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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 882 KB, 1382x2098, 41A5A1CD-E3E9-4324-904D-D08DACCD0A2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15356646 No.15356646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can anybody identify his shirt?

>> No.15356671

The triumvirate trip war of 2020 rages on, us poor few caught in the crossfire :(

>> No.15357167

Her skin is positively radiant

>> No.15357172
File: 1.07 MB, 609x782, 1592593302415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a man

>> No.15357197

That's even more impressive

>> No.15357205

Walmart SS 2014

>> No.15357225

"D-did you want to m-maybe get your dick wet? " - prodigy 2020

"Is your pussy wet? No" - prodigy 2020

>> No.15357231

"Hey I'm really fucking horny."

"Did you mean to send this to your boyfriend?"

-prodigy 2020

>> No.15357242

> Hey I'm all alone in this house I'm watching for a friend And I'm horny af

> Oh it's a shame you're preoccupied because I really wanted to fuck you


>> No.15357262

lame and gay cocker

>> No.15357271

>half of the posts hidden
lmao this board

>> No.15357309

Plz stop miss, im 13 what is this

>> No.15357314

Fucking tripfags. Honestly, what are we doing here?

>> No.15357651

I only come here for /frag/ and to bully trannies, both have a therapeutic effect on me.

>> No.15357653

I only come here to be bullied uwu

>> No.15357674

You came to the right place

>> No.15357893

Thank you. I pay for products.
People need to stop shopping at the drugstore for skin care and they can be with me on the other side.

>> No.15357895
File: 228 KB, 277x418, i'm a model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can anybody identify his shirt?

Why yes I can, anon. It's the exact shirt that was on my bedroom floor last night.

>> No.15357902

Why the hell are you wearing eyeliner all the time?

I’m not judging I just honestly wanna know the rationale?

Also are you the one that started this thread?
If so pls delete it

>> No.15357908
File: 668 KB, 939x949, 1561063283310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what's wrong with you guys some of you are literal incels... She qt,
Its a shame she didn't settle down with someone in her prime

>> No.15357918

Please fuck off, Cecil. If only Igor was here :(

>> No.15357948

>Why the hell are you wearing eyeliner all the time?

Would you say that in such a direct way towards a woman? No. So why towards me? You're sexist. Eyeliner makes me look pretty. Deal with it!

>Also are you the one that started this thread?

Lol imagine thinking I'd start a thread based on you. You're dreaming.

She could be the most beautiful woman in the world and it wouldn't matter because she has BPD and is in therapy. Those type of women have a serious personality disorder that can never be cured and nor are there any meds for it. They're incredibly manipulative and dangerous.

She's likely in therapy because she feels she can't be loved (she can't be) and that every guy who has been in her life has left.

If I told guys some girl was a schizophrenic most of them would avoid her when BPD is a much worse condition but it's not heard about as much as the other.

Shit man, she's BORDERLINE because she's on the mental border of normal/fucking bat shit crazy.

So now you know why a 30 something year old woman posts here.

>Idk what's wrong with you guys some of you are literal incels... She qt

And this is exactly how you're already getting manipulated even online. That's what they do. Often they will draw a simp in like you and get them to commit a murder. Many play the victim and act perfect to a new guy, really bring him on her side, then make up tons of shit about another guy or an ex to get the new guy to harm him. Stop falling for it, simp.

Ya mamma

>> No.15357956

Ya mama? That’s the best you got, you fucking boomer?

>> No.15357965

Oh yeah now I remember why started being mean to you.
It’s funny bc I actually felt sorry about it bc your life is depressing...and this is coming from a 33 year old with no kids or husband

I go to therapy for other reasons - anxiety/depression/childhood trauma

And despite all that I still managed a successful career in the industry I have passion for
To top it off I’m typically good at everything I try

How about you Cecil? What have you done to be proud of? Regardless of such a perfect mental state And boundless knowledge you claim to have ??

>> No.15357970
File: 31 KB, 568x540, 3EC143AE-14B1-4042-883C-446A080663F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But for real, why does she look sad in the photo? I feel bad.

>> No.15358005

What takes 10 minutes to run around?

Yo momma.

>Oh yeah now I remember why started being mean to you.

Bullshit. I always replied to you respectfully but the other week kids were shit slinging at me so you just jumped on the bandwagon in an attempt to be liked.

You just tried to "impress" a bunch of teens by hurling insults at me. Sad! I you wish to apologize, then go ahead.

>I go to therapy for other reasons - anxiety/depression/childhood trauma

More bullshit. No doubt you have those issues too but you're a classic borderline. It's so obvious.

>Regardless of such a perfect mental state And boundless knowledge you claim to have ??

Imagine thinking cooking eggs or some other mundane shit is more impressive than a healthy mental state and a high IQ. Hahahahaa.

>a 33 year old with no kids or husband

Lol just lol.

See above, bro.

>a 33 year old with no kids or husband


>> No.15358009

Are you two the same person? It would be great if there was some fight club twist in this plot line.

>> No.15358013

Every trip on this board is just cecil
>t. Cecil

>> No.15358027

Yes and it's hilarious trolling little zoomies. Well she is real, but we live together and post together. We're not dating, just fucking.

She likes to wear a diaper, it's her thing. She loves her diaper being changed when she has messed it.

>> No.15358058

If I were him I'd be shilling out my face more in a desperate attempt to become a meme.

>> No.15358061

33 years old with no kids and husband, sure. But are you any better?

>> No.15358078

Yes. I can still make kids. Her egg basket is empty. She can't have kids. Plus if she could, they are highly likely to inherit her mental issues. Only a crazy guy would have kids with her, so the child will have double mental issue genes. Sad!

>> No.15358080
File: 537 KB, 706x891, choose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made her choice.

>> No.15358087
File: 180 KB, 805x818, 1589407206846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want it to return to normal

>> No.15358124

Would still bang.

You incels would all secretly do the same.
A crazy 4chan girl is still better then some braindead npc normie Stacey.

Also mental illness is made up by institution / pharma jews.
People act like being depressed is a serious mental disease, its a completely normal reaction to living in such a fucked up trash clown world.

>> No.15358127

Why do you use that horrid face so often xD

>> No.15358133


>> No.15358147

Of course you would because you are calling others incels which really shows you're a virgin simp. If you had experiences with women, and crazy ones you'd avoid at all costs.

>Also mental illness is made up by institution / pharma jews.

Point proven. If you ever date a borderline, you'll know very well the reality of it.

How rude. It's not horrid. I've been told it's handsome.

>> No.15358150

Guys would literally have sex with anything, intimate objects, a guy telling someone he would fuck them is the equilivent of telling them he could breathe air, it means literally nothing

>> No.15358157

Life lesson because you obviously have 0 experience

Never stick your dick in crazy

>> No.15358204


You guys are only say that since shes an obnoxious namefag attention whore.

I'm just commenting on her face, if you didnt know who it was and saw the pic without any context, you would admit she looks fine / or even cute.

Namefags are a disease on this board

>> No.15358210

No, i never specifically said her, any guy knows this if hes ever actually been outside his house

>> No.15358216

You’re not wrong

I used to think I was crazy and there was something legitimately wrong with me...
But then I realized the crazy ones are the people going along with the world today being perfectly content with how everything is

Big part of why I never had kids was bc I didn’t want to bring an innocent soul into this fucked up place around these fucked up people.
(Ofc when the clock starts running out - your point of view changes)

>> No.15358217
File: 1.56 MB, 1434x808, shy_maary_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you didnt know who it was and saw the pic without any context

But we do know that though and based on that I wouldn't bang. You know all that also, but you would still bang.

Hence, you're a simp.

Pic related is an actual effay hottie I am watching right now

>> No.15358223

Bahahah and there it is. Women just can't stop themselves. Stop virtue signalling ffs!

>Big part of why I never had kids was bc I didn’t want to bring an innocent soul into this fucked up place


You treat your dog as a substitute baby because you are so hungry for kids. One you like to try and be the Mother of a child with me?

>> No.15358227

*would you** Fuck

>> No.15358236

I don’t think he’s got a better one

Omg you’re draining.
And no I nicely asked you to stop polluting the catalog with deliberately disturbing pictures...I’m sorry I didn’t realize that’s how you actually look like.
You got offended and.....So it started

Yes I do feel sorry kind of but also not really bc you’re just as big of a cunt as I am.

Except you’re definitely not in the position to put me down

(And that saying a lot considering I’m 33, unmarried,childless, crazy woman arguing with teenagers about skincare and fits)
I knew I should’ve killed myself

Don’t be sad dude I’m much better off than I used to be :)
I do smile sometimes (just not too much bc I’m scared to get wrinkles)

>> No.15358242

You're just cock chasing and being judgemental on how I look. You know I could make you smile, be happy and feel cared for. You know your life would massively improve with me in it.

All you have to do is say please sweetheart.

>> No.15358245

>too scared to get wrinkles

Too late

>> No.15358253
File: 308 KB, 1125x1114, tumblr_0d9121caef644529f8155c831c72e0de_37416a3e_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15358256

You were askin me out and begging me to fuck like 1 week ago

And the mere fact that you think you would ever have a chance at me - without force/roofies...you must have reverse BDD....you literally would have to kill me first and fuck my corpse bc the only way it would ever happen is in you dreams at night

Fuck off now and stop draining my energy - you’re literally like a tick - except unfortunately I cannot set you in fire

>> No.15358261

>fuck my corpse

Still counts desu

>> No.15358262

I have 1 you little shit and I plan on getting Botox

>> No.15358267

Just chop it off

>> No.15358270
File: 1.01 MB, 1254x667, hot viking dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that mentally ill rage and frustration. You want some real angry sex with me I can tell. take out that rage on me baby girl.

Pic related:

Ragnar Lodbrok vibes. You like what you see hey?

>> No.15358272

That’s not exactly how it works
But I’m a few years and a little life experience - you will learn how the real world works. That is if you ever get off on 4 Chan and leave your house.

>> No.15358276

Who’s that? Coomer here

>> No.15358277

absolutely not

Pls stop forcing me to be mean to you
Again, I’m not flirting with you, I’m not playing hard to get, I have absolutely no interest and I don’t like your personality.
There I said it. And I’m sorry for being mean. But it had to be done.

>> No.15358278

>name in image

Sure you can work it out, eh coomer?

>> No.15358282

Well I am really upset now :(

I wish we could be friends

>> No.15358300
File: 1.41 MB, 1180x693, cute couple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMFG we would look ADORABLE as a couple!

>> No.15358307

Thanks bitch

>> No.15358431
File: 213 KB, 840x700, 684950461e93bbcdfa97f64ab0047203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy on the right

>> No.15358784

I can see you two being a legitimate couple. In the looks/age gap department it looks to work out.

If prodigy can stop being so stuck up for 5 mins she might have found herself a boyfriend in Cecil

>> No.15358793

My gf is a drug addictions therapist (it's masters +hundreds of hours of clinical)

So she's dealt with people like her long history of drug abuse problems lead to severe mental issues where they lash out violently at times.

I'm not joking about this, the woman you claim to want to have sex with has severe mental trauma and disorders. I'm not qualified to diagnose.

But some things that pop up from some of my GF's clients just over time, death threats, domestic violence, false rape allegations and property damage in her practice.

Prodigy should absolutely be in a sober living facility, but the reality is she probably can't afford it.

A lot of people in her position can't find jobs that give good heathcare so she's stuck with her family.

A sober living area can cost up to $80,000, and most family health plans don't cover them (but she's old so can't be on parents healthcare no spouse either)

My GF and my dad who's an attorney do a lot of charitable work but a case as severe as prodigy's could take years.

And mental institutions aren't a thing in America.....the drug abuse /mental illness in America and our fucked up healthcare system is why you see places like skid row in America just overrun with homeless people, used needles everywhere

We tried just putting homeless people in houses but they just turn into drug dens

>> No.15358824

100%. A few horny teenagers on here have made her believe she is something that she isn't. We're around the same level on looks. She won't get better than me. She should just stop being a bitch and admit it. She should just accept me as her new boyfriend.

She shouldn't even care about looks anyway because no guy is going to be able to deal with her mental illness. She should be begging me to be with her.

>> No.15358833

It's why I have a burning hatred for women with BPD. They even try to manipulate their therapist. People have no idea how fucked up people can be with mental issues. They have tried to normalize them as though they are nothing, even attempt to shame and attack people who don't want to be around them or date them.

Prodigy will not change her ways, ever. She doesn't even have the power to either. Her life will resemble turmoil and her future will too.

In fact I am being genuine when I say I do feel sorry for her but her kind need to really be kept away from the general public. It's the right thing to do.

>> No.15359174


Not too lazy just don’t care Enough to read

Sieg shut ur trap I barely do any drugs - wine & k (couple weekends through the year) stop acting like you’re in the position to dish out advice

>> No.15359257

Exactly, the teens also don't understand you'll look better as you age because you're a man.

Also they're virgins and haven't been around a woman in the morning.

That's the best case for prodigy. She's wearing heavy makeup, concealer and had her hair did at a salon recently.

You're fucking around 4chan and took a cell phone selfie before hoping in the shower.

These dudes are in for a surprise of they fuck prodigy one night then see her 33 year old ass walk out of the shower....

>> No.15359260

I need to hear her vocaroo

>> No.15359264

Vocaroo one of your posts

>> No.15359275

>my dads a lawyer so i know
classic spoiled douche child

>> No.15359284

How good is your English 1-10, 10 Being like born in America fluent speaker

>> No.15359288

classic little bitch post

>> No.15359291

My dad represents people free of charge, so does my GF. I don't. But I'm saying the family tries to mitigate the money for help exchange

>> No.15359357

Wtf do you even realize what you’re saying?

>> No.15359362

>D-Do you want to get your dick wet?
> IDK, what time is it? Eh it's kinda late if it's just you.

Holy shit you're so cringe

>> No.15359382

Holy shit you are so jealous

I feel sorry for your imaginary gf

>> No.15359389

Lmao u just want to see the rest of that convo

But I showed enough
Too much really

Sorry you can’t have kinky phone convos bc you’re too ugly and too awkward and imaginary girlfriends don’t respond to texts

>> No.15359410

> Jealous

Was that your goal? To make jealous?

Because I laughed, like it was the old days of /fa/ again. Like you're genuin funny for like 10 mins one day

>> No.15359411

Wanna sext?

>> No.15359593

Only if you’re old enough and attractive.
(More so than the person who already holds the position)

>> No.15359595

What's the youngest age you'd go for?

>> No.15359599

old people think sucking dick is kinky?

>> No.15359607

She's hella inexperienced, so yeah she would.

If she really wants to be kinky she should bring a friend of her's over let them fuck then suck the cum out of her friend...but nope she thinks being kinky is throwing a clearance rack Victoria secret cringe piece on her old ass body

>> No.15359608

Depends on how manly you are
If you look like a child. No.
I dated a 22 yr old when I was 31 for a few months haha
He was such a good looking guy and very nature. Strong silent dude with a full beard and beautiful blue eyes. Couldn’t even resist.
Ngl I met his friends once and was like ok I’m out. Was like hanging out with high schoolers and I felt like the weird old lady.

>> No.15359621

Lmao ok
As if you children could handle what the adults talk about in privAte

>> No.15359626

Reminder that "these children" are having unprotected sex with strangers at 18 years old in increasing numbers.

Most zoomers are more experienced sexually than millennials.

>> No.15359629

Now you just spend all day being the weird old lady around highschoolers online

>> No.15359630
File: 50 KB, 720x512, IMG_20200629_001205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah that anons right
ur a vanilla old maid

>> No.15359634

Ngl its kinda sad you guys are sitting in a 4chan forum bosting about sexting like your 13

>> No.15359637


>> No.15359640

Trust me - I’m fine in that department.
How else do you think a dude has stuck around for 12 years.
I’ve already told you - you get more experience from longer lasting relationships- bc you get more comfortable and willing to do whatever the fuck w each other

One night stands don’t really teach you shit

It’s being comfortable and open

Fulfilling each other’s fantasies and not being afraid to tell them how what why

>> No.15359641

fight fire with fire man
nothing else to do on this board

>> No.15359642

Just because you do something wrong for 12 years, doesnt mean your doing it right

>> No.15359643
File: 220 KB, 1080x1467, Screenshot_20200628-221739~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had sex with this virgin the same day we met on an app....the average 18 year old is wayyyy more experienced than you.

>> No.15359647

Whats up with her finger

>> No.15359648
File: 646 KB, 828x1792, E06A0393-3E46-4609-A168-9A10CB834221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to sleep
This is a thread for adults now

>> No.15359650

Ooook “virgin” you met on tinder
To kek

>> No.15359653

>boomers when they find out about facebook and sexting for the first time

>> No.15359656

he dont even rim you? i dont have a screenshot but my girl at least rims me

>> No.15359664
File: 600 KB, 828x1792, 68B203C9-DFCE-4C47-95D6-A8B3E11BF861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bunny wabbit this is adults making plans

>> No.15359668

>pus is swollen
>cum in my bum

This is hilarious

>> No.15359671

Glad you like your butt played with
Good on you

Also you kids were still in middle school when I was posting pics with whips.

Don’t insult me.

>> No.15359674

>look guys im so kinky, im not like the other girls, ive used a whip!

>> No.15359677

was that before you got those wrinkles and that cellulite

>> No.15359678

It is
That the whole point ding dong

I’ve known this guy 12 years and we joke around... I tell him his dick is tiny almost as much as I tell him it’s too big

Hopefully one day you will be close enough to someone

>> No.15359682

Nah I’m not really that kinky
Never actually used the whips it’s just a fun prop to have around

And this board went nuts when I took a few suggestive photos
Why do u think fatfuck is obsessed with me?

My guess is those pics

But that’s from another lifetime.

You on the other hand need to learn how to talk to your elders

Both of you >>15359677

>> No.15359685

>Nah I'm not really that kinky
we know hag

>> No.15359689

That's not tinder femcel.

And it shows that I can close the deal unlike you.

>Covered in tick bites

>Cum in my bum

Yeah you sure know how to be sexy

>> No.15359693

He wanted a picture of my ass...and my ass is fucked atm

And I said cum in my bum bc it rhymes U idiots
he likes that I’m a goof

>> No.15359695

You guys are so fucking embarrassing

>> No.15359698

I know
I’m owning it right ffucking now
Idk why I drink wine and end up on this shithole with all these rejects

Someone just murder me already

>> No.15359702

I know it rhymes it sounds like a tom green lyric and isn't sexy

You don't know that because you're sexually inexperienced. You've only had 5 partners. Most of the guys here had at least 10x that

> One night stands don't teach you anything

They teach you how to be sexual with a person you know nothing about

You're probably lame Enough to call it "game " or something lame but if you don't have that skill sex with someone new is going to be awkward Everytime and women don't like that

>> No.15359706

You're all delusional retards. It's even sadder when you realize that all of them are people in their 30s

>> No.15359707

how are you still this insecure at almost 40

>> No.15359710

Dude...wtf are you even talking about

Sorry I don’t want to fuck every pos that wants me....I’ve had 1 one night stand and meh it was whatever ...and really it was for experience and boredom when I was new in Detroit

But guess what —— if you know anything about sex - it’s that emotional attachment has everything to do with making it mind blowing vs bleh sex

Lol do you seriously not know that 50% of women’s orgasms n shit are all mental

Ohh bb - you don’t realize they’ve been faking them with you?

>> No.15359713

It's a well known fact that all of the tripfags on /fa/ are like mentally ill children lol

>> No.15359715

james cant make you cum physically LMAO?

>> No.15359716

I’m not it’s that hunchback fatfuck getting me defensive bc he twists my words all around n shit
It’s annoying
I really just need to get myself banned forever - anyone know how?

>> No.15359717


>> No.15359721

Yea he does. I taught him 11 years ago.
Ngl he wasn’t great in bed first. But lucky him I am straight forward and he follows direction well.

Why you guys always putting words in my mouth.

He wouldn’t be in my like for a dozen years if there wasn’t something special there.

>> No.15359722

Someone drunk having a mental midlife breakdown, get a cat or something

>> No.15359723

sooo are you going to try and trap him with a pregnancy or are you just gonna die alone
dont have much time left

>> No.15359726

U kidding me? He’s been trying to trap me with a pregnancy - claiming a kid will give him motivation and drive to get his shit together. I’ve already aborted one of his kids 8 years ago.
His family hates me bc he was dumb enough to tell them.

>> No.15359728

When it comes down to it
If nothing better comes along I’ll have a kid with him by the time I’m 35 - bc apparently you have to have your first one by 35.
His family is rich.
I just really want him to get his shit together.
And I love him so fkn much. It hurts he has more mental problems than me. He’s a wild card.

>> No.15359729

You think I was in a relationship with over 70 women ?

I don't care if they got off... I'll never see them again and don't care to.

You keep going on about how you kinky you are. But you've never fucked a stranger in a car without a condom in the middle of the day.

Or picked up a stupid chick from her continuation high school. Verified her ID for 18+ to fuck her in the park treeline near her school without a condom to ghost her the next day...

These aren't even excessively kinky acts they're just everyday shit that most zoomers go through.

You think of them as exceeding rare because you're inexperienced like I've been telling you.

Show of hands.....how many of you guys here have fucked a stranger without a condom......most of you...

>> No.15359731

Ever thought that maybe you're the reason he cant get his shit together. You drag him down

>> No.15359733


Idk what sort of animals raised you or wtf role models you had in your life - but I’m just gonna assume you grew up in the projects

(Nothing wrong with that btw - I know you can’t help it)

>> No.15359739

Uhh... what. He is typing like a kid.


Most women would just ignore such stupid text talk. You're mentally slow in the head.

This man wtf.

>boredom when I was new in Detroit

BBC, eh?

What are you trying to prove anyway? OMG LOOK AT ME!! I CAN BE A A SLUT!!

Grow the fuck up. At least most of my posts are legit fucking around, you are actually serious. My God you're fucking sad it hurts. No need to explain why you need therapy. It shows in your posts.

This too. has she overdosed on her meds?

>> No.15359742


His parents think that.
Except...you know...I managed to get an education. Jobs....grow in career...etc
Shit I was in college when I met him. He didn’t even go. No matter how much I begged him to at least community college. I filled out fucking applications for him bc he pretended like he’s interested (just to shut me up)
And somehow ME IIIiI am the bad guy?

No sir
I’ve done all I can - now it’s time for nature to take its course
And pls for the love of god I hope he does something with himself (he’s not restarted or totally useless)

>> No.15359746

I mispelled retarded

Do retards know they are retards ?

Bc I might be in trouble

>> No.15359747

>I’ve already aborted one of his kids 8 years ago.

Piece of shit.

>And I love him so fkn much. It hurts he has more mental problems than me.

It's not a revelation that mentally ill people get attracted to mentally ill. That's how you get murdering couples. That also means the child will have a high degree of mental illness.

>I’ll have a kid with him by the time I’m 35 - bc apparently you have to have your first one by 35.

Your eggs are 90% dried up by 30. You're fucking stupid again. You are the dumbest poster here. You've got by in lifer by being a female.

You are mental health issues, are waiting for a guy who is a loser with mental health issues too and will just have a child who will have such a shit childhood environment and will become just another crime statistic.

>> No.15359750

This is such poor logic. It doesn't matter if you have all the education in the world and top job. You can still drag a partner down with your mental issues. You're likely the very cause of his problems.

>> No.15359752

Dude. Nobody invited you. Pls leave.

>> No.15359754

Depends, do you know your a retard?, also if you constantly do things for someone they never learn to do it themself, and never face consequences of not doing it/failing etc, so you probably are doing more damage than help by accident

>> No.15359758

I grew up in the suburbs of Southern California around the San Diego area.

And still live in the general vicinity today because it's peaceful and away from the tourism of LA and OC (where Disneyland is)

I'm a better person after getting more experience. I was a spergy little shit on 4chan 7 years ago.

I adopted the beliefs and mannerisms I have now as a result of my growth through those years.

I understand how relationships work, I understand how women think. (not very complex or fact based)

The bluepill redpill shit is horseshit.

But they're right on a few things, media can't be trusted and men are the only gender than can love unconditionally. All that shit from romance novels and TV about women being nthe hereos is a fucking a lie.

Women love out of convince and potential status .this is why you like the idea of a rich man marrying you.

That and humans aren't meant to be monogamous.

I encourage every man to have sex with as many different women as possible, it opens up your eyes to see how nasty women are....once you hit around 50+ partners you'll see they act in a similar matter.

Guys, no less than 100 different sex partners before you marry ..

>> No.15359759

Truth hurts, huh? You are so immature. Hurr durr I am with this loser of 12 years who won't get his shit together but I totally play no part in it and I am totally going to just have a child with him once I hit 35 and look at me, let me prove with these screen caps I am such a naughty slut by posting pictures that appear to be texts by a couple of little kids!!

I mean if you're a troll 10/10 I guess. If you are serious, try more therapy sessions. You need them. You're embarrassing yourself, btw.

I think it's evident why a 33 year old woman posts here now. Your mental stability.. lol... It's not there, chief. Not there at all.

>> No.15359760

Guys, seriously this man Cecil knows what the fuck he's talking about.

Learn from his fucking wisdom.

Dude when I was a teenager I'd tell these 40 year old dudes to fuck off.

But they figured out bitches before you were born.

>> No.15359761

Shut up you little shit stop making sense

>> No.15359763

is fucking someone from your work okay?

>> No.15359765

Ok I guess I was raised different and so were my brothers

And sadly I’ll never find a man such like my brothers are - perfect husbands/fathers/and even boyfriends when they were younger. Both got cheated on too. It’s insane I think Americans are just fucked culturally.
Everyone likes sex and all. But loyalty is nothing.
It’s depressing.
My brother got tired of dating American women and legit went on Lithuanian chat rooms (back when there were chat rooms ) to find himself a Lithuanian wife

He found one

It just makes me sad

Where to cop a good descent man?

>> No.15359768

lmfao amazing that youre just admitting to being the fuckup of the family

>> No.15359769

If you don't give a shit about your job that's fine.

But if you have a career try to avoid it unless it can benefit your advancement

>> No.15359770

By being a good decent woman
Or having nice tits/ass

>> No.15359773

ouch, 0 for 2

>> No.15359774

I thought people were just screwing with her but it appears she really is this messed up.

>Where to cop a good descent man?

Yeah, gee!! I dunno...

>omg creep ugly
>i only want a viking chad!!
>omg why did he cheat on me
>how to get a good man

Not a female NPC at all..

Here is an idea, just keep repeating what you're already doing. It's sure to work out for you...

>> No.15359777

Lol I stopped reading his posts for the most part

Aside from 1 line here or there

He’s annoyingly and I’m considering actually blocking him

ESP bc it makes me feel even more of a loser for being here
Jesus Christ bad enough I’m here...now I’m here forced to deal with him?

Someone put me out fucking pls
I don’t have kids that would be orphaned or a husband that would be widowed

>> No.15359778

What does my post have to do with cheating?

My post highlights the virtue of experience for men.

Men in general are greatly benefitted by experience.

Every partner more than 1 for a woman has a detrimental ability on pair bonding according to multiple studies.

So 100 different women fucked for men is perfect

Him getting married to one woman who had sex with only him isna strong fucking relationship on paper

>> No.15359779

Let's not forget she also cheated on james

>> No.15359781

I am sadly the black sheep you are right
I’m not proud

>> No.15359783


Omg I should totally only be around beautiful people!!

I know you read my posts, it's just that the truth as usual hurts. Can't you even self reflect on how your posts make you sound like a stuck up bitch? Apparently not.

>> No.15359786

Lol is that true?

Not her fault though, hmm? This is why she is not in therapy for anxiety/depression/childhood trauma(?) There is more going on. Personality disorder. Borderlines tend to cheat a shit lot.

>> No.15359787

I think you only find him annoying because he brings a lot of truth in post form and you constantly try to run from truth

>> No.15359788

0 self reflection and not changing bad behaviours is why shes here in this position in the first place, shame really

>> No.15359790

No I didn’t
That’s Sieg playing his little puppet mind games

I never did - I don’t cheat on people
(Except for that 1 time and it was with James...bc that dumbass motherfucker will be the end of me...)

Seriously guis
How to stop loving a person ?!?????????

>> No.15359791

Multiple times.

She's currently dating a man that isn't James who she just cheated on.

James called her out after reminding her she has a boyfriend. She continued to sext then sent him pictures

>> No.15359793

>no i never cheated
>it was sieg making it up
>i don't cheat on people
>except that one time i did cheat
>it was his fault

Seek more help. You're toxic.

>> No.15359794

No. Not at all.
It’s just I’m already dealing with you
And somehow he is more annoying - which I didn’t think was even possible...but kudos to you

Anyways Cecil don’t respond to me bc your wasting your time - I see the posts and I’m not reading a damn thing

Does anyone here even read that shit? (Aside from Sieg)
I’d like to know

>> No.15359797

You literally said that you cheated on him when he disappeared for a few days, i could just go and link your own post

>> No.15359799

I like how it's James' fault she cheated

And my fault for bringing up that she's a cheater..

> Sieg's lying I never cheat except for when I do

>> No.15359800

cecil is by far the most useful trip
youre down with igor

>> No.15359802

>Girl on the Internet Syndrome

You're a legit fucking loser. Too dumb to even have understood half the things I post are satire. The rest are just truths about what a toxic POS you are.

>> No.15359806

Ok how do I block a trip?

Cecil I literally were trying to be my friend this morning and now you’re begging for attention on a thread that for once doesn’t have your face (thank god)

Wtf do u want dude?

If u want me to be nice - stfu
If u can’t play nice and you’re just gonna be that little chihuahua nipping on my heels - let me kno seriously

>> No.15359808

Just lol I have no words

>> No.15359809

I'm annoying huh? Is that why you posted screenshots of you trying and failing to get a bootycall to try and make me jealous?

Sounds like you care about my opinion

>> No.15359811

Pls do

>> No.15359815

Omg it’s cecil
Not surprised

Chad= Cecil

>> No.15359819

Make you jealous ?
Lmao why the fuck would I give a rats ass about your feels?
I think you’re getting ahead of yourself there

>> No.15359820

>Cecil I literally were trying to be my friend this morning and now you’re begging for attention

I was trolling you, dumbass. Did you really think I was legit upset when I posted shit like:

>you have upset me :(

Oh dear.

>If u want me to be nice - stfu

You don't have the ability to be nice. You're toxic, selfish, immature and have unwarranted self importance based on your gender. Your only argument all the time is "omg ur ugly"

That might be true but at least people around me don't need therapy and I actually treat people as though they're human and not some worthless commodity that you think you're better than. You will soon be 50 waiting for that rich alpha chad to come along and that day will never happen. I promise you.

>> No.15359822


It's so obvious that is what you're doing. Too used to using your female privilege and think men should jump when you say now.

>> No.15359823

lmao @ this dumb roastie being roasted

>> No.15359827

Probably because you asked me if I was jealous like 5-6 times in the last 24 hours?

>> No.15359828

Is she drunk or having a mental breakdown?

>> No.15359829

You turned off your trip just to make a thread about yourself?

>> No.15359832

she musta been chugging that wine if shes drunk
everyone hates me not even james wants to come over glug glug

>> No.15359833

She's drinking all alone on a Sunday night while having a breakdown online. She really is the cool wine Aunt!

>> No.15359834
File: 14 KB, 500x436, da316kc-78a5aafd-6870-41f8-b83c-2f5374a19a7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359836


No that’s cecils job

Look at that picture it’s pointing at a wrinkle - that should be clue enough

>> No.15359838

Maybe, but we know you crave attention.

>> No.15359839

wow Me was CursedFawn the whole time, giving attention to herself

>> No.15359841

Lol all you fuckers jealous of James


>> No.15359844

Cecil me and fawn are all the same person

>> No.15359845
File: 1.43 MB, 1049x779, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me reading the shit you post

>> No.15359848
File: 436 KB, 828x1792, B8C9DEF4-2227-450C-A4AA-1A9380BC21C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s just a wee bit smarter than all the rest of you high school drop outs

>> No.15359849

Fuck, forgot the name

>> No.15359850

Wouldn’t be shocked
Considering cecils state of mind

>> No.15359852

Cool gaslighting, common borderline tactic. Shame that one of us in therapy and the other isn't. Try harder. I'm not the one who was sexually abused by my Father at the age of 5.

>> No.15359854

The man you "love" won't bother with a short drive to come visit you....

/Fa/ more specifically; Cecil, cursedfawn and Chad are all you have left

Only people willing to give you attention ( for now)

>> No.15359860

U don’t understand the situation.
He would be here in a heartbeat.

Make of it what you will.
I know he loves me the best he can.

It’s not perfect. But at least he’s real and been around for a decade +.

How’s your imaginary gf doing?

>> No.15359862

You wish she was imaginary so you could hope for a shot.

She's good btw we threw a qurantine birthday party for her niece not ideal but we're locked down in California so did what we could for the lil one

>> No.15359863
File: 250 KB, 1650x816, pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15359866

I'm guessing Mike is someone you're fucking and he was too beta to sneak over.

I've fucked a married woman in her and her husband's bed before.

The best you could do is a beta male

> Guess you found someone else to fuck tonight

You think I ever sent those words to any bitch I was interested in?

>> No.15359877

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.15359889
File: 845 KB, 1179x662, boiled eggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBE GIRL. I'm ready for my sex now, You can call me James if you wish to, sweetheart.

>> No.15359900
File: 1022 KB, 640x480, 515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359902

Nextime prodigy screams "James" while getting railed you think of Cecil or me you nasty ho

I hope you never cum again

>> No.15360262
File: 625 KB, 2368x2888, prodigy btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't sleep more free content

>> No.15360277

How old are the other pics? Looks like a completely different person. Did she age 40 years in 10 years? Lol. Shit is going to be bad once she hits 40.

>> No.15360298
File: 755 KB, 3372x1512, prodigy tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woman on the right is "CurlGurl" a tripfag she was insanely jealous of. I just posted her prodigy's pictures next to curlgurl so that when she wakes up in the morning she feels like shit for being compared to a 10

the pic of prodigy in her underwear was from her mid-20's she's in her mid-30's now. and has been afraid to post anything neck down

>> No.15360318

Ohhh, I was thinking wtf happened, yeah that other girl is way hotter in all ways. I bet prodigy absolutely despises her!