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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.16 MB, 2592x2304, 1594664272441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15424413 No.15424413 [Reply] [Original]

EDC thread

>> No.15425620

I thought it was funny, anon.

>> No.15425624

I can understand the dip belt, the watermelon is good for electrolytes, but what's all the other cutesy shit for as EDC?

>> No.15425625

btw milk would be more optimal than watermelon juice for electrolytes

>> No.15425633
File: 1.42 MB, 2328x1678, 20200623-DSCF1090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do NOT bully me.

>> No.15425636

infantile faggot

>> No.15425642
File: 819 KB, 920x629, Screenshot_20200718-202729~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's all the shit I used to EDC, is there a place where you can sell this shit off?

I didn't break and enter into places with the lockpicks.

Occasionally I'll buy new fidget items, in this case I'd carry the picks on my keychain and if I had to wait or had dead time I'd carry different locks to learn the skill or do it as I talked to people or at restaurants waiting for food etc because I'm an autist

I realized I didn't need an extra mag and the bison leather holster was a holdover until I found one I liked

>> No.15425646

he said please nigger

>> No.15425650

who cares what he said, he is full of shit

>> No.15425654

Just lol if you carry more than wallet and keys. All this stupid crap spilling out of your pockets, pullin your pants down exposing your tiny dick and wierd shaped balls, farting as you trip over them in front of your underage crush

>> No.15425662

>fake gun
>fake watch
>fake bullets (bullets aren't silver)

>> No.15425727
File: 2.77 MB, 2328x1678, 1595473285403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the chip thing for anyway? And that's a ridiculously big knife I think

>> No.15425731


I wish these weren't so dog shit with fuel leakage
>rape whistle?
Lock picks are still cool imo.
Why two knives?

>> No.15425732

You're exposing the fact you were molested

>> No.15425739

I believe that chip thing is an eraser.

>> No.15425742

What a pretentious ass eraser

>> No.15425744


>> No.15425746

I carry a backpack full of shit including an entire first aid kit.

>> No.15425802

>>fake bullets (bullets aren't silver)

>> No.15425833


> Zippo
Yeah they leak but I did that bike inner tube lifehack kinda helps but it's better to buy the Zippo internal seal from Amazon.

> Rape whistle
It's a kuboton/glass breaker/keychain kinda stupid but I used to to open the tape on Amazon boxes

> Two knives
One for food one for everything else.

> Lockpicks are kinda cool

I had some other really nerdy ones in my office back when I worked away from home, the specks magnet balls and I actually had a few very expensive yoyo toys

I bought in person from an aerospace engineer, runs a small side hustle called generalyo

I start to get impatient if I'm not fidgeting so I'm probably learning disabled or adult ADHD equipped but if a $150 yoyo or a $50 set of lock picks keeps the therapist away it's cheap

>> No.15425842

>Yeah they leak but I did that bike inner tube lifehack
Jesus how did you get an inner tube in that? I just electrical tape and already it's tight enough wrapped around it that I need pliers to get it out.

The kuboton look too much like a sex toy that I wouldn't carry it around kek.
It's probably bad I use my knife for everything from cutting food to shaving calluses and cutting tape
>all that fidget stuff
Yeah fuck that autist shit, do you not have a phone? I just do Sudoku when I'm bored

>> No.15427025
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>> No.15427030
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>> No.15427084

why would you put an extended barrel in a P938 especially one you're trying to cc

>> No.15427089

>fake bullets
they're clearly speer gold dot you larper

>> No.15427122
File: 840 KB, 1781x1285, IMG_20200723_1237264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's is threaded barrel for suppressor use.

(please do not bully me.)

>> No.15427241

Cool knife, but anon
with the fucking pins
Why the stupid fucking pins

>> No.15427250

This is essential the female version of the neck beard. It's too bad Sony stopped trying with their phones because they look great.
into the trash it goes

>> No.15427257
File: 1.66 MB, 2570x1858, IMG_20200723_183219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing special. It's not very /fa/ but the bag is damn convenient.

>> No.15427262

I wish I wasn't such a retard with physical copies that I could use an e-reader.
I've even seen some that work really well with manga.

>> No.15427269

I prefer physical copies as well but some books are so inconvenient and big I can't possibly lug them about. I retain less information when I read from an ereader but it's a compromise worth making sometimes.

>> No.15427278

Why are you putting a suppressor on a sub compact browning tilt barrel 9mm without a booster?

also what kind of jank ass suppressor is that looks like an airsoft kids toy...did you form 1 that out of scrap metal?

Wait are are you even putting a suppressor on a sub compact?!

Are you just buying shit because you saw it on a video game?

Because you look about as dumb as someone who has a Prius walking into a boat store pointing to the 23 foot boat saying you'll take it And hook it up to the Prius outside

>> No.15427290
File: 57 KB, 722x349, 1584118185797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing a gun

>> No.15427294

>reddit spacing
opinion discarded

>> No.15427297

It's the American posters

>> No.15427301
File: 960 KB, 4032x3024, k3FnG1k[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15427305

Not him, but there's clearly a booster on that can. It's the silver thing on the end. Also you're fucking retarded.

>> No.15427307

Even in a super peaceful society it would be more fun to have a gun.
Imagine a world where war doesn't exist and everything is peaceful.
You're telling me you wouldn't bring a boomstick and become the most powerful person?

>> No.15427313

>Imagine a world where war doesn't exist and everything is peaceful.
It's called Europe.

>> No.15427316
File: 955 KB, 2285x1913, EE9FA3CB-3A19-4063-8C37-4A6E25D09F01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15427319
File: 3.55 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self-defense triggers people


>> No.15427320

Love the Pentax KP
How's the grip on that?

>> No.15427324

Not triggered. Most of the world just considers it strange.

>> No.15427326

>not recognizing Sieg who's been here for like 10+ years
Nice try fitting in faggot

>> No.15427328

Seems good enough. Do you not have keys or anything? And is the black thing a notebook? Why not just keep notes on your phone?

Oh god don't bait this thread in damnation.

>> No.15427333

>enabling him
you'd think if he's been here for so long he wouldn't be such a faggot

>> No.15427337

If the law allowed you to carry something to defend yourself with, why wouldn't you? Even if you lived in a safe place, what would the drawback be? It doesn't take up much space, you sometimes forget you have it, but if you were ever in that 1 in a billion life-or-death situation you'll be glad you took on the (insert disadvantages here) of carrying a gun.

>> No.15427341
File: 1.25 MB, 3024x3024, gx90c395thc51[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I EDC the most expensive watch in this thread.

Do not @ me poorfags.

>> No.15427342

Based except the glitter lighter thing

>> No.15427349

>spending a lot of money on something my $20 casio can do
wow how based of you
>vape thing
is this b8?

>> No.15427390

Wow you spent a lot of money for something that is already on the screen of your phone...nice

>> No.15427398

This was true before I bought a bike. Checking your wrist is a lot easier and you can't get a ticket for "watching and driving", so I assume there are more situations when checking your phone is impractical.
Still think spending more than $20 on one and thinking you are doing anything but buying jewelry is silly though.

>> No.15427400

You guys are fucking dumb that's like a $150 watch. It's nice tho

>> No.15427404

There's nothing wrong with wristwatches you stupid troglodyte, but the watch in that post is nothing special.
>being proud of a $200 watch

>> No.15427413

>$200 watch

still the most expensive one on the thread, then.

/fa/ is poor as fuck.

>> No.15427417

What a surprise that a bike-riding faggot has objectively wrong opinions. Watches are expensive because of the design, materials, craftsmanship, and time spent making them. It's like saying that spending more than $20 on a painting and you're just buying a shitty photograph. Why are you in a fashion board if you literally don't understand the concept of what gives fashion and fashion accessories value

>> No.15427418

I saw a Tudor black bay

>> No.15427419

>hurrr muh fashion is about wasting money

Well shit. At least you're honest with yourself, anon.

>> No.15427423

>1 in a billion life-or-death situation
Yeah that totally justifies the inconvenience of carrying a gun around. Do you have yours in a holster or in jammed in a pocket or something? Or do you just keep it in your car. I live in London and I don't need to drive every day. I would just find it super inconvenient and unnecessary. I imagine it would be the same for most Europeans who live in cities.

>> No.15427425

>literally missed the entire point
You can put as much money as you want into it, it still does the exact same shit that my $20 casio does.

>> No.15427432

Then tell us why you needed to spend $800 to block traffic when a $100 bicycle would've done the same thing

>> No.15427434

The feeling of "yes I am the guy in the room with the gun" over powers any sense of inconvenience.

>> No.15427435

You do realise you're posting on /fa/ right?

>> No.15427437

That guy isn't the bike guy I am, and motorbike not fucking bicycle.
And yeah fags who spend thousands on bicycles are faggots

>> No.15427444

>you can put as much money as you want into it, your $100 pants still does the exact same shit my $20 cargo pants do

>> No.15427447

That's right. Mine may last half as long, but then I'll just buy two pairs and they'll still be cheaper than yours

>> No.15427457

Why are you even on /fa/? How could someone with your mentality even know about the existence of fashion boards

>> No.15427460

>what is the front page
and based poor /fa/ will always be more based than based wealthy /fa/

>> No.15427486

>being poor is based
Lol stay based!!

>> No.15427513

anon you dont need a fucking threaded barrel on a concealed carry
youre retarded

>> No.15427523

Half the edc shit is gimmicky garbage that just looks good.
Does someone know the name for whole lining things up in a rectangle/square for aesthetics? I had it saved somewhere but can't find it.

>> No.15427539
File: 3.24 MB, 5499x4000, 20181231-DSCF0934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is when the entire purpose of your EDC is to larp as a spy to impress the white man.

>> No.15427541

Nice selection.
>forest fire starter
>penis trimmer
>instant wet t-shirt contest enablement device
>wind turbine stub
>pungent blood cocktail
>measuring cup
>emergency suicide device
>ancestral family coconut
>bondage tape
>skeleton key
>child's toy
>skunk repellant
>painless circumcision tool

>> No.15427553

>that crystal glass
drinking cola with ice out of one of those is the best

>> No.15427555


wtf is all in this pic?

>> No.15427561

Every thread
I still want that walkie talkie thing even though I have no real use for it

>> No.15427571

the Omsk bird

>> No.15427572
File: 73 KB, 900x656, DIEpdboWsAAIFrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15427573

Red is the socialist color

>> No.15427574

are you нaш чeлoвeк

>> No.15427585
File: 3.87 MB, 4032x3024, 2020-07-23 21.18.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based casio sister
My A1000m-bef will arrive next week
For now im sticking with the bronze F91 when im not doingsports and the best youth series when im running

>> No.15427590

What phone is that? Also knife?

And whats the white chip in the top left corner

>> No.15427604

nice setup, it says: "I had money, now I'm fucked up"

>> No.15427605

It's the feather people color

>> No.15427610

Based anon, remember to always run away from the crime scene if you have to use it

>> No.15427619

Ask me how i know you have a vagina

>> No.15427627

Yes in your case your life is 100% a inconvenience at best and shouldn’t exist

>> No.15427629

Based and spypilled, i have no idea what half that shit is but I’m impressed

>> No.15427637

It's the same idea as wearing a seatbelt, plus guns are fun, you should go shooting

>> No.15427936


good thing socialists are all bourgeois as fuck then

>> No.15427979

Where do you put it? Your pocket?

>> No.15428270

Have you ever heard of something called a holster?

>> No.15428274

Vaguely. I'm not from America.

>> No.15428280

>not from America

I weep for thee who is less free than me.

>> No.15428290

Deadwood called, they want their cowboy back.

>> No.15428380

> Identification card
lol you can't drive

Why did you realid an Id card?! Now you have to keep a seperate federal limits apply drivers license when you're old enough for a car

Smart people real I'd the drivers license and toss the passport card behind it

>> No.15428389

> A lot of money.

An orient mako is like $80

>> No.15428411

Keep a Glock on me

> I thought you hated Glocks

I do but I could only find Glock brand Glock mags in stock during freedom week got hosed for them $75 each got 6.

I'd rather have the extra ammo than a Gucci handgun.

>Keep it in a car.
I have a title 1 ar-15 setup with freedom week mags in my car. I case of road rage.

If there was a gun fight I'd much rather be slinging 5.56 Instead of 9mm

>> No.15428427

Will you be my gf?

>> No.15428429


>> No.15428438
File: 742 KB, 1321x1184, 20200526_180147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP why did you steal my EDC? More importantly why did you not post my current one?

>> No.15428453

>wanting an asian bugwoman who lusts after the BWC


>> No.15428457

Post current body

>> No.15428461

ID on the wristwatch, also why do you carry all that stupid shit everyday

>> No.15428464
File: 195 KB, 1200x900, disgusting2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those fungal toenails

>> No.15428502

Nobody needs a gun until they need it.

>> No.15428761

those are "indoor" rounds retard

>> No.15428821

this is why your country is in decline and never made it as an empire

>> No.15429093

How much did the camera set you back?

>> No.15429109


>> No.15429196

That is exactly what I want.

>> No.15429360

You dun goofed, the enamelled pewter cardinal broche was the best part.

>> No.15429365


I like that chickadee

>> No.15429484
File: 102 KB, 669x768, iaa1pxd95fc51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do carry jigglers and bump keys when you can bitch pick everything you on that keyring with a city rake or stake and a wiper insert tensioner

Or just 3d print technologically retarded people's keys

>> No.15429500

I didn't understand a single word of what you said

>> No.15429513

Bump keys aren't really that useful. You can carry less shit. If you carry 3 tiny items that fit inside a cellphone case

>> No.15429517

Woah! That's deep.

>> No.15429522

>cheap Orient
>ID Card
>Phone case but no phone
Is this bait?

>> No.15429619

Jesus Christ I’ve never seen an EDC closer to mine lol

>> No.15429631

Opinel is overrated shit

>> No.15429633

Opinel may look nifty but that locking system is horrible. fuck that shit

>> No.15429671

Main reason I carry an Opinel is because I work an office job. I got tired of people making jokes or feeling threatened just because it's easier to open a package with a pocketknife than using fucking scissors

>> No.15429682

Any recs from my burgerbros for a carry pistol? Looking at the M&P Shield M2.0 but not set on it

>> No.15429685
File: 671 KB, 1536x2048, 9DF69AC0-FEDD-4B81-A2F9-6F7377C4943D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not pictured
>wallet with chain

>> No.15429704

you are a cabbage

>> No.15429708

The Vacheron from no bully anon is like 20k.

>> No.15429711

burned cabbage

>> No.15429760

>20,000 dollar watch.

Imagine being so fucking retarded christ /fa/ is dumb.

>> No.15429802

What did you do with your $20k of disposable income? :^)

>> No.15429811

No one should have $20,000 in "disposable" income. That's literally just a glitch in "Kapitalism".

>> No.15429821

Buy a person

>> No.15429832

edgy german

>> No.15430089

How often do you people actually use your knifes?

>> No.15430097

You all really carry all this shit with you every day? Why?


That’s all I need

>> No.15430526

I use my tiny ass Winchester Single like every other day to open envelopes, cut apple slices, and fuck with when I'm bored.

Because some people actually do shit, have hobbies ect.
>no sunglasses
have fun being blind

>> No.15430542

I've carried and used a pocket knife since I was 12 years old. I use it pretty much every day

>> No.15430632
File: 3.26 MB, 3360x3648, IMG_20200724_1820522-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's all the shit from my backpack that I carry daily. Minus obv my phone.
Hope fully the photo isn't too shit, I am aware my s5 is a little outdated.
Also sometimes a PB&J or snacks

>> No.15431236
File: 174 KB, 1152x768, 1569293983575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mine, but I liked this one

>> No.15431318

i love u gay Australian swimmer never change

>> No.15431321

> Anon is dangerous opening packages with a "tactical folding "knife!

> Vastly more likely to cut yourself with scissors Stacy mcgyvered into a ghetto dull knife to open a box

>> No.15431322

Because it's what I need daily. It's a vintage rolecks submarine :^)
That's just the picture's weird lighting, my toenails and nice and pink and white when they get too long.

>> No.15431527

They make shell casings out of things other than brass my dude...

>> No.15431572
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 10440971_717659892388_6303417095925261155_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's $100, too.

>> No.15431597
File: 26 KB, 977x128, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wut gun?

>> No.15431844

Seecamp LWS .32 ACP semi-auto

>> No.15431879

>spilling out of your pockets
just carry a purse, the only thing spilling here are spaghetti out of your post

>> No.15432462

Ive got that same citizen

>> No.15432728

if john wick was a gay guy from hong kong

>> No.15432860

how is it? its quite small right?

>> No.15432953

I buy one of those citizens in a heartbeat if it was 40 mm. Damn 6.5 " wrists

>> No.15433086

Don't give Hollywood any ideas, anon. Please

>> No.15433127

get a refillable water bottle. also that unstructured glasses case is triggering me

>> No.15433141

Got any rec's on refillable bottles? I've been refilling that one for like a month now.
By structured case do you mean those clam shell snap close ones? They glasses were only like $15, but maybe I should get one.

>> No.15433167


You should own and carry both in good places and shitholes. That's the pont, m8.

t. not american

>> No.15433171


>Most of the world just considers it strange.

Parts of western Europe =/= most of the world.

>> No.15433177

>Get a refillable water bottle.

I think im going to start tripe H'ing disposable water bottles around town to trigger these thurnberg cult teens

>> No.15433181

hydroflask is a meme but good quality.

it's preferential but i don't like the taste of plastic and metal keeps it insulated and cold much better, and can get beaten up without exploding.

>> No.15433193

For a hydroflask to environmentally make sense you'll have to fill it over 80,000 times to replace the carbon energy required to form the stainless steel body.

Not counting the paint or the cap.

We'll call that 100k even.

The average lifespan of a reusable water bottle before it starts looking trashy due to paint scrape or plastic part failure is about 800 uses

>> No.15433194


>Red color is a big part of Russian culture and language
>it's hijacked by commies

This is actually sad.

>> No.15433202

Not every culture is worth saving.

Like the Irish culture where a peace sign is considered an insult.

And where half way through their revolutionary war they got drunk and forgot about Irish indepdence

Until a pop song, cranberries - zombie killed any and all motivation to finish the fight

>> No.15433215

ok but i like to use them

>> No.15433433


>> No.15433647

based Pixel Chad

>> No.15433649
File: 430 KB, 2048x1535, xb9dv577i2d51[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the most /fa/ person here.

You can't deny this.

>> No.15433668

Actually, yea. All items are very congruent with each other. Jelly of the sinn and the sebenza

>> No.15433695


>> No.15433701

Sinn u1. It's a beast, but sinn just released a 41 mm version called the u50.

>> No.15433708

would be sick, but why an FJ that shit isn't fa at all

>> No.15433710
File: 2.31 MB, 4032x3024, 9qeepwkth1d51[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm white.

>> No.15433718
File: 702 KB, 1200x857, benchmade-940-osborne__40665.1562935592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the watch equivalent of the 940 Osbourne lads? Something rugged, yet elegant. Doesnt not have to be green

>> No.15433808
File: 587 KB, 730x720, 1584739567706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a first aid kit that isn't a fuckin mint tin
you're gonna make it

>> No.15433812

That's because most people have zero medical training and those first aid mint Tin from a lifehack YouTube video is about the extent of their knowledge

>> No.15433898
File: 402 KB, 1024x1365, pantymask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the mask, still getting used to it

>> No.15434221

splatoon is cool!

>> No.15434368

i dont want to believe it. do people actually walk around with fountain pens? its seems something actual autists would carry

>> No.15434394

you clearly don't hunt werewolves

>> No.15434415

>guns, knives, tasers, pepper spray banned

what can i carry for self defense in my country?

>> No.15434417
File: 10 KB, 350x350, 547824-590578-350x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15434422

You don't need to carry anything for self defense. Weapons are banned, making you safe.
Just politely tell anyone trying to rob you that what they are doing is illegal and everything will be fine

>> No.15434582

what is that item on the middle bottom and what car is FJ

>> No.15434595

Bottle opener? Grip it like a knife and start swinging as hard as you can

>> No.15434603


I like these

>> No.15434641

you do seem like the type that would steal friends keys just to 3d print them, then go into their house while theyre on vaca and collect evidence to blackmail them. That or their gf/wifes panties, so you could blackmail their woman "if you dont suck my dick, ill tell bobby you left these at my house".

>> No.15434650

> Steal keys to 3d print them

I can 3d print keys off of a picture of them...posted online...

>> No.15434653

Like I could steal this guy's car

>> No.15434657

Oh no a child died better stop ear u guise

> Mean while in Afghanistan Americans shoot kids for fun

>> No.15434701

no way you could get the right dimensions. unless you had pics from every angle i guess

>> No.15434710

So I know the dimensions of the grip of a kwikset. I'll take image, toss a sketch layer, trace the key, put a boundary + dimension on the grip size to reach the boundary. Finish sketch and extrude

Will take me 35 seconds maybe.

Longer to print it ofc.

There I made you less stupid. Also stop buying those Bitcoin coins from your dealer, he's not hooking you up bitcoins are digital

>> No.15434739
File: 13 KB, 338x300, reEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys carry too much shit

>> No.15434760

Is that actually Chris Chans EDC?

>> No.15434825
File: 21 KB, 400x300, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the medallion

>> No.15434954
File: 3.58 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads always turn into gunfag arguments

>> No.15434965

i hate carrying even a wallet i dont get it how you guys like carrying all this shit

>> No.15435739

It's about to turn into a "Why the fuck are you reading a Constance Garnett translation of anything" argument

>> No.15435791

The copy's a gift, but yeah 200 pages in and it's a pretty bland read so far. Very descriptive and verbose but utterly boring and tedious to read.

>> No.15435811

>most expensive watch
>literal Orient

>> No.15435826

You're making it way too hard

>> No.15435839
File: 3.50 MB, 3072x4096, 15957973678473836863578451930543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger Swag

>> No.15436005

sex-tier wheelgun
Nice smith man, I wish I had one like that. All I've got is a charter arms and a model 10 thats too big to cc

>> No.15436012

Is that the midnight green iPhone?

>> No.15436066

How do you use the interval timer in you run?

>> No.15436105
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>> No.15436159
File: 2.16 MB, 4032x3024, 22110E52-38BB-4628-B902-F243D395D8FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The loose car key, AirPods, and lighter are fucking annoying.

>> No.15436191
File: 3.10 MB, 4608x3456, edcbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a phone ofc

>> No.15436206

Self defense is for black people, silly

>> No.15436228

Cool lighter

>> No.15436270

You're a faggot larper but you're right about being able to copy keys because the cuts are all that matters, all the key brands are printed the same size so the cuts can be calculated from an image at any angle that shows all depths with enough mathematical knowhow. This however is not impressive to anyone that's been to defcon or seen it on youtube.

>> No.15436273

Nice, I have the same knife as you but in the wood grain grip. Where's the lighter from? Also how'd you get the gold casio for under 50$ or did you actually drop that much?

>> No.15436279

What does that roller thing on the side of the lighter do?

>> No.15436284

Better yet what lighter is it?

>> No.15436299

> With enough mathematical know how

Lol shut the fuck up kid, takes Zeo math to set a limit and scale to perspective

> Need multiple angles

No you don't keys are cut 0-9 and all I need to know are the number of pins and brand or style of lock.

A bump key is just a 99999 key where you max out the pins, and slam the cylinder so that in the quarter second all the springs jump you can unlock it

Both of those methods are low skill.

Anyone who has ever picked a lock with a city rake once knows this.

City rake is moderate skill.

Snake rake takes even less skill but every loser like you who thinks he's smart can attempt it if I coached you on how to used a wiper insert.

Prodigy telling me I can't cut a key is like if someone came on to a downhill mountain biking forum and she was like
"Too bad you can't jump your bike over a stick or take your bike Rona grocery store to shop that would be useful"

And everyone going like the fuck bitch? We jump over trees and hit 50 mph

>> No.15436303

>hurrr just copy keeyss!!!

Do people actually think using actual lock picks are hard?

Christ the larp is real here.

>> No.15436308

Great book though. Find Alan Myers' Oxford Classics translation.

In general, it's hard to give absolute advice with translations, but with 19th century Russian the baseline is that Garnett is an automatic nope. She got through stacks of books because she was churning them out like an heiress Google translate.

>> No.15436316

>zero math skills to set a limit and scale to perspective
>No skill required to calculate a line and unshear it
Depends on the angle and whether or not you have a computer program for it.
If you were actually good all you'd need is a single pin lifter and a torsion wrench but yeah.

>> No.15436367

Tension wrench + single pin picking is best Incase there are security pins

But I doubt anyone here can do it especially if they're saying shit like "get good at cad, use calculus to print a key copy"

It's mostly kids who haven't 3d printed anything in their life, don't have a fusion 360 license and don't know what sparrows or sourthard are

Thinking "yeah it's possible but it requires a deep understanding of math " as a cop out for their lack of skill.

I'm sure bubba's locksmithing and towing has a doctorate in math therom

>> No.15436370

> Unshear it

Wait you don't lockpick do you?

You don't unshear anything that's damaging the lock

>> No.15436371

I've been doing picking with a southord set for years but you'd be lying if you were to say it were as easy as putting the thing in gimp. I didn't say you needed a degree, just mathematical knowhow. I wouldn't know how to do it but it can be done. I wouldn't bother copying the key as keying machines are over 1000 bucks, I'd rather just rake the damn thing and be done. I did watch the defcon video on key copying and key machining so I figured I'd throw in that its apparently easy enough to be a security risk but no dumbass could do it.

>> No.15436372

No you unshear the image. If you looked at a key at a different angle other than side profile you'd need to adjust it in an image program or mentally calculate the pin depth with the depth perception in place. They need to be lined up to be measured but you don't need an exact scale.

>> No.15436400

I can teach anyone, in this thread right now how to city rake a laminated lock and get it open in under 5 mins.

I don't know what the fuck you think I'm doing but I'm not stopping midpick to do math problems....

And I'm not doing intense math when I design GUN parts on fusion 360 copying a key from a side profile is stupid easy...

Do you honestly believe I had to do any math while on AutoCAD other than okay what's 10% of this for tolerance

Okay .05+ .010 on these components etc.

Dude....get real

Imagine how useless you are to a company.

Sitting in the IT office like. Hey bro one of the server racks broke at the weld can you just go brand a mig welder and tack it back into place

> Well, yeah but I uhh yeah that requires a lot of mathematical knowledge and ugh let me just work out the problem here and uhh

> He frank you know how to weld?

>> No.15436415

Anyone with a week's training can do that, this is what I mean by larping faggot. It's not hard to rake it's a pretty simple process same with jigglers and jim bars, you're deliberately missing the fucking point.
You have a keyring on a table, you take a picture of it for later entry when the building is closed. The key is at an angle back and on its side, you now have to calculate the cut depths are despite things appearing smaller/shorter or being cut off. Unless you take the key and put it on grid paper first or its a close up SOME calculation/guesswork will be involved and that will involve mathematics, manipulating the object back and toward the side digitally or mentally. You're just going on fucking tangents instead of addressing how you plan to find out the depths which admittedly are only a few depths but in different scenarios

>> No.15436442

So what a 3d printer does is print plastic pieces

So of I took a picture of a key and extracted it, hell even just a tooth profile I can use the back of a rake to guide it into a keyway and use a tension wrench to turn it

> That's impossible sieg

Well the way a lock works is that the slots are just to line the key up for insertion.

The teeth move pins to allow you to turn a cylinder to unlock

So you don't have to believe me here but if you defeat those pinsneither by pressing them individually into place or using a 3d printed jig you can unlock the lock!

You can even teach someone unskilled to do this by raking the lock this uses a special pick profile to randomly guess the PIN depth

Seems like you have a fundamental misunderstanding of lock picking and 3d printing.

No math involved no calculus

>> No.15436448

Dude it really is every thread,
and for years lmao

>> No.15436450

The keys don't even fucking match you larper

>> No.15436458
File: 174 KB, 1300x975, keys fucking damnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay you're missing the point again, I know how 3d printing works and a key is just a lifter thats locked in place. Look at this image, if you were to take the back keys and just copypaste them omewhere it wouldn't work. SOME effort needs to be made to unwarp their angle. the front keys might work but the angle changes the further back on that ring you go. If you only had a pic of that angle you'd have a hard fucking time compared to a dead on side profile and even then the front ones still need to be straightened out a little. They're SHEARED, they're angled. That's what I've been trying to tell you.

>> No.15436487

Why are you always such a massive sperg faggot in every EDC thread?

>> No.15436517

for real.

sieg is more of an autistic sperg that "no bully" chan.

>> No.15436550
File: 458 KB, 2304x1536, 6OFE7SDlFqImJiJRizV-rjUMCZKYyalXeH5DTiLv0YA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my setup

>> No.15436587

Dunhill rollagas
the roller strikes the flint.

>> No.15436592

Jesus fucking christ, how did you get one?

>> No.15436596

Lighter is a cheap Tokyo conbini lighter and the casio was $10 I bought it last year new.

>> No.15436599

Ahh makes sense. I've never been to japan but I speak a little. I'll need to save up to go but I plan to. Do you have a link? I've always wanted an f91 gold finish but the only one I could find was 50 with a full gold band.

>> No.15436651
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i love the faffing about and fights in the edc threads

>> No.15436806

what citizen?

>> No.15436822

super clean

have you looked at your balls lately?

>> No.15436882

apparently its $15 now

>> No.15437355

commie seethe

>> No.15437400



Seriously it's gross when You white people do that.

Just say it's an 7-11 lighter from Japan or a convince store.

Don't adopt the Japanese accent tonsay a fucking American term you racist gaijin fuck

>> No.15437742

>Very descriptive and verbose but utterly boring and tedious to read.

That sentence describes itself, too

>> No.15438241


You assumed I’m white when Im not.
Just cope.

>> No.15438299

kys namefag

>> No.15438324

Why do you write like a retard?

>> No.15438340
File: 1.51 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww yeah, shitposting in EDC threads is my jam.

>> No.15438346

>Muh Japan
Not everyone on this board is American retard
But we can see clearly you are.

>> No.15438920

lmao kys

get a gun before you need a gun

>> No.15438960

sure having a phyiscal notebook is cool, but its so much better to just use onenote on your phone and sync it with your pc

>> No.15438963

Do you need your damn phone for everything man? I'm not gonna peck around with my fingers to write down a calorie count or shopping list, notebooks are a fucking dollar and fit in your back pocket. All that wasted data and pointless recording for something that could just as eaisly be slapped in a notebook and thrown in the trash when you're done. Way more efficient imo.

>> No.15438975

what tablet is that?

>> No.15439144

> O-light
> Leatherman
> Toyota fj cruiser

Nah you're just a geek

I live how Reddit soibois buy the ar-15 specific Leatherman multi tool but don't understand that all military rifles in the world are designed to be taken apart by live ammunition and spent casings.

Take down pins live ammo, front sight adjustment casings, remove stuff off pictinny rail? Casing.

Firing pin retainer live ammo.

That Leatherman wr-15 multitool is a ~lifestyle~ product like black rifle coffee so that everyone at your sales job knows you own a gun!!!!

Just like that punisher logo on your shitty truck

>> No.15439360


>> No.15439487

tire iron under the seat

>> No.15439491

lets see that wordsworth cover anon

>> No.15439617
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>> No.15439669
File: 233 KB, 1536x1282, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine

>> No.15441118

based SE owner

>> No.15441122

You must be 18 or older to post on 4chan.

>> No.15441206
File: 1.32 MB, 1293x970, At dealership edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that Suzuki Keychain

>> No.15441217
File: 435 KB, 2160x1440, QickOKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first watch was an SKX, great little tool


I like that band on an Apple Watch

I want to get a Sinn at some point. Really cool tool watches.

>> No.15441650
File: 1.52 MB, 1700x1133, DSC_0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15441663

>super clean
>have you looked at your balls lately?

>> No.15441677
File: 1.90 MB, 2958x2117, IMG_5161 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one here larping as a Wes Anderson extra?
Watcha waiting for to make that SKX your own?

>> No.15441682

I don't get what that means

>> No.15441689

What the hell?

>> No.15441713

How do you carry/use watercolors on the go?

>> No.15442007

he has a water pen and a sketchbook, besides the microns what else do you need?

>> No.15442031

based and niggapilled

>> No.15442204

I'm 25 :)

>> No.15442239

white chip is a Faber-Castell eraser

>> No.15442659

>melon d'eau
>not pasteques
enjoy your translated non effay language beverage

>> No.15442779

The virgin «pastèque» vs chad «courge gigérine».jpg

Pourquoi les Français de l'Hexagone sont toujours si ginguet?

>> No.15442907

Never heard of a water pen, pretty cool

>> No.15443489

toyota fj cruiser

>> No.15443491

Tema, please login

>> No.15443840

It is indeed

>> No.15443844

>What kind of car is an fj

It's Toyotas version of a Pontiac Aztec

>> No.15444131

That's a skeletool you fucking retard, not a MUT.
Not the guy you're replying to.

>> No.15444150

this one is titled, impressive

>> No.15444154
File: 484 KB, 2000x2666, uQvn1sI[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I /fa/?

>> No.15444180

Gerbers are garbage.

>> No.15444268


That picture is obviously from Canada
>Weight is not metric
>TD Bank card
>Harbour Freight tool
>Canadian mustard brand

Pastèque est le nom de la plante, le melon d'eau en est le fruit.

>> No.15444314

Do you all wear cargo pants? How do you have enough pockets to fit all this bullshit

>> No.15444320
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I'm the only spy here.

>> No.15444365

This checks out. Spies are well known for being vocal about being spies, and for posting on 4chan.

>> No.15444412
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>> No.15444418

What pistol is that? I see it's a Beretta in some small cartridge.

>> No.15444439 [DELETED] 

OP and Moot are trannies.

>> No.15444448

OP and Moot are trannies!

>> No.15444454

Damn. Me gay.

>> No.15444467

Beretta model 418 cal 6.35 gardone vt

>> No.15444472

It's flawless logic, really.

Constantly larp as a spy on the internet, and no one will realize you actually ARE a Russian asset.

>> No.15444514

>extra pants
Why though?

>> No.15444939

in case he sharts himself

>> No.15444949

Cause at night it gets cold, and when it you're doing 150kph on a naked bike it gets really cold. I throw them on underneath so I stay comfy. Same reason the hoodie and windbreaker are there.

>> No.15445339

You can't show all this shit while hiding that sexy 45c in the corner, anon

>> No.15445351

About as based as one man can get

>> No.15445355

You can probably find not!knuckledusters if you're focused on attacking the assailant instead of reppeling them

>> No.15445848

Roll of quarters

>> No.15445870

where do u get that tote bag omg

>> No.15445874

absolutely based

>> No.15445880

That has to be one of the gayest, faggiest things I've read.

>> No.15445882
File: 112 KB, 1280x1028, 6v7jvtzvyvb51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on /fa/
>complaining about homosexuality

I'll pray for you.

>> No.15445889

fuck yea
got a link?

>> No.15445890

>a faggot
God doesn't hear you

>> No.15445914

well there is a "but" in the middle of the sentence, implying he usually enjoys decriptive and verbose things, but not this time

>> No.15446023

why are all these neckbeards so obsessed with knives?

>> No.15446220

>Samsung tab s6 lite
its written right there

>> No.15446237
File: 3.24 MB, 3024x3985, 9E590AB3-BF90-4115-8A74-607292B6AB1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I use a GW-6900 for sports and hiking as well as super casual wear and swap to an A158W-1 for when I care more how I look

>> No.15446340

then you haven't been here very long

>> No.15446374

You could make it yourself, or something similar with a custom print

>> No.15447473

these phones are great, i have 2 but the batteries are shit, only last a day if that. Anyone know where you can get beefy batteries for these phones?

>> No.15447488

just buy a battery case.

>> No.15447499

Do you mean like an external power pack?

>> No.15447547

Except car accidents are wayyyyyy more common than situations where a gun is a good thing to have. And if you disagree, you need a new neighborhood or move out of Syria

>> No.15447817
File: 889 KB, 1350x1374, DSC05465 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was was old edc, here's my current. cheers.

>> No.15447931

A phone case with in integrated battery
Not the guy you're replying to, nor do I carry a gun or a knife because it's illegal here, but please do fucking share where the fuck you live where it's oh so fucking peaceful.

>> No.15447935

I'm so sorry anon, I didn't know you're retarded.

>> No.15448196
File: 911 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200731-144608_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]