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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 232 KB, 900x1200, D0YJzM9U8AAnWZu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15344742 No.15344742 [Reply] [Original]

How should I dress to attract girls like her? I'm white btw

>> No.15344749 [DELETED] 

Black people fucking hate white people. But I understand why they hate us. And I respect their hate. But for that reason I also hate them desu senpai.

>> No.15344752
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>> No.15344753

just be white

>> No.15344759

sorry bro but unless you are black chances of getting a girl like her are almost 0

>> No.15344760

You can attract literally any girl with that outfit

>> No.15344767

Your ancestors fought a bloody civil war to liberate them. Nearly 1 million died. Not all whites were slaveholders. You have nothing to feel guilty about.

>> No.15344768

Go outside more often you retard. Real life isn't the internet. Black girls love white cock.

>> No.15344785
File: 215 KB, 900x1200, D0rxnMJV4AAWPGQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's her husband, so i suppose like this

>> No.15344795

Be somewhat fit and not autistic, also helps if you have nice eyes

>> No.15344815

>Be somewhat fit and not autistic
That's right, this type of girls hate childish and not independent men

>> No.15344863

>You can attract literally any girl with that face

>> No.15344923
File: 75 KB, 720x720, 1530146948946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god she's beautiful

>> No.15345412

I used to have an art hoe fwb that looked just like this and we used to go to DIY shows and concerts and lots of fun underground shit and then I got a fucking normie girlfriend (albeit hotter and more wholesome and wifey) who hasn’t heard of any of my entry level bands. I still have her nudes and I jerk off to them with guilt sometimes.

>> No.15345418

It's only normal in the Black community. It's necessary for them. Their men are always in and out of prison, and at any rate are flighty and disloyal, and therefore cannot maintain a traditional monogamous relationship for any extended period anyway. And their women simply cannot control their lust for big white cock. It would be unfair for a lowly nigger to deny his woman a chance to give herself to her natural White masters if she's lucky enough to catch their eye. The negro is honored to share his woman with Massa

>> No.15345428

This. It's somewhat different that the typical advice.

>> No.15345432

Girls like that don't date black dudes.

>> No.15345449


>> No.15345456


>> No.15345471

Where do I get a gf like this that less than 80% white?

>> No.15345488

>How should I dress to attract girls like her?
That's where you went wrong. A girl will never ever talk to you, date you or fuck you based on your outfit.

In reality, to get a cutie black gf, you have to be around cutie black girls. If you are, try talking to one like a normal human being and maybe it will go somewhere. Maybe you'll just end up with a white bitch and it's just not in your timeline. Point is, it doesn't matter what fucking brand of shoes you're wearing.

>> No.15345617


>> No.15345620

you sure know a lot about cocks polcel

>> No.15345706
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>> No.15346224

Oh porco dio

>> No.15346238

>everything I don't like is from /po/
I know a lot about black girls because they're very easy to fuck.

>> No.15346253

Are you really so ignorant that you don't know that it's easy for white dudes to get black chicks? The only reason I reckon this could get past you is you're addicted to BBC videos and brainwashed yourself into thinking black men are what women all want.
That you called that dude a polcel is supporting evidence as is the part where you were clearly wanting to project
>you sure know a lot about black cocks
on to him but realized he didn't say black cocks.

>> No.15346259

>Dean Hutton is a genderqueer artist living in Johannesburg interested in portraiture as co-authorship; social media as narrative; technology as self-reflection and provocation. >Dean is exploring ways in which to build a love revolution, from their more personal work, to creating relationships and gathering collaborators to make our public and intimate spaces safer through artist-led creation, mentorship and community organising.
an absolute waste of space

>> No.15346332

Full Hugo Bosse

>> No.15346399
File: 108 KB, 450x800, one-of-a-kind-geico-money-man-costume-83849-450x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15346402

a girl with an angela davis afro probably won’t give you a chance if you’re white bro. especially in these times lol

>> No.15346493
File: 46 KB, 618x464, nn_03rmo_zimmerman_130626-618x464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter. Niggresses are the single least desirable demographic. Black men don't want them, white guys will take an Asian or beaner over them, even beaners wont come within 20 feet of a sheboon.

Dating a sow is literally rock bottom. Youre aspiring to hookup with the leftovers of the dating market

>> No.15346496

That's not what most (white) soldiers were fighting for at all. Get your history straight.

>> No.15346507

No one said black cocks anon.

>> No.15346527

she has a small dog and pentagram earrings this bitch 100% does not fuck black dudes

>> No.15346551

Weird gay men may have homo-erotic fetishes where blacks come out on top, but out in the natural world where men have sex with women, everyone knows that black women are literally incapable of saying no to white cock. The primal dominance of centuries of literally enslaving the inferior nigger ape is too much for a black woman to resist. The primal fear of being unnaturally free is too much to handle. The negress craves to come home, into Massa's benevolent bondage, and craves to service Massa's throbbing white cock, like God intended

>> No.15346555

I didnt get a single word of that alphabet spaghetti.

>> No.15346609
File: 230 KB, 455x443, comp laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real life isn't the internet
>Black girls love white cock

>> No.15346627

>just be white


Be white. Embrace your whiteness. Never attempt to be "woke" or emulate contemporary culture. Listen to white bands. Speak properly. Obviously don't be racist, but don't conform to contemporary notions of blackness in an attempt to pick up a black girl.

Black girls love white guys. The media pushed notion that white girls love black guys is quite literally backwards. There are black women of all types who want nothing more than a white man. Classy ones, trashy ones, hood ones, suburbanites, artsie ones... tons for the picking.

Simply approach them. Black girls are much easier than white girls in the sense they're much more used to being hit on in person (by black dudes). White people have really developed a culture of anxiety when it comes to human to human interaction... Blacks on the otherhand, especially black males, flirt in person a lot. Black women, by proxy, are more accustomed to this behavior and far more likley to appreciate a decent (white) guy approaching her in a flirtatious but polite manner.

>> No.15346637

Wear a monkey suit

>> No.15346670

Yes they do. They go ever harder for dark chocolate giga niggas because they're insecure about their own "blackness". Those biracial girls are even easier than the average black girl for brothas. Sorry man

>> No.15346682

>t. kissless virgin
Black girls are very easy
Idk man, most biracial girls I know don't look twice at a black guy. I guess some of them are like how you described but not in my experience.

>> No.15346715

this, most of the mixed and light skinned black girls I’ve met were into black guys

>> No.15346754
File: 32 KB, 622x459, IMG_20200429_122441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love revolution
>Fuck white people

>> No.15346791

Dayum that white boi sexy!

>> No.15346826
File: 235 KB, 812x973, 4F485745-0612-4830-A94C-BA4A93F2D4FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your welcome

>> No.15346848

this. the amount of cope from dark skinned fellows is unfathomable

>> No.15346857
File: 79 KB, 648x985, IMG_20200503_152709_01~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15346863

Miami is the fucking worst

>> No.15346884

They won’t fuck you because your white. They’ll fuck you because your cute and white. Would you ever chase or fuck some dark skinned sharquisha looking bitch? No you wouldn’t. But would you chase some qt light skin? Of course you would. Same logic applies to them. They would never even touch some average looking white dude, but the second a cute white boy glanced in their direction they melt like butter.

>> No.15346902
File: 127 KB, 1028x579, 022820_ls_sheep_feat-1028x579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15346910

He looks old enough to be her father wtf

>> No.15346979

>They won’t fuck you because your white. They’ll fuck you because your cute and white.
“Cute” is relative
>Would you ever chase or fuck some dark skinned sharquisha looking bitch? No you wouldn’t. But would you chase some qt light skin? Of course you would.
No to both. Been there done that many times with both and would never do it again. Both are nasty
>Same logic applies to them. They would never even touch some average looking white dude, but the second a cute white boy glanced in their direction they melt like butter.
Sliding scale. The “cute white guy” threshold is far lower with black women because they are inherently low(est)-value in the dating game. If you want to find out why that is the hard way then go date a few black women

>> No.15346980

>“Cute” is relative
lmfao dude is that what they say when you ask if you're cute

>> No.15346988
File: 80 KB, 456x810, fatima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have chance bros?

>> No.15346991

>that attractive black woman is actually ugly, look here's a picture of a completely different black woman

>> No.15347060

Cope. Also, despite many experiences with mullatos/quadroons/octoroons, the best and hottest black woman I ever dated (by a long way) was a charcoal-black Nigerian girl. The second-best was a dark-skinned Bahamian. Even those two weren’t worth it at all but I now know why Africans and Afro-Caribbeans get so much hate from African-Americans. Crab-in-the-bucket mentality

>> No.15347378

zitto diocane

>> No.15347384

>t.white boi rejected by qt lightskin

>> No.15347386

sul serio

>> No.15347495


>> No.15347497


>> No.15347550

I lived in Atlanta for a few years and can weigh in on this. Two best tips i can give you OP is 1) don't "act black" 2) actively show interest in them. I'm not particularly attractive but the amount of attention i got just from being white in ATL was unreal. I think a lot of white guys don't date outside their race so when someone like me starts pursuing a non-white girl, it seems like i have a huge advantage. Just don't be aggressively ugly or autistic and you should have zero issues finding a black/asian/middleeastern girlfriend

>> No.15347556


Wildly uninformed

>> No.15347563

Post the nudes, anon

>> No.15347570

You're better off getting a fat black girl and helping her work out. Fat is temporary. She can be unanimously fuckable in 4 months. With a good personality, and eternally grateful to you

Girl in OP is white Stacy stereotype. Top bitch in high school (formative years). So that's how she relates to everything in life. Doesn't realize the popularity was because of her looks. Can't fathom she is not actually "chill af." Only seeks friendship with people "on her level," regardless of interests. Everything is constant drama and bullshit. Because that is what she excels at. To try and fail at anything else would hurt her ego. But that's the only way any woman develops a whole personality. Failing. Pretty girls just yell like retards when they're having fun, and pout like toddlers when they get in trouble. And some fucking how guys and authority figures let them just coast through life. Until... about age 28. But by then the damage is done. She has not developed any relationship skills or problem solving dialogue. Because Kim Kardashian and Cardi B didn't mention that on IG. The girl goes the opposite direction. She dates a roided up psycho, a drug dealer, or a military dude. Literally only those 3. Because the male doctors and lawyers ended up with the goody-two-shoes 5/10s and 6/10s.

If you're on this board your only hope for TRUE love is a 4/10. Either skinny and ugly, or pretty and fat. You can maybe FUCK girls like OP on your luckiest day. But they'll always be looking to trade up

>> No.15347572

>satan hoop earrings
What is wrong with people?

>> No.15347624

Or you can just find a pretty girl who became hot after high school and is still insecure and anxious about everything. I got myself what I would consider a 7.5/10 that will easily be a 8.5 or a solid 9 after I finish molding her. She's a rare breed though I have to admit, didn't kiss me until the 4th date.

>> No.15347872

the prettier they are the more they think they can get a white guy. The insecure ones (not as pretty, chubbier, etc) go for black dudes

>> No.15347962

You sound like a fat black girl

>> No.15347967

That girl is not a stacy, she looks like most of the mixed women I’ve seen and she’s not on the level of the truly hot ones

>> No.15348895
File: 138 KB, 750x563, E67D4F2B-F754-4F57-8FB2-C42EB0F60AD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ black gfs thread

>> No.15348901
File: 53 KB, 845x720, 0B57ADD0-242D-4388-9489-0A1BF96FD4EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15348987

Frightening to realize that white people are being genocided in SA but somehow 'art' like this is okay, and nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.15349097

so why settle for the normie then?

inb4 other faggots, nuur she's a thot and cheats on u blah blah.

>> No.15349145

niggers don't deserve black queens, they need someone who treats them right and fair

>> No.15349157

>I'm white btw
You don't need to dress any way at all, you just need to ask.

>> No.15349162

Mignotta d'assalto

>> No.15349175

zio paperone

>> No.15349193


Im thinking he’s based

>> No.15349235

ok seething black incel

>> No.15349264
File: 1.25 MB, 826x988, 1587545983840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a man dress relatively conservatively in boiling hot weather without dying of heat stroke or being a tryhard larper?

I love my sweaters all year round but I can't handle it now, I barely have any shorts is there even a light material type of trousers that don't look gay aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

>> No.15350614

>Men itt arguing about who women of a certain race belong to
Men are trash

>> No.15350627
File: 28 KB, 659x659, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress like This yuoue will Get all the bitches Urkell Ya Smell me !! Listennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ?
and Take It To The Heaeaaaaaaeaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad ?? . . .
Ight blood Gang out Rockkkkketmane 8=================================D

>> No.15350633
File: 90 KB, 640x360, 1527267116490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15350661

Isn’t this from a film?

>> No.15350669

>white people are being genocided in SA
Strange bro, never once been attacked in my life and I’m white.

>> No.15350706

>"White people fuck"


>> No.15351206

lightweight cardigans
lyocell/linen shirts
lyocell/linen/sateen/lightweight canvas pants

>> No.15351481

Lmfaoooo. Black people call those types art-hoes and bed-wenches for a reason...

>> No.15351493

I wonder if this poor woman knows she’s all of 4chan and being torn to pieces - all bc of her association with that fat Mexican ??

>> No.15351533
File: 315 KB, 1200x828, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15351537

not even a resemblence

>> No.15351550

I didn't post this image to 4chan...

Why do you hate men?

>> No.15351570

Be fit black girls love big white guys
Blue eyes is a huge plus
Wardrobe should be a combination of SEX, urban and formal

>> No.15353451



>> No.15353527


>> No.15353529

>t. literal nigger

>> No.15354119

anyone who thinks the civil war was fought over the morality of slavery is retarded

>> No.15355172

You're probably hard af after posting this.

>> No.15356278

One of you is lying. Either she's hot and does realize it. Or you're exaggerating on the internet

>> No.15356292

I've hooked up with some. The only black girl I've dated was an 8/10 darkskin single mom from NYC who likes anime and manga, but isn't weird about it. Black Americanized girls from NYC are incredible. Black "island" bitches (Haiti, Trinidad, Jamaica, etc) and most black guys from NYC are fucking insufferable

>> No.15356305

STFU roastie you mad because no one wants to dick you anymore

>> No.15356332

She is objectively hot. But women don't realize their looks and pussy don't count more than personality until like 40, if ever. They wonder why their boyfriends don't tolerate their shit. Like "I'm the hottest bitch *I* know, so it must be him that's crazy." Under all the mindgames, that's how they really think. That's why they will never give anon a chance. They know their personality is shit, and they can smell Taiwanese breakfast plates imageboard on you. They can take Chad rejecting them. But not you.

>> No.15356347
File: 72 KB, 540x675, 540full-eden-fines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer me an Eden Fines

>> No.15356370

and she will never know who you are

>> No.15356579

Money? Isn’t she a prostitute?

>> No.15356777

black girls with naturals don't date attractive white men. they date hunky black men or white twinks.

>> No.15356778

ok fat black girl

>> No.15356779


>> No.15356800

thanks for the laugh anon
Check your facts. its kind of true. Non ghetto black girls like white guys.

Her face literally looks like the sun... So pretty

>> No.15356843

Yes but you can also see this primal insatiable lust in white women, they love to be ravaged by the animal savage BBC, they see the physical strength and superiority of the virile African BVLL compared to the scrawny weak wimpy soi wh*te cuck who even begs for his women to take this gift Himself. The cucks themselves even beg to be filled with this powerful black primal seed.

You don't see this behavior with black men wanting wh*tes to cuck them with their women. So you be the judge.

>> No.15357014

Only if you speak Spanish. But get that dubs it's a good start

>> No.15357018
File: 73 KB, 1080x1349, 1555078408097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15357919

Lol at this delusional cope. Try going outside every once in a while. Black dudes only get the fat ugly whore leftovers that no white man would accept and even they are a huge step up for the lowly pavement ape