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15445924 No.15445924 [Reply] [Original]

Why do lesbians dress like twelve-year-old boys from 2009?

>> No.15445928


>> No.15445931
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>> No.15445932

Its a sense of wanting to dress more masc, but not enough experience to be good at it. Masc caricature is the 2009 Kyle fit while still involving certain fem aesthetics

>> No.15445936
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>> No.15445939
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>> No.15445941
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>> No.15445966

They’re disgusting parodies of nature. They have severe penis envy but, being women, can only understand masculinity on a very shallow level.

>> No.15446016

Typically by being pissed off all the time and being aggressive in completely unwarranted situations

>> No.15446032

because the fuckboy look is proven to be effective at getting girls

>> No.15446045

Same reason straight women do instagram makeup, wear bodycon dresses, and get starbucks.

>> No.15446065

Mostly because it keeps men away

>> No.15446694
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>> No.15446723

Because that’s about where their t levels are

>> No.15447015

It Gets them bi girl Pussy

>> No.15447175

Dykes have the highest rate of domestic violence of any group. Fags have the lowest. Really makes you think.

>> No.15448186


>> No.15448191

no bitch nagging = no domestic violence
not so hard to understand

>> No.15448195

It's crazy how many lesbians dress like this, it's probably the ugliest style I have ever seen people regularly wear.

>> No.15448200

>women can't dress themselves

>> No.15448207

im gna need a source on that chief

>> No.15448223


>> No.15448513

Wow, this is pure cringe.

>> No.15448519

Go back to twitter, tourist.

>> No.15449984


>> No.15450003

Just like trans women.

>> No.15450011

so fucking cringe

>> No.15450140
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>Those pants cuffs
time machine to 2003.

Most women are obsessed with fashion. And no I won't take your call.

>> No.15450280


>> No.15450316

It's quite funny looking at how tough they're trying to pose and realising that the average man would tower over tben

>> No.15450319

Why do lesbians look autistic as fuck? and ugly?

>> No.15450659

They’re God’s mistakes.

>> No.15450851

Makes you think men hit harder and they wont survive if they go all out on each other. Women can swing and live to swing again.
Same reason little yappy dogs are super agressive; they don't do enough damage to be taught not too.

It's a moral thing just a physical differnce

>> No.15450874
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>Makes you think men hit harder and they wont survive if they go all out on each other. Women can swing and live to swing again.
>Same reason little yappy dogs are super agressive; they don't do enough damage to be taught not too.
>It's a moral thing just a physical differnce

>> No.15450876

Seething dykes scurrying into this thread like cockroaches

>> No.15450895
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>t. anon who is currently seething while f5ing this thread

>> No.15450897

>Most women are obsessed with fashion. And no I won't take your call.
women have no idea how to dress themselves
(they have no idea in general, they have slightly more agency than primates)
>fashionable women
women are only attractive when gay men do their hair, makeup, clothing, set up lights and take pictures of them
that's why lesbian are so fucking unbearable, they don't go through this process since they don't have to be attractive to straight men

>> No.15451022

Short answer: They are butch, so basically not attractive lesbians. They look like shit wearing women clothes so that’s why they dress like that.

>> No.15451037
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>> No.15451057

If you were attracted to butches then you'd consider them attractive lesbians. There are ugly ones and good-looking ones, like in most social groups. They are a lot less likely to be attractive to a straight male, but considering that they put 0 effort into that I can't see how that would be a surprise to anyone.

>> No.15451490

Fucking poopoo dyke mamzer

>> No.15451563

better question: why do lesbians dress like bruno mars?

>> No.15453244


>> No.15453283
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Theyre stuck at that age mentally. They dress as the object of affection for all those straight girls that they themselves couldn't interest in that developmental phase.

>> No.15453354

God doesn't make mistakes, lesbians were made to punish us

>> No.15453366

Why does it seem like butch lesbians can get pussy, but incels can't? Their incel counterparts are usually a little more attractive and have a penis, but it's harder for them still

>> No.15453468

Incels are seen as repulsive by any integrated, functioning members of society. Butches may be ugly to you, but they don't inspire the same sort of revulsion in a healthy person. Even if you find them ugly, they are still attractive in general to the type of partner they are seeking out (lesbians attracted to butch women). Incels are literally not attractive to anyone. It's more to do with personality, mental health and social status than looks -you could be attracted to an incel physically but it would be social suicide to associate with the typical one as well as that a healthy person would probably find it impossible to relate to them or stand their attitude and emotional regulation difficulties. Butches just don't have that kind of stigma and guarantee of serious mental health issues.

>> No.15453472

I am an incel.
When I'm in my power zone I get really sexy young girls signaling me left and right. But I'm too coward to act. And then, I fall out of the zone just like that *snaps fingers* and feel horrible.

>> No.15453479

I have this hot young single mom black girl who recently saw me on a rented sports car (had to pickup the dumbbells). Well, the moment she saw me coming out of the sports car she shined ta me, making such a flirting hello. We constantly bump into each saying hello but now she acts differently

>> No.15453486 [DELETED] 
File: 445 KB, 2132x931, Screenshot_2020-08-02 Take a trip in Youssef’s Toyota Corolla Hatchback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was coming out of this car

>> No.15453508

btw she has black fuckers, she is not very single
and still wants to hook up with me

>> No.15453521

A Toyota Corolla isn't a sports car

>> No.15453545

I haven't driven a car in years and this one felt very sporty.

>> No.15453702

I don't get it though, if I was a girl I wouldn't mind dating an incel. Some of the guys I've known who were incels were pretty handsome, and even charming. The only problem with incels is they sometimes are too negative and racist, but just being an unpopular dork isn't unattractive in my book

>> No.15453771

There's nothing wrong or undateable about simply being an "incel" as in someone who doesn't have experience dating and may be unpopular or a loner. But we are all aware of the other traits that a typical incel has -extremely misogynistic, external locus of control, anger issues, lack of social support due to untreated personality and attachment issues, social trauma, overconsumption of porn and video games. Nothing wrong with being an incel in and of itself, but it would be naive to think that they don't normally come with absolute dealbreakers for a relationship. And most of them don't have the support or level of mental health needed to work on themselves enough to overcome these issues.

>> No.15453786

Drive a Tesla S from the last few years in ludicrous mode.

You'll be surprised how fast electric cars are now.

If the last car you drove was in like 2006...when you get on it it'll feel fast

Remember when 13.x quarter mile subaru WRX stis were impressive? A modern day Camry will smoke an old bug eye WRX. Direct injection, CVT transmissions etc leaps and bounds in modern tech

Old Subarus didn't even have decent COP ignition systems yet

>> No.15453800

Plus vvti/vtec type systems were only on higher end trims back then.

Now if you're buying a car you're like...why the fuck aren't the valves tied to the most efficient can loves for a given rpm in 2020?

Y'all niggas think this some small batch ancient Ferrari type shit?!

>> No.15453826

>I have this
I have this NEIGHBOR

>> No.15453830

The real issue is why they're an incel in the first place, complete inability to properly socialize. Just hanging out with someone who makes every interaction with a stranger painful fucking sucks.
They need a retail sales job, or just anything that forces you to make small talk and hold long conversations with people you've never met.

>> No.15453834
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The Witcher is boring though

>> No.15454016

dykes ultimately are women so they understand how women think and what they want to hear.

>> No.15454583

Women have zero self-understanding though.

>> No.15454604

Compared to incels? Lol

>> No.15454623

because no matter how much smegma they suck outta their girlfriends cunt, they still have a womans idea of masculinity, which was formed during their childhood and teen years, so all they know is 16 year old lad clothing.
they could just start working out and get some muscle and lose some fat, but hoodies are much easier to "masculinize" their silhouette
the most manly shit lesbians do is beating their partners.

>> No.15454752

Lol you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about

>> No.15454755

i'll take regular gay men and lesbian women one trillion times out of one trillion over mentally ill tranny freaks

>> No.15454905
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I wonder if the lgbt community just ignore their mentally ill somewhat like how the catholic church Just moved those pedophiles.

>> No.15455718

for many of them it's ironic and funny
a lot of lesbians also make fun of this style

>> No.15455900


>> No.15457064

Ageru save this important thread from death

>> No.15457097

Because they're retarded?

>> No.15457231
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>> No.15458472

Andy Milonakis?

>> No.15458485

Get outta here grandma

>> No.15458836



>> No.15458851

can this old faggot die already

>> No.15458983

>>15457231 >>15445924

thats a super based outfit i wish i could pull off holy moly batman

>> No.15458995

might i say the most based fit i have seen here

>> No.15458997

stfu fag

>> No.15459058

It's a lot weirder seeing hood chicks trying so hard. Wearing tims,durags,and baggy clothes. It's like going back 1990's

>> No.15459085

God they’re gross
The polar opposite to gay men, just no style at all

>> No.15459117

>Andy Milonakis
This fucker literally has the fountain of youth and he decides to waste it on being a fucking whale

>> No.15459120
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