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15291834 No.15291834 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start getting into skincare, is stuff like pic related a meme? What kind of stuff should I be looking into?

>> No.15291847

Yeah, products designed for men are memes.
>anti-fatigue moisturizer
What did they mean by this?
Get a basic cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen.
>CeraVe foaming cleanser
>CeraVe facial moisturizing lotion
>Neutrogena SheerZinc SPF 50 sunscreen

Wash your face and moisturize afterwards twice a day, put sunscreen on in the morning after moisturizing

>> No.15291850

Yes, that is a meme.

The most important are sunscreen >>>(powergap) >>> moisturizer > antiaging

You should look into the ordinary, it's cheap non-meme products. For general skincare, you could grab squalane cleanser, and moisturising factors from them, and then get neutrogena ultra sheer spf 100.

If you want to throw in antiaging, the ordinary has a concoction called buffet that is an easy first step.

>> No.15291879

Are the sunscreen and moisturizer combos ok? I'll probably get the CeraVe stuff though, how necessary is sunscreen when you barely leave the house though? Also the Ordinary products apparently cause breakouts for oily skinned people and I'm pretty oil so I'm gonna avoid that stuff.

>> No.15291882
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the combos like pic related, and theres a CeraVe one as well

>> No.15291884

I unironically bought that one and it was alright. Doesn't last long though.

>> No.15291923
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Yes. I use the Cerave spf25 . It's cheap as fuck and works great.

Personally my skincare routine is

Moisturizer with spf25


Sunscreen is important as fuck, pic related

>> No.15291924

ive literally just got a sponge a brush and 3 asian facial products and 1 western mens product infused with algae

>> No.15291931

I tried a few, years ago, settled on Clear Start from Dermalogica. Very easy to use, cleared the hell out of my acne and made my skin just so much more even in tone and better looking. It’s marketed as a young adult acne treatment but I’m 33 and it is better than some of the way pricier stuff I’ve tried.

>> No.15291961

i used to use it 7 years ago. i dont really remember how well it worked but i still have the bottle.
Ok so I won't need a dedicated sunscreen if I use the Cerave SPF?
i'm confused theres a few of these? i definitely need something to even out the tone on my face though.

>> No.15291964

>i definitely need something to even out the tone on my face though.
Toners are a meme. Use a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen daily. Your skin will improve dramatically.

>> No.15292015
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Alright I'll get the Cerave Skin Cleanser and Moisturiser SPF but is there any downside to just using an spf moisturiser combo like pic related instead of a separate moisturiser and sunscreen? I know I have to use suncscreen when I live in Australia but I know the more things I have to use the more likely it is I'll slack off on it.

>> No.15292053

Unless you have a medical problem, just use water and a little scrubbing. Get in between your legs and toes with something that foams and smells good, that's it.
Slap on some basic bitch lotion after a shower, that's all you need. None of that overpriced stupid shit. Just have a good wash ffs.

>> No.15292062

Sunscreen is necessary from what I understand about Australia's climate. I live in the deep south of the US and I use sunscreen daily. You can get away with just using the moisturizer if you stay inside most of the time and wear protective headgear when outdoors. An alternative method that I don't recommend anyone is reapplying the moisturizer throughout the day when in direct sunlight. I've done this when on vacation at the beach and my face was the only thing that didn't get sunburnt. It took a lot of skillful autisim to achieve this though.

>> No.15292084

I would avoid it personally. I do not like combination products. You can't control the proportions, the timing, and you can't swap out one parts. I think they are generally inferior but more convenient.

The Ordinary natural moisturizing factors is about $10. Neutrogena ultrasheer SPF 100 is about $10. These together are a similar price to the combination one you posted, but cheaper, more effective, and you have more control.

That said, sunscreen is by far the most important part of skincare. So if you are too lazy to use 2 products, then using sunscreen with moisturizer is slightly better than using just sunscreen.

Toner does not even out tone, it reduces appearance and texture of pores. There is a lot you can do for uneven tone, eg niacinamide, alpha arbutin, purcellin oil, vitamin c (eg MAP), etc.

>> No.15292149

Gendered shit is terrible. Just get CeraVe.

More like sunscreen > retinoids > retinols >>> all moisturizers regardless of "anti-aging" memes > doing nothing

They're shitty and greasy. They'll protect you but they'll just be a shit experience. You should also be reapplying sunscreen after 2 or so hours of length exposure, but that's not ideal if your sunscreen also has loads of moisturizing ingredients in it. I prefer korean sunscreens that still tend to be somewhat moisturizing in themselves.

>> No.15292155

Yeah shits fucked with the UV down here apparently. I've never worn sunscreen but I'll start.
Alright I'll get the Cerave Facial Moisturiser and the Neutrogena Ultra Sheer sunscreen, but SPF50 cause i cant find 100 here for some reason. Plus the Cerave Hydrating Cleanser. Still gotta avoid the Ordinary cause of all the reviews saying it causes us oily skin people to break out.

>> No.15292163

>More like sunscreen > retinoids > retinols >>> all moisturizers regardless of "anti-aging" memes > doing nothing
Vitamin A is great, but there's a huge powergap between sunscreen and everything else.

The catch with vit a and skincare is that using it boosts the necessity of using other products (it's more effective when used with exfoliators and cleansers, it's better for your skin when used with moisturizers).

Sunscreen >>>>> vitamin a >>> moisturizer > cleanser > exfoliator > vitamin c

Something like that is probably more accurate.

In some countries (Australia? EU?) SPF50 is the highest that can be advertised. You can order from overseas to get higher SPF though. SPF50 is good, but better is better.

>> No.15292166

Can you apply retinol in the morning? I've seen tons of people say no, but there's also things like: "Clinical studies have shown pretty definitively that retinoids do not lower the MED — or minimal erythemal dos — of human skin, which is the amount of UV light you can take before the skin burns."

What is everyone's thoughts on vitamin c and vitamin a being applied together (perhaps 30 minutes apart)? Many people say no because of sensitivity concerns, but does that mean working towards it or testing your skin is ok?

>> No.15292209

I looked into it and you're right, 50 is the highest you can go in Australia. All the other stuff is too confusing though I dont want to get too much into skincare. I'm gonna start off with sunscreen, cleanser and moisturiser.

>> No.15292385
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can i put this shit on my bald head after shampooing?

>> No.15292437

You can, but what are you trying to accomplish? Shampoo is way more harsh than cleanser, so what did you expect to happen?

>> No.15292440

the foaming one or the normal one?

>> No.15292453

after i get out of the shower, my head feels dry for about an hour and then gets really oily. basically the same as my face. so i thought a cleanser might help mitigate that

>> No.15292521

Use a moisturizing conditioner or moisturize your scalp. That would help stop your body's response in generating excess oil

>> No.15292555

Are men's and women's skin the same?

>> No.15293134

No. Men's skin is 25% thicker and requires different formulations. Look into Brickell products.

>> No.15293247

Advice for a skin routine for oily, rough-textured, sensitive skin?

>> No.15293307

Have you tried visiting with a dermatologist?

>> No.15293346

No. I don't have a notable medical condition like dermatitis or rosacea. Dermatologists are expensive in the U.S. if I recall...

>> No.15293364

Just buy the cheapest shit you can find in a drug store, CeraVe or Cetaphil, and product from the ordinary. I'm my early 20s, but I have flawless skin, I still even get carded that's how I know it works.

>> No.15293430

>>CeraVe foaming cleanser
Use with a konjac sponge or you're a pleb

>> No.15293630

You can but it just makes more sense at night to avoid taking chances, and you usually have more time for more products in the PM anyway. You also have to make sure your retinol/retinoid doesn't degrade in the sun, because some do. I would only bother if you forgot to do your routine last night. And if you do, sunscreen is a must (it is anyway).

Perhaps, but you should be using that stuff anyway even if you're not using a retinol/retinoid

To a degree, but that doesn't mean that gendered products are somehow good for you. They're mediocre and overpriced at best, and usually have bullshit fragrance and essential oils in them.

For example, men might tend to have larger pores and secrete more sebum, but that doesn't mean every man does. If you're a man and you happen to have large pores and excess sebum, that just means you have to look for solid treatments for your basic routine with researched-backed ingredients that target those issues, like retinoids or salicylic acid, not MILITARY GRADE ALPHA M APPROVED SCRUB WITH SENIORITA-ATTRACTING MINT SCENT with the Man™ tax

I don't see the point. Try a shampoo with salicylic acid in it and use a good conditioner.

>> No.15294344

>You can but it just makes more sense at night to avoid taking chances,
Have there been any studies that support that? Or is it all voodoo like "oh I put on retinol then went out and now my skin is red and peeling"?

UV degrades retinol, but assuming you apply it and let it absorb, then apply sunscreen, the amount it would degrade is fairly minor. Keep in mind that retinol works slowly, so being able to dose twice a day is a huge advantage.

>> No.15294347

Is sunscreen truly that important? I live in Washington so there's not even sun

>> No.15294348

>Perhaps, but you should be using that stuff anyway even if you're not using a retinol/retinoid
There's little to no benefit in exfoliating/cleanser/moisturizer for normal skin types, unless you are using a product like retinol. If you have any skin problem, then yes you should use products that target those specific problems. For most people, their skin is fine.

>> No.15294352

Yes. UV rays will fuck up your subdermal skin layers

>> No.15294367

Wear sunscreen. UV radiation can penetrate clouds.

>Moderate UV levels 10am - 4:30pm

>You can get sun damage on windy, cloudy and cool days. Sun damage is caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation, not temperature. A cool or overcast day in summer can have similar UV levels to a warm, sunny day.

>Under skies that are only partly cloudy, something interesting happens. A phenomenon called the ‘broken-cloud effect‘ can occur, which causes higher UV levels – higher than a completely clear sky would allow. A survey conducted at six U.S. cites in 1994 found cumulus clouds could raise surface UV-B by 25%, and in 2004 Australian researchers reported that the UV-B rays associated with DNA damage were up to 40% stronger under partly cloudy skies.

>According to the Marshfield Clinic, snow and ice can reflect up to 80 percent of UV rays, doubling your risk of sunburn on a winter day. Higher altitudes also increase your risk of UV exposure.

>Sunburn is one of the suspected causes of windburn. In fact, some skin experts use the terms interchangeably. It may not seem like sunscreen is necessary on a cold, overcast day. However, the sun’s rays can still damage your skin during the winter. Ultraviolet (UV) rays can also penetrate through clouds and cause sunburn.

>> No.15295149

bros what is a good salicylic serum alternative to The Ordinary's serum cause that shit is out if stock and "being updated"

>> No.15295157

Use the salicylic masque?

>> No.15295183

too creamy need something thin, pores get clogged easily even with non-comedogenic stuff

>> No.15295203

It's all about sum sensitivity and not about effectiveness.

>> No.15295229

Is there any evidence of that though? Scientific consensus is that it does not lower your MED.

>> No.15295243

I don't get acne often but when I do, it never completely heals. Every pimple stays on my face as an enteral red mark years later no matter what I do. Is there anything besides maybe deep chemical peels that can help this?

>> No.15295324

Read the label, brainlet

>> No.15295457

Anything made by loreal group or P&G is garbage. First because it's more expensive than it should be and also because they only use good ingredients in the "luxury" brands.

Independent brands like The Ordinary are not bound by the luxury meme and asian skinkare products are usually cheap and non-meme. The market is different over there so you get effective ingredients at high concentration in comodity stuff.

You can buy stuff on ebay. yesstyle, etc... Here is my favorite sunscreen: https://www.yesstyle.com/fr/kao-gel-solaire-bior%C3%A9/info.html/pid.1071931070

>> No.15295584
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Please can someone recommend me a affordable suncreen that is not sticky to buy in europe?

>> No.15295695

Recommendations for a good yet affordable physical sunscreen with SPF50+/PA++++? I'm using Purito Comfy Water Sun Block, it's a little expensive where I am though.

>> No.15296022

Retinoids, and to some degree niacinamide. The Ordinary's AHA + BHA peel 1-2 a week should still help them heal faster.

I don't use physicals so I don't know of any, but Purito is a good brand and I use their chemical only one. I think it's wise to invest your money on a good sunscreen you like, because it's hard to find good ones, and try to cut down somewhere else in your routine

>> No.15296078

How should I go about getting a bit tanner in the summer? Gradually? Or is all sun damage the same even if it's spread out. I wear a cap and 50 spf sunscreen. I'm trying to achieve country mouse aesthetics to stunt on my physically and spiritually weaker city slicker colleagues when I move back to the city in Sept.

>> No.15296172

Thank you very much anon, I'll be getting both of those suggestions for the acne!

>> No.15296195

sun damage is non-reversible and cumulative. tanning is detrimental to your health. don't do it

>> No.15296210

But more so than anything else I'd recommend Adapalene for both active acne and the scars and hyperpigmentation. The cheapest is CVS's. Tretinoin is better but it's prescription only, but isn't hard to get if you don't mind going through a doctor/dermatologist or Apostrophe.

>> No.15296297
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is this any good? saw some others recommend neutrogena sheerzinc but couldnt find it in a shop near me

>> No.15296321

Why the heck are my forehead and nose so oily?

>> No.15296326

Yes, this is the absolute best suncream you can buy on earth today.

>> No.15296355

neat, ill go pick it up tomorrow, generally never used sunscreen, but i also avoid the sun cause i turn red like a lobster

>> No.15296369

Alcohol is high on the ingredients to mix everything together and will evaporate on your skin. So apply in thinly and quickly and PAT IT ON. Don't rub around. Also you probably need to use way more than you think if you aren't a skincarefag.

>> No.15296440

Are "eye creams" a meme or am I missing out? Most seem pretty expensive and unsure what they do differently vs other skincare products.

>> No.15296452

I think they're mostly a meme. I believe it's probably because things have to be tested as "eye safe" to be used around the eyes. Maybe it would increase the cost of general moisturizers to have to do this testing? I'm just talking out of my ass. But there is nothing about eye creams that makes them better for eye skin. Apart from if they get in your eyes they won't fuck you up I guess. I think there's a couple of ingredients specifically for eyes that are interesting, like caffeine. But most people's problems with their eyes are completely genetic or lifetyle related like bags and dark circles. Eye cream isn't going to do jack shit for that.
The only thing is, I wouldn't use a super heavy moisturizer on the eye area as the skin is thinner and you could get milia.

>> No.15296464

thanks for the tip, yeah never felt necessary to go full skincarefag but hey might as well give it a go and see if my skin gets even better than before, never suffered from acne and the like, so my skincare routine for the past 15 years has been washing face with water a couple times a day

>> No.15296489

If you wear suncream you also need to remove it properly at night. I recommend an oil cleanser (rec: simple hydrating oil cleanser) to remove it followed by a very gentle cleanser (rec: anything like cerave hydrating cleanser). You also need to moisturize (rec: some basic shit liek eucerin urea repair, cetaphil PM) since that suncream is quite drying. As in moisturize before you apply it and you should also be doing that at night anyway.

>> No.15296497

yes i actually went to a drugstore yesterday and picked up cerave cleanser and moisturiser was hoping that would do well

>> No.15296503

That sounds good. I'm not sure a gentle cleanser would really remove SPF on it's own that's why I would recommend an oil cleanser first. Also feels really good to use an oil cleanser. PS don't need to wash your face in the morning in case you were going to do that.

>> No.15296505

Is Nivea Sunscreen any good? The one I have say it jas some JoJo Oil or smth for hydration
I don't want to spend a fortune

>> No.15296527

I'll see what i can find at the drugstore when i pick up the sun cream, again thanks for the info!

>> No.15296732

I bet you smell like absolute shit.

>> No.15296896

It says retinol is destroyed by UV, not that retinol increases your skins sensitivity to sun.

I was unable to find any evidence or papers that supported the idea. More than likely people dose way too high, and confused retinol peeling/irritation with sunscreen.

>> No.15297007

Lol they card anybody who looks under 50

>> No.15297241

Skin care starts with diet. I’m not vegan anymore but I didn’t have a single blemish when I was doing whole food plant based.
I still don’t do dairy and that helps. It’s a hormonal liquid from a female animal that just had a baby.

>> No.15297364

Is this any good? Basically moisturizer and sunscreen in one tube

>> No.15297368
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Forgot picrelated sry

>> No.15297446

make sure you get the european verison and not the american version

>> No.15297641

What for?

>> No.15297647

No matter which moisturiser I try I feel so fucking greasy after them even for the ones for oily skin, I hate the feeling of residue on my face it makes my skin crawl and my face always feels it’s best right after a shower with a non moisturising bar soap.


>> No.15297696

dude same, I hate this shit. I'm using the CeraVe moisturizing _lotion_ i just bought recently, which is allegedly lighter than the tub cream, and this shit still feels disgusting

I just bought The Ordinary Marine Hyaluronics to replace it. It's a serum rather than a lotion so it has a really watery consistency which is what I really want. hopefully that works, maybe you should try that, it's only like 8-9 bucks

>> No.15297894

well i live in europe so i would hope and assume its an european version? whats the difference?

>> No.15297909

you seem intentionally obtuse


Studies in hairless albino mice suggest that concurrent exposure to tretinoin may enhance the tumorigenic potential
of carcinogenic doses of UVB and UVA light form a solar simulator. This effect has been confirmed in a later study
in pigmented mice, and dark pigmentation did not overcome the enhancement of photocarcinogenesis by 0.05%

avene achneal day is very light, and >>15297696 has the right idea about gel or Hyaluronic creams are great. Most of these skincare products are made for 30+ females. Peter Thomas Roth makes a good hyaluronic moisturizer

>> No.15297915

When is too late? I'm 23 currently and have had a lot of sunburn in the past. My chest and shoulders are pretty fucked from it. I want to start wearing it every day now but is it too late?

>> No.15297931

Do you really need to moisturise if you drink a LOT of water?

>> No.15297972
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I have "sleep bag" kind of lines that go pretty vertical from the eye down. I sleep a lot so it isn't that I am deprived.
I also noticed that my face squiches a lot when I sleep. Now noticed another line under my eyes forming noticeably.
This stuff is annoying as hell...

>> No.15298071
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rate my shit

>> No.15298238

Anon that is so fucking bad for your skin. It feels good because you think that's what it being clean feels like. If your moisture barrier is not fucked and you don't have a hormonal issue then your skin should not feel greasy on its own.

>> No.15298336

I bought the 30%AHA/2%BHA exfoliant from Ordinary for no reason really. I have oily skin and somewhat big pores, but my skin is also sensitive. Doesn't seem like a good idea to use stuff that harsh but I'll just see what happens.

>> No.15298365

8.5/10 Not a fan of the tea tree oil shit. and adding a retinoid would be neat.

I wouldn't call it harsh since it's just once a week. If you want bigly results you need the bigly exfoliators. I love that stuff but I can't use it currently because I'm on Accutane, so enjoy it for me

>> No.15298369

I bought a hado labo moisturizer. What am I in for?

>> No.15298370
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Can I use pic related everyday, or will that age my skin too much??

>> No.15298377

It's never too late, anon.

>> No.15298640

So would the sun damage i've received manifest later anyway, or can I preserve my skin as it is now a bit? Because my face isn't too bad really.

>> No.15299056

i only use tea tree oil to kill pimples, otherwise i use it to a minimum
how would retinoids help me? i dont have acne, just the occasional pimple. i'm trying to not use unneccessary stuff on my face

>> No.15299110

I'm not sure but there is literally nothing you can do except protect your skin to the best of your ability now and research how to reverse already acquired sun damage (tretinoin).

>> No.15299135

Sorry for double posting but also you're 23. That is many years younger than a lot of people get into skincare. I'm a millennial and the majority of my friends don't even wear suncream daily yet, only when they're on holiday. I think that they are probably representative of the norm where I'm from. Just do your best with what you have and keep moving forward.

>> No.15299154

Don't get anything that is drugstore tier, your loreals, niveas, ceraves all that shit, forget about it.
Don't get overpriced shit like aesop or similar meme brands that sell a bar of soap for $20.
Look into brands like Kiehls, Dermalogica, Ordinary - all of them either cheap or decently priced and work (granted you are not a complete retard and understand your skin type, skin problems etc)

Kiehls - facial cleansers, light creams or moisturizing gels, everything else they make is either overpriced or meme shit.
Ordinary - only get chem formulas from them, no creams, cleansers or other shit, someone suggested squalane cleanser here earlier, tl;dr its dogshit and designed for women with days worth of makeup baked into their face. Id suggest their niacin + zinc concoctions, AHA chem peels and retinol.
Dermalogica - scrubs only, everything else is overpriced dogshit.

>> No.15299181

>Don't get anything that is drugstore tier, your loreals, niveas, ceraves all that shit, forget about it.
Can you explain why you think this is true? Cerave and Cetaphil are pretty good for the majority of people, especially for the price. And french pharmacy brands like LRP, avene, Embryolisse are the best skincare you can buy.

Also Kiehls and dermalogica are bloated retard tier.

>> No.15299183

I got cheap face wash from aldi. It doesn't dry me out and doesn't sting the eyes. What is wrong with using it? I have to get all the suncreen off drom face neck and arms. That is a lot of product

>> No.15299481

You're saying a study on mice from 2002 overrules later human studies? I feel like you googled this study just then instead of being previously informed by it.

>> No.15299873

I know this is not related to the topic of this thread but I don't think it's worth creating a new thread about it. I have been trying natural shampoos from pharmacies. they have been make my hair look greasy and my scalp flaky with white little dots also my scalp stings like hell. any advice would help.

>> No.15299875


>> No.15299969

Ok thanks bro I'll do my best

>> No.15300038
File: 38 KB, 375x500, 4CC10C8D-B348-40C7-B249-EA2D893339F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me.
I’m a man with awful body and facial skin complexion.

My idea of skin-care was taking showers every day, without using soap or anything else, but water on my face. because I thought natural would be healthier. Well it doesn’t look that way.

What do you guys recommend? Are washes and cleansers different things? Should I just use a soap? What kind of moisturizer should I try?

>> No.15300282

Is moisturizers are really necessary when your face is really sweaty and oily during the summer? I just use face cleanser during the morning and night

>> No.15300287

>physical exfoliants
>in current year
just use glycolic acid already

>> No.15300290

Moisturizer once a day can be fine, but you should still be using one. I skip moisturizer in the morning too. Otherwise, I'd recommend using sunscreen during the day instead of a moisturizer if you'd like to avoid wrinkles/skin damage/cancer/etc

>> No.15300296

Get some balls and go to Ulta. Just ask one of the women about the products. Here is what u need.
1. Cleanser
2. Toner
3. Sun block minimum SPF 30

More time consuming routines include:
4. Antioxident
5. Retinol cream
6. Twice a week peel or exfoliant

CeraVe is a great product

>> No.15300311

Do you really need to moisturise if you drink a lot of water?

>> No.15300389

yeah lol what a silly question

>> No.15300400

So did all humans just have shitty skin before moisturiser was invented?

>> No.15300431

Well like some people would rub plants or use various concotions and stuff on their skin, but generally yeah. Before glasses were invented if you had bad eyes you just perpetually squinted.

>> No.15300535

Okay, but it can't penetrate windows or walls and stuff, right? So I'm fine if I stay inside all day?

>> No.15300600

UVA penetrates windows.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the sun protection offered by SPF 100 is only marginally better than SPF 50. And SPF only refers to protection from UVB rays. I think it's more important to pay attention to the PPD for anti-aging. And also asian or european formulated sun creams are much better formulated for UVA protection than US ones (something to do with FDA)

>> No.15301106

It’s amazing how complicated this all seems to be to some people and so simple for others.

I wash using a Bulldog face wash and a muslin cloth, moisturise with a Bulldog moisturiser and that’s it. I use O’Keefes hand cream which seems to work better than anything else. Aveeno moisturiser for my legs which get inexplicably around my shins.

In the shower I use a Salux cloth with a dove body bar.

I feel like that all works well for me, but short of trying fifty different products I feel it’s going down a rabbit hole to keep trying new things.

Does it take time for your body to adjust to new products? For example, I don’t like the bulldog face wash, but if I switch to a new one will my face react differently?

>> No.15301148

Skincare is a hobby for me so it can get as complicated as you want like any other hobby can.

If you don't have any issues in particular that you want to address and the stuff you are using is working for you then there's not any need to try anything different. Although I would be aware that in the future you might be concerned about anti-aging and in that case it's much more effective to start an anti-aging routine before you actually start visibly aging.

And usually it's recommended to patch test a new product to see if you react badly to it (this is pretty anal though) and then give it a couple of weeks of use at least to see any actual effects. Skin cycle is ~28 days which gets thrown around a lot.

>> No.15301183

I’ve never really considered it a hobby so I guess that explains some of it.

I get the occasional spot on my face, my back is pretty spotty, but otherwise I do alright. I get dry skin when the weather turns cold (I live in England) but mostly it could be worse.

Regarding anti-aging, I’m 31 and have been told by some that I look younger now now than I used to. I think that might be because I always looked older than I was, and now I’m the age I probably looked I think I’ve done ok. But that said, what kind of things do you suggest? I always have bags under my eyes and despite drinking plenty of water and a decent sleep schedule they rarely fade.

I think patch testing is what puts me off buying full bottles. What can I do if I buy something and it fucks me up?

>> No.15301262

I just realised that last sentence makes little sense. I meant “big” bottles. Some things are either big bottles but cheapish or they’re big and expensive, and I can’t justify buying a big bottle of something expensive that’s allegedly very good if it fucks me up.

>> No.15301295

Unless you have sensitive skin, a particular skin issue like rosacea, or are acne-prone, then it would be pretty rare that a product would just fuck you up. And if you did have a skin issue like those you could track ingredients and eventually come to learn beforehand if a product is most likely OK for you. I'm not American but Americans always seem to be able to just return a product they don't like even if they've already used it? And if you do get that fucked up from a product then it's some kind of reaction to the product that will go away if you stop using it.
You can also buy sample sizes a lot of the time or ask for samples at your local [place where skincare brands have counters].

For anti-aging, by far the most important thing is suncream. BY FAR. Like as in everything else is irrelevant compared to that. If you're not using it then nothing else you do matters. Then after that the next best thing to use is tretinoin. After that I don't know, there's diminishing returns and I'm not that intense about anti-aging yet.

Eye bags usually don't respond much to topical skincare. I think it's genetic. After lifestyle changes like drinking more water, exercise, getting enough sleep... Then fillers are the main option I think.

>> No.15301308

Thank you. I think most of my dad’s side of the family have “heavy” eyes so maybe that’s what it is. Doesn’t bother me that much, but it’s just one of those things it would be nice to not have.

I hardly ever wear sun cream but having said that I’m extremely pale because I avoid the sun like the plague so I often wonder if that’s why people think I now look younger because my skin hasn’t been ruined by obsessing over getting a tan. I know some sun is healthy so I’m not a shut-in, but I get made fun of for going to different countries and coming home without a tan.

>> No.15301651
File: 18 KB, 400x514, Mineral-Lotion-With-Sunscreen-for-Sensitive-Skin-Anthelios-SPF50-image1-3606000520837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this. Exceptionally well if you have a slight tan. Blends into your skin without standing out like most white sunscreens.


>> No.15301880

My skin type is bleached paper.
This is kind of expensive for something that I have to slab on every single day.
I think you would use about 200ml in 4-5 weeks

>> No.15301898

I wear sunscreen every day and I go through 50ml a month.

>> No.15301907

Cerave moisturizer doesn't work for me. My skin gets red/irritated. Any good alternative? I'm fine with something expensive too.

>> No.15301912

Are you even applying enough?
Do you reapply? I don't bother unless I am in the sun a lot.
You should get at least a teaspoon for face and neck. At least

>> No.15301933

Yes, I think the recommended minimum for face (without neck) is 1/4 a teaspoon 1.23ml so at minimum you should be at 36.9mls per month. 1/2 a teaspoon is what I have seen for face and neck but I don't do my neck oops. It is recommended to repply at least once but I don't see that much sunlight and it doesn't get very bright where i live so I don't..

>> No.15301943
File: 1.15 MB, 1720x825, Screenshot_2020-06-07 Petit Navire Plain Cod Liver, 120 Grams Amazon ca Grocery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try canned cod liver, it's so delicious. This is a regular price, you can pick it up at any dollar store or Russian store. It's not a source of protein and is very caloric, but goddamn it's so good, gourmet tier.

>> No.15301960
File: 58 KB, 600x600, large_3b4065cd-c804-4a4d-8b4f-ac4c60e15aa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try it with sweet mini tomatoes. The combo of salty tender liver pate and sweet tomatoes is just amazing.

>> No.15301961

I just drink the liver oil whenever I don't get sun on certain days. Might have to switch to the real stuff.

>> No.15302338

well folks, i started using cerave cleanser moisturizer and i have raging acne the likes of which has never been seen all over my chin. i'm 31. my acne was never this bad, not even in high school when my hormones were all out of wack. fuck this shit

>> No.15302823

>I think the sun protection offered by SPF 100 is only marginally better than SPF 50.
It's literally double.


Get a broad spectrum for UVA & B

>> No.15302861

Are Sebamed products any good? I am from Europe so it would be easier and cheaper to get Sebamed rather than Cerave. Are there any other EU alternatives?

Is it worth getting separate AM/PM creams or is it just a meme?

I have very thin skin under my eyes. Should I get an eye cream?

>> No.15302871

Everyone has thin skin under there eyes mate, don't worry about it. The normal stack cleanser/retinol/moisturizer/suncreen are all fine to use on the skin around your eyes.

There is no need to get separate AM/PM creams unless you are just doing skincare as a hobby. Its not necessary. Otherwise, it's best to have separate retinol (PM) and sunscreen (AM).

Cheap alternatives are cetaphil, the ordinary. The ordinary is probably the cheapest for retinol, cetaphil for cleanser and moisturizer.

>> No.15303021

That study doesn't say anywhere that it provides double the protection? It just says it provides more than SPF 50. And the participants were outside all day skiing in sun strong enough to burn and 70% of them didn't reapply as recommended. It makes sense in those conditions that SPF 100 would be more protective against burning. But I don't know how much extra protection that translates to for people who wear sunscreen daily for anti-aging (UVA rather than UVB) who are applying it properly. I've seen it somewhere that sunscreens above 60 SPF actually have less UVA protection.

This study seems to say that SPF isn't predictive of UVA protection.

>> No.15303584

Isn't SPF only indicative of how long it lasts and not how protective it is?

>> No.15303822

I have dermatillomania and have been picking at the back and side of my scalp. I've developed painful red sores. What can I put on there to get rid of it?

>> No.15303828

No, I don't think so. You have to reapply every two hours to get the SPF protection it says on the bottle. I think it's to do with how much UVB it blocks.

>> No.15303837
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Is this a meme product?

I keep getting ads from this company ever since I bought their sunscreen.

>> No.15303842

Most likely. Any product that directly has "anti-aging, anti-wrinkle" on it is essentially optional when you already have a solid skincare routine, diet, sun exposure.

>> No.15303931

IT's what I saw in some suncream documentary I think. But it also said that the amount you apply probably isn't enough as they were saying you need to put tablespoons on per body part covered.

>> No.15303938

Stop picking your skin and let it heal.

>> No.15304035

Do I need to wear sunscreen on cloudy/overcast days?

>> No.15304094

Why is skincare so complicated? So many fucking products and ingredient names to learn and try for fucks sakes.

Why isn’t there something like a gold standard? I tried to do my research and this is what I concluded as being the best and only things that someone needs.

A Retinoid/Retinol Cream
Moisturizer and Sunblock

Why would I need anything else when a decent retinoid/retinol cream can do so many things like reduce scars, wrinkles and boost collagen?

>> No.15304100
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How do I fix foot cracks?

>> No.15304145

don't listen to this autist, no such thing as "drugstore tier" look at the ingredients and you'll know what's good whether it's $10 or $500

>> No.15304207
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>> No.15304330


>> No.15304366

Id on jacket?

>> No.15304373

try a high % urea.

>> No.15304395

If you have done research can you explain to e what retinol cream does? Has it side effects?
I'm new to this too and just use whatever moisterizer I can find without perfume and sunblock

>> No.15304408

Stop wearing sunscreen every day and you will look a little less like Smeagol

>> No.15304799

get it on ebay...its 10 USD..

>> No.15305515
File: 73 KB, 800x800, aveeno ageless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good moisturizer FOR MEN?

>Wake up to softer, smoother, younger-looking skin. AveenoAbsolutely Ageless™ Restorative Night Cream with ACTIVE NATURALS®Blackberry Complex helps to improve elasticity and firmness to reveal younger-looking skin in just 1 week. Non comedogenic.

>> No.15305523

Everyone has diff skin
Just start every other day first and if it doesn’t dry skin out too much you can try everyday

>> No.15305553
File: 517 KB, 1491x6127, Screenshot_2020-06-09 All brands Shoppers Drug Mart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all so overwhelming

I don't know where to strat

>> No.15305566

Sounds good . Go for it

>> No.15305571

Thats a list of brands, you big MANLY retard. Go to a drug store and buy whatever moisturizier makes you feel BIG and MANLY.

>> No.15305739
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Are dermarollers legit? All I could ever find was pseudoscience

>> No.15305785


peach and lily has never let me down and you can trust their reviews

if you want cheaper shit go to style korean

i wouldn't necessarily buy designer(gyvenchy) skin care

also sephora only carries skin products that have been proven to work/as in tested in "scientific" setting to prove they do what they claim

>> No.15305787

by peach and lily i mean the website....never bought their actual brand
but they carry wonderful products on website

>> No.15305804

What do you recommend for men?

>> No.15305822

idk shit about mens skin
but i would assume its the same as womens

anyways you need to start by figuring out what kind of skin you have bc most of the best products are specific to the cause

i literally spent thousands when the whole "korean" routine became a thing
god i cant even imagine how much that industry profited

>> No.15305827

Where do I go do that. My gf got me some stuff from the ordinary I've been using

>> No.15305838

ive seen it around its supposedly bare essential ingredients but its so cheap i dont trust it

what do you have and does it work?

>> No.15305840
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Many men have beards. How to take care of the skin under the beard?

>> No.15305852

The glycloic acid set, trying to treat some acne scarring

>> No.15305886

i would say get a good retinol for nightime
drunk elephant is really strong but im all about it

and use strong peel mask once/twice wk
(dont use retinol same day)
my favorite is tata harper resurfacing

again it really depends on how sensitive/dry/etc your skin is

and if youre doing any of this - you better be using moisturizer and sunscreen

>> No.15305890

again idk shit about ordinary
if youre seeing results thats all that matters

most of the peel masks have glycolic acid

>> No.15305900

Thanks, what's a good moisturizer that doesn't smell feminine?

>> No.15305925

Nothing feminine about it.

>> No.15305937

i use cicapair dr jarts re-cover (morning time)
bc it helps with redness/irritation and has 40SPF
and dr jarts cicapair cream at night its more moisturizing (retinol is very drying)

all of the products i mentioned help with cell regeneration (or whatever the hell its called)

also if i overdo the retinol and skin gets flaky (REN has a great calming mask and balm)

anyways like i said these might not work for everyone

i haven't had a zit in years and my pores are small, most of my scars are totally gone.

>> No.15305940

oh and no feminine smell

>> No.15306043 [DELETED] 

Literally any moisturizer that doesn't have fragrance added. And any moisturizer that is good usually doesn't have fragrance added.

>> No.15306060

Any moisturizer that doesn't have fragrance added will not smell feminine. And all the moisturizers that are good don't have fragrance added.

First I would advise to try something like Cerave PM moisturizing lotion (cult favourite) or Eucerin urea repair (personal favourite).

>> No.15306110

That is pretty much the gold standard. Maybe with vitamin C added.

It gets complex beyond that because:
>it's a hobby to many people so it can get as complex as you want
>trends (glass skin)
>majority of people into skincare in a big way are women who are more likely to have specific skin issues as adults due to hormone fluctuations
>also many women wear makeup which looks much better if you have much more plump, moisturized and smooth skin than a man who doesn't wear makeup would care about
>there is a way higher standard for women's skin in general anyway than men's so they are more likely to get involved beyond the point of diminishing returns
>it's a big self care thing and people like doing extra in that regard
>there are a lot of interesting ingredients that aren't that well-established yet that still have promising results
>A lot of people find it hard to access retinoids
> A lot of people don't want to use retinoids for various reasons (it can be very irritating, there's a purging period, dry skin you can't put makeup on in the beginning, potential birth defects if you are pregnant)
>Probably a lot more

But I do agree with your post. I don't think you can do much better than retionoid, proper cleansing, moisturizer, proper sun protection. I do a few extra hydrating steps and for all the extra effort the result is minimal and I don't think that is improving the health of my skin, just the cosmetic appearance for the duration of time I am using those products. I also do extra anti-aging steps which I couldn't really vouch for and wouldn't suggest to someone just getting into skincare.

>> No.15306390

My skin doesn't feel tangibly oily, can I still have oily skin? It's kind of shiny. I've been using the CeraVe cleanser and moisturizer for normal-to-dry skin but I can't say my complexion has really improved at all.

>> No.15306466

I agree with your points. And, yes. Adding another product to just get some very minimal rewards is not worth it.

I try to keep things minimal. Only using cleanser, tretinoin, moisturizer and sunblock.

Do you know if moisturizer is really necessary? Aren’t the effects (kind of like makeup) temporary and just for people with dry skin? Or does it have permanent, long-term skin benefits?
I don’t understand why should I moisturize when I don’t have a dry skin.

Also, I’ve read that serums. and I think Vitamin C specifically, are part of the “holy trinity” or the “big four” of skin care.
Is vitamin C really that beneficial? I’m male, so I don’t know if I care much about glowing skin.

>> No.15306520

No moisturizer should have fragrance

I sort of think of cleansing like shitting and moisturizing like eating food. Like yeah if you skip a meal you'll be fine, but skip a bunch a meals and your skin would be more and more unhealthy. Also, if you keep your skin moisturized, it can do it's job of turning over dead skin, healing pimples, building collagen better than if was less moisturized, and those effects are the more "permanent" ones. You should definitely be moisturizing if you're using tretinoin. Maybe you haven't noticed how drying it can potentially be if you've been moisturizing consistently.

Idk much about Vitamin C but it seems good. I haven't gone out of my way to include it in my routine because people keep saying that it's somewhat unstable, unless it's formulated properly. If I do decide to get it (after my Accutane course) it'd be The Ordinary's L-Ascorbic Acid powder. But to me it seems like tretinoin and other retinoids do what Vitamin C claims to do but better and are more researched, so why complicate my routine and spend more money. Krave's Beet Shield has Vitamin C, but it actually seems to make a lot of sense to have it in a sunscreen because antioxidants can potentially help protect you against sun damage.

>> No.15306566

It's probably dehydrated
Drink more water and find a heavy cream or night mask for PM

>> No.15306610

>But to me it seems like tretinoin and other retinoids do what Vitamin C claims to do but better and are more researched
That’s what I thought. Thanks.

Hope you’re handling Accutane well. My biggest regret is not taking it sooner, so sick could stop indented acne scars (craters) forming.
Now, I’ll give Tretinoin 3 months and weekly 0.5mm dermarolling a try. If it doesn’t do anything for my scars I’ll go for laser.

>> No.15306618

My skin is good as fuck. It's simple, just never go outside.

>> No.15306646

>Large pores all over my nose going down to my face a little bit

How do I get rid of these?

>> No.15306652

I'm handling it really well. My skin is barely dry, it's just not an oil slick anymore and my sebaceous filaments can't be seen from the ISS. My pores look way better, and my boxcar scars even look more filled in for some reason. My lips are barely dry if I just constantly reapply aquaphor and rub the dead skin off every morning. The biggest drag is the bone-dry eyes, worse eczema (my eczema was already annoying pre-Accutane), and fresh blood after wiping (shits happen less often now too, and slightly more painful). I barely purged and I'm pretty clear even on month 3. People on the Accutane subreddit got some truly pizzaface tier purges, but I already went through that shit on adapalene and tretinoin most likely.

I basically owe it to covid-19 for getting on Accutane, because I chose tretinoin over it at first because I fell for the FUD about the side effects (didn't want hair loss, depression, or nosebleeds while student teaching). I figured that it was better to have those side effects while indoors and away from the sun now then later, when I might also lose my based medicaid that is paying for the entire course. Best decision I ever made tbqh familia.

You should use TO's 30% AHA + 2% BHA once a week. It's basically a super mild peel that can slowly help scars and also active acne. You should also continue the tret in any case for the continuing anti-acne and aging benefits even if it isn't touching the scars. Idk why but lasers scar the shit out of me, on top of sounding expensive as fuck.

>> No.15306663

scare* the shit out of me*

Also occasional bloody snot and one honest to god nosebleed a month ago

Retinols, Adapalene (or tretinoin if you can acquire it), salicylic acid, and niacinamide. There's only so much you can do because pores are genetically determined

>> No.15306668

Ok, thanks. I'll take a look at some retinols.

I don't expect to get rid of them entirely, just diminsh.

>> No.15306764

Don't get the abrasive powder form. I thought it was a meme until I tried cerave. I moved on to mad hippie, but it really did take redness away and brightened up my complexion.

>> No.15306802
File: 1.56 MB, 680x497, 12m2nrJ - Imgur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use the ordinary cause its good for the price,

they have regimens on their site, just follow one


>> No.15306846

I didn’t purge on accurate either. I did get a lot of lip dryness and nosebleeds. The nosebleeds scared the shit out of me. It also made my cholesterol and triglycerides really high. I think cholesterol was 200 and Triglycerides 400.
All side-effects disappeared after I finished my course and everything returned to normal.

Lasers scare the shit out of me too. Especially since there are so many negative reviews online. But I just want a skin without scars so much.
People will never understand how effortless confidence is, when you have a clear skin.

>> No.15306860
File: 379 KB, 512x767, Average 20 year old white male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm my early 20s
>I still even get carded
Lmaooooo you realize that's normal right? Wypipo are just used to aging like shit

>> No.15307085

I don't have access to that article, but there is no metric for UVA. Getting a lower SPF in the hope that it will be better for UVA is a terrible idea. Get a high SPF that is broad spectrum.

The other study shows that SPF 100 is twice as good as SPF 50. Keep in mind the vast majority of people do not apply enough suncreen (1 tsp for your face) and do not reapply often enough (every 2 hours). Even if you do, there is no point in buying an inferior product. There is literally no reason to buy anything less than SPF 100 unless you can prove that it has better UVA protection.

>> No.15307104

My total cholesterol hasn't changed much and is solidly within range, but my pre-Accutane HDL was already borderline low (40), and Accutane has consistently dropped it to 38 and then 35. Triglycerides went from 55 to 158, and >150 is too high. More worryingly than the more expected changes in HDL and triglycerides was that one of my liver enzymes were decently elevated above the reference range, but I didn't get a call from the derm to stop, so I'm assuming it's fine. I'm fully expecting my triglycerides to go even higher on my next blood test to see how I handled the bump up to 120 mg (sounds high but I'm fat so that's still like 1.1 mg/kg).

Seeing myself slowly getting clearer skin is a bit depressing honestly, because most people already have clear skin or very passable skin, whereas people with really stubborn or pizzaface mode acne have to invest loads of time and money or take a chemotherapy drug just to barely even out the playing field. Never mind the aftermath of scarring too. After the skin battle, you still have to improve your confidence, weight, wardrobe, and other shit. Literally what is the point of this rat race?

I still think tretinoin can do a lot of work for scars. Even 0.05% seems to have been helping the pitted ones on my temples, so I wonder if 0.1% would do even more after Accutane.

>> No.15307143
File: 777 KB, 2024x973, 20200609_202752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What to do about little forehead bumps?

>> No.15307270
File: 87 KB, 325x300, 1552619778514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I pop my pimples? My skin is still awful despite following every meme I come across.

>> No.15307281

Ideally you shouldn't, but if you have to you should only do it with a comedone extractor (off Amazon) that makes it way easier and also minimizes damage. You also have to wait until the white shit is really close to the surface.

The non-memes are retinoids (adapalene is over-the-counter) and shit you need a prescription/online derm service for (or Indian/Russian illegal online pharmacies for). But even those need 1-3 months of consistent use with to see results with. It's like going to the gym.

>> No.15308257
File: 759 KB, 1080x2220, F5D0A466-D43C-4D7D-93E0-96E2A3604457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How deep are your scars? Mine are mostly medium but I got some deep ones.
When I’m in a lightly shadowed environment my scars aren’t visible. If I step into the light I can see how awful my skin complexion looks.
It doesn’t help that I got all the types of scars, like boxcar, ice pick, rolling etc.

I’m currently using Tretinoin 0.05 day and night. In my country you don’t even need a prescription for it, but 0.05 is the only strength available.
I have a dermaroller 0.05mm that I plan on using weekly soon (regret not getting the 1mm though). I hope the Tretinoin and dermaroller combined, can maybe slightly benefit the appearance of my scars, or it’s off to laser.

The only reason I don’t go for laser yet, is because of how powerful Tretinoin seems to be. Some guy on the Retin-A thread posted his progress (pic related).

>> No.15308258
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After pic

>> No.15308401

The Ordinarily is actually quite shit. Many disappointed customers. Read the reviews.

>> No.15308418
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I have no idea where to start as well, should I follow >>15291847 , been on this kinda self destruct mode for the past years

>> No.15308516

trim your beard and use a bristle boar brush and a couple drops of oil. having a dry beard will dry the skin under your beard

>> No.15308518

That routine is very boring. I would spic it up a bit

>> No.15308539


Any tips?

>> No.15308588

Check out the anti aging routine from Brickell

>> No.15308607

The shipping and handling for their free sample is too expensive imo

>> No.15308608
File: 28 KB, 400x550, 136b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i didnt even know this thread was still going i stick to /frag/. but i'm still just gonna pick up what that dude recommended from the chemist tomorrow or the day after, i can't be bothered for all this retinol stuff man. but since the thread is still going is there anything that can be done about pic related? this is pretty much what my face looks like.
i have big pores as well, they don't bother me though and they run in the family.
i think bags under eyes are genetic as well. mine used to really bother me but its something thats very common in my ethnicity so theres not much to be done.

>> No.15308622

As a manly man, I prefer an extremely abbreviated skincare routine.

>> No.15308825

Exercise is one of the most important thinks for your skin. It increases blood-flow to the skin delivering essential nutrients. If you arent exercising and just using product and still not seeing results, it's time to start.

>> No.15308913

>there is no metric for UVA
What do you mean? Like PPD, PA+? They are just the two I see most commonly, but I know there are others.
I don't think someone should just get a lower SPF and "hope" it has a better PPD. You can find out the PPD of a sunscreen before you buy it. If you can't find out then I wouldn't trust the product. The highest PPDs I've seen so far are found in SPF 50 suncreams. Apart from this one super expensive SPF130+ suncream which isn't really accessible enough to be of interest. I would be very interested if you could find an accessible SPF 100 with a PPD higher than 46. (The SPF50 I use currently is PPD 46)
And I still don't see anywhere in that study that shows SPF 100 is literally twice as good as SPF 50? I imagine SPF 100 is best in those specific conditions (sun strong enough to burn, person applying sunscreen doesn't know how to use it properly, only one application in the whole day). I just would be surprised if that translated to every-day anti-aging use.
I think an inferior product would be one that is not well formulated and has a low PPD.

>> No.15308921

or you can just sit in a sauna for 20 minutes

>> No.15308929

How fucked is your brain to want to use these really shitty and extremely over-priced products just because the label is black and says "for men" on it?

>> No.15308933

Not all of us are Finnish

>> No.15308939

They're not shitty products. They work quite well, actually. Who cares if it says "for men" on it?

>> No.15309091


Im thinking of doing the same

>> No.15309204
File: 18 KB, 225x300, 12169fc553cc69c9fedb5ed42fcf0624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skincare is a meme

>> No.15309208

Is "The Ordinary Retinol 0.2%" a good one to get? I've never done it before, I also can't get Tretinoin for a decent price.

>> No.15309523

It's fine but squalane may break you out. I've seen a few people think they were going through crazy purging periods with that and it was just the squalane breaking them out. If you're good with squalane go for it.

>> No.15309613

I have no idea if i'm good with squalane because i've never used it. Is there a decent alternative in a similar price range?

>> No.15309635

I don't know but I doubt it because the Ordinary is usually as cheap as you can get. They have squalane on it's own that you could try for a couple of weeks to see if it breaks you out. It's fine for most people.

>> No.15309849

Pretty impressive improvement

>> No.15310053

PPD/PA+ is not widely adopted like SPF.

>> No.15310240

Cleansing oil is a game changer

>> No.15310873

Just ordered a free 15 day sample from Riversol. Are they reputable?

>> No.15310886

stop using skincare you faggots

>> No.15310896

And turn into a prune? No thanks

>> No.15310918

Why is wash face with water only in the morning good enough?

>> No.15310979

Eye creams seem to do nothing for me. Should I keep using them?

>> No.15311079

I'm only using nivea men moisturizer right now, looking to get Bulldog face wash and scrub, do any of you have any experience with those?

>> No.15311080

Good products

>> No.15311150

Do I need face scrub? The only problem I have with my skin is blackheads, my face is pretty clear otherwise. I also have patchy beard, no idea if scrub would help with that.

>> No.15311205

Yes scrub will help with ghe blackheads

>> No.15311560
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Are these pore vacuum things actually good or are they a meme??

>> No.15311591

No, physical exfoliation is generally not a good idea for facial skin. It works for some people but it's not even close to as effective as chemical exfoliation, and it can be a lot more damaging to your skin. I think in general it does more harm than good. Anway if you have blackheads then the best exfoliant by far for that is salicylic acid. You can get it from the Ordinary for cheap.

>> No.15311607

Sucks shit. Both scrub and face wash have harmful ingredients. Usually stuff marketed specifically to men is of a very low standard.
Basically an expensive meme. You can use a basic moisturizer.
There's no need to wash your face in the morning and excessive washing can cause your skin to over-produce oil or will just fuck unnecessarily with your moisture barrier. Maybe if you live in a really hot humid climate and wake up covered in sweat it would be different but I think for most people there's no need for anything but splashing water.

>> No.15311710

>you can use a basic moisturizer instead of eye cream
Has to be the worst advice I have ever seen on this board

>> No.15311724

what is the point of eye creams though. how is the skin under the eye so completely different from the skin everywhere else that eye creams are so expensive

>> No.15311742

i'm pretty sure they're closed comedones. Salicylic acid (the inkey list has a good salicylic acid cleanser), Azelaic acid or benzoyl peroxide will do the job

>> No.15311793

He/She is right, you eye cream shills can fuck away with your overpriced bullshit

>> No.15311826

Eye creams are the same ingredients as a face cream just for 100 times the price per ml. There is nothing in them that makes them worth that much more. They are generally gimmicks. If you have a specific issue to treat use an active for that and then just use your normal moisturizer. If you are prone to millia or have sensitive eyes maybe you might want to use a special product. But otherwise there is no need if your face moisturizer is good. If you go to a dermatologist they'll tell you the same thing.

>> No.15311975

You don't use much at all, the skin is completely different underneath. Caffeine and hyla acid help with bags, some have minerals in them to lighten up the area. Probably everyone is under 40 in here, So i can see how you think you don't need one.

>> No.15312018

How is that any different to using an active and a normal moisturizer?

>> No.15312035

And caffeine and hyaluronic acid are two of the cheapest and most easily accessible ingredients in skincare. Why you would buy an overpriced eye cream to use them is beyond me.

>> No.15312455

I've never heard of caffeine in anything skin related before now

>> No.15312952

If I use moisturizer or a commonly recommended cleanser like CeraVe hydrating cleanser my skin ends up looking like shiny rubber, it's always greasy. I think I'm going to just wash my face with cold water and use sunscreen and exfoliant. I haven't tried "gentle cleansers" yet. What should I do about greasy skin?

>> No.15313422

I started up adapalene 0.1% (Differin OTC) again thanks to COVID. Last time I tried it I got a massive swollen cyst that lasted a week - I couldn’t go out in public. This time I’m taking doxy and clindamycin with it. 6 weeks in and finally had two minor cysts show up. Realllly hoping at week 12 I see better results. This is my last push before I go to Accutane. I’m 28 and I’m done with this shit. I’ll be paying cash and I don’t even give a fuck. Until then Visine drops on the cysts every 2 hours are my savior (hope it doesn’t cause long term damage).

My only fear is the hair loss. Are you seeing any? My friend said she had some hair loss and supposedly it never grew back but I feel like that’s something you notice going away more than coming back. Plus I’m a guy and am already thinning (went on fin a few months ago) so it’s an even bigger concern for me.

>> No.15313877

Whats really the point of smearing some toxic chemicals in your face multiple times a day? Why? We arent meant to do that, your body automatically takes care of everything, just wash with water sometimes.

>> No.15313882

There was a fit post about charcoal gel/soap working wonders for pores. Anyone tried this?

>> No.15313899

Start sleeping on your back if you dont, its hard to get used to but it will avoid you squishing your face. Get a back sleeping pillow if its difficult, they bascially force you to sleep in a way good for your skin.

>> No.15313903

I don't think it mattered, our idea of pampering ourselves is a modern invention, and is nothing more than vanity. Skinlets stay mad.
Why is this board OBSSESSED with products that you become dependent on for vanity. Creams for your dry ass skin, creams for your bald ass head, how about a cream that develops a personality for your dry ass sensibilities.

>> No.15313933

because our skin isn't meant to be filled by industrial pollution and the chemical shits we eat dumbass

>> No.15313993

It's bullshit. Most everything is bullshit

>> No.15314057

A basic skincare routine is one of the easiest ways of making yourself look better. Being physically attractive confers many social benefits and taking care of yourself helps with self-respect.

>> No.15314066

Do you put sunscreen on even when you aren't going to leave the house that day?
Everyone says it's important but I'm a neet.

>> No.15314103

Yes. I'm a NEET too. UVA doesn't give a fuck about windows. And if you care about your skin health you should probably care at least a little about your general health which means getting some sunlight exposure each day.

>> No.15314262

Your face is oily and your stripping away too much ouls, find a more gentle cleanser.

>> No.15314395

If you're wearing a sunscreen you need to remove it properly with a good cleanser. The best way to remove sunscreen is double-cleansing. Use an emulsifying oil followed by a very gentle cleanser.
Like another anon said you might be stripping your skin. But I would be surprised if it was because of that cleanser, it's pretty gentle. I would recommend a cleanser for sensitive/reactive skin though, like LRP Toleraine cleanser.
Shiny skin can indicate your skin is irritated or your moisture barrier is damaged. There might be something you are sensitive to in one of your products. Can you go back to a previous iteration of your routine that worked for you and then add things in one product at a time, giving a couple of weeks for each? That could help isolate the problem if it's being cause by a product.
And if your skin is shiny I wouldn't be using an exfoliant, if your moisture barrier is compromised that will just make it worse.
I think the best way to deal with greasy skin is being as gentle and hydrating as possible.

>> No.15314457

maybe if you live in some industrial place, I live pretty secluded by a forrest and eat healthy naturl stuff due to the strict food regulations of my country

>> No.15314476

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but the majority of people don't live secluded in a forest.

>> No.15315860

No hair loss here. I feel like people find themselves taking Accutane around the same time that a lot of guys get heavy hair loss (teenagers and early 20s). If it does happen, it grows back after stopping. My hair is just annoyingly dry, and scalp is kinda itchy because less moisture. Accutane supposedly helps receptors in your skin become less sensitive to DHT (hence why you produce less sebum on it) so it might even help thinning while on it. My derm still did in-person visits and even started me on Accutane right when the covid-19 bullshit started, I would have off'd myself if wouldn't see me during covid. Good luck paying in cash for Accutane, shit is obscenely expensive even if you buy it from sketchy Russians online.

Way to beg to question. "Toxic" is an empty term. The dosage makes the poison. You need a few glasses of water every now and then to live, but several gallons and you'll die. Also, a lot skin care products are or are based on compounds that are already found in us: hyaluronic acid, ceramides, cholesterol, niacinamide, and even tretinoin (Vitamin A). Our body does tend to take care of things, but if it always did, then we wouldn't take showers, eat food, or have medicine. Skin care routines mostly help our skin do its job better, but a lot of people need more help with treatments for acne, wrinkles, etc. Humans weren't "meant" to do anything. We used to just walk around not caring about pimples or wrinkles, and we still can, but a lot of us don't want to if we can help it.

>> No.15315981

im a 19yo female... i already use sunscreen and wash with water. what other chemicals would help with preventing breakouts and anti-aging? i hear of salicylic acid, tretinoin, hyaluronic acid, retinol, niacinamide, but idk shit about any of these. its so hard to find what's a meme and what's actually backed by research. if anyone could give a brief rundown or recommendations for someone my age it would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.15315985

yes, you will get exposed to UV if you have windows near you. however instead of using sunscreen every single day i recommend blocking out your windows with a blanket or something.

>> No.15316003

Thanks. I think the same thing. Hopefully it won’t happen.

I don’t even care at this point. Even my derm is begging me to wait to get health insurance. But by the time I do I’d basically be done my dose. 15 years of acne, I’m 28, I’m over it, I tried everything. The differin I don’t think will work and I’m basically just trying it so I can say I tried everything and feel less regret if Accutane really fucks me up.

What dose are you on?

>> No.15316399

This is utter trash, everything that contains alcohol is trash, big brands like nivea, l oreal overall are trash. I bought into this shit until I met my former girlfriend who is a dermatologist

Check for dermatologist blogs and check out programs from Paula's Choice and Clinique. Also use this routine:

1. Cleanser
2. Toner
3. Moisturizer
4. Exfoliator (Start with it once a week)
5. Sun care factor 30 to 50

I use this brand but there must be similar brands, translate it for tips on good skin care: https://www.uncover-skincare.nl

>> No.15316408

How do I go about treating large painful pimples on/in my ass? I shower relatively frequently and have pretty decent hygiene but these zits all over my ass are making my life miserable

>> No.15316421

What's the time between the before after? You literally got baby smooth skin in the after pic.

>> No.15317333

What's your dairy consumption like? Do you sit in the same place all day sweating into your ass? Do you have acne elsewhere? Do you change your underwear or whatever every day? Do you have a sensitivity to the material of your underwear?
After a couple of years of bacne I realized that dairy consumption was a big trigger for it, even though the skin on my face is super clear and not effected by dairy at all. Before I realized the dairy thing I successfully made the bacne less angry by using glycolic acid. You can buy a big thing of it for cheap from the ordinary so I would recommend that. But I recommend reviewing your diet/general health(exercise) as well since that was a big source for me..

>> No.15317526

Caffeine is also used in a drink. It's called coffee.

>> No.15317584

not that anon but i took 80mg for 6 months at 25 and my skin pretty much cleared by month 3, with just the basic side effects of dry lips/eyes. nothing too crazy, no hair loss but my hair did feel pretty dry all the time. for me it was for sure worth the risk

>> No.15317591

they said what retinol does in the last line of the post

only side-effects can be dryness, peeling, redness when starting it but that is temporary

>> No.15317758

120mg, I started at 40mg, and then 80mg, but I'm obese so that's still like 1 mg/kg, which is what most derms seem to aim for. I like differin but it still takes a while to work (although it did start working at month 4) and only worth it if seeing a derm is hard (like it is for you right now because of covid), otherwise I say go straight to tret or accutane if the acne is at all stubborn.

Body acne is a pain, especially those deep cysts. You can try a SA body wash like CeraVe's or a BPO cleanser, but you should see a derm because I don't think anything really touches those angry things besides oral antibiotics or accutane.

>> No.15317793

Is your skin oily or dry? Do you have acne at all, and if you do, would you say it's stubborn? Do you wear makeup?

It's good that you're wearing sunscreen, but water probably isn't enough to wash it all off at night. You should get a simple cleanser like Cetaphil's gentle one.

What's most backed up by research for anti-aging and breakout are retinoids, and Differin (generic Adapalene) is the one that is over the counter in the US, and sunscreen to prevent the damage in the first place. Tretinoin is by prescription from a doctor or derm (just ask and you'll probably get it), but you can get it legit through Curology or Apostrophe, or illegally through alldaychemist which is an Indian online pharmacy. It has the most research since it's from the 70s. Retinols work similarly, but nearly as fast because your skin has to do a lot of chemistry to it to turn it into it's active form, whereas retinoids are ready for your skin to use. But they're cheaper and easier to find through cosmetic companies like The Ordinary.

Anything else for anti-aging is either not super duper amazing, we're waiting on research to come out on, or a meme. It's still important to moisturize and feed your skin with moisturizers that have nice ingredients like hyaluronic acid and niacinamide.

Besides Adapalene, everything over the counter for acne kinda sucks and dries the shit out of you for no reason. Salicylic acid is still good 2-3 a week with the right product, like the red stridex pads or Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid exfoliant. I'd only us benzoyl peroxide at 2.5% as a spot treatment.

>> No.15317888

Start using a cleanser and moisturizer, buy stuff made for your face as a body soap is usually too harsh

CeraVe has a hydrating cleanser that's good for dry to normal skin, get the foaming version if you have oily skin. As for a moisturizer, their daily moisturizing lotion is relatively light and dries quickly

If you have issues with acne and oily skin, consider adding a chemical exfoliator, something with a 2% SA concentration like Stridex pads, The Ordinary 2% Salicylic Acid, or Paula's Choice 2% BHA. Start with using it 3 times per week, if your skin starts to feel dry cut it back or use a lower % concentration

Avoid things like physical exfoliation, or weird ""natural"" soaps that'll probably dry out or just fuck up your face

>> No.15317936

I wish clindamycin worked well on cystic acne. It basically solved all my regular acne, it’s like a miracle in that regard, but it doesn’t seem to do much for cysts

>> No.15317952

>foaming version for oily skin
how come? i've got pretty oily skin

>> No.15318178

generally foaming cleansers are a bit stronger and are better at removing oils. it's just a starting point, if you try a foaming cleanser and find that it dries out your skin, then move to a gentler cleanser

>> No.15318291

well i'll try the normal cerave cleanser first then to the foaming one if my skin isnt doing well with it but desu i dont mind having oily skin

>> No.15318326
File: 111 KB, 313x248, b0d817bb-1f30-48f5-9733-5376103cdfa2..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Biore uv rich watery essence had doubled in price due to rona