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File: 702 KB, 2208x1462, 20200723_182259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15428033 No.15428033[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else suffer from really thick hair in their thirties? This shit is a nightmare to take care of bros.

>> No.15428037

Don't worry senpai from the looks of it it's all gonna fall out soon

>> No.15428038

looks nice

>> No.15428071

good one bro haha very funny joke

>> No.15428075

You're already receding man, just a few more years and your thick hair problem will be over

>> No.15428079
File: 126 KB, 889x1024, 3C54D74B-6A5F-49B9-A82D-493C0558B472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair warning all of the replies to this post will be seething baldies

>> No.15428092

if she buzzed her head she’d actually be hot

>> No.15428125


>> No.15428127 [DELETED] 

Black niggers

>> No.15428189

Literally every black guy. Only wh*tes have those shit hair genes where you go bald before you have kids

>> No.15428193

White people hair looks so frail and thin lmao

>> No.15428196

Whites and arabs/indians have the best most aesthetic hair of all the races for like 10 years and then shed it all before 30 lmao

>> No.15428198

t. pubeheads

>> No.15428209

Yes, human hair is pretty fragile
Now sub-human niggers with their brillo pad "hair"? Disgusting

>> No.15428243

I'm an Arab, my dad and and all four of my uncles went slick bald before 25. My family name somewhat translates to "bald" in Arabic. However, both of my grandpas have a full heads of hair. It's 50/50 right now. I'm 22. I'm taking fin as soon as it starts. I'm not going down without a fucking fight
My dad and my uncle literally drove to Tijuana once every few months to buy rogaine because it was banned in the states for a little while. He wore a system for ten years after that. Balding is a collective trauma in this family

>> No.15428275

Im afro arab, my dad is in 60 and only have mature hairline, damm, best of both world

>> No.15428277

Hahahah you all have shitty black hair, sad! My blonde hair shits on your subhuman hair.

>> No.15428376

>My family name somewhat translates to "bald" in Arabic
lmao this rules

>> No.15428387

I’m a fair-skinned hispanic.
When will my hair fall out 4chan doctors

>> No.15428447

Jesus I need to breed this Minnie Mouse

>> No.15428793
File: 45 KB, 714x330, jej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger hair
>best of anything

>> No.15428798

shes already hot now

>> No.15428799

southeast asians have the best hair genes

>> No.15428802

so many black guys are bald. wtf are you talking about

>> No.15428803

tons of bald niggers but i agree with you that wypipo are inferior

>> No.15428903
File: 144 KB, 840x887, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the data your getting BTFO by chinks lmfao

>> No.15428941

i'm a jew

>> No.15428943

my magic 8-ball says "soon"

>> No.15428946
File: 320 KB, 500x610, that feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thick hair in their thirties
based and jewpilled

>> No.15428947

Retard, if you still have all your hair by the time you get to your thirties you pretty much are guaranteed to have it all for the rest of your life. Fucking dumbass.

>> No.15429015

I have very thick hair but its hardly a problem to manage. Whats the issue OP?

>> No.15429024

guess again
aging doesn't follow a universal timeline

ya fucking gobby

>> No.15429032
File: 71 KB, 600x769, pol43683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15429037
File: 140 KB, 1024x1001, baldness shield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come now, we all know what that thing is really for.

>> No.15429188

how is being jewish /pol/?
you go back to zero reading comprehension low iq land

>> No.15429190

mods really need to start banning posters like>>15429032
this is the third time i make a pro-jewish comment on this website and morons like him respond to me with similar pictures

>> No.15429192

the sad thing is that i attached "that cozy feel when you're a jew" pic so even if he has zero reading comprehension how come he didn't notice the pic?