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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.93 MB, 1668x2522, ideals6-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15354894 No.15354894 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15355556

template please

>> No.15355563

No one bump, wait for a better thread

>> No.15355714

Very nice OP

>> No.15355778
File: 1.25 MB, 938x938, losaturnalia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generic eco-fash, why are you even browsing this board surly it contradicts your ideology but be obsessing over materialist aesthetics rather then turning off your computer and reconnecting with nature?

>> No.15356139
File: 2.57 MB, 4000x6000, fadeals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Style and hair are great.

>> No.15356905
File: 323 KB, 2560x3840, 1590264495907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15356975

This is so generic but vague and all over the place

>> No.15357308

I don't browse /fa/ except for the Interior Design threads in which I like to get minimalist inspiration. Other than that I like engaging with others in the Ideals threads, as I really enjoy using the template I made to visualize what I want. No need for the vitriol, mate.

>> No.15357945
File: 2.06 MB, 1000x1500, tfwnodepressed19thcenturypainterbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to start growing my hair out, I'm thinking I'll stop at waist-length.

I like the new hair choice a lot. Good facial hair as well. Oh, and the shoes are marvelous!

I love the clothing choice, super interesting.

Still amazing. Not sure why weirdos equate an interest in nature to a hatred for technology.

>> No.15358104
File: 2.88 MB, 2300x2300, grid solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respectable, What's you're current living situation
Incredible Hair for both men and women
Ehh, Style and House are really bad imo, shit look likes a Mcmansion
Something bout the full trad girl dress always feels pedo vibes to me

>> No.15358243

trad girl dresses look better, those are mediocre aliexpress lolita dresses, maybe that's why you're getting pedo vibes from it

>> No.15358414

you change it everytime

>> No.15358438

The "Lolita" dresses you're talking about are knock-offs commonly found from shitty TaoBao resellers. Personally I prefer sewing my own, I just used pictures that resemble the style I prefer. Definitely never buy from those sites though, as the product you receive will look nothing close to the pictures!

>> No.15358963


Yea, I think if anything you can blame loli weebs for ruining these dresses for me.

I Respect anyone making their own clothes though, I try to get friends to make my clothes who sew as I'm shit at sewing and drafting myself, but all homemade clothes is the eventual goal

>> No.15359421

Whenever I see clothing like that it just makes me think of those people from highschool who y’all victim to pyramid schemes

>> No.15359574
File: 2.29 MB, 2667x4000, yeet-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like everything about this except I prefer brunettes to blondes. think I might have said the exact same thing in the last thread...
the chick in the arcade seems incredibly out of place compared to everything else here. but it's alright overall. Think the style is cool even though I'd never wear something like that myself.
really digging the style. good stuff for body as well

>> No.15361257

Powerfully based

>> No.15361571
File: 966 KB, 1061x1600, .fa.g ideals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously based overall, but plain house. 8/10
Good style, I'm neutral on the rest. 5/10
Lifestyle is okay, rest is too basic for me. 4/10
Style is the only thing I can't vibe with. 8/10
Generally good taste, but based for the inclusion of Anna Karina and James Duval.
Plain shit, okay house. 2/10

>> No.15361655
File: 516 KB, 2560x3840, Thattookwaytoolong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very simple one since it's my first one.
Love the style and the hair absolute goals
I feel like everyone wants to live in a home like that until they actually do
Love the home.

>> No.15361935
File: 1.17 MB, 640x960, ideals-grid-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15361981

based mishima linkola poster

>> No.15361999
File: 3.23 MB, 2667x4000, 1592184043404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alt-right incel LARPer. Thought he was super smart and edgy in high school by saying stuff like "yeah Hitler was evil but you can't deny he was a good leader" Claims to be a nature lover even though he spends all day making collages on the internet. Thinks "tradwife wojak" girls actually exist IRL
most likely slightly overweight girl but not enough to damage her self esteem. Average student, average looking, utterly forgettable but with impossibly high standards. Forced herself to drink wine in high school and college because it made her feel superior to everyone else.
first year business admin major who actually thinks his degree from a middle of the pack private university will make him wealthy. has a love for nerdy shit but tries to hide it because he's afraid it will affect his "social standing". Rushed frats but didn't get into any top ones
"I'm not like the other girls" starter pack. obsessed with fictional male characters. definitely wrote fan-fiction at one point
that one black nerd who desperately wanted to fit in with all the other black kids at his high school. Tried to be more of a "thug" to get laid at some point.
boring faggot who probably bases his self-identity around being "depressed" Dresses in all black because he's too lazy to actually develop a style. Lonely virgin who will fall for the first white girl who smiles at him.
ugly kid who watched way too many indie movies and wondered why his life couldn't be like one. Probably dropped out of college to "find himself" and now works in a grocery store but doesn't mind it because he's convinced the qt alternative girl of his dreams will come up to his cash register any day now and his life will finally begin.
spent his teenage years watching "millionaire house tours" and "day in the life of an entrepreneur" videos instead of actually developing hobbies and skills of his own. Posts "gigachad" images unironically

>> No.15362113

Forgot to rate so here I go.

Very based all round, Linkola is a great choice.
I particularly like the bottom middle style image.
Perfect understanding of natural beauty.
Respect the self-improvement.
Left me out of your roast 0/10.

>> No.15362158

holy SHIT looks like grug discovered fire

>> No.15362317
File: 3.61 MB, 4000x6000, six_panel_ideal_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty cool trad life 7.5/10

actually really cool. jesus is pretty hot 8/10

lifestyle, body and home is really cool 10/10. everything else 4/10.

extremely based feminine. style is probably too trad for me but everything else 10/10

a bit generic black dude except the style and girls who are cool. weird contrast 7.5/10

chill quiet life. looks a bit boring but that's probably because this is a bit of a lazy post. 6/10

based 21st century viking 7/10

trad male. looks a bit boring but, again, lazy post. 5/10

neanderthal femdom mommy gf is not based. species mixed couple is cringe. but awesome digits so 11/10

>> No.15362363
File: 3.04 MB, 1831x2762, IDEALfull(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real solid
Interested in seeing more
More glamorous then most with your desires.
More Carl less fade

>> No.15362724
File: 939 KB, 1536x2304, D17F1052-27A7-429D-B23F-50DA2B469CD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. But unhealthy body and depressing home.

Absolute pussy slayer. Don’t abuse it

Based. Do me next


Good but larpy

Pretty good. Don’t get the style


Anyway, here’s wonderwall


Style is really shit. We agree on the rest, why those clothes, man?

Rated before. Great

Very cool

>> No.15363856

Bro Chickens are the fucking worst, They shit everywhere and have no souls

>> No.15363862
File: 3.97 MB, 1990x2985, 7D56AF75-5F78-415C-A10A-BF9F639D7D69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do me next, Grug

>> No.15364076

How can you gain that kind of muscle without bulking?

>> No.15364359

Almost completely the opposite.

>> No.15364454

Grug made me cry :(

>> No.15364471

I like your style OP

>> No.15364624
File: 636 KB, 750x1129, 43281C06-1C70-416C-83E6-735369B8D5E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kind of empty and boring since it’s my first grid.

>> No.15364768

rate others if you want to get rated

>> No.15365056
File: 1.90 MB, 1788x2408, budhist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor white farmer?

white religion


high effort low return

hey that's pretty good


simple and ez


arm chair philosopher

likes boxes

wants to exit society

reads magazines/10

antique age

>> No.15365240

>no souls
Neither do we. But I’ll take you seriously and read up on keeping chickens. Won’t be in another 3-5 years anyway.


Work out and eat little

Born too late. Also rate others

>> No.15365479

Damn Grug roasted me real bad

>> No.15366075
File: 2.23 MB, 1082x1556, Screen Shot 2020-07-01 at 5.08.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First grid so not very developed

Trying to LARP as Roman Polanski, hopefully you don't imitate him too much. 7/10

Def anprim, but if you can really stick to this lifestyle and it's your true core ideals then props to you. 5/10

Very art hoe-esque but I like the style and I would still give my left nut for Ally Sheedy in the Breakfast Club. 6.5/10

I mean it's an ideals thread so go all out man. 5/10

Like the body, hair is ok but I prefer brunettes 6/10

Like it, like it a lot and we like a lot of the same music and movies. 8/10

Grug please do me as well 10/10

Like everything except for the house, not really my style. Forgot to add Winona Ryder to my grid.

A little bit similar to mine but def don't want to live in eastern europe, not similar taste in women, and different body types. 6.5/10

Well rounded, interesting choice in girls. 7.5/10

>> No.15366267
File: 759 KB, 2482x3510, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



great hair


great, but need works imo

thats a basic home

I got a body close to your goal type, would not reccomend unless you plan to get inked

Great Lifestyle

>> No.15366304
File: 1.77 MB, 1500x2250, Grid1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15366553

Simplistic cringe take on ecofascism.

>> No.15367767


Cozy cabin in the middle of no where, just shit posting all day.

Honestly sounds pretty lovely :)

>> No.15367871

larp, prove me wrong by actually doing it
better get those dresses fitting right
qt girls, a bit tryhard
put a fuckton of effort into makeup/skin and hair, start actually painting and this is totally achievable
cool, start working out
The top 2/3rds and botton third do not quite match
start making those lifestyle changes and lower your standards
lord of the rings shit lmao
better get a great job to afford that house and attract those girls
fuckin what
entirely achievable, go for it
home is confusing, get that makeup right
learn french
> gets shreded, then completely covers all his hard work
also temper your house expectations, that's meme shit
Nice. I'd say something about learning German and moving to Austria/Switzerland/Germany but you're probably already good there. Don't forget your glutes. Get a good job to afford that car, and actually buy that house.

>> No.15367876
File: 12 KB, 196x226, 1592770572706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of this can be done if you fuckers work out a ton and get a good job. Focus on that instead of exactly what brand of pants to wear.

>> No.15368045


This might be the most retarded post I’ve read in a while. Like, all of it.

>> No.15368213

“Actually do this” yeah no shit idiot that’s the point of the templates, to visualize what you want to di and are doing. I swear some people amaze me with their stupidity and arrogance.

>> No.15368251

Somehow I doubt you fuckers are actually getting those crazy jobs and getting ripped. It's easy to visualize stuff, harder to actually follow up on it. Acknowledging that difficult reality isn't stupid or arrogant.

>> No.15368301

The stupidity and arrogance isn’t in your acknowledgement of how difficult reality is, it’s in your demeanor and the way you talk down and feel the need to tell anonymous strangers you only “suppose” are not doing the things they want to do to “actually do” them like they need you to state the obvious. What a downer, jeez

>> No.15368303

>Somehow I doubt you fuckers are actually getting those crazy jobs and getting ripped.

Fuckin’hell read this sentence and tell me you aren’t being a dick here

>> No.15368331

ok that's fair, my bad

>> No.15368591

>start actually painting
Way ahead of ya, if that's the best critique you had for me I suppose I'm doing alright.

Seems like you just wanted to pretend you know what you're talking about and give empty advice, though. Perhaps find a better hobby.

>> No.15369154

I really found >>15367871 hilarious. Just the way he presumed we are all idiots making collages of our hobbies and waiting around for him to tell us to “actually do them”. No shit sherlock if I put working out or something else in my grid there must be a reason...

>> No.15369245

I hope one day I will be able to lift heavy objects, but for now, alack, it must remain a dream.

>> No.15369263

If you are a male human being you MUST lift weights, no excuses

>> No.15369298

Based, gonna need an ID on the first 3 pics on top row in style and the very middle pic in style (the trousers one)

>> No.15369305

This guy is kinda right, getting that ripped takes a lot of effort and years of training and I also highly doubt that everyone that’s posted this ideal body in this thread will actually achieve

Gl though regardless

>> No.15369323

I can only assume you have excellent taste

>> No.15369326

I admit it made me giggle as well, it was more the comments they made after the post that appeared the most idiotic to me.

>> No.15369333

It was a joke at the expense of the guy who seemed to assume we would never do the hobbies we put in the grid.

>> No.15369525

Shirts in top row are from Massimo Dutti
I found the pants browsing Pinterest and they are just there to explain the style a bit better, I have plenty of pants like these.
Here’s the pin from Pinterest though, if its useful:

>> No.15369662
File: 3.13 MB, 1400x2100, 41D7EB3A-278C-40ED-943E-F47BD53236B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15369681

6/10 >shitposting, nobody
you mean masturbating?
3/10 untermensch
8/10 chill af
9/10 love the outfits mostly
6/10 uninspired
6/10 uninspired
7/10 nice gals, shit living space
10/10 *chef kiss*

>> No.15369700

>3/10 untermensch
You fucking what ?

>> No.15369864

>mentally handicapped and shit taste

>> No.15370014

>>15364624 here, came to rate since I couldn't when I posted on my shitty phone.

Not revolutionary, but respectable and solid, I like it.

Weird seeing /cgl/ stuff here, I used to wear classic lolita. Makes me nostalgic.

Love all the hair/face inspo. Style is comfy but sharp.

10/10 for Serge, style is classic and works surprisingly well with the home section.

Very cool, sort of LARPY but it can be pulled off.

Model off duty style is clean but sort uninspiring. Brandy Melville worker-core. Lifestyle seems wholesome.

Rate the style a lot - sauce for pic on right?
(Thankfully I don't LARP as Polanski haha)

Sort of tired of pink y2k shit, but everything else here is golden.

>> No.15370075
File: 749 KB, 300x296, dnacn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15370096
File: 1.83 MB, 2560x3840, ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna make it

>> No.15370624

Rate others, based btw

>> No.15370754


Wanna have kids a with a basic white Roastie and try to convince her to live on a fucking farm

She’s gonna hate you, You’re gonna hate her and your kids are gonna hate you both

>> No.15370816
File: 3.97 MB, 1280x1920, ideals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love everything. most especially the lifestyle and home

i like the style and jesus-esque men

mirin body

interesting lifestyle and home

qt women. also love the style

pretty great home and lifestyle. i love y tu mama tambien

i like your choice in women

love most of it. maybe except your home. too depressing


hot. also, cozy home.

c u in france i hope

love the vibe. esp hair and lifestyle

i love ur style and choice of women.

>> No.15370863


>> No.15370940

Please share the belly pic that's on top of the bearded guy right on the center.
Still have the pic of the guy with green coat and black pants?

>> No.15371885

Belly vibes :)

>> No.15372008

based teddy from palo alto poster

>> No.15372179

Why you mad

>> No.15372283

Unironic tranny seethe

>> No.15372338
File: 438 KB, 739x1108, 1593322864381_20200703162628185_20200703164812946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i can't do the lifestyle forever but who cares?

Hoping for a short (but sweet) life anyway.

Just realized i didn't post a car.

blacked out lifted Ford Expedition or dark purple/plum Maserati granturismo convertible.

>> No.15373717

You might care when it ends and it's time to off yourself.

>> No.15374036

tfw no knochen bf

>> No.15374106
File: 1.72 MB, 2552x3840, 1593322864381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9/10 +1 based shostakovich
would run away and live in commie block w

kinda basic but the idea is there

ben shapiro?

you're probably a total babe

>> No.15374139


Blixa was so hot

>> No.15374522

Dude how is >>15361655 ben shapiro? Thats literally the opposite of everything shapiro preaches:
>strong, muscly white male
>white women
>working out and reading books

>> No.15374756
File: 3.61 MB, 2400x3600, effaychart2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I replied to you, your chart is 7/10 or above

Strong trad LARP vibes but regardless love the style/girl/home.
Good fashion, mixed feelings about the jacket but otherwise.
Love the style but never could put a name to it. Gothic lolita? Unsure. Nice homes too.
Damn you seem like you'd start a cult somewhere in the midwest or northwest.
Excellent style, cozy homes too.
chart has potential but needs completion

>> No.15374832

thanks OP you are now a certified non-faggot

>> No.15374846


>> No.15375180

tryhard larper. why is this type so common now?

>> No.15375209

only parts I don't have IRL are my ideal home (anymore unfortunately) or a lot of those fits (working on it)
i also obviously am not huey long
the rest is more or less my reality already desu, call me a liar if you want

>> No.15375299

bruh you have a buzzcut with a half dyel body and you want an anime gf or waifu. i wasn't wrong at all

>> No.15375449

The particular style I used for the pics would be considered "Classic Lolita" found commonly from sites like Devil Inspired and Lolita Wardrobe. Gothic Lolita tends to be a little more dramatic than the traditional/classic Lolita. While I'm not a Lolita shopper myself, just a fan of the design, I'm very fond of the Akane Alois dresses on Devil Inspired. Hope this helps!

>> No.15375575

3 years in the marine corps hits different, buzzcut part wasnt actually my taste at all but i learned to like it
other things i just kinda ended up with

>> No.15375579

noted, thanks! always was looking for the words for it

>> No.15376099

It’s just unrealistic, get a farmer type, rough traditional chick or else your just
setting yourself up for divorce

I’ve seen it with my own eyes, happy wife happy life, it’s biblical

>> No.15376295
File: 984 KB, 2560x3840, ideals1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ hair, women and body
- style and drugs
+everything else
great all around
absolutely epic monica belluci
best home itt

>> No.15376529

based trad

>> No.15376531

unironically >>15376099 is right, you probably want a cute farm wife rather than an instagram model if that's the lifestyle you want

>> No.15376884

please, all movies from the low left corner

>> No.15376897

just because a woman is hot doesn't mean she doesn't want that particular lifestyle you fucking spergs

>> No.15377087

i grew up in farm country and never in my life have i met a girl who looked like that and wanted the farm life, and the handful that did immediately ran off to college and the city
yes there absolutely are hot farm girls but those arent them

>> No.15377269


Being hot and being a suburb looking insta girl is different

>>15377087 is right, I feel like your idealizing the lifestyle to an unrealistic point because especially with the 4 kids that farm life is gonna be hard ass bust your balls work and if you have girl who’s considered about suburb girl looks and that culture she’s gonna hate it. Atleast put a hot hippieish girl, the ones you put seem like they’d complain on a hike

>> No.15377291

there's no other way to describe this line of thinking other than autism
you're saying X hot girl won't complain about hiking because she has the style of a hippie or some shit but Y hot girl will complain because she's stylish and dresses like a hot girl would? it makes no fucking sense at all, you're reading into the chart too much for no reason. in case you didn't know people's levels of hotness and style choices doesn't reflect their lifestyle or personality kek. for example; regardless of whatever you two wear, i never could've guessed you could be this autistic

>> No.15377364

>people’s style choices and general look doesn’t reflect their lifestyle

That’s just actively a stupid opinion, if you saw someone in hiking clothes would you not assume they like the outdoors, or if you dress to a certain subculture you’d assume their a part of it if they didn’t that just seems like poser shit

And Stop talking about hotness they’re not even hot just white and basic suburb girls, so I’d assume they’ll act like that.

>> No.15377375

poser shit? what are you, 15? past a certain age people just dress however the fuck they want to dress. if a girl wants to dress like a tease it doesn't mean she doesn't have plans to live in some cabin and have 4 kids in the future. you are RETARDED and a child
>they’re not even hot just white and basic suburb girls
this is the part where i know you're a seething roastoid. stop replying

>> No.15377400

These the type that Wear Vans and like Basic bitches, everybody else here’s got better taste in women

Why be on fa if you ain’t even judgemental and want to live in McMansion

>> No.15377416

you have to be over 18 to post here

>> No.15377430

you’re ideal fashion icon was blaade man, If your over 18 that’s honestly worse

>> No.15377433

i am quite literally saying nobody dresses like that in farm country as someone who lives in farm country
say im autistic if youd like but im just saying it how it is, your fault if youre disappointed

>> No.15377435

>he thinks i actually posted a chart itt
>he doesn't even known who he's attempting to argue with
>you're and your
stop making it obvious you're actually underage you'll get banned for realzies

>> No.15377444

and i'm saying people move out to the country all the time, so choice of clothing really doesn't matter in that aspect, half the women larping in these threads saying they want the farm lifestyle also put floor length skirts because that's what they think a pick me farm girl would dress like. style doesn't necessarily mean LIFEstyle, simple as.

>> No.15377445

>vehemently defending a random dude's taste in women/chart
are you sure WE'RE the autistic ones?

>> No.15377453

you're autistic because you have an autistic brain not because i'm dutifully taking the time to tell you how autistic you are. learn the difference autist

>> No.15377456

maybe so, i dont really talk to any outsiders who move here frequently so i dont know much about their pasts. but do note she'll probably adopt more of a farm girl style/look when she moves out to the countryside.
dont see anyone who dresses like that here but they may very well have dressed like that elsewhere/previously.

>> No.15377458

lmao you didnt respond at all, why are you defending this random ass dude's chart

>> No.15377464

you get it now

>> No.15377590

Is autistic your only insult, you act like people care a lot just because they’re willing to comment. Just defend your point instead throwing around the word autistic

>> No.15377671

post some hot farm girls similar to what you are talking about. like the ones that are actually about that life

>> No.15378035
File: 3.90 MB, 1197x1792, fafavsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trad girl but make it Mediterranean, I'm not mad about it

military man partial to domestic violence, it's a yikes for me

points for young damon albarn but please elaborate more

9/10, 1 point off for the 50s copacabana meets crack whore lifestyle, all the rest is good

>> No.15378084

havent hit a woman in my life desu and very rarely been in fights, though the stereotype is justified. ive known marines whove beaten their wives and other guys whose (often ex) wives have driven them to attempted suicide. shits fucked all around

>> No.15378860
File: 1.62 MB, 2560x3840, ideals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first time I did this, took me 2 hours ffs. But it was time well spent, I figured out where I want to go. Currently quite far away from style and hair, I have very short hair because I fear the transition and I basically look like an incel. But I am pretty close to my dream lifestyle.
Rate please and recommend cores to look up, I am new to all of this.
Excellent taste
Good taste in men, your text doesn't make any sense though.
dnd doesn't fit in, otherwise good
I like everything except the hair
not entirely sure what the books are supposed to say but watch out that your life doesn't consist of fitness and studying only, this could potentially make you boring
you seem like a good friend, would go on a holiday with
don't really like the style, everything else is top tier
home isn't fitting in
I like it, how close to your ideals are you atm?
Just move to some mediteraanen country and you're halfway there

If I didn't reply to you I just don't have anything to say or don't like it

>> No.15378902

holy based

>> No.15378922

Nice taste in women

Great style


>> No.15378928

i love this. its so honest and sexy. cozy lifestyle too.

>> No.15379049

>2 hours

>> No.15379123
File: 1.73 MB, 2268x3050, gridthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15379198


>> No.15379256

Great stuff, 10/10 body/girl/lifestyle and good style/hair. Also tedpilled.
>I like it, how close to your ideals are you atm?
Close to most, working on some. More or less got the body, hair, and gf. Partially got the lifestyle (have a huge garden, draw periodically, exercise a lot and read plenty but don't have my pilot license yet nor do I get to orate or debate much). Slowly buying stuff for the style and had to move away from the ideal home unfortunately.
tl;dr we're all gonna make it

>> No.15379339

Rate others mate

>> No.15379571

Thanks fren, sounds like you have a good life tb h

>> No.15381119


>> No.15381394

top tier

>> No.15382191

Bump 2, why can't we just have a nice thread that isn't just effortless shitposting for once?

>> No.15382273

>men in round glasses
You'll get what you deserve

>> No.15382291
File: 724 KB, 1257x1039, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ll all end up as Cecil. Every. Single. One. You’ll be in Seattle.

>> No.15382299

How do y'all make these? Take the template and just find pics on the internet?

>> No.15382399


>> No.15382539

Yeah I mostly use pinterest

>> No.15382573

Im >>15372338
Ideally I'd like to live in a cave. Because my current situation is fucked. My house is more like the house from fight club. I bathe with a big gulp for fucks sake. Lol.

>> No.15382622
File: 2.53 MB, 2560x3840, Fa ideals2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15382771

So hot European men in Mykita glasses?

>> No.15382774

Maybe he meant men whom techno interests?

>> No.15382785

i dont wear round glasses

>> No.15382797

dnd defiantly fits,
also great post

>> No.15383819
File: 3.88 MB, 2600x2600, oke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to meet you on the stairwell of a haunted mansion, where you'd invite me to waltz for eternity/10
busy, but you know what you like/10
simple, fit life/10
what you think young women want a man to look like/10
based af/10
I'd let you murder me in a sea side hotel/10
lost soul/10
clean, sharp/10
I can smell the ocean salt from here/10
choke me in the wine cellar and feed me to your plants/10
based /out/ bro/10

>> No.15384015

I really like this

>> No.15384650

>Ideally I'd like to live in a cave
Reminds me of some video I've seen of some hippies who live in a cave on some island. Looked like a very cool life imo

>> No.15384942


>> No.15386396


>> No.15386894


>> No.15387391


>> No.15387584

love the style, wish my gf dressed like this

>> No.15388095

wish I had a gf

>> No.15389196

get a cat, then buy a nice car
cheaper, and more love

>> No.15389268


>> No.15389631


>> No.15389879

How does a car love me, retard

>> No.15389908

guys I think everyone on /fa/ posted their chart

>> No.15390061
File: 1.05 MB, 2560x3840, faideals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i too late

>> No.15390079

yes let this thread die

>> No.15390245

These threads are fucking stupid.

>> No.15390668

How is that style called? Where can I find such clothes?

>> No.15390802

Fuck you samefag, stay in yet another "how do dis hairstyle??" thread. We don't want you in the threads that require a little effort to post

>> No.15390849

>a little effort
>everyone is the same level of minimal shit
so unique

>> No.15390930
File: 8 KB, 250x246, 1591983945119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of these hairstyles is the easiest to maintain and how are they all called?

>> No.15391064

When you crash and die in a horrible mangled slow way

>> No.15391123

Sorry I interrupted your make-belief.

>> No.15391133

yes, cuz yu didnt rate anyone

>> No.15391226

that doesnt sound very romantic

>> No.15392308


>> No.15392346


>> No.15392421


>> No.15393533


>> No.15394189

The long one is the easiest obviously

>> No.15394817


>> No.15395425


>> No.15396206

let this thread die

>> No.15396791

What if we don't?

>> No.15396881
File: 208 KB, 1086x1272, Screen Shot 2020-07-12 at 4.15.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread is trash now

>> No.15397022

What are you doing about it?

>> No.15397388
File: 3.44 MB, 1536x2304, fashionideals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino looking hair 8/10
>tudor watch
baste, 7/10
sick bodytype, hair & face.

>> No.15398070

you have to go back

>> No.15398180

Cringe, you will never be 2d

>> No.15398265

rate moar

>> No.15398837

Or else?

>> No.15400097


>> No.15401265

Sexual health and a lovers embrace are important qualities in a harmonious life anon

>> No.15401769

Not for everyone

>> No.15402485

don't make that assumption, some guys would rather just be alone at this point
i can't blame them

>> No.15402500
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, 1594747378236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread was made in fucking June, how fucking sad and dead is this board ?