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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.93 MB, 2872x7000, sekio originality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15364347 No.15364347 [Reply] [Original]

No Original Designs Anymore Edition

This thread is about the appreciation of watches and their design, their history, and the engineering and materials that are required to make a functioning timepiece.

> Poorfag guide: https://m.imgur.com/a/NFMXDuK
> Watch essentials 102: https://pastebin.com/Rc77hhXV
> Purchasing used watches: https://pastebin.com/f44aJKy2
> Purchasing straps: https://pastebin.com/SwRysprE

Should I buy this MVMT / DW / "minimalist" fashion watch?
> https://imgur.com/a/6CNO8

Should I buy this Armani / Michael Kors / mall watch?
> https://imgur.com/a/Sw1FsAn

"Suggest a watch for me."
> Your budget
> Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
> Movement, e.g. automatic, hand wound, quartz
> Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd time zone
> Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
> Wrist size or desired watch size

Old: >>15362096

>> No.15364355
File: 92 KB, 979x619, Casio Owners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15364368

Why do all the Seikos look better? What's going on here? Who's copying who?

>> No.15364406

>talking about originality when rolex is filled with boring safe rehashes of the same old shit or absolute garbage like the air king and yachtmaster 2

seiko probably has like close to 5000 different designs by now. Its actually one of the companies who still tries to innovate, even though they have gotten greedy recently

>> No.15364413

rolex needs to drop the fucking cyclops
fucking hideous and stupid "complication" that only still exists because "it's iconic, rolex does it"

>> No.15364420

its not a complication, just a feature.
its for 50+yo boomers who can't see since that is their main clientele

>> No.15364423

the cyclops is considered a complication

>> No.15364429

a complication implies its a mechanical thing that takes effort to implement into the movement, like a moonphase or a perpetual calendar. A cyclops is just a something stuck to the glass. If a cyclops is a considered a "complication" then a bezel is a complication too.

its literally in the name. A complicated thing

>> No.15364431
File: 1.05 MB, 1102x1102, SRPE19J1_29110319564944_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most beatiful looking Seiko Presage?
I rather like the Cocktail clones.

>> No.15364435

By whom? Certainly not Rolex.
>Cyclops lens
>A magnifying lens patented by Rolex in 1953 to enlarge the emblematic date of the Datejust. Named after the one-eyed giant of Greek mythology. A signature feature of Rolex watches, easily recognisable from a distance. Made of the same scratchproof sapphire as the crystal to which it is affixed. Featuring a double anti-reflective coating to ensure extra-clear legibility of the date.

>> No.15364439

Seiko are copying Rolex ofc but so do every other brand. Also you must be blind, the Seiko look worse / cheaper.

>> No.15364446
File: 186 KB, 750x794, O1CN0173nwfG1dLLTje4MzE_!!2200630423719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I get this watch?

it has an inhouse handwind movement and its less than $40, kek

>> No.15364452

I want Cartier Santos

>> No.15364456

I'll allow it.

>> No.15364461

You can get someone to remove the cyclops if you want but I wouldn't recommend it. The date window is barely readable without the magnification. You could argue it's part of the anti-forgery protection as well, the cheap fakes are very easy to spot without the expensive high refractive index material Rolex use.

>> No.15364468

True story
In high school a friend of mine was dating this hot Latina and whenever he wanted to fuck her or just hang out, it was always at his place, but his parents were huge prudes so it was tough for him. He would beg his other friends including me to let him and her spend time at our places so at one point they fucked in my shed.
Anyway his mom lost her job so there was zero chance of them spending time at his place for a while and the situation wasn't really good for anyone else either, so he finally got her to agree to let him go to her house and she kept telling him she was adopted which he didn't understand. Then when he got to her place she had been adopted by 2 Chinese and the whole house was decorated in bright red with Chinese dragons and calligraphy everywhere and a portrait of Mao. He started laughing in disbelief and then it was awkward the entire day. It ruined the whole relationship.
That's what I think of when I see that watch. That's the impression you will give off.

>> No.15364472

all these years I thought it was a complication. I guess I was wrong

>> No.15364473
File: 543 KB, 2000x1333, Vintage_Longines_watches_interview_Matt_Hanson_at_A_Collected_Man~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody have source on this strap?

>> No.15364489
File: 899 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20191221_195941456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decently entertaining story anon, and I like how you connected it back to the perils of wearing a shitter, 9/10

>> No.15364490

retarded highschool kid is retarded

>> No.15364493

do it, for the lulz, just 40 and it has fucking mao or some similar dude

>> No.15364506
File: 258 KB, 750x1142, O1CN01w1OBkx1OX3RPrggfk_!!2046321714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya its mao

they (beijing watch factory) have lots of other more conventional designs, for example this 1950s retro one

but if im going to get a chinese movement might as well go all the way right.....? idk

>> No.15364512

Yeah if you're buying Chinese shit you might as well go all the way.

>> No.15364526

*shanghai*, not beijing
always get them confused

>> No.15364544

Link to where I can buy this? I want it.

>> No.15364555



>> No.15364557

Is there any place to talk about watches like this but where people actually recognize quality and beauty and don't ignore great watches and don't spam chink shitters and vostok endlessly?

>> No.15364558

I respectfully disagree. I HATE the cyclops on each example.

>> No.15364570

The majority of "cultured" watch geeks think Rolex Faytonas and AP Royal Oaks are beautiful, making them far less trustworthy than the Vostok wearers here

>> No.15364572

what the fuck is his problem?

>> No.15364574

This is the pub of the internet

>> No.15364577
File: 262 KB, 750x1178, O1CN01SLFJcd1dLLTq5b1eY_!!2200630423719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it uses the shanghai 8120 calibre, which is ancient
right click and use google translate if you cant read changrish

>> No.15364583
File: 2.48 MB, 1280x720, 1592941524617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverso club where do you reside?

>> No.15364593

theres also this site which is 10x more western friendly, chock full of chinese domestic mall watch shitter brands, funky homages and retro kitsch watches if you are interested in looking at that sort of thing


>> No.15364597
File: 343 KB, 1996x2662, z02d4qz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r/watches on Reddit, where no one gets called out on buying a watch that's too big for their hairless arms, and also wearing it on the wrong part of their wrist. Nothing but positivity there, how depressing. Give me honesty anyday.

>> No.15364605


>> No.15364609

r/watches is surprisingly not super faggy.

I like the urban gentry youtube channel.

I wouldn't think highly of you, wearing commie junk.

>what the fuck is his problem?

he wants to sell more straps.

>> No.15364617

this is actually the most honest place you are going to get for watches. reddit is a oppressive hugbox and full of newbs unironically drooling at shitters (whereas we judge shitters fairly based on their cost and recognise them for what they are). WUS is great for resources but its an ancient platform and do you really want to trawl through 50+ page threads everytime?

like what do you want? a place where people wax poetic and write essays about some $50,000 watch that nobody is going to buy anyway? we do talk about those watches but its in proportion to reality

>> No.15364631

fuckin classic

>> No.15364634

we do actually tell you when your shitter is not worth the money and when a luxury watch is a scam and looks like dogshit

>> No.15364639
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can't wait for the pastas of this masterpiece.

>> No.15364644

that's why I'm here man, my complaints had nothing to do with honesty.

>like what do you want?
Like this but more attention to quality watches, especially vintage. Vintage watches were serious, what is produced now is effeminate jewelry or at best halfassed attempts to replicate vintage aesthetics.

9 out of 10 posts here are shitters, if it were even 50/50 I'd be happy. I've posted some of my collection or watches on my radar along with relevant facts numerous times only for it to get ignored and buried in chink shit because of the ignorance of the majority who fail to recognize quality.

>> No.15364646

I value the opinions given here more highly than most other places, I think true anonymity makes for a more honest discussion.

>> No.15364649

what are some bullhead chronos from recent years other than the citizen tsuno?

>> No.15364651

I get what you mean, it's depressing that you can post an interesting watch and be totally ignored but then sometimes you can have in-depth conversations about the exact same watch, it's all down to who's about since these threads can sometimes reach the bump limit in a few hours.
I personally come here because it's so random what watches are being talked about, it's unpredictable and occasionally very rewarding.

>> No.15364653

>r/watches is surprisingly not super faggy.
The circlejerk reddit is the superior option, the main reddit is a lot of the time the same watches and tons of speedys and grand seikos.

>> No.15364656

It may not go un-noticed but just not responded to. I'm /fa/ newfag so I really have no clue what I'm talking about but if you really are making informative posts I appreciate it because like another anon said, reddit will not talk shit about a shitter and here there are actually negative points to be made.

>> No.15364660

watchuseek and rolexforums (actually good for many brands not just Rolex) are decent but slow.

here is shit because 99% of the conversation is about cheap shitters and 3rd world trash. how can it be honest about expensive watches no of use have ever owned or even held in our hands.

I saw that thread. I don't understand why he bought the Grand Lange 1 instead of the standard version which is smaller. Maybe he expects to grow into it.

>> No.15364665

The problem with /r/Watches is that it's not a place for discussion. It's a place for instagram pics, kids posting their dads watches pretending they own it or posting their $300 "first expensive mechanical watch"

>> No.15364671

WUS and Rolex Forum boomers are literally the best sources of information but obviously can’t handle our incel humour.

I recall that once I had questions about a specific bracelet for a watch and created a thread on WUS.

A boomer dude sent me a private message with the entire fucking history of bracelets by model numbers and years about the specific watch that I had. All on his own accord and out of his own expertise. He even offered to send me some parts free of charge to make modifications to my existing bracelet. I didn’t even know the fucking guy.

>> No.15364672

Yeah, it's why reddit is shit. There's no discussion. People just post wristshots and collect kudos. Granted, here there is not much discussion but you can try and you will get some honest answers, not just WOOOAAH SWEET WATCH BRO

>> No.15364676

i agree with you and ive posted about my own vintage hunts before, but
you have to come to the terms that not everyone is into vintage, as it requires a lot more work and knowledge that more casual watch people will not be into. The vintage aesthetic is very graceful but for modern fashion its not very coomsumer friendly to be blunt. Also buying vintage is another whole world of pitfalls and additional expense with servicing, its a lot of homework. Most people want shiny new watches instead of a soulful crusty vintage, its just what it is.

cheap shitters are at least entertaining to me because I appreciate value and like to see how far the dollar can go. Vostoks are solid things with rugged inhouse movements and a very distinctive look, like whats there to hate, really? ya its not refined but thats what a lot of soviet stuff is. Its made to be what it is and i dont think its fair to expect a workhorse to be a delicate artpiece.

if you truly like horology you have to be able to appreciate all kinds of watches

>> No.15364683

>Vostoks are solid things with rugged inhouse movements and a very distinctive look, like whats there to hate, really?

They look like clown watches. Not watches made to look like clowns, but watches that clowns would wear to their job.

>> No.15364689

It's hilarious, he no doubt tried it on and convinced himself it looked good. I once tried on a Zeitwerk in their boutique in Harrods (the salesperson was obviously bored as there's no way I looked or acted like anything but a time waster, but they insisted), I'd add that it's probably my absolute favourite watch, and in an instant I started laughing as I knew it looked ridiculously big on my noodle wrist, no matter how rich I became I'd never be able to buy one because I knew it looked like shit on me.

>> No.15364692

Do you have any idea how many haute horologie watches look absolutely fucking retarded compared to Vostoks?

>> No.15364696

WUS is full of wizards, man. I once posted a thread asking if this movement was legit because it was hard to tell for certain vintages due to shoddy records and some guy dug up entire antique catalog pages about it without even me asking

yes they look clown shit, but still clownshit can be argued to be preferable to a ocean of submariner homages. You can always mod the shit out of them for how cheap they are

>> No.15364699


Yeah, but clowns don’t earn much so they have to settle for Vostoks

>> No.15364713

I left several months ago out of frustration and honestly it does seem a bit better now that I'm back. The endless samefagging by the soiko freak who would post macros of GS and Rolex back in the day was just insufferable. These threads used to have the worst shitposting I've seen on 4chan.

I checked in a couple months ago and it seemed like wt was almost dead, and they were trying to force a /g/ migration, so I'm surprised to see threads rolling now.

Good post, I try to appreciate everything I just wish this was a place where I saw great watches or hidden gems more often. I go on Omegaforum or MWR especially for that, but a lot of the users are complete douchebags or autistic beyond belief, generally in proportion to how much they've spent on their "passion".

I do appreciate Vostok in theory it's just that they happen to be so damn ugly most of the time, and that's coming from a military tool watch lover. I have to agree with >>15364683

>> No.15364717

> I once tried on a Zeitwerk ..
Good for you. That's the mistake a lot of the fanbois make in that they own ever go by website pictures or YT vids. Their grail watch(es) very often simply are the wrong size for their wrist or simply just do not look good in person or on the wrist. Many people, like you it seems, are surprised by the size of the Zeitwerk especially just how thick it is. Same goes for the modern Datographs.

I've been to the same Harrods boutique as well. It's always quiet they as ALS don't get a lot of traffic but they will let you try on any of the watches. Not like AP, their staff are cunts.

>> No.15364718

I like Vostoks. They have that unabashedly obnoxious Cold War Russian aesthetic with weird bright colors and silly images hiding the bare bones indestructible workhorse movement and everything about the engineering is so weird because it had to be made under Soviet poverty. It's charming. They are ugly but the AP Royal Oak is ugly too and at least Vostoks are 100 dollars or less while the RO will cost you as much as a car

>> No.15364720

am i the only one who doesnt get the aesthetic of this watch? its just a bunch of circles with classical roman numerals and vintagey diamonds but also modern vector triangles on it and a bunch of words like POWER RESERVE 72 HOURS. I dont get the hype

>> No.15364728

It's a classic dress watch in a style unique to Lange. The Lange 1 with asymmetric dial was one of the first models they released when Lange started making watches again. You buy it because it's the pinnacle of quality watch making and many people like a clean elegant design.

>> No.15364738

In true autistic German fashion they decided to go around the problem of harmoniously incorporating a bunch of elements on a dial by just making a big dial that has everything separated, but everything is placed thoughtfully and proportionally so it works well.

>> No.15364740

Yeah, I pretty much left here when the thread was moved to /fa/ and that guy with the fake Black Bay was shitting up the threads nonstop, I only came back to them last month and they've been surprisingly readable, but sadly it seems like a lot of the old usual posters have left for good.
Yeah, I already knew it was thick but I was still taken aback. Obviously ALS aren't exactly known to the general public, the rest of the watch department was very busy but why would you go there just to look at the Omegas?

>> No.15364744

impossible, wt is like this because posters don't have any money in general and it colours almost every thread. and people that do have money and also like watches don't tend to post on the internet.

>> No.15364754

Really good explanation which almost allows me to appreciate it.

But overall, I dont get POWER RESERVE. How did this shit possibly catch on? The whole point of a quality movement is knowing it's not going to fail you, and having this pedantic gauge on the watch defeats that purpose. It's like for children who think a special POWER GAUGE is cool, and I guess that makes sense given that their market is mainly rich adult children. But I still don't get how the designers can standing destroying the symmetry of their watches with this nasty shit.

I remember Tudorfag well

They do, they're just boomers that use forums or the ancient listserv things like how vintagerolexforum or watchprosite were/are, or else, even worse, yuppies on instagram.

>> No.15364763

The power reserve has always been a controversial choice. I will say it's useful if you have multiple watches you juggle throughout the week but with display casebacks almost standard now, they really should be relegated to the back of the movement and shouldn't be on the dial anymore. Some prefer to leave the reserve on the dial and incorporate it into the design by using it as another part of the dial, another complication for the engineering nerds.
I don't think they are incredibly useful but I don't hate them, however it depends on the watch. For instance I think on something like the GS Snowflake it adds to the design, breaking up the austere dial with a little snow angel and adding to the theme, but on the new Seiko Cocktail Times that have the power reserve going across like 40% of the minute track I am appalled.

>> No.15364769
File: 239 KB, 1600x996, lange-soehne-1815-updown-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay anon, you are allowed to not like that dial. They do it better in this model.

>> No.15364771

where's the big date fatass?

>> No.15364774
File: 1002 KB, 1280x1024, WP-ALS_DATOGRAPH_UP_DOWN_405_035_SIHH_2012_M_02_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy now?

>> No.15364775

thats more conventional (boring) but also better. I guess cant have cake and eat it too

>> No.15364783

I am never happy

>> No.15364834
File: 1.02 MB, 898x1284, [X] A.Lange & Söhne 1815 Flyback Chronograph 414.028 (39.5mm).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15364835
File: 336 KB, 1092x608, B2BF7609-C02A-4F41-A912-34A1B325B085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would satisfied with a royal oak toubillion.......rep

>> No.15364843

>a "sports watch"
>with a tourbillon


>> No.15364850
File: 254 KB, 2100x1400, _Jaeger-LeCoultre Master Grande Tradition Gyrotourbillon Westminster Perpétuel (43mm).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this KINObillion?

>> No.15364853
File: 412 KB, 2000x2000, Zenith DEFY Zero G 95.9000.8812-78.M9000 (44mm).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15364874

Is there a vostok buying guide yet, or are they a fad /wt/ is gonna be over in two weeks?

>> No.15364881

I have small wrists and I want a watch that subtly signals that I like to get fucked in the ass by other men.

What do you recommend, effay?

>> No.15364897
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>> No.15364900
File: 214 KB, 1600x1067, MBF-LM-Thunderdome-platinum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bunch of shit all over the place

it was a convergence of everyone's vostok being stuck in russia covid mail and also soviet vintage discussions
mine is just newly otw so ill let you know again :^)

>> No.15364914

I think this is more discord pedophile core than getting fucked in the ass core

>> No.15364925
File: 17 KB, 516x389, WRIST-AQUARIUM4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing a fish bowl on your wrist.

>> No.15364930

unironically the f91w or some small whimpy casio shitter

you will be the nerd dweeb that gets bullied by all the football chads and they force you to give them unwashed blowjobs during recess in the janitors closet. The musky smell of their puberty pubes fill your nostrils and you try not to gag as your head is forced forward by their burly hands.

>> No.15365107
File: 711 KB, 1242x692, 50EA9B62-F6BA-421B-AB9F-212D78D81DA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well... a gen will run down 180k while a rep is 800.00. Why you say? If it’s a decent quality and tells time. Why not? A used Porsche cost 40k so wear that with that real sports car.

>> No.15365117
File: 954 KB, 2638x2797, 656bb22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw one of those on ebay, thought it was a repurposed Seiko 5606-7000 case but I guess it's just a copy.

>> No.15365255

>9 out of 10 posts here are shitters
Post yours with timestamp

>> No.15365275

They’re a “fad” since way back in the g-threads, next to fap-powered-Seikos, though those fell out of favor (the meme, not really the watches. )

>> No.15365358
File: 203 KB, 1000x1284, DSC_0072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I got it. My phone camera is shit, the watch itself looks really cool. The metal strap feels and looks nice, I just need to shorten it.

>> No.15365397

I used to think the reverso had a different face on each side...

>> No.15365456
File: 137 KB, 1000x640, jaeger-lecoultre-reverso-duoface-small-second-watches-news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duoface has a silver dial on one side and a black one on the other.

>> No.15365475

So I didn't just imagine it

>> No.15365485

This is because you care more about the value of something as jewellery.

I read something funny the other day about how a "dead beat seconds" movement was considered the pinnacle for decades. And then quartz came out, and could do it trivially, so all the swiss companies started pretending it was worthless and that what people wanted was 4 beat per second trash.

>> No.15365493

This, I actually like the basic design (the offset sub dials and the date window) but the roman numerals doesn't match the germanic design and the text on the watch is not that great.

>> No.15365500
File: 24 KB, 350x350, 4549526160752_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Solid as hell
> Tons of functionnalities
> Unique looks
> Pair with almost everything from a suit to a metal t-shirt (though it's less good with in-the-middle stuff like a typical jeans/polo)
> Mostly budget-friendly

What could be more based than G-shocks ?

>> No.15365501

My Rolly don't tick tock it just glide.

>> No.15365506

The thing that slightly annoys me is that all of the text is in German, and then there's "made in Germany". I know it's "tradition" to have that part in English but it just looks odd to me.

>> No.15365508

"Made in (country)" has been used regardless of the country for decades.
Are you disturbed by "Swiss Made" too ?

>> No.15365513

Here's your Vostok buying guide you silly cunt. Go on Meranom.com, add one to cart and buy it.

>> No.15365514

иcхoдя из

>> No.15365517

I would be if there was a load of French text on the watch. Maybe my argument should be from the other direction, they should make all of the text on the dial in English instead, power reserve 72 hours.

>> No.15365539

it should be in german.

>> No.15365545
File: 12 KB, 280x97, 1593599687048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based Vostok (again)

>> No.15365546
File: 120 KB, 749x767, 7xjfqjp7g6851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Tudor embargo all watch news sites
> Only release one new watch this year
> Its just a new color option
> wow its fucking nothing.jpg

>> No.15365552

colored bezel inserts are for poofs. the bezel should just be stainless steel like the case

>> No.15365554
File: 25 KB, 295x550, f91w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my /osamacore/ niggas at

>> No.15365557

the minute hand is so long on this watch?

its so close to the edge of case as if they are going to touch and its setting off my anxiety big time even though i know that wont happen

>> No.15365565

i honestly don't know how the 'watch community' can be this fucking limp-wristed about new watch releases. how the fuck can anyone get excited about a 'new watch' with the only difference being the color scheme? this goes for every big luxury brand that does this. how aren't watchfags burning down AD's in retaliation

imagine if call of duty spent a year working on a new game and it ends up being the exact same game as the old one except instead of playing as a guy with black hair you get to play as someone with blonde hair. gamers would literally start murdering politicians in retaliation.

why can't watchfags be the same?

>> No.15365573

Because watchfags are cucks who are willing to let things go on forever because of muh tradition. Seriously look at Baselworld, that shit was mismanaged for 50 years, everyone hated it, but kept going there anyway until it took COVID to finally kill it.

>> No.15365575

what do you expect them to do in a year?
they need to cancel all this baselworld shit (thank fuck it's already happening thanks to papa covid) so coomsumers stop demanding new shit every single year and companies could actually take the time to make something interesting instead of rushing to meet the deadline and just releasing the same fucking man on the moon in a different colorway

>> No.15365585

They don't bullshit up new releases on a yearly basis. If they did, it might actually be better since they would be faster to respond to what consoomers want and we would get more classically proportioned watches

>> No.15365593

Casio Royale

>> No.15365599

I just wanted a smaller ranger ;_;

>> No.15365614
File: 70 KB, 800x211, 20191011_215906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me is this true?

>> No.15365616

Fuck you, I like the cyclops on my Rolex and the cyclops is iconic.

>> No.15365619

Why would I buy a Seiko when I can get a Tissot with a Sapphire crystal and Chronometer certification for the same price?

>> No.15365621

yeah it's pretty much an open secret at this point

>> No.15365623

100%, the main thing is where you pay the tax. A lot of companies will do this where they will try to have something technically 'made' in the lowest tax region of the operation.

>> No.15365627

post how the tissooot looks like.

>> No.15365628
File: 83 KB, 576x1024, chinesium bracelet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Pretty much all entry level Swiss, e.g. Tissot, Hamilton, etc is Chinese made with an ETA movement. Most entry level Seikos are made in Thailand as well.

>> No.15365631

>This is the pube of the internet

>> No.15365632

no clue i'm just copy pasting stuff from reddit

>> No.15365650

>what do you expect them to do in a year?
for 3.5k? a lot more than a fucking color change

>> No.15365666

arent cheap seikos made in malaysia? everyone knows it though, they never hid it. They also have the exact same cheap seikos made in japan but at a 50% - 100% price increase

>> No.15365673

Ok, so what do you expect from them? No one's even buying watches due to covid and you're expecting them to blow cash on developing some new concept that probably won't even work. They're just playing it safe and riding it out.

>> No.15365675

I personally would have like a GMT in the 58 style, that would be an instant buy for me.

>> No.15365678

I think you're right, I mixed it up with Casio (my Rangeman is Thai made)

>> No.15365682


t. casio gang

>> No.15365684
File: 172 KB, 1200x800, Dvgv8SdU0AAMK3I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based ladyboi indestructible watch

>> No.15365685

99% of all Casio watches are made in Thailand or Malaysia, so unless you are buying a JDM G-Shock then it's only slightly better in terms of transparency.

>> No.15365707

Ladyboys are the ideal watchmakers. The intellect of a man and the petite, graceful hands of a woman

>> No.15365710

>the petite, graceful hands of a woman

>> No.15365712

You've never gotten a rub down from a ladyboy? Archieluxury would be disappointed. They do amazing work.

>> No.15365717

>listening to archie, a man who has resorted to begging on the internet for money after driving himself into poverty to get five identical pateks, whose home is being consumed by carpet beetles and who grew demon horns because he fucked too many ladyboys

>> No.15365721

Japs don't hide the fact that it's not fully made in Japan

>> No.15365731

Yeah my G-Shock says made in Thailand on the back.

>> No.15365746

haha, classic bald old man at the left

>> No.15365759
File: 184 KB, 1080x615, Screenshot_20200701-210803_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365763


>> No.15365776
File: 320 KB, 1037x1033, 20200701_140814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this for about 12 years. Love this thing, although I wish it was mechanical.

>> No.15365800
File: 157 KB, 866x496, 20190912_195559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new to watches

should i just get the 12 slotter or try and limit myself?

>> No.15365806

checked and you don't *have* to fill it up you know?

>> No.15365821

It's perfect for that sub 500$ shitter collection that will satisfy you anon

>> No.15365827

do it
just dont get one thru aliexpress. great chance that after 2 months of waiting for it to arrive, the glass piece on top is broken and the rest of the box beat to shit.

>> No.15365830

Tell me, are you getting it just to have an excuse to buy 12 crappy watches?

>> No.15365837

Maybe you are wrong, maybe he is gonna put his CASIO gang togheter.

>> No.15365845

My box of eight has 5 casios (and three empty spaces).

>> No.15365855
File: 127 KB, 866x496, 20190912_195559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know but the empty spaces will annoy my OCD and the glass top will mean its visible all the time

why are you so sure ill be buying sub 500$ watches, the box looks premium enough

shit, you're right. Iow risk but it'll be a pain


>> No.15365857

i’m going to buy a casio f-91w and flex on every watch fag

>> No.15365871
File: 2.21 MB, 2236x2236, 20200701_161046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this watch too big for my wrist?

>> No.15365872

My cash don't jingle jingle, it folds.

>> No.15365873

If you had money to buy nice watches you would buy a safe, not a watch box.

>> No.15365875

its a navitimer/flight watch, made for a purpose. So it doesnt matter if its slightly too big, even. If its small you wont be able to see the numbers on the slidw rule and shit.

>> No.15365886

but isnt that kinda contrary? if you live in a nice neighbourhood and in a big mansion with a security system you wouldn't worry about break-ins anyway

>> No.15365891

everyone except for watch snobs will be pleased with that

>> No.15365895

>buying the most overdone casio shitter when there are hundreds of other choices at that price range

have some imagination

>> No.15365897

Nah, the flightmaster is 40mm with relatively short lugs. Most people can wear a forty easily; if anything the slide rule bezel makes it more legit.

>> No.15365901

already posted 3 of my pilots watches at the beginning of the thread>>15364489

No, I care about aesthetics first, then historical significance, then technical achievement.

"Dead beat" seconds seemed like a good idea until people actually saw it and realized it's fucking annoying. But nice conspiracy theory.

The edge of the crystal is distorting it to look closer, although minute hands should extend this far anyway.

pushing it but you're good, that style of watch is supposed to look big.

>> No.15365908

>imagination is choosing this mass-produced watch instead of that mass-produced watch
grow up

>> No.15365916

all fliegers look the same

>> No.15365917

Kevin O'Leary was robbed of his entire collection twice, so if you really want to go to that extreme you'd need multiple houses and multiple security systems. A safe is the practical option at that point.

>> No.15365918

To be fair, if you get a refund, a box with broken glass for free is a good deal. Replace the glass and you're good to go.
Then you can't see them jabroni.

>> No.15365927

If you want the real flex experience, get a royale.

>> No.15365928

>Then you can't see them jabroni.
you don't buy high-end luxury watches to see or wear them, poorfag

>> No.15365936

>spending money and not being able to enjoy them
then whats the point lmao? that sounds stupid af

mighy as well just invest in stocks and call it a day

>> No.15365940


>> No.15365943

>buying luxury material goods for contemplation
50 IQ confirmed

>> No.15365945

Based casio gang

>> No.15365946

how do i into buying stocks and begginer-level investing?

>> No.15365947

>not being able to afford luxury material goods for pure visual and intellectual appreciation of the craft, and feeling the need to use them for social status and showing off to proles

>> No.15365948

Lugs don't overhang your wrist and it looks you have your arm on the worst position possible (when you move your arm to check your watch the wrist becomes thinner) so its fine, the watch will look even better on the arm resting position.And as other anon said, its a pilot watch, pilot watches are big, nothing wrong about them looking big, only ''classy'' watches looks like shit when they are big, like oversized grand seikos or those ALS classy watches that looks awful on the average wrist.

>> No.15365950
File: 1.63 MB, 2760x4469, 1593288940285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the strap on the 7a28? I sometimes wish mine wasn't the integrated bracelet model since it'd be nice to occasionally change up how it looked, but then I do love how the bracelet looks. And obviously I can fool myself that it's a pilot's chronograph since the South African Air Force used the exact same model, until they replaced the batteries with some dodgy ones that leaked.

>> No.15365954

Go to investopedia and read. Just read and read and then read some more. Contrary to popular media it's a long term game and there aren't any quick flips without a lot of luck. For that reason you should arm yourself with knowledge and use that knowledge to make informed decisions.

>> No.15365960

>implying you cant visually appreciate the watch while also wearing it
>thinking the only reason is to show off to people when you can also just wear it for your own satisfaction
>being so scared that you might damage it or something

its an insult to the watch and to the craftsman who made it. It was made to be worn and used. Pea brain.

>> No.15365963
File: 233 KB, 1044x1520, 1593615043785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then there's my watch itself which I bought from a guy who bought it when he was stationed at a British Army base in West Germany. It wasn't in the best state when I got it but it was nothing a relume couldn't fix.

>> No.15365964

>Projecting this hard

Doesn't your McDonald's shift start soon?

>> No.15365966

>when you got BTFO so hard your only comeback is a "n-no you"
>talking about projecting while also projecting


>> No.15365997

its only 42mm, and it wears even smaller. im sure it looks fine in person. that strap looks like shit though.

>> No.15366006
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_20190920_125028200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a CWC NATO, but I remove the metal pieces to make it a simple one piece strap.

The SAAF design is pretty cool, right up there with the RAF one. You get a rotating bezel which is always good to have. 7a28s are great watches, I never get tired of the design.

>> No.15366022

whats wrong with it? its a military style MN/paratrooper strap

>> No.15366029

That is the worst render I've seen for a watch. Looks like it was made in illustrator and had a 3d tourbillon photoshopped on it.

>> No.15366049

its quartz shit but why though, aged lume will give it some character

>> No.15366050
File: 45 KB, 408x640, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found an image of some old watch I really like. Found out it is named Digiborg. Released in the 80s. Not made anymore, buying from second hand costs a fortune.
Started to google and found out there was a new modern version of it released in 2015. Checked it out and it apparently it was only a limited edition made for the sake of a game MGSV.
Costs a fortune and nowhere to be found. Started to google again and found out that in 2017 there was release of another version that looked similar to MGSV edition but lacked some elements on the display that made me think that the watch has lost its charm without it. Costs a fortune as well for a poorfag like me.
Started to google again and apparently Casio released some sort of wanna be version of these watches and it costs not so much. Checked it out and it looked pretty different to Seiko ones.
I really liked that square minute cycle on the screen of Seiko meanwhile Casio just looks less appealing and also has a different display shape.

So I really wanted to ask you guys if you know of cheap alternatives to digiket or its modern variations that look close as possible to them?

>> No.15366051

>pure visual and intellectual appreciation of the craft
Then you don't need to own them

>> No.15366055

Any good translucent/see-through watches. I've always been a fan of that see-through aesthetic probably because I'm autistic and grew up playing with a see-through Gameboy.

>> No.15366056
File: 878 KB, 1500x2000, YEMASupermanHeritage63ecaille_2048x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15366060

not like the rest of the design looks any good?

>> No.15366062

What are you doing at IZ o'clock?

>> No.15366063

>quartz shit
Educate yourself on the 7a28 to avoid making more ignorant comments in the future

>> No.15366064

and why would you relume something that actually has significance? thats even worse

>> No.15366066
File: 103 KB, 952x874, 1591038419785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yema is the future

>> No.15366068

Living the dream

>> No.15366072

Why any of it? looks like garbage

>> No.15366078

I wonder what the cutoff is where you could legitimately call them Swiss made. Watches with in house movements or simply particular high-end brands?

>> No.15366081

I assume the casio you are referring to is the casio royale?

>> No.15366086

Google says that at least 50% of the movement itself needs to be Swiss-made, and the law in general says that 60% of the costs must be made in Switzerland.

>> No.15366091

Maybe he wants to see in the dark? Maybe the lume did not age in a good way, was water damaged, or flaked off? Plenty of possible reasons.

>> No.15366096

why are there no mechanical digital watches?

>> No.15366109
File: 170 KB, 1125x1500, b783b6bcce93c7640462d5db7c18f51e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see through Gameboy

swatch random ghost or the swatch jellyfishes.
if you want digital there are also many kinds of transparent gshocks.

cost is minimal at ~$100 iirc for the jellyfishes and gshock
then he can buy a new watch..

i just think its a shame to actually alter vintages with history, its not reversible. Go on ebay and there are so many otherwise good vintages nobody wants to buy becuase they were relumed or retouched and just not "honest" or 100% original anymore

wth is a mechanical digital? you mean stuff like roller drum watches?

>> No.15366118
File: 27 KB, 500x479, Derbys-500x479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are

>> No.15366121

Sorry I forgot to type its name

>> No.15366123
File: 321 KB, 800x800, csm_6003D_W_top_00f79e1008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb question because im the guy with the picture and how should you know, but still: does anyone know if this is a real watch that ronda makes or is it just an example piece for their 6003.d movement?

>> No.15366126

there are, Lange Zeitwerk for example

>> No.15366128

>transparent gshocks.
do you have any models in mind? if i google they are all just transparent bands rather than the case itself being transparent

>> No.15366146
File: 1.11 MB, 1520x2688, 1593618801055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I absolutely love mine and I managed to get it for dirt cheap a few years ago, probably my favourite watch in many ways.
The lume was showing signs of moisture damage, especially on the 12 and 2 indices. It's just lume, I didn't polish the case, I didn't replace the bezel insert with a third party version. Getting it redone is common practice with vintage watches, we're not talking about some rare Rolex with interesting aging on the dial, just some glow in the dark white paint that was going mouldy and liable to further damage the internals of the watch.

>> No.15366147

I think the reason the Seiko you want is so expensive is because it was in Octop*ssy so bond nerds buy it. You might find a replica from a company like Skmei but as for an original you'll find it hard to come by.

>> No.15366150

>i just think its a shame to actually alter vintages with history
It's not black and white. Obviously a good condition watch with nicely aged tritium or radium you should not touch. But many vintage watches look like trash and need restoration, including the lume. Second, restoration is an art in itself; it can either be done well, so that it's not even noticable, or poorly so that it's obviously worse than the original.

For every poor restoration on ebay, theres 10 trashed watches no one wants to buy because the condition sucks and they're ugly.

>> No.15366152

I need to correct myself, the Seiko in bond was the Seiko G757 5020 Sports 100 apparently (looks horrible if you ask me).

>> No.15366159

To be honest I liked MGSV version the most but it is also limited so costs a lot and was already bought out by MGS fans.
I really liked the design of it as it seems rather large.
I was hoping it was some sort of popular mass produced model I just didn't know about.
But unfortunately that is not the case.

>> No.15366168

Yeah seems like the Royale is the best you'll do. Maybe look for some 80's digital watches and you'll find something more similiar.

>> No.15366179
File: 273 KB, 700x699, aq8gzezcurj41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like this is the furthest you can go with transparent gshock (transparent case mod)
there are transparent 5600 squares but they have the shiny foil layer in front
gshocks can't be fully transparent like you'd imagine as they have to have internal "shells" to maintain the toughness of the watch

>> No.15366183

reminds me of transparent prison electronics

>> No.15366209

That would look awful in a suit

>> No.15366212
File: 134 KB, 450x450, 815181008h_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this "kinetic art" Seagull swimming koi watch?

it has their new ST3640 movement and creates an illusion of swimming fish. The concept is based traditional chinese ink painting (stuff like the ink blot in the centre) and has won several domestic design competitions.


12mm thick
PVD sandblast case

there are many things to not like but i think its hugely creative desu

>> No.15366218

These things have cost a bomb for years thanks to Bond, you're SOL. Buy the Casio and live with it, it's close enough. Plus you don't have to put up with the retarded date/seconds thing on the Seikos.

>> No.15366225

Oh god, I've said too many nice things about sea-gull and now chang has showed up to shill them.

>> No.15366229

Old Seiko Chrono quartzes really get me going for some reason. I think it's the cursive "Chronograph."

>> No.15366236

It does read like an ad.

>> No.15366243

*rolls eyes*

i just think its nice because its culturally inspired and not just some homage/western derived like most of their stuff. The pricepoint is very friendly considering the movement inside

its very promising for their industry and just needs refinement

>> No.15366244

nice watch

>> No.15366249

*rolls cylinder on .44*
*teleports behind you*
*presses .44 to your head*
Use action stars in my part of town again and you'll regret it, punk.

>> No.15366262

anyway, i hate the big size and the intergrated strap
dont really like pvd either but i guess it's more theme friendly

*no you*
*does meisaigakure no jutsu and disappears*

>> No.15366290

To be fair, creating animations which a mechanical movement is very cool. I'm not sure would I like it on my wrist however. I would need to try it out for a while.

>> No.15366339

nice try glow nigger

>> No.15366367
File: 218 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20200429_105102_302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got one of those, it needs a service though as the minutes subdial sticks.

>> No.15366408

Don't fall for the watch meme. I got a breitling 3 years ago and am still a virgin.

>> No.15366411

What did you expect? You should have gotten a Rolex

>> No.15366415

I got a casio 18 years ago and fucked your mom

>> No.15366423

What a fucking boring watch. Congratufuckyoulations.

>> No.15366450

>fuck me

>is this true?

>> No.15366456


>> No.15366466
File: 109 KB, 330x432, Screen Shot 2020-06-28 at 11.06.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this look good on my gf? She's a tomboy type that likes working outdoors, but has thin wrists.

>> No.15366469

She sounds cool, is she single?

>> No.15366472

idk you gf is kind of a hambeast so you might need to get an XXL strap

>> No.15366480
File: 151 KB, 897x1144, 4545f8da21b1e20de523cd52d4fc3e64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. plebian

>> No.15366481

make sure its stainless steel and not the plated brass that timex loves to use (sweat corrosion)

also normal "big second hand" timexes like that are notorious for having a very loud tick that cause many to even have to store their timex watches in a drawer at night

>> No.15366488

t. Posts totally different watch

>> No.15366489

As a Timex owner can confirm both.

>> No.15366513


>> No.15366565


There is nothing wrong with it. MN style straps are awesome.

>> No.15366578

Have you done the subdial reset? I thought one of my subdials had stuck when I changed the battery but a reset sorted it out.
Big pleb taste >>15366480 is the white variant 7a28.

>> No.15366591
File: 206 KB, 1242x1440, LIjHzHkM4vk8cReqsxaVtlD4_oKc46sunYtQX-xfpKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this watch so based? Somehow they made a bonkers case shape that looks amazing at the same time.
It's such a shame Roger Dubuis started doing avant-garde modern shit when this looks so fucking good.
>post uncommon grails

>> No.15366592
File: 591 KB, 1824x2689, 1593630676846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing my oldest analogue shitter today, sometimes you've just got to appreciate how much your tastes can change.
>Wears a bit too big for 40mm
>4:30 date window
>Date window not colour matched with dial
>Useless 24 hour subdial
At least it's mecaquartz, so not total shit and I was pretty clueless when I bought it.

>> No.15366598
File: 21 KB, 286x400, mrg110t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this poor man's titanium square G-shock.
I'm kind of impatient to see it for real.

> White instead of black
> Inverts "Quartz" and "Chronograph"
> "Hey, it's totally different!"

Are you a Swiss designer?

Though the white one looks better, somehow. I guess that is because there are so much better black chronographs.

Wow, just by seeing it I know I will never be able to afford it.

>> No.15366605
File: 81 KB, 423x512, 9431C1010030-roger-dubuis-sympathie-window-perpetual-calendar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the prime example of a "contemporary classic."

>> No.15366608
File: 13 KB, 157x157, 1563120602635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post cool digital watches
no casios allowed

>> No.15366609

Are there actual watch collectors itt?

>> No.15366617

eh, you could have done worse, it's kinda inoffensive as shitters go

date window had no place left so it was pushed to 430

very aesthetically pleasing but I think it'll be hard to pull off and def. not for people under 40

>> No.15366633
File: 953 KB, 2155x2500, Roger_Dubuis_black_dial_white_gold_sympathie_chronograph_watch_at_A_Collected_Man_London8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>def. not for people under 40
I don't agree, I think the uncommon case shape makes it non-traditional in a way that would make it easier for younger people to wear. It doesn't seem as stuffy.

>> No.15366642

idk, i can see an older gentleman with greying hairs, glasses and somewhat eclectic tastes wearing it. On a young person it runs the risk of looking too larpy

>> No.15366645

I like the digital Timex Expeditions

>> No.15366648
File: 281 KB, 1920x1300, Roger-Dubuis-Excalibur-Spider-Pirelli-Double-Flying-Tourbillon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think their newer models skew a bit younger? which would you rather wear?

>> No.15366661

that reminds me of that Jacob&Co Bugatti watch lmao

the 1st one 110%, but I would definitely not pull it off either.

>> No.15366669

thats fucking beautiful

>> No.15366679

Yeah, it works sometimes but sticks at about 3 mins.

>> No.15366686


>> No.15366787

I can't believe there are people that talk shit on dive watches and they don't even understand how a dive bezel works, nor the practical use it has. Bunch of fucking dumbasses.

>> No.15366822

Looks fine, this is supposed to be a huge dinnerplate watch because of its functions.

>> No.15366827

>South African Air Force

>> No.15366855

What the fuck, is this new? Is this the end of Yema?

>> No.15366862

Getting a fucking migraine from rEadINg thAt taCh.

>> No.15366877
File: 498 KB, 1920x1082, 3927DEEB-413C-4ABC-B959-C4761EB2C956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



it is the start of a new beginning

the future is YEMA

>> No.15366881

>Economy in shambles
>The ultrarich aren't spending
>Luxury goods taking it up the ass

How long until we start seeing s a l e s?

>> No.15366898

You won't, at best you can probably haggle with an AD to get a better deal on a brand that isn't Rolex but I doubt there will be significant sales on luxury watch brands .

>> No.15366907

>french army watch
superb condition, saw no combat and only confiscated once

>> No.15366956

I don't care for the watch particularly, but the strap is nice and the size seems acceptable

>> No.15366973

you're wearing it too far down your wrist.
put it where it's supposed to be and then we'll see.

>> No.15367006
File: 707 KB, 3000x4000, ldpd2t16gne31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have uo to 5k to spend. I want something thats versatile and classic. Should I cop or go for something else? Datejust 116234 is a bit too high in price right now

>> No.15367007

Do you guys like Grand Seiko??

>> No.15367028

the sarb and some seiko presages are the poor man's version of that

>> No.15367032

Looks cheap, get a Rolex or Omega instead. Or at least a better Grand Seiko.

>> No.15367036
File: 270 KB, 1080x1515, Screenshot_20200623-230948__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a handsome watch, personally I would go for a light coloured dial but that's just personal preference. For that money you could find a good pre owned Rolex oyster perpetual/air king if you did want one

>> No.15367042

>for the same money, get a less good, old watch some dude used for 20 years already
rolexfags shut the fuck up

>> No.15367047

>asking people on a mongolian top spinning website if they love GS
yes but I wish they have slightly smaller sizes

>all inky black dial with nothing else
>not even a sunburst or something

not feeling it tbqh desu. Too sterile and seems like a waste if you are going GS...like, you can get that look with a hundred other quality watches you dont need a GS for it. And i think a light coloured dial would be more verstile especially if you have lighter skin.

>> No.15367057
File: 200 KB, 3000x2000, grand seiko summer heritage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, stupid

>> No.15367074
File: 304 KB, 808x1064, Bb58 blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks awesome. Ice cold, Tudor does it again

>> No.15367086
File: 2.14 MB, 4032x3024, 62F148EA-F3CA-4FF5-973C-5DB209EC6A4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my watch effay?

>> No.15367104

why you clench your fist like you’re getting fucked from behind lol

>> No.15367111

nice woman's watch, bro *snigger*

also you are wearing it the wrong orientation einstein

>> No.15367159

I'm stressed
I just put it on for the photo didn't notice

>> No.15367171

anyone here familiar with older Poljot watches?

>> No.15367174

no it's supposed to be worn like that

>> No.15367204

It's up!


>> No.15367208
File: 168 KB, 960x960, ripley-watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id on the watches that are actually on Ripley's wrist here (not the homemade ones, obv)?

>> No.15367212

yea... kinda?

what about them fa.m fa m

>> No.15367223

i fucking hate his immature plastic toy dinosaur """"skits""". KYS

>> No.15367226
File: 187 KB, 1200x1600, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you tried very hard at all.

>> No.15367227

It was made for the movie so good luck finding a non-diy one https://www.yourprops.com/Nostromo-Crew-Wristwatch-replica-movie-prop-Alien-1979-YP47946.html

>> No.15367231

my autism would go nuts if i couldn't sync both watches to the second

>> No.15367237

it would make more sense if its 2 different timezones, like ship time vs planet time or something like that

>> No.15367241
File: 303 KB, 396x451, poljot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is the Poljot 3133 Chrono and what would one in this condition cost with paperwork and all?

>> No.15367243
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>> No.15367246
File: 335 KB, 555x366, poljot 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the same posting

>> No.15367259

why are you stressed?

>> No.15367286

from what i know its reliable, extremely prolific and an upgrade to the old valijoux it was based on, with higher beatrate and jewels

you have a bigger pic? would be nicer if it came with the original bracelet as well

its not that old as vintages go and lots of these or similar floating around. Ive seen NOS of these before

>> No.15367289

ive seen one on original bracelet for 475 CAD, this one is new old stock but 720 CAD
https://www.kijiji dot ca/v-view-details.html?adId=1509751113

>> No.15367299

Put it on a flieger leather band and I think that could work.

>> No.15367316

Happy Canada Day

>> No.15367319

at that price you might as well buy a brand new okean off polijot.de or something lol

different colourway but


>> No.15367320
File: 31 KB, 350x500, 581.NX.1170.RX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for a well made small watch
the 34mm timex marlin seems ok for the money but I keep looking at this 33mm hublot.
any suggestions? I want something slightly dressy, nothing over 36mm and willing to spend about $5k.

>> No.15367322

I want a seiko sun and moon very badly

>> No.15367324

Get vintage. There are plenty of seamasters, constellations, etc. out there.

>> No.15367326

Timex is garbage. Avoid Timex at all costs. Even vintage Timex.
Fuck Timex.

>> No.15367327
File: 121 KB, 906x1024, Seamaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for a vintage Omega Seamaster, pure class

>> No.15367328

>timex and hublot together in the same sentence

i actually think the marlin reissue is fine for the money. Its nothing serious

>> No.15367333
File: 85 KB, 750x900, Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the Timex Q is a pretty cool watch.

>> No.15367336

That watch is absolute garbage for many reasons. Literally Fossil shitter tier for 200 dollars.

>> No.15367344
File: 333 KB, 384x431, poljotalarm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks i knew it was expensive for a russian but didnt know how overpriced, theres an paljot Alarm i can get for closer to 100 that i might go see
Thanks you too!

>> No.15367345

I think it's a cool vintage looking quartz watch, probably a touch overpriced but it's still a cheap watch.

>> No.15367348

>bottom tier quartz shit for almost $200
no and it looks very flat and cheap in every photo ive seen of it

>> No.15367349

You can get actual vintage quartz watches for 200 dollars. You can literally buy quartz Credors for that much.

>> No.15367352
File: 2.28 MB, 1600x2560, Screenshot_20200623-172420_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bait?

Well made small watch covers tons of ground so it just comes down to personal taste. For me, 50s proto-sports watches are the pinnacle of durability, class, and quality. Rolex, Tudor, IWC. JLC, UG, Longines, Omega all made good ones.

>> No.15367357

to each their own

>> No.15367362

5 identical pateks

>> No.15367363
File: 357 KB, 1200x800, Dvgv8SdU0AAMK3I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the marlin reissue at least gives you a (butchered)seagull inside

the timex q has a <$3 quartz, the day isnt quickset btw. You have to turn the hands around to advance the day. Its anciently cheap

>> No.15367364

>five identical pateks
peak collection

>> No.15367368

no, looks good

>> No.15367369

for the love of god stop arguing about shitters, if the retard wants to wear a Timex let him, dont drag down the entire thread

>> No.15367373

that watch has been on space, so good enough,

>> No.15367374

That's a shame. I don't own one, I'm saving up for something else. I just saw a picture online and thought it was a neat design. I'll probably steer clear of it.

>> No.15367376

>stop talking about watches in the watch general

>> No.15367380

of course you would be too obnoxious to just do the smart thing and listen

>> No.15367393


>> No.15367399
File: 102 KB, 1176x784, 915353-03a7cdf3be0a7826f515b5096e6bb724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a white dial Polarouter. The swirling lines and tones of stainless steel combined with the austerity of the toned sector dial are fucking otherworldly.

>> No.15367405
File: 106 KB, 1000x750, dsc02472141888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a local vintage watch store is selling one of these tudor oysters i might try it on.
I just don't want cunts saying "hur couldn't afford a rolex"

>> No.15367415

I would love for them to say that. Personally I wouldn't wear a Rolex because the brand has been lost to degenerate rap culture and carries a stigma I don't want to be associated with. But Rolex Oysters from that era go for around 2k anyway so by all means get one if that suits you more. I prefer Tudor due to the slightly more interesting (to me) dials, lower cost, and more plentiful movements/parts.

>> No.15367577

you know anything that makes someone this buttfrustrated is based, effay and kino

>> No.15367733

shut up

>> No.15367940

Damn, moot looks like that now?

>> No.15367958
File: 1.07 MB, 2309x1732, _1190023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15368157
File: 182 KB, 640x640, WWRAKOP2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vintage Rolex Air-King, from when they looked good.