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File: 496 KB, 828x837, A4442DAB-0DAC-4157-96EB-71A4E5D63902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15473405 No.15473405 [Reply] [Original]

Do you consider yourself attractive?

>> No.15473414

obv you don't

>> No.15473416

interesting fact. When i jerk off in my bathroom as soon as i cum i look in a mirror and i really look cute for some reason. Don't know why. Usually i look just normal for myself.

>> No.15473422

No and it’s sucks bc I’ve been told I’m beautiful my whole life. Insecurities hold you back. IE I had a crippling crush on a guy in highschool where I was too nervous to talk to him..found out later he had a crush on me too - and was too nervous to talk to me.
Missed opportunities.

>> No.15473423

Yes, I have rare genetics

>> No.15473427

>blah blah i'm so beautiful turns out all guys like me blah blah

>i don't think i am though giggle giggle give me compliments i'm totally not fishing here

>> No.15473431

absolutely not
but sometimes I go on cam sites for fun and I get my fair share of viewers so who knows

>> No.15473432

My grandma calls me handsome so you tell me B)

>> No.15473437

Yes, I think I'm a 7/10. I arrived at that number because I know I'm not an 8 to most people, but 6 is too low for all of my good features and relative lack of negative features.

>> No.15473440
File: 626 KB, 648x492, i'm so beautiful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no these photos don't count because i can't control the angles, lighting and cover half of my face up

>> No.15473443

You're cute and I definitely wouldn't say no, but for the love of God stop it with the "woe is me it's so hard being beautiful" posting.

>> No.15473446

what site? omegle?

>> No.15473451

Victim playing and fishing for compliments, she's so lovely,

Her old photo she looked kinda cute, def not beautiful though. Now she is just old looking. Like a middle aged mom.

The whole crap about using meth because life is so hard being so beautiful is just such an insult to people.

>> No.15473454

Can someone please make that clown go away. Whose dick do I have to such around here to give him permaban?

>> No.15473455

Mine please.

>> No.15473459

You've sucked dick for much less I am sure

>> No.15473466

5/10 from the from, angles break it as i have a really bad jaw and chin, or lack of it actually

>> No.15473467

Get rid of him...and we’ll work out the logistics later.

>> No.15473472

I expect nudes as an advance payment. Non-negotiable.

>> No.15473475

>wahhghh he won't play along and call me beautiful
>wahgghh he has posted a picture of how i really look


Female larper who wishes she was beautiful. Nobody wants to get their junk sucked from a meth head with aids.

One of the posts warning communities about your crimes states you SELL YOUR BODY TO FUND YOUR DRUG HABIT.

You're doing what you do irl. Prostitution.

>> No.15473477

Her pussy looks like a bag of worms lol

>> No.15473485

Why are you so obsessed? Take a hint and leave me alone.

>> No.15473494

I was always quite ugly but for some reason I am aging very well, so at 30 I actually look the same amount of attractiveness as my friends who were considered very good looking in our teens.

>> No.15473499

Curse and blessing. Women your own age will think you're younger and younger girls might not interest you.

Although I'd have no issue with 17 year olds thinking I was 17 and dating them, just to be clear

>> No.15473506

I'm female but I don't date so that isn't really here nor there. It is interesting how people in general treat me so much nicer though, men and women.

>> No.15473507

I'm not conventionally attractive. I give off a distinct vibe tho, so I get my attention mostly from a subset of girls.

>> No.15473511

Yeah, being pretty makes shit much easier and people treat you better, but old piss pants itt, who bitches about how life is so hard because she's so hot, it's such a low blow to girls who were or are ugly and know how much worse they get treat and how harder life is.

I'd expect some ugly bullied girl to end up on drugs, not some "I'm sooo hot" girl and it's all so hard.

>> No.15473519

I always thought so but I get rated pretty low on here...probably because I'm not a girl to simp after

>> No.15473526

>Do not transmit nudity
definitely not lol
although I remember going on those roulette sites with friends when I was in my early 20s and being consistently rated higher than them, while I always acted like the runt irl
bottom line: most of what makes you conventionally attractive is personality so don't get stuck on looks like lookism virgins

>> No.15473535

I guess I am. I know women are attracted to me because they say so.

>> No.15473579

I don't know about that, I'd be very surprised if two different people had the same life experiences just because they were similarly attractive. As a previously ugly bullied girl, there were a few other factors too that went into me being bullied and I don't think being better looking would have helped me in that regard very much. I think people are quite complex and whether you find life hard or not is more to do with biological and environmental factors than your looks. Of course, if you look good, you can have a head-start because people will often treat you better which will lead to you having a sense of community, positive experiences, social confidence, self-esteem etc that will help you build a good life. But it is definitely possible to be good looking and miss out on those benefits as well (as well as very possible to be ugly and receive them). As someone who went to an all-girls school, I did see quite a few cases of girls getting bullied out of jealousy, because they looked much better than the girls bullying them. And I probably don't need to mention how vicious jealous girls (and many guys) can get. There was some life-ruining shit involved. And you've said yourself that she is ugly, so I don't know if her thinking she is attractive will change how people treat her based on her looks. That said, I do think being more attractive means a bit easier life in general. I just think that's not guaranteed at all for everyone.

>> No.15473585

Other people might but it's hard to tell, it feels like very few compliments are passed between people here, occasional eyefucking is fun

>> No.15473599

>there were a few other factors too that went into me being bullied and I don't think being better looking would have helped me in that regard very much.

Yeah this is my point too. Her life isn't bad or she takes drugs because she is "beautiful" but it's because of other factors like who she is as a person. But instead of facing those negative parts, she just blames it on being beautiful as though it is out of her control to work on and try and change who she is as a person.

>And I probably don't need to mention how vicious jealous girls (and many guys) can get.

I see it from women a lot. Really nasty, jealous and vicious bitterness. Most of the negative comments to women online come from other women. Very sad.

>And you've said yourself that she is ugly, so I don't know if her thinking she is attractive will change how people treat her

I think it's just an excuse for her poor behavior and crimes. She has maybe convinced herself she is really attractive.

>I do think being more attractive means a bit easier life in general. I just think that's not guaranteed at all for everyone.

My point too, hence my little rage when beautiful people try and cry about how everything is so tough for them when in general, it is easier.

>> No.15473777

ok dont listen to the fucking retarded clown bc i never said I think im attractive - if you look at my post i distinctly say I dont. he has no idea what ive been through in life....and i sure as shit never said being beautiful is hard bc i never said i was attractive to begin with.
i hate people that twist things around.
all i can say is wether your pretty/hansome/or not - doesnt particularly matter if you have depression/anxiety/specifically social anxiety bc it makes you less approachable...
in relation to the hs crush here >>15473422
when i asked him why he never talked to me, told me i was too intimidating. i used to hear this all the time...and it stunned me bc i wasnt being stand offish i was literally too anxious and insecure to talk to people or muster up normal not awkward convos..
ive learned to socialize now thank god...and part of my drug use was to deal with my anxiety and problems from home..like the saying dont judge a book by the cover. you just dont fucking know whats going on in peoples heads.

>> No.15473803
File: 16 KB, 934x151, i'm so hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mentally ill. We have already been through this with your posts saying how you are hot and how nobody on this board can understand because they're all ugly.


>all i can say is wether your pretty/hansome/or not - doesnt particularly matter if you have depression/anxiety/specifically social anxiety bc it makes you less approachable...

Which is what I said ffs! I said your issues are because of who you are as a person, your mental illness etc. and not because you are so beautiful.

>when i asked him why he never talked to me, told me i was too intimidating. i used to hear this all the time

So now you do proceed to basically say you're intimidating because you are sooo hot HAHAHAHAHA

You're a mentally ill troll!

>and part of my drug use was to deal with my anxiety and problems from home

By being caught driving on crack? From home?


>> No.15473805
File: 12 KB, 1238x109, sooo hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15473806

Apparently a shit ton of girls were into me in highschool too

>> No.15473808

interesting ill have to try that

>> No.15473810

With regard to the intimidating comment, I think you should probably take that as a good sign in a sense - I think there probably is a perception that an attractive person not being sociable is doing so by their own choice, and an unattractive person is doing so by the choice of others. So yeah, you're pretty.

But get the fuck off the drugs you stupid cunt before they fuck you up beyond repair.

>> No.15473816
File: 7 KB, 926x66, worthless rejects.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurr durr I am so beautiful, nobody here can understand because you're all ugly.

Hurr durrr all of you on this board are worthless rejects, not like me!!

Hurr durr don't listen to Cecil, I am the victim here! I never said anything!!

The very reason you have it on easy mode is because you are a female, if a guy had been posting this shit about himself and all the posters here he would be slaughtered. Yet you are trying to play the victim.

>> No.15473820

Or maybe she was actually just a stuck up cunt and looks down on others like she looks down on everyone here.

>> No.15473821

I've dated some great looking girls and fucked a good amount as well, but nah insecurity really overrides what other people say. I was an ugly duckling in high school that bloomed hard in college (so I'm told) so I'm still the ugly awkward nerd mentally, but now I get laid more. It's practically the same thing as high school because other than Tinder hookups I don't have any game whatsoever.

>> No.15473830

yeah same

>> No.15473840

Entirely possible, but given that I've got nobody's word but hers and some guy who brags about executing children I think I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for now.

>> No.15473851
File: 2.03 MB, 1668x2224, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemme suck it outta her *hmmmmmmmmsluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp*

>> No.15473855
File: 278 B, 16x16, 1592707132325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based thot slayer

>> No.15473896

Don’t egg that dumb fuck on. I am embarrassed he is my race. Who the fuck acts like that? I have seen many of his posts and he is just a poor angry old man suffering from PTSD taking out on passerbyers. Go get help I’m pretty sure it’s free for you.

>> No.15473903

Like 75–80% attractive. Learning facial anatomy helps me look at my face objectively in the mirror.

>> No.15473909

yes. i could get any guy i was attracted to to like me. i get catcalled on a daily basis. men stare at me everywhere. i get simp dms all the time. and my current boyfriend used to date actual 10/10 agency models. i think im 8/10.

>> No.15473910

Not really, I get a lot of matches on tinder with women I consider attractive but ultimately don't find myself good looking

>> No.15473911

sometimes. I have a really asymmetrical face though so i know that objectively im not

>> No.15473959

When i stop and look closely in the mirror at myself for a minute or so i always think "damn, I look really good" so i don't know if others think im attractive or not, but i am happy with how i look

>> No.15473977

Maybe. I don't know. I avoid looking in mirrors.

>> No.15474008


>> No.15474026


>> No.15474031

samefag all day. you don't have anything better to do? go work and get botox/plastic surgery so you look more human and maybe you wont feel the need to attack normal looking folk.

>> No.15474050

>I don't know. I avoid looking in mirrors.

>> No.15474325

lots of people tell me i am but i never see it

>> No.15474357

No. However, I earlier thought that I am attractive because a lot of people told me that I am handsome.

>> No.15474373
File: 2.13 MB, 320x235, http---makeagif.com--media-9-07-2014-PuC7j4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15474411

I don't usually have problems getting attention from girls, but I look a bit younger than I actually am and that made it difficult to attract other people my age before I got a qtazngothgf

>> No.15474530

Epic story. Post face

>> No.15474558
File: 2.73 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20200222_082141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I do. I get a pretty good amount of attention from girls. It also helps that I am very tall.

>> No.15474567

People seem to think so and I've gotten some good comments both here and in my daily life. Everything is in good-enough proportion and I don't have to wear a lot of makeup because I have really good skin. I wouldn't say that I am good-looking to the point where I could make money off it, though.

>> No.15474674

I have 290k followers on Instagram.

>> No.15474839

You're not interesting, attractive or fun to talk to

>> No.15474897

Aight you prolly smell like shiet

>> No.15474899

Cope harder james

>> No.15474903

I think i am. But no one else does. So probably not

>> No.15474905

lose weight fatty

>> No.15475395

Others do, I do not.
Considering getting surgery, actually

>> No.15475397
File: 86 KB, 1200x1600, ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.15475412


I am attaractive but my height is my biggest downfall

>> No.15475413
File: 1.20 MB, 1432x1406, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this thread

>> No.15475509

eggplant-head ass

>> No.15475515

Shut the fuck up you cum guzzling whoure lmao

>> No.15475531

I envy u so fucking badly that u get to have low bf face with high bf on ur body. I would have to be an auschwitz victim to get rid of puffy face.

>> No.15475950
File: 7 KB, 238x183, 1584478928714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I think I look kinda attractive but most of the time I see all the shit thats wrong with my face. Also probably not, I dont think a stranger (let alone an attractive one) has ever complimented my appearance in anyway. Then theres the zero female attentions aspect (inb4 fag, they decide who's attractive thats how it works) plus the fact that I used to get a lot of that "youre so handsome" bullshit from people I knew, which is pretty much the kiss of death afaik.

>> No.15475976

No. Which is a real shame because when I do manage to reel one in, the bitches go crazy about my pussy/ass-eating game.

I guess chads think eating dat ass is below them? Who knows.

>> No.15475983

i look ok in the mirror but when i take pics of myself i look bad.
it doesnt help that im fat and have thinning hair and a crooked jaw and knock knees, gyno, etc

>> No.15476019

I only look good at a frontal view and 3/4 on the left side. Everything else, I look like a cave troll.

Chicks like my smile though apparently.

I'd say I'm a 6/10 tops

>> No.15476044



>> No.15476073

No. I've been told on numerous occasions by men and women that I'm handsome, hot, cute, etc. Always got lots of attention from girls but I just can't believe that I'm attractive it because I hate myself for some reason.

>> No.15476077

b-b-but poop comes from there!

>> No.15476625
File: 1.05 MB, 1458x2592, IMG_20200810_001139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm on it, I'm tryna get frickin YUGE though. Me on the left.

I'm flexing my jaw in the picture but yeah I'm very lucky.

>> No.15476705

masc prettyboy with aesthetics
unique look

>> No.15477387

Why do you hate that woman so much? She seems genuinely troubled, and although she's occasionally annoying, you absolutely loathe her.

>> No.15477410

No, Id say im about a 2/10 and the only thing stopping from being a 1/10 is the fact that I dress well and am not obese/have acne.

>> No.15477778
File: 707 KB, 500x750, bf0b0f9c920a502c6626a2d1d3326124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nosferatu pose/posture

>> No.15477780

i would be 7.5/10 without 5 kg of weight

>> No.15477789

jesus dude you are so creepy

>> No.15477792

tfw no frankenstein bf

>> No.15477806
File: 1.00 MB, 1932x2384, 20200811_192928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know my place. Definitely not handsome, but not ugly. Just kind of "meh." I will never attract someone based on my appearance.
But I'm also very comfortable with how I look.

>> No.15477809

time to post new post-coom pics on tinder

>> No.15477837

Uh oh someone has a crush

>> No.15477840

actually laughed out loud at this, thank you anon

>> No.15477845

I used to but I'm a bit too fat right now.
It never helped me with women though.

>> No.15477896

Yes. I've seen people take of pictures of me in multiple ocassions in public but i honestly just don't care. Asides from that most women always stare. When it comes down to making relationships men either antagonize or act protective towards me (more on the cuter side of attractiveness) which is something that made highschool not too hard for me. Older women will usually act motherly towards me, more forgiving, but older men will either treat me normally or treat me as a child. In general one of the downsides of looking younger is that you're treated as an infant by default. You have to make it clear you're not up for it, despite it having benefits in some situations.

>> No.15477926

uh anon i think you might just be retarded

>> No.15477931
File: 1.02 MB, 200x150, 1597113491083s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i judge myself? i could be lying to myself?


i know im sexy af
a hah hah

>> No.15477965

I have no fucking clue anymore. I think I’m just a niche taste for people. I’ve attracted 2 dudes and 2 girls, the girls being femdoms. Perhaps I should stop being skinny.

>> No.15477974

Where are the bodies buried?

>> No.15477985

i think i'm fine looking, like 7/10, but i've had drones on here/irl and have had people i've dated tell me shit like "i'll be in trouble when you realize how good looking you are". i dont think attraction has much to do with looks, or even personality too much. certain people will see something in you pretty much no matter what and will project everything else they need from there. shrug

>> No.15477986

you're doing gods work

>> No.15478159

I'm stupid and ugly as sin but at least I'm not a tripfag
so there is that

>> No.15478203

Because I never did anything, when we first started talking in threads, I did think she was foreign/spoke little English or she was super young. Perhaps a little slow in the head. Cool though, I still replied nicely and friendly to her.

Then all of a sudden, she jumps on the bandwagon of calling me ugly to try and get the teenage guys here to like her.

So whatever, I give her another chance. Then it's just lie after lie, I turn up daily and she is in some thread harassing me and talking about me.

Then she whines how tough things are because she's so hot and how everyone who posts here is ugly and can't understand her pain.

If you're excusing all that based on the fact she's a female, you might just be a little (a lot) pathetic.

And further to that, she drives around almost in a coma on a cocktail of meth and alcohol and has been arrested for that.

My father was murdered by a drunk driver a few months prior to my birth.

So why do I hate her? It's pretty clear, I think.

Nor will you get any sense out of her, she has therapy for mental health. She displays little real personalty, it's all forced like trying to fit in, in threads. An empty shell. VERY COMMON for someone with BPD.

>> No.15478222

shut the fuck up

>> No.15478226

Gay for me

>> No.15478248

no really
shut the fuck up

>> No.15478313

>noooo i'm not cute and like other boys/girls :((((
grow up

>> No.15478325

bless you old man
you're doing gods work

>> No.15478343

i don't feel like i'm popular or like ppl want to be with me
i'm very shy and i have absolutly no skill at talking, having attention or to react the in a way i'd like to

these are the facts that makes me wonder if i'm attractive or not

i remember girls showing me affection or reactions who makes me wonder if they where attracted to the shy weird guy i was

friends tell me that i'm nice but i know they say this to make myslef more confident

>> No.15478456

No, i'm quite bright. I'd be retarded if i let my looks clog my judgament, but luckily i'm not dumb enough.

>> No.15478591

i'd say im 6 or 7 out of 10, more attractive than the average person, never had an issue dating or getting laid, but not stunningly beautiful like a model or actress. i'd say im right on the line where most ppl would say im cute or pretty but would be confused or annoyed if i or anyone else tried to hype me up as exceptionally attractive. so average + skinny + somewhat cute face goes far enough

>> No.15478592

Nice b8 brother

>> No.15480037

For the most part, no I don't consider myself that attractive. Short, skinny, ugly face, big nose.

>> No.15480040

you look like a 13 year old with a moustache

>> No.15480048

There is a whole “niche” of quiet/awkward mysterious guys that girls go for.
There are many diff personalities. I fell in love with someone like that. I likes that he was weird and made me wonder - esp he paid no attn to me and I had to make the moves (which was way out of my comfort zone)
Attraction/chemistry is a rabbit hole. Be yourself and itt someone who is your kinda person will come along

>> No.15480069

this is that trip fag chick? She was doxxed? how did you find the mugshot?

>> No.15480082

Sieg did it, sieg doxxed most of the people that have been doxxed on /fa/

>> No.15480091

put your trip back on and stop giving yourself so much credit

>> No.15480092

I sit right on the precipice of looking above average.
Once I can get my acne scars dealt with, I will be a definite 6-7.

>> No.15480101
File: 116 KB, 1080x761, Screenshot_20200812-212044~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15480110

as if you dont know how to use paint

>> No.15480116
File: 1.02 MB, 854x878, usermaffew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.15480120

You think you're worth the effort?

>> No.15480127

dont even act like you havent devoted a substantial amount of time trying to see me naked.

>> No.15480134

I already have, want me to post your nudes?

>> No.15480178

dress better and you might

>> No.15480246
File: 80 KB, 928x1024, FC01C9C3-DF4D-4D32-8719-6EA7AA0F80F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hapa dog!

>> No.15480254
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 827C43D9-812B-4369-A10B-6F6B66D8165E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sieg, you’re one to talk.

>> No.15480267

i'm told to be attractive, but personally i'm just not my type of guy.

>> No.15480274

aka you attract ugly girls

>> No.15480278

maybe choose a picture where your whole face is showing and there isn't a bottle in front of it you retarded cunt

>> No.15480282
File: 426 KB, 754x352, 1597189977716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Sieg and Me, does this trip actually look like this? And is it actually a girl?

>> No.15480413

luv me mum
luv me neckbeard
luv me doxxin

ate me (not rayciss just don't like er)

simple as

>> No.15480421

no :\

>> No.15480981
File: 36 KB, 325x374, clipart1810231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think i'm conventionally attractive - Short as hell but toned/skinny, long face, skinny wrists.

But I rock it, I always have a rotation of people on tinder/sleeping with, i'm an artist and qualified teacher, and i'm recently 26 and pretty happy with how I look and my small and disparate friendship group of good friends that I can always rely on in different stages of life.

This all came about from removing myself from this website, which made me feel weak, feeble and insecure, even turning me a little gay at times. However, this has worked in my favour as once you tell people you're bisexual (the people I hang around with anyway), always benefits me.

If you're short, try to be as attractive as you can be, but still maintain and be happy with your 'inherent cuteness', you can live a happy life for sure.

>> No.15480982

>Do you consider yourself attractive?


>> No.15481013
File: 22 KB, 371x300, BarretBloat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Rate me

>> No.15481105

never seen her before. she looks like shes 13. def a qt if thats her, but wouldnt be shocked to find out its not.

>> No.15481110

Thought the same thing

>> No.15481289

I consider myself based

>> No.15481298

its all perspective. and yours comes from lack of knowledge and understanding. im sure you think youre perfect though. good on you.

>> No.15481312

can someone please ppst pictures of all these tripfags

>> No.15481455

Yeah I think she's also transgender, I am not sure. Saw her posting transgender stuff on /mu/. Still, this lily trip is really cute and pretty if thats actually her