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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.36 MB, 965x1208, Screenshot 2020-07-03 at 17.17.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15371566 No.15371566 [Reply] [Original]

I think she actually looks pretty good

>> No.15371570

No people with tattoos all look the same. Funny cuz they get them to look different lmfaoo

>> No.15371580

I don't like tattoos but you sound like a 12 year old. Who gets tattoos "to look different"?

>> No.15371597

4.5/10 without generic tattoos

>> No.15371611

Not on w*men

>> No.15371613

lmao literally everyone
(t. 28 yo)

>> No.15371625

ur clueless

>> No.15371642

>didn’t even finish the flower near her wrist because it would go onto her hand
what a pussy

>> No.15371674
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>> No.15371703

tattoos are naturally effay, so yes
annoying christfags and 2016tards will disagree

>> No.15371711

I can't imagine anyone except a child or someone who had been a shut-in for their entire life thinking that is a genuine reason someone would get a tattoo. I live in a relatively very small city and the vast majority of people in my age group (late twenties) have at least one tattoo. Everyone from arthoes to normies. I believe younger people are even more likely to have them. How would getting a tattoo make someone "different" when most people have them and it's considered pretty normal?

>> No.15371714

i have two tattoos (three actually, but i'm getting that one lasered off soon). don't really care if they're effay or not, but i do get compliments on them often. don't know what's with the influx of tattoo hate on here, i guess peabrains think having a tattoo makes you a certain type of person. even boomers are okay with tattoos now, unlike some of these tards.

>> No.15371731

I think there's a lot of LARPers on 4chan who dislike tattoos just be different from the norm

>> No.15371735


would you wear a t-shirt with those drawings on them?

Chicks look disgusting with tattoos.

>> No.15371737

those tattoos are hideous and she is fucking fat.

>> No.15371738

sour grapes to be honest

>> No.15371744

kek you sound like a massive virgin, please have sex

>> No.15371754

They have to be well-designed and the composition/placement on the body have to be the tits, but they can be /fa/. The problem with a lot of tattoofags is that they want too many and clutter a bunch of unrelated shit on their bodies, the end up looking like a laptop with too many stickers on it. Just have some taste and you’ll probably look alright

>> No.15371758

I have, with a lot of hot women too. Doesn't change the fact that those Hawaiian flowers and coloured shitty flash tattoos are hideous. She's also a disgusting fat pig who could hit the gym for once in her life.

>> No.15371763

yeah, less is more, a few here and there is better than the plastered look. Also, all theses retro styles are going to look the same as barbwire and tribal tattoos do now

>> No.15371770

Flip-flops are for Americans and other types of niggerfaggots.

>> No.15371783

>I have, with a lot of hot women too.

>> No.15371800

Most tattoo's look like shit because a lot of people that get them are the same who put video game posters on their walls and shitty decals on their cars. I'm not saying you can't enjoy video games or cars, BUT it's the tastelessness of how you present whatever your hobby may be

A lot of people get shitty tasteless logos or useless platitudes that they read on instagram once and think they'll look better permanently on their body

I think if you stick to themes, like OP sticking to american traditional, you can be fine. She looks good with them.

It comes down to if you can tell they put no actual through or consideration into it, it tells a bit about the person. I've met literal dipshits that have struggled not to admit they don't know anything about their actual tattoo but just got it for fun.

>> No.15371801

based scumbags and sluts poster

>> No.15371815


I've never seen someone good-looking with tattoos who wouldn't look better without them. It's like a skin stain.

>> No.15371817

based and red pilled

>> No.15371824

>all theses retro styles are going to look the same as barbwire and tribal tattoos do now
What? Barbed wire and tribal tattoos make someone look like they went to prison or are in a gang. Do you think someone with retro tattoos is going to look like that?

>> No.15371827

>She looks good with them.

HAHAh looks good if a pile of shit looks good to you.

>> No.15371830

Seriously. They're so fucking passé

>> No.15371834

Her body is pretty effay imo. Post a better one yourself?

>> No.15371836

I like tattoos like the OP picture purely for the attraction to art hoes and goth girls, I can't be the only one

>> No.15371837

yeah, that big face with a blue owl on its head looks go! LOL Horrible

>> No.15371841



>> No.15371845
File: 233 KB, 1280x1629, 1574271127214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15371848

>oven dodger

>> No.15371852

Post someone that isn't jewish or cope

>> No.15371857

She looks like she's a completely normal weight though? And her body composition isn't weird either

>> No.15371860
File: 53 KB, 418x550, 1566982710163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15371864

>150 pounds for a woman

Is this fucking reddit?

>> No.15371866

post body

>> No.15371868

you know he asked for body? you literally cannot see an inch of her body

>> No.15371869
File: 106 KB, 400x509, FB164920-4A48-4CF1-BC2D-AD710A54BCD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every prostitute i fucked had tattoos

>> No.15371873

are you bragging

>> No.15371877
File: 1.75 MB, 1204x1198, Screenshot 2020-07-03 at 19.32.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you faggots are actually blind

>> No.15371898
File: 853 KB, 762x988, 1588488507039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those tattoos are hideous and she is fucking fat.

>> No.15371922

not helping, those flowers are hideous. Imagine if what she was wearing was a long sleeve shirt. puke

>> No.15371932

pls be satire

>> No.15371938
File: 689 KB, 1221x1080, 1444653406125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who gets tattoos "to look different"?
This anon gets it.
People get tattoos to conform to the new social standards.
Its to tell peers" hey look, I also have tattoos , I am the same as you and I can be trusted because we share the same values"

>> No.15371944

no, nobody thinks like this
you seem like an autist
you diagnosed?

>> No.15371954


>> No.15371959

it's unconscious duh

>> No.15371962

it's projecting, is what it is
>im so different and special im an epic 4chan contrarian

>> No.15371980

yep, basically

>> No.15371991

beautiful body and face, women are really a godsend sometimes

>> No.15371998

get some taste

>> No.15372001

post a better body/face then if you're an expert

>> No.15372087

But he is not wrong. The people with tattoos all think that they are contrarians and the tattoos prove this.
This is what is called a "costly display" in anthropology .

>> No.15372095
File: 48 KB, 600x398, 2m7xjx5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos scream "look at me!"
People that want attention

>> No.15372113

>The people with tattoos all think that they are contrarians
How so? Isn't what the guy saying specifically that they aren't contrarians, and are using tattoos to signal that they belong to a particular social group and share those values? It's more rare these days to not have a tattoo than have one, which makes getting one the opposite of contrarian.

>> No.15372128

do you actually think all tattooed people look like that cretin? autists should unironically all be stoned to death

>> No.15372155
File: 58 KB, 320x240, 8912-5459.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes , you are correct. People now want to feel as though they are contrarians because that is part of the new value structure.
They however do not see the conflict . They do not think deeply about these things while at the same time they imagine themselves deep thinkers. It is a fascinating contradiction

>> No.15372169

this is funny cause a lot of the /pol/tards that hate tattoos are fat and ugly

>> No.15372172

What is the new value structure? I don't necessarily disagree with you but I don't think people are getting tattoos because they think it's contrarian. I don't have one so I don't know, but what you're describing sounds like the mindset of a teenager who lives with their strict parents and wants to get a tattoo to piss them off. Otherwise I don't see any scenario where someone would think getting a tattoo makes them "different". It's pretty obvious to anyone with a social life that most young people have at least one tattoo. How would they think getting something that most people have would make them different? Especially considering that if you get a tattoo, the odds are that the vast majority of people you hang out with also have a tattoo.

>> No.15372188

That's what fashion in general does. Tattoo treads bring out the biggest retards on this board. Shows how much /pol/ has warped the thinking here

>> No.15372193

I think she looks pretty based. She'd definitely fight you and win if you said that to her face.

>> No.15372304

>she is fucking fat.
Whiteboi detected

>> No.15372343

I don't think they look good, but then again I still think she'd look worse without them.

>> No.15372370


>> No.15372407

Seems pretty straightforward to me. Historically tatoos were counterculture. That "counterculture" scene has grown to the point of normalcy. So to strive to be against the grain is just to strive to go with the grain of a different group within the mainstream. You get tattoos either because you like the alternative look. But the alternative look isn't really all that alternative. Ironically, Now alternative is most associated with alternative right which is a bunch of teen boys who think traditional values are king

>> No.15372408

Lol literal whale

>> No.15372414

lol that's a healthy female body, you anorexic manlet

>> No.15372439


>> No.15372442

Who is she OP ?

>> No.15372448

Her Instagram name is "littlelillis"

>> No.15372542

Big Bertha the 200 pounder

>> No.15372571

>who dislike tattoos just be different from the norm
It is normal to dislike tattoos, that's why most people don't have them.

>> No.15372597

>why most people don't have them
maybe at sunday school you weird kid

>> No.15372616

I'd fuck her but her tattoos suck
I have tattoos because they look good on me and girls like them