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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 19 KB, 739x415, 9FCDCEDA-309C-4867-BA4D-ABF49C4D299E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15431591 No.15431591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15431678

go to hft no one knows anything here

>> No.15431687

>implying a facebook group comprised of hypebeast zoomers know anything

I did for a year and dropped out and went my own way

>> No.15432380

I went to clothes school

>> No.15432403

fashion merchandising

>> No.15432415

The fuck is "fashion school"

>> No.15432425

Yes and I work in the industry, Covid has killed business wouldn't recommend anyone getting into it

>> No.15432514


>> No.15432525
File: 1.07 MB, 609x782, E3BBE837-38ED-432C-BA40-8B75B1E21304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t you drop out? According to Sieg, at least.

>> No.15432543
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you wouldn't get it

>> No.15432547

Yes but everyone runs a tight social circle hard to get connections

>> No.15432575

i never dropped out.

idk he has always invented shit about me...maybe hes referring to the time i took 2 semesters off bc i was in heaps of legal trouble...and probably would've been kicked out if i hadn't temporarily withdrawn.
idk how much he knows about my life - bc he's clearly stalking me and knows way more than im comfortable with.

just dont listen to his shit. he weaves in a few truths with 85% lies to make it somewhat believable.
i have no reason to lie about my education to impress a bunch of anons and ive literally admitted to all sorts of embarrassing shit.

>> No.15432584
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I see. All good then :)

>> No.15432588

the main degrees are either design or merchandising
schools like parsons have more subdivisions (ie communications/manufactoring)

>> No.15432593


>> No.15432599

:) glad we got it cleared up

>> No.15432624

have you heard of a hobby? this is a hobby board. not something you make a career
/an/ is my career board :)

>> No.15432774

Yes what do you want to know I'm guaranteed know more than anyone here about this and the industry in general

>> No.15432784
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>he thinks he can learn taste

>> No.15432922

I didn't go to fashion school. I went to fashion.

>> No.15433274

> Clearly stalking me

You sent me a picture of your uncovered breasts attached to an email with *full legal name* from *full legal name* @gmail.com

Then I googled the name and came up with mug shots....the rest is just shit you've claimed.

You also said you went to a "top fashion school" but the university you claimed to have graduated from isn't even a fashion school and doesn't have a fashion program

>> No.15433617

What school did you go to?

>> No.15433651

i said a "competitive" fashion program
i never said TOP anything

why are you so nasty james

tone it the fuck down if you want me to be nice to you. figure out which avenue you want to take. bc you are clearly confused.

>> No.15433727

>sent me a picture of your uncovered breasts
thanks for sending those puppies to me lol

>> No.15434019

sent ;)

>> No.15434040

HFT? Was ist das?

>> No.15434071

I thought fashion school was about designing your own shit. /fa/ is just for people that like to dress up. If that's a thing it's a waste of fucking money

>> No.15434566

I would rather go to women's studies school

>> No.15434614

I didn't go to fashion school, i went to the fa.

>> No.15434634

ggot school

>> No.15434779

You've got more DWI's than active brain cells

>> No.15434815

No you wouldn’t. While those classes are also filled with mostly females, it’s not the type of females you want to be around.
Women’s studies - feminazis
Fa merchandising - stuck up prissy judge mental entitled bitches
Fa design - art hoes

All 3 majors are 90% female dominated classes

>> No.15434827

You might be right. I’m still smarter than most of these Tiktokers .
Large part of why I like getting fucked up is bc I’m too smart to be happy in this pos word surrounded by pos people. Sobriety/awareness is depressing. And boring.

>> No.15434842
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Who the hell am I supposed to believe?

>> No.15434863

I bet those girls were fine we'll adjusted people who didn't want anything to do with the old chick hitting the crack pipe in the corner.

> I'm smarter than these tiktokers

No, they're making money off of bedroom dance videos during covid.

You can't figure out that it's a bad idea to get high and drive around. So much so you've done it more than once

I can provide mugshots but would open her up to being reverse image searched and people getting her name. And after all the fallback from spoony I don't want the drama

>> No.15434886

Idk either. Sieg or prodigy said something about how she sent pics until she found out it was him. I’m willing to believe this. He catfished her retarded ass lmao, and now it looks like he is extorting her.

>> No.15434898

Nah, she doesn't have anything worthwhile to offer, she's broke, unemployed and old.

I guess she has connections to some low level drug dealers but that's not anything incredibly valuable.

And if I posted her nudes everyone would just be like, gross why are you posting this she's my mom's age

>> No.15434904

What happened with spoony?

>> No.15434912

Oh yea as if you’re not begging me for pictures on a daily basis

>> No.15434916

Holy shit, I might have to enroll in a fashion design course since I want an arthoe gf

>> No.15434958

She lied about attending college and I busted her on it. Oh wait no that was you. My bad.

>Hey I know your first and last name so take a picture of your degree and I won't call you out

> Stop begging for pictures.


>> No.15434981

Yes, she qdmitted to going for a year before dropping out, she told us the like 3rd day after returning to this board, it was also apparently in the middle of nowhere abd easy to get into

>> No.15434984

I know you're ESL but you can't possibly be this stupid?

>> No.15434988

I believe she also admitted she also has student loan debt from the degree she never finished

>> No.15434989
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Just stop it!

>> No.15434998

Gross. Stop Cecil-posting!

>> No.15435007

Sad old man

>> No.15435012
File: 755 KB, 1080x1333, Screenshot_20200726-083435~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mugshot, her criminal record has multiple felonies all drug related dating back to 2011

>> No.15435018
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>> No.15435025

She looks like every obese girl on tinder who purposely doesnt have any pics below their shoulders

>> No.15435026

Don't worry young anon, I'll protect you from her.

>> No.15435128

Wow Sieg is a pos shit stalker.
He has already threatened to post my parents address n shit.

Yes I look like absolute hell in the mugshot - most people do...
This was at 4am after 3 hours of police hounding me. My bac was .21. So yea I didn’t loook my best.

Fuck you Sieg.
You literally apologized to me in private - for what? To try and humiliate me?

I don’t care this is an anon board and I’ll never know anyone irl that’s been here
All I can say is please stop threatening me. And please don’t post my parents address. I’m serious. There must be a limit to your pos side ?

Yea I’m basically being extorted it’s true.

Sieg you’re a vile excuse for a human being.
I’m about to be on a mini vacation so I really don’t wanna deal with this...but you are a sad sad fucked up person.
If I had known it was you I wouldn’t have ever sent you shit bc I’ve known you long enough to know you are cruel and have no boundaries.

>> No.15435148

To ALL the females here
Don’t trust any person you meet here bc they are probably catfishing you. And probably a fat Mexican pretending to be nice and pretending to be cool.
He will end up stalking you and threatening you, bc god forbid once you find out its Sieg, and don’t want to continue the conversations/exchanges - he will get really pissed and try to humiliate you and threaten you bc by then he will have stalked you and done a background check (that most people don’t even have access to - literally paid $ for it)

It’s sad James.

I know 4Chan is 4chan...
But Jesus Christ how do you stoop so low ? I’m sorry my jabs hurt you so bad that you have to come at me on a personal level.

Basically GIrLS and GUYs don’t trust anyone here.

Thank Sieg for this PSA

>> No.15435159

James and sieg were the same person? But didnt you say you actually used to meet up with "james" etc, did you really lie about having a bf lmao

>> No.15435162

> Hey if you don't stop lying about me I'll have to post evidence that you're lying about me

> Keeps lying

> Post evidence > in being extorted and threatened!!!

I didn't pay for a background check.

You came up on a community watchlist for being a multiple dwi felon after googling your name.

>> No.15435165

>t. I love james and will marry him one day when he sorts his issues out

>> No.15435171

James is siegs name

And unfortunately it’s the same name as my ex.

I absolutely never met Sieg in person and never fucking will. No matter how much weight he loses - he is ugly on the inside - and that’s what counts the most.

>> No.15435173

That’s called doxxing you fuckwad and it’s against the rules here

>> No.15435175

>its what's on the inside that counts the most

The old roastie manifesto

>> No.15435177

Correct there was never a boyfriend. She admitted it not too long ago

Sorry to break it to you. It isn't

>> No.15435184

I never posted her name or contact information. Just a censored image that's freely available anywhere in her state and at most post offices.

The picture was taken from a community non-profit that said beware of this woman here are her crimes keep our commu safe etc.

She wasn't doxxed

>> No.15435188


>> No.15435193

He doesn’t have limits.
I know I can be a cunt.
But it’s dicking around. Sieg on the other hand takes shit so personally that he wants to ruin your life and expose your name and families address.

Blows my mind.

Idc much about myself bc I don’t do social media. It’s my family that worries me. Bc that’s the address listed on line for me.

I knew he was a pos. I just didnt realize his level of narcissism and the fact that he is an actual sociopath.

>> No.15435204

You're posted all over Facebook btw, the police that arrested you posted you in the weekly round up post of dwis and drug paraphernalia possers and many community groups had discussed you

>> No.15435207

Shut up there was no warning about me.
In VA, if you get arrested you will automatically have an article written about your crime.

Maybe to you it doesn’t but to me - sense of humor/personality/emotional intelligence/and heart are more important than how they look and dress. As long as they’re not a giant piece of lard like Sieg.

>> No.15435209

Also I'm a POS?

You're a literal convicted drug dealer with multiple DWIs, an ankle bracelet, and many many other charges

>> No.15435211

Stop seriously.
I’m checking into resort I don’t have time for this so stop it. I have way better shit to do so don’t come after me when I’m not here to defend myself

>> No.15435219

Sieg is a fat fuck and not fa in the least. Just filter his name so u can ignore his entire existence like i do

>> No.15435222

>Coming after you

I posted one freely available image anywhere online.

I said I wouldn't post anything private... that's public information.

So I countered your lies about my character with public information about your character....I didn't dox you, I didn't harass you and I didn't pay for a background check on you stop making shit up.

>> No.15435229

Never graduated from fashion school

Has a meltdown

>> No.15435232
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>namefag drama

>> No.15435242

Pathetic fat fuck. You are probably the primary reason why there are no females here.

>> No.15435260

So defending myself when this crazy addict is spreading lies about me is considered pathetic.

I guess I should have taken the high road and ignored her trashy ass but I'm stupid And I took the bait

>> No.15435277


no, i'd rather study something real and earn money to buy ready-to-wear fashion i like rather than being a jobless artsy type

>> No.15435307


>> No.15435315

Nice cope. Don’t be embarrassed, I’d bang her too. You just need to stop this bs bc you are ruining it for the rest of us.

>> No.15435327

> Don't be embarrassed
I'm not

> I'd fuck her too

Yeah ofc she's white with blue eyes.

But that doesn't mean I'll put a stop to a bitch if she's going around spreading lies about me

>> No.15435331

Beautiful blue eyes sieg could never get a girl like you and he hates that

>> No.15435351

I called it, I knew something was off with goof

>> No.15435366

Proof that the name field should be removed
Attention whores are a mistake

>> No.15435385
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>> No.15435401

daaamn so this is what spending thousands on skincare products gets you

>> No.15435405
File: 301 KB, 570x640, BF9010AA-6C24-4C4A-8151-C1F858BCC6C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Cecil man

>> No.15435410

I... I love you!!!

>> No.15435412

who the fuck cares they're both crazy people

>> No.15435422

Marry her then and post your wedding fits on /fa/ so we can rate them :)

>> No.15435428

I'm gonna marry her so I can put my balls in her butt hole (legally)

>> No.15435435

>zoomers who think sangiev is the pinnacle of male fashion and don't even know who Christian Lacroix is

>> No.15435443

Well, I approve. Have a good wedding! :)

>> No.15435474
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>> No.15435487

hate to say it, but you trips need a trip vacation.

>> No.15435605

I tried for a month, but the people there were really pretentious, for example one of the girls thought she was the hottest shit just because she oil painting a Picasso copy on a shirt

>> No.15435641

>You're posted all over Facebook btw, the police that arrested you posted you in the weekly round up post of dwis and drug paraphernalia possers and many community groups had discussed you
Police do this in the US? That's some fucking Orwellian shit man, sad.

>> No.15436062

They also had to alert all the local schools and parents to make sure to call them if shes seen within a mile of a playground

>> No.15436110


Well fuck me! IMAGINE MY SHOCK. This chick is a grease ball mentally ill criminal addict degenerate.

I was nothing but nice to her but OMG CECIL UR SOO UGLY!! Meanwhile that creature is being a total parasite to society and could run down little kids in the street driving around being so fucked up.


Instead of calling out an addict criminal, just as expected, some of you are so pathetic you decide to simp for her. The desperation is off the scale.

>> No.15436149

seriously take a break
why are you flaunting how shitty a person you are capable of being?

>> No.15436166

>continues to simp
>actually raging at people who expose criminals rather than raging at the criminals

Do you need to take your meds? How am I even a shitty person? That vile creature attacked me all the time based on how I look. That's it. Hated me, didn't want to converse with me, pretty much wished me dead because of how I look. I was nothing but nice from the start.

Yet I am the shitty person? Check out your life, bro. You sound retarded as fuck.

>> No.15436233

no, i dont.
all i see here all fucking day is your name connected to vile vindictive diatribes.
just maybe mix it up and take a break fro being constantly ugly and dont interact with people you think are shitty.

>> No.15436238

>vile vindictive diatribes.

Name one. Go ahead.

>> No.15436275

I know it's hard to see in the mugshot but she's fat now she drinks a lot every night and has for the last 15 years and you can see it.

Probably around 50 pounds more than the pictures no had of her from 2013 at least

>> No.15436318

So that picture is a few years old? Probably in her 20s then? She looks like ass, can't believe she spends her days here shit talking people about their looks. She only wants to show her face when it's covered in makeup. She is going to look so bad when she hits 40. That's if she hasn't drove into a tree while on a mental breakdown.

>> No.15436335

She got her second dwi at ~ 31, and has had monitoring issues since. She claims to have lived in Detroit for a high fashion job??? (In Detroit? The dying city?)

but court cases show shes never left the area where she is now since 2018, 2019 and 2020 are in the criminal records.

She's fat in the mug shot too. The old pictures the ones of her in her panties and shit. We're from 2013.

Her thighs touch now.

Like she would have to spread her legs for her thighs not to touch and she's got a little bit of chub.

>> No.15436349

>To ALL the females here
>Don’t trust any person you meet here

>> No.15436352

She's just mad that I didn't want to be her friend. Really an abrasive person with mood swings.

She also thinks I'm sort of wizard and can do shit I can't with technology.

>> No.15436382

Lol she is a delusional fantasist. Probably on drugs while posting here. I might excuse some teen going through a phase getting a dwi but if that shit is happening at 30, she is going to go through life in and out of the system.

>> No.15436392

I'm female and anyone smart enough isn't going to reveal that on fucking 4chan of all places with a trip

>> No.15436393

Probably, I still believe in the second amendment though. Being a part of deterrence dispensed, I still support her felon ass' right to go buy a full auto ak without a background check high on meth or whatever.

I'd even go as far as teach the stupid bitch how to 3d print a Glock lower and assemble it.

Remember even collecting sales tax on a gun is an infringement

>> No.15436403

>Instead of calling out an addict criminal, just as expected, some of you are so pathetic you decide to simp for her. The desperation is off the scale.
You know you are on FA right? This isn't fucking POL, no one here is a racist Faschist alt right lunatic like you want us to be. You.
>attacked me all the time based on how I look. That's it. Hated me, didn't want to converse with me, pretty much wished me dead because of how I look.
That's right you stupid fuck, you're on FA, we are shallow here, very fucking shallow. You don't fit in here, you have never fit in here. I've been much longer than your stupid tripping ass, and you provide nothing of any use to this board. Kill yourself.

>> No.15436406

Gawd you are so virulently autistic, just stop.

>> No.15436408

So liberals are shallow racist individuals who think being a low level criminal is cool.

She's so worthless dude.

Do you know how to email someone without revealing your identity in 2020? Because she doesn't

>> No.15436412

Dude she would read something from an anon here, send me hundred of word emails freaking out about some shit she accused me of doing but didn't.

Or would randomly accuse me of doing some shit to her email/ phone or some shit and track her or whatever

>> No.15436423

Youre just bullying her lol, leave her the fuck alone, she went to fashionschool, there, enough said. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from her if you werent an pompous asshole, maybe she learned from her mistakes too.

>> No.15436428

>not loving criminals now makes you racist

You're a real fucking idiot. I consider myself pretty left wing but you're the radical left extreme brainlet type who thinks everything in the world is racist. Get a life.

>> No.15436431

im 100x more attractive then sieg but am I as manipulative??
if he could blackmail some retard girls on 4chan then maybe I could make them be my friend on minecraft?

>> No.15436432

You're also 100x more autistic.

>> No.15436441

These are the kinds of people I share this board with? Fuck

>> No.15436449

Then why the fuck are you namefagging on 4chan

>> No.15436457

what a vile and vindictive and waste of time diatribe

>> No.15436465

>her thighs touch

Lets not forget this whale posted in thinspo a bit ago

>> No.15436476
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Tips on achieving this core?

>> No.15436513

just fuck off already who the fuck cares

>> No.15436535

>maybe she learned from her mistakes too.
Not that I support sieg but >>15434827
Says otherwise.

>> No.15436561


>> No.15436573

Your look like a fucking nightmare. Funny you’re even talking shit.

Sieg you catfished someone and you’re mad they want nothing to do with you? Imagine that! this is the saddest cope I’ve ever seen.

>> No.15436574

first, find out greg lansky's home address, then go there and ask him nicely

>> No.15436575

I'm not an asshole and I'm more than willing to learn from anyone I even gave her the opportunity to teach but she doesn't have anything

>> No.15436589

So let me get this straight you catfished her and now you’re getting revenge bc she isn’t into you?

>> No.15436590

She looks like a psycho but it’s not the worst mugshot I’ve seen.

>> No.15436602

I wanna go to fashion school, none of that faggy shit. For my father

>> No.15436604

So uh let's see those breasts

>> No.15436621
File: 33 KB, 720x720, 116262272_10219895572033529_4596534062450870274_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to be disappointed, saggy a cups on a thiccc body. With nipples the size of a pepperoni in this color. With a bunch of sun damage on her chest.

>> No.15436633

You can be friends with grills easily. Just be nice and be the opposite of the fat Mexican.

>> No.15436640
File: 1.43 MB, 275x208, 1593723389483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sick burn

>> No.15436645

Hi prodigy

>> No.15436669

But was she hot?

>> No.15436670

i want to see her pepperoni nippies :(

pls show. stop teasing.

>> No.15436681

Sieg and me are the same people. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15436685

Yes, welcome to /fa/.

>> No.15436692

The number of posters prove otherwise, but I may be wrong.

>> No.15436700
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>> No.15436764

Why do you just spend hours shopping pictures of yourself, makes you even more sad, sad old man

>> No.15436918


>> No.15436976

Why is everybody namefagging? Have you people lost your fucking minds? get a life losers

>> No.15436979

dont be a shit
namefagging is fine
but these name fags are pathetic

>> No.15437065

>namefagging is fine
yes, for one (1) thread, not more

>> No.15437234
File: 317 KB, 890x588, 61719FCC-BFA7-4B17-B957-EF062CFF0389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
