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15329036 No.15329036 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody been able to get rid of crater acne scars and if so, how? Thanks.

>> No.15329038
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>> No.15329041
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>> No.15329047

Only time gets rid them. They should be gone within 2 years.

>> No.15329049

But they are literally craters in my face. Will it really heal by itself?

>> No.15329055

Tretinoin might be your best bet. Depends on whether it works with your skin type. Obviously, you need to speak to a good dermatologist to find out what is best for your specific situation.

And please pluck those hairs sticking out of your cheeks...

>> No.15329056

Will it make the skin smooth again?

>> No.15329057

Yes. I had a few on my temples and if you apply sunscreen, exfoliate, moisturize, don’t smoke and get plenty of sleep they slowly fade away

>> No.15329059

Just cut off the bad parts

>> No.15329060

If by fading you mean the colour turning red to your normal skin colour then yours are just hyperpigmentation and not scarring...
Mine are indented scars...

>> No.15329093

Skin depression goes away with time. The cells turn over slowly until completely new solid layers are formed over where the depressions are.

>> No.15329095

Microneedling. get a professional to do it.

>> No.15329101
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Can I get a pen to do it myself?

>> No.15329104

This isn't true, the reason why your skin hasn't healed yet is because there's still crap in there.

If you take care of your skin like >>15329057 suggests it will help over time but if you want faster results and have the money for it (and if you're not on lockdown) I suggest going to see a professional esthetician like >>15329095 said.

>> No.15329114

>This isn't true, the reason why your skin hasn't healed yet is because there's still crap in there.
This isn't even remotely true. The reason why craters exist is because prior acne completely fucked up the layers of skin (usually from picking or from large cysts that destroy the skin in the process). The nonexistent areas of skin need time to rebuild, there's no "crap" in there, that's the entire problem. It's literally empty and you should be doing things to help cell turnover in order to build the skin back up.

>> No.15329125

Explain George Lopez then

>> No.15329143


>> No.15329145

Very detailed explanation. Thank you anon.

>> No.15329190

Any help

>> No.15329466

Anybody fixed this gay shit???

>> No.15329476
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>> No.15329485

yup. Applying some retinoid, moisturizing and consuming vitamin c and collagen (or any protein really) should help with that, but still takes some time to rebuild the skin. Microneedling does wonders, chemical peelings as well.

>> No.15329524

I bean doing 1 year but no change

>> No.15329558

I highly doubt the guy actually takes care of his face enough for it to heal, nor cares about it.

>> No.15329624

microneedling causes those holes in the skin dude

>> No.15329993


Most of these people are entirely wrong. You have atrophic acne scars, and those do not go away on their own. You have scar tissue on your face.

The only topical that can really help with real scars is tretinoin. You should start on that at a low concentration and ramp up your usage gradually. Go on r/skincareaddiction and r/tretinoin for advice. Expect to wait around a year to get results--and remember, these will not go away on their own.

If you have the money, there are two procedures that have well-documented results for this kind of scars. The best is microneedling. Use a dermapen, not a dermaroller, and do this with a professional. Do not try it at home. The other procedure is a Fraxel laser. I have done three sessions of Fraxel for my own scars, and I don't think they have helped nearly as much as the tretinoin (which I started much later). I have never done microneedling, but I think realistically it will give you the best results.

Acne scars suck anon, but there are ways to fight them.

>> No.15330016

>stab holes into face with needle pen to remove holes in skin from acne

>> No.15330027

Like the whole head

>> No.15330876

There's nothing wrong with doing microneedling at home with a derma pen as long as you do the research. It's not that difficult to do like handling a laser.

>> No.15330986

i thought microneedling can be done for free
how long have you brrn using tret for and what %

>> No.15331067
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>> No.15331085

shaving regularly before the scars would have probably helped the acne desu.

>> No.15331231

Are you fucking Ben Hallman?????

>> No.15331245


>> No.15331361

What did she do?

>> No.15331418

Please help me I'm so depressed.

>> No.15331516

Zoomers will inherit Earth.

>> No.15331548

I was born in 1990, do I zoom or boom?

>> No.15331880

Help me?

>> No.15331891

tretonoin smooths your skin yeah, whether it will be fully effective or not is luck but you can definitely expect some solid progress 1-2 years in.
search up the before and afters of it, there's some really promising ones
maybe look into CO2 laser treatment fro the scarring too, idk enough about it but there seems to be some great results out there

>> No.15331904


>> No.15331911

Ding ding ding he gets it. Ofc hyperpigmentation fading helps but scarring can go away if you get good sleep and don’t stuff your face with junk food, don’t smoke/do drugs, don’t drink. You get the drill

>> No.15332073

It's literally scars though why would your body fix scarring?

>> No.15332113

Do you have scars? What do you use personally?

>> No.15332116

ITT: Retards.

>> No.15332122


>> No.15332189

Why do you say this?

>> No.15332208

I have barely any scarring but I do use tretinoin, ordered it from alldaychemist, used one tube of 0.025 and moved up to 0.05 now, will move to 0.1 after.
It's helped with my sisters scarring quite a bit though. she's been using 0.1% for about a year now

See a derm and ask about it but tretinoin is a really good way to help with scarring for most people
Vit c serum should do your skin some good as well, if your using tretonoin at the same time then use vit c in the morning and tretinoin in the evening though

>> No.15332214

I got A-RET gel 0.05% from Alldaychemist too. My scarring is a few indented spots on my cheek but I can't tell if it's working even after a year. How much of an improvement would you say your sister achieved in her 1 year of using it? What kind of scarring does she have?

I'm planning to upgrade to 0.1% in my next batch order.

>> No.15332248

do you or your sis do dermarolling

>> No.15332275

she mostly has boxcar scars I guess, not sure if that's the technical name.
Haven't been following her progress closely but she tells me it's helped a lot with her scarring and I notice it less, so I guess you could call it moderate improvements, my skin was very receptive very quick to tretonoin though so if that's genetic then she might have seen faster improvements than most. For scarring and acne the higher % is definitely the way to go and will yield better results

no sorry, I talked to people that have though and they say that you need to make sure the length of the needles are correct, anything below 1.5mm is a waste apparently.

>> No.15332336

>anything below 1.5mm is a waste apparently.
for acne scars u mean

>> No.15332365

I think they meant for anything but not sure, could be wrong.

>> No.15332757

oh wait im retard, did you mean how deep the scarring is?
don't think that matters I was talking about the needle length, you have to make sure that is correct.

>> No.15332822

in descending order of importance:

red light

>> No.15333614

What's red light

>> No.15333645
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Anyone ever been able to get rid of keloid scars? Destroying my self- confidance not matter how well I dress I cant get a gf because whats underneath it all is a grotesque body

>> No.15333652

You can get rid of that with steroid injections. It shrinks them.

>> No.15333759
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Can anybody help me?

>> No.15333812

This. If you're in the UK you can get it for free. Speak from experience. It flattens them and whitens them a bit. Defintely worth it.

At the end of day though, if she's not getting with you because of scars. She ain't the one man. Fuck that hoe.

>> No.15333824

work on training your pecs You can change one for sure even if you cant the other. If you have a great chest, it wont really matter as much

>> No.15333856

Sorry I mean 1.5mm is necessary for targetting pitted acne scars right?

>> No.15333876

Why did you start tretinoin in the first place and why are you working up to 0.1% if you have barely any scarring?

>> No.15333897
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Granactive Retinoid 5% in Squalane


>> No.15333910

Why did you post that picture?

>> No.15333926

All these moon landscape faces are making me sad

>> No.15333931

What does squalene do

>> No.15333952

Squalene is the oil version. You also have a water based version if i'm correct. But it's about the retinoid.


>> No.15333959

Over-the-counter retinoids can't compare with prescription strength tretinoin.

>> No.15333969


Yes thats true. But if you are not used to acids, the first weeks (maybe longer) are going to be hell (purge). I would build it up first with retinoids desu.

>> No.15334007

do u use tret
whast ur skin condition ur targetin

>> No.15334043


>> No.15334369

niacinimide, retinol and strong BHAs should help

>> No.15334403

Can it make my skin smooth again

>> No.15334477
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Tazorac saved me from this. Go to a derm and ask for it.

I apply it every 3 days, and wash with a simple cleanser to clear the dead skin off. Has reduced my scars like 90% in 6 months.

>> No.15334481

For skin texture, give Nizoral a shot in case you have fungal acne (leave on for 20 mins). After a few days, some of the bumpy skin I had went away.

I have also tried antihistamines and ibuprofen, both which work to reduce some skin inflammation for a few hours.

MOST IMPORTANT: Drink like 2-3L of water a day. Makes my skin look less dull and all around healthy.

>> No.15334527

Were they pitted or just flat red scars?

>> No.15334559

Yes, that's how scar remodeling works.

>> No.15334624

I believe so yes, find out whatever mm was used in the studies, that's what they were talking about.

scarring is only a minor use of tret, I've been on antibiotics for a while for acne and want to come off so I'm getting a good topical routine working before I come off
I'll keep using it for antiaging and glow as well too

>> No.15334625

if you have the money. there an operation that is very popular in korea, that melts your bruised face and rearranges it in a smooth way I think it's between 1000$-5000$

>> No.15334824

What is it called?

>> No.15334826

Would you recommend dermarolling to your sister since she has more severe acne scarring?

>> No.15334844

I only use retinoid 5% for wrinkels. But I know people who used tret for acne and it works. But like I said, it's pretty hardcore

>> No.15334852

If she wanted them to go asap then yes but I think she's content with just using tret and chemical peels
her scarring isn't that bad really, especially now. If it bothered her I'd tell her to dermaroll though

>> No.15334855

What chemical peel does she use, dear? Can you tell me the brand and how often?

>> No.15334887

I don't know desu, I'm pretty sure that's it's not branded and just a certain % (20 i think) of lactic acid.
She's really into getting the best deal on skincare shit by just buying the pure ingredient and making her own serum or whatever.
She doesn't use it often but I talked to a cosmetic chemist about using chemical peels once and he advised to start once a week, don't try to use them daily or anything.
I'd check out the ordinary's chemical peels though their AHA 30% + BHA 2% is a really good and powerful home exfoliator.
If your using a peel along side tret you can use the peel directly before and the tretonoin will have great absorbption. more potential for irritation though so be cautious

Looking back the chemist said this about scarring:

The type of scar you’re dealing with will dictate how you try to fix it. Hyperpigmentation is going to be easier to fix than atrophic scars. For hyperpigmentation, ingredients to look out for include: niacinamide, azelaic acid, vitamin C, glycolic acid and if you want to go down the prescription route, hydroquinone and tretinoin. For atrophic scars, your best bet is going to be in clinic treatments- microneedling, various laser options, etc.

hope that helps

>> No.15335506
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They were similar to picture in OP. Here's a pic from recently, there's still some discoloration and small scars, but its way better.

>> No.15336036

How can you be this much of a retard man, it’s actually incredible

>> No.15336164

Chemical peel. Salicylic acid. Don't do it yourself, visit cosmetologist shouldn't be very expensive procedure

>> No.15336175

Microneedling/Subcision with filler. You have rolling scars and box scars. Microneedling whether RF or not once a month for half a year or so will improve your rolling scars massively.

Azelic Acid for redness and keep it moist and use occlusive at night.

Starting on Gen 3 vitamin- A is harsh on your skin though.

>> No.15336205
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I'm not sure on the science, but this. Tret is less irritating by a small margin.

>> No.15336501

Thanks I use 0.05 tret & ordinary 30aha2bha

>> No.15336502

how is tarzorac compared to tret
is same thing?

>> No.15336554

>Gen 3 vitamin- A

whats the difference with tret
any improvement in effecacy

>> No.15336557

wow i find it hard to believe you got to this stage from OP's amount of pitted scars

>> No.15336561

Shave your fucking pube ass cheeks. Thats's not helping your look.

>> No.15336564

Just look on David Lims videos he explains the difference between gen 1,2,3.

Generally, Gen 2 aka Adapalene is gentler and Gen 3 is the harshest.

Gen 1 is the only one with long documented anti-aging benefits, and if that is your goal then you should be taking tretinoin.

Adapalene is OTC in America though so you probably will get that if you are American.

>> No.15336568

What about for pitted scarring? How do they compare?

>> No.15336617

Just doing microneedling is enough?

>> No.15336639
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Can you offer me advice on how to fix my shit? Is it fixable?

>> No.15336735

saw this on /lgbt/. still think ur cute, wanna smooch u tbhon

>> No.15336876

im not gay

>> No.15336912

cool. still wanna smooch u

>> No.15336952

I don't see why you can't do it at home. Ive been using one myself and I haven't been experiencing any issues. It should be fine as long as you follow in the provided instructions

>> No.15336982

What are you targeting with it and how much improvement have you had?

>> No.15336991

Idk, it is best to go to a derm and see what's best for you.

Yes, its been a while now, about 3 years. still have some pitted scars put they are harder to notice because less discoloration.

From this angle the scars don't look too deep so any thing like tretinoin will help.

>> No.15337206

How many years of tretinoin is required do you think?

>> No.15337657

I'm using it for hyperpigmentation, I have tiny indented scars but they don't bother me. So far I'm using a Mandelic peel this past month (4 peels) and no visible improvement yet though. My skin feels softer though. When I finish this sample bottle I'm going to try a salicylic acid peel. I plan to keep using stronger acids until I see results.

>> No.15337772

>I'm using it for hyperpigmentation, I have tiny indented scars but they don't bother me. So far I'm using a Mandelic peel this past month (4 peels) and no visible improvement yet though. My skin feels softer though. When I finish this sample bottle I'm going to try a salicylic acid peel. I plan to keep using stronger acids until I see results.
Why are you not bothered by moon craters

>> No.15337935

Semen injections

>> No.15338196

I have maybe 4 total and they're pretty small, I highly doubt other people notice them unless they were staring at my face a foot away. my dark forehead bothers me more.

>> No.15338793

Do these really work?

>> No.15338820
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How is your hygiene? Do you wash your pillowcase every week? it seems that you only have acne around the cheeks, and acne in that region is a hallmark of unkept hygiene (dirty pillow, dirty phone, long greasy hair, touching face a lot... etc). If you are picking your acne, STOP NOW, you will make it worse.

When your acne fades and all you have left are scars, you should dermaroll with a 0.5 mm with a retinol cream and some vit c serum once a week. Make sure to have clean pillows/phone/clothing etc, because if you dermaroll and place your face on dirty surfaces, you will have an outbreak again due to bacteria and clogged pores. Dermarolling also helps with wrinkles too and gives you a glow, just remember to exfoliate the face and clean the face before you do it, as well as sanitizing the dermaroller after with peroxide or w/e. Hope it helps anon, it will take some time but you'll see some results in a month

Vit c serum - all natural advice anti aging vit c serum(can be found on amazon)

retinol cream - maritime naturals retinol cream (also on amazon)

same thing for the dermaroller, 0.5 mm will do for your face, 0.25 for around eye area if you're wondering about that
I recommend against using tretinoin and other higher end products because of the crazy side effects that will really fuck with you in tretinoin (balding, dry skin, mood swings, fertility problems etc). The other reason for high end products is that dermatologists just want to make money off you and never give you a permanent solution, which is typically a lifestyle change. Most acne problems have simple solutions as well. I also took isotretinoin 40 mg for 9 months and had clear skin for 3 years max until it came back, all it took for me was a lifestyle change and practicing better hygiene.

t. used to have prominent cheek acne and did this for a while

>> No.15338829

Why some people say dermaroll 1.5mm or pitted scars once a month and then you recommend 0.5mm weekly but may people say that is too shallow and too frequent? How severe are/were your pitted scars?

>> No.15338872
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At the peak of my bad acne, it was bad where I had cystic acne on the face and body, worse than OPs pic (if thats you). I had very deep craters from scarring, and they're very minimal now. Dermarolling with 0.5 mm once a week vs 1.5mm a month is more effective imo because you are continuously stimulating collagen and other connective tissue to grow under your skin (what gives your face cushioning and fills in the craters and wrinkles where there is less collagen/connective tissue) while giving your face time to heal from dermarolling (weekly). Doing it once a month with 1.5mm can help, but I think it is not as effective because you are only stimulating collagen production once a month, and for a period of time where it heals, where you can do it weekly with a smaller calibre while letting it heal. imo 1.5mm is for severe craters, and the ones I had was worse than OPs pic , and had more spread all over the cheeks compared to that zone.

Bottom line here, it's not about how deep and hard you go with dermarollers, it's about how often you are stimulating collagen production + giving healing time, and at 0.5mm I think hits that sweet spot of more collagen stimulation + time to heal, giving you better and faster results granted you keep everything clean to prevent breakouts. It is better consistency than once a month.

Unless you have bad body acne as well, I don't think your acne should call for isotretinoin, and a dermatologist is more likely to shill you some shitty expensive product/service that does fuck all.

I hope it helps anon, it does require some patience though which I know you can do if you commit to it.

>> No.15338972

I tried 0.5mm before and it barely pricks the skin. Feels like it wouldn't stimulate collagen growth at all. :(
How much improvement have you had from doing it weekly? And how long did it take?

>> No.15339041
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It took ~ 6 months for it to become minimal for me, but at one month in (4 times) I've already noticed how shallow it was. I know it really takes a while in general, but the face sheds a lot of skin and its one of the most fastest areas of the body that has a high cell turnover rate which is a silver lining desu.

I used 10 strokes per area I was rolling on, I used vit c serum after, then used retinol second. I did this at night so I could sleep on a big portion of the healing period. I am recommending these two in that order because vit c brightens skin and fades scars and retinol increases cell turnover rate.

I did use 0.5mm for face, 0.25 for eye area, sanitized stuff before and after. I can understand your desire to use 1.5mm given its of a greater caliber compared to what I used, where I was getting cystic acne and crater scars after. You can still use 1.5mm once a month and vit c serum with retinol cream as well, I cannot really tell you how well it can work for you because I have not done it, but you should still be seeing results doing that method as well. I figured to myself at the time that I'd rather have consistency to stimuate collagen production + use those two creams than do once a month with a higher caliber dermaroll + those two creams. You would be using the vit c serum and retinol more + stimulating using the 0.5mm. Of course this is my logic and it worked for me.

I'm not going to tell you to follow my method, but I'm just telling you that it worked for me. I am sure both methods would work, but the results in terms of effectiveness will vary of course.

For more background, my issue was that I had bad cystic acne overall, accutane helped that temporarily before it came back, and I realized I had to do a lifestyle change and be more hygienic. After that, I did my dermarolling method where I saw results at 1 month in (4 x applications), but I saw the best results at 6 months (24 x applications).

By the way, do you exercise?

>> No.15339055


I still dermaroll to this day of course, but at 6 months + is where I had the best results, and after 6 months it has remained minimal. I still get the occasional pimple from hormonal reasons, so it's no big deal to me as well. Of course, this will vary on your genetics as to when exactly the craters become more shallow, but I think in general it should be well under a year for you. You have to be patient and consistent imo, time flies fast anyways, and you'll notice the more shallow craters becoming more minimal first.

>> No.15339128

You don't apply anything on days you're not rolling?

>> No.15339474


>> No.15339483


Sorry, I was away. I just use a salicylic acid cleanser (st ives green tea) with some basic moisturizer or with the retinol moisturizer and sunscreen. I don't really wear that much product, because I have sensitive skin, but that's what I do in general. On the dermarolling day I do that. Using retinol a lot on your skin makes it more sensitive to the sun, same with vitamin c serum, so be aware of that. I use it in minimal amounts every day in general (before I go to bed usually), but I use a lot more on that day when I dermaroll. Do you use any kind of astringent?

What's your skin type like in general? It may vary on what you need to use on your face. My face in general is combined (dry and oily)

>> No.15339546

I just really want to get past this moment in my life. I got the acne controlled it's just the pesky red and pitted scars left that have been hanging around for more than a year. I keep reading about people who have had success with getting rid of them while I have seemingly no progress myself.

I'll consider doing the 0.5mm per week thing. I did 1.5mm fortnightly over 2 months and I can't tell if I have made any improvement and it's very disheartening.

>> No.15339750
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how he fixed his shit

>> No.15339868

I'm so depressed!!!

>> No.15340353
