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File: 101 KB, 1500x1118, toxic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15317816 No.15317816 [Reply] [Original]

Based on advice here , I bought a DE razor on amazon for six bucks last month.
It even came with blades.
I have been getting better shaves and the razor does not get clogged with hair.
Honestly guys, stop giving money to these horrible disposable razor companies, this is cheaper and better.

>> No.15317820


>> No.15317842

> Stop giving razor companies money

> Buy these razors instead

>> No.15317847

Yeah that’s how it works you fat retard.

>> No.15317848

It ends up being pennys a month though anon compared to all the money I used to spend on cartridges its much better.
I honestly dont know why we had to go with multi blade razors , it was a mistake .

>> No.15317858

TIL companies that make razors aren't razor companies

>> No.15317864

Not him but they are at least not huge companies that fucking hate men.
They are mostly japanese, indian and russian.
I will give money to the godless russians before I give one more red cent to the woke faggots at gillette

>> No.15318016

You have to pick your battles anon. I cant make razor blades at home out of tin can lids

>> No.15318056

How do I differentiate the morally good and the morally bad coprate razor entities?

The answer is they're all the same ..

>> No.15318111

I switched to a DE but I still buy Gillette shaving cream and Gillette razor blades

>> No.15318118

why you will do that?

>> No.15318159

Shill thread? Or shill thread?

>> No.15318164

You're being deliberately obtuse you old sack of shit.
How many razor companies sell you a 3 pack of 5-blade cartridge heads for $30? The answer is like two of them.

>> No.15318335

>derby razors
ugh I hate these fuckers and it's all I have at the moment
gilette platinum have been best for me

>> No.15318773

>Honestly guys, stop giving money to these horrible disposable razor companies, this is cheaper and better.

what the fuck do you mean? THEY'RE THE VERY SAME COMPANIES.
at least for the most part.

and no, my shaves haven't been better with retarded boomer razors. Disposables are still better.

>I honestly dont know why we had to go with multi blade razors , it was a mistake .

it gets the job done faster and is less of a hassle without needing 4 passes to scrape hair off because that shitty one blade didn't catch it the first time. those are obvious advantages.

>> No.15318787

>How many razor companies sell you a 3 pack of 5-blade cartridge heads for $30?

I only know of gillette and even I find that proglide fusion ball shit razor ridiculous. you could just buy Bic Flex razors and get away pretty cheap. I really like Bic razors recently. Even Wilkinson S. razors can be cheap. it doesn't need to be a Hydro 5 Sense.

>> No.15318800

>$6 china copies

Glad you discovered DE, op, but your a faggot. Eat shit.

>> No.15318982

>gets the job done faster and is less of a hassle without needing 4 passes to scrape hair off because that shitty one blade didn't catch it the first time. those are obvious advantages.
This is all false, i can tell you have never shaved with a de

>> No.15318999

You can buy world war 2 German surplus razors for pretty cheap still.

>> No.15319039

>huge companies that fucking hate men
So, Gillette
So, Sputnik

Anon, Sputnik brand is literally owned by Gillette

>> No.15319051

Been shaving with a razor for years now and I'm never going back

>> No.15319068

How are Derby razors? I got some free ones but I've been using persona razors for a few years and think they're really good already, and they're made in the US rather than next to some toxic sludge factory in china

>> No.15319070

>Disposables are still better.
>>t. 16 year old zoomer with peachfuzz.

>> No.15319202
File: 77 KB, 980x392, Razor-Blade-Ranking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sputnik brand is literally owned by Gillette
This is my biggest fear.
I go way out of my way to not buy gillette products but how can I tell what else they own?
Is there a list somewhere on the interwebs?

>> No.15319263

Just look up a brand and if see if it’s parent company is Proctor & Gamble

>> No.15319281
File: 45 KB, 364x256, 2729EEE9-24CA-4493-B7B5-BABCF866D242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see we have another Pitt-pill’t individual present

>> No.15319321

Blades can be very different in different razors also sometimes sharper blade better than mild

>> No.15319332
File: 611 KB, 2400x1507, 77d55a98dc7748d4ad74a34d38edd1ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I have bad news for you.
If you start hating on brands you cut out half the market

>> No.15320120

90 percent of the products in that jpeg are fucking garbage I would never ever buy anyway

>> No.15320235


>> No.15320386

>had a big pack of sample razors
>derby was always the shitty one

Wow now i know why. I liked Shark and Astra, im going to try feather

>> No.15320394

Those Wilkinson swords are p legit

Nice soft in-between

>> No.15320708

>This is all false, i can tell you have never shaved with a de

I have two lying around at home. And don't tell me to buy feather blades because if all the other companies don't make good blades then it probably isn't about the blades.

>> No.15320758


It’s the user m8

>> No.15321339

>And don't tell me to buy feather blades because if all the other companies don't make good blades then it probably isn't about the blades.

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.15321364

the truth

>> No.15321458

Fat retard

>> No.15321687

ur a fat retard

>> No.15321726

You redditors made shaving yet another embarrassing soi boy hobby next to craft beer and hot sauce collections

>> No.15321850
File: 160 KB, 693x296, 1586547044743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it so gay to like stuff?

>> No.15321950

What’s more embarrassing is letting other’s preconceptions stopping you from enjoying something

>> No.15321954

t. wasteful slobbish neckbeard

>> No.15322064

Partly related - about straight razors - why is plebbit & co so full of the idea that you need to be a fucking wizard to hone one? "Don't try, pay a pro to do it".

I honed some with zero issue, stropped them, shave with them - superbly cheap, close shave, pleasant.

Are people into wet shaving that inept at tools? I mean, some - but all of them?

I sharpen a bunch of things myself - knives, chisels, plane irons, saws - while this need a keener edge & probably doesn't need to be started at grit 400 or something - it is actually easier, the spine guides you, no need to freehand even.

What am I missing?

>> No.15322094

Plebbitors do not actually experience anything themselves. They deal only in hearsay. Like a game of telephone, they’ve gone from “slightly tricky to do” to “only possible by the most skilled man in the world”.

>> No.15322098

I think most "subcultures" particularly on a place like Reddit become anal retentive

>> No.15322153

Not even just reddit, some wet shaving forums were the same.

Are people in general so removed from maintaining their stuff? I mean, a blade is a blade is a blade.

Also goes for stuff like "you're not sharpening the blade with the strop, you're aligning it" - which is horseshit to anyone who has ever sharpened anything.

And these people will at the same time preach like they're the ones looking beyond repeated misconceptions.

Honestly, it isn't that difficult to hone a straight, nor to shave with one, and the expensive DE holders seem especially autistic to me - a fancy holder for the disposable thing you actually use.

>> No.15322320

>I sharpen a bunch of things myself - knives, chisels, plane irons, saws
Do you do these well? Most people dont.
Most americans cant sharpen a goddamn kitchen knife much less a plane iron or a good quality chisel . They just cant get general concept. I finally stopped trying to teach employees how to sharpen shit and I do it myself while I watch tv or just send stuff out to a local pro.

>> No.15322375

Safety razors are incredibly based and just as easy to use as the shitty disposable razors that everyone uses. Every normie I try to convert is terrified of them though. When I bought one as a teenager, my dad was convinced that I was going to cut myself to shit. I'd say it's slightly easier to give yourself razor burn if you shave wrong, but it's just as easy to cut yourself as with a cartridge razor. The next step is a straight razor, but I know how faggy it makes me look to own one, so I always hide it when I have people over. It really is unparalleled in how close you can get with such ease.

>> No.15322636

just be yourself

>> No.15322647

Are you honestly being pious about sharpening shit?

JFC, it's not hard. Most people can sharpen unserrated pocket knives, axes, chisels, bayonets.

Most Americans don't sharpen kitchen knives because they buy micro sweater knives from Walmart for $1.75 each not worth the effort

>> No.15322726

>Most people can sharpen
They cant though, and I am a blue collar guy in an industry where shit needs to be sharpened all the time.
They do not have the patients and attention to detail enough to maintain a decent angle.
The guy who trained me used a microscope to show me where I was going wrong and I kept one at the sharpening station when I had one that I THOUGHT would get used .
The fucking guys use it to look at bugs and stupid shit they find in the parking lot

>> No.15322931

who sharpens shit at a kitchen

>> No.15322945

>blue collar

that's because blue collar wage cucs do the bare minimum in life

hence they're blue collar wage cucks and never imprve

>> No.15323563

Retard alert

>> No.15323855

I like to think I manage okay, buddy, and I am very much not American. Did visit, lovely country, though. My setup isn't anything fancy, some diamond plates for the chisels & plane irons, used with window liquid. Strop on some leather from my granddads closet with some fine stropping compound. Does me okay, work mostly with ash & pine, as they're local.

And I don't doubt most people don't sharpen shit - I can tell from the knives they have in their kitchen. Just that I would expect "some" people who wet shave to do it - seems like a more diy way to shave, so overlap on interests. That's what got me interested anyhow.

Whereas the "community" in fact seems to be sad weirdos whose only identity is their collection of (probably rancid at this point) shaving creams with hipster labels & the 5 shiny DE razors at 150 a pop - which provide zero function whatever you pay for them.

Basically the male equivalent of the women with those 40 almost-empty bottles of makeup or parfume that take up the entire countertop.

Which is the lamest direction to take a thing.

>> No.15323930
File: 5 KB, 128x110, 627676851006996481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tighten top of DE handle
>it fucking snaps
wilkinsons blades are nice but their plastic handles are trash.

>> No.15323953

One of many websites that took 5 seconds of googling friend

>> No.15323979

what? why are you buying a plastic DE

>> No.15323981

£5 with a 10 pack of blades from my local shop

>> No.15323984

anything reddit like that, fountain pens, journals, razors, some people even collect dumbass obsolete gaming consoles and apple branded obsolete elctronics

whatever if they want to landfill up their homes fuck it

>> No.15323985

you know metal DE's are a dollar right?

>> No.15323993

im not in the US, DE razor blade shaving is basically only a hipster and a granddad thing here so i have to go to the local granddad store where they cater to pensioners. the cheapest metal DE handle ive seen in person is £35 and looks like shit.

>> No.15324040

thoughts on this?

it appears to be the same handle recommended on reddit by people whove talked about chinese DE handles before.

>> No.15324058
File: 369 KB, 512x346, Gillette-Super-Speed.-Red-Tip-Flare-Tip-Blue-Tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a vintage Gillette on eBay. Some models go for next to nothing and will last a lifetime or two.
My superspeed is older than my grandparents and still looks great.

It looks cheap as hell, and the knurling looks like a joke.

>> No.15324062
File: 228 KB, 512x343, Wilkinson-Sword-Classic-Double-Edged-Razor-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre not cheap in the UK, all the ones ive seen are almost as pricey as new ones.

any suggestions? bear in mind im using this atm

>> No.15324074

You need to learn a bit about vintage razors to identify interesting models. Some sellers don't know what they are selling,

If you don't want to bother, here is a superspeed for 33£.
You need to clean it and it's not exactly cheap, but you won't find this build quality in a modern razor at this price.

Or a damn Slim for 32£:

>> No.15324079

thats more than i can justify at the moment. right now i need something cheap to keep my face smooth, and nothing more. if it comes to it ill just buy another plastic handle for £5.

>> No.15324099

I'd say at least have fun and pick a QShave Merkur Futur clone on Aliexpress for 5£.
Yintals looks decent too.

>> No.15324152

>QShave Merkur Futur clone
why that in particular? those things look like they have terrible grip.

>> No.15324177

For the transgressive fun of using a clone.
But it's supposed to be very aggressive, so actually don't do that if you're not sure of what you want.

No one will praise a 5£ razor, but you can afford what you can afford. I doubt that flea markets are open in the UK this year, so it's not like you have a ton of choice. Your eBay chinese razor will be decent.

>> No.15324186

isnt it adjustable though? if thats the case then cant i adjust the level of aggression in the shave.

the futur clones are a little more expensive at pushing £10 on average. there are some cheap futur clones but given prior experience with aliexpress im inclined to pay a little more for the brand thats got a good reputation. at the end of the day, i just want a half decent comfortable shave, and the thread not to break. im sure the western made razor heads are better but as long as its good enough i can put up with a cheap one, its just a case of if its at least as good as my cheap plastic wilkinson handles.

>> No.15324266

fuck it, bought the chinky razor. heres hoping in a months time ill have a proper shave again.

>> No.15324278

> Edwin Jagger DE89 made in Sheffield, England
> BIC Astor blades made in Athens, Greece
> Taylor of Old Bond Street Avocado Shave Cream made in England
Nuff said

>> No.15325052

>Nuff said
you must be a boomer

>> No.15325171

Any advice on non-hipster lines of shaving items? Proraso & Mühle are what I'm familiar with right now.

By hipster I mean "weird name, kitch label, black package, 200% markup".

>> No.15325193

Razorock has a ton of choice and they are good enough for me.
Nivea's after shave has done miracles for my skin.

>> No.15325538
File: 273 KB, 1456x1103, 1556689446201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proraso & Mühle are what I'm familiar with right now.
What more do you need than that?
Some good blades then stop shopping anon.
Seems like you are more of a shopper than a shaver

>> No.15325552

this is my favorite one, aesthetic wise

>> No.15325878

You dont like the classic antique looking ones?

>> No.15325887

thank you for this anon. i started shaving once upon a time with feathers and wondered why i was hacking my fucking skin up into a bloody mess, until i bought an assorted grab-bag of blades from bezos and discovered i need to be in that astra-shark range

also OP is correct, spending unnecessary money on grooming is for fags

>> No.15326045

Redditors are hobby-collectors. They want the basest level of investment in a gear-based hobby at which point they can add it to their "portfolio". This usually involves buying the right things: eg. a seiko 5 watch, red wing boots, uniqlo button down at which point they can say they're done. If this is your relationship to the hobby, questioning the received wisdom is too much effort - you're already on track to gearing up for your next subreddit scout badge.

>> No.15326070

>Not him but they are at least not huge companies that fucking hate men.
i'd bet money whatever razors you buy are gillette. they bought out a ton of foreign manufacturers.

unless you're using feathers, in which case cool but you're not saving money, those blades are pricey.

>> No.15326098

you can also buy the "River Lake" brand merkur futur clone. it's probably the same thing. although that one comes with a leather sleeve. very nice.

although I don't recommend that razor simply because chink razors come scratched somewhere. I have a shitty scratch on the top of mine. so I figure it won't be different with Qshave ones. it performs well enough though. still better than buying a 80 bucks original that works just the same.

>> No.15326108

>its just a case of if its at least as good as my cheap plastic wilkinson handles

I'm sorta pissed because I bought the WS Classic safety razor and I liked it but since it's shitty plastic the screw from the top broke off and now the mechanism can't shut the razor no more. that's why it's good to invest in a full metal razor. the WS vintage one they sell with a butterfly open mechanism is kinda neat. nice grip too but it won't have blade adjusting like the merkur futur and it clones has

>> No.15326117

>BIC Astor blades made in Athens, Greece

I like Bic products and those surely aren't bought out by Gillette.

>> No.15326120

>terrible grip

I own one and I gotta say that you won't notice anything.

>> No.15326137

De shaving is great, it stops my razer burn, is cheaper and can chop through my thick hair in a single pass

>> No.15326347

Don't worry about me, buddy, I've currently got one half-empty bottle of Nivea aftershave & two soaps. Let the collectors play on plebbit.

>> No.15326507

My advice is to just get an electric foil razor. Wet shaving is just overcomplicating something as trivial as shaving.

>> No.15326563

exact same thing happened to me, gutted because its a nice enough handle for the money.

good to know, cheers

eh, i just want a good shave.

as someone with some nasty ingrowns because of that horrid little device, no.

>> No.15326859

OP says he is very happy with the DE. Sounds like he was not looking for any advice at all

>> No.15327268

What's complicated about putting foam on your face and shaving with a razor? Fucking zoomers I swear

>> No.15327269
File: 474 KB, 639x847, 1567262403211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DE razors should never have been replaced . They were always better

>> No.15328372

shaving bump

>> No.15328381

Most people who switch to DE shaving also switch to using shaving soap which is a complication

>> No.15328755
File: 272 KB, 852x1136, 1587735657368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But thats only because soap is better than shave cream with no brush .
You can still shave better with a DE and canned foam than with a cartridge razor

>> No.15328789

I have sensitive skin and I was getting some bad razor burn with the blades that came in the kit I bought. I got myself some feather razor blades and it has made the world of difference. If you aren't happy with the results you're getting try switching razors around to find one that agrees with you.

>> No.15329386


>> No.15329683
File: 21 KB, 600x525, essex (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be a fuckin wanka then

>> No.15330178


>> No.15331059
File: 153 KB, 1500x1500, 71pMP9Ox2LL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might take the plunge

>> No.15331670

The official Tinder razor.

>> No.15331677

Yeah i bought a pack of a Wilkinson shaver with 10 blades, that face broom thing and shaving soap for 20 bucks. I'm pretty happy with it it honestly works better for me than disposables. Pretty happy with it. Full on metal aswell.

>> No.15331686

that shit fucks me up bro i'd rather just use disposables with care

>> No.15331824

nicely done, anon. the plastic wilkinson was my intro to DE shaving.

>> No.15332463


>> No.15332499

Check the O on POPULAR

>> No.15332552


>> No.15332555

you need help

>> No.15333125

>hey you don't have to be racist and don't have to rape women, and society might even be a little better if you didn't

>> No.15333315

I really fucking love shaving with a straight razor, feels clean & fresh. Never had that with a cartridge, which I used for over 10 years.

It's not always a perfect shave, though moreso is than isn't, but it is always gratifying. Also, using a brush has made me appreciate that I have a rather nice neck.

>> No.15333687

That commercial showed a guy that was going to go talk to a women not rape her.
What are you on about?

>> No.15333692

this is a good one for beginners

>> No.15334114

and less than 20 bucks on amazon

>> No.15334267

>stop buying a shit expensive product
>buy a cheap one instead

>> No.15334284

> just get a used razor theres no problem with that and its not gross as fuck

>> No.15334550
File: 1.99 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20200620_120007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This safety razor hype is so fucking cringe. Yes Gillette razors are more expensive but you get a much better shave out of them. Safety razors are garbage no matter what kind of blade you use. Get yourself together and buy a Gillette you fucking soiboi.

>> No.15334552
File: 136 KB, 304x285, 103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bait

>> No.15334583

Doesn't matter surely. Its a fairly simple design, 3 pieces of casted metal.

>> No.15334651

>but you get a much better shave out of them

>> No.15334669

>shilling for muh toxic masculinity brand
>not a basedboy

>> No.15335603

>stop buying an overpriced, bad product
>start buying a cheaper, higher quality product
you're really stupid.

>> No.15335631

Ignore sieg. He is retarded and doesn't know how to shave.

>> No.15335896

I heard he shaves his snatch real good

>> No.15335971
File: 97 KB, 1250x1140, phillips_one_blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree. I fell for this meme and kept cutting myself. I would try to convince myself that I'm just retarded and need to learn some manly skill, but after months of cutting myself. I said fuck it and got a Phillips One Blade. Holy shit this thing rules!

>> No.15336040

Indeed it's not gross.
I clean them meticulously and use a disinfectant borrowed in a microbiology lab. If it's good enough for a research lab, it's good enough for me.

>> No.15336045

I shave my head and have yet to master using one of these for that.
If I didn't grow a beard I'd be using it for my face.

>> No.15336110

so I ordered a safety razor but I'm wondering, is shaving your chin with one of these hard?

>> No.15336245

Not a chinlet but I've found shaving the area around my Adams apple/lower neck more difficult than my chin area.

>> No.15336440

whipsy beard detected

>> No.15336469

>I would try to convince myself that I'm just retarded
Well you weren’t wrong

>> No.15336492

>but after months of cutting myself. I said fuck it
Did you even try to figure out what you were doing wrong you did you just assume you would get better with time?

>> No.15336611

I bought a nice one and a nice electric trimmer. I hardly ever shave but they were both great investments.

>> No.15337485

Why do you need both? A DE razor can shave off a full beard with trimming at all

>> No.15338292

shaving bump

>> No.15338303

I don't shave, period. I only trim and usually pretty long trims. It's only there to clean up my neck when my beard isn't as long (aka summer)

>> No.15338306 [DELETED] 

>why is a hugbox echochamber of pure, unadulterated autism completely adept of any and every physical skill

gee i wonder why. and yes, autists from reddit should absolutely be paying pros to do it because their autism is so abundant and blatant there is 0% chance they could learn to hone a straight edge.

>> No.15338309
File: 171 KB, 514x513, cutyourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone use this kind of razor here?i know they're good for line ups but how are they for a full shave?

>> No.15338319

>why is a hugbox echochamber of pure, unadulterated autism completely devoid of any and every physical skill

gee i wonder why. and yes, autists from reddit should absolutely be paying pros to do it because their autism is so abundant and blatant there is 0% chance they could learn to hone a straight edge.

>> No.15338322

>bro you gotta try this harry's razors shit
>only like $16 for 3 cartridges!!

meanwhile i use a safety razor with feather blades that are less than 40 cents each

>> No.15338332

>harry's has 5 blades and conditioning strip
>5 feather blades is $2 and no conditioning strip or handle, not to mention the lost time for having to prepare your face and take longer to do each pass AND be forced to make multiple passes

one of these options is autistic.

>> No.15338342

You don’t need a fucking conditioning strip lol. Feather blades are still cheaper in the long run. You can get it done in 10 minutes. No matter what you’re shaving with, you’ll have to do multiple passes if you want to be clean shaven. One pass with a feather blade can be close enough for most people.

>> No.15338364

im not a werewolf, i do one pass with my safety razor and im babyfaced

you sound like a good goy falling for the 5 blade + conditioning stripe marketing, maybe you're just a dumb woman?

>> No.15338397

>i don't need to shave, ur a joo women kek
maybe you're not qualified to have this discussion, you don't need to shave little boy.

>> No.15338409

>Honestly guys, stop giving money to these horrible disposable razor companies, this is cheaper and better.
You're right that DE razors are cheaper and better than anything short of an experienced man with a freshly sharpened straight-razor.
BUT buying Derby as depicted is equivalent of buying Gillette. Not just is it mediocre quality, but it is literally owned by Gillette.

Buy something decent like Wilkinson, or if you're experinced something great like Feather.

>> No.15338423
File: 112 KB, 737x648, Screen Shot 2020-06-21 at 3.07.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't buy Derby, it's literally owned by Gillette
>Buy something decent like Wilkinson,
also owned by Gillette dumbass

>> No.15338433

>The fucking guys use it to look at bugs and stupid shit they find in the parking lot
absolutely based

>> No.15338448

Literally the next sentence it reads that Gillette sold it's stake only 3 years later in 1992.
Can I have your email? It'd be nice to have a place to ask for expert advice if I ever wanted to look like a retard.

>> No.15338587


>> No.15338625

Straight edge with replaceable blades require even more effort than a safety razor. They turn out the best shaves for those willing to put in the time and effort, but they're often too much for all but the most dedicated.

>> No.15338636
File: 5 KB, 325x327, 1453425518456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>removing the one fucking advantage of a straight razor

>> No.15338643

Is the advantage that you can just sharpen it and not have to use anything disposable? I think for barbers this still makes perfect sense, new perfectly sharp blade for every customer and you don't have to worry about sharpening and hygiene.

>> No.15338649

got any tips for knife sharpening? i got a 1000/6000 grit whetstone to try and maintain my knives at home and while its better than the shitty sharpening tools you can get at stores its hardly as good as it was when it was new, nor is it as good as ive seen a lot of youtube guys get their knives.

>> No.15338652

yes, thats the idea. on the flip side if you are eliminating the one advantage it has over a DE razor.

>> No.15338663

>How do I differentiate the morally good and the morally bad coprate razor entities?
Boycott companies who support white genocide.

>> No.15340350

>got any tips for knife sharpening? i got a 1000/6000 grit whetstone

Thats not enough , that is only part of a sharpening system.
I prefer to use the "scary sharp" method because its cheap and very effective. I also have a power strop for touching up and that keeps things sharp for ages and ages.

>> No.15340441

what else should i be doing?

>> No.15340765

Way to much for me to explain here .
Google scary sharp method and watch a few vids

>> No.15341757
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>> No.15341934

that looks sweet
what is it called?

>> No.15342860


>> No.15342870

Is getting a razor a natural progression towards being based?

>> No.15342892

>cutting up your face and neck just so you can look cool on the internet
Nah, I have more confidence than that

>> No.15342950

I never cut my face anon, you just need a steady hand

>> No.15342955


>tfw i have a thousand oack of derbys.

Life is suffering


It's not a hobby. You spend 20$ that'll last you the rest of your life.

>> No.15342958

>buy a Gillette you fucking soiboi

I take you're working there.

>> No.15342965

>man falls for conditioning strip meme
Holy shit, I didn't think anyone like you existed.

>> No.15343195

I spent $15 for a DE razor and $20 on packs of razor blades 3 years ago. Other than shaving cream which is ~$2 every 3 months, I haven't spent anything else on shaving.

For context, I shave every other day.

>> No.15343550

I have invested less than 20 dollars and it looks like I will not have to spend anymore money for many years.

>> No.15343567

i shave every day if i'm not sporting a full beard think again

>> No.15343621

I have a beard and just shave my neck. I've tried 3 types of blades recommended here, a razor recommended here, and several shave soaps. I've watched many youtube videos and read many articles. No matter WHAT, my shit bleeds. No matter how careful I am, no matter how many times I've practiced. Either I have the most bitch skin possible, or all of you safety-razor br0s are purposely omitting the fact that you cut yourself too. I really wanted to make this shit work.

>> No.15343628

Do you shave yourself in a rush? I don't usually cut myself with a razor but today i cut myself twice because i was trying to be fast.

>> No.15343674

I've tried slow, fast, with the grain, against the grain, everything. I wonder if some people just don't have the skin for it.

>> No.15343724

have you tried applying next to no pressure on it?

>> No.15343735

but then he would remove next to nothing. unless he really uses feather blades which seem to be the holy grail in the shaving community.
I'm not an advocate for safety razors btw. I just faced similar problems with them.

>> No.15343951

Even with the dullest most shitty blades you shouldn’t be applying pressure. No wonder you kept cutting your face up.

>> No.15344034

That was a different guy. I have certainly used zero pressure and still been cut to shreds.

>> No.15345277

Have you tried short stubby strokes?
Have you tried blades that are less sharp? I know I cant shave with a feather or persona but other duller blades like treets work great for me
Short stubby fast strokes

>> No.15345293

I do not buy any of these brands considering they are garbage, unhealthy, environment destroying, junk. They also fund terrible groups who will destroy good people in other countries.

Boycott with your dollar, forever.

>> No.15345298

I bought this and love it. I shaves body and face without ever nicking. This thing is the best.

>> No.15345306

The Phillips One Blade is all I use, for everything related to hair on my entire existence. You are right. It is the best.

>> No.15345308

It looks even better in person. It's small and looks simple. The coloring is also best in person.

>> No.15345317

you don't buy a single product from any of them? not even toothpaste or detergent??

you must live off the land, shit is harder than being a vegan

>> No.15345402

Toothpaste is a waste of money. I just use baking soda to brush. I also use only use baking soda to wash my clothing. The problem with those brands is that they all contain harmful ingredients, so avoiding them is necessary. The reality is, it's quite easy to avoid them. For example, there is no need for a laundry detergent market once you look into how the mechanics of washing clothes works. So you replace all that junk. Look into the ways of the past. The 1950's has really imprinted on us in the US. Look before the Great Depression. I also only eat plant based and never eat out (not salt or oil). It really is not hard, it just requires a mental adjustment. We get accustomed to things without ever asking. I do smoke cigarettes sometimes. Maybe that's in the diagram (looks like mostly food and hygiene products).

>> No.15345404

baking soda is too abrasive to use more than once a week. it will fuck teh enamel

>> No.15345415
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Baking soda is softer than the material it is exposed to, therefore it's not very abrasive. However, other toothpastes on the market are.

>> No.15345421

interesting, thanks

>> No.15345429

No problem! I thought as well that it was very abrasive. I was relieved to find it wasn't after I was worried I harmed my enamel. Come to find out, sodium fluoride (industrial material, not to be confused with natural fluoride) can erode developing enamel in children. That's why my teeth have markings on them. I used to live in an area where it was used a great deal in the municipal water. I think they lowered the levels now.

>> No.15346281

>The problem with those brands is that they all contain harmful ingredients
>I do smoke cigarettes sometimes
fuck you might be the dumbest mother fucker alive

>> No.15346321

Brought to you buy Phillips One Blade ™

>> No.15347263

Damn it use the sensadine ;_;

>> No.15348116


>> No.15348225

>tfw sensodyne pronamel chad

>> No.15348261

Holy based

>> No.15348657

The cigarettes I smoke also are of organic tobacco plants. I order whole dried leaves online and roll with natural rolling papers.

The smoke is the only harmful thing (causes cancers, etc). Nicotine is the equivalent of caffeine.

Nothing I have said invalidates my words simply because I contradict with my actions on occasion with a cigarette.

In other words, you're the actual idiot when reply to me like that so harshly and without much effort.

>> No.15348835

Is there much difference between a straight razor that uses disposable blades and a cut throat razor?

>> No.15349254

Do you understand that's meaningless?

>> No.15349743


>> No.15349885

Yes, one is gay, the other meanwhile is gay.

Though honestly - get a straight razor, they're fun.

>> No.15350162

>Yes, one is gay, the other meanwhile is gay.

So shaving razors are like the two wolves that lives inside of me?

>> No.15350353

I'm very pleased you got where I was going with this.

I switched from cartridges to a regular straight razor & am very pleased. Also gay.

>> No.15350356

motherfucker if you use a fresh feather or astra blade it's two passes, no matter how coarse your beard hair is
shut your ass up

>> No.15351924

anon who bought the imitation merkur adjustable chink razor here, its actually not half bad compared to my old razor. granted, my dumb ass got the settings the wrong way around and shaved on the roughest setting which means my neck is sore and a little red, but when i moved down to my chest and used numbers 1 and 3 i got a pretty damn good shave from it.

>> No.15352033

Bong here. I'm looking for some soap and a brush preferably not chinkshit and not made by Gilete or any other big companies. Any recs? the cheaper the better.

>> No.15352173
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Cheaper means china.
You could get the plastic feather thats made in japan but that is still kind of chinkey in the eyes.

>> No.15352470

What's a good de razor to get?

>> No.15352745

alright maybe I don't want super cheap. I'd like it to be badger hair at least. There's lot's of cheap badger hair brushes but I don't want to get conned.

>> No.15352763

Try Executive Shaving for badger brushes, they have a sale on. For soaps try Taylor of Old Bond Street, Cella, Proraso

>> No.15352788

I actually prefer a high end synthetic as do many. Badger and boar smell funny and do not perform any better

>> No.15352805

Executive shaving has a few for sale, I'm looking into those. I'm looking at your soap recs too. Thanks.
Really? I know that some people prefer synthetic but I thought badger hair was still the gold standard for most. If I got synthetic, what should I look out for?

>> No.15353082

First figure out what knot size you want. I like a small knot because I feel I waste less soap that way and it only takes like two seconds longer to get my face fully lathered.
After that I would just find a cheaper one that has nice ratings on amazon.
In truth , right now I am using a small boar brush because I left my synthetic in a hotel room a while back.
It really does not make a huge difference which brush you use.

>> No.15353106

Hmm alright I'll look into it. Thanks.

>> No.15353160

>Badger and boar smell funny
My badger only smelt bad for a week and now it's fine, just smells of soap/neutral

>> No.15353323

Edwin Jagger DE89 with a knurled or lined handle

>> No.15353694

astra is by far the best i have ever used

>> No.15353726
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>not even toothpaste or detergent??

>> No.15354042

thats true enough. my old boar brush is vintage and it does not really smell much. I still prefer a synthetic though.

>> No.15354853

owned by gillette

>> No.15354898

A steel re-aligns the burr (although many are also abrasive).

What a strop does is reduce the sharpness of the blade at the very tip, but by doing so, dramatically increases the keenness, it will also remove any foil that might form from sharpening on a fine stone.

>> No.15354923

i dont fucking care retard that has nothing to do with the quality of the razor

>> No.15355007

>i dont fucking care
wow anon
just wow

>> No.15355016

guy who bought the chinky merkur futur clone here, cut myself shaving today when i ever so slightly lost my grip on the handle. im thinking maybe stick some rubber on it or something to make it more grippy?

>> No.15355067

i'm sorry

>> No.15355339
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Ok anon I certainly have to accept a heartfelt apology.

>> No.15355426
File: 165 KB, 1296x730, whoopi_goldberg_the_view_return-publicity-h_2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything more rage inducing than The View? Joy Behar looks like a typical witch they used to burn.

>> No.15355430
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also, Canadian version, The Social, a mix of hardcore blue-pilling and the shallowest entertainment discussions
the black one is the least insufferable

>> No.15355439 [DELETED] 

militant bluepilling mixed with entertainment discussions

>> No.15355445
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Militant bluepilling intermixed with discussions of the entertainment news.

>> No.15355450

Only real answer here
Japanese kamisori straight razor
I have a Swedish steel iwasaki myself because his kid doesn’t do tamahagane anymore.
Best option. Great shave. You don’t depend on corporations and you learn how to maintain a tool. Great life skills.

>> No.15355559
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>> No.15355763

Weeb faggot

>> No.15356030
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You spent this much on a razor?

>> No.15356042

Just buy a Philips Oneblade. A blade lasts like 4 months and it's extremely close to a razor.

>> No.15356053

Just think of all the death, misery and immense suffering represented by these bright colours. Also never knew that Monster was coca cola lol.

>> No.15356101 [DELETED] 

How can the chinkey eyes justify those kind of prices? What the WTF??

>> No.15356124
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Silly gaijin pay hundreds of dollars for small piece of fish on rice

>> No.15356165
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After trying many brands of soap, this is the one that works the best with my water by far.
If anyone is struggling to get a good lather, check this one out
Not a shill btw, just trying to be helpful

>> No.15356493

Best safety razor for shaving my nuts/cornhole?

>> No.15357055

That doesn't sound too safe.

>> No.15357512

I hate mine. Working my way through a 100-pack...

>> No.15357540

Straight razors are mor comfortable I find.

>> No.15357558

No. I saw that one though. No idea what the difference is. Mine was $400 at fendrihan

>> No.15357833

Don't shave your asshole hairs, you need those hairs.

>> No.15357854


>> No.15357870
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>> No.15357912

the nip nongs do well enough without them, shaving your arsehole is fine

dont, for that are nothing is better than a small disposable so you can get in the crevices easily.

>> No.15357917

it's shilled here very hard

>> No.15357992

Should I stay with beard, guys?

>> No.15357996
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Forgot the image

>> No.15358156

I can never get a close shave with them

>> No.15358308

That guy must be fat as shit. I’ve been shaving my ass for years and it’s one of the best decisions I ever made. Not a faggot but it makes wiping properly so much easier. An abundance of ass hair captures and holds sweat and shit so that guy’s meme story makes no sense

>> No.15358946

Can you recommend one that will give me a very close shave without fucking my shit up pham?

>> No.15359159
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Try the merkur knock offs
Maybe an adjustable and then a sampler pack of blades.
Keep trying new blades and adjustments till you hit the sweet spot

>> No.15359558

about to shave with a straight razor for the first time, wish me luck lads

>> No.15359953

Don't press it, and don't raise the angle if it doesn't seem to cut. You'll have a bad time.

>> No.15360205

Bought a DE razor at an antique store for $6. 100 shark blades on amazon for $5. Let these retards keep buying disposable razors who gives a shit if they’re throwing money away

>> No.15360861

Hot. Do you have more?

>> No.15361331

Philips oneblade

>> No.15362100

Sounds like an expensive PITA