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File: 277 KB, 1036x1094, Screenshot 2020-07-19 at 23.55.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15416398 No.15416398 [Reply] [Original]

INTERIOR DESIGN TIPS: give them to me. How to internally design this house?

>> No.15416411

>separate kitchen
Find another house

>> No.15416420
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wil break down the kitchen walls and living room walls, creating an open concept, and creating a small wall to end the hallway.

>> No.15416421

it’s even worse than that: you have to go thru the kitchen to shower. absolutely retarded design OP hope you didn’t buy it

>> No.15416427

I hope you are aware that that is a much bigger job than it sounds like.

Also, this >>15416421

Please say you rent it?

>> No.15416470
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>> No.15416764
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>> No.15416870

b emore specific

are you some dumb cunt pretending you can do a layout
or are you some dumb cut pretending you can decorate a room?

>> No.15416911


>he fell for the open plan meme

>> No.15416954

dont be a kitchen cuk

>> No.15416961

is this like your revit training homework?

>> No.15417389

not gonna do you homework redlines unless you fess bro

>> No.15417426
File: 88 KB, 932x962, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP the floor plan fucking sucks dick

1) kitchen needs to be near entrance
2) no need for hall, just a wall in front of hygiene room to cover it from living space
3) no wardrobe next to entrance
4) bedroom and living zoning is illogical
5) you have to enter to shower from kitchen WTF?
6) tiny ass toilet room
7) the bedroom on the topleft is too small

Destroy all interior walls and redesign it, made this in 5 mins
>pic related

I am an architect

>> No.15417427

why u do the homeowrk unfer my garage?

>> No.15417429

>I am an architect
not yet youre not, but youre better than op's homework

>> No.15417434

>Shitter is separate from the rest of the bathroom
The absolute state of euros

>> No.15417436

what the fuck are you talking about
I have won plenty of competitions, and designed every kind of building by function you can imagine, all of them are built or in construction at the moment and im 24 years old, u have no idea what u are talking about, I do this for a living while you are browsing basket weaving forum in your moms basement

>> No.15417441

keep workin for free bb
>leaves so many errors in plan
good luck

>> No.15417569
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>kitchen completely separate from the living room
>kitchen has very little counter space
>have to walk through the kitchen to get to the bathroom
>house is divided by a hallway which just wastes space
>upper bedroom and kitchen should be swapped
>awkward layout in general

this is a bit rough, but at least it's an improvement

>> No.15417584

>I do this for a living
Yet you do not realise that your proposed plan is likely to cost as much as buying a new flat. I call massive bullshit.

>> No.15417642

fair enough, true, its expensive, but I didn't make this to propose something that OP should actually do in that specific house, this was rather made to prove the point that OP-s house sucks hard dick and should reconsider plan his/her life there for the next 10+ years

>> No.15417768

>open concept meme
fuck off yank
i don't want the whole place smelling because I wanted to cook

>> No.15417777

its not a real house mr 'does this for a living'

>> No.15418856

OP here, what great internal tips you have given me.

I know how much it is and I have already considered it. Got it cheap through a shady deal.

lol just looking for general tips


who has homework like this? I went to an actual university

appreciate this! Looks good. Although what I am suggesting is creating that big area more to the left, and keeping the left upper bedroom to rent out and make more cashiesh. Architect or not, you were the only one to give actual tips

also good tips, will see what i can do.

not a yank here but love the open concept meme. just open a window if you dont want the smell

buying it, flipping it and making free money while at it. being rich helps with staying rich lol

>> No.15418871

no one makes this many mistakes and lives to tell

>> No.15418875


im going back to /b/

>> No.15418948

Interior Design =/= Architecture

Unless the layout is fucking horrible, can make any place look brilliant with the right design choices and furniture.

Also if you own the property, can easily knock down non-load bearing walls if any rooms look stupidly small

>> No.15419043

why are the dimensions not touching? this graphic is sucks

>> No.15419083

Honestly, do you have to go into the hall and through the kitchen to wash your hands after shitting? When I lived in Norway I remember the toilet being across the hall from the bathroom, and I'm still baffled as to why.

>> No.15419160

because he couldnt figure out how to put both bedroom in the way as well.

>> No.15419651

I don't understand the the love for open floors, I like seperate kitchens to be charming

>> No.15419783

pardon me i have to shower

>> No.15419997

no doubt, that configuration is stupid, but I still like the idea.

>> No.15420169

>open a window during winter
do you want me to freeze?
I imagine bongs and nord cunts have it even worse regarding this

>> No.15420220

well if you knew how to cook it wouldn't smell fucking awful, pov cunt

>> No.15420257

there's no problem if you have ventilation above stove

>> No.15421563

Wew I thought I was the only one who disliked the open concept meme.
I'd rather be comfy and cozy

>> No.15421568

>kitchen and living room are the same room
I hate this with all my soul

>> No.15421693

walls are for children

>> No.15421715

opinion discarded

>> No.15421751

>muh board culture
i bet you get stuffed in your locker a lot

>> No.15421766

imagine coming on anonymous image board then giving yourself a name

>> No.15421779

imagine being so new that you enjoyed posting that

>> No.15421788

>tripfag named CHAD BRO calling someone new
kek, reddit is that way

>> No.15421801

OH NOES le reddit riposte
i am wounded

>> No.15423039
File: 70 KB, 525x365, studio-1-b-brighter1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a good layout with more secluded kitchen/living rooms. Like a living room with 2.5 - 3 walls. Instead of being more open? Something like 2 bedrooms 1 bath.
And I feel like I've seen in movies where people walk into the kitchen instead of the living, am I imagining things or is that a layout? I think I'd prefer that.

Pic unrelated

>> No.15423049

yeah i can do that for you
what do i get?

>> No.15423075

What do you want? I've got a picture of a cute loli, photoshop, this link planner.roomsketcher.com/
and I can give a mean blow job.

>> No.15423134

cmon make it interesting

>> No.15423152

thats a pretty small house desu

>> No.15423154

Don't need a 30ft ceiling when you're only 6ft high

>> No.15423156

What do you want?

>> No.15423163

I'm not talking about height, more of the area size. This place is more comparable to a two-bedroom apartment

>> No.15423168

I was being metaphorical. Then again I'm in the wrong place since this is /fa/ where form>function

>> No.15423171

ah gotcha, and yeah excluding one bedroom from that layout, the place is about the size of my apartment. I live by myself.

>> No.15423174

My dream house would be like 1200sqr foot max. Designing it it's difficult not to make it end up looking like an apartment if you stray off the basic walk into the living room design.

>> No.15424388
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What about something like this?

>> No.15424429

bedrooms share a common wall

>> No.15424455

I like it, I think I could work with that design, I wonder what the reverse might work out right too. That kind of separation of the entryway and kitchen from living room is pretty nice.

I mean the guest bedroom is mostly just for storing books and and stuff since I seriously doubt I would ever have anyone over.
Is it better for a layout to go
And would lining the entire shared wall with bookshelves insult the sound better or at all?

>> No.15424487
File: 577 KB, 640x1136, 83794E3C-62DA-456C-B089-0CEADF26BFAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need a coffee table in my living room? I have a recliner and am picking this up later. Neither of which really fit with a coffee table. I could just get rid of the ottoman, but I was thinking I would get rid of my coffee table and get a small table to put between the recliner and couch since it’s really just my gf and I.

>> No.15424670

I knew South Park went to shit but holy crap they don't even resemble themselves anymore

>> No.15424794

do you have windows?

>> No.15424847

I didn't even add doors or anything. I just wanted to show the general idea.

>> No.15424879

I have less than 0 experience or knowledge so you can definitely tell me to shut up, but I would put the bath next to the master (make the master a little bigger to make up the size difference) and make the bath the guest bedroom. You never really know how your life will develop. It might be insanely annoying at some point in the future. And it seems like something that would make your home less appealing to, like if you needed to sell it.

>> No.15424930

hint: no one wants to walk into a dirty kitchen or have to clean the kitchen to open the front door

>> No.15424934

Ah, ja! Die elden woonkamer! Mein best memories there!

I really hope that could be fixed. You'd have to walk through the whole width of the house just to get to the kitchen, and then a bit more to take a shower(?) because the toilet is in whole other room(?) First things you should have access to are restroom and kitchen. >>>15417426 Great job on making the most out of water installation. I'd worry about gas unless using an electric stove, also previous walls on the living(?) room and bathroom looked load-bearing.

Is this an apartment, a whole house?

True. No knowledge of construction materials, colors and surroundings makes it impossible to give any interior design recommendation.

Because it shows how thick the walls are for you to consider the actual living space instead of an axis.

How to develop schizophrenia: the house

>Enter right into the kitchen

>Dining table right next to the wall, sense of space from someone in the bottom right corner and someone in the top left one is stupidly different.

>Bathroom is as big as the kitchen

>Living room is one couch

>Guests have an easier time getting to the bathroom than homeowners do.

A side table would work for you, my man.

>> No.15424948
File: 528 KB, 1084x572, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like this?
I'd probably have to lose the island since it'd make walking into the living room difficult and that's already with the guest shrunk a foot in favor of it.

He literally said he'd prefer to walk into the kitchen over the living room.
>bathroom is as big as the kitchen
Dunno about you, but most bathrooms here are separated into 2 parts, one with the toilet and washers and the other for bathing.
>living room is one couch, I don't know what kind of furniture that guy has, it was just show it was the living room
>Guests have an easier time getting to the bathroom than homeowners do.
just swap the master and guest then

>> No.15424985

Y'know I've been to plenty of houses where you walk into an entry beside the kitchen like that design and it's not really bad.
As long as there's a window beside it, it feels fine.

>> No.15425002
File: 496 KB, 997x553, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the min/max bedroom dimension in such a small house? I've just been using 11x11 for the examples.
Like what are the dimension of apartment bedrooms and stuff?

>> No.15425016

>has never lived with a working ventilator
Pleb detected

>> No.15425033

>make popcorn in microwave 4 hours ago.
>Place still smells like popcorn farts

>> No.15425061

>He literally said he'd prefer to walk into the kitchen over the living room.
hes wrong.

>> No.15425068

no. time to grow up.

>> No.15425071

>walking into your living room is somehow better then walking into an entry beside a kitchen
Lol ok

>> No.15425079

i didnt say walk into the living room
and its not 'an entry beside the kitchen'

>> No.15425101
File: 568 KB, 1267x612, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then where would you walk into?
Looks like an entry beside a kitchen to me

>> No.15425160
File: 789 KB, 1825x600, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?
I think you can edit it yourself with this
I think the design needs an overhaul.

>> No.15425219
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Kek here you go total separation

>> No.15425386

i wouldnt do shit unless i knew where the windows were

>> No.15426095
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There. I fixed your layout and doubled your kitchen work space. Not gonna do your first year architecture assignment again.

>> No.15426112

Brilliant. I hate kitchens that are so close to the entrance though. They get dirty really fast. Why is the bathtub seperated from the toiler? Is that like an American thing or what? I would swap the toilet position with the kitchen here so the doors aren't so close to eachother.

>> No.15426126
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Why are there two doors to the balcony? I would keep the left one and add a large window where the right door is.
>This fucking hall
Why? So much space wasted. Can't afford to do that in an apartment. If you really want to keep the hall idea I suggest you move the kitchen to the right side of the livingroom, then you can increase the size of the bathroom and not make the entry so awkward. You might even be able to get some natural light in there from the balcony/east side wall. Did you even pay any thought to this at all?

>> No.15426144


>> No.15426149

so this is some random sq ft exercise?

the fuc k are you people doing?

just pay me and ill get you sussed out ok?

>> No.15426150

grow up

>> No.15426155

open plan houses is stupid
just like open concept offices

looks good in photos but its shit
imagine trying to watch a movie while your wife deep fries chicken and the smell of grease coats the entire house

>> No.15426161
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Fix your atrocious apartment layout before spending money on furniture. Holy shit this layout is fucking retarded.

>> No.15426168

also, not to mention
>enjoy having a oily grease film all over your furniture and your $4000 OLED TV

>> No.15426172

Stop making greasy food then fat ass

>> No.15426174

>stop cooking food just to accommodate your stupid open plan house

this is millennial cuckery
what good is a kitchen if you cant cook shit in it

>> No.15426182

Oh I'm sorry I'm not a fucking fat ass using greasy cooking oil and not based coconut oil. Kitchen is separated by 1 m of entrance to my livingroom and I've never had this problem. I open a window in each end of my aparatment for 5 minutes when I'm done cooking. Ever heard of windows? You should try using them sometimes, they really help with the air quality you know.

>> No.15426184

>coconut oil
all your food must taste like cookies


>> No.15426188

sure, if you can imagine having a wife

an actual loft of decent size doesnt have this problem

>> No.15426191

Based retard.
[spoiler it's tasteless, just like you [/spoiler]

>> No.15426192

i only use FDA recommended basedbean oil

>> No.15427187

>no rear door
Won't pass building code

Other than that I love it, add one of those half walls to the entry too

>> No.15427193

It's not close to the entrance relatively.
>Is that like an American thing or what
It's jap thing, an apparently australian

>> No.15427199

Stop trying to get your dick sucked by some anons. This isn't fiver

>> No.15428216

Don't know a thing about imperial system, the minimum for a room depends on the bed. A double bed would require at least a 2.50x2.50m space, considering the size of it (1.90x1.35m) and adding the minimum space for people to move around it (60cm). It'd be hellish though.

>> No.15428377

>the minimum for a room depends on the bed
we got a code expert here

>> No.15429523

open kitchens are based, had a separate galley-style kitchen in my old apartment and it was quite depressing there, there was a window at least but it didn't help much with the trapped feeling.

Having a kitchen that opens out to the rest of the living room with a bar has been a lifechanger, cooking while having friends over or cooking while looking out the window is great.

Grease and smell is not a problem with windows and ventilation.

>> No.15429713

Then it's just a matter of taste because I heavily prefer'd my apartment style kitchen like in OP's pic to the open style on I have now.

>> No.15430687
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Modeled after Mad Men Manhattan apartment, 170 sq meters


>> No.15430690
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>> No.15430731

>bed out in the open
>dining room closed off
The fuck?

>> No.15430762

now thats what i call a double bed

>> No.15430775
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kek It's cozy actually, not closed but still in same open space.
I did it like they had it in the show

>> No.15430778
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