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15480800 No.15480800 [Reply] [Original]

Any good alternative to the Eisenhower jacket? It's currently being sold for like +100 bucks, double to where it was like a year ago.

>> No.15480887

Red Kap

>> No.15480892

Kim's ass is seriously grotesque and not sexually attractive.

>> No.15480901

Actually, where are you seeing it for that much? On Amazon it's around $40. Are you not in the US?

>> No.15480903

What currency are you using?

>> No.15481059

No, I'm not. Cheapest I've found is 75€

>> No.15481063

how do i immigrate to canada as POC?

>> No.15481099


>> No.15481117

OK, yeah Dickies is super expensive in Europe. Wish I could help, but I'm not too familiar with any European brands that have stuff in a similar price range

>> No.15481119

We came to Canada in 1989 as Soviet Jews

>> No.15481143

Ever tried working or been living on welfare since then?

>> No.15481147

I worked as a teenager, was actually the first in my hs class to start working underaged

>> No.15481159

leave Igor alone! He worked for 3 weeks as a teenager back in 1989. He's done his work already!

Meanwhile he has an apartment paid for by welfare and welfare that enables him to eat multiple times from dominoes pizza each week while he releases his anger about how Canada treats him as a 2nd rate citizen even though the Canadian tax payer has enabled him to live over 20 years paying for everything he has. It's not his fault. It's the Canadians fault!

>> No.15481166

what about Varg?

>> No.15481170

Igor costs Canadian tax payer less than it would cost warehousing him in prison and court procedings

>> No.15481177
File: 1.75 MB, 1620x2160, I am a passenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bra, I live on $12k a year. I am below poverty threshold. I stay underclass.

>> No.15481189

I don't believe Varg rants about France treating him 2nd rate because he's not Ethnically French. Nor is he throwing away $20 or so each pizza order. He actually has a plan, to drain the system, Igor doesn't. He is also raising proud white kids. Igor isn't

They're just not comparable. If Igor was grateful fair enough but I find it a disgrace when they rant and moan, even call people bad who are paying for their whole life and offered them a place in their 1st world country.

Lol cool logic. Can I get free shit if I promise not to commit a crime? Do you know what will cost even less? DEPORTATION.

Ohh because it's just 12k, you're allowed to rant about it? If it was 16k would you? What about 50k? Would you not feel like a 2nd rate citizen then?

If I came from a shit hole like Russia to Canada and they gave me a home. I'd be grateful for a fucking meal let alone expecting thousands of dollars for free. I'd go around thanking Canadians and being so pro-Canada.

>> No.15481195

Where did I complain about Canada lol you are such a lying piece of shit. Didn't you claim to serve in the military and traveled to Africa lmao
Anyways, suck my dick.

>> No.15481200


>> No.15481201

But yeah, had we stayed in the old country - where my dad was a connected dentist - we would be better off, I would have gotten a university degree and became a dentist like my father and his father.

>> No.15481204

Always something gay with you.

You were bitching about being treated like a 2nd rate citizen the other day. The same day you were crying because a doctors receptionist was assertive with you L O L

The fuck you even doing in there, picking up more meds?

>> No.15481206

So you moved for a worse life? Seems legit.

>> No.15481207

This is true though. If you immigrate past say the age of 12-13, you will forever retain the foreign accent and be treated like a 2nd class citizen.

>> No.15481210

I would advice against emigrating unless you are form some total 3rd world shithole like Africa or some shit.

>> No.15481211

You will be perceived as a foreigner