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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 474 KB, 1940x1080, 1589941011629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15270311 No.15270311 [Reply] [Original]

If you were to do the GA2100 metal case mod, which of these 3 faces would you choose?

This thread is about the appreciation of watches and their design, their history, and the engineering and materials that are required to make a functioning timepiece.

> Poorfag guide: https://m.imgur.com/a/NFMXDuK
> Watch essentials 102: https://pastebin.com/Rc77hhXV
> Purchasing used watches: https://pastebin.com/f44aJKy2
> Purchasing straps: https://pastebin.com/SwRysprE

Should I buy this MVMT / DW / "minimalist" fashion watch?
> https://imgur.com/a/6CNO8

Should I buy this Armani / Michael Kors / CK / mall watch?
> https://imgur.com/a/Sw1FsAn

"Suggest a watch for me."
> Your budget
> Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot
> Movement, e.g. automatic, hand wound
> Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd time zone
> Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet
> Wrist size or desired watch size

old: >>15268613

>> No.15270319
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>> No.15270355
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1st for the goat

>> No.15270376
File: 413 KB, 2100x1400, Baltic-Watches-vintage-inspired-kickstarter-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black or dark blue ?

>> No.15270380

Dark blue
Chronographs are a meme

>> No.15270382

I'm talking just the color they both come in both colors.

>> No.15270385

I have to make this post about fake watches. It's crazy how replicas have dedicated communities. How could anyone unless they are morally corrupt or with brain haemorrhaging buy a fake watch. They must understand that they are contributing to an illegal business or organisation that probably has their hands in child trafficking, drug trafficking, prostitution or other things? Why would you support people who are literally killing others, just to satisfy your sickeningly pathetic desire to fool people into believing you own a certain brand? Why not just work harder or just settle with a homage?

>> No.15270389

Fake watches kill people ?

>> No.15270396

I agree, but fags gunna fag.

>> No.15270401

indirectly yes. you must have no clue how expensive it is to produce many high quality and thorough fake watches. these are not done by small time criminals who only murder people for their wallet and scam elderly on the side, no. it's done by huge criminal organisations who smuggled in the heroin your mom smoked when she was pregnant with you.

>> No.15270405
File: 1.28 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2020-05-26-23-50-21-142_com.miui.gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the timex ironman

>> No.15270413

You're replying to pasta

>> No.15270414

By that logic I better stop paying taxes too

>> No.15270423
File: 148 KB, 860x910, Orient-Mako-Diver-USA-aBlogtoWatch-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get one of these instead

>> No.15270425

buying a fake watch is a personal choice that you can extremely easily decide against doing unlike paying taxes..

>> No.15270439

but I don't want to fund illegal shadow wars

>> No.15270465

I would still say dark blue

>> No.15270470

>I have to make this post about
And stopped reading there
Take your blogpost to Reddit faggot

>> No.15270473

Poor man's casio

>> No.15270482
File: 869 KB, 1280x853, X3rRTyO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are people suddenly asking for small watches? where did all these wristlets come from

>> No.15270489

i like it better than my casios

>> No.15270502

small watches are refined, classy, understated, elegant.

>> No.15270503
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>> No.15270508

definitely bait, but I have met people like this and it amazes me the level of indoctrination these people receive from the Swiss watch industry and Shitinkee articles.

>> No.15270518
File: 1.46 MB, 2000x1333, Czapek Antarctique Terre Adelie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15270522


>> No.15270523

i like your rings more than your watches.

>> No.15270532

Thanks m8, I like them both.

>> No.15270537
File: 243 KB, 1206x677, F201AE29-2DF0-4E9B-9337-33D61AA9EBF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me the zaniest and kitsch nato/zulu straps

>> No.15270538

>muh small watches
you are all trend hopping faggots now that smaller cases are becoming en vogue. i bet you guys were the same ones creaming their pants when watches started going 42+ mm regularly baka

>> No.15270545

why does your breguet have nomos lugs???

>> No.15270549
File: 11 KB, 225x225, certina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out Certina changed their logo around a couple years back to this hideous turtle shell bisected by the letters DS. So terrible, I'm tempted to look through their catalog.

>> No.15270552

>>nomos lugs
What did he meant with this??

>> No.15270556

Based Ninja turtle logo

>> No.15270577

Just save for the real think of your looking for something oak/ish.

>> No.15270603

why does it say chronometre though
am i missing something

>save for something
this watch >>15270518
is like $19000

>> No.15270606

chronometer is just a fancy faggot word for clock

>> No.15270610

ok im retarded i brainfarted and got it confused with chronograph

>> No.15270613
File: 54 KB, 567x758, aikon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Maurice Lacroix Aikon is just over a couple grand and looks much better than an RO

>> No.15270624


It's a rating of how precise the watch is. The watch gets tested and recieves a rating. For example a watch with constant -4 to +6 seconds of variation per day would get a chronometer rating.
What you were thinking about is a chronograph.

>> No.15270625

Mr. Parma! Welcome back
I preferred the other rings but this suits the Breguet better. You got a caseback shot ofthat watch?

>> No.15270627

Is that a sub or a gmt. didn't know thompson was into watches

>> No.15270637
File: 59 KB, 508x879, 81+UAmbrOrL._AC_UY879_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this watch for 16 bucks.

>> No.15270644
File: 68 KB, 1018x1024, 97D692BC-A430-4070-A381-9F55216DCBD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to merge /wt/ and /edc/ ?

We are already on fucking /fa/ after getting banished from /g/. Why not just go all the way?

The few actual watch fans ITT are down to less than a handful, and I KNOW you autists are also into pens and knives, and probably guns, like me.

>> No.15270649

No, fuck off.

>> No.15270653

okay watch experts.


real or fake?

>> No.15270657

What, the watch? Real. No-bully-chan is straight up loaded.

>> No.15270661


>> No.15270671

did they stop the /wt/ threads on /g/? why would they do that

>> No.15270672

Because mods are fags.

>> No.15270687
File: 47 KB, 800x480, 690DEFBF-5260-45DF-8CCE-95A451A91E25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


adapt or die

>> No.15270691
File: 2.37 MB, 2266x2266, IMG_20200526_212546-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi m8.
Yes, but not a good one.

>> No.15270693

Bezel is of a GMT.

>> No.15270695


One or two turbo autist(s) started spamming the threads with porn then the same pictures of a fake Tudor after he got btfo by everyone else in the general.

I don’t even blame /g/ mods for kicking us out. It became so intolerable that the autist successfully made everyone leave the threads.

>> No.15270717

we love watches, not sjw right wing extremists claiming to be pro 2A whom hang effigies of people they hate, thus putting the 2nd amendment in great peril.


Watches only.

>> No.15270718

its not legal to carry knives and guns in my country

>> No.15270719

same but I still carry a knife

>> No.15270723

i only started posting here after seeing this thread on /fa

would have never ever visited /g/ its too wizardy for me

>> No.15270729


Gayest cancer that came out of manchild culture. Watches are already full of söy manchildren, but boy, edc is even worse.
>full of redundant shit that nobody actually needs
>dumb shit made out of bronze
>manchildren machine edc items and sell it for hundreds of dollars to the other dumbfucks
>knives with metals that nobody actually needs for hundreds of dollars but rarely get used for more than opening boxes
>retarded color combos and useless complexity for the sake of complexity in a vain attemp to give any meaning to the toys you bought.

>> No.15270730

>dumb shit made out of bronze
you mean like watches?

>> No.15270734
File: 88 KB, 576x768, CA168CA1-0318-434C-87A7-E27250079A7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So what you’re saying is that we should definitely give it a try. We’ll merge the threads one of these days to see how it goes

>> No.15270736

Yep, even watches. I can understand why people like them tho. Looks different. But i don't hate on bronze watches. Some do look silly, but they would look like ass, even in stainless steel.

>> No.15270739
File: 96 KB, 800x800, bronze-shark-submariner (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on bronze sub homage?

>> No.15270742

I'd rather get one of the bronze Seiko homages

>> No.15270745
File: 227 KB, 1024x768, sinn 356, not mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a Sinn, bro

Why didnt you get a Damasko in submarine steel instead?

>> No.15270749

It's gay till you carry a GUN.

>> No.15270753


>> No.15270755

But they're all big. I like the sub because it's 40mm. All my watches are big or digital casios so I wanted something in a decent size.

>> No.15270756

The seiko homages are barely seiko homage and more like modded seikos for a lesser price. They use a seiko movement ffs. I can get an skx dial and crown and no one will be able to tell yhe difference.

>> No.15270759

and it's wonderful
pretty sure the 62mas homage is not that big

>> No.15270761
File: 167 KB, 1200x675, Oris-WS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full bronze looks like shit here. The only bronze i like is the oris two-tone. Some full bronze watches probably look good too, but i guess they need to have their own style to pull it off. And that full bronze panerai from last thread didn't look good either. Not because of the material, but because it's a damn panerai.

Tudor has also some nice bronze ones, but i don't like them as much as the oris.

>> No.15270762

Good, just carry the damn gun and stay away from the edc faggotry.

>> No.15270764

Imagine being triggered just because someone carries a pen and notebook around with them lmao

>> No.15270765
File: 165 KB, 2100x1400, Panerai-Yachts-Challenge-2019-PAM00764-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damn panerai
Are you a wristlet or contrarian? They are highly overpriced for what they are, but few brands give such variety within the basic 3-4 models they make.

>> No.15270766

omg 30mm height

>> No.15270782

they only make 1 watch, which they barely make themselves
panerai is the derek zoolander of horology

>> No.15270784

They just ugly, my dude.

>> No.15270790
File: 168 KB, 1200x1200, 030F0C7D-1645-459B-99F4-03703C7C5C58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought one of these after hunting for one for a while

>> No.15270798
File: 459 KB, 967x967, 20200521_034913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue / chrono, I had one but they can be hard to read, watch a few videos. If your okay with that go for it.

>> No.15270799

panerai is completely shit, they were better when their dive watches had water resistance >50m

>> No.15270817

Yeah but the 62mas doesn't have the bronze bezel insert which I really like, when I get their 62mas I'll get the regular model. The only other 2 options for bronze bezel insert is turtle and tuna can and both are xbox huge.

>> No.15270820
File: 73 KB, 599x597, 85cc1cf76e307994a8b4b112b03f2dc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to get the bronze watch looking like this

>> No.15270825

hahaha wtf

>> No.15270835

>buy watch that is literally more expensive than normal because it's made of an inferior material
>the inferior material's whole selling point is that it can rust in a controlled way to look all vintage and shit
>retards can't rub some oil on their thousand dollar watch once a month to prevent it from getting all jacked up
the bronze watch meme has exposed so many dumbfucks

>> No.15270841

I am not gonna get a thousand dollar bronze watch, I'm get a heimdallr one and the bronze only costs $10 more than the steel versions.
>>retards can't rub some oil on their thousand dollar watch once a month to prevent it from getting all jacked up
The whole point of bronze watches is for them to develope patina.

>> No.15270844

there is a difference between patina and this >>15270820 retard
it's funny to see people dropping thousands and then seeing that they are too stupid to handle the responsibility of having a bronze watch

>> No.15270856
File: 691 KB, 2736x3648, r8920arrbee21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That patina wasn't due to someone fucking up, you have to buy a chemical to get the bronze looking that cyan and for it to stay like that. Going for a swim in salt water will have it barely looking like pic related and it could be wiped off without a sweat

>> No.15270860

that looks terrible what is wrong with you bronze watch faggots?

>> No.15270873

People have different tastes, deal with it.

>> No.15270883

It's not even uniform. Someone should just fire it to be different colors like breguet hands before assembly. Then just sell that, there's clearly a market for it.

>> No.15270886

>they were better when their dive watches had water resistance >50m
just don't get a fucking Due, ya dimwit

>> No.15270889

It can’t be good to have that shit rubbing up against your skin. You can even see that shit rubbing off on the nato.

>> No.15270898

Copper oxide isn't really dangerous

>> No.15270899

Unless you start licking your watch

>> No.15270906


>> No.15270909

At this point, i have more respect for a guy that would spray paint his watch with a rattle can than this BS.
This looks like aids breaded with anthrax.
The regular consumer is stupid as shit, there is no surprise and no hiding it. But the bronze fags, that shit is "being different for the sake of being different".
I'm pretty sure there are good looking patinas but this fag keeps posting the worst ones to get a reaction out of people and the thread going.

>> No.15270913

>get a reaction out of people and the thread going.
I legitimately like >>15270820
I don't care about being different, I just want what I like.

>> No.15270915
File: 524 KB, 2592x1944, planet ocean 42-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup bros enjoying my Planet Ocean here. Have a good day.

>> No.15270917

What's the difference between a PO and regular semenmaster?

>> No.15270921

look at them side by side, they are very different watches

>> No.15270925

Well, works for me. I been telling a lot of people to buy what they want and not give much about what this board says. But forced patina will rarely look good for me, if it just looks like a dirty watch. All i can think, when i see this >>15270856 is, how i want to rinse off the dust. Disgusting feeling. And i don't like forced shit, be it trends, ideas or how some poeple handle their hobby. I said it before, there is def good looking patinas, but these examples are dogshit.

>> No.15270934
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>> No.15270937
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>> No.15270941
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>> No.15270946
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>> No.15270959
File: 157 KB, 768x576, Vostok GMT 150SE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unfortunate that none of them look as good as this one

>> No.15271019

I took a look at their catalogue. Half their watches look like copies of modern tissots.

>> No.15271038

Shit you're right

>> No.15271065

>The seiko homages are barely seiko homage and more like modded seikos for a lesser price. They use a seiko movement ffs.
How does that even work?
I assume they get the movement from a reseller or something, because Seiko probably wouldn't want to sell their movements to someone ripping of their designs. But even then, they must certainly know who of their distributors is selling their movements to "hommage" makers? To me, it seems like most of their movements end up in such watches.

>> No.15271067

Seiko sell their movements to many watch companies. It probably just gets overlooked.

>> No.15271068
File: 365 KB, 1255x640, patina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And that full bronze panerai from last thread didn't look good either. Not because of the material, but because it's a damn panerai.
Yeah, looked like shit. But if it gets some good patina going, it'll look super cool, thanks to bronzes more natural aging properties!
pic related

>> No.15271069

i want one of these chronos but with no lume on the dial and the shape of the hands I feel like it could be very hard to read at times

>> No.15271077

Probably, but I would assume that e.g. SanMartinStelldiveHeimdallrandprobably10namesmore move enough volume to be noticeable.

>> No.15271079
File: 389 KB, 800x1100, 1590559556493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the movement in the 36mm seamaster 300 any good? Or is it just some afterthought they tossed in there because they had it sitting around? Does it have all the features that make the movement in the large seamenmasters good?

>> No.15271089

Is there a version with a display case back?

>> No.15271094
File: 879 KB, 1500x1500, 1590559989690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing a decent amount of chink clone watches with nh-35 movements have Chinese fake/clone/copies of the nh-35 movement and not authentic ones from seiko. The Chinese definitely make plenty of clone/fake ETA movements. Then again I bet you can buy nh-35s in bulk for a few dollars a piece so maybe it's easier to just buy them. It's not exactly an expensive or exclusive movement. I actually can't believe that seiko puts it in $500 watches considering they probably cost seiko a few dollars to make.

>> No.15271095

Breitling best ling


>> No.15271136
File: 204 KB, 1851x1379, IMG_8815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone own one of these? or the variants. how tall does it sit? i know it says 14mm but i haven't been able to find any pics of it on wrist.
I have posted at least 3 wristshots or so of mine.
Dude, you're asking very specific questions about this shitter since months. Either get it, or don't.
You know all about it there is to know!
It's good looking, it's well made, it's a cheap shitter with a spelling error, it's got heritage, but questionable.
And 14mm is a good average. Sides of the chrystal are about 13mm, middle is 15.something, but I've got the domed sapphire, so the other versions might indeed be exactly 14mm.

>Alternatively, reccomend some good sub 1k chronos.
I'd also be interested in this question!
Especially, are there actually any, that are NOT a Seagull ST19?

>> No.15271141


>> No.15271157

To the guy who's asking the questions: 14mm is a decent height, could be less but it's not Sinn tier so for the type of watch that it is, it's fine.

>> No.15271159

how's the lume?

>> No.15271191

>instead of spending 15k on a watch, just spend 10k to start a business and make the 15k (+10k initial investment) with that and then buy the watch
WTF kind of business are you starting for that cheap that makes you that much money that quickly? Drugs? Male prostitute? Pimp?

>> No.15271194

>could be less
Probably. But it’s a chrono, and a cheap one at that, so I doubt you could shave off more than a mm or two.

>> No.15271195

>WTF kind of business are you starting for that cheap that makes you that much money that quickly?
Probably a Kickstarter scam watch.

>> No.15271197

What lume?

>> No.15271199

That seagull movement is really thick. It's even funnier when someone makes an automatic out of it and ends up with a 16mm thick watch.

>> No.15271215

Who can recommend a good a good titanium watch?

>> No.15271216

Dw5600 with chink case.

>> No.15271219

Pelagos, snow frake, I'm sure there are more.

>> No.15271220

lume is luminescence and it's the glow in the dark parts of a watch

>> No.15271225
File: 564 KB, 320x251, ziiiing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15271231

Was out in the sun all day and when it got dark after dinner, I could barely make out anything.
But at least that speaks for their Russianness. Just like with my Vostok!

>> No.15271234

But (ignoring the auto, where I think the auto motm is also quite thick) can you really make a chrono movement significantly thinner, especially on a budget? AFAIK all chronos are somewhat on the chubbier side.

>> No.15271237

im not gonna read your whole thread bruh make a better joke

>> No.15271238

You don't need to read the whole thread, you just need to be able to pick up on sarcasm. The joke is the watch doesn't have lume.

>> No.15271272

>The joke is the watch doesn't have lume.
No. The joke is that the watch does have lume, but they might as well have spared that “expense”.

>> No.15271284

Real as far as I know, she use to have a OP grape dial, this >>15270657 is correct. Shes a 9/10 and Asian.

>> No.15271285

Rolex wants 9k for a stainless steel watch?
Or you can get 90%of the quality for $400.
Is 10% worth $8,600?


>> No.15271286

>Shes a 9/10
Lol no. 7 at best.

>> No.15271288

Pics, we will decide

>> No.15271289

B-b-but I thought I was giving america its freedom by shooting some foreigner protecting his land I'm trespassing in. It's not that I was too stupid to get a real job. Or end up an heroing from crippling PTSD once I'm faced with the reality of my manipulation.

>> No.15271321

It’s not about the quality, it’s about the logo, and that apparently is worth the money to many people.
Personally, I think fakes are weak. Either man up and spend the money or man up and take a stand that you’re not joining this stupid game.
But a fake? Yeah, no.
What’s next? Blindfolding your gf and then having some chad with a big stud ram her, so that she thinks it’s actually you that’s doing the ramming?

Now homages on the other hand, I can kinda see the appeal in those.

>> No.15271417

>Rolex wants 9k for a stainless steel watch?
Yeah I wish, if I could buy a gmt master or explorer for retail price I'd run to the bank right now

>> No.15271423

There are still a handful of new watches being made with old stock Russian chrono movements and they are the only other thing that lands in the budget mechanical chrono category. They are a bit thinner maybe 1mm or so, none of the other mechanical chrono movements in production today are being put in any watches that cost less than a few thousand dollars.

>> No.15271458

What do you think about Tudor, Omega, and Rolex?

>> No.15271475

stupid fuck

>> No.15271477

why no brown or silver

>> No.15271497
File: 2.78 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20200516_150809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't feel the need to compensate for my average cock.

>> No.15271521

Jokes on you, I have a big cock and big watch

>> No.15271527

Sure, but can you actually satisfy me without it?

>> No.15271528

you guys have at least one fake nautilus right? you HAVE to have one even if you don't like them. i swear to god ever since I got my fake nautlius I've been getting all kinds of attention from women I otherwise never would've. obviously I can't wear the thing with the hoodie and sweatpants that I normally wear every day so I invested in the kind of business casual clothes that real nautilus owners would wear out on a weekend. since the lockdowns were lifted at i noticed at 6 people eyeing the watch. they weren't crooks or fiending to steal it, they were your average business type people and 3 attractive women in the late 20s, one of which said verbatim "omg is that a nautilus". my face got red and i diverted my eyes to the floor because i'm not used to eye contact with drop dead gorgeous blondes. i said "yeah" under my breath then got off at the next metro stop even though it wasn't my stop. i was just so overwhelmed by the attention i needed a breather. the watch has given me so much confidence in the last couple of days its unreal. i feel superhuman. i don't walk like the incel cartoon guy anymore. i unironically walk with my chest to the world. i never realized you could feel this way as a poorfag loser. a high quality fake nautilus is around 300-400 USD. its honestly worth the price considering how transformative it is. you'll nevre get called out because the high quality fakes are so good they fool everyone that doesn't have a microscope or other autistic watch-instruments like that. the display caseback is even decorated down to the smallest detail to mimic the real thing. seriously you guys, if you want to sleep with women in their mid to late 20s who are on the prowl for rich men to hunker down with before their ovaries expire then get a fake nautilus. there's an endless supply of these types of women and they literally spend their entire commutes eyeing the wrists of single men to figure out if they're rich enough to be suitable partners.

>> No.15271529
File: 61 KB, 522x948, 61n7IwUuGHL._AC_UX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm about to pull a trigger on this one probably next month, will be my first diver. Thoughts? I only heard positive stuff about these series.

>> No.15271531

why would you want a diver? assuming you're not a redditor, there really is no need to yearn for a diver

>> No.15271533

Lol. I really like this pasta.

>> No.15271535

That's a pretty nice vintage watch. I love the dial color. Is there anyway you can get some of the fuzz off the hands without ruining the natural vintage patina™?

>> No.15271537

We'll see, just pull your pants down and let me take you for a ride

>> No.15271543
File: 635 KB, 1600x1600, 1590578219503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't buy longines, get an oris instead.
Longines is a fake luxury brand for Chink strivers that can't afford rolex.

>> No.15271571
File: 1.04 MB, 788x644, shippgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sbdc007 the "shogun" or the 231 stunner

>> No.15271574

>Why would you
The only "watch person" lower than the guy who wears a replica unironically (while, presumably, aimbotting in a free-to-play Internet shooter and wearing his baseball cap indoors and backwards), is the one that comes around on an internet forum to preach. At least the replica user isn't under a delusion that someone cares about his opinion, objectively fucktarded as it may be.

>> No.15271576

i immediately associate replica seethers with the basedjack "NOOO YOU CANT JUST" meme and replica wearers are gigachad

>> No.15271582

Unless it’s of a model that’s not made anymore since forever, it’s not a replica, it’s a fake.

>> No.15271605

can you imagine someone actually wearing this

>> No.15271608

Yeah i can. Based on the pictures it's probably owned by some Japanese guy who is in to raw denim and LARPing as an American biker from the 50s

>> No.15271615


>> No.15271623

>it’s not a replica, it’s a fake.

yea, and...?
what do you think replica actually means?

its not referring to homage watches

>> No.15271644
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 1559488918713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s not a replica, it’s a fake

>> No.15271648

There is also a Bulova in a similar style, from afar it def looks like RO till you get closer

>> No.15271657

>dive watch on a biker
I think he might be lost.

>> No.15271661

The huge numerals are ugly as fuck, get a Seamaster.

>> No.15271662

I’m just autismatized by the term. It’s like some thot on onlyfans claiming
>I’m not a prostitute, I’m a sex worker!
No honey, you’re a whore. Stop trying to paint over that fact by using fancy words. Same with replica. It’s only used because it sounds better than fake.

>> No.15271665

Maybe he has been spirited away?

>> No.15271673

Have sex

>> No.15271685

Not yet. Currently at work. Maybe later when I get home to the wife and our kid is asleep.

>> No.15271700

The difference between a replica and a fake is the replica won't say the name of the watch it's based on as it's not trying to fool anyone.

>> No.15271711
File: 1.11 MB, 1278x1594, a63369b1bc8e68a415845f0ca687b02b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the replica won't say the name of the watch it's based on as it's not trying to fool anyone.

no, thats a """homage"""", same as sterile (no logo) dials
pic related is a homage

a rep and a fake is the same thing, they are different from homages. They will have the same logo as the watch they are copying and even cloned movements.

>> No.15271717

When I was 18 to 22 (now 32) I use to leaned my Dads daydate and 911 to pick up girls, they would always let me cum inside them, always batting out of my league and it was so easy. Now I'm married but any young anon should try it out, it's interest how things change with a flashy watch and car when picking up girls.

>> No.15271719

I am tempted to get one of these.

>> No.15271720

Okay that makes sense, I was mixing up a rep and a homage.

>> No.15271727

ive only heard good things about them, build quality is good etc. Go for san martin/pagani design/parnis

wait for a big sale to save even more money. AE's anniversary sale just passed (end march). The other one I know of is the Singles day sale on 11/11

>> No.15271738

Those sales generally only are worth it if you’re autistically hunting for coupons. Otherwise you just pay the sale price, which is just the normal price that was jacked up before the sale, so they can make great reductions!
But if you’re knowing what you’re doing, 1111 can be quite good.
T. >>>>/g/csg

>> No.15271750

Well shit, my BOCTOK stopped working. Seconds hand stopped on top of the minute hand, and won't start regardless of twiddling. Is there a home remedy for this, besides the fuck-it bucket?

>> No.15271753

What did you do to it?
How old is it?
Picture, please.

>> No.15271754
File: 2.16 MB, 5359x3575, Gilt_Nep07584_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me not to get this as a one watch collection and Black Bay 58 substitute

$500 USD

>> No.15271755
File: 417 KB, 960x960, -18911755181368114171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pagani Design look really tempting

>those specs
>shipping from Czech Republic

I don't see why they don't replace whatever go to watches belong in /wt/'s shitter category

>> No.15271768
File: 1.25 MB, 1996x2000, 1528116381221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go about getting a see-through caseback that would fit my watch? What do I need to measure?

Does a full SS caseback help magnetic resistance at all?

>> No.15271771

I'd actually get one if it was this much fun, fuck lining Swiss Jew pockets for "authenticity"

>> No.15271789
File: 219 KB, 650x650, 1590586715828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a yema navygraf instead, $600 pic related
Or spend a grand on a yema superman

>> No.15271797
File: 875 KB, 1800x1200, 1590586907157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superman is cooler but it's $400 more and it has a cheaper movement in it.

>> No.15271800

Not nearly as effay

>> No.15271807
File: 1.17 MB, 1600x1439, 1590587120647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The baltic aquascaphe is priced similarly, has the same gilt accents and looks cooler

>> No.15271833

Just get it. Tudors are overpriced shitters

>> No.15271837

Lugs aren't nearly as sweet
bracelet looks pretty bad

>> No.15271840

Because you could get a Seiko for that price senpai.

>> No.15271841

Yes, David Jones.

>> No.15271844
File: 1.07 MB, 1024x1018, c0953c6722e7520b3ba0b93f99fc572d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15271845
File: 572 KB, 1200x1200, rwTfZsF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15271852
File: 483 KB, 2560x1707, c35f8393-img_6938-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, why don't more companies make a dial that looks like wood?

>> No.15271859
File: 1.53 MB, 1242x1516, floodedpatek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15271873

I had it running on a countertop for about a month, gave it occasional wrist time but mostly just handwound every evening or so. Had to set it again because it had stopped last night. Its second hand would occasionally jam up against the minute hand, but if it didn't, it'd run smoothly thereafter. First use in January 2020, case is 420. My ISP is rangebanned from posting images, so no pic.

>> No.15271878
File: 690 KB, 1072x2199, 1590582221992-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15271880
File: 706 KB, 1200x1090, 8q3wg29cgb641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thtas really quite a classy rolex

a bit boomer esque but its nice i like it

>> No.15271885

its very ugly but looks like a solid watch

>> No.15271892
File: 47 KB, 800x800, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi, i'm looking for an 18mm strap just like this, but with a blue stripe instead of the yellow. i'm having a hard time finding one after searching cheaptestnatrostraps and ebay, any pointers?

>> No.15271900

More like
Am i right guys, ahaha..g-guys?

>> No.15271903


Colour black/blue

>> No.15271907

perfect, thank you my friend
don't know how i missed this lol

>> No.15271911

No problem, I didn't realise that URL was so long when I posted it.

>> No.15271912

All that for a shitty nato

>> No.15271915

Damn, that looks dated. It's just like those cars with wood trim.

>> No.15271918
File: 225 KB, 700x813, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


theres also one with a double strip of blue here

>> No.15271924

based fpj
sexy af

>> No.15271926

I love how the 1/3/6/9 markers are all the same so if you look at it underwater you have no clue which way your hand is turned.

>> No.15271935

BRÖBLEM SÖLVED. I found a home remedy in thewatchforum, which is "put the watch body dial up on a flat surface, then give it a brisk twist left and right". Fucker started right back up. Here's something for all y'all fellow boctokfags, then.

>> No.15271946

>>How to fuck up a shitter, the post.

>> No.15271948
File: 183 KB, 1440x1440, c6f15d534fa5ec9b33dbec01c791b20e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 marker
Your whole post was retarded, but this is the cherry on the cake.
How exactly do you lose track of how your hand is turned?

>> No.15271949

Not that anything valuable was lost anyway

>> No.15271952



>> No.15271957

>Tag Huehue

>> No.15271967

Alternatively, how not to baby a shitter. I got a broken bit of kit running again, that's success. It had a stuck balance that needed a kickstart, same as what a watchmaker would've done with a laminated toothpick or something.
u havn a stroke m8? What's up with that.

>> No.15271969
File: 248 KB, 2100x1400, 2020 SMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

false. >>15271952 very nice

Does anyone know when any other brands will release for 2020? Or if they will? And can Rolex or Tudor even compete with Omega's SMP: META/COSC, Ceramic dial/Ceramic Bezel, Silicon, Can be had for 3k at the right AD, 5 year warranty

>> No.15271975

Did you even watch the video? You are parroting what you are told to say.

>> No.15271976

>1 marker
Do I need to look for another meme picture, or will you find out on your own?

>> No.15271991

Tag Huehue still a shit. Even Seiko buyers knows this.

>> No.15272000
File: 504 KB, 1500x1100, TAG-Heuer-Carrera-160th-anniversary-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is zero reason of buying one over an actual vintage Heuer piece.

>> No.15272010
File: 63 KB, 800x800, L37814969_1563420025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated them but they grew on me. Mostly because they have a rubber version. But the rubber ones are missing the lines beneath the dot indices and it looks sterile as fuck.
Wouldn't pay 1390€ for the auto tho.
That looks more boring and costs about 1800€, at least what i found.

You could say that everything is fake luxury at this point. The longines uses a slightly improved version of an ETA and the oris uses an improved version of a sellita sw200-1. And the damn sellita is based on an ETA.

It's all some refurbished version of an ETA for most entry level mall shitters. There is no winning when it comes to the swiss scam. But some people like some looks so much, that they want to throw away money and that's fine.

>> No.15272018

where did our Canadian go? The guy with the Speedy, Datejust and vintage Seikos? he's always very kind

>> No.15272023

i like those but i heard they have 90-click bezels and a ghost date which cheeses me off because the rest of the watch is rad

>> No.15272029

What do you mean? Was he the guy with a longines? I don't remember a canadian, haven't paid attention to that.

>> No.15272036

he had a mark 2 I think, a 1601 datejust, and some vintage seikos -- he also maybe had 1 vintage omega dress watch. he's a huge fan of the Lemania

I don't know where he went, maybe to a forum, regardless, a way good guy

>> No.15272043

>CERTINA is not currently represented in the USA (per official website Store Locator)
will wearing a Certina in the States make me cool?

>> No.15272045

Well, that sounds like an explanation. Maybe he will return once in a while. But what does this all have to do with oris and longines, lol?

>> No.15272052

who'd buy a longines? Oris is obviously the more sensible choice in every facet.

longines lost their touch decades ago. for the sub-3k market, you can't go wrong with Oris.

the longines sector dial does look nice though...

>> No.15272055

I urge everyone to read this post and just give it a thought (not even a reply)

>> No.15272058
File: 71 KB, 712x599, double spacing originated on B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the anti-double-spacers, I do it for my eyes. I've been here some time and bought my first GMT in ought 3, there've always been watch-lovers on here. can you imagine paying 4k for a GMT?

>> No.15272066

I have no real arguments, because i'm not buying either and just like the looks of the longines diver.

But any choice also involves personal taste. And people will make non rational decisions. Not matter how sensible some other option is.
I personally think that they are both overpriced for ETA shitters.

>> No.15272070

well the Legend's been around for some time, I'd make an exception for that in a heartbeat. in fact, I haven't met anyone who hasn't loved that watch. For diving/swimming, and for casual wear. the lugs are a bit long, but it curves the wrist nicely.
which diver are you referring to?

>> No.15272075

these are nice, why not buy one?

>> No.15272083
File: 45 KB, 332x304, Sellita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't trust the sellita due to the tooth-stripping on the hatchet wheel. Now, this likely isn't a problem on Oris. In fact I can almost guarantee it isn't. But if you're looking at microbrands that are selling Sellita-based movements, don't do it.

ETA or 9015/otherwise.

>> No.15272084

>muh diver
Why does everyone and their brother buy a diver as a first watch? It makes more sense to buy something that mimics an OP, Datejust, or Explorer instead of a Sub.

>> No.15272087

I like the OP39

>> No.15272089

I found her ig.

7/10, but a 9/10 when you realize she wastes all of daddy's money to impress the white man.

>> No.15272090

pls to post STAT

>> No.15272094

There are way more divers than OP alternatives

>> No.15272106

yeah, not everyone picks a watch based on Rolex designs. boomer

>> No.15272108

SW200-1 fixes this apparently

>> No.15272109

I was talking about these two divers >>15272010
Oris aquis and the longines. That's the post that you replied to and asked about some canadian. And it's been been a bit confusing to understand what you exactly mean, i think you mistook me for somebody else.
I'm out anon, i don't want to discuss those divers more than i did already.

>> No.15272124

later duderino, get the longines btw, apples to apples

>> No.15272126

lots of reasons tell you hwat.
1. James Bond wheres a diver
2. divers are cool because scuba diving is cool
3. sub is super recognizable because of 1 &2
4. as a result of 3 there is a shit ton of divers on the market because thats what luxury watches are to most people
5. "everyday sport watches" look plain to most people and nobody except watch people want to spend $$$ on a plain looking watch
6. nobody gives a fuck how "versatile" a watch is because everyone is just going to wear there oversized dive shitter with everything anyways

>> No.15272175
File: 20 KB, 360x240, diver aficionado starter kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most widespread designs are from iconic divers
>the bezel edges reflect light in a nice way,different grades of piloshing on case and bracelet make it shiny and nice to look at
>simple forms of the indices are nice to look at (triangles, circles, rectangles)
>white hands with a silver border contrast nicely on the black or blue dial, bezel insert has nice contrasts
>good looking watches can be cheap

Yes, logically the first watch should be something like a dress watch but they tend to look boring to people that have little to no experience in watches. I got my first quartz diver because it looked super nice and i loved the colors and contrasts. And I'm still not bored with its my daily watch for half a year already.

Or one could just make fun of these people and say that the basic colors and shapes of divers remind us subconsciously about or kid toys. But i'm sure that nobody on this board would call us manchildren, based on that armchair psychology.

>> No.15272177

I may be the only scuba diver here, and I wear a dive computer. I'd never take a Rolex diving.

>> No.15272197

4/10 at best.

>> No.15272204

meh 3/10. goblin-tier desu

>> No.15272210

ya neither would i. its not the point- its the romance of them. the whole adventure / "you never know even tho my life is boring i might need to get shit done" baloney. its a lot advertising and larp. even as a scuba diver you dont need 100 m of water resistance let alone 300 m or 1000 m and you sure as hell dont need a helium release valve. if 50 m actually meant waterproof to 50 m thats all you would need if it had a screw down crown. nobody knows this and nobody cares.

>> No.15272225

Your just being salty because she has a VC and you don't.

>> No.15272234


That's just wrong. I'm not going to simp for some random, but she is attractive. But poeple should stop bringing her pics here or else simping will be started and it will be like aids to this board.

>> No.15272236

I would fuck her, but I like petite asians.

>> No.15272256


>> No.15272259

pls stick to watches and stop capt-save-hoeing minor Asians w replica's, ty

I'd like to see some collections itt or next

>> No.15272308


>> No.15272339
File: 208 KB, 1195x1200, tudor1926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me one (1) reason not to buy it

>> No.15272346

I have a diver just in case I fall into the tank again. I won't lose another good dress watch to those stupid fucking fish.

>> No.15272347

is sewatch xyz legit?

>> No.15272348

how much is it?

the blue font is nice and so is the texture

>> No.15272350


>> No.15272355

$2K from an AD
~$1400-1600 gray market

>> No.15272374

You're seriously going to pay that much money for something that looks like an orient? C'mon dude! I hope you're smarter than that.

>> No.15272378

all watches look the same

>> No.15272383


>> No.15272385

>I love how the 1/3/6/9 markers are all the same so if you look at it underwater you have no clue which way your hand is turned.

>> No.15272395

you're seriously not waiting for 2020's Tudor's releases? you'll regret that m9

>> No.15272419 [DELETED] 

>original run of Twin Peaks in 3rd place
the show is 2/3rds garbage

>> No.15272425

>>Yes, logically the first watch should be something like a dress watch
Except the vast majority of people will never wear a suit except a rented one to a wedding/funeral.

>> No.15272430

LIES, I wear mine dressed down all the time.

>> No.15272431

Because you're not a scuba diver in the 1960s

>> No.15272449


>> No.15272451
File: 88 KB, 1080x837, 91939200_558159044821077_5936922327881139420_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Small wristwatch discord

>> No.15272475
File: 151 KB, 897x1144, 4545f8da21b1e20de523cd52d4fc3e64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Seiko movements have grades like ETA?
How do I know which materials they use for which part?
Quartz pic unrelated obviously.

>> No.15272484

Is creationwatches still the cheapest place to get a Seiko turtle (280)?

>> No.15272488

>people actually 800 dollars for a watch
no wonder these get counterfeited, its overpriced for something that's probably mass produced.
<30$ casio watches don't have this problem.

>> No.15272491

Ive seen a 10 buck aliexpress copy of a 20 buck terrorist casio. If it exists, chinks will make a cheaper copy of it.

>> No.15272499

there are fake casio f91ws

>> No.15272502

nobody is that fucking poor that they would rather buy a shitty chinese knockoff that's 2 dollars less than a f91ws, there is nobody that is looking for a cheap watch that is THAT poor

>> No.15272505

and yet the fakes exist

>> No.15272507

just don't buy them bro

>> No.15272509

prove it

>> No.15272512

are you retarded, bro? this is such a widely known phenomenon it's on wikipedia.
people will counterfeit anything. chinese triads used to counterfeit pennies

>> No.15272513

Are these fakes identical? I find it difficult to be worse when prices are so low that price point

>> No.15272518

Casio literally added a authenticity check on the f91w.

>> No.15272521

in the past the fakes had obvious tells but I haven't been following the world of fake f91Ws for a while and as machining and manufacturing improves across the board they are probably almost identical by now

>> No.15272528


>> No.15272531

I fell overboard into the lake and a fish ate my watch

>> No.15272538

It's to rip people off you fucking retard. You buy the fake casios to sell as real casios to increase your profit margins.

>> No.15272546

ive bought one before when i was still a watch noob.

what i remember was that it had no [casio] on the dial, but was identical otherwise.

it also kept terrible time, and I threw it away after 2 months.

>> No.15272552
File: 107 KB, 1600x900, 554-ahoi-datum-signalblau-3d-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah i can. Based on the pictures it's probably owned by some Japanese guy who is in to raw denim and LARPing as an American biker from the 50s
Meh. That sounds kinda cringy.
I just imagined that some diver found one at some instagram worthy wreck or reef or something, because the leather strap didn't like saltwater and so the original owner dropped it beyond the snorkeling depth he could reach and then a real diver found it…
Way to crush my dreams!

>> No.15272556

Nah, it's a really aggressive forced patina.

>> No.15272573
File: 724 KB, 827x883, 40yoboomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just stick with my fantasy story because I like it much more.

>> No.15272581

Are there any watches cheaper than Rolex that you can excuse yourself for by saying "I really wanted this watch, Rolex doesn't make that and it's the same quality or better" instead of just carrying the "couldn't afford a Rolex?" stigma with them?

>> No.15272583


>> No.15272595



>> No.15272596

Rolex doesn't make a proper Pilot's watch

>> No.15272607

any dress watch really. unless u like cellinis lol

>> No.15272610

how to grow boomer 'stache?

>> No.15272627
File: 72 KB, 389x500, 33101284158_2379eebd80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm you tell me!

>> No.15272640

>most people
>most people
I'm so eager to please normies I'll just let them make all my decisions, the post.
get fucked.

>> No.15272652

he asked "why does everyone gets a diver" so i told him idiot. doesnt mean you have to get one princess

>> No.15272682

>so i told him
yeah, you told him that the reason is because normies live rent-free in your head and you see absolutely no problems with that.
have a nice life, twat.

>> No.15272695


>> No.15272703

lol yes i am close enough to average to recognize the mass appeal of a certain style of watch. ill try to be more autistic next time lol

>> No.15272738

You don't need a suit to wear a dress watch. You can wear it with everything, like smart casual.

>> No.15272781
File: 2.08 MB, 3024x3024, E5AF8AF8-DFBF-460F-9641-81826CFC6D35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15273110
File: 3.31 MB, 3000x2912, IMG_20200527_234012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this. Thanks, hadn't even noticed that.

>> No.15273112

my wrist is super skinny, how to take a watch shot

>> No.15273152

this is gorgeous

you're poor, so you don't know many with Patek's/A Lange (or any), but most of us dress them down on plenty of occasions.

>> No.15273936

Pics with timestamp or didnt happen.