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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 304 KB, 896x896, shirtsbelts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15369295 No.15369295 [Reply] [Original]





Not being updated anymore:

Quick guide to prep: https://www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: https://pastebin.com/QrNDDG60
The Preppy Handbook: https://issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph
Nautical clothing guide: https://epochs.co/features/epochs-guide-to-nautical-clothing?p=nauticalpost
Boat shoe lacing guide: https://blog.sperry.com/stories/style/lacing-guide/
Waxing Barbours: https://www.saltwaternewengland.com/2019/09/waxing-barbour.html
80s Inspo compilation: http://www.ivy-style.com/heres-to-a-preptastic-year-the-1982-prep-for-all-seasons-calendar.html
Inspo albums: https://imgur.com/a/SRKjs, https://imgur.com/a/eEw6B and https://imgur.com/a/XZuwA

Where to find clothing:
https://pastebin.com/XuddAMgt (Provisional, European)
https://pastebin.com/SMMg3tK9 (Special patterned Sweaters, European)
https://pastebin.com/Tsu6xGLg (OCBD, General)
https://pastebin.com/yJ2MxMCQ (Spanish shoes, European)

Previous Thread: >>15350474

>> No.15369296








>> No.15369319

Why the fuck is there a Reddit link?

>> No.15369349
File: 184 KB, 800x1000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new fav images!

>> No.15369352
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>> No.15369360
File: 46 KB, 480x480, 1541781093001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you be preppayy if you bloat? what happens if you cross prep x bloat?

>> No.15369392

What is good to use in a formal scenario like church? Trad, ivy or preppy? I'm not sure if I fully get their differences

>> No.15369409

Probably trad. If you don't know the differences you seriously need to do your research but i will say that prep is the most casual style out of the three.

>> No.15369411

what is this? Got lost, I see a thick grey sweater, a houndstooth blazer on top. But... pants are navy or are grey? I am confused on what are the pants there

>> No.15369433

Holy shit, your grammar is so bad, are you fucking Indian? Get lost, poo

>> No.15369449

can you dress TIP and be an anarchist? is it compatible?

>> No.15369462
File: 233 KB, 785x1023, soyyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15369465

Depends on which kind of anarchist you are. If you are ancap, libertarian anarchist or ancom, no.

>> No.15369473

nah, closer to individualist anarchist or post-left anarchism

>> No.15369485

It's definitely possible. I always find 4XL Brooks Brothers stuff when I go thrifting. There is definitely a bloated ivy guy in my area.
Trad, prep, and ivy are all more than formal enough for church. Some people might get mad about pairing an odd jacket with any pants but you'll be fine.
It's Donegal fleck iirc.

I love that new thread smell

>> No.15369486

anarchists really aren't synonymous with this fashion nor life in general. they're horrible people who do horrible things and frankly need to grow up and stop being contrarian, edgy assholes.

>> No.15369500

Holy mother of based

>> No.15369511

but i’m always open and pleasant with people and don’t do anything remotely political like left wing anarchists do, although i try to experiment and live an adventurous personal life

>> No.15369517

Then I guess it depends on your opinion of black, indian and chinese people.

>> No.15369523

>they're horrible people who do horrible things
Hmmm, strange, sounds exactly like GOP people or conservatives or neo-liberals.

>> No.15369536

Because edgy 4chan is so 2012.

>> No.15369537

Imagine being this much of a bootlicker.

>> No.15369539


>> No.15369541

That is what we ask ourselves every thread. At least that page doesn't have a stickt supporting BLM.

>> No.15369553

i don’t have an opinion on the people themselves, i tend to think that modern/scientific forms of political, economical and social organization have affected all these different cultures (chinese, african and indian) in a negative and destructive way, and therefore the people are affected the same way by being separated from their historical roots and being drowned into a globalized form of capitalism that negates everything that is outside the american culture, so every cultural specificity, particularity, and sense of uniqueness is being killed in this global mess and recycled in a dumbed down american/western form so it can be marketed and sold to westerners

>> No.15369559

>i try to experiment and live an adventurous personal life
That sounds a bit gay

>> No.15369561

Wow, cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks, bro.

>> No.15369564

i tried that, it wasn’t that great but it’s always good to know where you stand right
btw aren’t there a lot of gay guys that dress TIP? i think i actually saw more gay men dressing like that than straight men

>> No.15369568

>He didn't kiss his Bros at his all boys prep school to practice for girls

>> No.15369575

Um, yeah, you are not wrong, but "american culture" is not really american culture. Americans were just the first victims of it. They aren't only transforming their culture into alienated products, they are also enforcing "global culture" on their nations and making sure everyone is the rootless tabula rasa that serves only to consume and obey, but that is another discussion.
Still needs to take the hbd pill, but I guess you can stay because of the anti-semitic remarks.

>> No.15369578

oh, don’t see any antisemitism here, to me every modern form of racism and antisemitism is part of the cultural negation process that came with modernity and modern science (and western culture gave birth to these, shame)

>> No.15369579

Half of the thread are fags like Milo.
Literally no.

>> No.15369583

Yeah, in fact I'm gay but most certainly not a faggot.

>> No.15369588

Hahahaha okay, anti-Semite

>> No.15369595

Can you dress TIP if you have long hair, pierced ears, yellow teeth, facial scars and an unkempt tramp beard?

>> No.15369603

Cut all the hair and lose the earrings and yeah

>> No.15369609
File: 76 KB, 602x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but only if you wear your tie like this and you put the long bit of the tie around a tree branch

>> No.15369611

yeah exactly, i’m just saying that american culture is the first chemically pure expression of a modern culture (or a culture birthed by modernity if you want)
the US have its roots in modernity, they were created in modern times, by modern (european) men who had modern ideas (be it philosophical, political or economical), and it became a global influence by conquering the whole world be it through hard means (war and shit) or «soft» means (advertisement, entertainment, etc.), but both are capitalistic of course

i don’t really like milo, his sense of humor is quite dumb (his satires are often too childish) and he is pushing the american way of entertaining people to the extreme

what is the difference between gay and faggot? never understood it, although i like calling my friends faggots

>> No.15369613

also, what is the hbd pill? forgot to ask about that

>> No.15369650

>what is the difference between gay and faggot?
Well a gay guy is someone who has a sexual relationship with one man who you probably couldn't tell is gay but he may be a bit more flamboyant than most while a faggot is usually someone who has sex with lots of men, is extremely flamboyant (bright colours, extreme hairstyles, fashion forward clothing, "gay" voice, over expressive hand gestures which aren't genuine, just forced etc.), usually a communist, makes everything sexual, degenerate kinks.
It's pretty much Hadryn v paedophile drag queen

>> No.15369657

> it became a global influence by conquering the whole world be it through hard means (war and shit) or «soft» means (advertisement, entertainment, etc.), but both are capitalistic of course
Could you please stop being so anti-semetic? If you won't, you'll be banned.

>> No.15369658


You won!

>> No.15369687

so basically faggots are eccentric gay extraverts
i like them

i don’t know if you’re being serious but english isn’t my first language so i’m really sorry if i’m using words that antisemites use, but that’s not the intent, i don’t think jews are behind this in any way, it’s a really dumb idea that comes from the ruins of the scientific mind (that tries to explain everything in a holistic reductive way), jews are affected like everyone else by these phenomena
i’m talking about complex structures and forces that overcome all humans and communities, even if these rest on every individual and their specific body

>> No.15369696

Unless you post a fit, please for the love of God never post here again

>> No.15369738
File: 242 KB, 940x1408, 23B1EF67-E1B9-4664-8F68-95882A75A89B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man, didn’t want to derail the thread sorry
here’s some inspo, jazz folks gotta be fashionable sometimes

>> No.15369745

Seriously, get the fuck out off here, your kind isn't welcome here.

>> No.15369746
File: 31 KB, 838x838, D06C7A20-89A0-46A5-93E7-8961FF339FC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15369751
File: 177 KB, 954x1440, 289C0C9A-C7CF-4938-9FE7-4666B234C58C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what’s the matter? just look at the clothes don’t listen to the music it’s not hard

>> No.15369760

>He hates Jazz


>> No.15369773

>blames everything on the jews
>im not antisemitic, though, they are as affected as everyone else

>> No.15369789

>modern ideas
>modern times
>global influence
>globalized form of capitalism
Yeah, that is anti-semitic alright.
Not talking about Milo behavior or politics, but personality and style, although they tend to use less pink than Milo.
Human biodiversity.

>> No.15369792

It's just horrendous to the ears, I don't even want to talk about it because all those random notes blasted at the same time pisses me off.
t.classical mandolin and soon to be lute player.

>> No.15369795


>> No.15369798

Technically they were born in europe, but...

>> No.15369803

>Hmm yes, this person of 100% Nigerian blood is all of a sudden French because he was born there!
Kys kike

>> No.15369812


>> No.15369817

I know, I'm just playing with you ;)

>> No.15369826

looking into having my clothes fitted has me interested in taking up sewing, and potentially clothes making. has anyone here done anything similar and where would i be best looking if my long term goal was to produce certain items for myself such as button up shirts?

>> No.15369843

I have considered going to fashion school for that and other related topics as a hobby, doing a topic or two by semester. The most orthodox way would be working under renowned tailors, but you would get paid little and have a lot of work, not to mention living in Italy, France, UK or somewhere similar.

>> No.15369855
File: 296 KB, 2007x2027, 02493E5C-47EA-413F-B543-4CF268A3EFD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are confusing me, maybe you’re just joking idk
but that’s interesting, i’ll think more about my words if they make you think that or react like that

oh okay, and would you classify milo’s fashion style as TIP? it’s really flamboyant

still going for the jazz inspo

maybe try some cool jazz/smooth jazz, like kind of blue or some bill evans (the live recording «waltz for debby» is nice)
if you find that horrendous maybe it’s just not for you and that’s fine

>> No.15369896
File: 472 KB, 1142x1080, 20200702_184738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first OC

>> No.15369904

Get a haircut ya hippie

>> No.15369919

>i’ll think more about my words if they make you think that or react like that
it's cute at just how clueless you are but maybe that's for the best because once you understand what we are talking about things in life can get pretty dark, real fast. We are a silent majority.

>> No.15369931

shut the fuck up

>> No.15369938

>t.classical mandolin
Am I supposed to take your shitty and uninformed opinion on jazz as that of an expert on music because you play the fucking mandolin of all instruments?
>and soon to be lute player
Why are you mentionning instruments that you don't play? Even if you did play the lute, why do you think that anybody's impressed by that?
Go on and play your literal grug-tier medieval music wanker, let other people enjoy music with a little more harmonic depth. Refrain from posting here anymore, your taste in clothes is probably horrendous as well, and I'm actually giving you a compliment by assuming you do actually have taste at all.

>> No.15369950
File: 299 KB, 1200x1482, A3567BFD-5EF3-41B0-A29F-6793135BD1F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don’t really believe in any kind of conspiracy man, i think we are all powerless in our situation and that men are not responsible
to understand more what i’m trying to convey i encourage you to search heidegger’s works on the question of technology, i think he says things better even if it’s more difficult to read
and things get dark if you keep on with that perspective, a dark perspective makes the real darker

>> No.15369963
File: 60 KB, 750x750, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you have to learn how to use a sewing machine. It's not harder than using a welding machine or a soldering iron. After that you gotta learn how to use an overlocker, which is where the real skill of making clothes comes in.

>> No.15369973

First of all get into a pose where we can see how your blazer fits but already I can tell that the shoulders are too big. The trousers look fine, maybe the material looks a bit cheap because it looks crinkly, especially around the knees but this could also be because you simply haven't ironed them (most likely the former). The shirt hangs out a bit at the waist so that's either because the shirt is too short, you haven't tucked it in properly or the waist is too big.
Also the shoes look awful with those trousers since they provide barely any contrast and so it just looks off, it's a very bad rookie mistake. The last of the shoe is just horrible, looks like a mix between a sneaker and a derby, that's something that you'd find at a shopping mall so it's probably very cheap shit, get proper leather shoes, even used shoes are better than these. The belt has a cheap look to it simply because it looks so shiny, a bit like plastic. Also, how do you not know that the belt should usually match match the colour/leather of the shoes?
Just a very poor outfit, it looks like you walked out of topman, if I were you I'd trash pretty much everything and I'd start all over again. An outfit idea would be quite similar to what you did here (a very preppy fit might I add) so just go with a navy blazer (notched lapel, gold/brass buttons, patch pockets, two buttons), blue ocbd (Oxford cloth button down, it must have a large enough collar to create a nice roll), khaki/sand chinos (fit like you have here), brown braided belt and brown penny loafers or derbies. For some other accessories you could have a white linen pocket square in a square fold, and a repp tie. If you don't have the money go on eBay or from somewhere else where you can buy USED goods and know your measurements. Good luck

>> No.15369987
File: 1.06 MB, 1535x2218, 8377F91E-EFEB-4D33-AB92-19F00C479A26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice I like it except cuffed too high

>> No.15369992

Holy shit mate, you're such a fucking faggot, first of all the mandolin isn't even a medieval instrument, I know that you're trying to be funny but it makes you retarded. Also, I'm pretty sure that the mandolin has more harmony than any jazz song lol, listen to the Vivaldi concertos or that one solo Mozart wrote or even what Beethoven wrote ! All you have is a bunch of niggers lol I never even said that I play professionally, I play it for fun and to keep me occupied, maybe me saying "musician" is a bit of a stretch but you seriously acted like a faggot. Last point is that I listen to numerous pieces which have way more harmonic depth than a sax, a double bass, a couple of brass instruments and drum kit all playing some chords. No but seriously, I can't say it enough but you actually sound like a bit of a whiny faggot.

>> No.15369995

What the actual fuck is this? Ahahhahahahahahaha

>> No.15370012

well im in the UK but orthadox learning isnt for me. i dont mind getting a few books tho and reading up, would break up my usual philosophy/polsci stuff.

can you elaborate?

>> No.15370030

With a basic sewing machine you just need to worry about tension, the type of stitch, getting the spools set up - really basic stuff. An overlocker, on the other hand, typically has several needles, a multitude of spools, and it will also do the cutting for you. It's the type of machine they use in clothing factories where the sewing is still done by people instead of being fully automated. With a sewing machine it's easy to, for example, repair ripped clothes, but if you're looking to handcraft your clothes you'll want an overlocker and you'll want to be really good with it too. I'm a guy who has experience with soldering microscopically small components (literally having to use a microscope to solder them) up to a class III standard, but even I am terrified of how much of a monster an overlocker is. Everything has to be just or else you just end up ruining a bunch of good fabric.

>> No.15370031

>mandolin isn't even a medieval instrument
Lots of faggots such as you like to use it to play medieval tunes, although it's not strictly speaking a medieval instrument it's close enough and easier to play than the lute.
>the mandolin has more harmony than any jazz song lol
Is that supposed to mean anything?
>listen to the Vivaldi concertos or that one solo Mozart wrote or even what Beethoven wrote !
Yes, and...?
>All you have is a bunch of niggers
Very good point actually.
>maybe me saying "musician" is a bit of a stretch
That's right, sit the fuck down.
>I listen to numerous pieces
Stopped reading there, don't give a fuck what you listen to. You're a prententious twat and you know fuckall about music.

>> No.15370097

>Lots of faggots such as you like to use it to play medieval tunes, although it's not strictly speaking a medieval instrument it's close enough and easier to play than the lute.
The Neapolitan mandolin is a 18th century instrument, that is no where near the medieval era, just count on your fingers and you'll see. I don't play medieval music on mandolin, I said I played CLASSICAL music (this includes baroque), Jesus Christ, you're not very bright, are you? I'm not surprised though considering that you like jazz. Yes, of course it's easier to play than the lute, that's why I started to play it first, to get used to playing stringed instruments, I don't think you know how old I actually am, if I were older I would have already been playing lute a long time ago, we've all got to start some where.
>Is that supposed to mean anything?
Yes, what I meant to say is that any piece on mandolin has a better sounding harmony than any jazz song, I simply rushed writing it and missed a couple of words.
>Yes, and...?
Very accomplished writers saw the potential of the mandolin and so they used it, if it was a horrible sounding instrument they probably wouldn't of used it, I mean, Mozart used it in an opera as a serenade, I think that says quite a bit, don't you think?
>That's right, sit the fuck down.
No thank you
>You're a prententious twat and you know fuckall about music.
I mean, you're a bit of a hypocrite, you're the one claiming that I'm pretentious yet the next thing you write is that I know "fuck all about music", it's quite sad because you probably don't even know what you did wrong.

>> No.15370141

What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.15370191

Very good bait

>> No.15370193

Nah, he is right. Jazz is a shitty musical genre, it is basically just throwing a bunch of shit together and seeing what sticks.

>> No.15370202

I literally never ever wrote that mandolin is a medieval instrument you dunce.
>I don't think you know how old I actually am
Don't worry, it was very obvious from the start that you're very young.
>any piece on mandolin has a better sounding harmony than any jazz song
By any piece you mean Vivaldi symphonies? You don't say...
>if it was a horrible sounding instrument
Never ever said that either
>you're the one claiming that I'm pretentious yet the next thing you write is that I know "fuck all about music"
The difference between you and I is that I don't flaunt my supposed knowledge about music just to be an asshole, but when little shits like you need to be put back in their place then I'll do the dirty work.

>> No.15370210

>new loafers came in
>new pants came in
It's been a good day

>> No.15370228

3/10 not worth reading
doesnt even know what white bucks are

>> No.15370230


I've been waiting on my loafers for a month now.

>> No.15370242

What did you order? I just got some Cole haans on the cheap to see if I like loafers enough to commit to a nicer pair. Also I got some nice grey pants.

>> No.15370262

>I literally never ever wrote that mandolin is a medieval instrument you dunce
I know that you didn't but you said yourself that it's nearly a medieval instrument and I told you that it's no where near a medieval instrument, stop embarrassing yourself, it's as if I'm talking to a child.
>Vivaldi symphonies? You don't say
Vivaldi didn't write any symphonies...
Also, you said this a couple of posts ago
>let other people enjoy music with a little more harmonic depth.
So at first you were saying how jazz actually has better harmonies or harmonic depth as you call it but now you're admitting that you are wrong, okay...
>Never ever said that either
I never claimed that but I do feel that you try and make the mandolin seem like a irrelevant instrument.
>Go on and play your literal grug-tier medieval music wanker
In this one you're probably going to claim that you're talking about the music and not the mandolin itself but I still don't know where the fuck you got the idea that I play medieval music and you still haven't answered that.
>because you play the fucking mandolin of all instruments
Here's what I'm talking about the bit where you try and make the mandolin seem irrelevant and it seems to me that you think that we are a small part of the music world because we sound bad or something, I may be wrong but I do know for sure that you think less of mandolin players.
>The difference between you and I is that I don't flaunt my supposed knowledge about music
I just said that I didn't like jazz, I wasn't flaunting anything, are you seriously that retarded?
>but when little shits like you need to be put back in their place then I'll do the dirty work.
Okay, big guy. You seriously dont know that you are sounding like one of the biggest, most flamboyant faggots ever rn.
> Don't worry, it was very obvious from the start that you're very young
Isn't it a bit embarrassing then that I'm giving better arguments or that you're even in this argument to begin with?

>> No.15370265

>doesnt even know what white bucks are
Excuse me, what? Where in that picture do you see white bucks? Are you that much of a retard or are you colour blind? Jesus Christ the amount of retards on this thread is unbelievable.

>> No.15370280

Alden's full strap in cordovan. God damn I hope they fit.

>> No.15370284

Stop cluttering the thread with your gay argument.

>> No.15370293
File: 1.45 MB, 1512x2688, Snapchat-896123984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so too.
BTW can anyone help a brother out? Does this bb polo go with this shade of grey?

>> No.15370295
File: 86 KB, 512x384, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm i think theyre on his feet

>> No.15370311

Mate, my point still stands, I know that your feelings got hurt because you thought that your fit was good (it really isn't) because some faggot at work complimented you. In the first pic they look grey, not my fault that you have shit lighting. What a fucking cope, holy shit...

>> No.15370314

Also, they still look like complete and utter garbage, keep posting fits here just so you can get depression because constructive criticism clearly hurts your fee fees. Dumb cunt

>> No.15370337

Looks good to me

>> No.15370344

Not a fan of the pose but you've got DRAPE.
Love those pants

>> No.15370365

It’s my tip fit!

>> No.15370387

Thx. The collar is a little washed out so I might throw in some oxiclean next time I wash it

>> No.15370794
File: 216 KB, 1336x1339, IMG_20200703_081331639~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What causes the wrinkles under my glutes? Is the back rise be a hair too long?

>> No.15370844

Better clutter it with on-topic low quality posts and shit flinging

>> No.15370886

Pancake ass

>> No.15370902

Are J Press chinos any good? What's the measurement of the rise?

I'm looking to replace Cordings as my chinos source. Their rise is slightly too low for me, and I don't know who had the bright idea of producing dry-clean only chinos, but they have indeed shrunk in even cold water washes, and the color has faded very harshly from anywhere that gets rubbed.

The other main option I've found is Luxire MTM. Seeing that it's nearly impossible to find chinos with decent measurements, I guess I'll have to see it made myself? Though it seems like an awful lot of effort just for fucking chinos.

>> No.15370931

Alright, time to hit the deadlift platform and bloatmaxx

>> No.15370938

I think it looks too dull, go with lighter shade in the pants


Not the same shoes that appear in the other pic, the other ones look like sneakers

>> No.15370966
File: 121 KB, 581x1596, IMG_20200703_122431__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polo shirts feel quite boring, these knitted ones are a bit better but still not quite what I'd like. Summer dress is definitely hard.
Polo - Morgano
Chinos - Luxire
Trainers - Novesta

>> No.15370972
File: 413 KB, 1096x1498, IMG_20200703_123042__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to the person who commented on the watch being a bit big, I agree. It's a speedy pro I bought five years ago. I have a couple of smaller, 36mm watches that I usually use with dressier clothing, but for more casual dress, I enjoy the Speedy. I would like it if it were 38mm instead, but it is what it is.

>> No.15370976
File: 945 KB, 1022x2000, yesorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice watch, but it is indeed big for your wrist

I think this polo shirt and these shorts are not good toghether, am I correct?

>> No.15370985
File: 992 KB, 2530x1504, Näyttökuva 2020-7-3 kello 12.50.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would not use that polo with those shorts, there isn't enough contrast. Moreover, I wouldn't really wear that polo shirt because its collar looks comically small, something I actively dislike.

Here's a side by side comparison of my Nomos Minimatik and Speedy, 35mm vs 42mm. It sucks being 190cm tall but having under 16,5cm wrists.

>> No.15371013

My wrists are exactly the same size as yours, I am wearing a 40mm watch and I think it looks slightly big. I think that for you and me the optimal would be around 37-38.

>> No.15371031

Absolutely pathetic

>> No.15371041

That's clearly not a /tip/ fit and it's most certainly not even a good fit, how do you not see this?

>> No.15371048
File: 34 KB, 409x516, style-2011-08-tennis-style-stan-smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello boys, after a long period of atrophy I've picked up tennis as a sport. What is some essential /tip/ tennis wear to get me looking good on the court?

>> No.15371060

You already know the answer to your question, unless you're talking about brands and such, that could be a different story.

>> No.15371071

I've found 35-36mm optimal but I think it's a matter of preference. We both think that a 40mm+ watch is "too big", but I think most people on watch forums would think the speedy looks fine on me. Moreover, seen on an actual wrist, watches often seem much smaller than in zoomed photos, so I think we're both fine with larger watches - even though smaller watches would look more proportional.

>> No.15371105

Talk shit post fit, as they say...sigh

>> No.15371116

You cannot be serious, right? Your outfit is quite obviously not /tip/, I mean for one you wore a leather biker jacket. How new are you? This isn't WAYWT.

>> No.15371155

White shorts and a polo shirt. Copy Federer for good modern style

>> No.15371263

can you offer me a bit more info on what an overlocker is like to use, and where the difficulty in using it is?

>> No.15371311
File: 359 KB, 1920x1152, 3048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is you who is wise and part of the 'silent majority' who blames everything on a bogeyman due to your inane desire to understand everything despite being unable to cope with the reality and complexities of this world

>> No.15371341

Stop trying to apply your ideology to your fashion sense, infact, don't apply it to anything outside of your politics. Grow up.

>> No.15371381
File: 111 KB, 763x1024, Dizzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jazzers have a long history of being effay. Not sure where all the autistic screeching is coming from

>> No.15371491
File: 704 KB, 2048x1368, EcAWi0nWsAI5_XM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benidorm (Today)

>> No.15371499
File: 613 KB, 1919x1259, EcAxc99XgAYT7Aj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better pick

>> No.15371643

if im an awkward collar size relative to my chest size and i only ever plan on having my collar unbuttoned, is it worth sizing slightly down or slightly up for my shirt collar?

>> No.15371854

>if im an awkward collar size relative to my chest size
Wtf does this mean? We can't help if you don't elaborate. Maybe post a picture so that we can help you and see on what end of the "extreme" you're on.

>> No.15371858

>At least that page doesn't have a stickt supporting BLM

>> No.15371912

im 14.25" on the collar, but im told typically collar measurements are a half inch bigger than their stated size. given this, should i buy a 14.5" collar shirt, or should i look for a 14" one?

>> No.15371925

Funny that you're trying to gatekeep considering that you quite fundamentally misunderstand /tip/.

>> No.15371927

Off topic posts. if you want to discuss music or politics go to pol or mu. this thread is for Fashion and apparel discussion, specifically Trad Ivy Prep style.

>> No.15371931

like the drape but I have no idea if your blazer fits you. I'm digging the cap tho I hate the shoes. Also, cut your hair. I can't count the amount of times I've seen a potentially very /tip/py fit completely ruined by some ratty looking fuckface with a mullet and a shitty pedo-tache.

>> No.15371940

bottom half /tip/, top half shit

>> No.15371946

one’s fashion style tells a lot about them, it’s an expression of the self
a lot of subcultures have their own fashion along their values, music, politics, etc
your fashion sense has to express who you are, otherwise it will always end up feeling «off» (imagine a upper class white conservative dad in his 40s wearing a full punk outfit, it’s an extreme example but you get my point)

>> No.15371966

This is a different question to the one you first asked but anyway to answer it, of course go for the 14.5" instead of the 14", you said that your neck had a measurement of 14.25" (lol), it's sort of a retarded question. I mean, if you are going to wear a tie, then the tie will tighten the collar and if you'll unbutton it'll look good.

>> No.15371972

>I can't count the amount of times I've seen a potentially very /tip/py fit completely ruined by some ratty looking fuckface with a mullet and a shitty pedo-tache.
Hahahaha that was me! Don't worry, I got my haircut although this Kung flu has made me yet again look a bit homeless.

>> No.15372032

thanks for the advice, i have no idea what im buying.

is there something i can read on sourcing good casual belts? i quite like woven leather but getting good leather on a budget is hard even if youre thrifting like i am.

>> No.15372051

Sorry, I couldn't tell you because I'm not a expert on belts. I just have one belt in my collection and I use it year round, it's just some elastic belt which is good for summer but in Autumn and winter it gets covered by my tweed jackets or jumpers, maybe you could look into elastic belts?

>> No.15372055

*an expert

>> No.15372062

ill google around and see what i can find, thanks for your help senpai

>> No.15372072

You're welcome, son

>> No.15372106

is it at all possible to dress down regular black oxford shoes?

>> No.15372109

No, what a retarded question.

>> No.15372129

youre a retarded question

>> No.15372292

stop posting

>> No.15372339

No you utter twat, you could at least say it in a more whimsical or even hostile way, yet you say it in a passive aggressive way, showing how much of a faggot you are. Fuck you, NIGGER.

>> No.15372378

stop posting

>> No.15372380

Is this general finally dead?

>> No.15372390


>> No.15372425


pretty much, it’s just a place for povos to LARP as rich racists now

some mandolin-playing power autist said jazz wasn’t tip ffs

>> No.15372430

>some mandolin-playing power autist said jazz wasn’t tip ffs
I never said that, I said it didn't sound nice.

>> No.15372463

Also called a serger

>> No.15372466

the general peaked 3 years ago

>> No.15372500

yeah but, as someone whos never used them before, whats the difficulty? it all looks relatively straight forward

>> No.15372513

>it’s just a place for povos to LARP as rich racists now
Also, I haven't heard LARP in quite a while

>> No.15372602

Pattern with pattern is a bad look, especially when those patterns look way too similar.

>> No.15372792

Jazz is a musical genre, it has nothing to with clothing

>> No.15372802

Why would you be that?

>> No.15372806


>> No.15372808

Conservatives are decent people. The definition of decent in fact

>> No.15372816

Buddy, you’re not as smart as you think.

>> No.15372818


>> No.15372821

I think miles Davis is overrated

>> No.15372823

*tips fedora

>> No.15372828

This is indie shit

>> No.15372829

Where are the pants from?

>> No.15372831

Top half is great bottom half
Says cutting the lawn, neither are prep

>> No.15372836

This is a Marc Jacobs look

>> No.15372898

/larp general/ - Larp Thread

>> No.15373196

How to dress dapper?

>> No.15373202

You're not going to look "dapper" in these threads. This is boomercore being worn by 20 year olds. You'll look like a clown if you dress like these threads

>> No.15373543

As a matter of fact it does have something to do with clothing. Jazz artists in the late 50s/early 60s widely adopted ivy style, and bebop was a popular style of music among ivy league students at that time. Jazz is an important part of ivy style history.

>> No.15373570

Is wearing a cotton blazer with linnen trousers contradictive?

>> No.15373612

Doesn't change the fact that it sounds like shit.

>> No.15373628

If you think that we're larping, post your ideal fit and yours as well.

>> No.15373637

It's really fucking weird being 31 and seeing kids dress up in your regular clothes as a fashion statement. You look like those katana-wielding fedora people.

>> No.15373643

God, I hate millenials, wtf are we suppose to wear? gtfo nigger.

>> No.15373647

What do you think seersucker is made of? Cotton

>> No.15373649

Not daddy's sports coat, that's for sure.

>> No.15373663

So you wear daddy's sport coat?

>> No.15373809

Shut your fucking trap already, you pathetic ignoramus

>> No.15373973
File: 513 KB, 720x960, 1592529856456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im almost 30

>> No.15374168


>> No.15374226
File: 2.21 MB, 1071x1696, Screenshot_20200704-155215~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts this.
>Doesn't post a fit

At least I'm trying.

>> No.15374232
File: 1.18 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200625_150415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I think if you're in your 20s preppy is good. You can upgrade to ivy in your 30s until in your 40s+ you can finally and fully embrace trad.

>> No.15374243

Tbh I do not try to be /tip/. I just try to be well dressed at work without looking like a bizcaz chump. It's just that tip seems to touch on a lot of aspects of the classic menswear that I want to emulate.

>> No.15374307

> inb4 your shirt hangs out at your waist, and your pants are wrinkled, so this outfit must be cheap

>> No.15374324

Still doesn't change the fact that it sounds like shit lol

>> No.15374328

>face mask
>tote bag
>checked shirt
What a faggot

>> No.15374337

>tfw 28
Damn, does time fly

>> No.15374339

There were more problems than that with your fit, stop seething
>ill fitting blazer
>shit shoes (I don't care if they're buckskins or not, they still look like a mix between a Derby and a sneaker lol)
>shoes not matching belt
Also, yes, if your shirt hangs out it probably means that it's too short.
>A-at least I'm trying
Do you know how pathetic that sounds?
The fit isn't bad in your pic (it's pretty basic) but you seriously need to iron your stuff. Also, lose weight, fatty.

>> No.15374346

i think you have me confused with someone else

>> No.15374478

>First fit is obviously a skinny wh*teboi
>Second fit is a BROWN BVLL
>Accuses them of samefaghing
Get your eyes checked dude

>> No.15374492

What the fuck are you talking about? I wasn't claiming of them samefagging also they're both clearly white you nigger

>> No.15374502

Lol @ americans thinking that's white

>> No.15374508

Mate, look at his neck or his left arm.

>> No.15374518

Looks very swarthy. There's def enough mongoloid admixture to be considered hapa

>> No.15374520

Also the diminutive frame and gray socks are Mongolian signifiers

>> No.15374526

It's summer and that's when people get a slight tan, his neck still looks pretty pale you stupid nigger.

>> No.15374533
File: 14 KB, 170x269, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh great, the """aryan""" race scientists have entered the thread

>> No.15374538

He's not an aryan scientist at all, he's a nigger

>> No.15374544

>>checked shirt
>Not knowing what madras cotton is


>> No.15374551

Oh great, the """"intellect"""" has entered the thread to debunk such people by using the extremely scientific method of the Ad hominem.

>> No.15374559
File: 63 KB, 898x598, hmQGwZ0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Mirin that drape.
Yeah. He was only into tip clothing for a few years before going off the deep end into funky 70s Avant Garde shit. Not sure he treated it as much more than a passing fad.
Both of these are me you dumb faggots.

>> No.15374561

>implying madras isn't in a check
>implying madras shirts look good
>implying I don't know about some fabric woven by a bunch of poos
To avoid embarrassing yourself even more, don't post here ever again.

>> No.15374565


>> No.15374573

This is it. The thread that kills tip general

>> No.15374575

Do you consider yourself white?

>> No.15374583


the post that destroyed /tip/

>> No.15374585
File: 108 KB, 500x458, FFfDoXR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm English with 100% anglo-saxon dna bro. Fight me.
All the shitposting wouldn't be a problem if posters actually posted fits. I swear the only fit posters are me, a finnish (?) guy who wears nicely tailored stuff, and a lanklet spanish guy with a wardrobe full of low-rise trousers.
>Implying that madras doesn't look good.
>Saying this in a /tip/ general

>> No.15374589

Thoughts? Slightly concerned that the inseam length is 28inches which is weird for a model who is 185 cm tall.


>> No.15374590

i hope /tip/ general gets blacked because there is too much white here, along the fact that you are either dads or dad wannabes which is really cringe to say the least

>> No.15374595

>>Implying that madras doesn't look good.
>Saying this in a /tip/ general
Sorry mate but I detest madras shirts, I like more simple garments now so I just don't like madras shirts. Also barely anyone posts fits here because people get shit on without receiving any constructive criticism but I may actually post a fit later on.

>> No.15374597

No niggers, thank you very much.

>> No.15374600
File: 126 KB, 931x1080, top tip for saving tip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and polite-pilled. I look forward to seeing your fit.

>> No.15374604
File: 176 KB, 640x853, AAF65-F30-77-D1-4868-97-C2-4-C084-FD89-FD6 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to post inspo while you >>15374597 deal with your obvious issues m8.

Thinking of buying these as well.
I know they're stretch but sometimes you gotta be comfy.

>> No.15374607
File: 60 KB, 480x480, 957131-31cc68f15fb4edbd99f473a656bef859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice shoes

>> No.15374611
File: 77 KB, 474x697, c891c2fe65266a56808ce679b877981e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't hate the drape.

>> No.15374616
File: 165 KB, 1280x827, 1570696060484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15374619
File: 511 KB, 706x800, Screen_Shot_2018-05-02_at_6.56.47_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15374626
File: 758 KB, 1600x1186, 200421125741108194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love these shoes

>> No.15374642
File: 1.93 MB, 1280x1920, hsb-contrast-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15374643 [DELETED] 

You have a inseam of 28? lol

>> No.15374646
File: 687 KB, 785x1190, Stroll-Two-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15374678
File: 181 KB, 768x745, omoXKkHQ-768x745 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15374686
File: 640 KB, 1004x1512, DRA Lookbook AW19 - 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15374688

yes that’s what i want, thanks my friend

>> No.15374689

What is this gay shit?

>> No.15374691
File: 195 KB, 500x750, osz0B2o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lighthearted comic about the life of a frumpy /tip/ guy from "put this on" blog. His actual fits look really bad but I like his comics

>> No.15374692

According to the media, the guy on the left is more attractive.

>> No.15374694

Any point buying a tshirt from a place like Son of a Tailor? They’re around £36 and to the measurements you give them, or should I just settle for RTW stuff?

>> No.15374695

Chang getting off to blacked porn

>> No.15374700

Yeah, that looks horrendous. I don't get comics or cartoons for adults, they always try to be so serious or if they don't then they have pretty cringe humour. The only good comics and cartoons are for children, and that's a fact.

>> No.15374707
File: 235 KB, 798x1024, PTO-18-Feb-2020-p1-798x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get over it.
I'd go for RTW stuff (lots of cheap stuff on ebay/yoox/etsy) or custom shirts (shirtonomy/luxire) Spier and Mackay is also an option for tailoring.
>comics and cartoons are for children
You sound like a hoot.

>> No.15374719
File: 207 KB, 793x1024, PTO-26-Aug-2019-p1-793x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Anri Okita would go back into porn.

>> No.15374722
File: 201 KB, 789x1024, PTO-26-Aug-2019-p2-789x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15374726
File: 206 KB, 779x1024, PTO-5-Mar-2020-p2-779x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More "french ivy"

>> No.15374730

only good posts itt, keep them coming

>> No.15374739

I literally never said that, I said that cartoons and comics for children are usually better than the ones for adults.
You sound like a retard.

>> No.15374801

Is the right one paraboot?

>> No.15374807
File: 218 KB, 887x1024, PTO-13-Aug-2019-p1-887x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you sound like a retard
I guess I deserved that. Apologies, I misread your post. Anyway there are some good comics for adults: Persepolis, Watchmen, 20th Century Boys,....

>> No.15374810
File: 193 KB, 785x1024, PTO-13-Aug-2019-p2-785x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15374814
File: 395 KB, 1024x679, tumblr_nmie785VWp1usvzgro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15374825
File: 195 KB, 794x1024, PTO-26-june-2019-794x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

controversial post

>> No.15374847


>> No.15374848

Honestly I would be fine if black men and women decided to post fits. We could always use more tippers.
Love this blog

>> No.15374849

It screams onions

I don't like those jeans



Nice, but needs ironing

>> No.15374854
File: 221 KB, 785x1024, PTO-26-june-p2-copy-785x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with masks?

>> No.15374885
File: 200 KB, 1080x1350, SKySxlb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15374892
File: 152 KB, 1080x1345, BqkVJpZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has a sweet face.

>> No.15374936

>weak, round facial features
>wide nostrils
>bulbous nose
>sweet face

>> No.15375090


You should do the question the other way round

>> No.15375242

Dude is ugly as fuck and dresses nice as a cope to make up for it

>> No.15375245

This looks so bad wtf

>> No.15375401
File: 141 KB, 606x809, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re genetic trash and a massive faggot.

>> No.15375475

What the heck do I do with white linen trousers, boys?

>> No.15375501

put them on with out socks

>> No.15375843

Sand linen shirt, tan loafers

>> No.15376173

Lavender polo and loafers

>> No.15376222
File: 38 KB, 405x607, 405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15376278
File: 124 KB, 580x580, gucci horsebit loafer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here got any opinion on or experience with gucci horsbit driving shoes for casual summer wear? they look nice but im trying to imagine pairing them with anything other than white or black and i have to say im struggling

>> No.15376286

You can get brown or blue ones like >>15371499
>>15371491 Those colours will work better with other type of pants

>> No.15376408

Dumb king needs to hem his trousers and either wear a tie or wear a shirt with a softer more casual collar that actually suits the casual outfit. I'll give this outfit a solid 5/10.

>> No.15376483

Post your outfit with timestamp

>> No.15376723

Can anyone recommend a brand and model name for those quintessentially preppy maritime-style blazers? Preferably someone who owns a blazer in this style?

>> No.15376950

are Russell and Bromley any good?

>> No.15376988

I like this but do aussies actually wear those drizabone jackets? Shit looks something an anime character would wear

>> No.15377075

Yeah it's very GITS but they look cool and keep you protected from Roos and abos

>> No.15377106

australia is an real life anime

>> No.15377116

>an real
Are you retarded?

>> No.15377143
File: 34 KB, 530x738, 1456726256067-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15377153

fragrance recommendation, please

>> No.15377204


>> No.15377217

Use whatever smells good to you. Fragrances are something personal.

>> No.15377262
File: 56 KB, 250x150, monkaS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sweater neck

>> No.15377263

The final boss of trad

>> No.15377306

faggot, those are absolutely bass white bucks.

>> No.15377315
File: 82 KB, 393x858, 2f553a6b299e188ccd5da62c6493728e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a green sweater exactly like this?

>> No.15377354

cotton cable knit. landsend has some but not in green.

>> No.15377399

be careful you'll upset the autist

>> No.15377407

Like I said, the lighting was pretty bad and also they still look like complete and utter trash.

>> No.15377423

I think they're aldens. I checked the bass website AND the outlet. Bass doesn't have a model with that kind of heel cup as far as I can see

>> No.15377465


> /fa/ - Caste Sysems and Classism

>> No.15377483

Based, fuck Jews.

>> No.15377495

Polo Ralph Lauren usually release one like that one every year (100% cotton)

>> No.15377582

w2c pants on these

>> No.15377683

Can shorts be tip, if so, what kind?
What do you lads think about seersucker?
What is tip's view on ethan wong and his blog?

>> No.15377776

Pants too loose, hat clashes, shoes should match the belt. Like the shirt, though. 6/10

>> No.15377813


Sometimes absolutely needed. I'm no trouser purist. I personally swear by the j.crew 6 inch draw string shorts.

>> No.15377851

It's a country thing

>> No.15377928

They're surprisingly hard to find in the right texture and color. I'll wait for Ralph Lauren's fall/winter lineup then

>> No.15378042

What's more versatile, dark brown leather or dark brown suede on loafers?

>> No.15378243

Course you can, it's a very democratic style body wise

>> No.15378266

Leather will last longer

>> No.15378480
File: 305 KB, 1600x1200, today outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My outfit I wore today.

>> No.15378638

I know that this is bait (unless you're the eBay seller) but the fit of that jacket is just so bad!

>> No.15378642

What's wrong with the fit?

>> No.15378651

The shoulders are just a bit too wide, the sleeves are too long, excess fabric around the chest, waist and quarters, it's clearly too big.

>> No.15378653

Haha yes, that is why I am selling it

>> No.15378667

I'd say suede, works well with a sportscoat and trousers but equally well with jeans, a shirt and a jumper or vintage chinos, a denim shirt and a chore coat. Dark brown leather is a bit less versatile.
False, suede is just as durable and even easier to keep looking good over time.

>> No.15378684

So why did you ask about the fit if you already knew it's not so good? No offence but I doubt that anyone will buy it, mainly because of the style and it looks to be a bit cheap.

>> No.15378686

Opinion discarded

>> No.15378687

I just wanted to hear another opinion first. What's wrong with the style of it? It's a wool poly blend, an absolute steal at the price I am selling it for.

>> No.15378709

Well for one, it's a wool-poly blend, something found in poor quality clothing, it's also just inferior compared to 100% wool, mainly because of its breathability (or rather lack of), how light it is and how it feels. I can't see most of the jacket construction but I did see the fused interlining which is a hallmark of a cheap jacket. Now onto the style of the jacket, for one it had black plastic buttons, not only are they plastic but they are also black which is too formal for the jacket itself. The jacket also has three buttons which is a outdated look (unless it's a three button two roll configuration) and associated with the 90s. I got a brown, Harris tweed jacket in herringbone with classic styling, floating canvas, hand stitching for only £15 so you've got some big competition here, don't be too hopeful.

>> No.15378716

The jacket cost £45 when brand new so I am selling it for at least 50% of its value and I have only worn it a handful of times. Sports coats don't have fused or canvass linings. This isn't a suit. Do you know what you are talking about?

>> No.15378717

Jeans have not only been an ivy staple since the 60's (see e.g. Take Ivy) but also fit very well with the ivy way of blending nontraditional clothing with more traditional – the exact same way as with military clothing like chinos, fatigue pants, jungle jackets etc. On top of that, jeans can look great when paired correctly. It would be foolish to discard them just because they don't fit into your conception of "tip".

>> No.15378727

Kill yourself you fat, deformed ogre I hope that you die in a puddle of your own piss while you're gasping for air. I'd slaugher your family right in front of you and I'd be conducting a symphony of screams. I know where you live, I've got your IP address, I'm coming for you.

>> No.15378738

Is it because I corrected you, son?

>> No.15378742

No, it's because you're either trolling (it's funny if you are) or you're a really big retard just because you have no clue about what you are talking about.

>> No.15378756

You think tweed sports jackets have canvassing in them and fused canvass? Lol now who is the "troll" you silly boy.

>> No.15378768


I have two tweed sports jackets (one Harris tweed, one Moorland tweed), both made to measure from the same company. Both are fully canvassed. Why wouldn't a tweed jacket be canvassed just like any other good jacket? What are you talking about?
Different anon btw.

>> No.15378772

A tweed sports jacket has the wool tweed outer and an inner liming. That's it. It's not a suit. It doesn't have suit structure and its natural weight with gravity forms its shape.

You honestly think you get tweed jackets that have a glued in canvass? Lmfao.

>> No.15378784

Nope, stop trolling. My tweed jackets both have quarter lining, and yet there is clearly noticeable canvassing (pinch test). There is of course difference in how thick canvassing one needs; for example, in my MTM program, I can choose between three different types of canvassing based on how thick I want it to be. This doesn't in any way make it "non-canvassed". You have no idea what you are talking about here.

>> No.15378785

99% of tweed sports jackets, or sports jackets in general do not have a canvas! You can have one, but it's pointless. It's to add structure when using thinner materials such as a suit. A heavy wool does not need that.

Do you honestly think every cheaper tweed jacket has a fused canvass? Hahaha holy shit. Every cheap suit does. A sports jacket is not a suit FFS!

>> No.15378786

A suit is formal. It's supposed to be structured. A sports jacket is casual, it shroud bent and twist as you do, it shouldn't have a canvas. I can't believe the idiots itt.

Not to mention how uncomfortable and added weight it would add to an already heavy jacket. Just wow.

>> No.15378790

I do not think that every cheaper tweed jacket has a canvas, but why should that matter? I did not think that we are talking about cheap inferior products here. If we are talking about good tailoring, canvassing is usually done regardless of the cloth - only the weight and composition of the canvassing differs. You said that "sports coats don't have canvas linings" which is patently false. If you had said "cheap jackets don't usually have canvassing", it would have been correct, but it would also be correct for most cheap H&M suits which have a fused structure!

Regardless, this is a pointless discussion.

>> No.15378793

Because canvass is the standard for a suit, it's not the standard for a sports jacket. Almost all sports jackets do not have canvassing! It;s completely unnecessary.

I said they don't have canvassing BUT you can add it. But almost none of them will. You're acting like it's the standard when it's clearly not. Cheap suits do have canvassing. I've never heard of a glued tweed jacket canvassing hahaha.

The top end designer wool sports jackets do not have canvassing ffs. Are you someone new to these threads or this board?

Full canvassing on a tweed sports jacket.. lol too funny.

>> No.15378798

Best troll that I've seen on this thread, here, have a gold sticker.

>> No.15378800

I am not new to this thread or to this board. All of the modern menswear darling brands offer either half or full canvassing as a regular option for their sports coats... Berg & Berg, Drake's, Spier & McKay, Suitsupply Jort line (probably also the Havanas, but I haven't kep track of them for years), Yeossal, Anglo-Italian, Cavour – those are probably the most popular brands for jackets, and none offer anything else than half or fully canvassed jackets. More expensive and you venture into Ring Jacket / The Armoury or MTM or bespoke, and those will obviously offer canvassed options as the regular.

It really feels like you are trolling because this discussion seems so bizarre. Every single jacket I have either bought, commissioned or thought about buying was canvassed or half canvassed. When I helped my father commission a brown Moorland tweed sports jacket last year, we never even discussed canvassing with the tailor because it was a given it was going to be full canvassed in a soft horsehair canvas.

And I have never talked about any "glued canvassing", just basic horsehair canvas that floats between the outside and inside of the jacket.

>> No.15378807

99.9% of sports jackets sold cost under $1000 dollars and they are not canvassed. You're talking shit. The only way you would canvass tweed is if it was a tweed SUIT jacket and part of a tweed suit. A tweed sports jacket no.

>> No.15378820


>> No.15378822

>99.9% of sports jackets sold cost under $1000 dollars and they are not canvassed
99.9% of clothes sold is fast fashion, why do we need to talk about that? Good jackets are usually canvassed. I thought this thread was for quality clothing, not talking about ASOS or Target.
>The only way you would canvass tweed is if it was a tweed SUIT jacket and part of a tweed suit. A tweed sports jacket no.
I guess this is a suit jacket then, lol. Just stop talking shit.

>> No.15378837

>made in china

>> No.15379355

>hat with blazer