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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 142 KB, 799x999, dffgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15372768 No.15372768 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the well dressed man who appreciates suits and dressing well but isn't an old boomer who dresses /tradivyprep/.
Post inspo, post what you're wearing, post fits and post reviews.

>> No.15372769
File: 307 KB, 994x1392, ddfvsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone own a seersucker jacket? I want one so much, thinking of getting one made now that my local menswear shop is open again

>> No.15372771
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>> No.15372775
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>> No.15372785
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>> No.15372795
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>> No.15372810
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>> No.15372820
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>> No.15372822

Angelli was such a chad. The more I read about him the more I love him.
There are pictures of him wearing two different shoes, he truly just wore whatever he wanted and didn't give a fuck

>> No.15372834
File: 1.51 MB, 3216x4824, inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like how I'm dressing now that I've turned 30. Shirt tucked into some high waisted trousers and some loafers mostly. If it's really hot I'll unbutton another button on the shirt.

>> No.15372847

isnt this the same as that dumb Mediterranean summer thread

>> No.15372878

Fuck off back to your /tip/ threads, LARPing faggot. Keep dressing up like rich boomers.
This thread is for the well dressed man who appreciates suits

>> No.15372894
File: 136 KB, 1080x1349, sdfsfgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seersucker is based as fuck when it's not just the same tired blue stripes. I love the look of the texture

>> No.15372900
File: 107 KB, 640x640, Sprezzatura-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15372916
File: 157 KB, 984x1091, kjjafsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the contrast of the stripes with an earth tone suit. Anyone know of any good recs for shirts like these?

>> No.15372929

Why would you were a denim shirt with this fit, if looks like shit.

>> No.15372932

It just looks sloppy, that's all. If he buttoned it and tucked it it could probably look really good

>> No.15372936

There's some really nice fits in this thread. Were can I buy stuff like these.

>> No.15372946
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>> No.15372950

Best bet is to find a store near you that specializes in this kind of stuff. Anything that does made-to-measure or bespoke stuff will have everything you need.
For example I got a suit made when I got married that I picked the material, color, buttons, lapel type, everything. Anything you like you can have made for not a lot if you know where to look

>> No.15372954
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>> No.15372978
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>> No.15372985

W2C pants like the guy on the right

>> No.15372988

Look up "gurkha pants", that's probably they style you're looking for

>> No.15373046

this is just SEXcore with blazers

>> No.15373068

Are you retarded, blind or both?
Sexcore is jacked dudes wearing skin tight clothes. These are well tailored clothes in tastefully chosen colors in carefully coordinated outfits. None of the guys posted here are even buff.
Get the fuck out if you're clueless

>> No.15373090
File: 88 KB, 640x960, dskjldhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hat is meh, but the rest of the fit is good. It's amazing what a simple shirt into pants can do

>> No.15373094

This may be one of the most difficult looks to perform. Even some of the fits in this thread look like guys who are trying way too hard to look cool. Posing with cigeratte, hand in pocket, etc like theyve seen too many goodfellas movies and are larping.

But sometimes, they strike gold.

>> No.15373100

Well yeah, most of the pics in here are from guys posing for the camera. Ignore that stuff. It's the fits themselves that are good.
Nothing is better than wearing a shirt with a spot coat and some nice high waisted trousers and loafers to absolutely mog the shit out of the poorly dressed people you see usually. It's not even considered "dressing up" anywhere that isn't the US, it's considered looking nice

>> No.15373132

The thing is americans do dress like this, they just look completely fucking out of place. In artsy trust fund places where a late 20s dude can dress like this and does, it comes across as extremely tryhard. Id like to think their is an age appropriateness to this and also possibly a location dependent reason to dress like this.

Like sure this fit is simple but if you are at an outdoor function where everybody doesnt dress like that, you stick out and do look weird. I dunno. I dont hate it. But I guess the point is that this style is off the beaten path anyway

>> No.15373137

Can you post one of those pics?

>> No.15373142
File: 245 KB, 1024x880, agnelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much anything of him can be great inspo if you're confident enough. Lord knows he certainly was

>> No.15373154

I'm 30 and married, so I don't feel weird wearing shirts and tucking them in.
More than anything it's the fact that I live in the US and everyone around me is wearing cargo shorts and t-shirts. It's not so much that I'm dressing up as it is everyone around me is dressing down as low as possible.
I'm planning on getting a real estate license soon and selling commercial real estate, so dressing nicely is expected and part of the job, so what you're doing while dressed up is important too.

>> No.15373163
File: 288 KB, 1080x1351, seersuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT material

>> No.15373177

I understand the real estate thing and dressing nice for that. But I do get a tingle of fedoralord from that. Like a guy always dressed in steam punk going malady, or report of the week always dressed in suits but completely fucking goofy cause nobody else around him dresses like that.

>> No.15373189

It's not for everyone. If you work a wageslave job surrounded by guys in t-shirts then yeah, you'll look weird.
Most "professional" jobs wouldn't think twice if someone wore a sport coat

>> No.15373288
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>> No.15373327
File: 95 KB, 570x839, 1584219483758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the inspo being posted. keep em coming OP

>> No.15373349
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>> No.15373350
File: 45 KB, 368x523, david-gandy-marks-and-spencer-fw14-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much anything Gandy wears is gonna be great inspo

>> No.15373355
File: 109 KB, 634x902, kinginspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Felipe is also super well dressed, all his suits look great and most aren't typical boring business suits

>> No.15373356
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>> No.15373357
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>> No.15373460
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>> No.15373468

dont get one from your local menswear shop
ge t one from where you like
great for hot weather

>> No.15373469

you deserve being called a try hard to test your resilience

>> No.15373472

>dont get one from your local menswear shop
What's a good company that makes jackets to order from online? I'd like to get a cheap one and just take it to the chink that tailors stuff near me

>> No.15373488

Literally the T in /tip/

>> No.15373494

This stuff is way more modern and refined than the boxy 1940s boomer shit in the /tip/ threads. This is about suits that are tailored to fit well and compliment the wearer, not drown them in >muh drape

>> No.15373510

/tip/ always suggested getting tailored

>> No.15373515

I've been in the /tip/ threads and any and all OC posted gets attacked for not being baggy enough. Fuck off, this thread is not for you

>> No.15373549

>/sprezzatura/ - Sprez General
cringe absolute cringe turbocringe

>> No.15373552

It's not meant be a serious thing. Why are you so crusty?
Talk shit post fit

>> No.15373557

this is just sexcore with extra steps

>> No.15373561

What is this even meant to be? 25 pics of people wearing suits or half suits
Like your mediterranean summer thread, this is pretty garbage

>> No.15373562

I disagree, while there have been some garbage fits most of them are at least interesting and some look great. Good for ideas and inspo for the summer months.

>> No.15373564
File: 226 KB, 1080x1266, chadt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like pic related is what is considered "sprezzatura". These is memey peacock shit for Pitti Uomo.

Most of what has been posted here as been menswear

>> No.15373565
File: 173 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nr7uj0zyxi1rj2vf4o1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Sprez fags look like

>> No.15373569
File: 533 KB, 1364x2048, Street-Style_Pitti-Uomo_Firenze_Florence_June-2017_Photography-Annika-Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.com-9.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is borderline sprez but is mostly just Mediterranean menswear

>> No.15373572

I take it back, this is definitely sprez faggotry, it's from Pitti

>> No.15373577
File: 999 KB, 2240x3360, 6d71e4b40cbc5422ccffcefef8f71a4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to punch this fucker in the face, but the fits are good

>> No.15373584

So spezzatura is Italian for SEXcore?

>> No.15373586

it means 'I was bullied in highschool'

>> No.15373624
File: 467 KB, 2048x1220, 4852FB78-4FFC-4755-99DF-B9539472471C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15373656

Not being Mediterranean is suffering

>> No.15373894
File: 108 KB, 430x600, 1549147953296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, when Hitler wore a suit rather than a military uniform, he looked good as fuck

>> No.15373914

bretty gud
looks like there's some drape in the chest, possibly english inspired

>> No.15373919
File: 151 KB, 1241x976, 3ed92su8sa851[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ting ting*
FUCK protestant w*rk """ethic"""
BLESS dolce far niente

>> No.15373924

Which way, western man?

>> No.15373948

OP's pic is really nice, but too much of this is petit homo #menswear shit

>> No.15373983

He‘s generally based, but wearing two different shoes is just bonkers. It’s far from not giving a fuck and elegance as it’s just a plain retarded choice. If you‘re accidentally wearing two different shoes you’d notice within seconds. It’s just tryhard.

>> No.15373987


>> No.15374017

>He‘s generally based
no he's not
r/mfa icon and rightfully so

>> No.15374019
File: 37 KB, 395x594, lapo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh agnellis

>> No.15374025

Where are you actually going that requires you to dress like this? Half the world is in a pandemic lol

>> No.15374173


>> No.15374186


>> No.15374224

That's just a broadcloth shirt with a french placket. Have one made at Spier and Mackay or Proper Cloth.

>> No.15374230

IIRC he injured his foot in a car crash while running away from his wife when she learned about his affair with his mistress. That's why he has such wonky shoe preferences.

>> No.15374603

I'm italian amd didn't know about this trend (or this word), but I'll try to contribute to this thread:

(di)sprezzo = disregard, sprezzante = defiant, while spezzato (with no r) means wearing a suit with different colours.
Still sprezzatura is a weird term to ude in fashion world (im Itaaly at least) since
sounds v. similar to spazzaturaa comes to mind amd it means garbage.

>> No.15374629

Simon Crompton is that you?

>> No.15374658

ci sei o ci fai

>> No.15374683
File: 36 KB, 710x475, prezzemolo-benefici-usi-controindicazioni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In che senso? It sounds retared

>> No.15374852

looks fantastic

>> No.15374890

that's dumb

>> No.15374904

yes, but the opposite of sprezzatura. carefully considered just the same, but not under pretention that it wasn't. clean, and solemn.

>> No.15374905

sprezzatura is a thing
amerimutts are obsessed with it for some reason
nothing to do with disprezzo prezzemolo sprezzante or spezzato spazzatura etc
>I'm italian amd didn't know about this word
ma vai a scuola
magari muori di coronavirus ma almeno non resti ignorante

>> No.15374909

where do you get your high waisted trousers?

>> No.15375022

>americans are obsessed with it for some reason
So you're just pretending to be retarded because you hate Americans?
Pitti Uomo is mostly Italians and other Europeans and load and loads of Asians and Africans.

>> No.15375026

Pini Parma. Their stuff is really good for the price. I got some great high waisted pants for I think 150 bucks.

>> No.15375034
File: 164 KB, 1200x800, 1583340165122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pitti Uomo

>> No.15375045
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>> No.15375047

That's just FOB.

>> No.15375051
File: 160 KB, 570x855, 1583101971748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this SPREZZATURA wow just wow

>> No.15375081

Pitti Uomo is literally a trade show for SPREZZATURA fags to get together and show off

>> No.15375083

Why are people like you and that other guy so threatened by people dressing well? Does it bother you that much?

>> No.15375139

mafavvanculo lurido ricchione, sprezzatura non significa un cazzo, semmai 'sprezzanza' o, in italiano corrente 'disprezzo', usare una parola che suona come spazzatura per qualunque cosa sia inerente alla moda è da ritardati.

>> No.15375176
File: 49 KB, 272x408, giuliano 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this thing is basically bandito Giuliano core but with linen

>> No.15375193

What are some of the most fashionable cities in the world?
Obviously Italian cities are cheating

>> No.15375454


too loud

>> No.15375465

Helsinki, Seoul, Tokyo

>inb4 American city
Don't even try.

>> No.15375476

This is a terrible fit, holy shit, what was he thinking?

>> No.15375478

Cool meme

>> No.15375509
File: 1.27 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200705-074842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noboru kakuta

>> No.15375512
File: 1.07 MB, 1080x1180, Screenshot_20200705-074922~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15375556

Great fit. Can't wait until I'm old and can wear that shit without anyone caring

>> No.15375724

Short jackets, rigid materials, and no socks? Yup, it's a cringe thread.

>> No.15375817


>> No.15376260

Why are people so threatened by people wearing suits?

>> No.15376265

The more people wear suits the more standardized and accepted it becomes. Lazy haters don't want that because then they would have to care for and maintain a respectable appearance. They hate on suits to make sloppiness the standard because it is easier to dress like shit than to care for yourself.
If everyone is dressed like shit then the slovenly can easily fit in. If everyone is wearing suits they will stand out.

>> No.15376274

zitto terrone

>> No.15376452

Americans especially since they think not wearing cargo shorts is dressing up

>> No.15376508

Because the presence of man in a suit mogs them, raising the contrast between man and s.o.y. manbaby. Then they try to cope and make a joke like "a-a-are you ge-ge-getting married or wha-wha-what?". Must be painful, ugh.

>> No.15376525

>live in a very casual and outdoorsy city
>people ask me why I am so dressed up when I put on a collared shirt and pleated trousers with turnups
I know the Brummell-pilled thing would be to dress down further but at this point I think the people in hiking shoes, jeans and windbreakers are the ones standing out.

>> No.15376546

>the people in hiking shoes, jeans and windbreakers are the ones standing out.
Truer words have never been spoken

>> No.15376857
File: 139 KB, 550x825, DBB4D040-D0A0-4A08-A399-BD5573F52F70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15376893

Beautiful shirt collar, tie knot and lapel roll. Shoulder and sleeve length are great too. Near perfect

>> No.15377138

based, look into Haspel

>> No.15377233

Mongoloide ammazzati.

>> No.15377461

Request inspo

>> No.15377728

Luca Rubinacci's instagram account is essential /sprez/ /kino/

>> No.15378062


>> No.15378167

Check out https://www.instagram.com/fabioattanasio/

as well and ocassionally


>> No.15378270

>in his pocket is a different but equally garish pair of animal print spectacles

>> No.15378533

Agnelli was definitely a cool person and his style was fun because it was so eccentric. Good for inspo but I'm not about to go wear a suit with boots because of him.

>> No.15378683

This is pretty good. Usually people are posting guys in blazers or sports jackets. This actually looks like an orphaned suit jacket which is really hard to make look good but the mad man here manages it.

>> No.15378769

please show some respect to hiking shoes, jeans and windbreakers

>> No.15378905


this thread should be locked during american hours, check out the posts in the middle of the night lmfao.

>> No.15379957

Good thread

>> No.15381457


>> No.15382544

Hello Frens,
Next year I'm off to Como, Italy.
I would like to ask you gents how can I dress like these men, they just look great.
Where should I go? Are €2000 enough to buy this suits? How can I avoid being ripped off ? Should I hire someone?
I never bought nice clothes like this before and I think I should give it a try.
Please help me /f/rens.

>> No.15382742

I like the content that the guys from The Armoury put on ig.

>> No.15382859

I wonder what you faggots dress like.

>> No.15382968

2k should be enough to get a decent MTM or RTW suit and some shirts and probably even some shoes. What country are you in?

>> No.15383183

UK. Thanks for your help. I just want to look better. I can speak Italian and I think it will help me a lot.

>> No.15383236

W2c widestriped shirts like this? All I can find in stores is thin bengal stripes

>> No.15383990

Try Spier and Mackay

>> No.15384217

This. The Pitti Uomo is a fun and inspirational event with lots of novelties each year, like a car expo.

>> No.15384255

That's what a lot of people, especially on /fa/ don't realize. The entire point of Pitti Uomo is to dress up as extra and over the top as possible to show off and draw attention to your brand. You want people to ask you about your outfit so you can talk about your brand and your ideas. It's a trade show for the menswear industry.
People in these threads always seem to think that that's how they dress on a normal day, when really they probably had their outfits made specially for Pitti months in advance.

>> No.15384259

This is literally just sexcore lol.

>> No.15384275

christ this is the future, isnt it? eventually normies will catch on to neo-italian tailoring and ruin it. Every high street deano in a twisted SEXcore mockery of high-waisted pleats and neapolitan-cut jackets

>> No.15384317

Normies wear streetwear shit, not menswear

>> No.15384676

What sort of cringelords post here?

>> No.15384901

Matching your (t-shirt?) to your jacket is not particularly... meh

>> No.15385506

white dress shirt, black high waisted thong under black low rise skinny jeans, black boots
catch me pissing in your cheap prosecco while you're sitting in piazza vittorio thinking you're living la dolce vita mamma mia che sprezzatura

>> No.15386000

You apparently

>> No.15386014

that wasnt always so. there's large normie-adjacent subcultures that have appropriated niche menswear genres and debased them

>> No.15386108

Nothing brings out insecure spergs like a thread about suits on /fa/

>> No.15386135

2k you may even get a bespoke suit from a less known tailor. It is definitely enough for a quite good pair of bespoke shoes and 2 good RTW/MTM suits. Tie-wise, they cost about 140-200, cufflinks, 200-300.

>> No.15386789

Oh yeah, 2k is enough for a way nice suit, but if you went MTM instead of bespoke you could still get a nice suit and have money left over for good shoes and a few shirts