt I will.
Estrogen is supposed to move ur fat to more feminine places (tits/hips) but like, i have no fat so i wouldnt kno :/

>> No.15495173

oh lol. you should continue the bloodline. do you like guys or girls? also bro, are you fasting?

>> No.15495175


Is everyone in this thread’s perspective skewed as hell?

>> No.15495179

I really shouldn't lmfao, my cousin just had a baby anyways so my family is cool with me not having one.
I'm bi preferring guys, I have a cis gf rn tho.
Hell no I'm not fasting, I'm trying to gain weight since I feel unhealthy af. I'm like, super low energy and struggle to not pass out a lot of the day :/

>> No.15495187

lmao, i wouldnt recommend gaining weight. do cardio or some shit and have a good diet. dont get fat. but if you do gain weight, do so in lower body. go do that squats trap routine infographic thats been posted on here a few times. more protein less carbs brah
>I really shouldn't lmfao, my cousin just had a baby anyways so my family is cool with me not having one.
they accepted your transition in open arms lmao? transgenders would be disowned where i live

>> No.15495188

hope you like death, this is how healthy people develop heart problems lol

>> No.15495192

this thinspo discord?

>> No.15495193

>if you get fat, choose where to get fat durrr

>> No.15495194

Yes, channel

>> No.15495197

i'm not out to most of my family, only my parents. They're cool with it I guess, just confused. They don't think I should tell anyone else in my family tho. My family just knows I don't want kids.

>> No.15495199


>> No.15495201


>> No.15495205

Makes sense desu

>> No.15495696

>thread derails to tranny posting
Is like the 3rd time it happens, so sad

>> No.15495723

I'm not American

>> No.15495863

No, we're just telling the truth

>> No.15495936

Not getting anything from reverse, got sauce?

>> No.15496168

Been doing 16/8 intermittent fasting for like 5 days and my weight isn't really changing, should I OMAD?

>> No.15496182

Maybe you’re packing too much calories on that 8 hours still
I did 16:8 for like a month and actually went up, so started omad or at maximum only a 2 hour window, restricting calories too, lost 9lb in 2 weeks
tl;dr yes or at least start counting calories, and low down the carbs

>> No.15496231

It won't help, just count calories

>> No.15496240
File: 22 KB, 474x450, EYYcN8TXQAEBviN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

133.2 lbs / 23.6 BMI, just finishing 48th hour of a water fast. Please encourage me to continue past the 48 hour goal.

>> No.15496241

Can't relax and enjoy life when i'm hungry

>> No.15496257

I should eat, its not fun.

>> No.15496269

T. Amerinigger

>> No.15496279

I've only eaten cured meat today. Is carnivore diet based?

>> No.15496289


>> No.15496352

Maybe go on some guess-my-bmi threads on MPA anon, turns out its really hard to guess bmi. Especially if you don't know trans-anons height. Some people look like sticks at 17 bmi, others look like healthy normal people.

>> No.15496365

You're a weak fatty who won't make it. Prove us wrong.

>> No.15496381

I will never make it

>> No.15496414

true, the 16/8 thing kind of encourages binging. think I'll do OMAD and see how that goes for now because I don't want to go to the effort of counting calories when I'm cooking for family every night

>> No.15496524

Exactly. Not only that but 16 hours is very little for the body to start breaking down fat, you need 18+ for that.

>> No.15496717

Still won't work without calories restriction

I can eat in 30 minute more than my bmr

>> No.15496728

Genuine question, what are you on about? In the OP they mention 500 cal a day and 700 is somehow more fucky? I’m trying to learn here

>> No.15496736

its a joke, you will die on 500 a day

>> No.15496755

I mean surely people can survive until like 500 cal under their TDEE? 500 feels like holodomor levels

>> No.15496805

correct, it's not worth it unless you are already mentally ill

This is absolutely true, BMI is not scientifically supported to begin with, it's just a way to measure. how someone actually looks at various BMIs is strongly dependent on genetics and exercise level (etc), it's stupid to pretend that everyone with the same height and weight will look the same

I mean you can do it for a while without literally dying on the spot, unless your brain and body are already massively fucked, 500 cal will probably just make you binge eat. but yeah it will kill you if you only eat 500 cal per day forever (until death)

>> No.15496827

OP here, it’s a joke, all the ‘—- edition’ are mostly jokes


>> No.15496847

I tried 1500~ (probably lower, i dont know how to count homemade dumplings) yesterday, couldn't sleep all night, heart was beating faster than that time i drank 1.5l of coffee in one sitting, thought i wont survive

>> No.15496868


...on 1500 for one day? That's an unusual response for that high calories for such a short time. What's your TDEE?

>> No.15496872

Wtf be my gf pls

>> No.15496877

maybe because i did it of sudden, i don't remember last time i went below 2k

>> No.15497361
File: 19 KB, 362x349, EfXLjeJVoAAvIq_.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15497380

Used to be 5'11 135lbs. Bout to eat a whole medium pizza ;_;

>> No.15497583

Why are you choosing to eat an entire pizza and then act self-pitying about it?

>> No.15497626

this lol. shut up fattie

>> No.15497646

i ate a whole large pizza and some boneless chicken the other day, got a coupon for a free medium boutta order that tomorrow and eat two mediums. don't mind me though I'm just passing by /fa/ i'm not actually in this thread just wanted to say I'm lean as fuck and beautiful but still gonna eat what I want because I don't have mental issues

>> No.15497658

used to be a skellington boi that was always told i need to eat more

put on a lot of weight binging during quarantine

currently down around 20 pounds in a month :)

>> No.15497669

sure, jan

>> No.15497723

Based. Just do OMAD during weekdays, workout, and eat whatever the fuck you want. That's what I do.

>> No.15497829
File: 27 KB, 512x512, 1590011373417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck, this is cute, god damnit wtf has happened to me

>> No.15497850

I'm so fucking fat and light skinned that I have hideous stretch marks lining a lot of my torso. worst part is om not even hairy or muscular enough yo pull off being fat.. a month ago I decided enough was enough and I've constricted myself to a diet of 200 or less calories per day. I'm still an ogre but I'm down 40 lbs.

>> No.15497869

I'm thinking about trying cocain or smoking at this point

>> No.15497934

another skinny tranner here, probably a weird question but how do you keep your chest so flat? hrt led to breast development which was expected obviously but they look disproportionate to my body now and i miss having a flat chest

>> No.15498262

>23.6 bmi

>> No.15498274
File: 91 KB, 708x600, 34D04EC2-E3AD-4F25-A92B-D764DD5DD568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideal figure

>> No.15498276
File: 94 KB, 1080x1080, CE73373F-9270-43F6-9516-496F848D941C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can’t I find a girl like this bros

>> No.15498314

Check the cemetery

>> No.15498322

cooming to these feet

>> No.15498396

ive gotten down to a pretty good weight i'd say, i think im just on the border of "cute" skinny without looking physically ill. im looking to maintain my current weight, should i just enter my measurements and stuff into one of those BMR calculators and eat at whatever number it gives me? my plan now is to do that and slowly increase my calories each day until i get to BMR, and weigh myself daily to see if there's an upward or downward trend and adjust from there. is there anything i should know before trying to go back to maintenance? ive heard stuff about metabolism fuckery but i think as long as i stay at BMR that wont affect me. best of luck on all your journey's btw yall are sexy no matter what just look how you wanna look

>> No.15498479

Why 200. 800 or so eating a meal a day would be way more safe long term. Good job on you for trying to make a change tho anon.

>> No.15498482

pic? happy for u anon

>> No.15498524

no pic but i’m a little under 15 bmi. that sounds really thin but i have stubby limbs so i don’t actually look that skinny

>> No.15498863

I read about how Christian baleband jaoqin phoenix lost weight for their movie roles so im doing what they do. I dont get hungry much anymore nor do I mind as much when I do. I live on a solitary apple and a can of tuna everyday and on Saturdays ill have a full meal like a cheeseburger or something as long as its 800 calories or less but I usually get too full to finish.

>> No.15498911

yeah that sounds like something else. people go for weeks on water fasts before having any problems like that. go to a doctor.

>> No.15499050
File: 284 KB, 1242x2208, 616AB1E0-D283-406A-9DE9-BBEDB873D9D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oc can some one dress me
I don’t have good taste and need recommendations

>> No.15499199

post the right one

>> No.15499219


>> No.15499381

Literally nothing gay about liking cuteboys anon. In fact it is more straight than liking women.

>> No.15499386

Damn I feel cool now. Thanks anon

>> No.15499460

Thanks, ended that fast at 56 hours. Started a 72 hour one today.

>> No.15499463

Lost 10 lbs (yay!) now skin feels loose and I’m afraid if I keep going I’ll fuck up my breasts for good :( pls help

>> No.15499517


>> No.15499562


>> No.15499655

i hear that building muscle can help to lessen the appearance of loose skin. also what method are you using to lose weight? it might just be bs but i’ve heard CICO has a higher chance of leading to loose skin than fasting

>> No.15499802

That’s not a cuteboy, thats a gross tranny

>> No.15499817


>> No.15500135

I don't know your stats but I wouldn't be too worried. I didn't measure my tits at my highest but I went form totally overfilling my 32DD bras to now buying 32Ds. My boobs aren't any saggier than they were before, if anything they look better sicne they're not as heavy.
Anyways don't worry! Don't make excuses for yourself not to lose (unless your bmi is already v low, don't be an ana freak like most people itt)