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15389878 No.15389878 [Reply] [Original]

Why is plastic surgery so frowned upon? I think it is a great way to make us more beautiful as a whole. You can argue ugly people breed with attractive people and produce ugly offering, but who cares when they can get the ugly fixed? It seems like tit jobs, nose jobs, etc would be a great asset to fashion as it enhances the human in the clothes, which will enhance the beauty of the outfit as a whole. The more the technology advances the better it gets. Why not embrace this as a good thing and see it as a way of self improvement when it is done well?

>> No.15389884

Nobody normal actually cares about plastic surgery, so long as it's done correctly and not obviously, or you don't go overboard with it. It is a great thing when done properly, and it can really change people for the better physically and mentally.

I hope you didn't make this thread just because sour grapes incels complain about it.

>> No.15389886

Because its inevitable that we all become ugly raisins, just accept it gracefully. There is a certain wisdom that come with it.

>> No.15389889

I actually made this thread because I told my relative recently about my interest in going under the knife myself, nothing major, but I was looking to enhance my breasts. Obviously I don't want to get anything insane, but I would like a little more perk and shape to them. I am not even a big chested girl and they are already turning into pancakes and it makes me so sad every time I see myself naked. She thought I was crazy and said that it is a waste of time and way too vain. I can see why she is saying this, ultimately it IS for me, to make me feel better, but I don't understand why thats wrong...

>> No.15389892

Ok sure, but some raisins can look better than others. Why not have a desire to look among the best of your peers no matter your age?

>> No.15389903
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Another thing that I don't really get; what do you mean by age gracefully? As in letting go of your looks? Sorry but I fail to see how the person who lets go of their good, healthy habbits to keep their bodies in top form(including surgery if needed) and dedication to maintain a good appearance is more graceful than the person who maintains it. It sounds like its just a lazy person's cope to me. Wouldn't it be more graceful to remain consistent in your routines and dedication to being beautiful? What is graceful about letting go of beauty?

>> No.15389905

Maybe focus on fixing your self esteem and body dysmorphia instead? Cultivate what makes you unique and interesting instead of conforming to what dorito eating sexbrains have decided is attractive? As a guy, I'd get better vibes from a pancake chested girl that a fake tits girl. Just screams insecurity and delusion to me.

But you sound like you've already convinced yourself that its a good idea and just made this thread for people to validate what you think. Silly billy.

>> No.15389912

The grace lies in accepting the natural aging of your body whilst maintaining your good habits. Imagine your grandmother had botox and big honkin plastic tits. Ew. Disgraceful.

>> No.15389915

Here is an idea.

Who cares? if you want it, do it. Persue your ideals and attainment of beauty, mentally and physically. Others opinions holding you back are simply chains placed upon you.

Are you going to be 80 and full of regret but happy because you pleased other people? Lol.. Cowards have no place in the afterlife.

>> No.15389916

people don't want others to become more attractive than them. simple as. you can already see by some of the replies in this thread. it has nothing to do with aging gracefully (since you already know surgery can be extremely natural looking)
it's all about them not wanting your value to go up. as mentioned, "sour grapes" is a good way to put it. they say "learn to love yourself" because they think the playing field is more even that way. they think they have a better chance with the pancake tits girl than the nice tits girl.
there is a difference between vanity and plastic surgery obsession, and getting procedures done that genuinely change you for the better. do not listen to people that tell you otherwise. they use all sorts of shaming tactics to keep others down. just look out for you, and don't seek validation about getting surgery on 4channel of all places. it benefits ugly people if everyone else around them also stay ugly.

>> No.15389918

See why do people always force this one or the other image into the imagination of their opponent? Why is it always some huge tit job or none at all? If my mother had implants that gave her breasts a better shape but still looked perfectly natural, I would see nothing wrong with it. Especially since she has maintained her skin and weight very well considering she is nearing 70(people think she is in her 50s). There is a path that is still pleasing to the eyes, its not even about being sexy in your 60s. It is just to maintain a more pleasing form than flabby blob.

>> No.15389919

>what do you mean by age gracefully?

Let me translate this to you via a modern image board word.

COPE. That's all it is. A cope. Like fatties being called curvy. Ageing "gracefully" is a cope for looking like shit.

>> No.15389922

>tit jobs
yeeeeeeahhhhhhh, no.
Tit jobs are like tattoos. Most look like shit.

>> No.15389925

Lmao Not everything is about having a chance with girls or evening the playing field. This is what I'm saying. Dorito eating sexbrain. You cannot even understand that I wouldn't want anything to do with the fake tits girl. Its a red flag. We aren't afriad of them "increasing their value" with surgery because we don't see them as being more attractive. Its proactively UNattractive.

>> No.15389928

Because most aren't getting the tear drop shaped implants/go too big so they look fake.

>> No.15389930

this is a literal cope. you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a natural looking surgery and no surgery. your partner could go her whole life without telling you and it wouldn't make a difference. the problem is exactly what i said, and your extreme "all or nothing" mentality. you probably have the same retarded mentality about EVERYTHING in your life.

>> No.15389937

You can always tell they're fake because it looks UNNATURAL. 70 year olds aren't meant to have perky tits. YOU have decided that its a "more pleasing form" by your own standards. Honestly I'd rather fuck some GILF with her normal saggy pancakes flapping about than some bolt on perkies. Its more authentic. Nothing more unattractive than someone who doesn't like the way they naturally look imo

>> No.15389939

I unironacally think that ugliness comes from inter racial offspring

>> No.15389940

>you wouldn't be able to tell the difference
This is literal cope

>> No.15389944

you know a good tit will look great throughout your whole life. arguing through retarded hypotheticals, as if every tit job looks like huge bolt ons, completely refusing to acknowledge that surgeries look natural now and last for a long time. you call others "dorito eating sexbrains" yet it sounds like your entire image of tit jobs is based on porn. i'm almost convinced you're a woman.
this is the part where you've lost.

>> No.15389946

I think its pretty telling that you responded to every reply except this one >>15389905

>> No.15389948

I literally didn't say huge bolt ons. I assume you know there's a difference between huge and perky

>> No.15389949

Why do they have to look unnatural? Why, again, are you forcing this one or the other kind of image? Implants don't have to be big, they don't have to make your tits perky, they can even feel natural these days. What is wrong with the elderly to have more shape to their tits beyond flat pancakes? It doesn't make them sexy, because it isn't about looking sexy. You are stuck in this coomer degenerate mental gutter where you think it is being done so you can fuck GILFs and if you can't step out of it for a moment there is no point continuing this argument with you.

>> No.15389952

and I assume you can read and now know that tit jobs will sag over time just like regular boobs and won't like like a 20 year old's by the time they are 70.

>> No.15389953

>this is the part where you've lost.
Looking for validation. Of course. Making this thread because you need validation makes complete sense. Insecure in every aspect of yourself. SAD.

>> No.15389957

i'm not OP you schizophrenic garbage kek. it's good mental exercise to argue with morons like you with extreme black and white "convictions" that you can't even make sense of yourself.

>> No.15389959

It's because already fine-looking people feel it is unfair and feel entitled to being at the top of the looks caste system.

>> No.15389963

>Maybe focus on fixing your self esteem and body dysmorphia instead?
And why can't surgery be an option for this? Why does surgery mean I am not also pursuing other means of self improvement? If you can not tell the one with the tit job has even had a tit job, what can you even do or think about it? Why would it give off any vibe if you can't even tell? And most importantly, why would your opinion on my boobs even matter in the first place? Surely if you are so judgmental over the discovery someone has some natural looking boob job done, you would not be someone who I would want to be friends with anyways.

What I don't understand is that insecurity and body image is something everyone has to deal with and fight their own battles in. Some take different means to obtain their own victories than others. As long as they succeed and are happy what is the problem if surgery was among their arsenal to overcome there self esteem issues?

>> No.15389965

Nooooooooo. You believe that getting a tit job will improve how you look, not even in a sexual way, just aesthetically. But how have you come to that conclusion? How have you decided what is and isn't aesthetically pleasing? Because attractive breasts are inherently sexual, I'm sorry but that's the world we live in. If they weren't sexualised, their appearance literally wouldn't matter. My knees aren't sexualised so I don't care how they look. Mens forearms, collarbones, pecs and biceps, jawline are, generally, sexually attractive to women. So I care what they look like. But I'd never get surgery for them because its unnatural and defeats the point of wanting to self improve. Its like buying followers, whats the point if its undeserved and most people can tell?

>> No.15389966

They age much slower and can be redone anyways.

>> No.15389969

Cursed thread mental illness is rife

>> No.15389972

But men DO cheat to enhance those things, with steroids. There is a roid general on /fit/ for a reason. Its so common you can't even tell unless they go overboard. And yes, breasts are sexual... On sexy women not on someone who is grey haired and has wrinkles. Again, it isn't about looking sexy in your 60s. It is not about looking like dolly parton in your 60s. It is simply about looking among the best of the other 60 year olds. The granny with an actual figure who clearly maintains her health and appearance is much more aesthetic than the formless abuela blob, every time.

>> No.15389978

Another thing, why is it ok to get braces to make your smile more appeasing? If someone where to get braces just for the sake of having straight teeth no problem! Need fake teeth to replace lost ones? Thats ok too. But when it comes to body enchantment of breasts and face? Suddenly it is shamefur vanity and ungraceful.

>> No.15389992

Lift weights. It's good for your health and your chest.

>> No.15389997

I do but you seem to be a man and not realize tits get most of their shape from fat, not muscle and chest muscle plays a very minor role in tit shape. Its not like my ass where I can hip thrust my problem away.

>> No.15390004

If what you want to get fixed is enough to have a big enough negative effect on you, there is no reason not to do if. However you need to make a stern deal with yourself that you're not doing it for no reason.

I know a girl who got a nose job and a chin implant. She had a recessed chin, it was pretty bad, even her parents agreed she should have it done. Her nose was a debatable issue but she decided it would make her happier if she got that done too. And it did. She is a completely different person, I've never seen her so confident before.

Moral of the story, it has to be for the right reasons... not for some trivial reason.

>> No.15390006

My argument to this is that whilst not natural, braces force movement of the teeth which is actually natural, see tongue and jaw posture changing teeth alignment. A lot of teeth issues are a result of poor mouth posture during development. Not really sure where I stand on fake teeth though, although they do have a functional use. Fake face or tits is cringe and does not have a functional use outside of muh halo effect for insecure people. I think insecurities should be addressed before physical changes are made but I guess thats too much work.

>> No.15390027

>Be Ugly
>Have Plastic Surgery
>Now Ok looking
>Have Sex
>Make Family
>Kids look like ur ugly ass before surgery.

>> No.15390032

i can't tell whats more stupid:
thinking kids are copy-paste from their parents and not realizing they can randomly get any feature thats in the DNA, from grandparents even great grandparents
not realizing the kid can just get surgery too
you can always fix your face but you can't fix your learning disability, retard

>> No.15390033

>perpetuate the LOOKS suffering for future generations but this time with a mentally unstable parent in the mix

>> No.15390057

No matter how much you explain it away and cope with threads on effay, once you tell someone irl you had plastic surgery and show them old photos they'll never look at you the same again. Perhaps if you live in LA tranny world they'd be more accepting. But for the vast majority of people it is unnatural and viewed as such

>> No.15390058

No, most well adjusted people do not give a shit, so long as you don't look weird now and the plastic surgery was an improvement from before.

>> No.15390060

I bet you think that Jews use mind waves to control society too

>> No.15390107

>think insecurities should be addressed before physical changes are made
Ok. I am insecure about (thing about my body).
Can it be corrected without surgery?
Can it be corrected from surgery and be an improvement from before?
Do I desire this correction enough to justify the procedure?

>> No.15390112
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>Why is plastic surgery so frowned upon?
because loving yourself the way you are is peak effay

>> No.15390146
File: 15 KB, 480x360, plastic-surgery-disasters-jocelyn-wildenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it is a great way
cutting yourself is never the answer

that said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0NynF1Hoig

>> No.15390323

Exactly lol, just wants a bunch of people on the internet to make her feel ok with her insecure ass decision

>> No.15390330

>mind waves
no just the media

>> No.15390337
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I did, and no one responded to my response.

>> No.15390339
File: 576 KB, 1060x1155, borderline-vert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can it be corrected without surgery?
Found the bug.
You CAN correct your insecurities without surgery.
You just think surgery will be easier and you want to attract cock.
Not good reasons to risk your life and health and appearance.
There is no guarantee you will look any more feminine after surgery.
Surgeons will tell you whatever they need to get your money.
Love yourself.

>> No.15390354

>You CAN correct your insecurities without surgery.
And you CAN correct them with it. As long as the results are good there is literally nothing wrong with it. You just need time money and research. As long as you do the due diligence on your end, why not? You can ignore these flaws and live with them, or you can take the time effort(research to find a good doctor etc) and money it takes to correct them with great results. Both can result in good things, though I could argue the later will bring a much bigger boist to your self confidence and is the much more ideal path. The risk is incredibly low, I am more at risk for a lot of other things so this small risk is certainly not enough to deter me from going through with it.

>> No.15390404

People don't want to get fooled by fakers.

>> No.15390406

A wise woman once said “if it looks real, it is.”

>> No.15390411
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>As long as the results are good
they never are
that is the problem in a nutshell

>> No.15390444

you're a fucking retard. stop arguing for the sake of argument. results do look good and you've probably seen a dozen people if you live in a large city with surgeries you didn't even know they had.

this board is so miserable kek

>> No.15390459
File: 126 KB, 900x600, Trans-Pride-2-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>results do look good
if they did, then why do nearly half of people who transition eventually an hero?

>> No.15390478

i can't tell if you're joking or what your problem is
this thread is about cosmetic surgery, not mentally ill trannies that think they can go from looking like a MAN to a WOMAN and vice versa. although this definitely proves that you think in absolutes, and in your brain "cosmetic surgery = tranny surgery".

>> No.15390496

ok hon

>> No.15390539

lmao are you still the OP? stfu with your insecure ass looking for validation, if you were sure that something was a good idea for you, you wouldn't have this huge doubt

>> No.15390551

i'm not op and this is my first time posting lol. take your meds. you sound pretty obsessed with this thread though

>> No.15392189

Most normal people HATE anything fake about a person whether it be breasts, nose, personality, "I love this gift", etc. I'd say without a doubt it's better to remain ugly than be fake.