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15303751 No.15303751 [Reply] [Original]

Flat tummy edition

Last >>15286485

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated

>http://pastebin.com/raw/k616ZXUw (embed)

Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:
>http://pastebin.com/raw/VmmYeLYN (embed)

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something (unless they ask for meanspo) - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15303756
File: 311 KB, 1080x1832, 20200608_121655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on day 2 of my fasting
I was planning to only do 48 hrs but fasting is so easy I'm going ahead and doing 72

>> No.15303780

I can't do more than 24 hours without feeling like shit. I usually just do 20/4

>> No.15303798


>> No.15303823


>> No.15303829


>> No.15303835

That's either cause you have no excess body fat to burn for fuel, or your adrenals are weak.

>> No.15303848

Probably the latter, I know I still have fat. What do?

>> No.15303864
File: 80 KB, 1280x724, F44637C7-5106-4CFB-A014-3E37821169E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bmi 17
>still a khv
You still have to be handsome and not autistic. Although I am very plain, do I really need to get earrings and shit to be effay?

>> No.15303869

>getting effay for women
never gonna make it

>> No.15303871

>Be me
>Fat but not autistic
>Still get laid

>> No.15303874

post yourself - we can't give feedback without pics

>> No.15303897

I don’t have any pics of me since this phone is new but I post occasionally in rate threads and always get told I’m average with some good features and some flaws. Often to bulk up too but I guess that’s to be expected.

>> No.15303904

What bmi you think this boy has?
I’m around 16 and I still look so fucking soft and far from that

>> No.15303908

bf% is a lot more important than mass

>> No.15303913

Maybe 15, with the tiniest amount of muscle

>> No.15303914

Well, then what bf% you think he has?

>> No.15303917
File: 181 KB, 1732x1246, 1588634828269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15303940


>> No.15303957

Honestly the only reason why I can fast for more than 24 hrs is because of caffiene-
I dirty fast and 0 calorie monsters are a lifesavers

>> No.15303984

ate way too much at a restaurant the other day and have been too scared to weigh myself. "fasting" today (a bottle of kombucha and water only). tell me I'm a a good girl and will get back to 115 or less soon pls

>> No.15303987
File: 44 KB, 540x542, tumblr_povc6tSsxV1w4tdtqo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copy n pasting it from last thread.

ive been keeping a consistent calorie defecit of 1000 cals all last week so now im gonna keep a defecit of 2000 cals (only eating 1000 a day) for another week. if that goes well next week im gonna throw in 40 minutes of exercise
wish me luck lads

>> No.15303991

You'll shit a lot of that weight out.
That being said, does anyone else weigh themselves before and after they poo?

>> No.15304005

(you replied to me)
personally I only weigh myself first thing in the morning naked before I've eaten/drank anything. when I was actually anorexic I did it every morning, but recently I've been doing it every week or two.

follow-up question: how autistic are y'all with regard to specific numbers? I feel like a fat piece of shit if I weigh in at like 116.6 but feel good/ok at 115

>> No.15304011

I always chalk it up to water weight. Anything more than say a 3 lb fluctuation and I'd be concerned.

>> No.15304033

an 24hrs fast is rly ez for me, usually start to feel dizzy and rly shitty around the 42hrs mark

>> No.15304039

I'm trying to do this... ugh

>> No.15304139

good luck m8, and post more pics like that pls x

>> No.15304162

I work in customer service and I have to basically deal with idiots a lot of the time.
How do y'all avoid being pissy with people when you're hungry?

>> No.15304178

You get used to it after a couple days. Nowadays I get irritable if I've eaten too much that day.

>> No.15304187

what are the most filling foods. oatmeal doesnt really do it for me

>> No.15304262

Look up satiety indexes
Potatoes are the highest.

>> No.15304488



>> No.15304516

thanks anon

>> No.15304548

Anyone got any pics of guys at 18 bmi, preferably 6'

>> No.15304701
File: 161 KB, 951x1024, 1562734373986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 1995 study where the satiety index came from was kinda flawed
>Isoenergetic 1000 kJ (240 kcal) servings of 38 foods separated into six food categories (fruits, bakery products, snack foods, carbohydrate-rich foods, protein-rich foods, breakfast cereals) were fed to groups of 11-13 subjects.
majority of the foods they used were fatty simple carbohydrates, and highly processed foods. absolutely no vegetables, so ofc potatoes is going to come on top of that list
you should take note that the most filling foods are also the ones with the largest serving size in that study, as well as being the ones with the most fibre and water
unfortunately they neglected to observe the subjects for more than 2 hours. i'd imagine the water you've consumed would be absorbed quickly so you'd end up feeling hungry again soon after

honestly just eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, it's good for you and will stop you being hungry. and also, maybe look at glucose and insulin indexes.


>> No.15304726

Just want to post this useful calculator, the one in the OP is very old (pastebin was written in 2016).
> Allows you to pick multiple ways of calculating your BMR (the most commonly used one is outdated and inaccurate)
> Has options for fasting
> BF percentage

>> No.15304766

please bulk and lift weights. being skinny only looks good if you have a little bit of muscle on you. if you're skinny fat and cut you'll just end up in skeletor-mode—you'll look bony and unhealthy. just lift weights until you're moderately strong (~315 lb deadlift, 275 lb squat and ~200 lb bench press) and *then* cut. it'll take under a year i promise (maybe even under 6 months). you just have to eat enough (aim for 300-500 calorie surplus or .5lb total weight gain per week) and train consistently. i recommend the 5/3/1 for beginners or phrak's greyskull lp routines.

>> No.15305019

>make america thin again
God can you fucking imagine being a burger, going outside, and everyone is thin? Imagine not having to deal with fatasses every day? Jesus fucking christ. Why?

>> No.15305198

9>3>>>5>4>1>11>12>13>7>14>>>>>>everything else

women have shit taste imo, but atleast they know 9 is fucking unbelievable

>> No.15305209

don't mind me, just posting the best breakfast recipe in the world


>> No.15305554

Move to NYC.

>> No.15305798

So I'm 5'10.5" manlet and I don't lift so I don't have tons of muscle, any idea what would be a good weight for 7-9% body fat? Or generally what BMI is generally low enough for sub 10% body fat? Just estimates no need to give an accurate number

>> No.15305815

being a fatass is better than being a skinny faggot who would get raped and killed by anyone

>> No.15305832

Projecting about that time with your uncle from when you was a child?

>> No.15305845

the issue with getting super thin (for most females) is they also lose their boobies and booty

is it worth it?
just to look good in clothes??

serious question

>> No.15305867

Not if you look like shit without them.

>> No.15305876

Depends post body

>> No.15305904

idk i thought that was part of the point. imo tits aren't effay but ass can be

>> No.15305909

They can keep a booty by doing squats, not sure if you even lose any tit mass

>> No.15306026

I might be severely autistic but I have no idea what this is trying to say. Clearly it relates to body fat but what do the numbers mean? How to the charts relate to the images?

>> No.15306037

they asked a bunch of women what their ideal body type for men was and this was the results

>> No.15306038

you do (trust me ive been fluctuating for years)

so its more important to be "effay" in clothes vs physically attractive and feminine naked?

feeling feminine gives confidence, which is a great thing to have

>> No.15306039

I'm guessing it is supposed to be referencing some study about what women find most attractive in male bodytypes?

>> No.15306076

Number 9 here and my life is still shit

What do

>> No.15306085

Does water really make your face look leaner? Never kept with it long enough to actually see results. If not is there anything else to increase face definition?

>> No.15306088

Shame your body cant make up for a incel face and generic white gamer guy personality

>> No.15306134

Obesity rate of NYC is over 50%

>> No.15306180

>current stats: 5'6", 107.8 (as of this morning), F, 21
>goal weight: binged last night for the second time in the past week, after having not binged for over 2 months. just wanna maintain @ 106 ideally, because i'm autistic about that specific number. but basically just not letting myself gain any weight from the binge. 107.9 lbs is the absolute cap, though i know what i weighed at this morning is post binge weight that won't necessarily stick around.
>preferred method of losing weight: can maintain where i'm at right now without thinking about it much. however, guess i gotta calorie count for the next few days because i binged last night like a retard
>aesthetic you're going for: thin normie. decently "fit" girl next door. used to wanna be thinspo but i want to engage in activities that require heavy cognition, and it's difficult to maintain a modelesque weight without my energy levels and abstract cognition abilities suffering noticably.

>> No.15306183

>current stats: 5'6", 107.8 (as of this morning), F, 21
>goal weight: binged last night for the second time in the past week, after having not binged for over 2 months. just wanna maintain @ 106 ideally, because i'm autistic about that specific number. but basically just not letting myself gain any weight from the binge. 107.9 lbs is the absolute cap, though i know what i weighed at this morning is post binge weight that won't necessarily stick around.
>preferred method of losing weight: can maintain where i'm at right now without thinking about it much. however, guess i gotta calorie count for the next few days because i binged last night like a retard
>aesthetic you're going for: thin normie. decently slender girl next door. used to wanna be thinspo but i want to engage in activities that require heavy cognition, and it's difficult to maintain a modelesque weight without my energy levels and abstract cognition abilities suffering noticably.

>> No.15306195
File: 783 KB, 1704x2555, 20200609_103208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck. I decided to fast yesterday and I barely feel hungry. Gonna go refeed I guess. I shouldn't be fasting this was dumb i almost went a year without doing it. Oh well

>> No.15306239


>> No.15306246

why are you fasting?

>> No.15306253

Can you fags stop saying “tummy” like you’re 6, please?

>> No.15306265

Stop doing drugs, anon.

>> No.15306311

5'11, ~119lbs or 180cm, 54kg

I just broke it, but because I wanted to see my body after fasting and I wanted to see how long it would take to feel hungry like a normal person.

Sorry anon, I'm not a junky

>> No.15306460
File: 2.02 MB, 1867x4000, IMG_20200609_222552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you mind if a jew like me will join your /thinspo/ posting??? (*бωб)

>> No.15306521

They do.

>> No.15306524

That's really helpful, thanks for sharing.

>> No.15306589

your belly button looks like there's a penis coming out of it

>> No.15306665

Skinnyfat manlet

>> No.15306677

its not skinnyfat he is broad shouldered and has a rib cage that is too big to fit in with your group of de-chested males.

what thinspo wants: lil huddy and justin bieber

what most male bodies are more like: zac effron and dave franco

>> No.15306691

Yea but hes neither thinspo or most male bodys, hes a chubby manlet who lost the genetics lotto

>> No.15306694

Ok well just so you know I wish I was dechested too, I wanted a lil huddy type of comfy torso instead in built like Chris Pratt

>> No.15306733

No, your built like a incel, otherwise you wouldnt be here trying to cope on 4chan

>> No.15306745

Now you're just salty

>> No.15306766 [DELETED] 

slammable twink. lets so those cheeks

>> No.15306767
File: 68 KB, 570x572, 6D7BE19A-AACD-4A9D-832F-BD012E7E1097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I WISH I was built like an incel instead of some classic strongman in a circus.

I don’t want a bodybuilder torso I just wanted to be skinny.

You know what happens when you have a high frame ceiling and try to be skinny?

>> No.15306771

slammable twink. lets see those cheeks

>> No.15306824

How long will it take to lose 20 pounds bros... Is the whole only lose 1-2 pounds a week a meme or can it be achieved faster?

>> No.15306837

just fast for a week and you got it

>> No.15306848

Absolutely delicious anon, I’d do unspeakable things to you
Keep it up

>> No.15306899

You can be skinny with broad shoulders retard, aslong as you dont have wide hips so then you look like a fridge, kinda exactly like the pic you posted. Mans be looking like a poptart

>> No.15306905

Just fast, this thinspo shit isnt hard at all. Just dont eat. Anyone who cant do that is just a coping delusional mentally handicapped fatty

>> No.15306918


>> No.15306920
File: 144 KB, 1217x912, 6D18B02C-BC1A-47E2-BBFC-98D77D9E968A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man duck being a pop tart I want out of this planet

>> No.15306963

Just stop eating you fucking whale
2000 a day is literally the way to obesity
Try 800-1200

>> No.15307026

Too many calories bruv.
I eat 1400 a day and am still consistently losing. Also try to stay somewhat active.

>> No.15307034

stop replying to him, he's baiting.

>> No.15307038
File: 135 KB, 640x615, 1588995480142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gayest fucking shit I've read in a while. You're a man, you've got good genetics for being a man, stop trying to become a woman. Lift and eat and be fucking grateful for what you have

>> No.15307041
File: 69 KB, 420x326, 1587487618917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15307091

1000cal master race reporting in

>> No.15307096

I just want to be comfy! I want a neutral stick body instead I’m dad mode

>> No.15307110

I want to lick his tummy no homo

>> No.15307256
File: 159 KB, 567x1200, 20200610_083459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently at 160 down from 194

Obviously a ways to go (I hope my titties shrink :DDD) but, can you guys see any sign of weird gay alien proportions that I should work on?

>> No.15307273

are you just going for sticc mode

>> No.15307286


swimmer twunk mode desu

>> No.15307299

no offense just curious how fat are you that your tdee is 3k whilst sedentary and presumably having no muscle

>> No.15307300

just keep doing waht you're doing i guess. would lift some more, or start (kinda hard to tell) lifting, for some more definition. looks pretty good though anyway, nice job.

>> No.15307326
File: 112 KB, 720x960, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I've been doing bodyweight stuff for little while on top of swimming for about a year, this is how small my shoulders used to be lmao

>looks pretty good though anyway, nice job.

thank mr anon

>> No.15307334

oh i misread "swimmer" as "summer" lol, that makes more sense. anyway, pretty solid improvement. just keep doing what you're doing. gl

>> No.15307503
File: 60 KB, 600x450, 1550316081-raw_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the rawpill. Same amount of food, drastically lower energy intake.
https://youtu.be/SaOHTp07Vgw - This is literally backed up by science btw

>> No.15307533

Genuine question: are you gay?

>> No.15307573

it only works if you have a well defined abdomen or else you look like a jew in concentration camp

>> No.15307880

>179 cm
>56 kg
>still look shit
wtf bros

>> No.15308002

This fucking general made me bulimic

>> No.15308042

just eat less food fatty

>> No.15308150


>> No.15308154

Nah you just got a deformed ugly incel wide body, SQUARE BOY

>> No.15308158

Skinny fat

>> No.15308181

Fucking autists, why does thinspo attract you retards, im obviously taking the piss


>> No.15308182

damn right

>> No.15308218



>> No.15308231

Gz, you look like a bottom heavy rectangle

>> No.15308234


>you look like a bottom heavy symmetrical shape


>> No.15308288

You lost the genetics lottery, wide hips narrow shoulders. You will always look ugly no matter how much you work out

>> No.15308308


Don't think so timothy but at any rate I'll settle for being carried by my 9/10 face and charisma

>> No.15308315

Yea, your 9/10 face and personality is why your trying to flex on a 4chan board, just hero you larping incel, no one would even realise unless you made a post just before you did it.

>> No.15308335

Nigga looking like a pear

>> No.15308336
File: 876 KB, 1575x2100, AD00813A-C524-483A-A9D4-A739262F585F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinner or thicker?

>> No.15308355

Friendly reminder, even if you go fit having bad bone structure will like this anon, you might even look worse than thinspo. Wide hips narrow shoulders large chest

>> No.15308357

Why are you hiding your injection marks with your towl "natural" anon :)
I bet you have more scars than a 2009 emo

>> No.15308372

Yes, is that a problem?

>> No.15308378

Your deluded if you think that guy is on steroids, major cope.

>> No.15308379

Its obvious

>> No.15308400

y are there so many people trying to drag anons down in this thread tho?

>> No.15308404

Because this is /thinspo/
Not /skinnyfat/ or /fitfat/

>> No.15308406


Yes I'm aware of what thread is called, I'm wondering why the extremely bitter criticism is warranted

>> No.15308407

Because it gets derailed by skinnyfats and fitfats

>> No.15308413

These people are toxic af, that’s just the culture of 4chan

>> No.15308414

Don't try to reason with these trannies

>> No.15308421


Derailed from what? There's absolutely no interesting discussion in here related to fashion or any philosophy behind why a person would seek to be thin. I would understand being upset about people diluting the quality of such discussion, but it just...isn't there to begin with.
There's just the lazy and emotionally vapid tribalism characteristic of those lacking in any sort of remotely robust self-esteem.


Oh I know, people who do nothing but tear random people down aren't exactly likely to treating themselves any better.

>> No.15308434

Ok fatty

>> No.15308437


All I see when I read this is an angry child screaming at me to get out of their space because they don't like it when someone else gets compliments

>> No.15308442


>> No.15308465

would it be possible/effective to just eat at maintenance while lifting weights and still improve body composition? idk if it helps but i’m female and don’t want to get too muscular anyway.

>> No.15308468

that’s the point for me, being flat is more attractive and convenient and classier desu.

>> No.15308475

how do I tell whether my shoulders are broad or not?

>> No.15308496

Post pic, its in comparison to your chest and hips size

>> No.15308530

No. I was just wondering if you were actually straight cuz i really need ur butthole rn

>> No.15308558

Whats your discord?

>> No.15308566

For what? Im scared

>> No.15308595

Just don’t reply to him, seems like an insecure cunt calling everyone skinnyfat in every thread

>> No.15308770

combine it with veganism for ultimate anorexia mode


>> No.15308807

Im 183cm 64kg and I exercise at least twice a week...

Sorry but no O_o

Nope I'm straight

>> No.15308812

>nope im straight

You realize only fags like me find that good looking?

>> No.15308836

>i exercise

Clearly not enough because your still a soft chubby skinnyfat

>> No.15308846

Bruh how the fuck are you that chubby. I mean I’m taller than you at 6’1 and much heavier at 77kg but I’m rail thin and super lean. How do you fuck up so much?

>> No.15308856

He exercises!

>> No.15308886


>> No.15308905

i'd fuck your faggot jew ass, faggot. no homo

>> No.15308908

You are not chubby when you exercise. I would know because most of my weight is lean muscles mass, I’ve been lifting for 2 years and used to weigh 55kg. He’s just high body fat

>> No.15308925

>merely pretending
Kill yourself fag, maybe /tv/ is more your speed.

>> No.15308927

Hes the same weight as my highest when i got depressed and binged for weeks lmao

>> No.15308994

neither. perfect.

>> No.15309040

How do you compensate the next day or 2 for a 2000-2500 calorie binge? Been restricting below 1k calories most days for a couple weeks with the occasional day where I eat maintenance calories

>> No.15309066

you don't. allow yourself to eat shit foods occasionally (while still staying at a deficit) so you don't end up binging
part of the cycle is eating something bad and then going "oh well fuck it, might as well eat 2k calories in half an hour"
also, one day of eating well over maintenance makes essentially no difference if you look at how many calories a pound of fat is

>> No.15309137

Ok this is comforting thank you anon. Is it retarded to try and really heavily restrict to meet weekly calorie goal (7000/wk)

>> No.15309169 [DELETED] 

That was supposed to be a reply to >>15309040

>> No.15309170

>you don't. allow yourself to eat shit foods occasionally (while still staying at a deficit) so you don't end up binging

or you could just learn how to make healthy alternatives of your favourite junkfood so you can eat them everyday guilt free

my breakfast was high protein french toast top with sugar free syrup, fat free greek yogurt and berries (600kcal), for lunch I had a giant tub of lowfat lowcarb icecream (~500 calories) and then for dinner I had rice broccoli and salmon (600kcal), this was with an hour of cardio as well, I'm completely satisified.

nuy some xanthan gum, erythritol and protein powder nigga

>> No.15309180

Yeah I've been on that kinda thing for awhile. Lots of low cal protein and veggies. Today I just woke up and lost my mind in the kitchen and ate like 3000 calories lol. I dont feel guilty particularly, I still weigh like 135 lbs. I just dont want to fuck up the progress I've made over the course of the last couple weeks in just one day. I might just eat like 500-600cal a day for the next week so I average out to about 7000cal total for the week. Unless thats dumb.

>> No.15309184

What a waste of calories

>> No.15309191
File: 2.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200609-152401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many more pounds to lose before I get a flat tummy? 5'10" and 157 lbs. Not trying for a skelly model mode, just a lean athletic mode.

>> No.15309198

yeah, binges happen to the best of us at one point or another.
It's important to understand that binges happen because you're struggling to cope with your current deficit, the worst thing you can do is try to compensate for the binge with an insanely restrictive diet. I were you I wouldn't try to compensate for the binge immediately, just resume your normal deficit or even eat at maintenance for a few days.

IIRC there was once a study done on massive overfeeding and if you mostly overfed on carbs then you'd probably gain very little fat unless you repeatadly did it, the reason for this is that de novo lipogensis (turning excess carbs into fat) is not a preferred metabolic process for the body, it'd much rather try to burn off those excess carbs by raising your temperature and making you fidget more, not only that but a lot of those carbs would just go into your glycogen stores if you've been dieting hard.

I'm satisified, not craving junk and I'm hitting my micro/macros, what's wrong with that you nigger?

>> No.15309222

Interesting. thank you. This is very reassuring

>> No.15309228

No problem, just don't use this as excuse to binge regulary because after now your glycogen stores are filled and all a significant amount of the carbs that do come will be turned into fat
Not only that but when you overfeed on carbs+fat, literally all of the fat will turn into bodyfat.

The next binge will be a lot worse than this one! So becareful and don't push yourself too hard!!

>> No.15309251

6ft 1, 164lbs, M, 21
Heaviest: 196lbs
Goal: 140lbs
tactic: 700 calorie diet
Aesthetic: Twig

>> No.15309261

Please reassure me that "starvation mode" is a meme. Fasting makes me feel like garbage and makes me want to binge, while eating two tiny meals a day allows me to sleep and stave off the urge to binge.

>> No.15309265
File: 50 KB, 255x204, 1548978004302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just downloaded the app, and started a 20h fast now. Thanks for the inspo, everyone!

>> No.15309268

i eat a fat free yoghurt when i wake up at like 105 kcal then for lunch/dinner eat whatever meal i can to make up like 500 ish kcal, then for a snack ill have 10 pringles. I drink diet coke all the time and lots of water. have dropped 40lbs aready

>> No.15309316


>> No.15309321

145-150. you look good as is too

>> No.15309326

Name of the app?

>> No.15309330

>tfw my hot cheerleader cousin moved to NYC to work as a nurse and came back two years later fat

>> No.15309335

if you are preoccupied with work (and drink coffee/water), a 16 hour fast should be manageable and effective

>> No.15309367


>> No.15309428
File: 218 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20200610_225730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty sure that my muscles aren't that big because I mostly do cardio endurance stuff and I don't eat a lot

Boi I'm slender as a stick here's another pic... An after shower pic from my Twitter...

>> No.15309487
File: 60 KB, 699x485, 430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>binge on pastries
>still well under maintenance

>> No.15309489
File: 43 KB, 786x618, 1591532258589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so I kinda broke my fast with a bottle of chocolate milk, but in my defense, it was going to go bad if i didnt drink it tonight. I'll restart the fast now

>> No.15309634

So nyc is over 50% percent bodyfat

>> No.15309715
File: 20 KB, 260x200, kisspng-tribal-wars-2-video-game-internet-sad-pepe-5b4b18345a08f2.3884377715316480523688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up late
>flat tummy fuck yea
>flat tummy is gone

>> No.15309723

only do it if you're actually into it
i genuinely like septum piercings and got one and girls were super into it

>> No.15309727

I'm malnourished on purpose and fat and I hate life maybe even everything. Is that bad. I don't give a fuck about my bmi either but I do give one about not looking like an idiot. Can thinspo help me or you?

>> No.15309791

What weight do you start looking thin?

>> No.15309921
File: 2.03 MB, 2316x3088, A251E243-CF22-483D-9DCF-6A29D4B92E60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw still skinnyfat

>> No.15309967
File: 299 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200610_194554~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I thinspo fa?

>> No.15310018

True, how are you both skinny and thicc at the same time just look at your love handles, disgusting

>> No.15310055

Thanks brah. I would love to be as lean as >>15309428
Looking good dude, in my opinion you look the best in this thread, better than the people who are model skinny.

>> No.15310057

stop sucking in your stomach :)

>> No.15310062

that is the resting position of my stomach anon, i'm 25 hours into a fast

>> No.15310066

Your fat legs say otherwise

>> No.15310072

Post more

>> No.15310084

Pretty sure laying on your side like that is going to cause your thighs to spread out a bit, doubt they're that big when standing up. Would have to see a photo to know for sure though.

>> No.15310106

Why does seeing your hairless pale body always make me feel physically sick when you post it

>> No.15310299

not really. as in, much, much slower. eating above maintenance + lifting already takes months to show results, and if you feel like you're getting to bulky after a year you could just eat less or train less often.
you will see pure strength gains for the first month though as your brain is learning how to properly use your muscles, so you could cut pretty hard until about 3 weeks in and still make good progress.

>> No.15310420

Uh no.
But you can get there. Start fasting ASAP.

>> No.15310426

Nice. You are literally my goal body.

>> No.15310448

looking good
now start eating more and working out

>> No.15310451

Starting a 2-day fast starting tonight. Wish me luck, /thinspo/.

>> No.15310452

you dont look 183cm

>> No.15310479

183cm is what he tells everyone and puts on his tinder
But is 176cm irl

>> No.15310543


good shit

>> No.15310641
File: 127 KB, 720x1170, IMG_20200611_090850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the zero app. Maybe this will help with fasting...

>> No.15310694

Fine okay ^^

>> No.15310710

Very nice

>> No.15310713

lower your intake of caffeine, sugar, and supplements

>> No.15310976


>> No.15310986
File: 783 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200611_074603~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll get three new tattoos next month then I'll also fix my nose so I won't be posting much until that. Just started fasting about an hour ago like some anon told me. Sayonara.

>> No.15311013

Dude lmao. stfu faggots who say it is hard to lose weight. Started an OMAD diet 2/3 weeks ago, eating around 1000 calories a day (my TDEE is 1800). Already down from 130 to 119 pounds. 5'7". LMAO. Fat people literally have no excuse.

>> No.15311022

Ok incel, sure you will :) keep coping ugly, also you cant "just get a tattoo" you need to book it, have consultations etc. Also most places wont do more than 1 tattoo a month of someone because of something called skin trauma. If you do none of those things your probably gonna get a shit tattoo and get made fun of, even more than you already do chubby :)

>> No.15311027
File: 27 KB, 626x417, thinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never understood these threads but covid has me all fucked up...sitting on my ass

can we just post more pictures of skinny people so i stop eating pls

>> No.15311203

i'd kill for your body anon

>> No.15311217

I'll post it after shitdick ;)

>> No.15311225

would love an update photo when your fast is over

>> No.15311285

Gl on your £5 trash with wobbly lines everywhere and probably stolen design fatty

>> No.15311321

whats the routine

>> No.15311325

Kys now

>> No.15311403

Not sure whats gonne be more wobbly, your tattoo lines or your big belly :)

>> No.15311425
File: 108 KB, 750x563, MZ275257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hallo hallo fa! i come here a lot but i had to stop posting from stalkers but i miss this. photo is from a shoot last year but i am still as skinny.

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
27F 51 kg 170cm
>highest weight
i don't talk about this
>goal weight
49 kg just to start with 4 is so nice.
>preferred method of losing weight
smoking, fasting, exercise, skipping meals, sometimes i puke and say it is from alcohol.
>aesthetic you're going for
i am an actress so basically i want to be on stage and shine not only as the sexiest but skinniest too :)

>> No.15311427

You wouldn't dare to do it anyway loser.

>> No.15311431

Cut yourself.

>> No.15311454
File: 596 KB, 3000x3000, 15918916136521993295738722287940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this : )

>> No.15311464


>> No.15311469

What do you want?

>> No.15311500

is keto real/worth it? does anyone have a fool's guide to keto? i'm on a 1000 cal a day diet that ive kept up for 2 weeks now, but i would be desperate to speed the process up. hardest part with keto is managing meals for me, it turns out i only have a very basic understanding of what carbs are in and how to avoid them. With my fasting, would it take longer for me to enter ketosis?

>> No.15311504

>i don't talk about this
Don't be a pussy.
>sometimes i puke and say it is from alcohol.
You're killing yourself. Just don't eat, retard.
>i am an actress so basically i want to be on stage and shine not only as the sexiest but skinniest too :)
These are mutually exclusive. At a certain level of skinniness you get diminishing sexiness returns.

>> No.15311519

Wow surface cuts on your fat arm. Did you think this was going to be a shocking image when you took it? Also i can see the edge of your dogshit tattoo on the right

>> No.15311535

Tf are you trying to prove?

>> No.15311540

Stay mad dude.

>> No.15311542

You barely even cut yourself lmao, also we can see the wobbly lines of the tattoo you already have on the right, how did someone fuck that up so bad
Laughing stock

>> No.15311547
File: 142 KB, 750x1000, MZ275243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i look like i eat, retard? also i am very sexy

>> No.15311551

Imagine cutting yourself because you get bullied on 4chan
Tragic fatty
Bet you ate some cake while "cutting" your arm, it looks big enough fatty

>> No.15311570

I'd make you my boytoy.

>> No.15311581

If i had to have a tattoo that is that quality on my arm, i would cut myself aswell

>> No.15311586


for exercise I do all of this:
running / jogging 3-5 km, planks 2+ min, L-sit 30 sec, 50 squats, 20-30 push-ups (depending on the variation), 20 bridges
I get myself like a 1-2 min rest between each set and I stop the exercise after I can't push myself anymore

Now I also do a lot of stretches and move moves like which I really recommend just searching online a certain muscle that you want to stretch

and for last the diet. I try to eat as much as I can while avoiding things like junk food sugary stuff and coffee, I eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, leaves, grains, mushrooms etc... and in my family we eat fish instead of meat.

you can also feel free to send me messages on telegram if anybody wants to @queueq

>> No.15311753

This would be perfect without the large pecs, they ruin the whole thing :(

>> No.15311773

Shut your fucking mouth

>> No.15311818

these pics make me sad :( please gain just a tad your back looks like ET

>> No.15311871


>> No.15311883

Kill yourselves please

>> No.15311900
File: 1018 KB, 1920x1200, sadmonke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no bb are you ok?
if you need someone to talk to this is not the place

pls dont harm yourself :(

>> No.15311912


>> No.15311929
File: 321 KB, 1242x1463, E461824A-E446-4419-B0AD-A2D328E3A2CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember women, you’re supposed to look like picrel. This is the ideal female body type. Not fat, not a stick. Perfect.

>> No.15311932

I'm just hungry.

>> No.15311937

jesus christ lmfao what is wrong with you

>> No.15311943

i hate simps that literally obsess over this average garbage

>> No.15311963

Shut up man

>> No.15311968 [DELETED] 

I know this is has to change.

>> No.15311973
File: 39 KB, 400x604, poorbbiHATEppl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre doing that to fight hunger???

>> No.15311978

It's not fair if you bring Jesus into this.

>> No.15311985

I do it because I like it.

>> No.15311996

atleast do it forreal pussy

>> No.15312004
File: 891 KB, 3000x3000, 15919041785694705824438893925157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave me alone if you will.

>> No.15312015


>> No.15312017

Still, you cant even do it for real lmao
Just surface marks pussy

>> No.15312020

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.15312022

Imagine trying to flex that you cant even manage to cut yourself more than 1 mm, always bern a failure in life, even failed at this

>> No.15312027

ur a fucking chimp, pally
do ur neck next

>> No.15312034

Neck? He can barely do his chubby leg that's literally right infront of him

>> No.15312037

No you.

>> No.15312049

It's about sending a message of non conformity idiot and fuck all.

>> No.15312053

You're cool.

>> No.15312061

ur slow

>> No.15312066

The only message your sending, is that your a lonely incel who cant do anything right and who probably sees a psychiatrist, less about non conforming because it wasnt your choice, society rejected you.you didnt reject society :)
But keep cope

>> No.15312074

No I'm a loli

>> No.15312077

You look alright. You're a little too bony and your ribs poke out a too noticeably imo. Other anons might tell you to just eat more but if I were you I would mostly focus on light full-body exercise like swimming or yoga.

>> No.15312078


both of you clearly need help
and i mean that in the nicest way possible

pls go find a better way to relieve you inner pain/discomfort

start by maybe smoking weed

and if that doesnt do it find someone to talk to

>> No.15312083

Only conformists smoke weed.

>> No.15312085

I'd rather kill myself than smoke weed.

>> No.15312091


>> No.15312099

>non conformist

No, your just a social outcast that everyone tries to pretend doesnt exist :)

>> No.15312102

Not if I start do heroin.

>> No.15312111

Heroin is something conformists do

>> No.15312113
File: 97 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suit yourself

>> No.15312115

heroin is the most comfy hard drug

>> No.15312120


>> No.15312123

it is comfy as fuck
do meth if you want to self harm

>> No.15312124
File: 60 KB, 590x411, fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15312126


>> No.15312129

lol okay pussy

>> No.15312134


When you take a puff of your friends cigerette
"might do heroin"

>> No.15312135
File: 98 KB, 480x240, blackhowlermonkey-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you

>> No.15312139

projecting shithead

>> No.15312143

He doesn't know grammar.

>> No.15312145

>tries coffee at night once
>oh my god im such a non conformist punk rebel fuck the system
>might try heroin

>> No.15312148

Might do normie

>> No.15312150

Make sure to take as much as possible at once :)

>> No.15312155

it is so easy to get heroin dude hope u are ironic right now
ive tried almost everything just to experience it

>> No.15312156

Shut up normie.

>> No.15312158


>> No.15312162

i wish people could have a conversation here without resorting to constant memes
go home underage

>> No.15312166

Stop having wishes like a desperate slave of life.

>> No.15312173

You sound 12

>> No.15312181

You got the brain of a 7 year old.

>> No.15312184

you are really retarded if you cant tell the difference between our post styles, underagefag

>> No.15312187

You both seem like your age is your combined iq

>> No.15312194
File: 93 KB, 719x1200, C_uDxmqUMAAJ5rg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15312199

my iq is 120

>> No.15312206
File: 107 KB, 736x1243, b353656fb3ac9af755ee621dab9599ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15312209

funny monkey pictures haha

>> No.15312212

No monkeys are boring.

>> No.15312214

Wow she looks just like me!!

>> No.15312219

Shut your fucking mouth.

>> No.15312221

Go away sad tranny

>> No.15312228
File: 819 KB, 3000x3000, 15919082464147409245130947337751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was raped at age 9

>> No.15312232


>> No.15312234
File: 707 KB, 3000x3000, 15919083720846304814617470932457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I was molested.

>> No.15312252
File: 1.50 MB, 4252x2835, are you serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you for real tho? dont play
this is some real shit
dont joke about this kind of shit

>> No.15312255

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15312256

Fuck you

>> No.15312264


>> No.15312267
File: 276 KB, 512x512, 81-yKbVND-L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15312276

based pongo

>> No.15312287


>> No.15313010

>people in a thread about starving themselves unhealthily thin have self harm tendencies

frankly I'm shocked

>> No.15313311

rolling xD

>> No.15313312
