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15472994 No.15472994[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I learn what kind of haircut is the best for the shape of my face WITHOUT going to stylist and asking him :(

>> No.15472995
File: 18 KB, 360x382, fagit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently i have pic related hair

>> No.15472997

i am male btw

>> No.15473005

just kys
low quality even for a shitpost

>> No.15473007

what did i do?

>> No.15473015

who's this cutie?

>> No.15473023

You notice the huge change from 11 to 12 and how she has obviously hit puberty and womanhood, she is shining and vibrant. Nature is incredible. She looks beautiful.

>> No.15473027

Nature also wants us to inseminate her as soon as she starts menstruating and yet we wait for more than 15 years to do it and make babies
truly incredible

>> No.15473039

Yes, people think going against the order and nature of the species to force yourself to want to birth offspring with a 30+ woman or whatever is somehow "normal" and healthy lol. It's a perversion of nature.

>> No.15473044

thread so good cecil the mutt is posting on topic lmfao

>> No.15473050

I wish I knew as well. Real life needs a hair style preview like video games do in character creation.

>> No.15473055

can we stay on topic tho
i really need advice

>> No.15473058

the only advice you need is to an hero quick
don't overthink it, just kys

>> No.15473061

lol whats wrong with you

>> No.15473063

ur welcome mate

Because you never even said what face shape you have

>> No.15473071

you are right
i thought we could do the general advice for all common face shapes
because i dont even know what face shapes exist
like i think i i have small-ish head, not round or fat, skinny face, pointy jaw/chin, high forehead

>> No.15473082

You're better just checking out a website for it


>> No.15473084

lol these men all have almost same haircuts regardless of face shape
like its all about that undercut slick longer on top hair
i think this is bad reference especially since all the men in the pictures are super models and actors whose hair is obviously done by an expensive professional

what about the common people?

>> No.15473091

Face shape won't change with common people, only looks will but you are never going to find articles of ugly people regarding this subject. You would really need to post your face but I assume you won't do that.

>> No.15473096

you assume correct

>> No.15473099

nature doesn't want anything

all that exists is as natural as anything else

>> No.15473102

yes it does
nature wants us to reproduce and survive

>> No.15473107

no it doesn't, nature cannot want anything because it is simply a all phenomena that are actually existing, nature just does, without will or want, to think otherwise makes you a retard or a coward, probably both

>> No.15473111

lol pseud

>> No.15473114

u can regurgitate things u don't understand as much u want, it isn't gonna make ur dick any less tiny

>> No.15473121

Lol this. Pseudo intellectualism at its finest when someone tries way too hard to sound intellectual but fails so very badly.

>> No.15473129

how are u so initimidated by something so asinine and self-evident? get a grip u big baby

>> No.15473138

Lol low IQ.

>> No.15473142

what is ur end game?

>> No.15473143

"The laws of science and physics do not apply because they don't think, they just do"

Me big brain.

Nobody said nature was a sentient being, you butt nut; but the laws of nature apply to humans for the evolution of the species, for if they did not, nor longer would the species exist.

"Human biology does not want you to do anything, it just exists, it's totally not connected to Darwinism and like, I am so smart lol mom I need more tendies"

>> No.15473151

im actually vegan and i'm glad to see u recanting ur previous, erroneous position

>> No.15473153

To explain how the industrial revolution and the welfare state has allowed brainlets (you to exist) when in nature (hurr it's not real or something) they would would have died off and your genetics not passed on. We are in an unnatural state of the species, in the same way being turned off by young fertile members of the species and being turned on by older less fertile and less healthy for giving successful offspring is not the natural order of the species. Therefore we see an overall decline in society and a sharp rise in mental illness because you can not go against the laws of nature.

You can push having kids with 50 year old women as much as you want and call it the norm, what will happen is a tiny percent will actually be able to give birth and the children they do birth will be degenerate, low IQ and have mental issues alongside other health problems.

Bur hurr durr none of that exists, we can just fuck 100 year old women and give birth to super kids!!! Nature isn't real!! My name is "Village idiot" from the village of Dunning–Kruger.

>> No.15473155

IQ level of 65.

Hurr durr when we say by the order of nature I think it means nature is a real sentient being who has to tell us directly!! Durr I'm a genius!!

Hurr gravity does not want things to fall to the ground, because it never said so!!

Lmao. What a fruitcake. Embarrassing.

>> No.15473163


if ur ashamed about being a pedophile i don't think becoming the unabomber is the solution

>you can not go against the laws of nature
so you agree with my original point, just like how u simply cannot defy gravity you cannot create a society which defies natural law, therefore our society and every existing or historically existing society must be in accordance with natural law

>> No.15473166

>tripnigger is also a kiddie diddler
why don't you marry the other bald juden who grew up on asian cum and you move in together? ideally some place without an internet connection or phone signal

>> No.15473176

>woman designed by evolution and nature to give birth
>hurr durr pedo!!

Feminized brainwashed useful idiot.

>being able to birth children
>hurrr it's a child


>> No.15473182
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>> No.15473186

u don't understand darwinian evolution

>> No.15473202

If a society decided to only have kids with women over 40 via Darwinism their numbers would decline and a multitude of health issues would arise.

Meanwhile a society that had kids with young women aged 15 or so, they would birth large health offspring and that group would survive.

Over many years, one society would thrive while the other dies out. That's Darwinism in notion, you utter pleb.

That is also Darwin's theory of survival.

When you call people pedos and wrong for choosing girls based on biology over arbitrary numbers and promote anti-biology nonsense such as it's better to have kids with a 40 year old its, not survival; it's decline.

You are not using logic, reason nor science here. You are using ideology. You are doing what society told you to d because you can't think for yourself.

hence you are a useful idiot who thinks they are intelligent which is another sign of low IQ.