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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1005 KB, 602x749, 2020-06-28 15_31_31-Dolph Lundgren (@dolphlundgren) • Photos et vidéos Instagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15357700 No.15357700 [Reply] [Original]

They just got engaged. He's 62, she's 24.

>> No.15357702
File: 71 KB, 620x829, 1579814913642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granted he was the best looking man alive in his prime, but still.

>> No.15357709

only (other) women will cry about this

he gets a thot, and she gets the money after he croaks. Its a win win for them both

>> No.15357713

Looks like a buff dyke.

>> No.15357719

This. I never thought he looked good. Not ugly, but definitely not inspiring either

>> No.15357735

He got this ugly square face, short nose, orange skin scandinavian look that is undesirable imho, the girl also looks boring

>> No.15357736

Dating someone less than half your age is pathetic for either gender

>> No.15357742

Yikes! He did a grooming. He did a heckin raperino.

>> No.15357745


>> No.15357746

its none of anyones business but the couples

>> No.15357755

If he looks like a dyke then I must look like a little anime girl in comparison. Stop posting for a second, it has taken a toll on your mental health.

>> No.15357779

fucking, sure
but why date and marry a gold digger? yikes

>> No.15357782

Hes rich, your not, so you cant even pay bitch to fuck you

>> No.15357783

Dude is literally a walking Chad.

>> No.15357786

My dude is dating someone his daughter's age. I mean good for him I dunno what I feel about that tho

>> No.15357795


Isn't dating, it's sugarbabying. Which is quite /fa/, but rich people in general would need to give a lot of effort to be non-/fa/.

>> No.15357810

How pathetic is to see this. She’s literally just going to be waiting for him to die. Marrying a gold digger is absolutely cucked.

>> No.15357812

It feels quite degenerate.

>> No.15358091

Dolf is peak human but why they fuck would he marry? Yeah, I get it, there's nothing like smashing young pussy, but she's not gonna provide anything else other than pussy while bleeding your wallet dry. She's not gonna raise sons, she's not gonna cook and she's not mature enough to have more than half a conversation. Dude just signed away half his life's work

>> No.15358108
File: 858 KB, 240x228, Clint Eastwood Disgust - Imgur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not /fa, she's clearly low value to go for an old dude who probably cant fuck anymore.
bigly truth
barely walking w/o assistance zomega more like. if youre a movie star and this is what you pull when you go for a younger chick you dun goof'd
sugarbabying is the opposite of /fa. its contrived as fuck. real romance is peak /fa

>> No.15358115
File: 2.78 MB, 1125x1839, 1590251694382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is dating a taller woman /fa/?

>> No.15358116

yes but only if you have the confidence. tall girls hate when a guy worries about her being taller.

>> No.15358138

>tfw don't have the confidence to ask this tall bitch i know out
i'd totally be cool with her being taller than me i just dont know if she would

>> No.15358140

Only girls obsesed with height are midget ethnics on Tinder. Go out more, unironically.

>> No.15358206

>Dolf is peak human
This. He could have easily gotten a hotter (and younger) chick. Their children are going to be ubermensch

>> No.15358380

nice cope

>> No.15358595

They right, plus blonde men arent attractive

>> No.15358600

Unironically he could do better. Hope he has more kids since she's prime baby factory though

>> No.15359895


>> No.15359920

Older men go with younger girls, younger boys go with older women. That's how it should be.
Teens go with 50 somethings.
20 somethings go with 40 somethings
30 somethings go with other 30 somethings and 60+ stay with other 60+

>> No.15359936

Roastie seething

>> No.15359940

I wouldn’t mind dating an older woman but the idea of us becoming married and her being 70 or so when I would only be 50 would be weird

>> No.15359949

Yes. I'm 24 she's 22.
>t.5'9 with a 6'0

>> No.15360123

dolph is honestly too masc, i showed him to lots of women i know personally, they all said he was too blonde and buff looking, which is women talk for his colouring being poor and lookin like a caveman.

>> No.15360657


>> No.15360667

I would still fuck girls in their 20s all day when I hit my 50s-60s but marry them? Fuckin why? I'd marry a 35-45 yr old woman that still looks good and isn't high maintenance and can actually carry a conversation and cook a decent meal.

>> No.15360727

I've never seen so much cope contained in one thread before. The guy was hot and blonde men not being masculine isn't a real thing.

>> No.15360732

It’s just his jaw is huge it makes his nose look small

>> No.15360756

How much viagra does he take?

>> No.15360780

>Teens go with 50 somethings.
this is my fetish

>> No.15360960

>younger boys with older women
disgusting faggot

>> No.15361395

Is that Logan Paul's dad? Looks like it in the thumbnail

>> No.15361533

He's got way more chances to give her autistic babies due to his aged sperm, but other than that I don't see any issues

>> No.15361540

me neither and autistic babies are ok

>> No.15361747

>35-45 yr old woman that still looks good and isn't high maintenance and can actually carry a conversation and cook a decent meal.
lmfao have fun finding one buddy
not that youll ever make it to this larp

>> No.15362226

Absolutely not. Only effay to date older women.

>> No.15362394

That's not a marriage, that's a business decision.

>> No.15362467

lol, if he can stand being around her. Everyone thinks dating a younger chick is cool until you actually fucking do it and then you realize they are such babies and know nothing. Pretty sure this would apply to any relationship where your partner is still in early 20's or worse teens.

>> No.15363160

Hanging out with people 10 years younger is already painful, can't even imagine living with a bimbo bitch 40 years younger when you're a literal high IQ chemical engineer

When he gets tired of the pussy he's regretting this so bad

>> No.15363205

>muh morals
Back to plebbit boys :^)

Dating younger women is peak effay.

>> No.15363214

This. I remember going to an undergrad party when I was doing my MBA and its just ridiculous

>> No.15363269

5'6 24 yo turbomanlet here trying to fuck this 5'9 20 yo zoomer bitch. We had a date yesterday and I think she likes me she looked at me that type of way. But when I asked for a kiss she said no, she said she waits 2 months before doing anything with anyone. I pray I dont get cucked

>> No.15363282

>aged sperm
Literally no such thing

>> No.15363388
File: 31 KB, 800x746, 54455482eab8ea361710fecc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men just want prime pussy. Anyone claiming that women gain "experience" or some other meaningless bs is coping. Men should date women 18-25 exclusively if possible.
That's a shitty ring for a guy who's rich though.

>> No.15363686

>she said she waits 2 months before doing anything with anyone
man lmfao

>> No.15364066

You asked for a kiss, so she knew you are a pussy and she cockblocked you. It's over. The two months thing is something she made up in the moment as an excuse. Good luck next time!

>> No.15364069

I'm 18 and there's this 35 year old guy interested in me, I really like him though. Probably a bad idea.

>> No.15364890

Having sex with them is fine but making a woman who has almost no shared life experience to you your partner is really creepy. It shows you keep her around as a status symbol

>> No.15364894

No it isn't. Have you hung out with an 19 year old?

Men are way less emotionally developed than woman 19 year old girls are legitimately fun to be around.

Women my age are boring they're old, they shop at target, cook, bathe and drink wine maybe binge watch some shit.... that's all they do with their time

>> No.15364912

I'm 35 and can't fathom myself going after anyone younger than about 26. I can't relate to them and even if I could it would be extremely cringe worthy.

Doesn't he seem too old and wrinkly to you anyway?

>> No.15364913

Men in there 60s are far more emotionally developed than women in their early teens and 20s. When you have to explain to your partner what a mortgage is you shouldn't be dating them. Sex is fine cus whatever, but you shouldn't date them that's weird

>> No.15364922

Why would I want to explain what a mortgage is to her? If I got one she's good. She doesn't need to know.... what's important is the relationship be fun. My current GF is 5+ years younger than I am

>> No.15364934

>what's important is the relationship be fun
If you are dating someone with so little life experience they need to be explained what a mortgage is you are going to be miserable after you nut. Dating/marrying someone who is intellectually stimulating is far, far better in the long run

>> No.15364942

The rule is half your age plus 7 is the youngest you should be dating. It works well.

>> No.15364945

Different for men and women I think

ESP bc men mature so much later

>> No.15364957

Depends on the individual but a 35 year old is light years beyond a 25 year old regardless of the gender or something is seriously wrong with the person.

>> No.15364961

Also gaining maturity is not a linear process. From age 20 to 25 you don't really change much, but the change from 25 to 30 is much more pronounced. And the difference between a 40 year old and a 30 is even larger.

>> No.15364969

Not really I'm 31 and can hang with 21 year olds like we grew up together a 31 year old female to me even feels old

>> No.15365019

I don't even know what to say, I rarely deal with people younger than 30 for long periods of time

Physically I agree that 31 year old women tend to look already old (but so do I, fuck)

>> No.15365031

I think that means you're a Man child

>> No.15365037

Kinda sounds like you never grew up

>> No.15365043

>reaching the age of 24 and asking this question
>being any age and asking this
God you're fucking retarded

>> No.15365208

Jesus how can you say that. A college kid and a 31 year old live in mentally vastly different places

>> No.15365223

>ESP bc men mature so much later

No they do not. Girls mature slightly faster during puberty based simply on the fact girls tend to enter puberty earlier. After that it is even.

Do you think that applies for life? Do you think a 33 year old woman is more mature than a 33 year old man? If so, you're stupid. Women are also more emotionally immature during adulthood and can't control their emotions as well as men can.

You are spouting shit kids say that I thought was known as nonsense many years ago. I'd even go as far as to say in adulthood women are a lot more immature than men. 50 year old women can be very immature.

Want some anecdotal evidence too? You. You're an incredibly immature (and stupid) poster. You've bragged to teenagers about getting a "booty call" on here by a guy who is just using you, will never commit and has never. You are a 33 year old woman bragging about being used by a loser who doesn't give a shit about you. That doesn't make you sound "cool" as though you are in high school. It makes you sound like a a pathetic desperate loser.

Yeah honey, you're REAL mature.

>> No.15365462

your 21 yo friends laugh at you behind your back, creep

>> No.15366213
File: 32 KB, 300x450, 1415423865684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt jealous roasties coping

>> No.15366234


>> No.15366376

Why is it a bad thing that a woman gets to offer the man she loves the version of her at her prime and most beautiful ?
That should be something that should be celebrated if you ask me

>> No.15366391

>Women are also more emotionally immature during adulthood and can't control their emotions as well as men can.
Men are so much better at handling their emotions, that's why they are twice as likely to kill themselves as women.

>> No.15366392
File: 472 KB, 1164x658, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine dolph having ceecilles personality tho! Where are you Cecil. Shits gettin boring mah nigga

>> No.15366401

Men can't assign their externalities/burdens to others like women can. A woman's problem can be made to be anyone's problem, which is why they solicit the government and social system as their third party benefactors. Thus, they have less incentive to just end it

>> No.15366420

Yes, killing yourself instead of learning alternative ways of coping with your emotions or developing any form of social support or friendship to help you deal with your problems is very mature.

>> No.15366432

This is like saying a child is more mature than an adult bc the adult kills his or herself more often than the child. Children are coddled and attended to, much like women. They have a priori failsafes, and so are ensured alternative ways of coping.

>> No.15366455

>a priori failsafe
It's called having friends who you can have a conversation with about your feelings because you mutually care for each other.

>> No.15366477

How is being blonde a poor coloring ? Its the most rare and sought after genetic trait

>> No.15366479

Milfs and cougars are truly the /fa/ mans choice but he could do a lot better

>> No.15366485

Exactly my point. What you are describing is the domain of women--to share and burden others with their own externalities with the expectation of attention and curation. Like what children do to their parents. This has become so extreme that society now actively caters to this.

Men generally do not behave in this manner because it is improper to burden others with your own internal affairs in such a gratuitous and attention-seeking way.

Additionally the traditional age old ways of coping for men--family, community, religion, etc.-- are now actively discarded and undermined despite being of obvious greater societal value than the current theatrical public airing of any emotional discomfort, which ultimately just normalizes and furthers unhealthy states of mind. Men know they are not supposed to act like children and suffer more as they live in an infantilized world

>> No.15366518

If you think it's a burden to listen to your friends problems and empathize with them then that seems very unhealthy. I care about my friends and enjoy helping them when I can, and our relationships add a lot of positivity, fulfillment and purpose to my life. I know I can count on them as well if I ever need to. I don't agree with publicly airing every emotional difficulty, but if you think the concept of friendship and mutual care for people sounds like a burden then I feel really bad for you and I hope someday you find meaningful friendship with someone who cares about you.

>> No.15366552

yeah, she only waits 2 months with ugly guys, so they lose interest

>> No.15366557

Friendship and mutual care are important and do serve as a healthy outlet in resolving some difficulties. But they are not the type of mechanism to address the massive underlying issues that lead to suicide. The airing and sharing of these type of issues often rise to the level of burden on a friendship (think of an actual mentally ill person incessantly reaching out to you). It is more likely that you would discard the friendship before you would offer yourself in perpetuity as the proverbial punching bag. Nevertheless this is often the way forward for women and is encouraged by society as a whole. Men in general will not be willing to impose such burdens on others and would rather find structure in family, community, and religion, as these outlets create positive externalities rather than festering negative ones. This alternative is more implausible for men today, and so they are left with the choice of bottling up or foregoing their nature.

>> No.15366682

>But they are not the type of mechanism to address the massive underlying issues that lead to suicide
Actually, regardless of what the underlying issues are, having good social support is a very strong protective factor against suicide. This is something that is very well studied.
I have a couple of friends with serious mental illness and I don't consider them a burden. If someone gets cancer that's difficult and stressful for everyone who cares about them, but do you think you should "discard the friendship" in that case too?
I do agree that airing your dirty laundry in public via social media is very fucked up and unhealthy, but it isn't the same thing as talking about your feelings with your friends. And it seems obvious to me that women are better at that than men.

>> No.15366722

You're going to end up waiting those two months and she's going to be at a party kissing and sucking a Chad's dick

She's just not interested.

Honestly dude, just start asking women for sex

I know the whole she knows she'll have sex with you thing in 10 seconds is a joke ..but 9/10 if she's attracted to you and you just straight up ask her to fuck she will.... I've straight up asked idk around 2 dozen 18 year olds to fuck and at least half said yes, we did and parted ways after.

>> No.15366733

> I rarely deal with people younger than 30 for long periods of time

News flash, you are on a board filled with teenagers

>> No.15366810

I mean in real life obvs.

>> No.15367854

nah women age like milk, thats a pretty unfair trade for dudes if you ask me

>> No.15367891

Coping roast beef detected

>> No.15367900

Women stop being fun at 25-26

>> No.15367912

Pedo discord mods

>> No.15367913

>I've straight up asked idk around 2 dozen 18 year olds to fuck and at least half said yes
Knowing how you look, I'm impressed.

>> No.15367915

About what? He's ability to lie on the internet so shamelessly? Lmfao.

>> No.15367920
File: 735 KB, 2844x4268, woah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those 20s
clearly that was the lowest choice
most men would shag an 11 year old if they can get away with it, the rest are lying.

>> No.15367924

Not everyone is a looker, he could have asked 2 dozen cretin looking types and gotten away with half of 'em.

>> No.15367932

>I pray I dont get cucked
You're gonna get cucked, its over

>> No.15367973

You know what’s always amazed me about this guy? He sort of just stumbled through life. He was never a practicing engineer. Never had a big movie career or modelling career. Never went professional in martial arts. Got divorced several times. Like I don’t get it. Why didn’t he just get married and go all in on one of those things? His life looks great on paper, but he retired on the cusp of just about everything.

>> No.15367988
File: 11 KB, 220x220, 7811F137-5846-4F18-AD18-1E852B0DBF2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen what he looks like? He’s a big fat disgrace

>> No.15368236

>asked for a kiss
yeah mate no wonder she's gonna ghost you

>> No.15368265

I was exactly thinking that when I saw this thread, before looking at your comment.

He even said several times that acting was just a hobby to him.

It's like the guy lived carefree all his life, always bailing out when things were about to become serious.

>> No.15368335

i’m 26 and dated a 21yr old
i just got sick of her easily. she was so codependent and immature
got sick of it

>> No.15368350

it's only natural.

>> No.15368431
File: 60 KB, 703x613, IMG_9360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biological clock is ticking for guys as well, don't kid yourself
>sperm quality and quantity goes down at 35yo
>more chances to have autistic,genetically deficient children, dwarves, and cause miscarriages,

>sperm DNA damages significantly increases with age

>Older men (>40) have over twice the odds ratio for high sperm DNA damage as younger men (<40)

I'm 22 + giving birth to my son in a week + my husband is 23 aka prime age to be passing on top quality DNA. Why on earth would I be coping about male fertility issues linked to old age

>> No.15369508

quite precisely what I was going to state.

>> No.15369851

Honestly he could do better. She's kinda scuffed

>> No.15369897

>top quality DNA

Your biological fertility is only one variable, slow down with the whole top quality DNA thing. I think a more reasonable thing to say is you're at the age where there's the most potential in your DNA, emphasis on your. Top quality though?

>> No.15370099

Did he marry some extremely black African lady?

Glad he’s going to make top tier genetic kids now. If his sperm still swims. The kids that these two make in the OP would be in the top 0.001% of looks, no question.

>> No.15370131

>she's 24
How? She looks at least 40.

>> No.15370213

Some people just want to chill, can’t blame him

>> No.15370247


>> No.15370402

Damn she looks beat, Dolph looking primo as ever though what the fuck is he thinking

>> No.15370625

No, not if they smell of salami.

>> No.15370712

They probably mistakenly thought he was David Choe.

>> No.15370991

My bad, let's go with most potent DNA then. Didn't mean to sound so obnoxious and arrogant

>> No.15371019

only blonde dudes and white supremacists believe this, nearly every nonwhite girl i spoke don't like blonde hair, maybe sandy blonde like a lion, but that bleached blonde looks bad on men. all nonwhite girls ive spoken to say white guys look best with brown or black hair, then sandy blonde, then blonde being the worst.

>> No.15371082
File: 129 KB, 500x532, arnold-schwarzenegger-july-23-i-may-be-68-but-i-1406501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He could do better desu

>> No.15371245


>> No.15371253

Those feet of hers tho.