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15460335 No.15460335 [Reply] [Original]

>barber won't shut the fuck up

>> No.15460344

My wop barber is the worst. Bitch and brag. All he ever does. Bitch about how hard his job is or brag about how successful he is. 30 minute haircuts and that wop dago cant shut up about himself and what a big shot he thinks he is.

>> No.15460361

>barber talks about how successful his son in what is obviously a pyramid scheme that targets high schoolers
>"youre about the same age, here let me connect him with you

>> No.15460387

Go to someone else

>> No.15460473

>Big titty PR Stylist calls me "honey" and "sweety"
>Constantly feel her breasts rub against me arms and shoulders
>Compliments my hairs thickness.
Im gonna miss her.

>> No.15460597

I've been seeing my barber my entire life but now I want to leave. He has really dropped his standards the last few years.

>answers his phone or leaves the store while I'm in the chair
>doesn't shut up about anything he is droning on about that day
>won't let you get a word in and when he does he is likely only pretending to listen

>> No.15460606

>barber doesnt fucking clean away hair afterwards
isnt that fucker supposed to vacuum me or dust me or something
i walked home 2 miles shedding hair in my fucking face
never saw him again

>> No.15460774

My barber is a tiny Vietnamese lady who says nothing and knows exactly how to cut men's Long hair exactly how I want it. Sadly she works in a "no bookings" shop so it's a game of chance whether I'll get her or some fat intern who wants to give me a foot long bowl cut

>> No.15460842

i had one of these
i fell hard for her

>> No.15460846

Yo wtf is it with interns and bowl cuts? Do they think they can reinvent the wheel and make it look good?

>> No.15460861

Can't relate, I go to barbers for males

>> No.15460872


>> No.15460876

Ask specifically for her. I ask for someone specific at my walk-in barber every time.

>> No.15460881

My shithead barber always reminds me of my thinning hair on the crown of my head.

>> No.15460883

I go to this sorta hipster-y barber shop and one day I went in and was surprised when the stylist I got turned out to be this ridiculously cute girl who was dressed up like some gothic lolita waifu from an anime. It was pretty much love at first sight, totally would've asked her out if she hadn't mentioned having a BF. She was a good stylist too, gave me one of the best haircuts I've ever had at that place.

>> No.15460895

My barber is in his 70s and doesn't even remotely show it. He's super cool, I love talking to him, he has great stories

>> No.15460916
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>Cut my own hair
>Zero social interaction
>Save money every time

>> No.15461010
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>Barber visibly bored/annoyed
>I won't shut the fuck up

>> No.15461014
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Though I like conversation in bits and pieces my barber generally doesn’t say a fucking word to me and just gives me a great haircut. Incredibly based.

>> No.15461023

best barbershop i ever had for this issue was one where my barber worked next to another barber who was his cousin and every customer was basically a neighborhood local that came all the time. since i only got my hair cut every few months every person in the room always had more to talk about then with me so it distracted them from me and i could just relax and get my haircut in peace. they were cool though. didnt mind talking to them but it never went overboard. occasionally gave out beer to customers while they waited

>> No.15461024

>barber won't stop touching my chest
never went there again, it's a shame because the haircuts were good

>> No.15461026

i had one like this in middle school. didnt come at the right time

>> No.15461027

wear spiky shirt

>> No.15461029

I usually talk to my barber about history or economics maybe a little bit of politics, but then again he knows me since I was 5 so he knows how much of a nerd I am. Luckily we can also talk about some mutual interests like cars and he always tells me if he read something cool about stuff I like. Best thing is that he comes to your house to cut your hair and isn't even that expensive.

>> No.15461038

>barber washed my hair
>let out a tear
anyone else knows this feel? is not because autism, i'm sure the combination of warm water on my hair + dry body + reclined position, triggers a reaction, it made my eyes feel weird

>> No.15461105

whenever they wash my hair on that thing where i have to lean my head back at a weird angle my mouth pools with saliva uncontrollably because i cant swallow and i feel like im about to just let it explode out of my mouth. i also get the uncontrollable urge to clear my throat since i cant. every time i wonder if this is the time where im going to accidentally sneeze and rocket a full mouth of spit across the room

>> No.15461167

>barber won't talk

>> No.15461173

you can make up a polite way to excuse yourself out of a convo...
i do this all the time so i could be on my phone in peace

IE - "sorry im having a fight with my bf, i dont wanna be rude, but i need to deal with this"

IE - "sorry, i need to do some research for a project im delayed in, i dont mean to be rude but i really need to focus on this"

honestly, i bet most of them will appreciate it bc now they dont have to make small talk - most of them do it for the tip anyway...itll be like a releaf for them..and probably get your shit done faster too

>> No.15461175

My barber is always late and seemingly doesn’t respect my time but he’s so damn good

>> No.15461176

barbers knows i'm a sperg the moment I say hi, so they don't even try

>> No.15461186

havent been to one for 6 years, i am scared bros

>> No.15461188

me too

>> No.15461259

No offence, but that seems rather dumb. It might work as a way to get away from a conversation, but here you're just left awkwardly sitting in the barber's chair doing nothing.

>> No.15461312
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>barber spends the whole time talking to the other barbers and ignoring me

>> No.15461330

im going to one tomorrow, it's been 5 months and im a lil scared too bro

>> No.15461337

He's just trying to diffuse the awkward atmosphere created by being in a strangers personal space. I prefer the quiet ones too though, and cab drivers, stfu if you want a tip.

>> No.15461341


>> No.15461349


>> No.15461358

>go to japanese barber for japanese style haircut
>guy speaks broken english but talks about stuff i can relate like video games and design, gives pretty good haircuts
>mention i just got out of long relationship
>invites me to hang out and drink with japanese friends
>hook up with his japanese qt friend
>now i monthly book a haircut appointment with him at the end of his shift to go out drinking after with cool japanese people and fuck buddy

I'm happy lads

>> No.15461380

i always get a semi-chub when the 16 year old trainee gives me a hair wash/scalp massage

>> No.15461392

they don't it think it be like it is, but it do

>> No.15461401
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>brother recommends me a barber
>really skilled, always clean cuts
>super based, always gives me free cuts, and actively denies compensation
>super nice
>one day sends me a text directly
>asks me if I want to sit around a campfire with him
>don't respond and grow my hair out for a year and a half until I buzzed it myself

I am so fucking tired of gay old men preying on me

>> No.15461412

Stop being so cute

>> No.15461539

Just bite the bullet your hair will thank you

>> No.15461547
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>> No.15461550

What the fuck?

>> No.15461554

Like I said - I do it so I can be on my phone without having to listen to their mindless babble for 2 hours. Sometime 2.5.

>> No.15461558

F off Nazi
Unless you’re a newfuccboi you should already know I don’t care about spelling

>> No.15461561

Sweetheart, I’ve been here longer than you. Not that that’s anything worth bragging about. It’s just that I usually ignore posts by tripfags.

>> No.15461565

>went to a hipster barber shop thinking they know how to cut my hair how I want
The only thing they knew how to do was give the same identical undercut style to everyone, even if you show them a completely different style and recommend shitty edgy teenager movies.

>> No.15461567

dude barber is so chill that he's fine taking phone calls cause you guys are tight - at least that's how it is with my gyro guy when i talk to them for the past 15 years

>> No.15461573

Fucking kek. Peak autism.

>> No.15461578

Ofc you can take phone calls. It’s called speaker phone. What kinda flex was that?

>> No.15461584

just picturing this wine aunt pretending to listen to a lock screen phone while the girl awkwardly does her hair

>> No.15461590

It’s wine MOM
And there’s plenty of shit you can do on your phone. Last time I was at the salon I literallly posted a selfie with foils and all.

Sorry I hate mindless/pretending you give a rats ass about the convo.
But you go on being a fake bitch

>> No.15461591

> barber wont stfu about giving him $35 for the cut while i head out

>> No.15461600

>It’s wine MOM
we both know that you're not a mother, that your chances of becoming one are really slim and that you're compensating for your lack of female realization by tripfagging on a board full of teenagers who need help to dress and groom themselves

>> No.15461611

Why’d you take your name off?

>> No.15461630

? twas in jest, chill
also you offend me by implying I'm someone on your filter list, I never used names or tripcodes

>> No.15461860

Jesus fuck, what are you doing in there for 2.5 hours? Do you down a box of wine and sway around all over the place while they're trying to cut your hair?

>> No.15461874

>pretend to be on your phone which just makes it harder for them to do their job

>> No.15462340

Nobody could stand you long enough to cum inside you and make you a wine mom, gelzinis

>> No.15462365

>barber found out i jack off under the hairdressing cape
>he only looked at my eyes through the mirror and said "it's okay bro, take your time"
>i give him a confused look, hoping he actually didn't notice
>charges me an extra $30 bucks
>tfw too scared to ask why
>just pay and leave
i don't know if i should return there next time

>> No.15462369

chill dude

nobodys pretending dude
actually be on the phone or
otherwise you might as well talk to them
wtf you people have to be so goddamn difficult

>> No.15463057

He's wrong anyway, I'd cum inside you babe x

>> No.15463192

I want an old man barber who will talk to me when Im getting a haircut. Where I live there are only some hipsters salons where its exactly like >>15461565 (+ rap songs), and primarily women's hair salons where it feels awkward to be as a man and the haircuts arent the best

>> No.15463323
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>turk barber makes fun of my long hair
I don't know why any barber would do that, that just makes me not want to come again.

>> No.15463412

Based homophobic roach.

>> No.15464436

>I'm not pretending to be retarded, I'm just actually retarded!
Having a phone next to your ear (where they are trying to cut) is retarded whether it's for real or you're just pretending to be on a call

>> No.15464461

Who’s the fck said anything about a phone in my ear?
TEXTING douche - I’m refn to texting

>> No.15464470

Are you drunk again?

>> No.15464473
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Holy fuck imagine getting mogged this hard by your barber

>> No.15464479

Lol every single time this thing gets called out for being dumb, she tries to switch it around and accuse the other person of being stupid. Once you understand these people, they have the exact same responses, almost zombie like.

Nobody is going to pretend to text writing out a fake message while they get their cut cut, a message the barber can probably see, that's more awkward than politely replying to what you are asked.

>> No.15464499

>be on the phone
nobody uses that wording for texting, retard. that means using the phone AS A TELEPHONE you dumb tranny 45%er

>> No.15464525

He's flirting.

No one is gayer than the turks.

>> No.15464527
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this but in arabic or some kind of mudspeak

>> No.15464637
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>clipper's wire rubs against my nipple

>> No.15464641
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>barber's hand rubs against my nipple

>> No.15464642

my face when I sit on a dildo

>> No.15464668
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How would a barber deal with this and what core is this?

>> No.15465409

How did it go?

>> No.15465814

Think you have to go to a Jewish barber for that sort of thing.

>> No.15465854

Thats why after the initial conversation "how are you/hows the family/hows work/school etc." I just gradually dial down my answers. The entire salon now knows that after the opening socially required interaction that I prefer silence and they don't take it weird they just know I'm quiet.


This is made worse by the fact that mine are pierced so I always get aroused when it happens.

>> No.15466028
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>barber has bad breath

>> No.15466053

theres more than one thing you can do ON THE PHONE

>> No.15466208

You should use it to call me, cutie <3

>> No.15466220
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>Ya hear what I said, Tone?

>> No.15466225

cutting your hair is just as boring for the barber as it is for you.

>> No.15467639

>dad always did my hair growing since he was a barber when he was a kid
>been just buzzing my own hair since I got out of the military
>now people assume I'm a skinhead, even though I'm not
>have to go to barber soon to get something other than a buzz

I've literally never been, I'm not excited.

>> No.15467798
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>> No.15467830

>my old barber i saw on the reg for 3 years was total skater bro tier.
>Introduced me to vanilla wow on lights hope before classic was a thing.
>played fortnite and wow with him
>gave me sick tips about about styling hair
>cut my hair real special cuz i have a double crown so it didn't grow into a mess

I miss u Jake :'(

>> No.15468495

This is why I stopped going to barbershop and growing my hair.
Does anyone cut their own hair?

>> No.15468629

Probably ASMR.

>> No.15468656

Just go to another barber, by growing your hair you've actually accepted him at subconscious level.

>> No.15468659

>i jack off under the hairdressing cape
This is why I keep coming to this site, awkward stories of anons always make me feel good.
Why were you fapping?

>> No.15468662

In middle east long hair =gay.
And he sees you as respectable man, and just doesn't want you to turn up a fag.

>> No.15468669
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>> No.15468687

>tfw anon realizes the old man gave his bro free haircuts because his bro promised him anon's bussy

>> No.15468697
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Anybody have experience going to female barbers?
I'm under the impression women have better sense of style then male barbers, and better experience with handling somewhat long hair.
Also if my personal space is getting invaded I'd prefer to be by a woman.
And your gay stories are freaking me out.

>> No.15468713

yh you know I'm pitching a tent through the hairdressing gown. I make sure they see it while they wash my hair

>> No.15468719

I asking seriously though.
I tried different barbershops, and they really don't know how to deal with my hair since it's so fine, when using the clippers the strands get stuck between the heads and would yank on my scalp, so they would end up using scissors and ruin my hair style, and go home and crew cut my hair.

>> No.15468758

>hair style long enough where going to a barber won't cut it
>have to go to salons instead
>everything is 3-4 times more expensive for some of the same procedures

>> No.15468774

female barbers are not much different? they can vary in skill as much as male barbers do. Some hairsalons/barbershops websites list out the sort of qualifications and experience of each stylist so you can ask for one suitable to your desired hairstyle. male barber or not, if you've never checked maybe that's where you're going wrong? instead of walking in consider calling them or booking a consultation with some reference photos ready

>> No.15468789

I tried all of the barbers in my area.
The only one I found that actually agreed to use scissors smells really bad and only knows one haircut.

>> No.15468798
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I really really hate going to barbers, not only they keep talking, and waste money and time.
I always end up looking worse than before the hair cut.

>> No.15468932

I don't know that feel, since I use to go to black barbershops. I do miss watching bootleg movies or old concerts recordings of old R&B singers while getting my haircut.

>> No.15469043

I've had good luck with them. Most non-ethnic male barbers around here are flaming homos and I think a straight woman has a better sense of what looks good on me than a gay dude does.

>> No.15469079
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Would they be OK with requesting boy-ish haircut?

>> No.15469087

take the no cut pill

>> No.15469107

>not cutting your own hair and saving your money for gains

>> No.15469126

>First time going to Vietnamese barber
>Asks if I have girlfriend I say no
>"Oh I see why let me give you nice hair to get da pussy"

His mom recently died and started to drink while he cuts hair and my shits been fucked up but he knows and doesn't charge me

>"I do better next time too much daniels today"

>> No.15470150

this is why I'm a skinhead (also I hate niggers and kikes)

>> No.15470274

Who the fuck do you think you are anyway ?
You're a nobody and no one cares about your excuses for your bad spelling

>> No.15470363
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My barber is a 5'5" gay vietnamese man who constantly tells me I'm smart and handsome

>> No.15470377

>hands note from my mom that says I have nonverbal autism

>> No.15470386

kinda based ngl

>> No.15470998

Long hair means less business

Just drumming up business

>> No.15471383

My barber looks like Tembo from Lost World and the only thing he says is
>that'll be twenty quid, mate
It's based

>> No.15471475
File: 52 KB, 700x532, EEA26B86-2701-492F-8160-456F7F6FC0B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated post

>> No.15471480

>5'5" gay vietnamese man who constantly tells me I'm smart and handsome

>> No.15471482

I just wanna sit on a dick
while my wife is kissing me

>> No.15471484

no homo

>> No.15472117

just say you want to wait for her to cut your hair, its no big deal

>> No.15472312

>not getting your hair cut by a mexican lady who doesn't speak english

>> No.15472587

it's about time for you to get a Flowbee®

>> No.15472842


>> No.15472943

>The barber pick the hair style

>> No.15473018

started cutting my own hair when I was 14, havent stopped since. 29 now, never going to a barber ever again. They fucking talk the entire time, it nver looks like I want it, it's too pricey, I can't go whenever I want, fuck all of that.

>> No.15473197

Any tips you can share?
I always hated going to barbers, and my regular one recently died with corona.
So I really don't want to go.
How do i cut the back hair?
And to be more precise, the hair on the back have grown past the hairline.

>> No.15473217

Get a nice Sharp pair of scissors. Using regular ones will fuck your ends.

I cut my split ends...but I have wavy/curly hair so if it’s not even it’s not noticeable.

>> No.15473226

Dependant heavily on your style. For the most part, get a shaver and put the clip guard on. If you do like a 5 on the top and a 3/4 on the back and sides it will naturally easily blend in together. You just need to look in a mirror and use a handheld one in your hand behind your head. Just requires a little practice.

>> No.15473228

>it's not noticeable


>> No.15473230

How to get rid of the mullet that's on the back?

>> No.15473243

Just get a shaver, put a #5 or so on it, and buzz it.

If you don't have some really out there hair style, or if you don't want a skin to hair fade and just have normal hair, shaving the back and sides 2 sizes shorter than the top is so easy. Only if you are going from low numbers like a 0 to a 2 does it require more skill.

Start longer and if you're good, bring the numbers down. It's amazing once you can do it because you can have a new cut whenever you want and no more barbers.

>> No.15473799

>haircutter is a girl who's my age and tries to flirt the entire time despite her being fat and me wearing a wedding band
Why are they like this? Obviously I'm married and obviously you're fat, I wouldn't be interested anyway. Ugh, so annoying

>> No.15473901

Still better than my barber.
I think he only knows one hair cut, because no matter what I request I always end up the same.
But it always empty so that's a big plus for me.

>> No.15473989

>Flowbee owner

>> No.15474942

tripfag woman being a moany whiny faggot. nothing new. when can we round all the tripfags up and kill them?

>> No.15474959

I cut my own hair.

>> No.15474964

My barber is cool af and hates libtards, and takes his time to cut my hair how I want it. What more could you ask for.

>> No.15474970

>hates libtards
Anon's barber confirmed for cool and based

>> No.15475045

Someone who wasn't racist?

>> No.15475181

>putting libtards and racists in the same category
you deserve a shit barber

>> No.15476757

get a new one, autists

>> No.15477727

do you just show her what do you want?

>> No.15477841

t.fat bastard

>> No.15478344

>barber died