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File: 53 KB, 760x779, epictindermessage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15373054 No.15373054 [Reply] [Original]

how do i prettyboymaxx so i get more messages like this

>> No.15373075
File: 110 KB, 1288x1288, F9DD12F7-0B4E-4FAB-A409-44BBDFCA6BCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being ugly sucks
nobody ever notices you or cares what you think or feels like taking the time to listen to you

>> No.15373089


>> No.15373099

Your not ugly. You’re just neutral. If you were ugly people would make it very clear in their interactions with you.

>> No.15373108
File: 584 KB, 750x995, IMG_5121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay I guess I'm neutral
doesn't feel much better. People will still avoid interacting with me and no one will ever think twice about me.

>> No.15373118

Post pic

Post pic

We’ll be nice and don’t worry I’ll keep these idiots in line

Most people just have low self esteem. ESP here.
And best part is that most males date upward. While sadly women date downward.
You’re probably nowhere near as ugly as you think :)
Self esteem is a bitch

>> No.15373150 [DELETED] 
File: 609 KB, 2576x1932, 6BB6C855-A7B0-4BBC-B079-8B1FBAA1C34D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15373155
File: 758 KB, 2450x1836, BA2659EB-F473-45DA-A073-37D289EF7BAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bad orientation

>> No.15373162
File: 54 KB, 563x1000, 89124912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become an e-boy. get eboy curtains or eboy messy fringe. dress well. and etc. hopefully you are 13 - 25 years old

>> No.15373165

Aren't you from that /mu/ thread? Asking how to get art hoes? Bro don't ask 4chan. Just do eboy/softboy maxxing so you can get art hoes. and have some basic ass interests like music, and etc. dont be an autist. and go talk to girls

>> No.15373224

and get a job too. get cash

>> No.15373249

You don’t look amazing but you don’t look bad by any means. The whole slackery soft boy thing popular now meshes well with your hair and face

>> No.15373262

I have long curly hair so I think I'm set there. I'd have to buy some clothes but I'm poor rn. I'm 22

>> No.15373272

dude you are ok...
youll get those braces off eventually and it will make you look a bit older...
just dont be overly awkward around girls and youll be fine

also you have the whole stoner thing going on - which im not dragging - but there are plenty of girls that go for that (also plenty that dont)
whatever....point is is youre not ugly at all. stop feeling bad about yourself and you will attract women.

>> No.15373277

this is a troll.
for anyone not smart enough to realize.
and if - god forbid - it isnt.....please for fucks sake dont listen. if you are an adult (18+) eboy is not a look to covet

>> No.15373319

Plastic surgery but only if you're already born in the top 5% of beautiful men.

>> No.15373354

>This is a troll
Nah nigga, I'm serious. Also, aren't you 29 or some shit? I don't think you would know what attracts younger girls lol. Softboy and eboy maxxing is the way to go.

>> No.15373368

Bro you are not ugly, need to take care of your hair better

>> No.15373370

I like how nobody gives a shit about what you have to say.

You just chase clout arguing with established tripfags

>> No.15373380

This pic is literally me except I’m a guy, I guess dating apps will be my lifesaver.
I’m so freaking cute but also stupidly shy which is a weird combo that gets you nowhere. I know I could get the girl that I want but I just can’t do it because I’m a complete moron, apparently a lot of girls do the same thing.

>> No.15373392

Post pic

>> No.15373418

If you have to describe yourself as "so freaking cute" then I can guarantee you're a 6/10 at best

>> No.15373420

what to do if people DO say I'm ugly
a lot

>> No.15373437

It’s a fact, you can’t boast on an anonymous site.

>> No.15373448

got a good face but man your hairline is doin you so dirty

>> No.15373495
File: 63 KB, 675x900, 51251221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try this hairstyle to cover up your hairline

>> No.15373528

just don't be ugly.

>> No.15373556

Eboy shit
Lil Peep in your story ever day
Bladee, drain gang, Chief Keef, shit like that
Girls love all that^

>> No.15373571

Yeahhh. Don't do that. There is no way that works out with your face and your hair.

>> No.15373580
File: 483 KB, 2048x2048, 570CE57C-6E62-4AD8-825D-FF3F62E5E64B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im way uglier than u and i get these all the time

ive only had these apps for a few weeks but maybe u should get better pictures of urself

>> No.15373598

based fringeposter

>> No.15373602

Post pic

>> No.15373619

>tfw only times i've ever been dm'ed were ugly mis swipes and a comment on my joke pic
I've had success in asia (se asian), and mostly taiwan/singapore. Will say japanese girls are big no on me, maybe only 5 likes while there
Overall, typical middle tier guy, barely get any likes on the hidden tinder gold thing.
Here in socal my tinder is a fuckin desert

>> No.15373651

Post face

>> No.15373660

It's women who date upwards which is why status is so important for men you stupid cunt

>> No.15373719

Close your fucking mouth man.

>> No.15373734

I'd really like to see a pic, those responses seem insane for someone who apparently doesn't look that great.

>> No.15373739

and i thought i was a chad because sometimes a girl writes "hey whats up" to me first, could only dream of this

>> No.15373778

>pharmacy student
Yeah, some women want to raise a family and money is really important to them, there’s gonna be a lot of coping when it comes to the guy’s looks.
They usually realise their mistake when it’s too late, so catch them while you can.
Just be prepared for them to be extremely unhappy later in life.

>'A man can move himself two points higher on the attractiveness scale we used if his salary increases by a factor of ten.

>'For a female to achieve the same two-point effect her salary would need to increase by 10,000 times.'


>> No.15373806

Honestly, i get the same but im an dubiously ethnic boy so i mostly get art hoes and girls trying to use me as a piece to show how woke they are.

Won't lie it's a massive ego boost to be fawned upon by women but it does leave you jaded and over dependant on your looks to get by.

>> No.15373810 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 749x1000, cpp,small,lustre,product,750x1000.u5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ discord servers. prettyboys and prettygirls welcome


>> No.15373835

Just increase your salary tenfold bro

>> No.15373861
File: 801 KB, 2048x2048, E2894781-1851-4B1C-B1E0-EB214D925FC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woman aren't on tinder for a family lmao. most of my experiences on it have been fwb or hookups.

heres a recent waywt post

its only taking me 8 years of college and copious amounts of stress and money

>> No.15373866


You look so feminine. guess the E-boy thing works

>> No.15373871

You are not ugly. You are unconventionally attractive. Very feminine/boyish.

>> No.15373878

>Have nice hair
>Have a good jaw

Literally it.

>> No.15373899 [DELETED] 

Those yellow text bubbles are from Bumble.

>> No.15373902

>woman aren't on tinder for a family lmao. most of my experiences on it have been fwb or hookups.
Those yellow text bubbles are from Bumble.

>> No.15373964

yeah you are not ugly at all
you just look really unique and thats attractive

>> No.15373980

listen bro, im not gay but you are very attractive in a feminine way
dont turn into a faggot tho

>> No.15374165

where can i find more pictures of you? you are beautiful

>> No.15374180

I was referring to looks and not status dipshit

>> No.15374228
File: 46 KB, 1125x716, 1593871029233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls keep saying that I'm "pretty" on tinder
I don't know if this a good thing or a bad thing

>> No.15374255

hahah of course he's a /mu/tard who screeches about the latest tranny musician

>> No.15374262

strong tranny vibes bro
yeah you're definitely not ugly
quit dickriding motherfuckers

>> No.15374273

>woman aren't on tinder for a family lmao. most of my experiences on it have been fwb or hookups.
That has less to do with them and more to do with you not being long term material. If a eoman sees value in you she'll drop the independent woman bullshit and want to be with you. Every girl I've met off tinder wanted yo be in a relationship, even the ones who wrote they just wanted to fuck.

>> No.15374288

I have this problem where only my mom's friends tell me I'm good looking, but never girls my age dp, I guess they're shy......

>> No.15374301

Being average isn't as bad as incels claim but being legit ugly is objectivley a worse disadvantage than being black. 90% of people will make negative assumptions about you.

>> No.15374308

Pray for the best

>> No.15374379

Post pic

>> No.15374447
File: 778 KB, 1932x2142, F8ED24F5-B55B-429C-B99E-BAC6D7D91ABC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a better pic

>> No.15374455

yeah it is
good jaw and shit but you should cut your hair cause you look like a basement dweller

>> No.15374457

You’re a straight 5/10 bro you are deffo not ugly you’re just plain

>> No.15374938

i use both, and have hooked up w girls from both. bumble seems like it’s more relationship oriented but everyone i match w just wants to fuck desu

idk about that but my ig is @ew_matth

maybe it’s an age thing? i’m 21 and match w mostly 18-22. some end up wanting relationships from a fwb but usually i just ghost

>> No.15375002

yes, how did you know?

>> No.15375011

twink bottom gang :) i love you

>> No.15375292

ur inner cams shit, post a mirror selfie. Ideal photos are pictures someone else took but we gotta work with what we got.
your hair needs some care, you dont gotta cut it off but you do need some volume and tame the flyaway strands
Its a sin to post reddit, but not using all your resources is retarded; go visit somthing like r FierceFlow. Lot of them are fuckin gay, but just sort by top for inspo. Girls can really fuckin dig the mane, it'll frame your face better and you'll look well groomed.
Next piece is confidence on your face + killer smile. You wont be conventional attractive, but you'll be the kind where they'll think "this guy's not that cute but for some reason I'm really into him"
Confidence can be learned, and you can train yourself to be more charming (unless you're autistic, not fuckin around). Smile and how you look at people can easily add a point, point and a half.
Closing thoughts: There are models who are conventionally ugly, but can use whatever they got up their sleeves to be attractive.
I see ugly guys with hot girlfriends all the time; on the street, on insta, you can fool these hoes into settling for you with one of your redeeming qualities.
If you get a good job, money adds 3 points to you. Worst case scenario
Trust in the system, trust in yourself, ugly people would kill to have your potential

>> No.15375302

When the fuck did this become a pussy zoomer board

>> No.15375406

Really, it kills me. No, really, I mean it. No, I do actually mean it. Really, I do.

>> No.15375531

you still have a chance if you try to improve

>> No.15375545

do not cut your hair, that anon is a retard
just style it

>> No.15375653

>way uglier than you
shut the fuck up you just needed an ego boost lol

>> No.15375677

can i post my pic in this thread and ask what the fuck i should do to not be an uggo?

>> No.15375697

My nigga you look like a deformed monster lol gtfo off my board

>> No.15375698 [DELETED] 


>> No.15375701

Zoomers have higher test than you. grandpa, you might need to get some testosterone from the doctor

>> No.15375709
File: 1.02 MB, 175x131, niggers happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15375710

Lmaooo hahahahaha cmon dude wtf is that lol you look fucken gay

>> No.15375711

I would kiss

>> No.15375730

man you got a cool facial build, good jawline, just close your fucking mouth.

>> No.15375732

I wanna suck your dick dude

>> No.15375754

you look gay, lesbian or a tranny. either way id smash your ass

>> No.15375761
File: 150 KB, 504x595, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres more to it than getting her to msg first, anons

>> No.15375767

go suck her dick, boy

>> No.15375773

alright i guess no one is perfect
she opened with "ur gorgeous" literally just ask her to meetup/fuck and her number

>> No.15375775

or youre so pretty whatever you know what i mean

>> No.15375780

you're good looking u retard lmao

>> No.15375818

gay ass , be my slave!!

>> No.15375819

tinder showed me that I'm a lot uglier than I thought I was. my 5'5" skinnyfat friend can get tons of pussy effortlessly and I have so far gotten like 3 matches that go nowhere.

>> No.15375832


>> No.15375929

So fucking cringe man, go easy

>> No.15375980

how tall are you and do you have it listed in your profile? I looked at your ig and you seem to be 5'7-5'8 ish, that number means a lot in dating apps.

>> No.15375984

the best way to reply to these are "thanks you're pretty too, we should meet and make pretty children" or soemthing of that sorts, works if they are dtf and if it doesn't it saves you time.

>> No.15375990
File: 93 KB, 750x336, IMG_0184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a chance you're a late bloomer and your time will come

chances are you're just ugly though

>> No.15376024

I was a skinny pretty boy from 16-21 before my second facial and body development and started hitting the gym. Now I look hyper masculine, especially when I grow out my stubble. I had good female attention when I was a pretty boy but now woman of all ages throw themselves at me. 25 year old stacies, 19 year old art hoes, older milfs, easy. This is the way to go, not be a faggy little e boy. On top of it I get male respect too

>> No.15376027
File: 812 KB, 3828x2376, sexbruhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Achieve what you set your mind to.

>> No.15376202

why sacrifice everything to look like a faggot just for pussy

>> No.15376204


>> No.15376299

because the post i replied to literally says you're a /mu/tard...

>> No.15376300

nah he should cut it

>> No.15376302

that's so fucking cringe

>> No.15376812

you look assymetry

>> No.15376820

everyone wants to talk about his looks...nobody want to tell this guy those pants are atrocious?

they remind of my first pair of jeans when i lived in a 2nd world country...where having jeans made you look upper status..lol
no offence
nice mullet...i hope these dont actually catch on

>> No.15376822

I wanna kiss with him and suck his dick.
no homo

>> No.15376853

ok old lady

>> No.15376861

Ok boomer

>> No.15376862

me = sieg

>> No.15376863
File: 27 KB, 200x188, thumb_when-you-clone-yourself-and-play-a-game-of-chess-27402599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15376865

you will never create characters like Tolstoy why even live

>> No.15376907
File: 1.29 MB, 978x827, 1592329681114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15377040

What if I’m 26 but look 18

>> No.15377083

go fuck yourself stupid faggot you just came here to boost your ego

god why did god make me so ugly

>> No.15377091

>evolution and basic biology states that feminine women in their prime should be attracted to masculine looking men
>this HRT girly looking tranny gets thousands of matches
How does this make sense? I don't get it... Are the women who match with you just lesbians, or is that mental illness? From a biological standpoint, it makes zero sense.
That said, you aren't ugly. But you're definitely not masculine or manly

>> No.15377129
File: 182 KB, 750x762, FC74EFD3-0232-4977-8802-23642241FC6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:( not to be a simp but I’ve only been with 1 girl (my first gf) and there are so many pretty girls that like me but all I want is her. Why am I like this?

>> No.15377134

>balding (Norwood 6 at age 24)
>weak chin with minimal forward growth
>convex profile
>still have chubby cheeks despite being below 20% bodyfat
>scar on my lips
>fat lips
>chronic dry skin
>bags under my eyes
>pasty white skin
>mild rosacea
I'll never be effay no matter how I dress.

>> No.15377156

>evolution and basic biology states that feminine women in their prime should be attracted to masculine looking men
You must be stupid to believe that. Young women (especially the intelligent ones) prefer "pretty" men while more mature women like the manly type

>> No.15377161

I understand that, I just can't understand how does it make sense from an evolutionary standpoint that a woman in her most fertile stage would be attracted to a man that looks like a girl?

>> No.15377166

hypergamy and competition anxiety

>> No.15377173
File: 386 KB, 780x1385, 20200621_220545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aesthetics is subjective. Just look at zoomer Instagram and tiktok, pretty zoomer girls like effay twinks and cute boys. The trend now is wearing skirts.

>> No.15377192


>> No.15377193

Why are you so douchey? Have you been reading that PUA shit?

>> No.15377196

you look like a tranny

>> No.15377253

> Ha Ha you want me to knock you up and leave you to bear a child alone and lead you to a life of poverty and low expectations? !?! hahahahahahha

>> No.15377318

post a fit my eg pants r fire

yea its in my bio, im 175cm

lol keep worrying about looking manly and i'll keep matching and getting messaged first

worrying so much about about appearance and manliness is probably more unattractive than looking feminine

>> No.15377329

Who makes a collage like this you absolute narcissist??
Yeah you know you're not ugly, kill yourself.

>> No.15377333

anyone else here never had a woman be attracted to them? When I was younger I thought it was common that a lot of guys rarely had gfs or had one or two women be attracted to them because i didnt see many guys with gfs, but as i grew up I realized having no positive attention from women, let alone getting a gf was very uncommon

I dont particularly feel sad or lonely about this, but it was a very unpleasant and surreal feeling when it dawned on me. and it is still a painful feeling

>> No.15377341

if you are an average to below average man you need to make an effort to chase women or you'll die a virgin that's just reality buddy

>> No.15377344

Digits of despair.
Yeah man I know how you feel, especially the fact that it doesn’t bother you but it’s just odd. That’s what gets me. Everyone out there, regardless of race, physical deformities or mental handicaps gets some genuine partner affection. Sucks not being anyone’s niche. On a positive note it helps that it provides a constant wellspring for my doomer poetry. I suggest you try to express that anguish through any art you’re keen on.. it does help

>> No.15377346
File: 126 KB, 1062x659, 1579228897181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who makes a collage like this you absolute narcissist??

>> No.15377820

pua shit is generally cringe, tho rollo is good for ausitmal incels. desu the pua community is highly autistic

what i want is for the girl to bend to me. submit to my frame. everything u can learn about girls comes down to frame, and everything about frame can be learned from girls age 6-14. not saying bang em, im saying all girls are the same, and the youngest ones are incapable of hiding their cards the way the older ones are. even 18 y.o girl are highly subtle in their games if youre inexperienced.

at the end of the day all u need to do is pass her shit tests, and all u need to do to pass her shit tests is laugh, say no, or agree and amplify, or all of the above. this is easiest when u dont care about anything she thinks, disrepsect her opinon, and only want sex. what u saw in that ss was him giving her a frame and testing for submission/agreement to that frame to properly gauge interest/get her pussy flinching

too quick and youre thirsty. girls hit dudes with these to see how thirsty the guy is. you have to convince her you have sex whenever you want, and if u arent gonna fuck her, youre gonna be fucking another girl instead

the easiest way to get girls is to have a girl. even ugly fat girl will get u the attn of the hottest girls. u dont even need to be boning the fat girl, just flirting with her, making her laugh, and other girls see this, and they become enraged with jealousy and will make effort to get your attn. men exchange their attention for sex. never give your attention for free

tip 1
never look at them, ignore them entirely, select from the ones who go out of their way to get your attn
tip 2
tinder is a complete waste of time, is only for stupid verbal exchanges. the one girl i fucked on tinder was a camwhore / literal pornstar. i never went on tinder again. i am very good looking, i dont get invited to parties because im such a smooth talking asshole.

just approach

>> No.15377907
File: 104 KB, 749x1024, 1537134407488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody should respect you if you don't respect your own body

>> No.15377915

what is pua and what is rollo tf
also the fuck is frame

>> No.15377952

pickup artists, i rec avoiding them
heres the trick:
>never think, say and do the first thing that comes to mind
we, men, have been brainwashed
theres a lot that need to be undone to reconnect with the deep part of your bones that knows how to dance the mating dance


frame, hard to describe, once u get it u got it
u are the picture frame, she is the picture. u provide the context of the interaction. the frame is
>do what i tell u to do or ill find one who will
read rollo, avoid the manosphere, eat a lot of good food, like 4000cal, and do stuff like this
dont think, dont care, forget about hope, and just do. whatever you want, whenever you want, no matter what anyone ever says about anything ever. guy friends like this are hard to find, but the rest are a bunch of backstabbing gynocentric beta cuck faggots and u want nothing to do with them but to sharpen your teeth

when u ask a girl out. dont ask, tell. just say
>im going to get lunch, come with me
>lets go over here
>im going outside, u can come with me if u want to
youre going to do something, live ur life, with or without her. if she wants to be included in your life, she can come if she wants to. never ask. if your voice trembles, just commit. stomach breathing

the highest complement u can receive is being called an asshole
relax your jaw, let your teeth disconnect, push it slightly forward so your front teeth are aligned. relax your stomach, breathe diagrammatically

u will be great man if u want to be. commit to yourself, and dab on the haters, and women will, like they do for me all the time, literally follow you around waiting for your attention. the older u get, the easier all of this becomes. be ok with failure, embrace suffering as the fire of life

>> No.15377966

explain more
do u mean frame like the rational male frame thing?

>> No.15377969

someone tell me it isn't over for me. I haven't gotten a crumb of pussy since my ex and I broke up this year

>> No.15377987

have you asked any girls out

>> No.15377989

no. I've been focused on personal growth.

>> No.15377990
File: 249 KB, 873x360, neo-bullets1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i think so, i havent watched or read much of him in a long time, this yt video is 2hrs on frame
there comes a point where u just understand something intrinsically
frame is your perspective on the world, how u see things, your opinions, what u do, when u do it, etc
when u fail a shit test, she broke your frame. you cared about her opinion on your not liking tattoos, and you submitted to her frame, her world view, because u took back your statement on tattoos being for faggots
or when u say fag and shes like thats not pc or whatever, and u agree with her, broken frame

>9 yo girl
>im laying my head down on the couch resting after a long drive
>i look up and she walks over asking
>are u awake
>i say no im asleep and put my head back down and close my eyes
>she says ok youre sleeping
she entered into my frame

girls will, after a period of time, depending on the pressure from her friend group, eventually agree with u on politics, and pretty much everything. she will derive her world view, her frame, from yours, because she has consented to your frame

shit tests test the strength of your frame, if u have a weak frame, u lack self confidence, and arent someone worth following. women are pure followers, they need a leader, because they have weak frames. if youre a guy with a decent frame, u will always win, u can never lose. youre literally neo, and girls are bullets. once you understand, u just understand, and there nothing they can do anymore.

and they know, its in the tone of your voice, your posture, your eyes. i say one thing and women notice this guy is different. ive noticed a big change in the last 2 years
just crash and burn a lot, by approaching, and youll inevitably figure it out. and just know, if u cold approach a girl u dont know, youre automatically in the top 5% of men

stop thinking when talking to girls. dont fucking think about anything. just say and do. stop. fucking. thinking

>> No.15377992

thats why.

>> No.15377995

I mean yeah, I just miss the affection she gave me more than anything. That and the fact that she already got with and broke up with a rebound guy makes me crave a new girl, but I'm not really trying outside of passive tinder use, but I find tinder boring.

>> No.15378000

>stop fucking thinking
im hoping this comes with experience

>> No.15378009

include approaching in personal growth. it wont take long because it the most natural thing in life
make an effort to approach one girl a week and just walk up and say hi
say and say/do the first things that come to mind, that isnt leaving, and completely disregard whatever u think she might think about it. dont fucking think before you speak
if people talk shit about you, youre winning
dont expect any signals from them, the eye contact and smile thing is a meme. if theres ANY eye contact AT ALL, thats a signal
but also know red lights are green lights. girls with a resting bitch face is a good sign
insert miles davis quote about working on theory off stage and then forgetting everything when youre on the bandstand
it gets easier as u get older

>> No.15378023

lmao, I'm thinking of an interaction I had with a qt girl today. Went to the hippie store to buy some incense. I walked and she was smiling at me and had lingering eye contact. I smiled back and went about my business. At the register she commented on how one of the scents I chose was her favorite. I just said "yeah, I like it " and then paid and left. In hindsight, she was basically inviting me into a conversation, and I was just like, "yeah okay sure, whatever" I'm pretty socially retarded as a result of growing up with untreated ADD, so I'm more focused on like fidgeting with my wallet or hands instead of the flow of the conversation itself. That's a good tip to just try an approach once a week. I'll be fine desu, I'm just venting.

>> No.15378134

I feel you bro. I wish I was attractive

>> No.15378153

>I'm pretty socially retarded as a result of growing up with untreated ADD
holy shit can I relate

>be me last night
>picking up friend from someones house
>get invited in
>8/10 I haven't seen in a while starts chatting with me
>"omg anon! its been so long how have you been?"
>"wow anon your sister goes to my college? give her my number!"
>>>don't ask for her number
>we leave
>realize later she was literally asking me to ask for her number
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.15378468

Thanks anon its rare when you actually get good advice on this board

>> No.15379139

fuck everyone, man. work on your body and mind. get /fit/, read, meditate, etc. love yourself instead of waiting to be loved.

>> No.15379141

todd howard?

>> No.15379162

Usually ugly people have ugly personalities

>> No.15379212

looks way more like a girl then boy.
would fuck

>> No.15379231

>tfw most people in this thread are pretty boy aesthetic
>because of my features and build i have to go chad aesthetic

>> No.15380932

I feel ya laddie

>> No.15380939

>be ugly
>no one talks to you or hangs out with you
>don't get socialization so you develop personality disorders
yeah no shit

>> No.15380948

>be super good looking guy
>guys hate u because they know ud get the hot one
>girls hate u cuz they know theyre not hot enough for u
im sorry who are my friends supposed to be again?

>> No.15380968

It works both ways.

Really hot people can lack certain aspects of a personality. Certainly often they are not used to struggle and can have a difficult time when such things arise.

The guy part, yes. The girl part, no. Women wil hate and get bitchy around other when regarding you. They will not directly hate you though. They are not competing with your looks (as men are) they are competing with other women's looks.

>> No.15381021

Thanks but I don't want to be an asshole

>> No.15381037

idiot beta chump

>> No.15381052

People pls for the love of god - don’t take the advice of the bald clown who wears lipstick and eyeliner. You don’t want to end up like him.

>> No.15381055

you're saying to take your advice? and end up single, childless, unemployed and with only one fuckbuddy
at 35

>> No.15381063

I agree with what you're saying "don't think just talk" but being rude only works if you're far more attractive than the other person imo

>> No.15381064

Hurr ignore all he says and just judge him via how he looks! This is why you sound like a stuck up little girl. You never offer any advice or help people, you just rant about your booty calls and how beautiful you are.

Lol burn

>> No.15381075

ok go ahead and become a cecil
also i do have jobs and more than one option for a partner so fuck off about that

>> No.15381081

no you don't. you just want to appear like the winner of the argument
>you really think someone would just go on the internet and lie

>> No.15381085

>continues to brag about how hot she is and how many options she has

Insufferable as always. I never told anyone to be like me, if anything, I told them how to not be like me and don't make the same mistakes. Jesus, you're so toxic.

>> No.15381104

haha youre making me feel like i actually am the winner just by that statement, bc its true. just bc all of you are worthless rejects doesn't mean i am too. even as i wait to get my job back in detroit....im literally getting paid more sitting around "house watching", exercising horses, and watching lil kids here and there....
in the countryside away from the city where shit has been turmoil (richmond - lots of history and BLM bs)

and dont even get me started on men. so stfu you dont know my life.
yes i get bored sometimes...but as long as theres money in my account idgaf

>> No.15381108

>just bc all of you are worthless rejects doesn't mean i am too

Yeah everyone here is a worthless fucking loser, but not you. Even though you're about 13 years older than the average poster here. You have therapy for mental illness. You're bitter and ageing fast. You're not the loser though, everyone on this board is.

>> No.15381110

this being said...yes i am an outcast too...im just an outcast with much more options than then likes of Cess

>> No.15381122

ugh /fa can go ahead and start thanking you now
bc you will single highhandedly be responsible of me leaving this board
disgusting old pedophile who wears his moms make up. mind blowing how the people here are so nice to you. im assuming its pity

and no cesspool im not flirting so pls stop that delusion

>> No.15381136

What other options do you have than me? You can get some dick? Cool, I guess? You can't get quality men because you have nothing in return.


>mind blowing how the people here are so nice to you.

Lmao at reality hitting you hard that being a stuck up bitch won't get people falling at your feet and how you believe unattractive people should be treat like absolute shit and it blows your mind when they're not.

You legit think 100% of people should side with you because you are so hot and female and believe 100% should be against me because I am not.

This is how I know you have severe mental illness. You have no idea just how fucking VILE you are as a person.

Ohh nooo a guy with makeup!! You're on a fashion board, did you confuse it for a males pay you attention board?

>and no cesspool im not flirting so pls stop that delusion

I'm too good for you and that's a fact.

And lol at shit talking the board, calling everyone a loser and trying to turn it around, ohh no it's Cecil's fault if I leave!! No, it's your own fault because of your disgusting and entitled attitude.

>> No.15381152

Please leave

>> No.15381155

jesus christ look what the cat dragged in

>> No.15381157

You've literally never been attractive though. So what the fuck do you know about what girls do when your attractive. TELL US WHAT NOT TO DO YOU FUCKING BOGG MONSTER. not what we should do because you've pissed the bed on the decision making aspect of life. YOU FUCKING ASS GOBLIN.

>> No.15381159

She had no response for this so she just replied to flirt with Sieg instead

>> No.15381160

I'd consider you what the ass dropped. A big pile of steaming shit.

>> No.15381163 [DELETED] 

I've never been to the moon either, but I know about the amount of gravity it has. From behavioral studies, the dynamics of social interaction between the sexes and humans connect as a species in regards to that.

Women do not hate an attractive man, or being around him. If anything, his level of attractiveness within her presence is a boost her self esteem. They hate other women in the circle who can be a threat to this. Mich like how a guy with his g/f would be uncomfortable if a really hot guy came along. He wouldn't hate his g/f for being hot.

>> No.15381168

I've never been to the moon either, but I know about the amount of gravity it has. From behavioral studies, the dynamics of social interaction between the sexes and how humans connect as a species in regards to that.

Women do not hate an attractive man, or being around him. If anything, his level of attractiveness within her presence is a boost to her self esteem. They hate other women in the circle who can be a threat to this. Much like how a guy with his hot g/f would be uncomfortable if a really hot guy came along. He wouldn't hate his g/f for being hot.

>> No.15381169
File: 25 KB, 300x300, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was thinking he was a literal troll

but ass goblin is a fair description too

>> No.15381170
File: 935 KB, 1667x817, posing lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flirt harder with me. I can smell you gushing from over here.

Print this pic, it's yours.

>> No.15381173

>I know how much gravity it has
You literally don't. Someone told you and you believe them.
You don't know anything.
All of the shit your spewing is second hand which means you not only are throwing up shit the shit your throwing up is from someone else's ass. You gobble up shit and then shit it back out.
your not smarter then anyone your dumber if you were smarter you'd be in a better position and look alot better then you do now. Fuck sake. I hate you goblin fucks. Go back to Mordor.

>> No.15381177

not cecil but this is such a retarded paranoid argument

>> No.15381179

I'm not on your side either tranny. And I'm not name fagging for attention either. I am a worker bee. Just a fumbling retard among the masses. And so are you. Fucking pathetic to think your any more then that.

>> No.15381180

>You literally don't. Someone told you and you believe them.

Lmao that's called learning, you dunce. Maybe I should shoot you? Somebody told you it would kill you but as you've not experienced it, it's not true, right?

>your not smarter then anyone your dumber if

Oh. There it is. Ranting about others being dumb when you lack even the most basic of grammar. Embarrassing. I don't reply to people with an IQ of 65. Isn't it strange how the dumbest posters on here are the only ones that white knight for a girl. Says a lot about the "quality" of the "men" she attracts.

>> No.15381182

And even if cecil is an ass goblin, your still an old tranny looking creature so your no better than him I would even say worse

>> No.15381183

jesus christ you're autistic. that whole selfie bit only made you look retarded. clearly she was still dtf, but making her go 'wat lol' isn't helping you.

>> No.15381184

i dont need you on my side you fkn wimp. i just happened to like your ass goblin comment. jeeeez - youre anonymous so what does it matter to you anyway?

>> No.15381185

She's just excited she thinks she's unblocked. Don't worry she's not. I'm just driving rn.

>> No.15381186

Notice how I was just posting normally in threads and interacting. "Me" comes along and starts abusing me and derails a thread into drama. Toxic as fuck. Attention seeker.

>> No.15381188

pussy bitch

>> No.15381190

You are sexually frustrated because he blocked you. Lol.

>> No.15381192

There aren't any girls on the internet you fucking anal clown. Also no I don't know if I'd "die" if you shoot me. For all I know I'm immortal. But then your getting just practicing mental masturbation. I DON'T MASTURBATE ON THE FUCKING WEEK DAYS YOU IDIOT. IM NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT, IM NOT ALLLLOWWED. Monsters like you should be caged and well fed. And walked every 30 days at night to stretch your legs. And maybe on holidays you ride in a float in the parade and people point and say "I'm glad I didn't turn out like that, sure the government is taking my home but atleast I'm not a fucking fish eyed ghoul." No offense. I'll stop insulting you.

>> No.15381194

Mupp da doo didda, take your meds schitzo.

>> No.15381195

If you style your hair a little better, and take better pics there's hope for you yet. If you're tall you've got a decent chance.

>> No.15381196

the saddest part of it all is that i would much rather throw insults at sieg. he is at least educated and not a complete moron who wears lipstick.
cesspool - well - i actually pitty him and its like - should i be saying these things to a mentally disturbed hideous human being? he might find where i live and stab me 89 times...and make a hat out of my skin

>> No.15381197

Because your a tranny. You look just as bad as cecil. Your a tranny goblin. I bet your pussy is a real roast beef used up

>> No.15381198

>this post
>pls cecil, pls come and find me
>pls visit me

You are absolutely BEGGING me to fuck you. Not gonna happen. I have standards.

>> No.15381202

woah woah
im just saying his mental capacity is greater than yours
and even though he's not good looking - at least he doesnt look like the clown from IT

>> No.15381204


How can she be a tranny and also have a roastie pussy? Seems like you need atleast 10-15 years for the meats to mature. I don't think you know what the FUCK your talking about sir.

>> No.15381205
File: 774 KB, 1666x814, rip cecil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi, I am a friend of Cecil's. He ended his life today. He wanted this last photo of him posted and he left a note saying how he couldn't handle the constant pressure of some girl on here begging him daily for sex.

>> No.15381210

You know something that's crazy. Who the fuck are you even. We know what CeCe looks like (cough cough *a monster* ) but aren't you a tranny or something. Like what's the deal. Shouldnt you be getting you genitals mutilated right now?

>> No.15381212

Please just fuck off already
You said you would so many times already
Just fuck off no one wants you here
Make a disvord and fljrt there you mentally ill whore

>> No.15381214

dont hit a tree fatass

>> No.15381215

Just ignores the message to instead flirt with who you thinks is a potential mate
All you want is fucking attention
You're finally getting filtered

>> No.15381221

eboy/softboy-maxing to get art hoes.

I´m ugly, but I´ve always been rather successfull with girls due to charisma which is my only real talent.
80% of the girls I´ve been with - as much as I hate the term - were arthoes and more girls that were into me, were, too.

Let me tell you one thing: They´re NOT into "softboys". At all. Sure, there are outliers, but most of them absolutely are in the strong/manly-thing.

>> No.15381231

potential mate?
lay off the meth

>> No.15381317

lol the triggering

>> No.15381361

This, she posted like 4 things directed at or about me and got excited because she thought she got her shot back

>> No.15381783
File: 45 KB, 381x381, fecb5c5ff66369ea9bc32b5496a83e89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the club, once you love a girl, all others are non existing))

>> No.15381785

the love you speak off is fleeting, it never lasts
and then you are stuck with useless mongrel offsprings

>> No.15381857

Shut the fuck up, have you ever seen an attractive person having issues with getting a girlfriend? I don’t think anyone else has either so you’re just trying to make yourself look like the victim even though there is literally no issue because no woman thinks like that. Retard.

>> No.15382121

you could make a lot of money on onlyfans as a femboy

>> No.15382125

thats bad game dude, selfies? what the fuck

>> No.15382606

>>still have chubby cheeks despite being below 20% bodyfat
? what lose weight u fat fuck

>> No.15383693

>Trouble getting a girlfriend

Every single man can get a girlfriend.

The problem is getting a good girlfriend.

Like just existing and being male gives you options.

For example 19 year olds want a fun older boy who knows how to fuck

Desperate women like prodigy want men like me to be their hero betabux boyfriend to rescue them from bad life choices and cock carousel coming to a stop. You just have to ignore these types of women since they'll squak at you about how they're the best you'll ever do or about how lucky you are that you're 'getting their attention'....like oh yeah I really want the attention of the aging whore who everybody has used and is done with.

You need to see right through these worthless women if you want a good life. Or see that teens just want to use you for your place,money, access to alcohol and turn them/burn them when they lose that youthful voice/look

>> No.15383773

Luck Bastard

>> No.15383798

You'll succeed more with guys, very anti-dimorphic look so i understand why women don't find you attractive, but i guess you can find your niche.

>> No.15383799

This + decent eyes and eyebrows combo. Prominent cheekbones are important (High cheekbones are preferred for pretty boys, Low mostly suit masculine chads).

>> No.15383805

Shave that hair dude. Long hair is a huge meme here and if you legit want to attract women a normie haircut will be x10 better.

>> No.15383808

He's not masculine enough to pull long hair, He look like andro twink bottom which is death sentence with women (Masculine twink do good).

>> No.15384185

This. Just get a fade of hitter youth at a real barbershop. No Supercuts haircuts

>> No.15384309

Based bloomer

>> No.15384343

>thanks lol
>bc i said so lmao

Autism at it’s finest.

>> No.15384355
File: 2.96 MB, 720x1280, 1592049843265.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15384359
File: 3.28 MB, 2048x1350, 1565905371944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people find these face types attractive? I literally dont get it. Nigga looks like fucking lego

>> No.15384366
File: 49 KB, 540x610, c1755c6d0e57e3bca355f43b6828f888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this pretty boy haircut

>> No.15384609

Just be 6'4. I get shit like this all the time

>> No.15385974

Ahahaha look at the top of his head! What is that!? You got some donald trump comb over shit happening.

Regardless, I'd make you grow your hair out and then keep you in my basement to fuck you until you love me unconditionally.

Why do women age like sour milk and men age gracefully? Hint: femininity vs masculinity. Guess which you have absolutely 0 of?

All the best in your 35+.

>> No.15386003
File: 73 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n2u2pshLJG1r9lk6lo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls will call me gorgeous all the time but in reality im ugly (short indian guy),

they just like me because im quite popular (""""""high social status"""""") and say these things,

its never rly about your looks with girls

>> No.15386268

>im way uglier than u and i get these all the time
dude haven't you done some modeling in the past? fuck you, stop pretending like you're not good looking. i fucking hate your pseudo-modesty.

>> No.15386364

Hair over eyes is disgusting and annoying

>> No.15386515

each day we stray further from god's light

>> No.15387021

I see someone reads alpha male strategies.

>> No.15387086

fuck i reckon you would smash if you cut that hair short and fix your self-esteem. thats fucking you

>> No.15387087

>and best part is that most males date upward. While sadly women date downward.
you just made that up

>> No.15387102

pozzed faggot

>> No.15387104

Lol this. She is a retard. Women engage in hypergamy and have since forever. Women date upward until they no longer have that option when they become a childless spinster like her.

>> No.15387228

> doesn't get laid from tinder
> doesn't get invited to parties
This is bad advise

>> No.15387233

Lol I have seen this before and it still cracks me up.

Perhaps one of the best examples of the mentality of white women and how far their extreme virtue signalling goes and their drive to be seen as progressive and tolerant.

She knows that nigga is ugly. He is so vile he barely passes as a human. She must know this. She has to. But the above takes over.

As sad as it is fascinating.

>> No.15387385

you know that nigga is uglygod and is a meme, right? she's with him for the fame and status y'all are stupid

>> No.15387506

holy fuck you’re good looking but autistic. thank god i have game, and not PUA game, but damn. you guys gotta get off this site

>> No.15387814

fucking zoomers jfc

>> No.15387817

Hahahahahah lmao

>> No.15389125

He's not wrong about white women. White women are some of the dumbest garbage subhuman scum on the planet. White women are weak, dumb, can't think for themselves, trend followers, NPC like, etc. They desperately want to seem progressive or tolerant and it's such an ugly mindset they have. Fuck white women. They're only good for getting their brains fucked out

>> No.15389126

drain gang discord tranny faggots

>> No.15389128

based bra

>> No.15389130

White women are cringe
Uglygod ain't relevant. nigga is grandpa as fuck. should be dating ywn melly, roddy rich or some famous ass nigga

>> No.15389534

I don’t know what’s up with the rest of these faggot anons. Someone needs to spit in their eyes it seems.

>> No.15390028

Holy shit you autists need to get off this site. Don't listen to this guy

>> No.15390254

but who GIVES A FUCK HOLY SHIT it's as if i'm communicating with hundreds of primal-base like animals that only care about attentions from others, or getting laid. Is this seriously the peak? People getting depressed because they don't get noticed enough by girls? Why is it even a factor in your life? Why are there so many others like you, who seem to lack any sort of concept or goal that you can attribute value to, other than getting sperm out of your cock and feeling good?
Isn't it all boring? Don't you ever find it retarded that you are weeping and woe is me-ing over the actions of others? Am I the retarded one? Get a grip.

>> No.15390260

honestly not bad, would be happy being a 6/10 that's a good score, 1 better than average

>> No.15390273

What the fuck is wrong with some people? The hill you are choosing to die on whilst proclaiming that you are not fit for society due to your looks is pathetic. Is that really where the line is drawn? Over the looks you have been given at birth? Some of you are extremely pathetic as the importance you have attributed to receiveing attention from females is so banal. Is there nothing else going on in your life?

>> No.15390282


>> No.15390318

You are the retarded one because you try to talk sense to these lost cases

>> No.15390402

I used to not care about it, but eventually you become ostracized by "your community" for "something so banal"

>> No.15390417

they are catration fetishists.
don't expect them to be healthy or highly-functioning.
they have a sexual compulsion, most likely due to sexual abuse when very young.

>> No.15390473
File: 3.00 MB, 450x800, 1594399641813.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your white woman, bro

>> No.15390521

lower your standards and expectations
a lot

>> No.15390542

But is it even ethical to have ugly children?

>> No.15390547

is it even ethical to have children?
there are already 7 billion of us...

>> No.15391520

pretty boys have it pretty great
you need a good facial structure and when you wanna just grow some stubble and boom you age well and are a daddymode now

>> No.15391549

source. I need to coom to this.

>> No.15391565

Nigga I'm a 26 year old kissless virgin.

>> No.15391579
File: 1.61 MB, 1191x1684, Ea8PFU4VAAIpy3j.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the 2D pill you retards

>> No.15391597

then the whole bus stood up and clapped...

>> No.15392064

ugly people usually have bad personalities as a direct result of the mistreatment they have had due to being ugly

same thing applies in reverse for beautiful people, they often have very kind positive personalities as thats what they have been subjected to

>> No.15392079


>> No.15392148

uggos always making the worst posts

>> No.15392149


>> No.15392172
File: 617 KB, 1242x888, 1594432126360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a feel i know

>> No.15392178
File: 619 KB, 1333x1000, BradElterman_TheGarden_0004604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never look like them

>> No.15392195
File: 73 KB, 635x867, __original_drawn_by_waterkuma__a5a0272a85e6d363365504aaf9a0920c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, fuck the trannies. and not in a good way

>> No.15392363

This. I wish the sex haver normies infesting this board would shut up REE

>> No.15392849


>> No.15393250

who knew being attractive, white, and fashionable would attract females?

>> No.15393277
File: 14 KB, 218x231, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To get the SEX, you need the SEXcore.

>> No.15393287

learn to pose your face for photos don't open your fucking mouth you slack jawed retard

>> No.15393295

Over. Don't listen to the copers in the thread for whom it is also over.

>> No.15393311

You're cringe op. Irl pretty boys just are, and you are just not.

>> No.15395151

jesus lol you're so bad at texting if that's actually you

>> No.15395348

confirmed once again, its all about the jawline for women.

>> No.15395446

>Am I the retarded one? Get a grip.

Sex is literally everything. ALL art arises from sexual frustration. Read Foucault.

>> No.15395456

Has anyone else been cursed with baby face? I'm not sure but I think I'm ugly, people hardly ever notice me and I never get compliments. I always get a shocked look when people find out my age (19) and the only comment I ever get about my appearance are these two celebrities I look kinda like I guess.

>> No.15395459

>Has anyone else been cursed with baby face?
This and also manletism.

I'm a virgin at 25.

>> No.15395467

I discovered hookup apps wayyyy to early and I got into a habit which didn't help my self image in the long run regardless of what people said. Maybe I'm just delusional

>> No.15395470

youre a virgin because you didnt try
im a manlet and ugly af and got laid

>> No.15395478

HAHHAHAHAHHA imagine actually believing this. Get laid bro

>> No.15395495

you're not 5'5" though.

i was rejected by literal burn victims. i'm mostly over being a virgin by now.

>> No.15395496

easy not to be a virgin
but hard to lose your virginity to someone you actually want

>> No.15395517

youre only 3 inches shorter than me
if you dont live in the netherlands youre fine

>> No.15395534

Not him, but 3 inches is a fucking lot, it's the difference between 5'9" and 6'0", and while 5'8" is fairly short, 5'5" is a death sentence. My manlet 5'6" friend is also a turbovirgin.

>> No.15395560

I'm 27 and a virgin and frankly don't plan on losing my virginity unless I meet someone I really like. Doesn't really bother me, I'm fine with just jacking off.

>> No.15395563
File: 27 KB, 490x411, 2g89kjs2l3g41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl asks height
>ask girl weight
ruled that one out easy enough

>> No.15395605

How the hell are you straight??

>> No.15395704
File: 36 KB, 800x600, 1594331795258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'10. Weird knowing I'm not that close to 6'0 but it doesn't bother me, really. This board has a strange obsession with height. Just have some confidence, social skills, and unless you're a fucking midget, you'll do fine.

>> No.15395871

>working on something
>not taking selfies with boys on tinder
Why are women like this bros ?

>> No.15397183

feminine as hell. attractiveness should wear off when people find out how beta you are

>> No.15397214

>im way uglier than u
I guarantee you that's not the case lmao

>> No.15397224

>wanting more messages like this instead of wanting a gf
some people call me the space cowboy

>> No.15397271
File: 555 KB, 1085x833, nemesis2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyones shitting on that guys message but guaranteed if you take anything said on tinder and ss it, it would look horrible

you gotta keep the text interactions hidden

>> No.15397295

thats not ugly god lol

>> No.15397657


>> No.15398199

who the fuck told you this? this is absolutely not true. beautiful people are shitty because they are given everything because of their looks. that turns them into entitled shits. beautiful people who are kind are very few and far between.

>> No.15398216

both of you are wrong

>> No.15398225
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, 107264824_1002363006860925_8209071270801250598_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put in some hard work

>> No.15398226

idk i just dont find this attractive
esp the pose and him staring at his phone like he wants to bend himself over and fuck

>> No.15398229

Do you think you're attractive?

>> No.15398230
File: 75 KB, 1080x1347, 94008123_2550262598558763_7984160327380661818_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didn't have what it takes anyways

>> No.15398240

im not ugly. i know that much.
is that you in the pic? if so im sorry for offending you...im sure there are more than plenty of males/females that would appreciate your phisique

>> No.15398241


>> No.15398256

Everyone on the board thinks you're unattractive. Where do you get the idea that you're not ugly?

>> No.15398260

what does he look like

>> No.15398264

real life

>> No.15398270

Aren't you 35 and single?
What makes you think you're attractive?

>> No.15398275

but close

what the fuck does that have to do with anything?
i didnt even say i was "attractive"
i said i wasnt ugly

>> No.15398280

all of these women are on birth control

>> No.15398314

At least being /fa/ dulls the pain a little.

>> No.15398757

Meaning steroids?

>> No.15399122

jesus fucking christ, i remeber why I stopped coming to this board
all of you are so insecure. Getting ripped, having a strong jawline, and playing these stupid "alpha" games with women is just cringe af.

you incels seriously need to stop hypothesizing about the opposite sex. Really all you are doing is lowering your own self worth and confidence, listening to advice that you can never replicate. There is absolutely no point to this.

im a skinny twink. Im not even that handsome of confident. Im just 100% not a stupid incel that is to autistic to understand the world.
I have been hit on in public, a shit ton. Girls have bought me chipotle, girls have flat out told me I was attractive to my face, girls have twerked on me at parties with their boyfriends watching, the list goes on dude.
My skinny soi boy aquintance gets girls messaging him like this on tinder all the time. He looks like a fucking buzzfeed journalist, and has a jelly bean for a face.
He is literally the exact opposite of what this thread is saying girls want.
I actually cant even believe you guys can convince yourself of this dumb shit.

heres things that I have never done.
>been an asshole to a girl because you need to give off an illusion of not caring
>worked out simply to appeal to females
>worn clothes simply to appeal to females
>roleplayed some alpha male because I think thats what women like
I have no idea how you guys can literally take advice like above, and not be SUPER cringed out. This thread is an autistic echo chamber, and you guys really really really should not be trying to do any of this.

>> No.15399144


you people are so fucking cringe.

>> No.15399180

nah, she pretty fuckable.

>> No.15399637

Step 1
Take a good photo

Literally anyone can look good in a photo. I’ve met some fag ugly chicks that looked hot online, cause they used them angles

>> No.15400192

The worst part about the "advice" in this thread is that it works to some extent, but you will only attract some nasty slag