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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 15 KB, 235x178, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15469267 No.15469267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does the average black men get Mogged by a White man.

They have rounder puffier faces low cheek bones less defined mandibles blown out noses and Brillo pad hair not very /fa/

They are shorter fatter and more likely to be LGBT more likely to be raised by a women and live with their mother or grandmother consume more media and less productive.

What can fashion do to help this.

>> No.15469274
File: 2.93 MB, 7500x10000, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Affirmative action in the fashion industry is helping for instance this gentleman beat Fassbender in sexiest man list.

This is positive but what else can we do

>> No.15469278

based redpill. but there is different beauty standards desu

>> No.15469281
File: 437 KB, 799x2000, whiteculture_info_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find that strange that on one hand European beauty standards are some how forced and not objective yet white tastes in ART MUSIC and other Tastes are equally reinforced and yet blacks and other races enjoy their own music and their own forms of art.

White western culture is being forced down their throat yet their tastes dont change to reflect it hmmm

I think generally people just like what is best and that is cope

>> No.15469290

why do you type like that
are you ESL? you need to go back

>> No.15469342

Please only comments to help black men compete with White men.

>> No.15469395


and don't let me get started on the IQ and job prospects

>> No.15469398

black people are literally retarded even the ones with an expensive education its pretty crazy

>> No.15469560

I agree we need to help them but Inna way that is not patronizing

For instance a black person can wear a anime tee shirt and a fanny pack and cover themselves with plated jewelry and be held up as a fashion symbol but it's not real and just hurting them in the end

>> No.15469682


>> No.15469718
File: 685 KB, 977x935, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would this face on a black person of colour look like? An improvement?

>> No.15469854
File: 75 KB, 1054x1370, COOMER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15469898

go back to pol you virgin retard

>> No.15469907

I am just looking for help in looking better.

>> No.15470068


>> No.15470101
File: 113 KB, 640x814, Racist Anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying to start racist bullshit bro fucking hell

>> No.15470105

I have am literally trying to improve here
How can I look max and compete with the average white man

>> No.15470179
File: 664 KB, 1120x3648, Obama's daughter bleached.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have more fat on their faces and higher estrogen levels

>> No.15470218

honestly there’s a lot of fly black men out here but the fashion industry been rolling with the white model blueprint for ages. However, with today’s climate, big names & brands in general will start giving us platforms so they don’t come off as racist kek

>> No.15470375


>> No.15470393

fuck off you esl faggot

>> No.15470429

He obviously is black and needs help why are you not trying to discuss a real issue?

>> No.15470444


How can we help him stop being black

> hint: a bullet

>> No.15470883

serious guys I need to compete with white men but I cant

>> No.15470904

damn son, i'm sorry white bitches love that 8 inch bbc. you can have your cheekbones and dakimakura tho

>> No.15470931

man i love how delusional whites are in order to think they dont have fat weak chin faces
most of you have just as puffy faces
its just that your media tries to shill other wise
go outside and look at how round the average white face is

>> No.15470947

White men do have the best face shape in general, sure. Strong jaws and hunter eyes. But white women tend to look like men and have thin ass lips.

>> No.15470955
File: 75 KB, 537x720, 1594993754609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, white people have some of the worst genes

>> No.15471009

That picture is literally a composite of averages.....this is literally you coping

Lmfao this is sad

>> No.15471013
File: 895 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20200718_171212-gradient-2020_07_25_10_58_31.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me

Post your face

>> No.15471023

But you're not white?

>> No.15471037

Elaborate cope. Black men are the most sought-after by women of all races.

>> No.15471046
File: 58 KB, 1024x512, portraitai.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure as fuck am and your coping due to inferiority if you say if I wore this outside the professional media would not call me a white racist

You feel that the demoralization you must feel to have to cope about literal scientific averages

>> No.15471049

Literally not a single peice of evidence to support this.

>> No.15471050

God you all can't decide on if black men are ugly and weak, or if they're handsome and dominant, and are "stealing" too many eligible white women.

It's my job to look at video footage and photos of people on the day to day. Many of them are not good looking. idk why white people think they are god's gift to the planet and that they're the only good looking group of people. Light hair and light eyes are not enough to hide their weak genetics.

>> No.15471059

We are using averages m8

Literal composite averages and black men don't compete.

You have to deny every objective dominate trait to cope

They have zero facial definition on average compare to the average white male lower cheek bones blown out nostrils and pubic hair on their head.

The reason I posted the averages is to eliminate the need for your anecdotes

>> No.15471064

Their eyes are father apart too which is a feminine trait

No helping blacks can't compete

>> No.15471076
File: 81 KB, 1024x576, 1594947412692m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weak genetics
Coof coof

>> No.15471077

Nah you look like some sort of half mongol/beaner. Seethe

>> No.15471079

Sorry bud your coping again it's sad that is your only defence.

>> No.15471085

Damn that's telling and Asians have a higher income then whites on average so we must really be superior in terms of health.

>> No.15471090

OP here guys for real don't get politcal I need help from /fa/ what are things I can do to compete with the average white man

Cloths I can buy colors I can wear?

>> No.15471101


Based corona. Save us from all these fucking shitskins.

>> No.15471109


> and are "stealing"

They really like stealing all right.

>> No.15471113

Maybe a tan suits

>> No.15471122

No probably smarter to wear sports sneakers until your 40 and cloths with big brands names on them to stuff like funerals and job interviews and then when it's time to go to court baggy as fuck un ironed JC Penney dress shirts and slacks

>> No.15471133

Too accurate anon

>> No.15471161
File: 24 KB, 300x390, finn pheno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are an idiot bro that is not average of fucking anything
by that logic the average finnish person looks like this

>> No.15471167

Bud they do they have massive asian genetics.

Are you trying to troll this is a scientific agregate

>> No.15471170
File: 2.56 MB, 1280x720, anglo 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh average
how old are you to believe OP pic is average on anything ?
those are bias shit studies
this is what whites look like

>> No.15471172
File: 5 KB, 125x200, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the first 5 images on Google search for Finnish man

>> No.15471177

so you are an idiot that believes the average finn has that look because 4chan memes said so
holy fuck im done
you are clearly underage or very low IQ

>> No.15471178

Bud they did it for the whole world and it was not a American study

You are coping and literally denying science used by other races lmfao


You know who post anecdotes to cope with studies.....demoralized shills

>> No.15471182

This is embarrassing

>> No.15471187

That is a video of cherry picker English these are averages of AMERICAN whites that take all white groups together.

I should post a video of congo Africans and call that average

>> No.15471193
File: 4 KB, 191x264, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another front page on finish men

He says he's looking for love lmfao

>> No.15471195

How do you not see the statement that Races are inherently in a competition to see who's best as a political statement

>> No.15471199

I don't think looking at who's mogging who is politcal in that case the entire idea of /fall having a opinion a western garment being superior to something a forigner would wear is politcal....

>> No.15471207


>> No.15471208
File: 6 KB, 141x235, juti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based Jutiposter

>> No.15471212

Please guys I have gotten zero suggestions on how to use fashion to help me compete with white men in looks I need to look better what cloths can I buy.

>> No.15471224

post hand with time stamp and i will help
i have heavy doubts if you are non white

>> No.15471228

I don't post self incriminating pictures I have tattoos on both hands and feet that will identify me.

Please help still

>> No.15471232


Let me guess: prison tattoos?

Because you're black?

>> No.15471234

Never been to prison just wanted to fit in.

>> No.15471238

Why is it so hard for a anyone but whites to get advice here?

>> No.15471242

If you we're talking about clothing but you're post so far removed from clothing, a quarter of you're post isn't even mogging

> more likely to be LGBT more likely to be raised by a women and live with their mother or grandmother consume more media and less productive.

What does any of this have to do with mogging, let alone fashion, it's just you're own political opinions.

What are you even expecting to gain from this post besides political discussion

>> No.15471244

lol sure white boy sureee
post any part of your skin to prove you are black

>> No.15471247

dont waste your patience on a shitposter anon.

>> No.15471254

Who would take the time when I just want advice wtf

>> No.15471256

Those things make me less attractive to females.

I am doing this to get laid

>> No.15471296

yea you are a white incel

>> No.15471299

See this is that racist shit I am talking about

I want advice to look better clothing brands types colors anything and I get told I am not black.

This site is fucked up

>> No.15471338

Please help me compete with the average white man /fa/

Don't be mean

>> No.15471347


You are unattractive to females because you have no confidence. Wear what you want to

>> No.15471450

I try but I look like shit next to the average white guy.

What can I do to dress better then them on average

>> No.15471457

Get a good physique

>> No.15471462

I am pretty in shape buff and vascular I have more visible abs then most whites but how do I show them off

>> No.15471527

He's white desu. No native/half mongol or beaner looks like that.

>t. beaner

>> No.15471540

Thank you beaner notice I did not insult Hispanic men as you guys are more attractive on average then blacks as well

>> No.15471563
File: 67 KB, 620x348, uglyshits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being serious, I see uglier white people on average than black people. I am not too attracted to black people, but they aren't noticeably ugly as the white people i've run into.

>> No.15471570

That has to do more with poverty and poverty related issues. There is a reason why Europeans brought african slaves to do work because the natives couldn't

>> No.15471577

So you're whole question was "what clothes to i wear to show off my abs"

>> No.15471597

Except Asians make more money then whites.....

>> No.15471601

That is called a anecdote I posted a scientific agregate of averages

You know who responds with anecdotes that defy actual study.....people coping

>> No.15471687

Blame slavery, eugenics were in full swing back then and ugly slaves didn't sell as well and were worked to death and never had a chance to have children.

The really ugly black people are in Africa.

>> No.15471695
File: 2.74 MB, 1080x600, stormfront.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15471702

>Reads entire thread
>Copes with this this


Blacks are fatter shorter and as the average shows uglier.

>> No.15471737

Why are you obsessed with black men?

>> No.15471775

And does that give you a hard on or something

Not the guy, but if you're ugly, you're ugly, the "on average" for such an individual problem shouldn't give you pride if you're ugly

>> No.15471789

I am just making factual observations like looking at fat models versus thin models
I posted my face here I am not a model but I get compliments.

I am taking about averages because the generalizations made should be accurate at least.

Someone can say gold looks better on blacks but you get triggered when I notice other racial trends...it's called insecurity on your part.

>> No.15471795

i fucking hate subhuman whitoid

>> No.15471817

not trying to hate bro but you look mexican

>> No.15471826

I got blue eyes and blond brown hair but hey not trying to hate you might suck at reading faces

>> No.15471833

Then this guys fantasy ended and he stared in are we there yet 2
While his people claim in tv white men opress them and ASK for better treatment.

>> No.15471844

Guys calm down with the politics and help a brother out how can I look at good as the average white man

>> No.15472136


>> No.15472177


>because the generalizations made should be accurate at least.

Accurate for proving what, you yourself just said you look mediocre, so that's it, You Look Mediocre, you can be proud of that, but the fact that theres some other more attractive white people won't change anything.

Also stop projecting, just because im actively disagreeing with you doesn't mean I'm triggered, and also yes, if a black guy made a post just stating " gold looks better on blacks" would be insecure, i would also say that he's dumb.

So yes, I think it insecure to use generalizations of the biggest group you're a part of to give you an ego boost.

>> No.15472179

its white onions looking guy that uses the VHS filter lol.

>> No.15472205

>I agree we need to help them
No. No one is entitled to help especially if it comes from a place of pity. Thats the real racism. You feel the need to help them because you perceive them as inherently inferior and requiring more help than you.

>> No.15472210

Why are you posting your picture to multiple threads? Narcissism or masochism? Either way it doesn't matter because you know what kind of reply to expect before you even upload the picture.

>> No.15472217

This thread reeks of impotent incels

>> No.15472230

I would say he's right and I am the racist one remember

You don't want to live in a objective reality where race very has consequence....good or bad it seems.
This whole board is literally filled of people posting themselves bud.....why don't you

>> No.15472232

Ever has consequence*

>> No.15472234

Time stamp your face

>> No.15472246

Based Chad bullying /fa/

>> No.15472267

>You don't want to live in a objective reality where race ever has consequence.

How is it objective that being a certain race has consequences, i feel that's one of the things that is the most dependant on peoples opinions.

Also, are you implying that being ugly is consequence of being a certain race, because that doesn't make any sense as there are ugly people and beautiful people dispersed within each race.

At this point i'm just confused by your point of view, never-mind thinking you are racist.

Also know, i don't think there should be objective consequences for being a certain race, even white. I think their consequences for history, but even then i don't think their objective, you only have to go through with them if you believe in morals and mutual respect, which i do.

>> No.15472284

Bud averages is the discussion

Not Evey race is equally good looking such as facial or body on average this is a objective fact not Evey race looks as good in certain colors again objective fact

The cope here is that we live in a equal world
Blacks Excell in other things over whites again that is objectively true as this is a objectively true observation.

You are the type of sit on /fa/ and then when pressed pretend everything is one person opinion which renders the entire industry redundant the entire idea of style redundant

You are a weak person and you will have to face this one day

>> No.15472291

Cont.what is the point of a art critic if everything is based on individual taste and no objectively agreeable measures exist

Are white just as good natrually at basketball?

>> No.15472297


If so why don't we enforce and investigate reasons the teams are not equal or population representative.

>> No.15472394


>> No.15472442

>Bud averages is the discussion
What does this even mean

>Every race looks as good in certain colors again objective fact

You believe it that every race having a specific color they look good is an objective fact.

Do you know what objective means, it means not influenced by personal feelings or opinions

You're saying certain races wearing certain colours will undoubtedly look good in specific colours to every culture of peoples. Like what a dumb opinion.

> The cope here is that we live in a equal world
I never said we live in equal world, I'm just races are like the biggest way to break apart the world, so the averages of your race really don't say much about you as an individual.

>sit on /fa/ and then when pressed pretend everything is one person opinion which renders the entire industry redundant the entire idea of style redundant

You're whole idea of style is essentially appealing to the masses.

I believe fashion is more about having your own taste and being able to defend it. Obviously I'm influenced by friends and subcultures, but it's more about your own taste.

Sorry for making the industry redundant

Do you think critics just all monolithically agree on things, do you actually listen to art critics, they disagree often.

The reason we have art critics is because it's entertaining to hear the opinions of people, wether that be because they're well informed or because they share your taste.

>> No.15472451

>This whole board is literally filled of people posting themselves bud.....why don't you
I don't respond to petty feminine energy bait like this.
You clearly have some sort of issue or need for attention but I have no interest in insulting your appearance or character. You can see pictures of me in the WAYWT threads, I post under the name Anonymous so it should be easy to find me.

>> No.15472452

everything you said is cope and amounts to nihilism nothing is real since no object reality can exist.

Blacks browns whites love their own music their own style their own speech but have as affinity for white women and races that have almost zero colonial history have light skin caste systems

blacks are better at certain things than whites and whites better at others you would deny this since in your logic that cant be and is just the result of culture.....

you have said nothing.

>> No.15472453

how the fuck would I know who the fuck you are faggot.

I also post under that name

>> No.15472465

post face time stamped here or stay a feminine bitch

>> No.15472468

this is for>>15472451

>> No.15472474

You Literally Responded to nothing i said, how did you read nihilism out of this you dumbass

You're delusional and actually said nothing, you just seem scared that certain things can't be object.

You're so far up your own ass, the original argument i said was that, you shouldn't be proud that on average your race is more attractive because it doesn't say anything about you as an individual, you are either ugly or you're not , you still haven't said anything against this.

you just keep piling on bullshit

>> No.15472476
File: 812 KB, 1739x1358, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet this is you huh?

>> No.15472482

It says on average a white man is better looking then a black person based on preety much standard measures like cheek bone height face definition eye colors you know things that have analog in fashion that if were not objective would render the entire industry redundant.
>scared that certain things can't be object.
again they either are or not is attractive features objective are fat models just as attractive as the thin ones to most people and if a minority like the former is that equally as valid?

>> No.15472488

not him but what your saying does amount to nihilism in context of fashion and aesthetic quality.

whats the point of fashion if a trash bag dress being liked by a vagrant is as valid as those that go to school for it?

>> No.15472495

Post face time stamped.....

>> No.15472502

Like I said, I will not be engaging with your passive aggressive feminine behavior. It reeks of newfag and you reek of pseudo-intelligence.

>> No.15472504

got it you are a ugly coward that was not hard was it.

>> No.15472507

If it makes you feel like you won something today then yes. I'm very empathetic to your failure.

>> No.15472510

its cool bud you probably are not "good looking" in the traditional Western cultural sense or in ANY other cultural sense so you have to cope that its all subjective its really makes perfect sense...

>> No.15472517

Why is fashion redundant if it's not objective. How is fashion ever even objective, its so culture specific, two areas of town can have such different standards.

But yes, brands and fashion trends of today may one day become redundant as opinions of them change. It happens all the time

>again they either are or not is attractive features objective are fat models just as attractive as the thin ones to most people and if a minority like the former is that equally as valid?

Are you having a stroke

>> No.15472521

Again what makes a person who studies fashions went to school and publish a opinion more valid then the bum from that side of town then?

>> No.15472525


>> No.15472529

when did i say that in the post.

>> No.15472531

What your saying is if that fashion scholar who spent years studying and getting a degrees sense of fashion is not as valid in certain parts of town.....

>> No.15472534

>its so culture specific, two areas of town can have such different standards.

Again do fashion critics change their views when they drive to a different exit on the highway?

>> No.15472537

Stop... You're embarrassing yourself. Step away from the computer (and the phone you used to reply to your own post) and do some deep breathing; asses why you came to our board to take out your frustrations. I'm closing the tab after this post, don't bother replying.

>> No.15472544

You are ugly and weak and cant even defend yourself online. Live with that faggot

>> No.15472554

What do you define as validity?

I don't think it's nihilist to think fashion isn't objective. I'm honestly surprised how you could think it is. It's informed by culture, feelings, and opinion which by definition makes it not objective.

>> No.15472557

Why do you hold fashion critics up as some sort of objective gods.

Which fashion critics are you talking about. to rephrase what i said before Do you think critics just all monolithically agree on things, do you actually listen to art critics, they disagree often.

>> No.15472559

again answer the question how then is a fashion scholars opinion worth more then a bump who grew up in that town?

>> No.15472561


>> No.15472562

I think telling people who go to school to get degrees in fashion their opinion is as valid as a guy who grew up a specific part of town is a nihilist view on their career.

>> No.15472563

Yes, if that fashion student goes to middle America and starts telling people how to dress, they probably won't take his opinion seriously, even though he's got a degree.

>> No.15472566

yep another thread where I got compliments.

You arent gong to be able to use anecdotes post the full reply to who i was speaking with lmfao

we are speaking on averages here.

>> No.15472568

yet he graduated from a prestigious fashion school?
are those middle Americans opinions as valid and informed?

why are you splitting hairs here?

>> No.15472571

>Google "mewing" anon

Nice work otherwise
Nice work otherwise
Nice work otherwise

post face time stamped

>> No.15472575


>> No.15472580

yep see its not hard to post your face and get compliments

why not try it?

>> No.15472582

I never said worth more. you're projecting.

Their opinions worth changes from person to person, I would take the fashion advice of someone with a style a like over some random designer i don't care about.

>> No.15472583

You are pulling it off well, look suits you. How old are you?

lol thanks for reminding me

post face time stamped

>> No.15472584

>why are you splitting hairs

Because im dealing with a retard who still doesn't understand what objectivity means

>> No.15472588

Again your saying your style does not matter as long as YOU like it.....

This makes the entire idea of fashion redundant above you wearing shit you like....

the retard that wears anime shirts is as stylish as the person wearing a suit....

>> No.15472591

post your face time stamped its like this is cope because your a ugly person....weird huh

>> No.15472593
File: 91 KB, 600x859, ebaa551a029dca69ef870d3d6ece71581421457468_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the retard that wears anime shirts is as stylish as the person wearing a suit....


you don't actually know anything about fashion do you

>> No.15472596

lol so your a weebo ugly faggot or a Asian incel....this took longer then it needed

>> No.15472597

Thanks! I've been mewing since I left the womb.

>> No.15472599

i wear what i like.

You post your face on 4chan for validation and can't follow an argument through

>> No.15472601

cool bud I wish we could get a glimps of the results time stamped....

>> No.15472605
File: 201 KB, 1314x680, Screen Shot 2020-08-10 at 1.57.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know yohji

he's pretty valid dude :)

>> No.15472606

I did and you cant follow through with posting yourself wearing what you like because you are insecure.....

again a weebo or Asian incel sitting on a fashion board full of people posting themselves....

>> No.15472607

so I can just put Anime characters on clothing and make it cool and not something a incel wears?

awesome logic.

>> No.15472608

I admire the confidence required to wear something like that. Suits are by default easy methods of receiving social approval. Look at the amount of attention even posting that picture gets you ;-)

>> No.15472611

I think you just look like the kid that smelt like piss in high school

>> No.15472618

I only wear an anime shirt to the gym, just to mostly encourage fat weebs to make some change for their own good.
Being able to do shit might help them become more socially adept in the long run, and break away from the life style

>> No.15472621

I can get behind this and I am suppose to be the racist troll guy here

>> No.15472625

a combination of bullying and encouragement is the way to eradicate mouth breathers.
Tear them down, and build them from the ground up.

>> No.15472629

100% we could get along.

>> No.15472632

>/pol/ poster has mental breakdown and has a conversation with himself
Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.15472633

>when 4chan has a wholesome moment going on.
Agree, anon. We'd be a good team

>> No.15472634
File: 63 KB, 663x842, ssda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15472636

Real bullying has not been tried.

>> No.15472639

I was an alpha tester, and it worked on me.

>> No.15472640

Glorious truth have kids and raise them to do the same.

>> No.15472643


>> No.15472644

>become what you swore to destroy.
Now, this is the character development arch we were all waiting for.

>> No.15472645

same arch as your average nonce

>> No.15472646
File: 90 KB, 1234x1545, 1575828177022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey can I get some feedback on my mewing progress?

>> No.15472649

but did they really swear to not become a nonce?

>> No.15472690


>> No.15472849
File: 1.45 MB, 306x230, 905AF1D0-6C5E-48E6-A439-59B4037E652B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol at the black cope in here. Like cornered animals, lashing out at the world.
“Buh Muh Dikk mufuggah”
“Bix nood”
“Y-you Wybois got week jeans”
-A bunch of black retards