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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 25 KB, 470x470, IMG_2318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15318639 No.15318639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15318645
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>> No.15318650
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>> No.15318743
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do your worst /fa/

>> No.15318764
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>> No.15319180

better looking than at least 69% of the males here

>> No.15319191
File: 1.48 MB, 4032x3024, 0A30BC53-A32C-45C3-8DF3-3246E6EFBFD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third time I’m doing this, I’m so fucking bored

>> No.15319198
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>> No.15319208
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Ah yes. A classic

>> No.15319233


>> No.15319492

No she isn't dude, Don't be a simp

>> No.15319656 [DELETED] 

U r so lost

>> No.15319660


>> No.15319665

You are lost

>> No.15319669

If you don't think that chick looks old as fuck idk what to do for you

>> No.15319685


>> No.15319692

>People think I'm in my 20's


>> No.15319784 [DELETED] 

sperg..i mean sieg...stfu
the only guy i ever dated that was close to your size and looks was an actual comedian and had an amazing personality..made me laugh for hours in bed on weekend mornings (and im not a morning person)

basically stop putting me down when im literally out of your league

>> No.15319856
File: 968 KB, 499x374, 1588296060116.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cecils ex looks kinda like snufkin

>> No.15319860

you are underage

>> No.15319863
File: 27 KB, 360x450, 89E7790A-C0C4-4608-98FC-5E6C4F883DC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prince Charming?

>> No.15319865

Why does everything devolve into sex with you?

I have never once said I wanted to have sex with you. Or states anything sexual in any manner. I've continued conversations with you where you change the subject over to sex and i see that is a mistake.

While I do find rando Anons and tripfags sexually attractive (curlgurl, spoony, random 18 year old Anons) I don't find you attractive and have never once stated otherwise.

I also find the exchanges with you dull and uninteresting and have since moved on apart from making little comments here and there about how I find your personali revolting.

Like cheating on your boyfriend is one of the lowest things a woman can do.

I do not wish to continue discourse with you.

>> No.15319886
File: 467 KB, 1160x1544, IMG_2241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new hat gang, taken inside of a culvert while measuring some stream flows to make sure we arent taking too much water for our firefighting reservoirs

it's always interesting when 4chanx is out of date and the anonymiser option is disabled and you see like half of the board is just random tripfags whining about each other
dont you people have jobs or loved ones, what is wrong with you

>> No.15319916 [DELETED] 

who said anything about sex?

oh your delusions and fantasies.

okie dokie

BTW the 1 and only time i cheated was on a rebound situation - and with James (the unfortunate soul mate), i was with dude (R)that had been obsessed with me since I 16 years old - bc i needed to feel good about myself bc James moved to cali overnight trying to avoid distribution charges/investigation...
thats why i dont do serious relationship atm bc ill always go back to him, and i don't want to hurt anyone.
R never found out so no harm done.

my life is shit. i know.

>> No.15319920

who said anything about sex?

oh your delusions and fantasies.

okie dokie

BTW the 1 and only time i cheated was on a rebound situation - and with James (the unfortunate soul mate), i was with dude (R)that had been obsessed with me since I 16 years old - bc i needed to feel good about myself bc James moved to cali overnight trying to avoid distribution charges/investigation...
thats why i dont do serious relationship atm bc ill always go back to him, and i don't want to hurt anyone.
R never found out so no harm done.

my life is shit. i know.

and stop fishing. i realize its easy with me but nobody cares so just stop.

>> No.15319931

Will you please just shut the fuck up and go away?

I'm srs about to figure out how to filter for the first time in 5 years

>> No.15319937
File: 1.05 MB, 2145x2993, A10E579A-497D-4038-8E90-FFF9218CD6E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15319955

why are you all of the sudden having a sissy hissy fit?
mr 4chan 4life cant take jokes?

>> No.15319965

Are you under the misguided impression that I'm your friend? That I'm joking and pal'ing around with you?

I'm not fuck you, fuck off.

Post here if you ever get DV'd up so I can laugh and have closure.

>> No.15319994

Although irl I probably would be friendly w u bc I’m open minded and friends with everyone.

Why are you upset all of the sudden?

I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings or reputation.

>> No.15320009

>1 and only time
Fuck off roastie scum.

>> No.15320014

I already told you once to stop.

Any subsequent replies dictates harassment.

I made it clear that I wasn't joking. Stop.

Go away.

>> No.15320016

Does /fa/ not have any mods? Why are two dumbasses allowed to shit up this board replying to eachother likes it's FB messenger?

>> No.15320018
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>> No.15320020

I'm putting an end to it don't worry

>> No.15320022

i used to think this
but you just wait until you have more experience

and as i said...i learned from it
trust me i dont feel good about it.

itt J will be the end of me
but its home....wtf am i supposed to do?

>> No.15320023

most of the tripfags here should have been banned years ago

>> No.15320025

go find another hobby
LOL...do you even know what 4chan is?

>> No.15320034

> You're a piece of shit for cheating on a partner

I didn't

> Yeah you did

Okay I did but it was only once

In what world do you think you're winning this argument. Anon was right, you're a garbage person. And a typical toastie.

>> No.15320036

i came here years ago doing research looking at an assembly of fashion related boards for work
and guess what - i came to my senses soon enough not to take it seriously - you should too

except it was funny back then, so i stayed

now its just hormonal teenagers and sieg



>> No.15320043
File: 11 KB, 209x241, fubb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn you guys love to act like you know everything about my life
while i do share way too much - you dont know it all

>> No.15320045

>I used to think cheating was inexcusable
>then I cheated
>wait until you cheat, then you won’t think it’s as bad as you do now
Obvious and massive cope. Roastie roastie nice and toastie.

>> No.15320046

It doesn't change that he was right about you

>> No.15320050

This is the most morally reprehensible of the whole post

>never found out so no harm done.

>> No.15320051
File: 66 KB, 550x813, fuwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is about living and learning
i did something shitty
i felt awful about it
and now i dont put myself in that situation
which is why i am single
bc i dont wanna date someone that is not my #1 choice
bc i dont want to do that again
and possibly break someone heart


life isnt all white and black

>> No.15320052

Cum slut public hole

>> No.15320055

Imagine getting cheated on by that old bitch

>> No.15320066
File: 15 KB, 264x278, sowwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this inexperienced

or wait did you get triggered bc your gf cheated on you? with someone ugly

sorry dude

>> No.15320071

Yeah I bet you're "experienced"
Anyone give you more than 5 mins of attention, level up huh?

>> No.15320078

You are a fucking train wreck.

Also, Sieg is fat.

>> No.15320081

jesus christ you people are pathetic

>> No.15320090

this is kind of funny bc i could've been married 5X over... maybe more i lost count

no fucking shit
never claimed otherwise
at least im not a total loser...im surviving

>> No.15320097

go attempt giving yourself a blowjob again, maybe you will reach this time

>> No.15320100

>5X over

Ah i guess everyone gets a go with you huh

Just pass you around

>> No.15320103

Why? I could just give you 20.00.

>> No.15320107

For 20 she stays the whole weekend

>> No.15320108

No thanks.

>> No.15320111
File: 41 KB, 591x555, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny that you nignogs dont understand that intelligence and humor gets you far in relationships

imagine having a girlfriend that is fun to be around.....you probably cant

>> No.15320116
File: 55 KB, 634x439, haaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine believing that being a skeletor with nice kicks will make your partner fulfilled and others respect you and want to be your friend

>> No.15320117

Incels gonna incels. Bitches only like chads with money and big muscles, didn’t you know?

>> No.15320119

>intelligence and humor gets you far in relationships

Guess that explains why you'r single

So smart you insulted yourself

>> No.15320121


This anon is clever af

>> No.15320139

explaining why i have been proposed to 5x
u dimwit
u samefagging? its not that clever if you paid attention to what i said...
and not that im one to speak on grammar but...you'r???

>> No.15320142

what the fuck is happening

>> No.15320149
File: 209 KB, 1080x1626, Screenshot_20200614-184255~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of stop don't you understand?

>> No.15320154

Explains why all 5 failed

>> No.15320162

Careful, she's trailer trash. If you treat her like shit too much she'll develop a crush and harass you for 7? 8? Years.

Been there done that.

>> No.15320176
File: 195 KB, 797x1701, 9069EFD9-0738-4A8A-906E-A6E6C4BAC799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320180
File: 459 KB, 828x1791, A7B34E29-9ADE-4C64-BAA6-32B1BB9B53F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320184

I mayaswell, everyone else has had a go with her it seems

>> No.15320190

It's fun for the first 4 mins but this bitch is legit Looney tunes, she'll craft some shit in her head and roll with it. And insert you into this weird universe of hers she thinks she's living in. Just non stop.

Probably not worth dealing with just for some worn out walls

>> No.15320192
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>> No.15320195
File: 117 KB, 760x1140, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the only ones i can show from this week

i dont even lead them on...i ignore them and im even mean at times bc dudes dont get the point.

they think youre playing hard to get


point is...dont act like i cant 1 wrapped around my pinkie

>> No.15320199
File: 192 KB, 1011x1517, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked that post and it made me laugh

and yes i am crazy

just like every other female you will ever meet

>> No.15320203

already been posted in this thread by other people bb

>> No.15320210

We wish they hadnt, this isnt a gore thread

>> No.15320220
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>> No.15320232

im not vomit inducing like that fat guy at least :)

>> No.15320411
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>> No.15320426 [DELETED] 
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present effay.

>> No.15320471
File: 577 KB, 937x1920, Snapchat-1991326981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem like you're either really cool or really irritating but nonetheless I n t e r e s t i n g
Please start a progressive jazz/ambient project with me

>> No.15320475
File: 1.39 MB, 3018x3018, 20200614_214157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey paul!"- Core

Digging the curls.

>> No.15320482
File: 367 KB, 817x387, dea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320513
File: 1.03 MB, 1292x1974, 20200615_010843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get nasal surgery. Seriously considering.

>> No.15320520

get a tan

>> No.15320599

Is this black chad

>> No.15320645
File: 278 KB, 1242x1732, 762F3DC3-AA0E-4847-9A5B-91D9A9142111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I’m the gook that spams BBC threads

>> No.15320672

You look like you’re going to try coaxing small children down there

>> No.15320707

the pedostache meme jumped the shark in '09
3/10 poor effort

>> No.15320710

Shut the Fuck up you mentally ill tripfagging degenerate kys

>> No.15320713

50%chance of it failing horribly. So no anon, don’t fuck your life up you’re fine

>> No.15320764


>> No.15320791

if it goes well you'd be like a 9/10
you've got great eyes, skin and lips already
i say go for it.

>> No.15320795
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>> No.15320798 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15320801
File: 243 KB, 796x1632, 20200614_213819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need a haircut

>> No.15320808


>> No.15320852

that's it bitch,

send me an email (i know you still have my address you stalker bitch)

do it, and i'll reply with 8 different emails with about 10 images each showing you every single woman i've slept with, and you can compare your ugly ass to these women and see where i'm coming from when i tell you you're a fucking ugly slavic whore

i'll even tell you which ones I didn't use condoms with and which ones i took the virginity of...

and that way you can shut the fuck up forever

>> No.15320854

u look like the bottom of the broccolibutts videos

>> No.15320857

it'll be 77 total images (78 partners minus my GF), unless you want proof shots and the nudes of the ones that weren't ONS

>> No.15320886

thats a compliment and a half