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File: 11 KB, 400x400, infj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15300280 No.15300280 [Reply] [Original]

What is the average personality type of /fa/?


Just wondering, I personally think personality may affect how wide or close or specific your taste is.

>> No.15300283

>another zodiac sign thread

>> No.15300293

Cue hundreds of articles written to prove how terrible and inefficient this “test” is. I’m an INTP apparently but I very rarely debate and am not an extrovert. So what the Fuck am I then? Dividing the human mind in 16 neat little cubes is dumb

>> No.15300297

It's watered down Jungian psychology that is designed primarily to sell managerial consulting packages to corporations.

>> No.15300306

INTJ an I care about fashion

>> No.15300308

datamining glownigger

>> No.15300310

MTBI is a meme thats as reliable as as a -oomer meme on /r9k/ and you're either underage or a faggot for making this retarded thread

>> No.15300339
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>> No.15300364

It's so inconsistent, I drift from INTP, INTJ and INFJ.

>> No.15300387

I got INTP but I don't think I fit in with Einstein and the rest of the turbo nerd INTPs. Also INTP is like one of the rarest ones yet these threads are always littered with apparent INTPs.

I'd love be put in the same box as a bunch of geniuses but it just seems like bullshit

>> No.15300388
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>> No.15300391

personality type =/= iq

>> No.15300398

personality type = iq

>> No.15300399
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>> No.15300403

personality type ≥ iq

>> No.15300416

im intp
fuck why is this true

>> No.15300442

Infj here too but that site is really watered down, as was mentioned and is basically a big five disguised as mbti

>> No.15300474


>> No.15300479

The only non retarded one is the top right one apparently. Well sorry to disappoint guys but we’re just as idiotic as the rest of you

>> No.15300480

I just took it and got INTP-A, is this based or cringe?

>> No.15300483

astrolgy for incels

>> No.15300493

The fuck is INTP-A again? Is it the debater one? Cos I’m that seems like

>> No.15300514

I'm an INTP, I've consistently gotten that result. But I'll take it again to see if I've changed.

Alright, now this is from after taking it again. For the 3rd or 4th time I've gotten INTP-T again. It seems I've grown even stronger into this personality type than ever before, and here I was thinking I'd get something new.

>> No.15300516

I'm INFP. Apparently that's pretty rare.
It's not so much that it's a load of bs. There is definitely merit to it. But humans have complex, myriad personalities that change with the seasons. If you expect it to be the end-all-be-all summation of your behavior and your place in the world, of course you'll be disappointed.

>> No.15300545


>> No.15300547


>> No.15300555
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>> No.15300633


>> No.15300683


>> No.15300723

chad and based

>> No.15300969


Does this make me an asbolute faggot?

>> No.15301205

INFP here

>> No.15301243


>> No.15301266

I'm gonna take it again, I was INTP like 4 years ago, lets see if I changed.

yep just took it, still INTP, but only 58% on the thinking side. I have gotten more in touch with my emotions, but I'm not quite INFP

>> No.15301276
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>> No.15301280
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>> No.15301313

I used to be an INTP but now I'm a INFP

>> No.15301329
File: 105 KB, 1897x936, personality type.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this test is retarded and the communities based around it are insufferable retards with no self-identity desperately scrambling to have one

>> No.15301344
File: 103 KB, 1038x308, AZh1I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

myers-briggs personality tests, along with all other personality tests, are less useful and more cringe than astrology

>> No.15301686


>> No.15301692

biology gang
cant wait for no jobs

>> No.15301711
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>> No.15301739


>> No.15301743
File: 476 KB, 1322x1858, 1590024490772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not an NPC...right?

>> No.15301833


>> No.15301842
File: 31 KB, 225x225, INFP_lgbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15302845

most of the people that say mbti is garbage are just grasping at an easy midwit take.
it very clearly has some predictive power and some ability to explain things so if it's garbage it only smells as bad as most of "legit" psychology you guys wouldn't shit on.

>> No.15302854

You aren’t INTP unless you can actually learn complex things on your own. Highly doubt any of these INTP anons have hobbies that require critical thinking, let alone possess the ability to put together a coherent fit.

>> No.15302864

What kind of hobbies require critical thinking?

>> No.15302979

I'm ENTP/ENFP. my thinking feeling is always 51% to 49% or vice versa.

>> No.15303128

I like long range precision shooting, original military arms, and parting together clone correct firearms to specific areas when I cant get them

>> No.15303148

entp here, and yup, pretty accurate

>> No.15303152

i think never being able to commit to learning one thing is an intp trait, though.

>> No.15303496

i'm and intp & i like to have a more minimal closet with clothes that easily match. i have about 55 articles of clothes and shoes and i plan to purge some soon. i care about quality/ fit way more than patterns and trends

>> No.15303673


>> No.15303705


>> No.15304070

I'm glad to be ENTJ.

>> No.15304073

what are you talking about?

>> No.15304077

That's ENTP

>> No.15304080

Friendly reminder to all my xNxPs that you can easily get diagnosed with ADHD and get free stimmies

>> No.15304114

I would kick the shit out of you IRL to prove you are not estp-a faggot

>> No.15304125

ive noticed that people who are likely to gather here or related chats are usually intp/intj personally im halfway entp and intp

>> No.15304268


>> No.15304356

same. and my condolences

>> No.15304362

I like gosha a lot

>> No.15304392

i hope so

>> No.15304815

>tfw INFJ and finishing my engineering degree

>> No.15304824

>ctr+f INTP
>22 results

I thought we were rare. Or does 4chan just attract us and tickles our autistic fancy's?

>> No.15304825

didn't mean to reply >>15304815
to ya brah

>> No.15304871
File: 41 KB, 430x799, INTJ-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whose dick do I have to suck now?

>> No.15304889 [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 960x1280, mis-piernas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine, son
start with the toes
get 'em wet

>> No.15304914

>300 hours in Civ V
I am getting an arts degree though

>> No.15304964

INTP, INTJ and INFJ are rare but internet places suck them up like moths to a flame.
F types are more evident on "feels" boards and T types are more evident on the others.

>> No.15305285

INTJ and I always pick assassin in rpg's or dd


>> No.15305289

I have ADHD and the medication is horrible wtf?

>> No.15305300

mad because you're an S

>> No.15305348


>> No.15305367

I've taken this test a couple of times and got different results, I was completely honest while taking it

>> No.15305374

Everyone does every function. And people can be very close to between letters. So in theory a person could be moderate on each thing and get literally any result at different times.
But what is more likely is that people will lean identifiably to one side.
I got INTP once and INTJ three times. The tests say on P and J I don't lean heavily.
For some cases the tests might not be enough or might even be consistently wrong. In those cases you need a deeper understanding of the different functions and what functions your case demonstrates to work out what they are.

>> No.15305399

INTP is the most common, everyone who thinks they are special is INTP.

>> No.15305402


>> No.15305412

This is more evidence of >>15305399
Nerds thinking they are special

>> No.15306198

>anonymous online discussion with light moderation
there's a reason why almost everyone on 4chan falls into one of 3 specific personality types.
that's just wrong
that's not evidence