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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 971 KB, 1171x897, 4fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15250021 No.15250021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

did you guys know this? havent posted here in years but i know you guys wanna stop losing your hair, just take estrogen

>> No.15250030
File: 366 KB, 1302x882, 1588029983231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went from a poor postured balding faggot incel to a attention seeking woman larping faggot who'll kill himself before he turns 35.

>> No.15250048

Troll? It's just grown long and brushed over the balding part. You can even see through a part of the hair and the rest at the front is all thin.

Yeah, killing your test can make some hair follicles grow back as long as they are just shrunken and are not dead yet. If they're dead, there is nothing that can be done.

>> No.15250053
File: 693 KB, 1171x897, 1589957772918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can literally still see where the bald spot is in the hair. lol

>> No.15250065

Lol yep, he's just grown the front part long and combed it over the bald parts on the side. The hair looks an awful state. If you look at the bottom, the thinness and knotting of the hair, that's exactly how balding/thin hair looks when long. There is no regrowth here or very minimum.

>> No.15250087

go back

>> No.15250114

he look's kinda cute though

>> No.15250128

It's rather reddit of you to support the tranny agenda.

>> No.15250202

We all know you're here because tumblr banned your sissy porn.

>> No.15250336
File: 97 KB, 194x331, 1585176535456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so butthurt that you got called out for your redditfaggotry that you resort to calling anyone who opposes your autistic meme a tranny

>> No.15250366


>> No.15250400

he didnt look bad originally. kind of elvish, sophisticated look. if he wore nice fitted shirts and was an intellectual he would be effay af. but no, he got his mind poisoned by social programming about how men should look lol

>> No.15250470

Fuck off Renko, and every other tranny present. This isn’t your board.

>> No.15250478

You’re literally a tranny shitting up the fashion board with your estrogen and feminisation fetish. Go back to the faggot board, or alternatively, Reddit. That place where you pretend you didn’t crawl out from.

>> No.15250529

Cool it with the transphobia.

>> No.15250647

Never say that. It literally cannot work. Instead ask the hater about the nature of their hatred.

>> No.15250722

If you can think of better memes, make them you fucking faggot. We aren't here to entertain you. Until then, im going to enjoy my comfy wojak OC

>> No.15250728
File: 131 KB, 717x880, 231235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


back to where you came from, faggots

>> No.15250740
File: 22 KB, 795x720, 1572187761134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's reddit about images like this ?

>> No.15250743


le upboated fellow redditor xD

>> No.15250744

Thead derailed

>> No.15250746

Cuckold faggot

>> No.15250764


>> No.15250812

Started balding at around 17/18. tried a lot of things but nothing worked. at around that time and throughout my 20s people would guess my age to be +30. I’ve also had bad and pale skin which didn’t help. girls my age were repelled from me looking at them let alone trying to talk.
It got the better off me and i’ve turned into a depressive miserable person. Now I’m a 30yo virgin, never kissed a girl or a woman, can’t even talk to them. I don’t really know what keeps me going, maybe the idea of finally being 30 and looking like it. I try to pretend it’s all fine in front of my family but really if a doc came up to me and told me your life is over in a couple of months I don’t know how I would react. Today id probably be sad but In my 20s i would have considered it some kind of salvation. Now I can cope a little better with it, trying to become/stay fit, spend time with the family, try to get further in my job but at the end of the day I always come back to think about what a lost decade my 20s have been

>> No.15250843

someone post the frog

>> No.15250866
File: 144 KB, 290x342, Straight girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’re literally a tranny
You're literally wrong
>Go back to the faggot board
I'm already in effay. It's gayer than /lgbt/ by a significant margin.
>or alternatively, Reddit.
Pic related. You're the one that needs to go back

Now take your anus cream to stop the butthurt

>> No.15250875

fuck you asshat

>> No.15250909

Is the tranny discord spreading their bullshit again?

>> No.15250910

Jesus, get of this board can't trannies fuck off for once with their "my life is sooooo much better since I took hormones. Look how better it is, it is sooooo better! Loook! Look! Validate me! Become a trannie too!"

Hormones are dangerous to fuck with. Stupid idiots.

>> No.15250929
File: 389 KB, 700x1000, 1589687065215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15251025
File: 10 KB, 247x261, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're approaching the election again, aren't we?

>> No.15251158


>> No.15251200

Fuck off

>> No.15251209

stop this shit

>> No.15251241


>> No.15251250


>> No.15251379

fuck you

>> No.15251399
File: 27 KB, 720x616, 7426BCEB-60E6-4697-B022-F486C35204B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant risk it. Guzzle a cock anon

>> No.15251415

Unironically should have shaved it. Could probably pull off a effay “cool professor” look if he went prep with his style as well.

>> No.15251432


>> No.15251467

fuck you cunt

>> No.15251482


>> No.15251501


>> No.15251623

nice one