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15480679 No.15480679 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ city discussion;

Any Maine fags around? I’m finishing grad school this October and am thinking about looking to apply to jobs in Maine from out of state (I like the weather, four seasons, seafood and boating if you want justifications). Is Portland Maine /fa/ at all? Is Maine itself /fa/ in any capacity?

>> No.15480682

If you like Maine, you like Maine. Portland is cute as fuck and the closest thing to Civilization they have. Start there.

>> No.15480713

Maine isn't real

>> No.15480721

this. i lived in northern aroostook for like a year when i was a kid, and then later in piscataquis for a bit. probably was the most miserable i've ever been. maine fucking sucks except for MAYBE outside of portland, unless you're a back to the wild, reclusive type of person.

>> No.15480898
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I’ve been to Maine a few times, it’s nice and of course pretty but as >>15480721
said, it’s really ideal for a back to the wild outdoorsman.
I’m from Baltimore city and it’s about the most uneffay city ever. You got the nogs who dress like nogs, white trash, sports jersey white trash, nautical white trash, preps, art goes, hipsters who are still in 2012, and you’ve got a general “if it’s under 80 bucks I’m not buying it”. I’m considering moving to Miami or Eugene, Oregon. Maybe somewhere in California if things are better in a few years there. More than anything though, I just wanna be away from fatties and niggers. I’m half black and half white and I’ve literally become a self hating racist piece of shit by being here

>> No.15480936

as somebody who lives in greater boston but goes to portland/maine quite often to see family

1. Portland is just as expensive as Boston nowadays, less jobs and less fun things to do but that's really up to how you spend your time

2. I repeat, Portland and ME in general is a dead zone of hipsters, really shitty restaurants still riding the "farm to table" thing for as long as they can and AWFUL coffee/bakeries for Boston prices. There are simply no more good restaurants in Portland.

3. It's just a bunch of Boston transplants and if you know anything about Boston """""""""culture""""""""" and it's people, you know that it's just a bunch of upper middle class bored white people

4. Outdoors sports, skiing and hiking are /fa/ as fuck, proximity to Acadia and others, proximity to the actual /fa/ New England city, Burlington, VT.

>> No.15481778

>I just wanna be away from fatties and niggers. I’m half black and half white and I’ve literally become a self hating racist piece of shit by being here
iktf, i wouldn't rec miami though, eugene seems based from what I've heard. i moved to Seattle for similar reasons to you and live is a decent place downtown, living among mostly Asians and whites is peak comfy. the pnw is a good move imo. i don't even lock my doors most days it really easy to avoid poor black people here which is really nice.

>> No.15481809

Is vancouver BC effay?

I currently live in one of the surrounding cities but i might move there for work soon

>> No.15481812

>vancouver BC
Vancouver, a bustling west coast seaport in British Columbia, is among Canada’s densest, most ethnically diverse cities.
>Canada’s densest, most ethnically diverse cities.
try again

>> No.15481864

I'm really interested in seattle with it's proximity to the western desert states (I love the national parks and deserts out there). As far as actualy like, high end clothing boutiques or vintage places, is there much of a presence? Is there much to explore in the city itself? Good cafes or restaurants? And have you felt the whole BLM backlash and CHAZ shitters? Is the homeless issue really as big a deal as some people make it out to be? I'm really looking for an honest /fa/ evaluation of Seattle.

>> No.15481881

It's Effay ignore >>15481812, just make sure to get into the underground EDM scene. Some of the music coming out of the scene is honestly incredible and tons of bigger artist come down for shows surprisingly even though the venues are really personal.

Also the high end fashion scene is big cuz of the asians and alberta oil offspring, so if you're into that.

>> No.15481904

There's not a single /fa/ City in the US, apart from maybe some parts of NYC

>> No.15481913

No NA cities are /fa/. They are all unaesthetic or looks like war-zones. Only European and east-Asian cities are /fa/.

>> No.15481915

interesting. i always felt like blacks people were the most racist of everyone....and im not calling you racist - im just saying you as a mixed person feel more comfortable around whites/asians - bc they dont make you feel any certain type of way...
in middle school my bff was mixed girl and all the 7 black kids in out school "bullied" her for not being black enough and "acting" white....she eventually started wearing roca wear and other "ghetto" brands and we lost touch bc she only hung out with wiggers and such...
what im saying is that what youre saying reinforces my belief that black people are literally more racist than white (much of the time) - NOT YOU obviously.....but the fact that you feel more comfy around other races speaks volumes

>> No.15481916

pnw isnt /fa/ but beautiful and unrivaled in an outdoor sense. idk if youre retarded but seattle is nowhere close to the desert. homeless is on the level of nyc but in a smaller area, tons of lesbians and literally zero black people

>> No.15481925

blacks are by far the most violent and vicious people it isn't even remotely close, anyone who says otherwise is a white faggot with his head buried in the sand, it is known in every culture around the world that american blacks are completely subhuman

>> No.15481944

Lose all the unnecessary disclaimers, embrace the inherent superiority of the white race.

>> No.15481968

there are plenty of (100%) black people that act like a normal human.
the sad part is that i think many at one point or another get bullied into being ghetto.
ive seen this more than once. sibling to sibling. peer to peer.
whatever. i wouldnt say theyre sub human.
i would just say that theres a distinct line that they cross that other wont - and they get a pass. and its sucks for people of the race/or half the race - to have to deal with the stereotype they get from the barbaric members.
it is what it is. it just sucks that they claim whites are so racist when its literally them....most (not all ofc) whites are totally over the race BS - its the black people that continually push the card and make shit about race that isnt.....while purposely acting like primitive ppls....i know enough regular black people that are mortified about how their own race acts, that i know its not all some figment of my imagination.

(also maybe i should say this is mostly in USA)

>> No.15481977

There is a lot of /fa/ shit going on across the US. You just have to look for it and try to keep an open mind. Our country is flawed as fuck but there is still creative pockets with some good people.

>> No.15482004

exactly. go find meccas aroound colleges that have strong art programs....go to historic districts around those colleges...

>> No.15482008


>> No.15482014

ok mr i used to be SIEG HEIL
even though im mexasian

>> No.15482015

Chinks and lots of em. Ugly, pan faced, slant eyed, yellow skin, chinks

>> No.15482017

Honestly the United States cultural zeitgeist extends from California to Seattle/Portland areas to vegas.

Flyover to the new York and Miami area.

Anything in that general center region has little to if anything to contribute.

It's just where we keep our livestock and plants that generate food and proles

>> No.15482020

>Using an edgy name on a forum is the same as writing a 500+ word longform on how she thinks blacks are lesser

>> No.15482021

Don't take it as an insult, Indre. Embrace it. I for one think you'd look even cuter in an SS cap.

>> No.15482026

W2c qt Nazi winemom?

>> No.15482028

>i moved to Seattle for similar reasons to you and live is a decent place downtown

What the hell? You wanna get a beer sometimes, bro?

>> No.15482042
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Right here

>> No.15482049


>> No.15482195

She admitted to smoking in 2013 to which I said

> Her pussy probably tastes like an ash tray

In the years since, she's had 4 glasses of wine nightly.

So does her pussy taste like cheap boxxy'd wine now?

Going off the pineapple juice theory

>> No.15482271

Holy fuck trip fags get out of my thread you insufferable cunts

>> No.15482644

idk anything about Maine but i’m looking for states with a good amount of nature, ocean/sea, woods, hiking, trialing. y’all know what i’m talking about. i’m thinking new england would be a good fit, only because i’m trying to stay in the new england area for rn, is Rhode island a good option?

>> No.15482653 [DELETED] 

>that it's just a bunch of upper middle class bored white people
pretty sure Boston is comprised almost entirely of racist white trash and Hispanics but....yea

>> No.15482659

Glad you guys don’t have my other mug shot :)

>> No.15482661

I've moved from Chicago to LA and can say that the fashion peaks are much higher in Chicago.
LA is a lot of rich white/asian trash throwing money at gaudy pieces for >muh status
and chicago has an actual winter with is the most effay season

>> No.15482749

I do...

>> No.15482901

Aww you should post it, I bet you look even cuter babe.

>> No.15483388

Yeah Miami desu is more for just the beach nautical thing. Wouldn’t mind just living on a boat or on the water, and I prefer Hispanics over black lmao. But Seattle seems rad I’ll look into it some more now, I knew it wasn’t super black but good to hear it’s still a good place to live
Yeah I had the same experience, in kindergarten I was called a dirty white nigger by a bunch of niggers go figure. The blacks in this country are incessantly racist for sure and the ones here in Baltimore are just fucking apes at this point senpai. But idk most black people I meet are just content with being niggers not even trying to be racist rn either, they’re just happy that way because it’s at a point easy to not strive to be better. They’re always coming up with excuses and shit. There are definitely solid black people but it’s a very small minority. After a while and getting /fit/ and learning to fight, I gained respect from my darker brothers and sisters but it was because they knew I was low key willing to kill them. I carried a gun in school and everything, of course when I got to college it got easier and I could unwind. And bro it’s okay to think blacks are subhuman. They think whites are, why not the other way around too

>> No.15483404

the one with the hot pink purple hair? lmao.
got bored and outta the blue dyed my hair. literally got arrested the same day. i blamed the hair bc normally cops dont bother me/let me go. i swear bc i looked like some sort of punk they fucked with me hard. profiling is not limited to race.

>> No.15483425

Now this I have to see

>> No.15483735

I blame the fact that you make a habit of getting blind drunk and going for a drive. Not clever, are you?

>> No.15483776

From Baltimore, grew up mostly in Portland. I could not disagree more with this post.

1. Portland is considerably less expensive than Boston. Access to nature and the rest of the state/new england is better, pre-covid there were a number of good bars and venues without the frat bro ambience of 90% of Boston.

2. It is true that there are some overgrown hipsters in Portland, but there's also a lot of new immigrant owned restaurants and a few established spots that are awesome. Rating a city based on how good its gentrifier-tier restaurants are is unfair. they're all the same anyway.

3. You're missing a lot of who really lives in Portland. If you just hit the breweries/shitty new bakeries and cafes I could see why you think this though.

4. Burlington fucking sucks.

If anyone has any questions about Portland from someone who actually grew up here, let me know.

>> No.15483796

im not stupid. i just make lots of bad decisions. impulsive and reckless. theres a difference. you can equate that to lack of intelligence, if you want...but those are distinctly different character traits.
some of the smartest people i know are addicts (also some of the dumb one too ofc)
the most creative people i know are addicts too...or at least recreational users..

look back through history and time.

>> No.15483806

Clever was perhaps a poor word choice on my part, but just stop fucking doing it. Learn some self control before you kill yourself or someone else.

>> No.15483811

I live in Minneapolis
Don't move here, it's shit and only got worse because of the riots. Everyone is a shlub and there are somalis everywhere

>> No.15483956

When I had blue hair I got pulled over and accused of smuggling heroin into Texas kek

>> No.15483968
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>closest thing to Civilization they have.

>> No.15483977
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>probably was the most miserable i've ever been. maine fucking sucks except for MAYBE outside of portland, unless you're a back to the wild, reclusive type of person.
Let me fix that for you. Unless you're a red blooded man with testosterone and not some sissy soiboy faggot that needs the hustle and bustle of the big city. And yes, you hated it because you were weak and this instinct should have long ago driven a pathetic genetic urbanite like yourself to kill himself. Not going to make it, ever.

>> No.15484061
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the only fa places in your cunt are nyc, ca, boston and seattle. rest is pic related

>> No.15484159

Bellingham, WA (Uni town) here.

Best and sure way to spot a rapist/cluster B male in these parts is if they wear nothing but carhartt and have beards. They are all secret alcoholics and will inevitably groom every art hoe psyche major in sight.

>> No.15484345

The edgy redneck

>> No.15484348

The OP of this thread is a fucking pussy and a shame to mix raced people. The only reason you hate Black people is cuz you’re to pussy to hang, I bet you watch anime too man, it’s a real shame

>> No.15484494

Go suck bbc. You’re an embarrassment to human race. I’m not op btw. I just see how ignorant you are.

>> No.15484497

Oops my apologies
This >>15484494
was for >>15484348

>> No.15484512

Mainer here. There are not very many jobs here except in select industries, and even when there are it's damn tough to find them. It would probably be better to just visit and spend lots of money at our tourist trap restaurants, we have enough transplants from the cities/suburbs already and natives are getting crowded out. Most of us are content living in small rural towns and many people (including myself to an extent) are distrustful of outsiders, especially those from other Northeastern states such as New Jersey and Massachusetts. Portland is filled with urbanite bugmen hipsters and is only slightly more useful than the West Coast version. We are not very /fa/, most people wear hoodies, t-shirts, jeans, flannels, and Red Sox caps. I guess if you love L.L. Bean it's /fa/ enough. I hope you like Dunkin Donuts. Any questions?

>> No.15485597
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Kill yourselves.

>> No.15485601

It still applies to the faggot you replied to anyways.

>> No.15486903

Portland is the absotue worst place in all of Maine. Wells is much nicer but expensive. Live wherever you want except for Portland.

>> No.15486967

No, please email me a pic of you with that hair

>> No.15486983

have you ever lived in a country or a city. I feel like this picture misrepresents both

>> No.15487135
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Cities are and have always been the physical manifestation of civilization, where the heights of humanity are created and found. The story of history is the conquest of the urban over the rural, physically and culturally. Ruralfags are nothing more than subservient cattle to their betters
Cope more

>> No.15487149


>> No.15487158

There aren't any jobs here and we don't want you here

>> No.15488040

Is it really infested with Somalians like Lewiston now?

>> No.15488670

Somali* not Somalian

>> No.15489147


The Somalis are fine. They're hard workers, are willing to integrate, and they saved Lewiston from being Gary, Indiana 2. Complain all you want about muh ethnic homogeneity but Maine has been filled with French Canadians for centuries and they're practically the same thing.