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15452266 No.15452266 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got tips for what to wear while bald*ing* ? I'm sick of being anal about shaving my head every 4 days because reddit says "hurp durp it looks better bro". Honestly the more I can do to separate myself from r*dditors the better. I'm ready to do Chad embrace. I'm tired of trying to cope and look clean for the ladies.

What do?

>> No.15452280

>caring about the opinions of redditors

>> No.15452281

rock it, King.

>> No.15452286
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Don't care. Anything I can do to avoid being pic related is great

>> No.15453295

Have you tried propecia? Try it for a year and be dedicated, don't miss a day or it won't work.

>> No.15453335

Just stop balding

>> No.15454432
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so basically look like this huh

>> No.15454630

>what do
leave it alone for few years, but get the tips fixed every 6 months.
get some length, experiment with how you wear it, and then pick a haircut.

>> No.15455128
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Being /fit/ is always in fashion

>> No.15455129

How do I get massive forearms? My wrists are injured. My forearms just get sinewy but not growing in size.

>> No.15455130
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Literally just dont be a faggot

>> No.15455136
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Wait for your wrists to feel better then start light and do these. Not everyday, you have to tear the muscle and let it heal.

If your wrist are really fucked, eat some anti inflammatories and avoid gluten and dairy.

Remember do both sides of the forearm, not just one

>> No.15455137
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embrace it

>> No.15455149
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Noticed my hair starting to fall out, earlier this year. I can’t be fucked worrying about hiding it, so now I wear my hair up, like this.

>> No.15455155

Good. Don’t have bangs like a fag

>> No.15455157
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I would never

>> No.15455158
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The thing with the Chad embrace is it gives confidence to other men also. Youre helping take away the stigma and showing others that it's possible

>> No.15455166

do the chad embrace but have a clean shave and getting jacked does unironically make a huge difference

>> No.15455168

You’re so fucking hot lol

>> No.15455170


>> No.15455172

ngl this looks sick anon

>> No.15455173

I hate this chad embrace shit - I don't have that section of hair.

>> No.15455174

also thin hair on the sides

>> No.15455330

This so hot

>> No.15455335

This nigger actually managed to rock the balding look...how?

>> No.15455342

Nice nose, good brow ridge, thick blond mustache, good jaw, high test (note sex god back hair)

Basically he has superior genes

>> No.15455831

Itt: a cocksucking nazi larper samefagging himself. Sad!

>> No.15455844

There was a 4th part for that version in OP pic, I'd go with that one.

>> No.15455862

Shave the beard as well then.
If you have thick eyebrows that is...

>> No.15455889

this is based

>> No.15455951

we have almost identical hairlines, i just figured it was whats called a maturing hairline rather than MPB

>> No.15456508
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I used to be self conscious about my hair and wore baseball caps for years. I thought about implants but in witnessed results of multiple friends/acquaintances and they were hit or miss. Some looked horrible while others marginally improved. To me it wasn’t worth the price tag. I started just wearing my hair like pic related and not giving a fuck. As soon as I committed to this look, I saw a positive change in my life. People started treating me differently. Felt like I got more respect or reverence. It could be a cope, I’m not saying acceptance is the silver bullet to living with receding hairline, but focusing on things I could control, like my posture and musculature was more productive than dwelling on my scalp.

>> No.15456537

lol i look like this but not quite as receded. unless you're huge, shaved bald cucks are gay

>> No.15456634
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>> No.15456685
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This side's peak has crept significantly higher than the other. Longer hair doesn't really conceal it well due to my bangs taking the brunt of my recession thus far. Does this problem warrant me getting a shorter hair cut or possibly even buzzmeme?

>> No.15456845

Receding hairlines are not that bad, how do I cope with thinning on top

>> No.15456978

No just a faggot who admires handsome mustached men lol cope tranny

>> No.15457021

I remember this cringy little edgewizard and his retard bitch fit tantrums. Total faggot lol.

>> No.15457053

His hair looks terrible. It's the reputation

>> No.15457054

grow beard and go for viking look

>> No.15457321

Why was the chad embrace so common back in the 90s? Watch old sitcoms and you see it all the time, dudes that were just bald and didn't care much.

>> No.15457330

I'm pretty much the only legit sleazy looking guy on this board and balding still sucks

>> No.15457334

More non-whites into the West who paint on fake hairlines and have to have hairlines an inch above their eyes so it's become less common on tv and movies to see actual chad embrace whities.

>> No.15457492

i just post about boots, anon

>> No.15457611

>wanting a guy with a jawline like that to grow a beard
just go for a slickback look and you are good to go

>> No.15457974
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>> No.15457979

just crop your head off fit pics for instagram and live in denial

>> No.15458253

This is also me. My hairline is still the same and my crown's perfect but my hair has lost all density, I can't grow it long because it separates and you can see through it if I'm out in the sun. I'd go for a buzz but I'm very skinny and my barber assures me it'd look like shit on me. While I'm trying to fix that at the gym I'n considering using minoxidil or some shit like that, does anyone have experience using it?

>> No.15458262

Take a scythe and start mowing the lawn, trust me that the quickest way

>> No.15458368

I’m a scrawny fucker and look hot bald so it’s possible

>> No.15458399
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>> No.15458403

Kinda depends on how severe your injuries are. Farmer carries, but start light and take days off. Try massaging your arms out after every workout for a decent amount of time

>> No.15458467
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>> No.15458521


>> No.15458703

This is good advice. It's basically the shave it argument but without forfeiting any individuality you have left.

>> No.15459157
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>> No.15459672

probabily not a single normie would call this balding. Internet is full of disgusting dismorphic faggots who think that every sign of imperfection is a death curse.

>> No.15459675
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nazi faggot give us your ig for inspo. N-no homo.

>> No.15459678

this. If your are fit the chad embrace will make you look more masculine. If you are a skinny or even worse, fat faggot you will look old and shitty.

>> No.15459684
File: 397 KB, 2034x3000, c4c054d6c1db88b3b716fb24b38f811a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he wear plugs?

>> No.15459687
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>> No.15459691

most actor put shit on their hair to make them look good. Don't trust anything you see in movie theatre

>> No.15459795
File: 700 KB, 1160x1544, IMG_3255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i do have a pink vest
>ig for inspo
no, i shitpost too much and i dont want to be murdered, though I might make a shitposting only ig for the zontent

>> No.15460869

Post more mate, you gave me hope about all the receding hairline shit

>> No.15460891

Oh look he’s samefagging himself again lol. Absolute fucking retard. SAD!

>> No.15460950

Your nose and that mustache go together iconically, literally

Why are you so hot lol you are proof masculine features are what makes someone sexy

>> No.15460954

Let me guess, I’m here with my hand on my cock because this dude is a stud and... I don’t exist either? Shouldn’t you be contemplating self harm on discord

>> No.15460961

I really envy asian people who keep their full hairline and thickness into old age. old asian guys with fully grey and thick hair is a cool look

>> No.15460964

but they are short and with small peepee

>> No.15460979

i am short with small peeepee. i want to complete the set

>> No.15460981
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>> No.15460989

i bet thah nobody ever said that you are balding. This board is full of delusional faggots. Stupid bunch of niggers stop thinking that a NW2 or NW3 is a bald head stupid bunch of cocksuckers.

>> No.15460994

what is the point of that product vs gum exactly. would it be enjoyable to someone who never used smokeless tobacco?

>> No.15460999
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no clue, coworkers got it for me as a meme, never used it
i guess if you are trying to stop snorting tobacco

>> No.15461032

too much effort in the "bad guy" stare, it's noticeable

>> No.15461082

What's the book in the Pocket?

>> No.15461096

You're going to look like a fucking pedophile.

>> No.15461097

Post your tattoo, bootlicker

>> No.15461099

yes, and?

>> No.15461107

How are you supposed to get laid when all the little girls run away from you?

>> No.15461115
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by running faster

>> No.15461116
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>> No.15461138


>> No.15461224

post body

>> No.15461231
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>> No.15461272

did you go to work with hats on all day?

>> No.15461280

holy fuck that guy should hit the weights immediately

>> No.15462287
File: 467 KB, 1160x1544, IMG_2241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find photos where I look into the camera to be uncomfortable when I review them later at home
rite in the rain
book used for being able to take notes near water, and I was going through watercourses that day taking streamflow measurements

>> No.15462323


>> No.15462929
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You can have a bald / beard combo without looking like a peak onions neckbeard redditor.
Here's some tips:
1. Don't be fat
2. Don't wear nerdy glasses
3. Actually trim your beard instead of keeping it long and messy
4. Don't make threads where you tell people that you're afraid to look like a redditor.

>> No.15462936
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Last I'll post my face on this board for a long while, sorry. Just cut it all off. Me from a while back >>15456685

I'm fatter now and have a shitty beard, but did it turn out okay?